/* $Id: xchatd.c,v 1.1 2002/03/07 15:13:46 in2 Exp $ */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <netdb.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <signal.h> #include <errno.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/wait.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <time.h> #include <sys/resource.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include "config.h" #include "pttstruct.h" #include "util.h" #include "perm.h" #include "common.h" #include "xchatd.h" #define SERVER_USAGE #define WATCH_DOG #undef MONITOR /* �ʷ� chatroom ���ʥH�ѨM�ȯ� */ #undef DEBUG /* �{���������� */ #ifdef DEBUG #define MONITOR #endif static int gline; #ifdef WATCH_DOG #define MYDOG gline = __LINE__ #else #define MYDOG /* NOOP */ #endif #define CHAT_PIDFILE "log/chat.pid" #define CHAT_LOGFILE "log/chat.log" #define CHAT_INTERVAL (60 * 30) #define SOCK_QLEN 1 /* name of the main room (always exists) */ #define MAIN_NAME "main" #define MAIN_TOPIC "�i���i�^��Ѧ�" #define ROOM_LOCKED 1 #define ROOM_SECRET 2 #define ROOM_OPENTOPIC 4 #define ROOM_HANDUP 8 #define ROOM_ALL (NULL) #define LOCKED(room) (room->rflag & ROOM_LOCKED) #define SECRET(room) (room->rflag & ROOM_SECRET) #define OPENTOPIC(room) (room->rflag & ROOM_OPENTOPIC) #define RHANDUP(room) (room->rflag & ROOM_HANDUP) #define RESTRICTED(usr) (usr->uflag == 0) /* guest */ #define CHATSYSOP(usr) (usr->uflag & ( PERM_SYSOP | PERM_CHATROOM)) /* Thor: SYSOP �P CHATROOM���O chat�`�� */ #define PERM_ROOMOP PERM_CHAT /* Thor: �� PERM_CHAT�� PERM_ROOMOP */ #define PERM_HANDUP PERM_BM /* �� PERM_BM �����S���|��L */ #define PERM_SAY PERM_NOTOP /* �� PERM_NOTOP �����S���o���v */ /* �i�J�ɻݲM�� */ /* Thor: ROOMOP���ж��z�� */ #define ROOMOP(usr) (usr->uflag & ( PERM_ROOMOP | PERM_SYSOP | PERM_CHATROOM)) #define CLOAK(usr) (usr->uflag & PERM_CLOAK) #define HANDUP(usr) (usr->uflag & PERM_HANDUP) #define SAY(usr) (usr->uflag & PERM_SAY) /* Thor: ��ѫ������N */ /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ /* ChatRoom data structure */ /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ typedef struct ChatRoom ChatRoom; typedef struct ChatUser ChatUser; typedef struct UserList UserList; typedef struct ChatCmd ChatCmd; typedef struct ChatAction ChatAction; struct ChatUser { struct ChatUser *unext; int sock; /* user socket */ int talksock; /* talk socket */ ChatRoom *room; UserList *ignore; int userno; int uflag; int clitype; /* Xshadow: client type. 1 for common client, * 0 for bbs only client */ time_t uptime; /* Thor: unused */ char userid[IDLEN + 1]; /* real userid */ char chatid[9]; /* chat id */ char lasthost[30]; /* host address */ char ibuf[80]; /* buffer for non-blocking receiving */ int isize; /* current size of ibuf */ }; struct ChatRoom { struct ChatRoom *next, *prev; char name[IDLEN]; char topic[48]; /* Let the room op to define room topic */ int rflag; /* ROOM_LOCKED, ROOM_SECRET, ROOM_OPENTOPIC */ int occupants; /* number of users in room */ UserList *invite; }; struct UserList { struct UserList *next; int userno; char userid[IDLEN + 1]; }; struct ChatCmd { char *cmdstr; void (*cmdfunc) (); int exact; }; static ChatRoom mainroom; static ChatUser *mainuser; static fd_set mainfds; static int maxfds; /* number of sockets to select on */ static int totaluser; /* current number of connections */ static struct timeval zerotv; /* timeval for selecting */ static char chatbuf[256]; /* general purpose buffer */ static int common_client_command; static char msg_not_op[] = "�� �z���O�o����ѫǪ� Op"; static char msg_no_such_id[] = "�� �ثe�S���H�ϥ� [%s] �o�Ӳ�ѥN��"; static char msg_not_here[] = "�� [%s] ���b�o����ѫ�"; #define FUZZY_USER ((ChatUser *) -1) typedef struct userec_t ACCT; /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ /* acct_load for check acct */ /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ int acct_load(acct, userid) ACCT *acct; char *userid; { int id; if((id=searchuser(userid))<0) { return -1; } else { return get_record(FN_PASSWD, acct, sizeof(ACCT), id); } } /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ /* str_lower for check acct */ /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ void str_lower(dst, src) char *dst, *src; { register int ch; do { ch = *src++; if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') ch |= 0x20; *dst++ = ch; } while (ch); } /* * str_ncpy() - similar to strncpy(3) but terminates string always with '\0' * if n != 0, and doesn't do padding */ void str_ncpy(dst, src, n) char *dst; char *src; int n; { char *end; end = dst + n; do { n = (dst == end) ? 0 : *src++; *dst++ = n; } while (n); } /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ /* usr_fpath for check acct */ /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ char *str_home_file = "home/%c/%s/%s"; void usr_fpath(buf, userid, fname) char *buf, *userid, *fname; { sprintf(buf, str_home_file, userid[0], userid, fname); } /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ /* chkpasswd for check passwd */ /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ char *crypt(); static char pwbuf[PASSLEN]; int chkpasswd(passwd, test) char *passwd, *test; { char *pw; str_ncpy(pwbuf, test, PASSLEN); pw = crypt(pwbuf, passwd); return (!strncmp(pw, passwd, PASSLEN)); } /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ /* operation log and debug information */ /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ static int flog; /* log file descriptor */ static void logit(key, msg) char *key; char *msg; { time_t now; struct tm *p; char buf[512]; time(&now); p = localtime(&now); sprintf(buf, "%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d %-13s%s\n", p->tm_mon + 1, p->tm_mday, p->tm_hour, p->tm_min, p->tm_sec, key, msg); write(flog, buf, strlen(buf)); } static void log_init() { flog = open(CHAT_LOGFILE, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_APPEND, 0644); logit("START", "chat daemon"); } static void log_close() { close(flog); } #ifdef DEBUG static void debug_user() { register ChatUser *user; int i; char buf[80]; i = 0; for (user = mainuser; user; user = user->unext) { sprintf(buf, "%d) %s %s", ++i, user->userid, user->chatid); logit("DEBUG_U", buf); } } static void debug_room() { register ChatRoom *room; int i; char buf[80]; i = 0; room = &mainroom; do { sprintf(buf, "%d) %s %d", ++i, room->name, room->occupants); logit("DEBUG_R", buf); } while (room = room->next); } #endif /* DEBUG */ /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ /* string routines */ /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ static int valid_chatid(register char *id) { register int ch, len; for(len = 0; (ch = *id); id++) { /* Thor: check for endless */ MYDOG; if(ch == '/' || ch == '*' || ch == ':') return 0; if(++len > 8) return 0; } return len; } /* Case Independent strcmp : 1 ==> euqal */ static int str_equal(s1, s2) register unsigned char *s1, *s2; /* Thor: �[�W unsigned, * �קK���媺���D */ { register int c1, c2; for (;;) { /* Thor: check for endless */ MYDOG; c1 = *s1; if (c1 >= 'A' && c1 <= 'Z') c1 |= 32; c2 = *s2; if (c2 >= 'A' && c2 <= 'Z') c2 |= 32; if (c1 != c2) return 0; if (!c1) return 1; s1++; s2++; } } /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ /* match strings' similarity case-insensitively */ /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ /* str_match(keyword, string) */ /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ /* 0 : equal ("foo", "foo") */ /* -1 : mismatch ("abc", "xyz") */ /* ow : similar ("goo", "good") */ /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ static int str_match(s1, s2) register unsigned char *s1, *s2; /* Thor: �[�W unsigned, * �קK���媺���D */ { register int c1, c2; for (;;) { /* Thor: check for endless */ MYDOG; c2 = *s2; c1 = *s1; if (!c1) { return c2; } if (c1 >= 'A' && c1 <= 'Z') c1 |= 32; if (c2 >= 'A' && c2 <= 'Z') c2 |= 32; if (c1 != c2) return -1; s1++; s2++; } } /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ /* search user/room by its ID */ /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ static ChatUser * cuser_by_userid(userid) char *userid; { register ChatUser *cu; for (cu = mainuser; cu; cu = cu->unext) { MYDOG; if (str_equal(userid, cu->userid)) break; } return cu; } static ChatUser * cuser_by_chatid(chatid) char *chatid; { register ChatUser *cu; for (cu = mainuser; cu; cu = cu->unext) { MYDOG; if (str_equal(chatid, cu->chatid)) break; } return cu; } static ChatUser * fuzzy_cuser_by_chatid(chatid) char *chatid; { register ChatUser *cu, *xuser; int mode; xuser = NULL; for (cu = mainuser; cu; cu = cu->unext) { MYDOG; mode = str_match(chatid, cu->chatid); if (mode == 0) return cu; if (mode > 0) { if (xuser == NULL) xuser = cu; else return FUZZY_USER; /* �ŦX�̤j�� 2 �H */ } } return xuser; } static ChatRoom *croom_by_roomid(char *roomid) { register ChatRoom *room; room = &mainroom; do { MYDOG; if(str_equal(roomid, room->name)) break; } while((room = room->next)); return room; } /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ /* UserList routines */ /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ static void list_free(list) UserList *list; { UserList *tmp; while (list) { MYDOG; tmp = list->next; free(list); MYDOG; list = tmp; } } static void list_add(list, user) UserList **list; ChatUser *user; { UserList *node; MYDOG; if((node = (UserList *) malloc(sizeof(UserList)))) { /* Thor: ����Ŷ����� */ strcpy(node->userid, user->userid); node->userno = user->userno; node->next = *list; *list = node; } MYDOG; } static int list_delete(list, userid) UserList **list; char *userid; { UserList *node; while((node = *list)) { MYDOG; if (str_equal(node->userid, userid)) { *list = node->next; MYDOG; free(node); MYDOG; return 1; } list = &node->next; /* Thor: list�n��۫e�i */ } return 0; } static int list_belong(list, userno) UserList *list; int userno; { while (list) { MYDOG; if (userno == list->userno) return 1; list = list->next; } return 0; } /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ /* non-blocking socket routines : send message to users */ /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ static void do_send(nfds, wset, msg, number) int nfds; fd_set *wset; char *msg; int number; { int sr; /* Thor: for future reservation bug */ zerotv.tv_sec = 0; zerotv.tv_usec = 16384; /* Ptt: �令16384 �קK������for loop�Ycpu time 16384 ���C��64�� */ MYDOG; sr = select(nfds + 1, NULL, wset, NULL, &zerotv); MYDOG; if (sr > 0) { register int len; len = strlen(msg) + 1; while (nfds >= 0) { MYDOG; if (FD_ISSET(nfds, wset)) { MYDOG; send(nfds, msg, len, 0);/* Thor: �p�Gbuffer���F, ���| block */ MYDOG; if (--sr <= 0) return; } nfds--; } } } static void send_to_room(room, msg, userno, number) ChatRoom *room; char *msg; int userno; int number; { ChatUser *cu; fd_set wset, *wptr; int sock, max; static char sendbuf[256]; int clitype; /* ���� bbs client �� common client �⦸�B�z */ for (clitype = (number == MSG_MESSAGE || !number) ? 0 : 1; clitype < 2; clitype++) { FD_ZERO(wptr = &wset); max = -1; for (cu = mainuser; cu; cu = cu->unext) { MYDOG; if (room == cu->room || room == ROOM_ALL) { if (cu->clitype == clitype && (!userno || !list_belong(cu->ignore, userno))) { sock = cu->sock; FD_SET(sock, wptr); if (max < sock) max = sock; } } } if (max < 0) continue; if (clitype) { if (strlen(msg)) sprintf(sendbuf, "%3d %s", number, msg); else sprintf(sendbuf, "%3d", number); do_send(max, wptr, sendbuf); } else do_send(max, wptr, msg); } } static void send_to_user(user, msg, userno, number) ChatUser *user; char *msg; int userno; int number; { if (!user->clitype && number && number != MSG_MESSAGE) return; if (!userno || !list_belong(user->ignore, userno)) { fd_set wset, *wptr; int sock; static char sendbuf[256]; sock = user->sock; FD_ZERO(wptr = &wset); FD_SET(sock, wptr); if (user->clitype) { if (strlen(msg)) sprintf(sendbuf, "%3d %s", number, msg); else sprintf(sendbuf, "%3d", number); do_send(sock, wptr, sendbuf); } else do_send(sock, wptr, msg); } } #if 0 static void send_to_sock(sock, msg) /* Thor: unused */ int sock; char *msg; { fd_set wset, *wptr; FD_ZERO(wptr = &wset); FD_SET(sock, wptr); do_send(sock, wptr, msg); } #endif /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ static void room_changed(room) ChatRoom *room; { if (!room) return; sprintf(chatbuf, "= %s %d %d %s", room->name, room->occupants, room->rflag, room->topic); send_to_room(ROOM_ALL, chatbuf, 0, MSG_ROOMNOTIFY); } static void user_changed(cu) ChatUser *cu; { if (!cu) return; sprintf(chatbuf, "= %s %s %s %s", cu->userid, cu->chatid, cu->room->name, cu->lasthost); if (ROOMOP(cu)) strcat(chatbuf, " Op"); send_to_room(cu->room, chatbuf, 0, MSG_USERNOTIFY); } static void exit_room(user, mode, msg) ChatUser *user; int mode; char *msg; { ChatRoom *room; if((room = user->room)) { user->room = NULL; user->uflag &= ~PERM_ROOMOP; if (--room->occupants > 0) { char *chatid; chatid = user->chatid; switch (mode) { case EXIT_LOGOUT: sprintf(chatbuf, "�� %s ���}�F ...", chatid); if (msg && *msg) { strcat(chatbuf, ": "); msg[79] = 0; /* Thor:����Ӫ� */ strncat(chatbuf, msg, 80); } break; case EXIT_LOSTCONN: sprintf(chatbuf, "�� %s ���F�_�u�������o", chatid); break; case EXIT_KICK: sprintf(chatbuf, "�� �����I%s �Q��X�h�F", chatid); break; } if (!CLOAK(user)) /* Thor: ��ѫ������N */ send_to_room(room, chatbuf, 0, MSG_MESSAGE); sprintf(chatbuf, "- %s", user->userid); send_to_room(room, chatbuf, 0, MSG_USERNOTIFY); room_changed(room); return; } else if (room != &mainroom) { /* Thor: �H�Ƭ�0��,���Omainroom�~free */ register ChatRoom *next; #ifdef DEBUG debug_room(); #endif sprintf(chatbuf, "- %s", room->name); send_to_room(ROOM_ALL, chatbuf, 0, MSG_ROOMNOTIFY); room->prev->next = room->next; if((next = room->next)) next->prev = room->prev; list_free(room->invite); MYDOG; free(room); MYDOG; #ifdef DEBUG debug_room(); #endif } } } /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ /* chat commands */ /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ /* (.ACCT) �ϥΪ̱b�� (account) subroutines */ /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ static char datemsg[32]; char * Ctime(clock) time_t *clock; { struct tm *t = localtime(clock); static char week[] = "��@�G�T�|����"; sprintf(datemsg, "%d�~%2d��%2d��%3d:%02d:%02d �P��%.2s", t->tm_year - 11, t->tm_mon + 1, t->tm_mday, t->tm_hour, t->tm_min, t->tm_sec, &week[t->tm_wday << 1]); return (datemsg); } static void chat_query(cu, msg) ChatUser *cu; char *msg; { char str[256]; int i; ACCT xuser; FILE *fp; if (acct_load(&xuser, msg) >= 0) { sprintf(chatbuf, "%s(%s) �@�W�� %d ���A�峹 %d �g", xuser.userid, xuser.username, xuser.numlogins, xuser.numposts); send_to_user(cu, chatbuf, 0, MSG_MESSAGE); sprintf(chatbuf, "�̪�(%s)�q(%s)�W��", Ctime(&xuser.lastlogin), (xuser.lasthost[0] ? xuser.lasthost : "�~�Ӫ�")); send_to_user(cu, chatbuf, 0, MSG_MESSAGE); usr_fpath(chatbuf, xuser.userid, "plans"); fp = fopen(chatbuf, "rt"); i = 0; while (fp && fgets(str, 256, fp)) { if (!strlen(str)) continue; str[strlen(str) - 1] = 0; send_to_user(cu, str, 0, MSG_MESSAGE); if (++i >= MAX_QUERYLINES) break; } fclose(fp); } else { sprintf(chatbuf, msg_no_such_id, msg); send_to_user(cu, chatbuf, 0, MSG_MESSAGE); } } static void chat_clear(cu, msg) ChatUser *cu; char *msg; { if (cu->clitype) send_to_user(cu, "", 0, MSG_CLRSCR); else send_to_user(cu, "/c", 0, MSG_MESSAGE); } static void chat_date(cu, msg) ChatUser *cu; char *msg; { time_t thetime; time(&thetime); sprintf(chatbuf, "�� �зǮɶ�: %s", Ctime(&thetime)); send_to_user(cu, chatbuf, 0, MSG_MESSAGE); } static void chat_topic(cu, msg) ChatUser *cu; char *msg; { ChatRoom *room; char *topic; if (!ROOMOP(cu) && !OPENTOPIC(cu->room)) { send_to_user(cu, msg_not_op, 0, MSG_MESSAGE); return; } if (*msg == '\0') { send_to_user(cu, "�� �Ы��w���D", 0, MSG_MESSAGE); return; } room = cu->room; topic = room->topic; /* Thor: room ���i�� NULL��?? */ strncpy(topic, msg, 47); topic[47] = '\0'; if (cu->clitype) send_to_room(room, topic, 0, MSG_TOPIC); else { sprintf(chatbuf, "/t%s", topic); send_to_room(room, chatbuf, 0, 0); } room_changed(room); sprintf(chatbuf, "�� %s �N���D�אּ [1;32m%s[m", cu->chatid, topic); if (!CLOAK(cu)) /* Thor: ��ѫ������N */ send_to_room(room, chatbuf, 0, MSG_MESSAGE); } static void chat_version(cu, msg) ChatUser *cu; char *msg; { sprintf(chatbuf, "%d %d", XCHAT_VERSION_MAJOR, XCHAT_VERSION_MINOR); send_to_user(cu, chatbuf, 0, MSG_VERSION); } static void chat_nick(cu, msg) ChatUser *cu; char *msg; { char *chatid, *str; ChatUser *xuser; chatid = nextword(&msg); chatid[8] = '\0'; if (!valid_chatid(chatid)) { send_to_user(cu, "�� �o�Ӳ�ѥN���O�����T��", 0, MSG_MESSAGE); return; } xuser = cuser_by_chatid(chatid); if (xuser != NULL && xuser != cu) { send_to_user(cu, "�� �w�g���H�������n�o", 0, MSG_MESSAGE); return; } str = cu->chatid; sprintf(chatbuf, "�� %s �N��ѥN���אּ [1;33m%s[m", str, chatid); if (!CLOAK(cu)) /* Thor: ��ѫ������N */ send_to_room(cu->room, chatbuf, cu->userno, MSG_MESSAGE); strcpy(str, chatid); user_changed(cu); if (cu->clitype) send_to_user(cu, chatid, 0, MSG_NICK); else { sprintf(chatbuf, "/n%s", chatid); send_to_user(cu, chatbuf, 0, 0); } } static void chat_list_rooms(cuser, msg) ChatUser *cuser; char *msg; { ChatRoom *cr, *room; if (RESTRICTED(cuser)) { send_to_user(cuser, "�� �z�S���v���C�X�{������ѫ�", 0, MSG_MESSAGE); return; } if (common_client_command) send_to_user(cuser, "", 0, MSG_ROOMLISTSTART); else send_to_user(cuser, "[7m �ͤѫǦW�� �x�H�Ƣx���D [m", 0, MSG_MESSAGE); room = cuser->room; cr = &mainroom; do { MYDOG; if (!SECRET(cr) || CHATSYSOP(cuser) || (cr == room && ROOMOP(cuser))) { if (common_client_command) { sprintf(chatbuf, "%s %d %d %s", cr->name, cr->occupants, cr->rflag, cr->topic); send_to_user(cuser, chatbuf, 0, MSG_ROOMLIST); } else { sprintf(chatbuf, " %-12s�x%4d�x%s", cr->name, cr->occupants, cr->topic); if (LOCKED(cr)) strcat(chatbuf, " [���]"); if (SECRET(cr)) strcat(chatbuf, " [���K]"); if (OPENTOPIC(cr)) strcat(chatbuf, " [���D]"); send_to_user(cuser, chatbuf, 0, MSG_MESSAGE); } } } while((cr = cr->next)); if (common_client_command) send_to_user(cuser, "", 0, MSG_ROOMLISTEND); } static void chat_do_user_list(cu, msg, theroom) ChatUser *cu; char *msg; ChatRoom *theroom; { ChatRoom *myroom, *room; ChatUser *user; int start, stop, curr = 0; start = atoi(nextword(&msg)); stop = atoi(nextword(&msg)); myroom = cu->room; #ifdef DEBUG logit(cu->chatid, "do user list"); #endif if (common_client_command) send_to_user(cu, "", 0, MSG_USERLISTSTART); else send_to_user(cu, "[7m ��ѥN���x�ϥΪ̥N�� �x��ѫ� [m", 0, MSG_MESSAGE); for (user = mainuser; user; user = user->unext) { MYDOG; room = user->room; if ((theroom != ROOM_ALL) && (theroom != room)) continue; if (myroom != room) { if (RESTRICTED(cu) || (room && SECRET(room) && !CHATSYSOP(cu))) continue; } if (CLOAK(user)) /* Thor: �����N */ continue; curr++; if (start && curr < start) continue; else if (stop && (curr > stop)) break; if (common_client_command) { if (!room) continue; /* Xshadow: �٨S�i�J����ж����N���C�X */ sprintf(chatbuf, "%s %s %s %s", user->chatid, user->userid, room->name, user->lasthost); if (ROOMOP(user)) strcat(chatbuf, " Op"); } else { sprintf(chatbuf, " %-8s�x%-12s�x%s", user->chatid, user->userid, room ? room->name : "[�b���f�r��]"); if (ROOMOP(user)) strcat(chatbuf, " [Op]"); } #ifdef DEBUG logit("list_U", chatbuf); #endif send_to_user(cu, chatbuf, 0, common_client_command ? MSG_USERLIST : MSG_MESSAGE); } if (common_client_command) send_to_user(cu, "", 0, MSG_USERLISTEND); } static void chat_list_by_room(cu, msg) ChatUser *cu; char *msg; { ChatRoom *whichroom; char *roomstr; roomstr = nextword(&msg); if (*roomstr == '\0') whichroom = cu->room; else { if ((whichroom = croom_by_roomid(roomstr)) == NULL) { sprintf(chatbuf, "�� �S�� [%s] �o�Ӳ�ѫ�", roomstr); send_to_user(cu, chatbuf, 0, MSG_MESSAGE); return; } if (whichroom != cu->room && SECRET(whichroom) && !CHATSYSOP(cu)) { /* Thor: �n���n���P�@room��SECRET���i�H�C? * Xshadow: �ڧ令�P�@ room �N�i�H�C */ send_to_user(cu, "�� �L�k�C�X�b���K��ѫǪ��ϥΪ�", 0, MSG_MESSAGE); return; } } chat_do_user_list(cu, msg, whichroom); } static void chat_list_users(cu, msg) ChatUser *cu; char *msg; { chat_do_user_list(cu, msg, ROOM_ALL); } static void chat_chatroom(cu, msg) ChatUser *cu; char *msg; { if (common_client_command) send_to_user(cu, "��������] 4 21", 0, MSG_CHATROOM); } static void chat_map_chatids(cu, whichroom) ChatUser *cu; /* Thor: �٨S���@���P���� */ ChatRoom *whichroom; { int c; ChatRoom *myroom, *room; ChatUser *user; /* myroom = cu->room; */ myroom = whichroom; send_to_user(cu, "[7m ��ѥN�� �ϥΪ̥N�� �x ��ѥN�� �ϥΪ̥N�� �x ��ѥN�� �ϥΪ̥N�� [m", 0, MSG_MESSAGE); c = 0; for (user = mainuser; user; user = user->unext) { MYDOG; room = user->room; MYDOG; if (whichroom != ROOM_ALL && whichroom != room) continue; MYDOG; if (myroom != room) { if (RESTRICTED(cu) || /* Thor: �n��check room �O���O�Ū� */ (room && SECRET(room) && !CHATSYSOP(cu))) continue; } MYDOG; if (CLOAK(user)) /* Thor:�����N */ continue; sprintf(chatbuf + (c * 24), " %-8s%c%-12s%s", user->chatid, ROOMOP(user) ? '*' : ' ', user->userid, (c < 2 ? "�x" : " ")); MYDOG; if (++c == 3) { send_to_user(cu, chatbuf, 0, MSG_MESSAGE); c = 0; } MYDOG; } if (c > 0) send_to_user(cu, chatbuf, 0, MSG_MESSAGE); } static void chat_map_chatids_thisroom(cu, msg) ChatUser *cu; char *msg; { chat_map_chatids(cu, cu->room); } static void chat_setroom(cu, msg) ChatUser *cu; char *msg; { char *modestr; ChatRoom *room; char *chatid; int sign; int flag; char *fstr = NULL; if (!ROOMOP(cu)) { send_to_user(cu, msg_not_op, 0, MSG_MESSAGE); return; } modestr = nextword(&msg); sign = 1; if (*modestr == '+') modestr++; else if (*modestr == '-') { modestr++; sign = 0; } if (*modestr == '\0') { send_to_user(cu, "�� �Ы��w���A: {[+(�]�w)][-(����)]}{[l(���)][s(���K)][t(�}����D)}", 0, MSG_MESSAGE); return; } room = cu->room; chatid = cu->chatid; while (*modestr) { flag = 0; switch (*modestr) { case 'l': case 'L': flag = ROOM_LOCKED; fstr = "���"; break; case 's': case 'S': flag = ROOM_SECRET; fstr = "���K"; break; case 't': case 'T': flag = ROOM_OPENTOPIC; fstr = "�}����D"; break; case 'h': case 'H': flag = ROOM_OPENTOPIC; fstr = "�|��o��"; break; default: sprintf(chatbuf, "�� ���A���~�G[%c]", *modestr); send_to_user(cu, chatbuf, 0, MSG_MESSAGE); } /* Thor: check room �O���O�Ū�, ���Ӥ��O�Ū� */ if (flag && (room->rflag & flag) != sign * flag) { room->rflag ^= flag; sprintf(chatbuf, "�� ����ѫdzQ %s %s [%s] ���A", chatid, sign ? "�]�w��" : "����", fstr); if (!CLOAK(cu)) /* Thor: ��ѫ������N */ send_to_room(room, chatbuf, 0, MSG_MESSAGE); } modestr++; } room_changed(room); } static char *chat_msg[] = { "[//]help", "MUD-like ����ʵ�", "[/h]elp op", "�ͤѫǺz���M�Ϋ��O", "[/a]ct <msg>", "���@�Ӱʧ@", "[/b]ye [msg]", "�D�O", "[/c]lear [/d]ate", "�M���ù� �ثe�ɶ�", /* "[/d]ate", "�ثe�ɶ�", *//* Thor: ���O�Ӧh */ #if 0 "[/f]ire <user> <msg>", "�o�e���T", /* Thor.0727: �M flag ��key */ #endif "[/i]gnore [user]", "�����ϥΪ�", "[/j]oin <room>", "�إߩΥ[�J�ͤѫ�", "[/l]ist [start [stop]]", "�C�X�ͤѫǨϥΪ�", "[/m]sg <id|user> <msg>", "�� <id> ��������", "[/n]ick <id>", "�N�ͤѥN������ <id>", "[/p]ager", "�����I�s��", "[/q]uery <user>", "�d�ߺ���", "[/r]oom", "�C�X�@��ͤѫ�", "[/t]ape", "�}��������", "[/u]nignore <user>", "��������", #if 0 "[/u]sers", "�C�X���W�ϥΪ�", #endif "[/w]ho", "�C�X���ͤѫǨϥΪ�", "[/w]hoin <room>", "�C�X�ͤѫ�<room> ���ϥΪ�", NULL }; static char *room_msg[] = { "[/f]lag [+-][lsth]", "�]�w��w�B���K�B�}����D�B�|��o��", "[/i]nvite <id>", "�ܽ� <id> �[�J�ͤѫ�", "[/kick] <id>", "�N <id> ��X�ͤѫ�", "[/o]p <id>", "�N Op ���v�O�ಾ�� <id>", "[/topic] <text>", "���Ӹ��D", "[/w]all", "�s�� (�����M��)", NULL }; static void chat_help(cu, msg) ChatUser *cu; char *msg; { char **table, *str; if (str_equal(nextword(&msg), "op")) { send_to_user(cu, "�ͤѫǺz���M�Ϋ��O", 0, MSG_MESSAGE); table = room_msg; } else { table = chat_msg; } while((str = *table++)) { sprintf(chatbuf, " %-20s- %s", str, *table++); send_to_user(cu, chatbuf, 0, MSG_MESSAGE); } } static void chat_private(cu, msg) ChatUser *cu; char *msg; { char *recipient; ChatUser *xuser; int userno; userno = 0; recipient = nextword(&msg); xuser = (ChatUser *) fuzzy_cuser_by_chatid(recipient); if (xuser == NULL) { /* Thor.0724: �� userid�]�i�Ǯ����� */ xuser = cuser_by_userid(recipient); } if (xuser == NULL) { sprintf(chatbuf, msg_no_such_id, recipient); } else if (xuser == FUZZY_USER) { /* ambiguous */ strcpy(chatbuf, "�� �Ы�����ѥN��"); } else if (*msg) { userno = cu->userno; sprintf(chatbuf, "[1m*%s*[m ", cu->chatid); msg[79] = 0; /* Thor:����Ӫ� */ strncat(chatbuf, msg, 80); send_to_user(xuser, chatbuf, userno, MSG_MESSAGE); if (xuser->clitype) { /* Xshadow: �p�G���O�� client �W�Ӫ� */ sprintf(chatbuf, "%s %s ", cu->userid, cu->chatid); msg[79] = 0; strncat(chatbuf, msg, 80); send_to_user(xuser, chatbuf, userno, MSG_PRIVMSG); } if (cu->clitype) { sprintf(chatbuf, "%s %s ", xuser->userid, xuser->chatid); msg[79] = 0; strncat(chatbuf, msg, 80); send_to_user(cu, chatbuf, 0, MSG_MYPRIVMSG); } sprintf(chatbuf, "%s> ", xuser->chatid); strncat(chatbuf, msg, 80); } else { sprintf(chatbuf, "�� �z�Q�� %s ������ܩO�H", xuser->chatid); } send_to_user(cu, chatbuf, userno, MSG_MESSAGE); /* Thor: userno �n�令 0 * ��? */ } static void chat_cloak(cu, msg) ChatUser *cu; char *msg; { if (CHATSYSOP(cu)) { cu->uflag ^= PERM_CLOAK; sprintf(chatbuf, "�� %s", CLOAK(cu) ? MSG_CLOAKED : MSG_UNCLOAK); send_to_user(cu, chatbuf, 0, MSG_MESSAGE); } } /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ static void arrive_room(cuser, room) ChatUser *cuser; ChatRoom *room; { char *rname; /* Xshadow: �����e���ۤv, �ϥ����ж��N�|���s build user list */ sprintf(chatbuf, "+ %s %s %s %s", cuser->userid, cuser->chatid, room->name, cuser->lasthost); if (ROOMOP(cuser)) strcat(chatbuf, " Op"); send_to_room(room, chatbuf, 0, MSG_USERNOTIFY); cuser->room = room; room->occupants++; rname = room->name; room_changed(room); if (cuser->clitype) { send_to_user(cuser, rname, 0, MSG_ROOM); send_to_user(cuser, room->topic, 0, MSG_TOPIC); } else { sprintf(chatbuf, "/r%s", rname); send_to_user(cuser, chatbuf, 0, 0); sprintf(chatbuf, "/t%s", room->topic); send_to_user(cuser, chatbuf, 0, 0); } sprintf(chatbuf, "�� [32;1m%s[m �i�J [33;1m[%s][m �]�[", cuser->chatid, rname); if (!CLOAK(cuser)) /* Thor: ��ѫ������N */ send_to_room(room, chatbuf, cuser->userno, MSG_MESSAGE); } static int enter_room(cuser, rname, msg) ChatUser *cuser; char *rname; char *msg; { ChatRoom *room; int create; create = 0; room = croom_by_roomid(rname); if (room == NULL) { /* new room */ #ifdef MONITOR logit(cuser->userid, "create new room"); #endif MYDOG; room = (ChatRoom *) malloc(sizeof(ChatRoom)); MYDOG; if (room == NULL) { send_to_user(cuser, "�� �L�k�A�s�P�]�[�F", 0, MSG_MESSAGE); return 0; } memset(room, 0, sizeof(ChatRoom)); memcpy(room->name, rname, IDLEN - 1); strcpy(room->topic, "�o�O�@�ӷs�Ѧa"); sprintf(chatbuf, "+ %s 1 0 %s", room->name, room->topic); send_to_room(ROOM_ALL, chatbuf, 0, MSG_ROOMNOTIFY); if (mainroom.next != NULL) mainroom.next->prev = room; room->next = mainroom.next; mainroom.next = room; room->prev = &mainroom; create = 1; } else { if (cuser->room == room) { sprintf(chatbuf, "�� �z���ӴN�b [%s] ��ѫ��o :)", rname); send_to_user(cuser, chatbuf, 0, MSG_MESSAGE); return 0; } if (!CHATSYSOP(cuser) && LOCKED(room) && !list_belong(room->invite, cuser->userno)) { send_to_user(cuser, "�� �����c���A�D�в��J", 0, MSG_MESSAGE); return 0; } } exit_room(cuser, EXIT_LOGOUT, msg); arrive_room(cuser, room); if (create) cuser->uflag |= PERM_ROOMOP; return 0; } static void logout_user(cuser) ChatUser *cuser; { int sock; ChatUser *xuser, *prev; #ifdef DEBUG logit("before", "logout"); debug_user(); #endif sock = cuser->sock; shutdown(sock, 2); close(sock); MYDOG; FD_CLR(sock, &mainfds); #if 0 /* Thor: �]�\���t�o�@�� */ if (sock >= maxfds) maxfds = sock - 1; #endif list_free(cuser->ignore); #ifdef DEBUG debug_user(); #endif xuser = mainuser; if (xuser == cuser) { mainuser = cuser->unext; } else { do { prev = xuser; xuser = xuser->unext; if (xuser == cuser) { prev->unext = cuser->unext; break; } } while (xuser); } MYDOG; #ifdef DEBUG sprintf(chatbuf, "%p", cuser); logit("free cuser", chatbuf); #endif free(cuser); #ifdef DEBUG logit("after", "logout"); debug_user(); #endif #if 0 next = cuser->next; prev = cuser->prev; prev->next = next; if (next) next->prev = prev; if (cuser) free(cuser); MYDOG; #endif totaluser--; } static void print_user_counts(cuser) ChatUser *cuser; { ChatRoom *room; int num, userc, suserc, roomc, number; userc = suserc = roomc = 0; room = &mainroom; do { MYDOG; num = room->occupants; if (SECRET(room)) { suserc += num; if (CHATSYSOP(cuser)) roomc++; } else { userc += num; roomc++; } } while((room = room->next)); number = (cuser->clitype) ? MSG_MOTD : MSG_MESSAGE; sprintf(chatbuf, "�� �w����{�i��������]�j�A�ثe�}�F [1;31m%d[m ���]�[", roomc); send_to_user(cuser, chatbuf, 0, number); sprintf(chatbuf, "�� �@�� [1;36m%d[m �H���\\�s���}", userc); if (suserc) sprintf(chatbuf + strlen(chatbuf), " [%d �H�b���K��ѫ�]", suserc); send_to_user(cuser, chatbuf, 0, number); } static int login_user(cu, msg) ChatUser *cu; char *msg; { int utent; char *level; char *userid; char *chatid; struct sockaddr_in from; int fromlen; struct hostent *hp; ACCT acct; char buf[20]; /* * Thor.0819: SECURED_CHATROOM : /! userid chatid passwd , userno * el �bcheck��passwd����o */ /* Xshadow.0915: common client support : /-! userid chatid password */ /* �ǰѼơGuserlevel, userid, chatid */ /* client/server �����̾� userid �� .PASSWDS �P�_ userlevel */ userid = nextword(&msg); chatid = nextword(&msg); #ifdef DEBUG logit("ENTER", userid); #endif /* Thor.0730: parse space before passwd */ level = msg; /* Thor.0813: ���L�@�Ů�Y�i, �]���ϥ��p�Gchatid���Ů�, �K�X�]���� */ /* �N��K�X��, �]���|����:p */ /* �i�O�p�G�K�X�Ĥ@�Ӧr�O�Ů�, �����Ӧh�Ů�|�i����... */ if (*level == ' ') level++; /* Thor.0729: load acct */ if (!*userid || (acct_load(&acct, userid) < 0)) { #ifdef DEBUG logit("noexist", chatid); #endif if (cu->clitype) send_to_user(cu, "���~���ϥΪ̥N��", 0, ERR_LOGIN_NOSUCHUSER); else send_to_user(cu, CHAT_LOGIN_INVALID, 0, 0); return -1; } else if(strncmp(level, acct.passwd, PASSLEN) && !chkpasswd(acct.passwd, level)) { #ifdef DEBUG logit("fake", chatid); #endif if (cu->clitype) send_to_user(cu, "�K�X���~", 0, ERR_LOGIN_PASSERROR); else send_to_user(cu, CHAT_LOGIN_INVALID, 0, 0); return -1; } else { /* Thor.0729: if ok, read level. */ sprintf(buf, "%d", acct.userlevel); level = buf; /* Thor.0819: read userno for client/server bbs */ utent = searchuser(acct.userid); } /* Thor.0819: for client/server bbs */ /* for (xuser = mainuser; xuser; xuser = xuser->unext) { MYDOG; if (xuser->userno == utent) { #ifdef DEBUG logit("enter", "bogus"); #endif if (cu->clitype) send_to_user(cu, "�ФŬ��������i�J��ѫ� !!", 0, ERR_LOGIN_USERONLINE); else send_to_user(cu, CHAT_LOGIN_BOGUS, 0, 0); return -1; } } */ if (!valid_chatid(chatid)) { #ifdef DEBUG logit("enter", chatid); #endif if (cu->clitype) send_to_user(cu, "���X�k����ѫǥN�� !!", 0, ERR_LOGIN_NICKERROR); else send_to_user(cu, CHAT_LOGIN_INVALID, 0, 0); return 0; } #ifdef DEBUG debug_user(); #endif if (cuser_by_chatid(chatid) != NULL) { /* chatid in use */ #ifdef DEBUG logit("enter", "duplicate"); #endif if (cu->clitype) send_to_user(cu, "�o�ӥN���w�g���H�ϥ�", 0, ERR_LOGIN_NICKINUSE); else send_to_user(cu, CHAT_LOGIN_EXISTS, 0, 0); return 0; } cu->userno = utent; cu->uflag = atoi(level) & ~(PERM_ROOMOP | PERM_CLOAK | PERM_HANDUP | PERM_SAY); /* Thor: �i�ӥ��M��ROOMOP(�PPERM_CHAT), CLOAK */ strcpy(cu->userid, userid); memcpy(cu->chatid, chatid, 8); cu->chatid[8] = '\0'; /* Xshadow: ���o client ���ӷ� */ fromlen = sizeof(from); if (!getpeername(cu->sock, (struct sockaddr *) & from, &fromlen)) { if ((hp = gethostbyaddr((char *) &from.sin_addr, sizeof(struct in_addr), from.sin_family))) { strcpy(cu->lasthost, hp->h_name); } else strcpy(cu->lasthost, (char *) inet_ntoa(from.sin_addr)); } else { strcpy(cu->lasthost, "[�~�Ӫ�]"); } if (cu->clitype) send_to_user(cu, "���Q", 0, MSG_LOGINOK); else send_to_user(cu, CHAT_LOGIN_OK, 0, 0); arrive_room(cu, &mainroom); send_to_user(cu, "", 0, MSG_MOTDSTART); print_user_counts(cu); send_to_user(cu, "", 0, MSG_MOTDEND); #ifdef DEBUG logit("enter", "OK"); #endif return 0; } static void chat_act(cu, msg) ChatUser *cu; char *msg; { if (*msg && (!RHANDUP(cu->room) || SAY(cu) || ROOMOP(cu))) { sprintf(chatbuf, "%s [36m%s[m", cu->chatid, msg); send_to_room(cu->room, chatbuf, cu->userno, MSG_MESSAGE); } } static void chat_ignore(cu, msg) ChatUser *cu; char *msg; { if (RESTRICTED(cu)) { strcpy(chatbuf, "�� �z�S�� ignore �O�H���v�Q"); } else { char *ignoree; ignoree = nextword(&msg); if (*ignoree) { ChatUser *xuser; xuser = cuser_by_userid(ignoree); if (xuser == NULL) { sprintf(chatbuf, msg_no_such_id, ignoree); #if 0 sprintf(chatbuf, "�� �ͤѫDz{�b�S�� [%s] �o���H��", ignoree); #endif } else if (xuser == cu || CHATSYSOP(xuser) || (ROOMOP(xuser) && (xuser->room == cu->room))) { sprintf(chatbuf, "�� ���i�H ignore [%s]", ignoree); } else { if (list_belong(cu->ignore, xuser->userno)) { sprintf(chatbuf, "�� %s �w�g�Q�ᵲ�F", xuser->chatid); } else { list_add(&(cu->ignore), xuser); sprintf(chatbuf, "�� �N [%s] ���J�N�c�F :p", xuser->chatid); } } } else { UserList *list; if((list = cu->ignore)) { int len; char buf[16]; send_to_user(cu, "�� �o�ǤH�Q���J�N�c�F�G", 0, MSG_MESSAGE); len = 0; do { sprintf(buf, "%-13s", list->userid); strcpy(chatbuf + len, buf); len += 13; if (len >= 78) { send_to_user(cu, chatbuf, 0, MSG_MESSAGE); len = 0; } } while((list = list->next)); if (len == 0) return; } else { strcpy(chatbuf, "�� �z�ثe�èS�� ignore ����H"); } } } send_to_user(cu, chatbuf, 0, MSG_MESSAGE); } static void chat_unignore(cu, msg) ChatUser *cu; char *msg; { char *ignoree; ignoree = nextword(&msg); if (*ignoree) { sprintf(chatbuf, (list_delete(&(cu->ignore), ignoree)) ? "�� [%s] ���A�Q�A�N���F" : "�� �z�å� ignore [%s] �o���H��", ignoree); } else { strcpy(chatbuf, "�� �Ы��� user ID"); } send_to_user(cu, chatbuf, 0, MSG_MESSAGE); } static void chat_join(cu, msg) ChatUser *cu; char *msg; { if (RESTRICTED(cu)) { send_to_user(cu, "�� �z�S���[�J��L��ѫǪ��v��", 0, MSG_MESSAGE); } else { char *roomid = nextword(&msg); if (*roomid) enter_room(cu, roomid, msg); else send_to_user(cu, "�� �Ы��w��ѫǪ��W�r", 0, MSG_MESSAGE); } } static void chat_kick(cu, msg) ChatUser *cu; char *msg; { char *twit; ChatUser *xuser; ChatRoom *room; if (!ROOMOP(cu)) { send_to_user(cu, msg_not_op, 0, MSG_MESSAGE); return; } twit = nextword(&msg); xuser = cuser_by_chatid(twit); if (xuser == NULL) { sprintf(chatbuf, msg_no_such_id, twit); send_to_user(cu, chatbuf, 0, MSG_MESSAGE); return; } room = cu->room; if (room != xuser->room || CLOAK(xuser)) { /* Thor: ��ѫ������N */ sprintf(chatbuf, msg_not_here, twit); send_to_user(cu, chatbuf, 0, MSG_MESSAGE); return; } if (CHATSYSOP(xuser)) { /* Thor: �𤣨� CHATSYSOP */ sprintf(chatbuf, "�� ���i�H kick [%s]", twit); send_to_user(cu, chatbuf, 0, MSG_MESSAGE); return; } exit_room(xuser, EXIT_KICK, (char *) NULL); if (room == &mainroom) logout_user(xuser); else enter_room(xuser, MAIN_NAME, (char *) NULL); } static void chat_makeop(cu, msg) ChatUser *cu; char *msg; { char *newop; ChatUser *xuser; ChatRoom *room; if (!ROOMOP(cu)) { send_to_user(cu, msg_not_op, 0, MSG_MESSAGE); return; } newop = nextword(&msg); xuser = cuser_by_chatid(newop); if (xuser == NULL) { sprintf(chatbuf, msg_no_such_id, newop); send_to_user(cu, chatbuf, 0, MSG_MESSAGE); return; } if (cu == xuser) { sprintf(chatbuf, "�� �z���N�w�g�O Op �F��"); send_to_user(cu, chatbuf, 0, MSG_MESSAGE); return; } room = cu->room; if (room != xuser->room || CLOAK(xuser)) { /* Thor: ��ѫ������N */ sprintf(chatbuf, msg_not_here, xuser->chatid); send_to_user(cu, chatbuf, 0, MSG_MESSAGE); return; } cu->uflag &= ~PERM_ROOMOP; xuser->uflag |= PERM_ROOMOP; user_changed(cu); user_changed(xuser); sprintf(chatbuf, "�� %s �N Op �v�O�ಾ�� %s", cu->chatid, xuser->chatid); if (!CLOAK(cu)) /* Thor: ��ѫ������N */ send_to_room(room, chatbuf, 0, MSG_MESSAGE, MSG_MESSAGE); } static void chat_invite(cu, msg) ChatUser *cu; char *msg; { char *invitee; ChatUser *xuser; ChatRoom *room; UserList **list; if (!ROOMOP(cu)) { send_to_user(cu, msg_not_op, 0, MSG_MESSAGE); return; } invitee = nextword(&msg); xuser = cuser_by_chatid(invitee); if (xuser == NULL) { sprintf(chatbuf, msg_no_such_id, invitee); send_to_user(cu, chatbuf, 0, MSG_MESSAGE); return; } room = cu->room; /* Thor: �O�_�n check room �O�_ NULL ? */ list = &(room->invite); if (list_belong(*list, xuser->userno)) { sprintf(chatbuf, "�� %s �w�g�����L�ܽФF", xuser->chatid); send_to_user(cu, chatbuf, 0, MSG_MESSAGE); return; } list_add(list, xuser); sprintf(chatbuf, "�� %s �ܽбz�� [%s] ��ѫ�", cu->chatid, room->name); send_to_user(xuser, chatbuf, 0, MSG_MESSAGE); /* Thor: �n���n�i�H ignore? */ sprintf(chatbuf, "�� %s ����z���ܽФF", xuser->chatid); send_to_user(cu, chatbuf, 0, MSG_MESSAGE); } static void chat_broadcast(cu, msg) ChatUser *cu; char *msg; { if (!CHATSYSOP(cu)) { send_to_user(cu, "�� �z�S���b��ѫǼs�����v�O!", 0, MSG_MESSAGE); return; } if (*msg == '\0') { send_to_user(cu, "�� �Ы��w�s�����e", 0, MSG_MESSAGE); return; } sprintf(chatbuf, "[1m�� " BBSNAME "�ͤѫǼs���� [%s].....[m", cu->chatid); send_to_room(ROOM_ALL, chatbuf, 0, MSG_MESSAGE); sprintf(chatbuf, "�� %s", msg); send_to_room(ROOM_ALL, chatbuf, 0, MSG_MESSAGE); } static void chat_goodbye(cu, msg) ChatUser *cu; char *msg; { exit_room(cu, EXIT_LOGOUT, msg); /* Thor: �n���n�[ logout_user(cu) ? */ } /* --------------------------------------------- */ /* MUD-like social commands : action */ /* --------------------------------------------- */ struct ChatAction { char *verb; /* �ʵ� */ char *chinese; /* ����½Ķ */ char *part1_msg; /* ���� */ char *part2_msg; /* �ʧ@ */ }; static ChatAction party_data[] = { {"aluba", "���|��", "��", "�[�W�W�l���|��!!"}, {"aodre", "����", "��", "���������p�ʷʦ���,�s�������K�K"}, {"bearhug", "����", "�������֩�", ""}, {"blade", "�@�M", "�@�M�ҵ{��", "�e�W���"}, {"bless", "����", "����", "�߷Q�Ʀ�"}, {"board", "�D���O", "��", "��h���D���O"}, {"bokan", "��\\", "���x�L�X�A�W�իݵo�K�K��M���A�q���E�{�A��", "�ϥX�F��o--��an�I"}, {"bow", "���`", "���`���q���V", "���`"}, {"box", "������", "�}�l���\\������A��", "�@�xŦ����"}, {"boy", "������", "�q�I�᮳�X�F������A��", "�V���F"}, {"bye", "�T�T", "�V", "���T�T!!"}, {"call", "�I��", "�j�n���I��,��~~", "��~~~�A�b���̰ڰڰڰ�~~~~"}, {"caress", "����", "���������N��", ""}, {"clap", "���x", "�V", "���P���x"}, {"claw", "���", "�q�߫}�ֶ�ɤF���ߤ��A��", "��o���h����"}, {"comfort", "�w��", "�Ũ��w��", ""}, {"cong", "����", "�q�I�᮳�X�F�Ԭ��A��I��I����", ""}, {"cpr", "�f��f", "���", "���f��f�H�u�I�l"}, {"cringe", "�^��", "�V", "���`�}���A�n���^��"}, {"cry", "�j��", "�V", "�z�ޤj��"}, {"dance", "���R", "�ԤF", "���⽡���_�R" }, {"destroy", "����", "���_�F�y���j�����G��z�A�F�V", ""}, {"dogleg", "���L", "��", "���L"}, {"drivel", "�y�f��", "���", "�y�f��"}, {"envy", "�r�}", "�V", "�y�S�X�r�}������"}, {"eye", "�e��i", "��", "�W�e��i"}, {"fire", "�R��", "���ۤ������K�Ψ��V", ""}, {"forgive", "���", "�����D�p�A��̤F", ""}, {"french", "�k���k", "����Y����", "���V�̡���z�I�@�Ӯ������k���`�k"}, {"giggle", "�̯�", "���", "�̶̪��b��"}, {"glue", "�ɤ�", "�ΤT�����A��", "�����H�F�_��"}, {"goodbye", "�i�O", "�\\���L�L���V", "�i�O"}, {"grin", "�l��", "��", "�S�X���c�����e"}, {"growl", "�H��", "��", "�H�����w"}, {"hand", "����", "��", "����"}, {"hide", "��", "���b", "�I��"}, {"hospitl", "�e��|", "��", "�e�i��|"}, {"hug", "�֩�", "�����a�֩�", ""}, {"hrk", "�@�s��", "�Ií�F���ΡA�E�F���l�A��", "�ϥX�F�@�O��o--��yu--��an�I�I�I"}, {"jab", "�W�H", "�ŬX���W��", ""}, {"judo", "�L�ӺL", "����F", "�����̡A�ਭ�K�K�ڡA�O�@�O�L�ӺL�I"}, {"kickout", "��", "�Τj�}��", "���s�U�h�F"}, {"kick", "��H", "��", "�𪺦��h����"}, {"kiss", "���k", "���k", "���y�U"}, {"laugh", "�J��", "�j�n�J��", ""}, {"levis", "����", "���G����", "�I��l�K�͡I"}, {"lick", "�Q", "�g�Q", ""}, {"lobster", "����", "�I�i�f���ΩT�w�A��", "����b�a�O�W"}, {"love", "����", "��", "�`��������"}, {"marry", "�D�B", "���ۤE�ʤE�Q�E�������V", "�D�B"}, {"no", "���n��", "���R���", "�n�Y~~~~���n��~~~~"}, {"nod", "�I�Y", "�V", "�I�Y�٬O"}, {"nudge", "���{�l", "�Τ�y��", "���Ψ{�l"}, {"pad", "��ӻH", "����", "���ӻH"}, {"pettish", "���b", "��", "���n�ݮ�a���b"}, {"pili", "�R�E", "�ϥX �g�l�� �Ѧa�� ��Y�b �T���X�@���V", "~~~~~~"}, {"pinch", "���H", "�ΤO����", "�����«C"}, {"roll", "���u", "��X�h���O������,", "�b�a�W�u�Ӻu�h"}, {"protect", "�O�@", "�O�@��", ""}, {"pull", "��", "���R�a�Ԧ�", "����"}, {"punch", "�~�H", "�����~�F", "�@�y"}, {"rascal", "�A��", "��", "�A��"}, {"recline", "�J�h", "�p��", "���h�̺εۤF�K�K"}, {"respond", "�t�d", "�w��", "���G�y���n���A�ڷ|�t�d���K�K�z"}, {"shrug", "�q��", "�L�`�a�V", "�q�F�q�ӻH"}, {"sigh", "�ۮ�", "��", "�ۤF�@�f��"}, {"slap", "���ե�", "�Ԫ��ڤF", "�@�y�ե�"}, {"smooch", "�֧k", "�֧k��", ""}, {"snicker", "�ѯ�", "�K�K�K..����", "�ѯ�"}, {"sniff", "���h", "��", "�ᤧ�H��"}, {"spank", "������", "�Τڴx��", "���v��"}, {"squeeze", "���", "���a�֩��", ""}, {"sysop", "�l��", "�s�X�F����A��", "���F�I"}, {"thank", "�P��", "�V", "�P�±o�����a"}, {"tickle", "�k�o", "�B�T!�B�T!�k", "���o"}, {"wake", "�n��", "�����a��", "�n��"}, {"wave", "����", "���", "���R���n��"}, {"welcome", "�w��", "�w��", "�i�ӤK���@�U"}, {"what", "����", "���G�y", "�����M�K�z��ť�Y?�H?�S?�z"}, {"whip", "�@�l", "��W��������A���@�l�h��", ""}, {"wink", "�w��", "��", "�������w�w����"}, {"zap", "�r��", "��", "�ƨg������"}, {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL} }; static int chicken_action(cu, cmd, party) ChatUser *cu; char *cmd; char *party; { return 0; } static int party_action(cu, cmd, party) ChatUser *cu; char *cmd; char *party; { ChatAction *cap; char *verb; for (cap = party_data; (verb = cap->verb); cap++) { MYDOG; if (str_equal(cmd, verb)) { if (*party == '\0') { party = "�j�a"; } else { ChatUser *xuser; xuser = fuzzy_cuser_by_chatid(party); if (xuser == NULL) { /* Thor.0724: �� userid�]���q */ xuser = cuser_by_userid(party); } if (xuser == NULL) { sprintf(chatbuf, msg_no_such_id, party); send_to_user(cu, chatbuf, 0, MSG_MESSAGE); return 0; } else if (xuser == FUZZY_USER) { sprintf(chatbuf, "�� �Ы�����ѥN��"); send_to_user(cu, chatbuf, 0, MSG_MESSAGE); return 0; } else if (cu->room != xuser->room || CLOAK(xuser)) { sprintf(chatbuf, msg_not_here, party); send_to_user(cu, chatbuf, 0, MSG_MESSAGE); return 0; } else { party = xuser->chatid; } } sprintf(chatbuf, "[1;32m%s [31m%s[33m %s [31m%s[m", cu->chatid, cap->part1_msg, party, cap->part2_msg); send_to_room(cu->room, chatbuf, cu->userno, MSG_MESSAGE); return 0; /* Thor: cu->room �O�_�� NULL? */ } } return 1; } /* --------------------------------------------- */ /* MUD-like social commands : speak */ /* --------------------------------------------- */ static ChatAction speak_data[] = { { "ask", "�߰�", "��", NULL }, { "chant", "�q�|", "���n�q�|", NULL }, { "cheer", "�ܪ�", "�ܪ�", NULL }, { "chuckle", "����", "����", NULL }, { "curse", "�t�F", "�t�F", NULL }, /* {"curse", "�G�|", NULL}, */ { "demand", "�n�D", "�n�D", NULL }, { "frown", "�K���Y", "�٬�", NULL }, { "groan", "�D�u", "�D�u", NULL }, { "grumble", "�o�c��", "�o�c��", NULL }, { "guitar", "�u��", "��u�ۦN�L�A��۵�", NULL }, /* {"helpme", "�I��","�j�n�I��",NULL}, */ { "hum", "���", "���ۻy", NULL }, { "moan", "���", "���", NULL }, { "notice", "�j��", "�j��", NULL }, { "order", "�R�O", "�R�O", NULL }, { "ponder", "�H��", "�H��", NULL }, { "pout", "���L", "���ۼL��", NULL }, { "pray", "��ë", "��ë", NULL }, { "request", "���D", "���D", NULL }, { "shout", "�j�|", "�j�|", NULL }, { "sing", "�ۺq", "�ۺq", NULL }, { "smile", "�L��", "�L��", NULL }, { "smirk", "����", "����", NULL }, { "swear", "�o�}", "�o�}", NULL }, { "tease", "�J��", "�J��", NULL }, { "whimper", "��|", "��|����", NULL }, { "yawn", "����", "�䥴�����仡", NULL }, { "yell", "�j��", "�j��", NULL }, { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL } }; static int speak_action(cu, cmd, msg) ChatUser *cu; char *cmd; char *msg; { ChatAction *cap; char *verb; for (cap = speak_data; (verb = cap->verb); cap++) { MYDOG; if (str_equal(cmd, verb)) { sprintf(chatbuf, "[1;32m%s [31m%s�G[33m %s[m", cu->chatid, cap->part1_msg, msg); send_to_room(cu->room, chatbuf, cu->userno, MSG_MESSAGE); return 0; /* Thor: cu->room �O�_�� NULL? */ } } return 1; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ /* MUD-like social commands : condition */ /* -------------------------------------------- */ static ChatAction condition_data[] = { { "applaud", "���", "��....", NULL }, { "ayo", "�����", "�����~~~", NULL }, { "back", "���^��", "�^�ӧ����~��ľ�", NULL }, { "blood", "�b�夤", "�˦b��y����", NULL }, { "blush", "�y��", "�y�����F", NULL }, { "broke", "�߸H", "���߯}�H���@���@����", NULL }, /* Thor.0731:���[���n�D */ /* {"bokan", "Bo Kan! Bo Kan!", NULL}, */ { "careles", "�S�H�z", "���㳣�S���H�z�� :~~~~", NULL }, { "chew", "�ߥʤl", "�ܱy�����߰_�ʤl�ӤF", NULL }, { "climb", "���s", "�ۤv�C�C���W�s�ӡK�K", NULL }, { "cold", "�P�_�F", "�P�_�F,���������ڥX�h�� :~~~(", NULL }, { "cough", "�y��", "�y�F�X�n", NULL }, { "die", "����", "��������", NULL }, { "faint", "����", "��������", NULL }, { "flop", "������", "��쭻����... �ƭˡI", NULL }, { "fly", "���ƵM", "���ƵM", NULL }, { "frown", "�٬�", "�٬�", NULL }, { "gold", "�����P", "�۵ۡG�y���|�������|���� �X�����! �o�a�x�A�����P�A���a�˾H�ӡI�z", NULL }, { "gulu", "�{�l�j", "���{�l�o�X�B�P~~~�B�P~~~���n��", NULL }, { "haha", "�z����", "�z������.....^o^", NULL }, /* {"haha", "�j��","�z����������������~~~~!!!!!", NULL}, */ { "helpme", "�D��", "�j��~~~�ϩR��~~~~", NULL }, { "hoho", "������", "���������Ӥ���", NULL }, { "happy", "����", "�����o�b�a�W���u", NULL }, /* {"happy", "����", "��ϡI *^_^*", NULL}, */ /* {"happy", "", "r-o-O-m....ť�F�u�n�I", NULL}, */ /* {"hurricane", "�֢�---��B��--�٢���I�I�I", NULL}, */ { "idle", "�b���F", "�b���F", NULL }, { "jacky", "�̮�", "�l�l�몺�̨Ӯ̥h", NULL }, #if 0 /* Thor.0729: ������N */ { "lag", "�����C", "lllllllaaaaaaaaaaaagggggggggggggg.................", NULL }, #endif { "luck", "���B", "�z�I�֮�աI", NULL }, { "macarn", "�@�ػR", "�}�l���_�F��a��a��e��a�����", NULL }, { "miou", "�p�p", "�p�p�f�]�f�]������", NULL }, { "mouth", "��L", "��L��!!", NULL }, { "nani", "���|", "�G�`���ڮ�??", NULL }, { "nose", "�y���", "�y���", NULL }, { "puke", "�æR", "�æR��", NULL }, /* {"puke", "�u���ߡA��ť�F���Q�R", NULL}, */ { "rest", "��", "�𮧤��A�Фť��Z", NULL }, { "reverse", "½�{", "½�{", NULL }, { "room", "�}�ж�", "r-o-O-m-r-O-��-Mmm-rR��........", NULL }, { "shake", "�n�Y", "�n�F�n�Y", NULL }, { "sleep", "�ε�", "�w�b��L�W�εۤF�A�f���y�i��L�A�y�������I", NULL }, /* {"sleep", "Zzzzzzzzzz�A�u�L��A���ֺεۤF", NULL}, */ { "so", "�N��l", "�N��l!!", NULL }, { "sorry", "�D�p", "���!!�ڹ藍�_�j�a,�ڹ藍�_��a���|~~~~~~���~~~~~", NULL }, { "story", "���j", "�}�l���j�F", NULL }, { "strut", "�n�\\��", "�j�n�j�\\�a��", NULL }, { "suicide", "�۱�", "�۱�", NULL }, { "tea", "�w��", "�w�F���n��", NULL }, { "think", "���", "�n���Y�Q�F�@�U", NULL }, { "tongue", "�R��", "�R�F�R���Y", NULL }, { "wall", "����", "�]�h����", NULL }, { "wawa", "�z�z", "�z�z�z~~~~~!!!!! ~~~>_<~~~", NULL }, /* {"wawa","�z�z�z......>_<",NULL}, */ { "www", "�L�L", "�L�L�L!!!", NULL }, { "zzz", "���I", "�I�P~~~~ZZzZz�C��ZZzzZzzzZZ...", NULL }, { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL } }; static int condition_action(cu, cmd) ChatUser *cu; char *cmd; { ChatAction *cap; char *verb; for (cap = condition_data; (verb = cap->verb); cap++) { MYDOG; if (str_equal(cmd, verb)) { sprintf(chatbuf, "[1;32m%s [31m%s[m", cu->chatid, cap->part1_msg); send_to_room(cu->room, chatbuf, cu->userno, MSG_MESSAGE); return 1; /* Thor: cu->room �O�_�� NULL? */ } } return 0; } /* --------------------------------------------- */ /* MUD-like social commands : help */ /* --------------------------------------------- */ static char *dscrb[] = { "[1;37m�i Verb + Nick�G �ʵ� + ���W�r �j[36m �ҡG//kick piggy[m", "[1;37m�i Verb + Message�G�ʵ� + �n������ �j[36m �ҡG//sing �ѤѤ���[m", "[1;37m�i Verb�G�ʵ� �j �����G�¸ܭ���[m", NULL }; ChatAction *catbl[] = { party_data, speak_data, condition_data, NULL }; static void chat_partyinfo(cu, msg) ChatUser *cu; char *msg; { if (!common_client_command) return; /* only allow common client to retrieve it */ sprintf(chatbuf, "3 �ʧ@ ��� ���A"); send_to_user(cu, chatbuf, 0, MSG_PARTYINFO); } static void chat_party(cu, msg) ChatUser *cu; char *msg; { int kind, i; ChatAction *cap; if (!common_client_command) return; kind = atoi(nextword(&msg)); if (kind < 0 || kind > 2) return; sprintf(chatbuf, "%d %s", kind, kind == 2 ? "I" : ""); /* Xshadow: �u�� condition �~�O immediate mode */ send_to_user(cu, chatbuf, 0, MSG_PARTYLISTSTART); cap = catbl[kind]; for (i = 0; cap[i].verb; i++) { sprintf(chatbuf, "%-10s %-20s", cap[i].verb, cap[i].chinese); /* for (j=0;j<1000000;j++); */ send_to_user(cu, chatbuf, 0, MSG_PARTYLIST); } sprintf(chatbuf, "%d", kind); send_to_user(cu, chatbuf, 0, MSG_PARTYLISTEND); } #define SCREEN_WIDTH 80 #define MAX_VERB_LEN 8 #define VERB_NO 10 static void view_action_verb(cu, cmd) /* Thor.0726: �s�[�ʵ�������� */ register ChatUser *cu; char cmd; { register int i; register char *p, *q, *data, *expn; register ChatAction *cap; send_to_user(cu, "/c", 0, MSG_CLRSCR); data = chatbuf; if (cmd < '1' || cmd > '3') { /* Thor.0726: �g�o���n, �Q��k��i... */ for (i = 0; (p = dscrb[i]); i++) { sprintf(data, " [//]help %d - MUD-like ����ʵ� �� %d ��", i + 1, i + 1); MYDOG; send_to_user(cu, data, 0, MSG_MESSAGE); send_to_user(cu, p, 0, MSG_MESSAGE); send_to_user(cu, " ", 0, MSG_MESSAGE); /* Thor.0726: ����, �ݭn " " * ��? */ } } else { i = cmd - '1'; send_to_user(cu, dscrb[i], 0, MSG_MESSAGE); expn = chatbuf + 100; /* Thor.0726: ���Ӥ��|overlap�a? */ *data = '\0'; *expn = '\0'; cap = catbl[i]; for (i = 0; (p = cap[i].verb); i++) { MYDOG; q = cap[i].chinese; strcat(data, p); strcat(expn, q); if (((i + 1) % VERB_NO) == 0) { send_to_user(cu, data, 0, MSG_MESSAGE); send_to_user(cu, expn, 0, MSG_MESSAGE); /* Thor.0726: ��ܤ������ */ *data = '\0'; *expn = '\0'; } else { strncat(data, " ", MAX_VERB_LEN - strlen(p)); strncat(expn, " ", MAX_VERB_LEN - strlen(q)); } } if (i % VERB_NO) { send_to_user(cu, data, 0, MSG_MESSAGE); send_to_user(cu, expn, 0, MSG_MESSAGE); /* Thor.0726: ��ܤ������ */ } } /* send_to_user(cu, " ",0); *//* Thor.0726: ����, �ݭn " " ��? */ } void view_chicken_help(cu) /* Ptt: �����{�� ��help */ register ChatUser *cu; { } /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ /* chat user service routines */ /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ static ChatCmd chatcmdlist[] = { {"act", chat_act, 0}, {"bye", chat_goodbye, 0}, {"chatroom", chat_chatroom, 1}, /* Xshadow: for common client */ {"clear", chat_clear, 0}, {"cloak", chat_cloak, 2}, {"date", chat_date, 0}, {"flags", chat_setroom, 0}, {"help", chat_help, 0}, {"ignore", chat_ignore, 1}, {"invite", chat_invite, 0}, {"join", chat_join, 0}, {"kick", chat_kick, 1}, {"msg", chat_private, 0}, {"nick", chat_nick, 0}, {"operator", chat_makeop, 0}, {"party", chat_party, 1}, /* Xshadow: party data for common client */ {"partyinfo", chat_partyinfo, 1}, /* Xshadow: party info for common * client */ {"query", chat_query, 0}, {"room", chat_list_rooms, 0}, {"unignore", chat_unignore, 1}, {"whoin", chat_list_by_room, 1}, {"wall", chat_broadcast, 2}, {"who", chat_map_chatids_thisroom, 0}, {"list", chat_list_users, 0}, {"topic", chat_topic, 1}, {"version", chat_version, 1}, {NULL, NULL, 0} }; /* Thor: 0 ���� exact, 1 �n exactly equal, 2 ���K���O */ static int command_execute(cu) ChatUser *cu; { char *cmd, *msg; ChatCmd *cmdrec; int match, ch; msg = cu->ibuf; match = *msg; /* Validation routine */ if (cu->room == NULL) { /* MUST give special /! or /-! command if not in the room yet */ if (match == '/' && ((ch = msg[1]) == '!' || (ch == '-' && msg[2] == '!'))) { cu->clitype = (ch == '-') ? 1 : 0; return (login_user(cu, msg + 2 + cu->clitype)); } else return -1; } /* If not a /-command, it goes to the room. */ if (match != '/') { if (match) { char buf[16]; sprintf(buf, "%s:", cu->chatid); sprintf(chatbuf, "%-10s%s", buf, msg); if (!CLOAK(cu)) /* Thor: ��ѫ������N */ send_to_room(cu->room, chatbuf, cu->userno, MSG_MESSAGE); /* Thor: �n check cu->room NULL��? */ } return 0; } msg++; cmd = nextword(&msg); match = 0; if (*cmd == '/') { cmd++; if (!*cmd || str_equal(cmd, "help")) { /* Thor.0726: �ʵ����� */ cmd = nextword(&msg); view_action_verb(cu, *cmd); match = 1; } else if (party_action(cu, cmd, msg) == 0) match = 1; else if (speak_action(cu, cmd, msg) == 0) match = 1; else match = condition_action(cu, cmd); } else if(*cmd == '.') { cmd++; if (!*cmd || str_equal(cmd, "help")) { view_chicken_help(cu); match = 1; } else match = chicken_action(cu, cmd, msg); } else { char *str; common_client_command = 0; if((*cmd == '-')) { if(cu->clitype) { cmd++; /* Xshadow: ���O�q�U�@�Ӧr���~�}�l */ common_client_command = 1; } } for(cmdrec = chatcmdlist; (str = cmdrec->cmdstr); cmdrec++) { MYDOG; switch (cmdrec->exact) { case 1: /* exactly equal */ match = str_equal(cmd, str); break; case 2: /* Thor: secret command */ if (CHATSYSOP(cu)) match = str_equal(cmd, str); break; default: /* not necessary equal */ match = str_match(cmd, str) >= 0; break; } if (match) { cmdrec->cmdfunc(cu, msg); break; } } } if (!match) { sprintf(chatbuf, "�� ���O���~�G/%s", cmd); send_to_user(cu, chatbuf, 0, MSG_MESSAGE); } return 0; } /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ /* serve chat_user's connection */ /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ static int cuser_serve(cu) ChatUser *cu; { register int ch, len, isize; register char *str, *cmd; static char buf[80]; str = buf; len = recv(cu->sock, str, sizeof(buf) - 1, 0); if (len <= 0) { /* disconnected */ exit_room(cu, EXIT_LOSTCONN, (char *) NULL); return -1; } #if 0 /* Xshadow: �N�e�F����Ʃ�������U�� */ memcpy(logbuf, buf, sizeof(buf)); for (ch = 0; ch < sizeof(buf); ch++) if (!logbuf[ch]) logbuf[ch] = '$'; logbuf[len + 1] = '\0'; logit("recv: ", logbuf); #endif #if 0 logit(cu->userid, str); #endif isize = cu->isize; cmd = cu->ibuf + isize; while (len--) { MYDOG; ch = *str++; if (ch == '\r' || !ch) continue; if (ch == '\n') { *cmd = '\0'; isize = 0; cmd = cu->ibuf; if (command_execute(cu) < 0) return -1; continue; } if (isize < 79) { *cmd++ = ch; isize++; } } cu->isize = isize; return 0; } /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ /* chatroom server core routines */ /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ static int start_daemon() { int fd, value; char buf[80]; struct sockaddr_in fsin; struct linger ld; struct rlimit limit; time_t dummy; struct tm *dummy_time; /* * More idiot speed-hacking --- the first time conversion makes the C * library open the files containing the locale definition and time zone. * If this hasn't happened in the parent process, it happens in the * children, once per connection --- and it does add up. */ time(&dummy); dummy_time = gmtime(&dummy); dummy_time = localtime(&dummy); strftime(buf, 80, "%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S", dummy_time); /* --------------------------------------------------- */ /* speed-hacking DNS resolve */ /* --------------------------------------------------- */ gethostname(buf, sizeof(buf)); /* Thor: �U�@server�|������connection, �N�^�h����, client �Ĥ@���|�i�J���� */ /* �ҥH���� listen �� */ /* --------------------------------------------------- */ /* detach daemon process */ /* --------------------------------------------------- */ close(0); close(1); close(2); if (fork()) exit(0); chdir(BBSHOME); setsid(); /* --------------------------------------------------- */ /* adjust the resource limit */ /* --------------------------------------------------- */ getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &limit); limit.rlim_cur = limit.rlim_max; setrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &limit); #if 0 while (fd) { close(--fd); } value = getpid(); setpgrp(0, value); if ((fd = open("/dev/tty", O_RDWR)) >= 0) { ioctl(fd, TIOCNOTTY, 0); /* Thor : �������٭n�� tty? */ close(fd); } #endif fd = open(CHAT_PIDFILE, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0600); if (fd >= 0) { /* sprintf(buf, "%5d\n", value); */ sprintf(buf, "%5d\n", getpid()); write(fd, buf, 6); close(fd); } #if 0 /* ------------------------------ */ /* trap signals */ /* ------------------------------ */ for (fd = 1; fd < NSIG; fd++) { signal(fd, SIG_IGN); } #endif fd = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); #if 0 value = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL, 0); fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, value | O_NDELAY); #endif value = 1; setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char *) &value, sizeof(value)); #if 0 setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, (char *) &value, sizeof(value)); value = 81920; setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, (char *) &value, sizeof(value)); #endif ld.l_onoff = ld.l_linger = 0; setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, (char *) &ld, sizeof(ld)); memset((char *) &fsin, 0, sizeof(fsin)); fsin.sin_family = AF_INET; fsin.sin_port = htons(NEW_CHATPORT); fsin.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); if (bind(fd, (struct sockaddr *) & fsin, sizeof(fsin)) < 0) exit(1); listen(fd, SOCK_QLEN); return fd; } static void free_resource(fd) int fd; { static int loop = 0; register ChatUser *user; register int sock, num; num = 0; for (user = mainuser; user; user = user->unext) { MYDOG; num++; sock = user->sock; if (fd < sock) fd = sock; } sprintf(chatbuf, "%d, %d user (%d -> %d)", ++loop, num, maxfds, fd); logit("LOOP", chatbuf); maxfds = fd + 1; } #ifdef SERVER_USAGE static void server_usage() { struct rusage ru; char buf[2048]; if (getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &ru)) return; sprintf(buf, "\n[Server Usage]\n\n" "user time: %.6f\n" "system time: %.6f\n" "maximum resident set size: %lu P\n" "integral resident set size: %lu\n" "page faults not requiring physical I/O: %ld\n" "page faults requiring physical I/O: %ld\n" "swaps: %ld\n" "block input operations: %ld\n" "block output operations: %ld\n" "messages sent: %ld\n" "messages received: %ld\n" "signals received: %ld\n" "voluntary context switches: %ld\n" "involuntary context switches: %ld\n" "gline: %d\n\n", (double) ru.ru_utime.tv_sec + (double) ru.ru_utime.tv_usec / 1000000.0, (double) ru.ru_stime.tv_sec + (double) ru.ru_stime.tv_usec / 1000000.0, ru.ru_maxrss, ru.ru_idrss, ru.ru_minflt, ru.ru_majflt, ru.ru_nswap, ru.ru_inblock, ru.ru_oublock, ru.ru_msgsnd, ru.ru_msgrcv, ru.ru_nsignals, ru.ru_nvcsw, ru.ru_nivcsw, gline); write(flog, buf, strlen(buf)); } #endif static void abort_server() { log_close(); exit(1); } static void reaper() { int state; while (waitpid(-1, &state, WNOHANG | WUNTRACED) > 0) { MYDOG; } } int main() { register int msock, csock, nfds; register ChatUser *cu; register fd_set *rptr, *xptr; fd_set rset, xset; struct timeval tv; time_t uptime, tmaintain; msock = start_daemon(); setgid(BBSGID); setuid(BBSUID); log_init(); signal(SIGBUS, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGSEGV, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGURG, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGCHLD, reaper); signal(SIGTERM, abort_server); #ifdef SERVER_USAGE signal(SIGPROF, server_usage); #endif /* ----------------------------- */ /* init variable : rooms & users */ /* ----------------------------- */ mainuser = NULL; memset(&mainroom, 0, sizeof(mainroom)); strcpy(mainroom.name, MAIN_NAME); strcpy(mainroom.topic, MAIN_TOPIC); /* ----------------------------------- */ /* main loop */ /* ----------------------------------- */ #if 0 /* Thor: �blisten ��~�^client, �C���i�ӴN�|���\ */ if (fork()) exit(0); #endif FD_ZERO(&mainfds); FD_SET(msock, &mainfds); rptr = &rset; xptr = &xset; maxfds = msock + 1; tmaintain = time(0) + CHAT_INTERVAL; for (;;) { uptime = time(0); if (tmaintain < uptime) { tmaintain = uptime + CHAT_INTERVAL; /* client/server �����Q�� ping-pong ��k�P�_ user �O���O�٬��� */ /* �p�G client �w�g�����F�A�N����� resource */ free_resource(msock); } MYDOG; memcpy(rptr, &mainfds, sizeof(fd_set)); memcpy(xptr, &mainfds, sizeof(fd_set)); /* Thor: for future reservation bug */ tv.tv_sec = CHAT_INTERVAL; tv.tv_usec = 0; MYDOG; nfds = select(maxfds, rptr, NULL, xptr, &tv); MYDOG; /* free idle user & chatroom's resource when no traffic */ if (nfds == 0) { continue; } /* check error condition */ if (nfds < 0) { csock = errno; continue; } /* accept new connection */ if (FD_ISSET(msock, rptr)) { for (;;) { MYDOG; /* Thor: check for endless */ csock = accept(msock, NULL, NULL); if (csock >= 0) { MYDOG; if((cu = (ChatUser *) malloc(sizeof(ChatUser)))) { memset(cu, 0, sizeof(ChatUser)); cu->sock = csock; cu->unext = mainuser; mainuser = cu; #if 0 if (mainuser.next) mainuser.next->prev = cu; cu->next = mainuser.next; mainuser.next = cu; cu->prev = &mainuser; #endif totaluser++; FD_SET(csock, &mainfds); if (csock >= maxfds) maxfds = csock + 1; #ifdef DEBUG logit("accept", "OK"); #endif } else { close(csock); logit("accept", "malloc fail"); } MYDOG; break; } csock = errno; if (csock != EINTR) { break; } } FD_CLR(msock, rptr); if (--nfds <= 0) continue; } for (cu = mainuser; cu; cu = cu->unext) { MYDOG; csock = cu->sock; if (FD_ISSET(csock, xptr)) { logout_user(cu); FD_CLR(csock, xptr); } else if (FD_ISSET(csock, rptr)) { if (cuser_serve(cu) < 0) logout_user(cu); } else { continue; } FD_CLR(csock, rptr); if (--nfds <= 0) break; } /* end of main loop */ } }