/* $Id$ */ #define _UTIL_C_ #include "bbs.h" #define OUTFILE BBSHOME "/etc/toplazyBBM" #define FIREFILE BBSHOME "/etc/topfireBBM" extern boardheader_t *bcache; extern int numboards; boardheader_t allbrd[MAX_BOARD]; typedef struct lostbm { char *bmname; char *title; char *ctitle; int lostdays; } lostbm; lostbm lostbms[MAX_BOARD]; typedef struct BMarray{ char *bmname; int flag; } BMArray; BMArray bms[3]; int bmlostdays_cmp(const void *va, const void *vb) { lostbm *a=(lostbm *)va, *b=(lostbm *)vb; if (a->lostdays > b->lostdays) return -1; else if (a->lostdays == b->lostdays) return 0; else return 1; } int LINK(char* src, char* dst){ char cmd[200]; if(symlink(src,dst) == -1) { sprintf(cmd, "/bin/cp -R %s %s", src, dst); return system(cmd); } return 0; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int bmid, i, j=0; FILE *inf, *firef; attach_SHM(); resolve_boards(); if(passwd_init()) exit(1); memcpy(allbrd,bcache,numboards*sizeof(boardheader_t)); /* write out the target file */ printf("Starting Checking\n"); inf = fopen(OUTFILE, "w+"); if(inf == NULL){ printf("open file error : %s\n", OUTFILE); exit(1); } firef = fopen(FIREFILE, "w+"); if(firef == NULL){ printf("open file error : %s\n", FIREFILE); exit(1); } fprintf(inf, "警告: 板主若於兩個月未上站,將予於免職\n"); fprintf(inf, "看板名稱 " " 板主 幾天沒來啦\n" "---------------------------------------------------" "-------------------\n"); fprintf(firef, "免職板主\n"); fprintf(firef, "看板名稱 " " 板主 幾天沒來啦\n" "---------------------------------------------------" "-------------------\n"); j = 0 ; for (i = 0; i < numboards; i++) { char *p, bmbuf[IDLEN * 3 + 3]; int index = 0, flag = 0, k, n; p=strtok(allbrd[i].BM,"/ "); userec_t xuser; if(p) do { if(allbrd[i].brdname[0] == '\0' || (allbrd[i].brdattr & BRD_GROUPBOARD) ==0 ) continue; if (*p == '[' ){p[strlen(p)-1]='\0'; p++;} bmid=getuser(p, &xuser); bms[index].bmname = p; bms[index].flag = 0; if (((((int)time(NULL)-(int)xuser.lastlogin)/(60*60*24))>=7) //&& isalpha(allbrd[i].brdname[0]) //&& isalpha(allbrd[i].BM[0]) && !(xuser.userlevel & PERM_SYSOPHIDE) && !(xuser.userlevel & PERM_SYSOP)) { lostbms[j].bmname = p; lostbms[j].title = allbrd[i].brdname; lostbms[j].ctitle = allbrd[i].title; lostbms[j].lostdays = ((int)time(NULL)-(int)xuser.lastlogin)/(60*60*24); printf("%s\n", lostbms[j].title); //超過六十天 免職 if(lostbms[j].lostdays > 30){ xuser.userlevel &= ~PERM_BM; bms[index].flag = 1; flag = 1; } j++; } index++; } while((p=strtok(NULL,"/ "))!=NULL); //從板主名單拿掉名字 if(flag == 1){ bmbuf[0] = '\0'; for(k = 0 , n = 0; k < index; k++){ if(!bms[k].flag){ if( n++ != 0) strcat(bmbuf, "/"); strcat(bmbuf, bms[k].bmname); } } strcpy(allbrd[i].BM, bmbuf); } } qsort(lostbms, j, sizeof(lostbm), bmlostdays_cmp); printf("Starting to mail\n"); //write to the etc/toplazyBBM for ( i=0; i 30){ fprintf(firef, "%-*.*s%-*.*s%-*.*s%3d天沒上站\n", IDLEN, IDLEN, lostbms[i].title, BTLEN-10, BTLEN-10, lostbms[i].ctitle, IDLEN,IDLEN, lostbms[i].bmname,lostbms[i].lostdays); }else{ fprintf(inf, "%-*.*s%-*.*s%-*.*s%3d天沒上站\n", IDLEN, IDLEN, lostbms[i].title, BTLEN-10, BTLEN-10, lostbms[i].ctitle, IDLEN,IDLEN, lostbms[i].bmname,lostbms[i].lostdays); } } fclose(inf); fclose(firef); printf("Total %d boards.\n", j); //mail to the users for( i=0; i