Message below is written in Chinese/Big5.
If you cannot read Chinese/Big5, skip to English section.

	�w��z�� ptt2 ���U,
	�Ъ����� (U)ser -> (R)egister ��J�z���{�ҽX 
	(�b�D���W�� [ ] �A�����A�@ 13 �Ӧr)
	�Y�i�q�L�{�Ҩ��o�Ҧ��\���~ :)
	�Ш� SYSOP�O, �ڭ̷|�ܸ۬��z�A��~ :)


�`�N: �Y�z�èS���� ptt2 ���U, �Ъ����R���o�ʫH.
Dear user:
	Please go PTT BBS (U)ser -> (R)egister and input
	your verification code (which is 13 characters
	on subject and quoted by square brackets - [ ] )
	If you have any problem, go contact us at SYSOP.
						PTT Admins

Warning: if you did not request a registeration, please
	delete this mail directly.