/* $Id$ */ /*-------------------------------------------------------*/ /* copied from util/cchess.c ( NTU FPG BBS Ver 1.00 ) */ /*-------------------------------------------------------*/ /* target : 棋國設定檔自動更新程式 */ /*-------------------------------------------------------*/ #define CHESSCOUNTRY /* This tool is built with CHESSCOUNTRY defined */ #include "bbs.h" /* Number of minutes of files' mtime before now will be rescanned. */ // #define UPDATE_FREQUENCY (30) void f_suck6(FILE* fp, char* fname) { FILE *sfp; int count = 0; if ((sfp = fopen(fname, "r"))) { char inbuf[256]; while (fgets(inbuf, sizeof(inbuf), sfp) && count < 6) { fputs(inbuf, fp); count++; } fclose(sfp); } while (count++ < 6) fputc('\n', fp); } int main(void) { FILE *fp, *ftmp; int i = 0, num; // char *currboard[3] = {"CCK-CHUHEN", "CCK-GENERAL", "CCK-FREE"}; // char *kingdom[3] = {"楚漢皇朝", "將帥帝聯", "逍遙王朝"}; char file1[80], file2[80], str[256]; time_t dtime; boardheader_t brd; int brdfd; setgid(BBSGID); setuid(BBSUID); chdir(BBSHOME); attach_SHM(); time(&dtime); if ((brdfd = open(BBSHOME "/" FN_BOARD, O_RDONLY)) == -1){ perror("open " BBSHOME "/" FN_BOARD); return 0; } while(read(brdfd, &brd, sizeof(brd)) == sizeof(brd)) { const char* photo_fname = 0; const char* chess_name = 0; char kingdom_name[256]; int bid; // struct stat st; switch(brd.chesscountry){ case CHESSCODE_FIVE: photo_fname = "photo_fivechess"; chess_name = "五子棋"; break; case CHESSCODE_CCHESS: photo_fname = "photo_cchess"; chess_name = "象棋"; break; default: continue; } bid = getbnum(brd.brdname); setapath(str, brd.brdname); sprintf(file1, "%s/chess_list", str); printf("apath = %s\n", str); /* if (stat(file1, &st) == 0 && st.st_mtime > (dtime - UPDATE_FREQUENCY * 60)) continue; */ sprintf(file2, "%s/chess_list.tmp", str); if ((ftmp = fopen(file2, "w")) == NULL) continue; if ((fp = fopen(file1, "r"))) { char *p; char userid[IDLEN + 1], buf[256], name[11]; char date[11], other[IDLEN + 1]; int namelen; fgets(kingdom_name, 256, fp); fputs(kingdom_name, ftmp); kingdom_name[strlen(kingdom_name) - 1] = 0; while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp)) { i = 0; strcpy(str, buf); p = strtok(buf, " "); if (*p != '#' && searchuser(p)) { strlcpy(userid, p, sizeof(userid)); i = 1; if ((p = strtok(NULL, " "))) strlcpy(name, p, sizeof(name)); else i = 0; if ((p = strtok(NULL, " "))) strlcpy(date, p, sizeof(date)); else i = 0; if ((p = strtok(NULL, " "))) strlcpy(other, p, sizeof(other)); else i = 0; } if (!strcmp("除名", name)) { sethomefile(buf, userid, photo_fname); unlink(buf); continue; } if (i == 0) { fprintf(ftmp, "%s", str); continue; } fprintf(ftmp, "#%s", str); namelen = strlen(name); setapath(str, brd.brdname); sprintf(buf, "%s/chess_photo/.DIR", str); num = get_num_records(buf, sizeof(fileheader_t)); for (i = 1; i <= num; i++) { fileheader_t item; if (get_record(buf, &item, sizeof item, i) != -1) { FILE *fp1; if (!strncmp(item.title + 3, name, namelen) && (item.title[namelen + 3] == '\0' || item.title[namelen + 3] == ' ') ) { sethomefile(buf, userid, photo_fname); if ((fp1 = fopen(buf, "w"))) { sprintf(buf, "%s/chess_photo/%s", str, item.filename); f_suck6(fp1, buf); fprintf(fp1, "%d\n", bid); if (strcmp("俘虜", name)) fprintf(fp1, "<所屬王國> %s (%s)\n", kingdom_name, chess_name); else fprintf(fp1, "<俘虜王國> %s\n", kingdom_name); fprintf(fp1, "<現在階級> %s\n", name); fprintf(fp1, "<加入日期> %s\n", date); if (strcmp("俘虜", name)) { int level; fprintf(fp1, "<王國等級> "); level = atoi(other); for (i = 0; i < level; i++) fprintf(fp1, "%s", "★"); } else { other[strlen(other) - 1] = 0; fprintf(fp1, "<被誰俘虜> %s", other); } fprintf(fp1, "\n<自我說明> \n"); fclose(fp1); } } } } } fclose(fp); fclose(ftmp); rename(file2, file1); } } return 0; }