/* $Id: openticket.c,v 1.9 2002/11/02 11:02:44 in2 Exp $ */
/* �}���� utility */
#define _UTIL_C_
#include "bbs.h"

static char *betname[8] = {"Ptt", "Jaky",  "Action",  "Heat",
			   "DUNK", "Jungo", "waiting", "wofe"};

#define MAX_DES 7		/* �̤j�O�d���� */

extern userec_t xuser;

int Link(char *src, char *dst)
    char cmd[200];

    if (link(src, dst) == 0)
	return 0;

    sprintf(cmd, "/bin/cp -R %s %s", src, dst);
    return system(cmd);

char *
time_t *clock;
    static char foo[18];
    struct tm *mytm = localtime(clock);

    strftime(foo, 18, "%D %T", mytm);
    return (foo);

int main()
    int money, bet, n, total = 0, ticket[8] =
    {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
    FILE *fp;
    time_t now = time(NULL);
    char des[MAX_DES][200] =
    {"", "", "", ""};

    rename(BBSHOME "/etc/" FN_TICKET_RECORD,
           BBSHOME "/etc/" FN_TICKET_RECORD ".tmp");
    rename(BBSHOME "/etc/" FN_TICKET_USER,
           BBSHOME "/etc/" FN_TICKET_USER ".tmp");

    if (!(fp = fopen(BBSHOME "/etc/"FN_TICKET_RECORD ".tmp", "r")))
	return 0;
    fscanf(fp, "%9d %9d %9d %9d %9d %9d %9d %9d\n",
	   &ticket[0], &ticket[1], &ticket[2], &ticket[3],
	   &ticket[4], &ticket[5], &ticket[6], &ticket[7]);
    for (n = 0; n < 8; n++)
	total += ticket[n];

    if (!total)
	return 0;

    if((fp = fopen(BBSHOME "/etc/" FN_TICKET , "r")))
	for (n = 0; n < MAX_DES && fgets(des[n], 200, fp); n++) ;

  srandom(33); //   �T�w�@��  seed ���ɶq�n�קK��O�H��seed�P
  for( n = (now / (60*60*3)) - 62820; n >0; n--) random();

 * ���T��random number generator���Ϊk
 * �O�ΦP�@�� seed��� �Ĥ@�� �ĤG�� �a�T��.... ��
 * srand() �]��seed��
 * �C�I�s�@��rand()�N���U�@�Ӽ�
 * ���]���ڭ̨S���O���W������ĴX��
 * �ҥH�ΨC�W�|�p��()�N�h���@�� => now / (60*60*4) (�C���p�ɶ}�@����)
 * (�� 61820 �O��� loop ��)
 * ���ӬO��srand(time(0))  ���O���T���Ϊk
 * �]���}���ɶ����W�v �ҥH�|�Q��X�W��
 *                                     ~Ptt

 bet=random() % 8;

    bet = SHM->UTMPnumber % 8;


 * �bC�� srand �� srandom �@�� rand �� random �@��
 * ���P���O rand   �O�Ǧ^�@�� double ���D��ƪ��üƥ�
 *          random �O�Ǧ^�@�� int    ����ƪ��üƥ�
 * �Y�n�Hrand inplement ��ƪ��ü� �n�`�N�H�U (man page����)
 *     In Numerical Recipes in C: The Art of Scientific Computing
 *     (William  H.  Press, Brian P. Flannery, Saul A. Teukolsky,
 *     William T.  Vetterling;  New  York:  Cambridge  University
 *     Press,  1990 (1st ed, p. 207)), the following comments are
 *     made:
 *            "If you want to generate a random integer between 1
 *            and 10, you should always do it by
 *                   j=1+(int) (10.0*rand()/(RAND_MAX+1.0));
 *            and never by anything resembling
 *                   j=1+((int) (1000000.0*rand()) % 10);
 *            (which uses lower-order bits)."
 *     Random-number  generation is a complex topic.  The Numeri-
 *     cal Recipes in C book (see reference  above)  provides  an
 *     excellent discussion of practical random-number generation
 *     issues in Chapter 7 (Random Numbers).
 *                                                     ~ Ptt

    money = ticket[bet] ? total * 95 / ticket[bet] : 9999999;

    if((fp = fopen(BBSHOME "/etc/" FN_TICKET, "w")))
	if (des[MAX_DES - 1][0])
	    n = 1;
	    n = 0;

	for (; n < MAX_DES && des[n][0] != 0; n++)
	    fprintf(fp, des[n]);

	printf("\n\n�}���ɶ��G %s \n\n"
	       "�}�����G�G %s \n\n"
	       "�U�`�`���B�G %d00 �� \n"
	       "������ҡG %d�i/%d�i  (%f)\n"
	       "�C�i�����m���i�o %d �T�޹� \n\n",
	       Cdatelite(&now), betname[bet], total, ticket[bet], total,
	       (float) ticket[bet] / total, money);

	fprintf(fp, "%s ��L�}�X:%s �`���B:%d00 �� ����/�i:%d �� ���v:%1.2f\n",
		Cdatelite(&now), betname[bet], total, money,
		(float) ticket[bet] / total);


    if (ticket[bet] && (fp = fopen(BBSHOME "/etc/" FN_TICKET_USER ".tmp", "r")))
	int mybet, num, uid;
	char userid[20], genbuf[200];
	fileheader_t mymail;

	while (fscanf(fp, "%s %d %d\n", userid, &mybet, &num) != EOF)
	    if (mybet == bet)
		printf("���� %-15s�R�F%9d �i %s, ��o %d �T�޹�\n"
		       ,userid, num, betname[mybet], money * num);
                if((uid=getuser(userid))==0) continue;
		deumoney(uid, money * num);
		sprintf(genbuf, BBSHOME "/home/%c/%s", userid[0], userid);
		stampfile(genbuf, &mymail);
		strcpy(mymail.owner, BBSNAME);
		sprintf(mymail.title, "[%s] �����o! $ %d", Cdatelite(&now), money * num);
		Link(BBSHOME "/etc/ticket", genbuf);
		sprintf(genbuf, BBSHOME "/home/%c/%s/.DIR", userid[0], userid);
		append_record(genbuf, &mymail, sizeof(mymail));
    unlink(BBSHOME "/etc/" FN_TICKET_RECORD ".tmp");
    unlink(BBSHOME "/etc/" FN_TICKET_USER ".tmp");
    return 0;