/* $Id: shmctl.c,v 1.44 2003/07/04 02:31:58 in2 Exp $ */ #include "bbs.h" #include <sys/wait.h> extern SHM_t *SHM; /* utmpfix ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ int logout_friend_online(userinfo_t *utmp) { int i, j, k; int offset=(int) (utmp - &SHM->uinfo[0]); userinfo_t *ui; while(utmp->friendtotal){ if( !(0 <= utmp->friendtotal && utmp->friendtotal < MAX_FRIEND) ) return 1; i = utmp->friendtotal-1; j = (utmp->friend_online[i] & 0xFFFFFF); if( !(0 <= j && j < MAX_ACTIVE) ) printf("\tonline friend error(%d)\n", j); else{ utmp->friend_online[i]=0; ui = &SHM->uinfo[j]; if(ui->pid && ui!=utmp){ for(k=0; k<ui->friendtotal && (int)(ui->friend_online[k] & 0xFFFFFF) !=offset; k++); if(k<ui->friendtotal){ ui->friendtotal--; ui->friend_online[k]=ui->friend_online[ui->friendtotal]; ui->friend_online[ui->friendtotal]=0; } } } utmp->friendtotal--; utmp->friend_online[utmp->friendtotal]=0; } return 0; } void purge_utmp(userinfo_t *uentp) { logout_friend_online(uentp); //memset(uentp, 0, sizeof(userinfo_t)); } typedef struct { int index; int idle; } IDLE_t; int sfIDLE(const void *a, const void *b) { return ((IDLE_t *)b)->idle - ((IDLE_t *)a)->idle; } int utmpfix(int argc, char **argv) { int i, fast = 0, lowerbound = 100, nownum = SHM->UTMPnumber; int which, nactive = 0; time_t now, timeout = -1; char *clean, buf[1024], ch; IDLE_t idle[USHM_SIZE]; char changeflag = 0; while( (ch = getopt(argc, argv, "nt:l:")) != -1 ) switch( ch ){ case 'n': fast = 1; break; case 't': timeout = atoi(optarg); break; case 'l': lowerbound = atoi(optarg); break; default: printf("usage:\tshmctl\tutmpfix [-n] [-t timeout]\n"); return 1; } for( i = 0 ; i < 5 ; ++i ) if( !SHM->UTMPbusystate ) break; else{ puts("utmpshm is busy...."); sleep(1); } SHM->UTMPbusystate = 1; printf("starting scaning... %s \n", (fast ? "(fast mode)" : "")); #ifdef OUTTA_TIMER now = SHM->GV2.e.now; #else time(&now); #endif for( i = 0, nactive = 0 ; i < USHM_SIZE ; ++i ) if( SHM->uinfo[i].pid ){ idle[nactive].index = i; idle[nactive].idle = now - SHM->uinfo[i].lastact; ++nactive; } if( !fast ) qsort(idle, nactive, sizeof(IDLE_t), sfIDLE); for( i = 0 ; i < nactive ; ++i ){ which = idle[i].index; clean = NULL; if( !isalpha(SHM->uinfo[which].userid[0]) ) clean = "userid error"; else if( kill(SHM->uinfo[which].pid, 0) < 0 ){ clean = "process error"; purge_utmp(&SHM->uinfo[which]); } else if( searchuser(SHM->uinfo[which].userid) == 0 ){ clean = "user not exist"; } #ifdef DOTIMEOUT else if( !fast ){ if( nownum > lowerbound && idle[i].idle > (timeout == -1 ? IDLE_TIMEOUT : timeout) ){ sprintf(buf, "timeout(%s", ctime(&SHM->uinfo[which].lastact)); buf[strlen(buf) - 1] = 0; strcat(buf, ")"); clean = buf; kill(SHM->uinfo[which].pid, SIGHUP); printf("%s\n", buf); --nownum; continue; } } #endif if( clean ){ printf("clean %06d(%s), userid: %s\n", i, clean, SHM->uinfo[which].userid); memset(&SHM->uinfo[which], 0, sizeof(userinfo_t)); --nownum; changeflag = 1; } } SHM->UTMPbusystate = 0; if( changeflag ) SHM->UTMPneedsort = 1; return 0; } /* end of utmpfix ---------------------------------------------------------- */ /* utmpsortd --------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int cmputmpuserid(const void *i, const void *j) { return strcasecmp((*((userinfo_t **) i))->userid, (*((userinfo_t **) j))->userid); } static int cmputmpmode(const void *i, const void *j) { return (*((userinfo_t **) i))->mode - (*((userinfo_t **) j))->mode; } static int cmputmpidle(const void *i, const void *j) { return (*((userinfo_t **) i))->lastact - (*((userinfo_t **) j))->lastact; } static int cmputmpfrom(const void *i, const void *j) { return strcasecmp((*((userinfo_t **) i))->from, (*((userinfo_t **) j))->from); } static int cmputmpfive(const void *i, const void *j) { int type; if ((type = (*((userinfo_t **) j))->five_win - (*((userinfo_t **) i))->five_win)) return type; if ((type = (*((userinfo_t **) i))->five_lose - (*((userinfo_t **) j))->five_lose)) return type; return (*((userinfo_t **) i))->five_tie - (*((userinfo_t **) j))->five_tie; } static int cmputmpchc(const void *i, const void *j) { int type; if ((type = (*((userinfo_t **) j))->chc_win - (*((userinfo_t **) i))->chc_win)) return type; if ((type = (*((userinfo_t **) i))->chc_lose - (*((userinfo_t **) j))->chc_lose)) return type; return (*((userinfo_t **) i))->chc_tie - (*((userinfo_t **) j))->chc_tie; } static int cmputmppid(const void *i, const void *j) { return (*((userinfo_t **) i))->pid - (*((userinfo_t **) j))->pid; } static int cmputmpuid(const void *i, const void *j) { return (*((userinfo_t **) i))->uid - (*((userinfo_t **) j))->uid; } inline void utmpsort(void) { userinfo_t *uentp; int count, i, ns; short nusers[MAX_BOARD]; SHM->UTMPbusystate = 1; #ifdef OUTTA_TIMER SHM->UTMPuptime = SHM->GV2.e.now; #else SHM->UTMPuptime = time(NULL); #endif ns = (SHM->currsorted ? 0 : 1); for (uentp = &SHM->uinfo[0], count = i = 0; i < USHM_SIZE; ++i, uentp = &SHM->uinfo[i]) { if (uentp->pid) { if (uentp->sex < 0 || uentp->sex > 7) purge_utmp(uentp); else SHM->sorted[ns][0][count++] = uentp; } } SHM->UTMPnumber = count; qsort(SHM->sorted[ns][0], count, sizeof(userinfo_t *), cmputmpuserid); for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) ((userinfo_t *) SHM->sorted[ns][0][i])->idoffset = i; memcpy(SHM->sorted[ns][1], SHM->sorted[ns][0], sizeof(userinfo_t *) * count); memcpy(SHM->sorted[ns][2], SHM->sorted[ns][0], sizeof(userinfo_t *) * count); memcpy(SHM->sorted[ns][3], SHM->sorted[ns][0], sizeof(userinfo_t *) * count); memcpy(SHM->sorted[ns][4], SHM->sorted[ns][0], sizeof(userinfo_t *) * count); memcpy(SHM->sorted[ns][5], SHM->sorted[ns][0], sizeof(userinfo_t *) * count); memcpy(SHM->sorted[ns][6], SHM->sorted[ns][0], sizeof(userinfo_t *) * count); memcpy(SHM->sorted[ns][7], SHM->sorted[ns][0], sizeof(userinfo_t *) * count); qsort(SHM->sorted[ns][1], count, sizeof(userinfo_t *), cmputmpmode); qsort(SHM->sorted[ns][2], count, sizeof(userinfo_t *), cmputmpidle); qsort(SHM->sorted[ns][3], count, sizeof(userinfo_t *), cmputmpfrom); qsort(SHM->sorted[ns][4], count, sizeof(userinfo_t *), cmputmpfive); qsort(SHM->sorted[ns][5], count, sizeof(userinfo_t *), cmputmpchc); qsort(SHM->sorted[ns][6], count, sizeof(userinfo_t *), cmputmpuid); qsort(SHM->sorted[ns][7], count, sizeof(userinfo_t *), cmputmppid); SHM->currsorted = ns; SHM->UTMPbusystate = 0; memset(nusers, 0, sizeof(nusers)); for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { uentp = SHM->sorted[ns][0][i]; if (uentp && uentp->pid && 0 < uentp->brc_id && uentp->brc_id < MAX_BOARD) ++nusers[uentp->brc_id - 1]; } for (i = 0; i < SHM->Bnumber; ++i) if (SHM->bcache[i].brdname[0] != 0) SHM->bcache[i].nuser = nusers[i]; } int utmpsortd(int argc, char **argv) { pid_t pid; int interval; // sleep interval in microsecond(1/10**6) if( fork() > 0 ){ puts("sortutmpd daemonized..."); return 0; } if( argc != 2 || (interval = atoi(argv[1])) < 500000 ) interval = 1000000; // default to 1 sec while( 1 ){ if( (pid = fork()) != 0 ){ int s; waitpid(pid, &s, 0); } else{ while( 1 ){ int i; for( i = 0 ; SHM->UTMPbusystate && i < 5 ; ++i ) usleep(300000); if( SHM->UTMPneedsort ) utmpsort(); usleep(interval); } } } } /* end of utmpsortd -------------------------------------------------------- */ char *CTIMEx(char *buf, time_t t) { strcpy(buf, ctime(&t)); buf[strlen(buf) - 1] = 0; return buf; } int utmpstatus(int argc, char **argv) { time_t now; char upbuf[64], nowbuf[64]; #ifdef OUTTA_TIMER now = SHM->GV2.e.now; #else now = time(NULL); #endif CTIMEx(upbuf, SHM->UTMPuptime); CTIMEx(nowbuf, now); printf("now: %s\n", nowbuf); printf("currsorted: %d\n", SHM->currsorted); printf("uptime: %s\n", upbuf); printf("number: %d\n", SHM->UTMPnumber); printf("busystate: %d\n", SHM->UTMPbusystate); return 0; } int utmpreset(int argc, char **argv) { SHM->UTMPbusystate=0; utmpstatus(0, NULL); return 0; } #define TIMES 10 int utmpwatch(int argc, char **argv) { int i; while( 1 ){ for( i = 0 ; i < TIMES ; ++i ){ usleep(300); if( !SHM->UTMPbusystate ) break; puts("busying..."); } if( i == TIMES ){ puts("reset!"); SHM->UTMPbusystate = 0; } } return 0; } int utmpnum(int argc, char **argv) { printf("%d.0\n", SHM->UTMPnumber); return 0; } char *GV2str[] = {"dymaxactive", "toomanyusers", "noonlineuser", NULL}; int showglobal(int argc, char **argv) { int i; for( i = 0 ; i < 10 ; ++i ) printf("GLOBALVAR[%d] = %d\n", i, SHM->GLOBALVAR[i]); for( i = 0 ; GV2str[i] != NULL ; ++i ) printf("GV2.%s = %d\n", GV2str[i], SHM->GV2.v[i]); return 0; } int setglobal(int argc, char **argv) { int where, value; if( argc != 3 ){ puts("usage: shmctl setglobal ([0-9]|GV2) newvalue"); return 1; } where = argv[1][0] - '0'; value = atoi(argv[2]); if( 0 <= where && where <= 9 ){ printf("GLOBALVAR[%d] = %d -> ", where, SHM->GLOBALVAR[where]); printf("%d\n", SHM->GLOBALVAR[where] = value); return 0; } else{ for( where = 0 ; GV2str[where] != NULL ; ++where ) if( strcmp(GV2str[where], argv[1]) == 0 ){ printf("GV2.%s = %d -> ", GV2str[where], SHM->GV2.v[where]); printf("%d\n", SHM->GV2.v[where] = value); return 0; } } printf("GLOBALVAR %s not found\n", argv[1]); return 1; } int listpid(int argc, char **argv) { int i; for( i = 0 ; i < USHM_SIZE ; ++i ) if( SHM->uinfo[i].pid > 0 ) printf("%d\n", SHM->uinfo[i].pid); return 0; } int listbrd(int argc, char **argv) { int i, ch; int noHidden = 0; while( (ch = getopt(argc, argv, "hn")) != -1 ) switch( ch ){ case 'n': noHidden = 1; break; case 'h': default: printf("usage:\tshmctl\tlistbrd [-n]\n" "\t-n no hidden board\n"); return 0; } for( i = 0 ; i < MAX_BOARD ; ++i ) if( bcache[i].brdname[0] && !(bcache[i].brdattr & BRD_GROUPBOARD) && (!noHidden || !((bcache[i].brdattr & BRD_HIDE) || (bcache[i].level && !(bcache[i].brdattr & BRD_POSTMASK) && (bcache[i].level & ~(PERM_BASIC|PERM_CHAT|PERM_PAGE|PERM_POST|PERM_LOGINOK))))) ) printf("%s\n", bcache[i].brdname); return 0; } #ifdef OUTTA_TIMER int timed(int argc, char **argv) { pid_t pid; if( (pid = fork()) < 0 ) perror("fork()"); if( pid != 0 ) return 0; while( 1 ){ SHM->GV2.e.now = time(NULL); sleep(1); } } #endif struct { int (*func)(int, char **); char *cmd, *descript; } cmd[] = { {utmpfix, "utmpfix", "clear dead userlist entry"}, {utmpsortd, "utmpsortd", "utmp sorting daemon"}, {utmpstatus, "utmpstatus", "list utmpstatus"}, {utmpreset, "utmpreset", "SHM->busystate=0"}, {utmpwatch, "utmpwatch", "to see if busystate is always 1 then fix it"}, {utmpnum, "utmpnum", "print SHM->number for snmpd"}, {showglobal, "showglobal", "show GLOBALVAR[]"}, {setglobal, "setglobal", "set GLOBALVAR[]"}, {listpid, "listpid", "list all pids of mbbsd"}, {listbrd, "listbrd", "list board info in SHM"}, #ifdef OUTTA_TIMER {timed, "timed", "time daemon for OUTTA_TIMER"}, #endif {NULL, NULL, NULL} }; int main(int argc, char **argv) { int i = 0; if( argc >= 2 ){ /* shmctl shouldn't create shm itself */ int shmid = shmget(SHM_KEY, sizeof(SHM_t), 0); if( shmid < 0 ){ printf("%d\n", errno); perror("attach utmpshm"); return 1; } chdir(BBSHOME); resolve_utmp(); /* shmctl doesn't need resolve_boards() first */ //resolve_boards(); resolve_garbage(); resolve_fcache(); for( i = 0 ; cmd[i].func != NULL ; ++i ) if( strcmp(cmd[i].cmd, argv[1]) == 0 ){ return cmd[i].func(argc - 1, &argv[1]); } } if( argc == 1 || cmd[i].func == NULL ){ /* usage */ printf("usage: bbsctl [command] [options]\n"); printf("commands:\n"); for( i = 0 ; cmd[i].func != NULL ; ++i ) printf("\t%-15s%s\n", cmd[i].cmd, cmd[i].descript); } return 0; }