/* $Id$ */ #include "bbs.h" #define MAX_VOTE_NR 20 #define MAX_VOTE_PAGE 5 #define ITEM_PER_PAGE 30 const char * const STR_bv_control = "control"; /* �벼��� �ﶵ */ const char * const STR_bv_desc = "desc"; /* �벼�ت� */ const char * const STR_bv_ballots = "ballots"; /* �몺�� (per byte) */ const char * const STR_bv_flags = "flags"; const char * const STR_bv_comments = "comments"; /* �벼�̪���ij */ const char * const STR_bv_limited = "limited"; /* �p�H�벼 */ const char * const STR_bv_limits = "limits"; /* �벼��歭�� */ const char * const STR_bv_title = "vtitle"; const char * const STR_bv_results = "results"; typedef struct { char control[sizeof("controlXX\0")]; char desc[sizeof("descXX\0")]; char ballots[sizeof("ballotsXX\0")]; char flags[sizeof("flagsXX\0")]; char comments[sizeof("commentsXX\0")]; char limited[sizeof("limitedXX\0")]; char limits[sizeof("limitsXX\0")]; char title[sizeof("vtitleXX\0")]; } vote_buffer_t; #if 0 // convert the filenames of first vote void convert_first_vote(boardheader_t *fhp) { const char *filename[] = { STR_bv_ballots, STR_bv_control, STR_bv_desc, STR_bv_desc, STR_bv_flags, STR_bv_comments, STR_bv_limited, STR_bv_title, NULL }; char buf[256], buf2[256], oldname[64], newname[64]; int j; for (j = 0; filename[j] != NULL; j++) { snprintf(oldname, sizeof(oldname), "%s", filename[j]); setbfile(buf, fhp->brdname, oldname); if (!dashf(buf)) continue; snprintf(newname, sizeof(newname), "%s0", filename[j]); setbfile(buf2, fhp->brdname, newname); if (dashf(buf2)) continue; // old style format should be removed later if (link(buf, buf2) < 0) { vmsg(strerror(errno)); unlink(buf); } } } #endif #if 0 // backward compatible static FILE * convert_to_newversion(FILE *fp, char *file, char *ballots) { char buf[256], buf2[256]; short blah; int count = -1, tmp, fd, fdw; FILE *fpw; assert(fp); flock(fileno(fp), LOCK_EX); rewind(fp); fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp); if (index(buf, ',')) { rewind(fp); flock(fileno(fp), LOCK_UN); return fp; } sscanf(buf, " %d", &tmp); if ((fd = open(ballots, O_RDONLY)) != -1) { sprintf(buf, "%s.new", ballots); fdw = open(buf, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, 0600); flock(fd, LOCK_EX); /* Thor: ����h�H�P�ɺ� */ while (read(fd, &buf2[0], 1) == 1) { blah = buf2[0]; if (blah >= 'A') blah -= 'A'; write(fdw, &blah, sizeof(short)); } flock(fd, LOCK_UN); close(fd); close(fdw); Rename(buf, ballots); } sprintf(buf2, "%s.new", file); if (!(fpw = fopen(buf2, "w"))) { rewind(fp); flock(fileno(fp), LOCK_UN); return NULL; } fprintf(fpw, "000,000\n"); while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp)) { fputs(buf, fpw); count++; } rewind(fpw); fprintf(fpw, "%3d,%3d", count, tmp); fclose(fpw); flock(fileno(fp), LOCK_UN); fclose(fp); unlink(file); Rename(buf2, file); fp = fopen(file, "r"); assert(fp != NULL); return fp; } #endif void b_suckinfile(FILE * fp, char *fname) { FILE *sfp; if ((sfp = fopen(fname, "r"))) { char inbuf[256]; while (fgets(inbuf, sizeof(inbuf), sfp)) fputs(inbuf, fp); fclose(sfp); } } void b_suckinfile_invis(FILE * fp, char *fname, const char *boardname) { FILE *sfp; if ((sfp = fopen(fname, "r"))) { char inbuf[256]; if(fgets(inbuf, sizeof(inbuf), sfp)) { /* first time, try if boardname revealed. */ char *post = strstr(inbuf, str_post1); if(!post) post = strstr(inbuf, str_post2); if(post) post = strstr(post, boardname); if(post) { /* found releaved stuff. */ /* // mosaic method 1 while(*boardname++) *post++ = '?'; */ // mosaic method 2 strcpy(post, "(�Y���άݪO)\n"); } fputs(inbuf, fp); while (fgets(inbuf, sizeof(inbuf), sfp)) fputs(inbuf, fp); } fclose(sfp); } } static void b_count(const char *buf, int counts[], short item_num, int *total) { short choice; int fd; memset(counts, 0, item_num * sizeof(counts[0])); *total = 0; if ((fd = open(buf, O_RDONLY)) != -1) { flock(fd, LOCK_EX); /* Thor: ����h�H�P�ɺ� */ while (read(fd, &choice, sizeof(short)) == sizeof(short)) { if (choice >= item_num) continue; counts[choice]++; (*total)++; } flock(fd, LOCK_UN); close(fd); } } static int b_nonzeroNum(const char *buf) { int i = 0; char inchar; int fd; if ((fd = open(buf, O_RDONLY)) != -1) { while (read(fd, &inchar, 1) == 1) if (inchar) i++; close(fd); } return i; } static void vote_report(const char *bname, const char *fname, char *fpath) { register char *ip; time4_t dtime; int fd, bid; fileheader_t header; ip = fpath; while (*(++ip)); *ip++ = '/'; /* get a filename by timestamp */ dtime = now; for (;;) { sprintf(ip, "M.%d.A", (int)++dtime); fd = open(fpath, O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_WRONLY, 0644); if (fd >= 0) break; dtime++; } close(fd); unlink(fpath); link(fname, fpath); /* append record to .DIR */ memset(&header, 0, sizeof(fileheader_t)); strlcpy(header.owner, "[�������l]", sizeof(header.owner)); snprintf(header.title, sizeof(header.title), "[%s] �ݪO �ﱡ����", bname); { register struct tm *ptime = localtime4(&dtime); snprintf(header.date, sizeof(header.date), "%2d/%02d", ptime->tm_mon + 1, ptime->tm_mday); } strlcpy(header.filename, ip, sizeof(header.filename)); strcpy(ip, ".DIR"); if ((fd = open(fpath, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, 0644)) >= 0) { flock(fd, LOCK_EX); lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END); write(fd, &header, sizeof(fileheader_t)); flock(fd, LOCK_UN); close(fd); if ((bid = getbnum(bname)) > 0) setbtotal(bid); } } static void b_result_one(vote_buffer_t *vbuf, boardheader_t * fh, int ind, int *total) { FILE *cfp, *tfp, *frp, *xfp; char *bname; char buf[STRLEN]; char inbuf[80]; int *counts; int people_num; short item_num, junk; char b_control[64]; char b_newresults[64]; char b_report[64]; time4_t closetime; fh->bvote--; snprintf(vbuf->ballots, sizeof(vbuf->ballots), "%s%d", STR_bv_ballots, ind); snprintf(vbuf->control, sizeof(vbuf->control),"%s%d", STR_bv_control, ind); snprintf(vbuf->desc, sizeof(vbuf->desc), "%s%d", STR_bv_desc, ind); snprintf(vbuf->flags, sizeof(vbuf->flags), "%s%d", STR_bv_flags, ind); snprintf(vbuf->comments, sizeof(vbuf->comments), "%s%d", STR_bv_comments, ind); snprintf(vbuf->limited, sizeof(vbuf->limited), "%s%d", STR_bv_limited, ind); snprintf(vbuf->limits, sizeof(vbuf->limits), "%s%d", STR_bv_limits, ind); snprintf(vbuf->title, sizeof(vbuf->title), "%s%d", STR_bv_title, ind); bname = fh->brdname; setbfile(buf, bname, vbuf->control); cfp = fopen(buf, "r"); #if 0 // backward compatible setbfile(b_control, bname, STR_new_ballots); cfp = convert_to_newversion(cfp, buf, b_control); #endif assert(cfp); fscanf(cfp, "%hd,%hd\n%d\n", &item_num, &junk, &closetime); fclose(cfp); // prevent death caused by a bug, it should be remove later. if (item_num <= 0) return; counts = (int *)malloc(item_num * sizeof(int)); setbfile(b_control, bname, "tmp"); if (rename(buf, b_control) == -1) return; setbfile(buf, bname, vbuf->flags); people_num = b_nonzeroNum(buf); unlink(buf); setbfile(buf, bname, vbuf->ballots); #if 0 // backward compatible if (!newversion) b_count_old(buf, counts, total); else #endif b_count(buf, counts, item_num, total); unlink(buf); setbfile(b_newresults, bname, "newresults"); if ((tfp = fopen(b_newresults, "w")) == NULL) return; setbfile(buf, bname, vbuf->title); if ((xfp = fopen(buf, "r"))) { fgets(inbuf, sizeof(inbuf), xfp); fprintf(tfp, "%s\n�� �벼�W��: %s\n\n", msg_seperator, inbuf); fclose(xfp); } fprintf(tfp, "%s\n�� �벼�����: %s\n\n�� �����D�شy�z:\n\n", msg_seperator, ctime4(&closetime)); fh->vtime = now; setbfile(buf, bname, vbuf->desc); b_suckinfile(tfp, buf); unlink(buf); if ((cfp = fopen(b_control, "r"))) { fgets(inbuf, sizeof(inbuf), cfp); fgets(inbuf, sizeof(inbuf), cfp); fprintf(tfp, "\n���벼���G:(�@�� %d �H�벼,�C�H�̦h�i�� %hd ��)\n", people_num, junk); fprintf(tfp, " �� �� �`���� �o���v �o������\n"); for (junk = 0; junk < item_num; junk++) { fgets(inbuf, sizeof(inbuf), cfp); chomp(inbuf); fprintf(tfp, " %-42s %3d �� %6.2f%% %6.2f%%\n", inbuf + 3, counts[junk], (float)(counts[junk] * 100) / (float)(people_num), (float)(counts[junk] * 100) / (float)(*total)); } fclose(cfp); } unlink(b_control); free(counts); fprintf(tfp, "%s\n�� �ϥΪ̫�ij�G\n\n", msg_seperator); setbfile(buf, bname, vbuf->comments); b_suckinfile(tfp, buf); unlink(buf); fprintf(tfp, "%s\n�� �`���� = %d ��\n\n", msg_seperator, *total); fclose(tfp); setbfile(b_report, bname, "report"); if ((frp = fopen(b_report, "w"))) { b_suckinfile(frp, b_newresults); fclose(frp); } setbpath(inbuf, bname); vote_report(bname, b_report, inbuf); if (!(fh->brdattr & BRD_NOCOUNT)) { setbpath(inbuf, "Record"); vote_report(bname, b_report, inbuf); } unlink(b_report); tfp = fopen(b_newresults, "a"); setbfile(buf, bname, STR_bv_results); b_suckinfile(tfp, buf); fclose(tfp); Rename(b_newresults, buf); } static void b_result(vote_buffer_t *vbuf, boardheader_t * fh) { FILE *cfp; time4_t closetime; int i, total; char buf[STRLEN]; char temp[STRLEN]; for (i = 0; i < MAX_VOTE_NR; i++) { snprintf(vbuf->control, sizeof(vbuf->control), "%s%d", STR_bv_control, i); setbfile(buf, fh->brdname, vbuf->control); cfp = fopen(buf, "r"); if (!cfp) continue; fgets(temp, sizeof(temp), cfp); fscanf(cfp, "%d\n", &closetime); fclose(cfp); if (closetime < now) b_result_one(vbuf, fh, i, &total); } } static int b_close(boardheader_t * fh, vote_buffer_t *vbuf) { b_result(vbuf, fh); return 1; } static int b_closepolls(void) { boardheader_t *fhp; int pos; vote_buffer_t vbuf; #ifndef BARRIER_HAS_BEEN_IN_SHM char *fn_vote_polling = ".polling"; unsigned long last; FILE *cfp; /* XXX necessary to lock ? */ if ((cfp = fopen(fn_vote_polling, "r"))) { char timebuf[100]; fgets(timebuf, sizeof(timebuf), cfp); sscanf(timebuf, "%lu", &last); fclose(cfp); if (last + 3600 >= (unsigned long)now) return 0; } if ((cfp = fopen(fn_vote_polling, "w")) == NULL) return 0; fprintf(cfp, "%d\n%s\n", now, ctime4(&now)); fclose(cfp); #endif for (fhp = bcache, pos = 1; pos <= numboards; fhp++, pos++) { if (fhp->bvote && b_close(fhp, &vbuf)) { if (substitute_record(fn_board, fhp, sizeof(*fhp), pos) == -1) outs(err_board_update); else reset_board(pos); } } return 0; } void auto_close_polls(void) { /* �̦h�@�Ѷ}���@�� */ if (now - SHM->close_vote_time > 86400) { b_closepolls(); SHM->close_vote_time = now; } } static int vote_view(vote_buffer_t *vbuf, const char *bname, int vote_index) { boardheader_t *fhp; FILE *fp; char buf[STRLEN], genbuf[STRLEN], inbuf[STRLEN]; short item_num, i; int num = 0, pos, *counts, total; time4_t closetime; snprintf(vbuf->ballots, sizeof(vbuf->ballots),"%s%d", STR_bv_ballots, vote_index); snprintf(vbuf->control, sizeof(vbuf->control), "%s%d", STR_bv_control, vote_index); snprintf(vbuf->desc, sizeof(vbuf->desc), "%s%d", STR_bv_desc, vote_index); snprintf(vbuf->flags, sizeof(vbuf->flags), "%s%d", STR_bv_flags, vote_index); snprintf(vbuf->comments, sizeof(vbuf->comments), "%s%d", STR_bv_comments, vote_index); snprintf(vbuf->limited, sizeof(vbuf->limited), "%s%d", STR_bv_limited, vote_index); snprintf(vbuf->limits, sizeof(vbuf->limits), "%s%d", STR_bv_limits, vote_index); snprintf(vbuf->title, sizeof(vbuf->title), "%s%d", STR_bv_title, vote_index); setbfile(buf, bname, vbuf->ballots); if ((num = dashs(buf)) < 0) /* file size */ num = 0; setbfile(buf, bname, vbuf->title); move(0, 0); clrtobot(); if ((fp = fopen(buf, "r"))) { fgets(inbuf, sizeof(inbuf), fp); prints("\n�벼�W��: %s", inbuf); fclose(fp); } setbfile(buf, bname, vbuf->control); fp = fopen(buf, "r"); #if 0 // backward compatible setbfile(genbuf, bname, STR_new_ballots); fp = convert_to_newversion(fp, buf, genbuf); #endif assert(fp); fscanf(fp, "%hd,%hd\n%d\n", &item_num, &i, &closetime); counts = (int *)malloc(item_num * sizeof(int)); prints("\n�� �w���벼����: �C�H�̦h�i�� %d ��,�ثe�@�� %d ��,\n" "�����벼�N������ %s", atoi(inbuf), (int)(num / sizeof(short)), ctime4(&closetime)); /* Thor: �}�� ���� �w�� */ setbfile(buf, bname, vbuf->flags); prints("�@�� %d �H�벼\n", b_nonzeroNum(buf)); setbfile(buf, bname, vbuf->ballots); #if 0 // backward compatible if (!newversion) b_count_old(buf, counts, &total); else #endif b_count(buf, counts, item_num, &total); total = 0; for (i = num = 0; i < item_num; i++, num++) { fgets(inbuf, sizeof(inbuf), fp); chomp(inbuf); inbuf[30] = '\0'; /* truncate */ move(num % 15 + 6, num / 15 * 40); prints(" %-32s%3d ��", inbuf, counts[i]); total += counts[i]; if (num == 29) { num = -1; pressanykey(); move(6, 0); clrtobot(); } } fclose(fp); free(counts); pos = getbnum(bname); assert(0<=pos-1 && pos-1<MAX_BOARD); fhp = bcache + pos - 1; move(t_lines - 3, 0); prints("�� �ثe�`���� = %d ��", total); getdata(b_lines - 1, 0, "(A)�����벼 (B)�����}�� (C)�~��H[C] ", genbuf, 4, LCECHO); if (genbuf[0] == 'a') { getdata(b_lines - 1, 0, "�ЦA���T�{�����벼 (Y/N) [N] ", genbuf, 4, LCECHO); if (genbuf[0] == 'n') return FULLUPDATE; setbfile(buf, bname, vbuf->control); unlink(buf); setbfile(buf, bname, vbuf->flags); unlink(buf); setbfile(buf, bname, vbuf->ballots); unlink(buf); setbfile(buf, bname, vbuf->desc); unlink(buf); setbfile(buf, bname, vbuf->limited); unlink(buf); setbfile(buf, bname, vbuf->limits); unlink(buf); setbfile(buf, bname, vbuf->title); unlink(buf); fhp->bvote--; if (substitute_record(fn_board, fhp, sizeof(*fhp), pos) == -1) outs(err_board_update); reset_board(pos); } else if (genbuf[0] == 'b') { b_result_one(vbuf, fhp, vote_index, &total); if (substitute_record(fn_board, fhp, sizeof(*fhp), pos) == -1) outs(err_board_update); reset_board(pos); } return FULLUPDATE; } static int vote_view_all(vote_buffer_t *vbuf, const char *bname) { int i; int x = -1; FILE *fp, *xfp; char buf[STRLEN], genbuf[STRLEN]; char inbuf[80]; move(0, 0); for (i = 0; i < MAX_VOTE_NR; i++) { snprintf(vbuf->control, sizeof(vbuf->control), "%s%d", STR_bv_control, i); snprintf(vbuf->title, sizeof(vbuf->title), "%s%d", STR_bv_title, i); setbfile(buf, bname, vbuf->control); if ((fp = fopen(buf, "r"))) { prints("(%d) ", i); x = i; fclose(fp); setbfile(buf, bname, vbuf->title); if ((xfp = fopen(buf, "r"))) { fgets(inbuf, sizeof(inbuf), xfp); fclose(xfp); } else strlcpy(inbuf, "�L���D", sizeof(inbuf)); prints("%s\n", inbuf); } } if (x < 0) return FULLUPDATE; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "�n�ݴX���벼 [%d] ", x); getdata(b_lines - 1, 0, buf, genbuf, 4, LCECHO); if (atoi(genbuf) < 0 || atoi(genbuf) > MAX_VOTE_NR) snprintf(genbuf, sizeof(genbuf), "%d", x); snprintf(vbuf->control, sizeof(vbuf->control), "%s%d", STR_bv_control, atoi(genbuf)); setbfile(buf, bname, vbuf->control); if (dashf(buf)) { return vote_view(vbuf, bname, atoi(genbuf)); } else return FULLUPDATE; } static int vote_maintain(const char *bname) { FILE *fp = NULL; char inbuf[STRLEN], buf[STRLEN]; int num = 0, aborted, pos, x, i; time4_t closetime; boardheader_t *fhp; char genbuf[4]; vote_buffer_t vbuf; if (!(currmode & MODE_BOARD)) return 0; if ((pos = getbnum(bname)) <= 0) return 0; assert(0<=pos-1 && pos-1<MAX_BOARD); fhp = bcache + pos - 1; if (fhp->bvote != 0) { #if 0 // convert the filenames of first vote convert_first_vote(fhp); #endif getdata(b_lines - 1, 0, "(V)�[��ثe�벼 (M)�|��s�벼 (A)�����Ҧ��벼 (Q)�~�� [Q]", genbuf, 4, LCECHO); if (genbuf[0] == 'v') return vote_view_all(&vbuf, bname); else if (genbuf[0] == 'a') { fhp->bvote = 0; for (i = 0; i < MAX_VOTE_NR; i++) { int j; char buf2[64]; const char *filename[] = { STR_bv_ballots, STR_bv_control, STR_bv_desc, STR_bv_desc, STR_bv_flags, STR_bv_comments, STR_bv_limited, STR_bv_limits, STR_bv_title, NULL }; for (j = 0; filename[j] != NULL; j++) { snprintf(buf2, sizeof(buf2), "%s%d", filename[j], i); setbfile(buf, bname, buf2); unlink(buf); } } if (substitute_record(fn_board, fhp, sizeof(*fhp), pos) == -1) outs(err_board_update); return FULLUPDATE; } else if (genbuf[0] != 'm') { if (fhp->bvote >= MAX_VOTE_NR) vmsg("���o�|��L�h�벼"); return FULLUPDATE; } } x = 1; do { snprintf(vbuf.control, sizeof(vbuf.control), "%s%d", STR_bv_control, x); setbfile(buf, bname, vbuf.control); x++; } while (dashf(buf) && x <= MAX_VOTE_NR); --x; if (x >= MAX_VOTE_NR) return FULLUPDATE; getdata(b_lines - 1, 0, "�T�w�n�|��벼�ܡH [y/N]: ", inbuf, 4, LCECHO); if (inbuf[0] != 'y') return FULLUPDATE; stand_title("�|��벼"); snprintf(vbuf.ballots, sizeof(vbuf.ballots), "%s%d", STR_bv_ballots, x); snprintf(vbuf.control, sizeof(vbuf.control), "%s%d", STR_bv_control, x); snprintf(vbuf.desc, sizeof(vbuf.desc), "%s%d", STR_bv_desc, x); snprintf(vbuf.flags, sizeof(vbuf.flags), "%s%d", STR_bv_flags, x); snprintf(vbuf.comments, sizeof(vbuf.comments), "%s%d", STR_bv_comments, x); snprintf(vbuf.limited, sizeof(vbuf.limited), "%s%d", STR_bv_limited, x); snprintf(vbuf.limits, sizeof(vbuf.limits), "%s%d", STR_bv_limits, x); snprintf(vbuf.title, sizeof(vbuf.title), "%s%d", STR_bv_title, x); clear(); move(0, 0); prints("�� %d ���벼\n", x); setbfile(buf, bname, vbuf.title); getdata(4, 0, "�п�J�벼�W��:", inbuf, 50, LCECHO); if (inbuf[0] == '\0') strlcpy(inbuf, "�����W��", sizeof(inbuf)); fp = fopen(buf, "w"); assert(fp); fputs(inbuf, fp); fclose(fp); vmsg("��������}�l�s�覹�� [�벼�v��]"); setbfile(buf, bname, vbuf.desc); aborted = vedit(buf, NA, NULL); if (aborted == -1) { vmsg("���������벼"); return FULLUPDATE; } aborted = 0; setbfile(buf, bname, vbuf.flags); unlink(buf); getdata(4, 0, "�O�_���w�벼�̦W��G(y)�s��i�벼�H���W��[n]����H�ҥi�벼:[N]", inbuf, 2, LCECHO); setbfile(buf, bname, vbuf.limited); if (inbuf[0] == 'y') { fp = fopen(buf, "w"); assert(fp); //fprintf(fp, "�����벼�]��"); fclose(fp); friend_edit(FRIEND_CANVOTE); } else { if (dashf(buf)) unlink(buf); } getdata(5, 0, "�O�_���w�벼���G(y)����벼���[n]���]��:[N]", inbuf, 2, LCECHO); setbfile(buf, bname, vbuf.limits); if (inbuf[0] == 'y') { fp = fopen(buf, "w"); assert(fp); do { getdata(6, 0, "���U�ɶ����� (�H'��'�����A0~120)�G", inbuf, 4, DOECHO); closetime = atoi(inbuf); // borrow variable } while (closetime < 0 || closetime > 120); fprintf(fp, "%d\n", now - (2592000 * closetime)); do { getdata(6, 0, "�W�����ƤU��", inbuf, 6, DOECHO); closetime = atoi(inbuf); // borrow variable } while (closetime < 0); fprintf(fp, "%d\n", closetime); do { getdata(6, 0, "�峹�g�ƤU��", inbuf, 6, DOECHO); closetime = atoi(inbuf); // borrow variable } while (closetime < 0); fprintf(fp, "%d\n", closetime); fclose(fp); } else { if (dashf(buf)) unlink(buf); } clear(); getdata(0, 0, "�����벼�i��X�� (�@��T�Q��)�H", inbuf, 4, DOECHO); closetime = atoi(inbuf); if (closetime <= 0) closetime = 1; else if (closetime > 30) closetime = 30; closetime = closetime * 86400 + now; setbfile(buf, bname, vbuf.control); fp = fopen(buf, "w"); assert(fp); fprintf(fp, "000,000\n%d\n", closetime); outs("\n�Ш̧ǿ�J�ﶵ, �� ENTER �����]�w"); num = 0; x = 0; /* x is the page number */ while (!aborted) { if( num % 15 == 0 ){ for( i = num ; i < num + 15 ; ++i ){ move((i % 15) + 2, (i / 15) * 40); prints(ANSI_COLOR(1;30) "%c)" ANSI_RESET " ", i + 'A'); } } snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%c) ", num + 'A'); getdata((num % 15) + 2, (num / 15) * 40, buf, inbuf, 37, DOECHO); if (*inbuf) { fprintf(fp, "%1c) %s\n", (num + 'A'), inbuf); num++; } if ((*inbuf == '\0' && num >= 1) || x == MAX_VOTE_PAGE) aborted = 1; if (num == ITEM_PER_PAGE) { x++; num = 0; } } snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "�аݨC�H�̦h�i��X���H([1]��%d): ", x * ITEM_PER_PAGE + num); getdata(t_lines - 3, 0, buf, inbuf, 3, DOECHO); if (atoi(inbuf) <= 0 || atoi(inbuf) > (x * ITEM_PER_PAGE + num)) { inbuf[0] = '1'; inbuf[1] = 0; } rewind(fp); fprintf(fp, "%3d,%3d\n", x * ITEM_PER_PAGE + num, MAX(1, atoi(inbuf))); fclose(fp); fhp->bvote++; if (substitute_record(fn_board, fhp, sizeof(*fhp), pos) == -1) outs(err_board_update); reset_board(pos); outs("�}�l�벼�F�I"); return FULLUPDATE; } static int vote_flag(vote_buffer_t *vbuf, const char *bname, int index, char val) { char buf[256], flag; int fd, num, size; snprintf(vbuf->flags, sizeof(vbuf->flags), "%s%d", STR_bv_flags, index); num = usernum - 1; setbfile(buf, bname, vbuf->flags); if ((fd = open(buf, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0600)) == -1) return -1; size = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END); memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); while (size <= num) { write(fd, buf, sizeof(buf)); size += sizeof(buf); } lseek(fd, num, SEEK_SET); read(fd, &flag, 1); if (flag == 0 && val != 0) { lseek(fd, num, SEEK_SET); write(fd, &val, 1); } close(fd); return flag; } static int user_vote_one(vote_buffer_t *vbuf, const char *bname, int ind) { FILE *cfp, *fcm; char buf[STRLEN], redo; boardheader_t *fhp; short pos = 0, i = 0, count, tickets, fd; short curr_page, item_num, max_page; char inbuf[80], choices[ITEM_PER_PAGE+1], vote[4], *chosen; time4_t closetime; snprintf(vbuf->ballots, sizeof(vbuf->ballots), "%s%d", STR_bv_ballots, ind); snprintf(vbuf->control, sizeof(vbuf->control), "%s%d", STR_bv_control, ind); snprintf(vbuf->desc, sizeof(vbuf->desc), "%s%d", STR_bv_desc, ind); snprintf(vbuf->flags, sizeof(vbuf->flags),"%s%d", STR_bv_flags, ind); snprintf(vbuf->comments, sizeof(vbuf->comments), "%s%d", STR_bv_comments, ind); snprintf(vbuf->limited, sizeof(vbuf->limited), "%s%d", STR_bv_limited, ind); snprintf(vbuf->limits, sizeof(vbuf->limits), "%s%d", STR_bv_limits, ind); setbfile(buf, bname, vbuf->control); cfp = fopen(buf, "r"); if (!cfp) return FULLUPDATE; setbfile(buf, bname, vbuf->limited); /* Ptt */ if (dashf(buf)) { setbfile(buf, bname, FN_CANVOTE); if (!belong(buf, cuser.userid)) { fclose(cfp); vmsg("�藍�_! �o�O�p�H�벼..�A�èS�����ܭ�!"); return FULLUPDATE; } else { vmsg("���ߧA���ܦ����p�H�벼. <�˵��������ܦW��>"); more(buf, YEA); } } setbfile(buf, bname, vbuf->limits); if (dashf(buf)) { int limits_logins, limits_posts; FILE * lfp = fopen(buf, "r"); assert(lfp); fscanf(lfp, "%d", &closetime); fscanf(lfp, "%d", &limits_logins); fscanf(lfp, "%d", &limits_posts); fclose(lfp); if (cuser.firstlogin > closetime || cuser.numposts < limits_posts || cuser.numlogins < limits_logins) { vmsg("�A������`��I (�i�b�ݪO�����j�g I �d�ݭ���)"); return FULLUPDATE; } } if (vote_flag(vbuf, bname, ind, '\0')) { vmsg("�����벼�A�A�w��L�F�I"); return FULLUPDATE; } setutmpmode(VOTING); setbfile(buf, bname, vbuf->desc); more(buf, YEA); stand_title("�벼�c"); if ((pos = getbnum(bname)) <= 0) return 0; assert(0<=pos-1 && pos-1<MAX_BOARD); fhp = bcache + pos - 1; #if 0 // backward compatible setbfile(buf, bname, STR_new_control); setbfile(inbuf, bname, STR_new_ballots); cfp = convert_to_newversion(cfp, buf, inbuf); #endif assert(cfp); fscanf(cfp, "%hd,%hd\n%d\n", &item_num, &tickets, &closetime); chosen = (char *)malloc(item_num+100); // XXX dirty fix �O�D�W�[�ﶵ�����D memset(chosen, 0, item_num+100); memset(choices, 0, sizeof(choices)); max_page = (item_num - 1)/ ITEM_PER_PAGE + 1; prints("�벼�覡�G�T�w�n�z����ܫ�A��J��N�X(A, B, C...)�Y�i�C\n" "�����벼�A�i�H�� %1hd ���C�� 0 �����벼, 1 �����벼, > �U�@��, < �W�@��\n" "�����벼�N������G%s \n", tickets, ctime4(&closetime)); #define REDO_DRAW 1 #define REDO_SCAN 2 redo = REDO_DRAW; curr_page = 0; while (1) { if (redo) { int i, j; move(5, 0); clrtobot(); /* �Q����n��k �]�����Q���Ū�i memory * �ӥB�j�������벼���|�W�L�@�� �ҥH�A�q�ɮ� scan */ /* XXX ���@�b�O�D�W�[�ﶵ�h chosen �Ӥp */ if (redo & REDO_SCAN) { for (i = 0; i < curr_page; i++) for (j = 0; j < ITEM_PER_PAGE; j++) fgets(inbuf, sizeof(inbuf), cfp); } count = 0; for (i = 0; i < ITEM_PER_PAGE && fgets(inbuf, sizeof(inbuf), cfp); i++) { chomp(inbuf); move((count % 15) + 5, (count / 15) * 40); prints("%c%s", chosen[curr_page * ITEM_PER_PAGE + i] ? '*' : ' ', inbuf); choices[count % ITEM_PER_PAGE] = inbuf[0]; count++; } redo = 0; } vote[0] = vote[1] = '\0'; move(t_lines - 2, 0); prints("�A�٥i�H�� %2d �� [ �ثe�Ҧb���� %2d / �@ %2d �� (�i��J '<' '>' ����) ]", tickets - i, curr_page + 1, max_page); getdata(t_lines - 4, 0, "��J�z�����: ", vote, sizeof(vote), DOECHO); *vote = toupper(*vote); #define CURRENT_CHOICE \ chosen[curr_page * ITEM_PER_PAGE + vote[0] - 'A'] if (vote[0] == '0' || (!vote[0] && !i)) { outs("�O�o�A�ӧ��!!"); break; } else if (vote[0] == '1' && i); else if (!vote[0]) continue; else if (vote[0] == '<' && max_page > 1) { curr_page = (curr_page + max_page - 1) % max_page; rewind(cfp); fgets(inbuf, sizeof(inbuf), cfp); fgets(inbuf, sizeof(inbuf), cfp); redo = REDO_DRAW | REDO_SCAN; continue; } else if (vote[0] == '>' && max_page > 1) { curr_page = (curr_page + 1) % max_page; if (curr_page == 0) { rewind(cfp); fgets(inbuf, sizeof(inbuf), cfp); fgets(inbuf, sizeof(inbuf), cfp); } redo = REDO_DRAW; continue; } else if (index(choices, vote[0]) == NULL) /* �L�� */ continue; else if ( CURRENT_CHOICE ) { /* �w�� */ move(((vote[0] - 'A') % 15) + 5, (((vote[0] - 'A')) / 15) * 40); outc(' '); CURRENT_CHOICE = 0; i--; continue; } else { if (i == tickets) continue; move(((vote[0] - 'A') % 15) + 5, (((vote[0] - 'A')) / 15) * 40); outc('*'); CURRENT_CHOICE = 1; i++; continue; } if (vote_flag(vbuf, bname, ind, vote[0]) != 0) outs("���Ƨ벼! �����p���C"); else { setbfile(buf, bname, vbuf->ballots); if ((fd = open(buf, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_APPEND, 0600)) == 0) outs("�L�k��J���o\n"); else { struct stat statb; char buf[3], mycomments[3][74], b_comments[80]; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) strlcpy(mycomments[i], "\n", sizeof(mycomments[i])); flock(fd, LOCK_EX); for (count = 0; count < item_num; count++) { if (chosen[count]) write(fd, &count, sizeof(short)); } flock(fd, LOCK_UN); fstat(fd, &statb); close(fd); getdata(b_lines - 2, 0, "�z��o���벼�������_�Q���N���ܡH(y/n)[N]", buf, 3, DOECHO); if (buf[0] == 'Y' || buf[0] == 'y') { do { move(5, 0); clrtobot(); outs("�аݱz��o���벼�������_�Q���N���H" "�̦h�T��A��[Enter]����"); for (i = 0; (i < 3) && getdata(7 + i, 0, "�G", mycomments[i], sizeof(mycomments[i]), DOECHO); i++); getdata(b_lines - 2, 0, "(S)�x�s (E)���s�ӹL " "(Q)�����H[S]", buf, 3, LCECHO); } while (buf[0] == 'E' || buf[0] == 'e'); if (buf[0] == 'Q' || buf[0] == 'q') break; setbfile(b_comments, bname, vbuf->comments); if (mycomments[0][0]) if ((fcm = fopen(b_comments, "a"))) { fprintf(fcm, ANSI_COLOR(36) "���ϥΪ�" ANSI_COLOR(1;36) " %s " ANSI_COLOR(;36) "����ij�G" ANSI_RESET "\n", cuser.userid); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) fprintf(fcm, " %s\n", mycomments[i]); fprintf(fcm, "\n"); fclose(fcm); } } move(b_lines - 1, 0); outs("�w�����벼�I\n"); } } break; } free(chosen); fclose(cfp); pressanykey(); return FULLUPDATE; } static int user_vote(const char *bname) { int pos; boardheader_t *fhp; char buf[STRLEN]; FILE *fp, *xfp; int i, x = -1; char genbuf[STRLEN]; char inbuf[80]; vote_buffer_t vbuf; if ((pos = getbnum(bname)) <= 0) return 0; assert(0<=pos-1 && pos-1<MAX_BOARD); fhp = bcache + pos - 1; move(0, 0); clrtobot(); if (fhp->bvote == 0) { vmsg("�ثe�èS������벼�|��C"); return FULLUPDATE; } #if 0 // convert the filenames of first vote convert_first_vote(fhp); #endif if (!HasUserPerm(PERM_LOGINOK)) { vmsg("�藍�_! �z�����G�Q��, �٨S���벼�v��!"); return FULLUPDATE; } move(0, 0); for (i = 0; i < MAX_VOTE_NR; i++) { snprintf(vbuf.control, sizeof(vbuf.control), "%s%d", STR_bv_control, i); snprintf(vbuf.title, sizeof(vbuf.title), "%s%d", STR_bv_title, i); setbfile(buf, bname, vbuf.control); if ((fp = fopen(buf, "r"))) { prints("(%d) ", i); x = i; fclose(fp); setbfile(buf, bname, vbuf.title); if ((xfp = fopen(buf, "r"))) { fgets(inbuf, sizeof(inbuf), xfp); fclose(xfp); } else strlcpy(inbuf, "�L���D", sizeof(inbuf)); prints("%s\n", inbuf); } } if (x < 0) return FULLUPDATE; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "�n��X���벼 [%d] ", x); getdata(b_lines - 1, 0, buf, genbuf, 4, LCECHO); if (atoi(genbuf) < 0 || atoi(genbuf) > MAX_VOTE_NR) snprintf(genbuf, sizeof(genbuf), "%d", x); snprintf(vbuf.control, sizeof(vbuf.control), "%s%d", STR_bv_control, atoi(genbuf)); setbfile(buf, bname, vbuf.control); if (dashf(buf)) { return user_vote_one(&vbuf, bname, atoi(genbuf)); } else return FULLUPDATE; } static int vote_results(const char *bname) { char buf[STRLEN]; setbfile(buf, bname, STR_bv_results); if (more(buf, YEA) == -1) vmsg("�ثe�S������벼�����G�C"); return FULLUPDATE; } int b_vote_maintain(void) { return vote_maintain(currboard); } int b_vote(void) { return user_vote(currboard); } int b_results(void) { return vote_results(currboard); }