Message below is written in Chinese/Big5. If you cannot read Chinese/Big5, skip to English section. ------------------------------------------------------------- 親愛的使用者您好: 歡迎您到 ptt2 註冊, 請直接到 (U)ser -> (R)egister 填入您的認證碼 (在主旨上的 [ ] 括號內,共 13 個字) 即可通過認證取得所有功能喔~ :) 如果有須要服務的地方, 請到 SYSOP板, 我們會竭誠為您服務~ :) ptt站長群敬上 注意: 若您並沒有至 ptt2 註冊, 請直接刪除這封信. ------------------------------------------------------------- Dear user: Please go PTT BBS (U)ser -> (R)egister and input your verification code (which is 13 characters on subject and quoted by square brackets - [ ] ) If you have any problem, go contact us at SYSOP. PTT Admins Warning: if you did not request a registeration, please delete this mail directly. -------------------------------------------------------------