/* $Id$ */ #include "bbs.h" // test #define ACCOUNT_MAX_LINE 16 #define ADJUST_M 6 /* adjust back 5 minutes */ void reset_garbage(void) { if (SHM == NULL) { attach_SHM(); if (SHM->Ptouchtime == 0) SHM->Ptouchtime = 1; } /* * 不整個reload? for(n=0;n<=SHM->last_film;n++) printf("\n**%d**\n %s * \n",n,SHM->notes[n]); */ SHM->Puptime = 0; reload_pttcache(); printf("\n動態看板數[%d]\n", SHM->last_film); /* * for(n=0; n 起點:%d * 下次要換的:%d\n ",n,SHM->n_notes[n], SHM->next_refresh[n]); * printf("\n"); */ } void keeplog(char *fpath, char *board, char *title, char *sym) { fileheader_t fhdr; int bid; char genbuf[256], buf[256]; if (!board) board = "Record"; sprintf(genbuf, BBSHOME "/boards/%c/%s", board[0], board); stampfile(genbuf, &fhdr); sprintf(buf, "mv %s %s", fpath, genbuf); system(buf); if( sym ){ sprintf(buf, "log/%s", sym); unlink(buf); symlink(genbuf, buf); } /* * printf("keep record:[%s][%s][%s][%s]\n",fpath, board, title,genbuf); */ strcpy(fhdr.title, title); strcpy(fhdr.owner, "[歷史老師]"); sprintf(genbuf, "boards/%c/%s/.DIR", board[0], board); append_record(genbuf, &fhdr, sizeof(fhdr)); /* XXX: bid of cache.c's getbnum starts from 1 */ if ((bid = getbnum(board)) > 0) touchbtotal(bid); } static void my_outs(fp, buf, mode) FILE *fp; char buf[], mode; { static char state = '0'; if (state != mode) fprintf(fp, "[3%cm", state = mode); if (buf[0]) { fprintf(fp, buf); buf[0] = 0; } } /* XXX: 怪怪的, 看不懂在 gzip() 什麼, 而且其中的 stamp 好像都亂傳進來 */ void gzip(source, target, stamp) char *source, *target, *stamp; { char buf[128]; sprintf(buf, "gzip -f9n adm/%s%s", target, stamp); rename(source, &buf[14]); system(buf); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { int hour, max, item, total, i, j, mo, da, max_user = 0, max_login = 0, max_reg = 0, mahour = 0, k, wday; char *act_file = ".act"; char *log_file = "usies"; char *wday_str = "UMTWRFS"; char buf[256], buf1[256], *p; FILE *fp, *fp1; int act[27]; /* 次數/累計時間/pointer */ time4_t now; struct tm *ptime; int per_hour_unit = 10; attach_SHM(); nice(10); chdir(BBSHOME); now = time(NULL) - ADJUST_M * 60; /* back to ancent */ ptime = localtime4(&now); memset(act, 0, sizeof(act)); printf("次數/累計時間\n"); if ((ptime->tm_hour != 0) && (fp = fopen(act_file, "r"))) { fread(act, sizeof(act), 1, fp); fclose(fp); } if ((fp = fopen(log_file, "r")) == NULL) { printf("cann't open usies\n"); return 1; } if (act[26]) fseek(fp, act[26], 0); while (fgets(buf, 256, fp)) { buf[11 + 2] = 0; hour = atoi(buf + 11); if (hour < 0 || hour > 23) { continue; } //"09/06/1999 17:44:58 Mon " // 012345678901234567890123 if (strstr(buf + 20, "ENTER")) { act[hour]++; continue; } if ((p = (char *)strstr(buf + 40, "Stay:"))) { if ((hour = atoi(p + 5))) { act[24] += hour; act[25]++; } continue; } } act[26] = ftell(fp); fclose(fp); for (i = max = total = 0; i < 24; i++) { total += act[i]; if (act[i] > max) { max_user = max = act[i]; mahour = i; } } item = max / ACCOUNT_MAX_LINE + 1; if (!ptime->tm_hour) { keeplog("etc/today", "Record", "上站人次統計", NULL); keeplog(FN_MONEY, "Security", "本日金錢往來記錄", NULL); keeplog("etc/illegal_money", "Security", "本日違法賺錢記錄", NULL); keeplog("etc/osong.log", "Security", "本日點歌記錄", NULL); keeplog("etc/chicken", "Record", "雞場報告", NULL); } printf("上站人次統計\n"); if ((fp = fopen("etc/today", "w")) == NULL) { printf("cann't open etc/today\n"); return 1; } fprintf(fp, "\t\t\t 每小時上站人次統計 [%02d/%02d/%02d] \n\n", ptime->tm_year % 100, ptime->tm_mon + 1, ptime->tm_mday); for (i = ACCOUNT_MAX_LINE + 1; i > 0; i--) { strcpy(buf, " "); for (j = 0; j < 24; j++) { max = item * i; hour = act[j]; if (hour && (max > hour) && (max - item <= hour)) { my_outs(fp, buf, '3'); fprintf(fp, "%-3d", hour / per_hour_unit); } else if (max <= hour) { my_outs(fp, buf, '4'); fprintf(fp, "█ "); } else strcat(buf, " "); } fprintf(fp, "\n"); } fprintf(fp, " " "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23\n\n" "\t 單位: %d 人", per_hour_unit); fprintf(fp, " 總共上站人次:%-7d平均使用人數:%d\n", total, total / 24); fclose(fp); if ((fp = fopen(act_file, "w"))) { fwrite(act, sizeof(act), 1, fp); fclose(fp); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */ sprintf(buf, "-%02d%02d%02d", ptime->tm_year % 100, ptime->tm_mon + 1, ptime->tm_mday); now += ADJUST_M * 60; /* back to future */ printf("歷史事件處理\n"); /* Ptt 歷史事件處理 */ if ((fp = fopen("etc/history.data", "r"))) { /* 最多同時上線 */ if (fscanf(fp, "%d %d %d %d", &max_login, &max, &max_reg, &k)) { int a; resolve_fcache(); printf("此時段最多同時上線:%d 過去:%d\n", a = SHM->max_user, k); fclose(fp); if (a > k) { ptime = localtime4(&SHM->max_time); if ((fp1 = fopen("etc/history", "a"))) { fprintf(fp1, "◎ 【%02d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d】" "同時在坊內人數首次達到 %d 人次\n", ptime->tm_mon + 1, ptime->tm_mday, ptime->tm_year % 100, ptime->tm_hour, ptime->tm_min, a); fclose(fp1); } if ((fp = fopen("etc/history.data", "w"))) { fprintf(fp, "%d %d %d %d", max_login, max, max_reg, a); fclose(fp); } } } else fclose(fp); } ptime = localtime4(&now); if (ptime->tm_hour) { /* rotate one line in today_is */ puts("多個節日處理"); if ((fp1 = fopen("etc/today_is", "r"))) { char tod[100][20]; i = 0; while (i < 100 && fgets(tod[i], sizeof(tod[0]), fp1)) i++; fclose(fp1); fp1 = fopen("etc/today_is", "w"); for (j = 0; j < i; j++) fputs(tod[j + 1 < i ? j + 1 : 0], fp1); fclose(fp1); } } if (!ptime->tm_hour) { keeplog(".note", "Record", "心情留言版", NULL); system("/bin/cp etc/today etc/yesterday"); /* system("rm -f note.dat"); */ /* Ptt */ sprintf(buf1, "[公安報告] 使用者上線監控 [%02d/%02d:%02d]", ptime->tm_mon + 1, ptime->tm_mday, ptime->tm_hour); keeplog("usies", "Security", buf1, "usies"); printf("[公安報告] 使用者上線監控\n"); gzip(log_file, "usies", buf); printf("壓縮使用者上線監控\n"); /* Ptt 歷史事件處理 */ now = time(NULL) - ADJUST_M * 60; /* back to ancent */ ptime = localtime4(&now); attach_SHM(); if ((fp = fopen("etc/history.data", "r"))) { /* 單日最多次人次,同時上線 * ,註冊 */ if (fscanf(fp, "%d %d %d %d", &max_login, &max, &max_reg, &k)) { fp1 = fopen("etc/history", "r+"); fseek(fp1, 0, 2); if (max_user > max) { fprintf(fp1, "◇ 【%02d/%02d/%02d %02d】 " "單一小時上線人次首次達到 %d 人次 \n" ,ptime->tm_mon + 1, ptime->tm_mday, ptime->tm_year % 100, mahour, max_user); max = max_user; } if (total > max_login) { fprintf(fp1, "◆ 【%02d/%02d/%02d】 " "單日上線人次首次達到 %d 人次 \n" ,ptime->tm_mon + 1, ptime->tm_mday, ptime->tm_year % 100, total); max_login = total; } if (SHM->number > max_reg + max_reg / 10) { fprintf(fp1, "★ 【%02d/%02d/%02d】 " "總註冊人數提升到 %d 人 \n" ,ptime->tm_mon + 1, ptime->tm_mday, ptime->tm_year % 100, SHM->number); max_reg = SHM->number; } fclose(fp1); } fclose(fp); fp = fopen("etc/history.data", "w"); fprintf(fp, "%d %d %d %d", max_login, max, max_reg, k); fclose(fp); } now += ADJUST_M * 60; /* back to future */ ptime = localtime4(&now); /* Ptt 節日處理 */ printf("節日處理\n"); if ((fp1 = fopen("etc/today_is", "w"))) { i = 0; if ((fp = fopen("etc/feast", "r"))) { while (fgets(buf1, sizeof(buf1), fp)) { if (buf[0] != '#' && sscanf(buf1, "%d %c%c", &mo, buf, buf + 1) == 3) { if (isdigit(buf[0])) { if (isdigit(buf[1])) { da = 10 * (buf[0] - '0') + (buf[1] - '0'); if (ptime->tm_mday == da && ptime->tm_mon + 1 == mo) { i = 1; fprintf(fp1, "%-14.14s", &buf1[6]); } } else { if (buf[0] - '0' <= 4) { wday = 0; buf[1] = toupper(buf[1]); while (wday < 7 && buf[1] != *(wday_str + wday)) wday++; if (ptime->tm_mon + 1 == mo && ptime->tm_wday == wday && (ptime->tm_mday - 1) / 7 + 1 == (buf[0] - '0')) { i = 1; fprintf(fp1, "%-14.14s", &buf1[6]); } } } } } } fclose(fp); } printf("節日處理1\n"); if (i == 0) { if ((fp = fopen("etc/today_boring", "r"))) { while (fgets(buf1, sizeof(buf1), fp)) if (strlen(buf1) > 3) fprintf(fp1, "%s", buf1); fclose(fp); } else fprintf(fp1, "本日節日徵求中"); } fclose(fp1); } /* Ptt 歡迎畫面處理 */ printf("歡迎畫面處理\n"); if ((fp = fopen("etc/Welcome.date", "r"))) { char temp[50]; while (fscanf(fp, "%d %d %s\n", &mo, &da, buf1) != EOF) { if (ptime->tm_mday == da && ptime->tm_mon + 1 == mo) { strcpy(temp, buf1); sprintf(buf1, "cp -f etc/Welcomes/%s etc/Welcome", temp); system(buf1); break; } } fclose(fp); } printf("歡迎畫面處理\n"); if (ptime->tm_wday == 0) { keeplog("etc/week", "Record", "本週熱門話題", NULL); gzip("bbslog", "bntplink", buf); gzip("innd/bbslog", "innbbsd", buf); gzip("etc/mailog", "mailog", buf); } if (ptime->tm_mday == 1) keeplog("etc/month", "Record", "本月熱門話題", NULL); if (ptime->tm_yday == 1) keeplog("etc/year", "Record", "年度熱門話題", NULL); } else if (ptime->tm_hour == 3 && ptime->tm_wday == 6) { char *fn1 = "tmp"; char *fn2 = "suicide"; rename(fn1, fn2); mkdir(fn1, 0755); sprintf(buf, "tar cfz adm/%s-%02d%02d%02d.tgz %s", fn2, ptime->tm_year % 100, ptime->tm_mon + 1, ptime->tm_mday, fn2); system(buf); sprintf(buf, "/bin/rm -fr %s", fn2); system(buf); } /* Ptt reset Ptt's share memory */ printf("重設cache 與fcache\n"); SHM->Puptime = 0; resolve_fcache(); reset_garbage(); printf("計算進站畫面數: "); for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { sprintf(buf, "etc/Welcome_login.%d", i); if (access(buf, 0) < 0) break; } printf("%d\n", SHM->GV2.e.nWelcomes = i); return 0; }