/* $Id$ */ /* �o�O�ΨӱN�𪬤�����X�� perl module (�i�H�����O man/ �ϥ�) */ #include "bbs.h" static void load_uidofgid(const int gid, const int type) { boardheader_t *bptr, *currbptr, *parent; int bid, n, childcount = 0; currbptr = parent = &bcache[gid - 1]; for (n = 0; n < numboards; ++n) { bid = SHM->bsorted[type][n]+1; if( bid<=0 || !(bptr = &bcache[bid-1]) || bptr->brdname[0] == '\0' ) continue; if (bptr->gid == gid) { if (currbptr == parent) currbptr->firstchild[type] = bid; else { currbptr->next[type] = bid; currbptr->parent = gid; } childcount++; currbptr = bptr; } } parent->childcount = childcount; if (currbptr == parent) // no child currbptr->firstchild[type] = -1; else // the last child currbptr->next[type] = -1; } char *skipEscape(char *s) { static char buf[TTLEN * 2 + 1]; int r, w; for( w = r = 0 ; s[r] != 0 ; ++r ){ if( s[r] == '\'' || s[r] == '\\' ) buf[w++] = '\\'; buf[w++] = s[r]; } buf[w++] = 0; return buf; } void dumpdetail(void) { int i, k, bid; boardheader_t *bptr; char BM[IDLEN * 3 + 3], *p; char smallbrdname[IDLEN + 1]; for( i = 0 ; i < MAX_BOARD ; ++i ){ bptr = &bcache[i]; if( !bptr->brdname[0] || (bptr->brdattr & (BRD_HIDE | BRD_TOP)) || (bptr->level && !(bptr->brdattr & BRD_POSTMASK) && (bptr->level & ~(PERM_BASIC|PERM_CHAT|PERM_PAGE|PERM_POST|PERM_LOGINOK))) ) continue; for( k = 0 ; bptr->brdname[k] ; ++k ) smallbrdname[k] = (isupper(bptr->brdname[k]) ? tolower(bptr->brdname[k]) : bptr->brdname[k]); smallbrdname[k] = 0; bid = bptr - bcache + 1; printf("$db{'tobid.%s'} = %d;\n", bptr->brdname, bid); printf("$db{'tobrdname.%d'} = '%s';\n", bid, bptr->brdname); printf("$db{'look.%s'} = '%s';\n", smallbrdname, bptr->brdname); printf("$db{'%d.isboard'} = %d;\n", bid, (bptr->brdattr & BRD_GROUPBOARD) ? 0 : 1); printf("$db{'%d.brdname'} = '%s';\n", bid, bptr->brdname); printf("$db{'%d.title'} = '%s';\n", bid, skipEscape(&bptr->title[7])); strlcpy(BM, bptr->BM, sizeof(BM)); for( p = BM ; *p != 0 ; ++p ) if( !isalpha(*p) && !isdigit(*p) ) *p = ' '; for( k = 0, p = strtok(BM, " ") ; p != NULL ; ++k, p = strtok(NULL, " ") ) printf("$db{'%d.BM.%d'} = '%s';\n", bid, k, p); } } void dumpclass(int gid) { boardheader_t *bptr; int bid; bptr = getbcache(gid); if (bptr->firstchild[0] == 0 || bptr->childcount <= 0) load_uidofgid(gid, 0); printf("$db{'class.%d'} = $serializer->serialize([", gid); for( bid = bptr->firstchild[0] ; bid > 0 ; bid = bptr->next[0] ) { bptr = getbcache(bid); if( (bptr->brdattr & (BRD_HIDE | BRD_TOP)) || (bptr->level && !(bptr->brdattr & BRD_POSTMASK) && (bptr->level & ~(PERM_BASIC|PERM_CHAT|PERM_PAGE|PERM_POST|PERM_LOGINOK))) ) continue; printf("%5d,\t", bid); } printf("]);\n"); bptr = getbcache(gid); for( bid = bptr->firstchild[0] ; bid > 0 ; bid = bptr->next[0] ) { bptr = getbcache(bid); if( (bptr->brdattr & (BRD_HIDE | BRD_TOP)) || (bptr->level && !(bptr->brdattr & BRD_POSTMASK) && (bptr->level & ~(PERM_BASIC|PERM_CHAT|PERM_PAGE|PERM_POST|PERM_LOGINOK))) ) continue; if( bptr->brdattr & BRD_GROUPBOARD ) dumpclass(bid); } } void dumpallbrdname(void) { int i; boardheader_t *bptr; FILE *fp; if( !(fp = fopen("boardlist.all", "wt")) ) return; for( i = 0 ; i < MAX_BOARD ; ++i ){ bptr = &bcache[i]; if( !bptr->brdname[0] || (bptr->brdattr & (BRD_HIDE | BRD_TOP | BRD_GROUPBOARD)) || (bptr->level && !(bptr->brdattr & BRD_POSTMASK) && (bptr->level & ~(PERM_BASIC|PERM_CHAT|PERM_PAGE|PERM_POST|PERM_LOGINOK))) ) continue; fprintf(fp, "%s\n", bptr->brdname); } fclose(fp); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { attach_SHM(); printf("#!/usr/bin/perl\n" "# this is auto-generated perl module from boardlist.c\n" "# please do NOT modify this directly!\n" "# usage: make boardlist; ./boardlist | perl\n" "# Id of boardlist.c: $Id$\n" "use DB_File;\n" "use Data::Serializer;\n" "\n" "unlink 'boardlist.db', 'boardlist.list';\n" "$serializer = Data::Serializer->new(serializer => 'Storable', digester => 'MD5',compress => 0,);\n" "tie %%db, 'DB_File', 'boardlist.db', (O_RDWR | O_CREAT), 0666, $DB_HASH;\n" ); dumpclass(1); dumpdetail(); dumpallbrdname(); printf("untie %%db;\n"); return 0; }