/* $Id$ */ #include "bbs.h" static char * const sex[8] = { MSG_BIG_BOY, MSG_BIG_GIRL, MSG_LITTLE_BOY, MSG_LITTLE_GIRL, MSG_MAN, MSG_WOMAN, MSG_PLANT, MSG_MIME }; #ifdef CHESSCOUNTRY static const char * const chess_photo_name[3] = { "photo_fivechess", "photo_cchess", "photo_go", }; static const char * const chess_type[3] = { "���l��", "�H��", "���", }; #endif int kill_user(int num, const char *userid) { userec_t u; char src[256], dst[256]; if(!userid || num<=0 ) return -1; sethomepath(src, userid); snprintf(dst, sizeof(dst), "tmp/%s", userid); friend_delete_all(userid, FRIEND_ALOHA); delete_allpost(userid); if (dashd(src) && Rename(src, dst) == 0) { snprintf(src, sizeof(src), "/bin/rm -fr home/%c/%s >/dev/null 2>&1", userid[0], userid); system(src); } memset(&u, 0, sizeof(userec_t)); log_usies("KILL", getuserid(num)); setuserid(num, ""); passwd_update(num, &u); return 0; } int u_loginview(void) { int i, in; unsigned int pbits = cuser.loginview; clear(); move(4, 0); for (i = 0; i < NUMVIEWFILE && loginview_file[i][0]; i++) prints(" %c. %-20s %-15s \n", 'A' + i, loginview_file[i][1], ((pbits >> i) & 1 ? "��" : "��")); in = i; clrtobot(); while ((i = getkey("�Ы� [A-N] �����]�w�A�� [Return] �����G"))!='\r') { i = i - 'a'; if (i >= in || i < 0) bell(); else { pbits ^= (1 << i); move(i + 4, 28); outs((pbits >> i) & 1 ? "��" : "��"); } } if (pbits != cuser.loginview) { cuser.loginview = pbits; passwd_update(usernum, &cuser); } return 0; } int u_cancelbadpost(void) { int day; if(cuser.badpost==0) {vmsg("�A�èS���H��."); return 0;} if(search_ulistn(usernum,2)) {vmsg("�еn�X��L����, �_�h�����z."); return 0;} passwd_query(usernum, &cuser); day = 180 - (now - cuser.timeremovebadpost ) / 86400; if(day>0 && day<=180) { vmsgf("�C 180 �Ѥ~��ӽФ@��, �ٳ� %d ��.", day); vmsg("�z�]�i�H�`�N����O�_���ҰʪA�Ȥ覡�R���H��."); return 0; } if( getkey("���@�N�L�u����W�w,�ճW,�H�ΪO�W[y/N]?")!='y' || getkey("���@�N�L�����[���ڸs,���x�O,�L���U�O�D�v�O[y/N]?")!='y' || getkey("���@�N�ԷV�o�����N�q����,����|����,����O�s�i[y/N]?")!='y' ) {vmsg("�бz��ҲM����A�ӥӽЧR��."); return 0;} if(search_ulistn(usernum,2)) {vmsg("�еn�X��L����, �_�h�����z."); return 0;} if(cuser.badpost) { cuser.badpost--; cuser.timeremovebadpost = now; passwd_update(usernum, &cuser); log_filef("log/cancelbadpost.log", LOG_CREAT, "%s %s �R���@�g�H�� (�{ %d �g)\n", Cdate(&now), cuser.userid, cuser.badpost); } vmsg("���߱z�w�g���\\�R���@�g�H��."); return 0; } void user_display(const userec_t * u, int adminmode) { int diff = 0; char genbuf[200]; clrtobot(); prints( " " ANSI_COLOR(30;41) "�r�s�r�s�r�s" ANSI_RESET " " ANSI_COLOR(1;30;45) " �� �� ��" " �� �� " " " ANSI_RESET " " ANSI_COLOR(30;41) "�r�s�r�s�r�s" ANSI_RESET "\n"); prints(" �N���ʺ�: %s(%s)\n" " �u��m�W: %s" #if FOREIGN_REG_DAY > 0 " %s%s" #elif defined(FOREIGN_REG) " %s" #endif "\n" " �~�����}: %s\n" " �q�l�H�c: %s\n" " �� �O: %s\n" " �Ȧ�b��: %d �Ȩ�\n", u->userid, u->nickname, u->realname, #if FOREIGN_REG_DAY > 0 u->uflag2 & FOREIGN ? "(�~�y: " : "", u->uflag2 & FOREIGN ? (u->uflag2 & LIVERIGHT) ? "�ä[�~�d)" : "�����o�~�d�v)" : "", #elif defined(FOREIGN_REG) u->uflag2 & FOREIGN ? "(�~�y)" : "", #endif u->address, u->email, sex[u->sex % 8], u->money); sethomedir(genbuf, u->userid); prints(" �p�H�H�c: %d �� (�ʶR�H�c: %d ��)\n" " ������X: %010d\n" " �� ��: %04i/%02i/%02i (%s��18��)\n", get_num_records(genbuf, sizeof(fileheader_t)), u->exmailbox, u->mobile, u->year + 1900, u->month, u->day, over18 ? "�w" : "��" ); #ifdef ASSESS prints(" �u �H ��: �u:%d / �H:%d\n", u->goodpost, u->badpost); #endif // ASSESS prints(" �W����m: %s\n", u->lasthost); #ifdef PLAY_ANGEL if (adminmode) prints(" �p �� ��: %s\n", u->myangel[0] ? u->myangel : "�L"); #endif prints(" ���U���: %s", ctime4(&u->firstlogin)); prints(" �e�����{: %s", ctime4(&u->lastlogin)); prints(" �W���峹: %d �� / %d �g\n", u->numlogins, u->numposts); #ifdef CHESSCOUNTRY { int i, j; FILE* fp; for(i = 0; i < 2; ++i){ sethomefile(genbuf, u->userid, chess_photo_name[i]); fp = fopen(genbuf, "r"); if(fp != NULL){ for(j = 0; j < 11; ++j) fgets(genbuf, 200, fp); fgets(genbuf, 200, fp); prints("%12s�Ѱ�ۧڴy�z: %s", chess_type[i], genbuf + 11); fclose(fp); } } } #endif if (adminmode) { strcpy(genbuf, "bTCPRp#@XWBA#VSM0123456789ABCDEF"); for (diff = 0; diff < 32; diff++) if (!(u->userlevel & (1 << diff))) genbuf[diff] = '-'; prints(" �{�Ҹ��: %s\n" " user�v��: %s\n", u->justify, genbuf); } else { diff = (now - login_start_time) / 60; prints(" ���d����: %d �p�� %2d ��\n", diff / 60, diff % 60); } /* Thor: �Q�ݬݳo�� user �O���ǪO���O�D */ if (u->userlevel >= PERM_BM) { int i; boardheader_t *bhdr; outs(" ����O�D: "); for (i = 0, bhdr = bcache; i < numboards; i++, bhdr++) { if (is_uBM(bhdr->BM, u->userid)) { outs(bhdr->brdname); outc(' '); } } outc('\n'); } outs(" " ANSI_COLOR(30;41) "�r�s�r�s�r�s�r�s�r�s�r�s�r�s�r�s�r�s�r�s�r�s�r" "�s�r�s�r�s�r�s" ANSI_RESET); outs((u->userlevel & PERM_LOGINOK) ? "\n�z�����U�{�Ǥw�g�����A�w��[�J����" : "\n�p�G�n���@�v���A�аѦҥ������G���z���U"); #ifdef NEWUSER_LIMIT if ((u->lastlogin - u->firstlogin < 3 * 86400) && !HasUserPerm(PERM_POST)) outs("\n�s��W���A�T�ѫ�}���v��"); #endif } void mail_violatelaw(const char *crime, const char *police, const char *reason, const char *result) { char genbuf[200]; fileheader_t fhdr; FILE *fp; sendalert(crime, ALERT_PWD_PERM); sethomepath(genbuf, crime); stampfile(genbuf, &fhdr); if (!(fp = fopen(genbuf, "w"))) return; fprintf(fp, "�@��: [" BBSMNAME "ĵ�]\n" "���D: [���i] �H�k���i\n" "�ɶ�: %s\n" ANSI_COLOR(1;32) "%s" ANSI_RESET "�P�M�G\n " ANSI_COLOR(1;32) "%s" ANSI_RESET "�]" ANSI_COLOR(1;35) "%s" ANSI_RESET "�欰�A\n" "�H�ϥ������W�A�B�H" ANSI_COLOR(1;35) "%s" ANSI_RESET "�A�S���q��\n\n" "�Ш� " GLOBAL_LAW " �d�߬����k�W��T�A�ñq�D���i�J:\n" "(P)lay�i�T�ֻP�j=>(P)ay�i��tt�q�c�� �j=> (1)ViolateLaw ú�@��\n" "�Hú��@��C\n", ctime4(&now), police, crime, reason, result); fclose(fp); strcpy(fhdr.title, "[���i] �H�k�P�M���i"); strcpy(fhdr.owner, "[" BBSMNAME "ĵ�]"); sethomedir(genbuf, crime); append_record(genbuf, &fhdr, sizeof(fhdr)); } void kick_all(char *user) { userinfo_t *ui; int num = searchuser(user, NULL), i=1; while((ui = (userinfo_t *) search_ulistn(num, i)) != NULL) { if(ui == currutmp) i++; if ((ui->pid <= 0 || kill(ui->pid, SIGHUP) == -1)) purge_utmp(ui); log_usies("KICK ALL", user); } } void violate_law(userec_t * u, int unum) { char ans[4], ans2[4]; char reason[128]; move(1, 0); clrtobot(); move(2, 0); outs("(1)Cross-post (2)�õo�s�i�H (3)�õo�s��H\n"); outs("(4)���Z���W�ϥΪ� (8)��L�H�@��B�m�欰\n(9)�� id �欰\n"); getdata(5, 0, "(0)����", ans, 3, DOECHO); switch (ans[0]) { case '1': strcpy(reason, "Cross-post"); break; case '2': strcpy(reason, "�õo�s�i�H"); break; case '3': strcpy(reason, "�õo�s��H"); break; case '4': while (!getdata(7, 0, "�п�J�Q���|�z�ѥH�ܭt�d�G", reason, 50, DOECHO)); strcat(reason, "[���Z���W�ϥΪ�]"); break; case '8': case '9': while (!getdata(6, 0, "�п�J�z�ѥH�ܭt�d�G", reason, 50, DOECHO)); break; default: return; } getdata(7, 0, msg_sure_ny, ans2, 3, LCECHO); if (*ans2 != 'y') return; if (ans[0] == '9') { if (HasUserPerm(PERM_POLICE) && (u->numlogins > 100 || u->numposts > 100)) return; kill_user(unum, u->userid); post_violatelaw(u->userid, cuser.userid, reason, "�尣 ID"); } else { kick_all(u->userid); u->userlevel |= PERM_VIOLATELAW; u->timeviolatelaw = now; u->vl_count++; passwd_update(unum, u); post_violatelaw(u->userid, cuser.userid, reason, "�@��B��"); mail_violatelaw(u->userid, "����ĵ��", reason, "�@��B��"); } pressanykey(); } void Customize(void) { char done = 0; int dirty = 0; int key; /* cuser.uflag settings */ static const unsigned int masks1[] = { MOVIE_FLAG, NO_MODMARK_FLAG , COLORED_MODMARK, #ifdef DBCSAWARE DBCSAWARE_FLAG, DBCS_NOINTRESC, #endif DEFBACKUP_FLAG, 0, }; static const char* desc1[] = { "�ʺA�ݪO", "���ä峹�ק�Ÿ�(����/�פ�) (~)", "��Φ�m�N���ק�Ÿ� (+)", #ifdef DBCSAWARE "�۰ʰ������줸�r��(�p��������)", "�T��b���줸���ϥΦ�X(�h�@�r����)", #endif "�w�]�ƥ��H��P�䥦�O��", //"�P��ѰO��", 0, }; /* cuser.uflag2 settings */ static const unsigned int masks2[] = { REJ_OUTTAMAIL, FAVNEW_FLAG, FAVNOHILIGHT, 0, }; static const char* desc2[] = { "�ڦ����~�H", "�s�O�۰ʶi�ڪ��̷R", "�����ܧڪ��̷R", 0, }; while ( !done ) { int i = 0, ia = 0, ic = 0; /* general uflags */ int iax = 0; /* extended flags */ clear(); showtitle("�ӤH�Ƴ]�w", "�ӤH�Ƴ]�w"); move(2, 0); outs("�z�ثe���ӤH�Ƴ]�w: "); move(4, 0); /* print uflag options */ for (i = 0; masks1[i]; i++, ia++) { clrtoeol(); prints( ANSI_COLOR(1;36) "%c" ANSI_RESET ". %-40s%s\n", 'a' + ia, desc1[i], (cuser.uflag & masks1[i]) ? ANSI_COLOR(1;36) "�O" ANSI_RESET : "�_"); } ic = i; /* print uflag2 options */ for (i = 0; masks2[i]; i++, ia++) { clrtoeol(); prints( ANSI_COLOR(1;36) "%c" ANSI_RESET ". %-40s%s" ANSI_RESET "\n", 'a' + ia, desc2[i], (cuser.uflag2 & masks2[i]) ? ANSI_COLOR(1;36) "�O" ANSI_RESET : "�_"); } /* extended stuff */ { char mindbuf[5]; static const char *wm[] = {"�@��", "�i��", "����", ""}; prints("%c. %-40s%s\n", '1' + iax++, "���y�Ҧ�", wm[(cuser.uflag2 & WATER_MASK)]); memcpy(mindbuf, &currutmp->mind, 4); mindbuf[4] = 0; prints("%c. %-40s%s\n", '1' + iax++, "�ثe���߱�", mindbuf); #ifdef PLAY_ANGEL /* damn it, dirty stuff here */ if( HasUserPerm(PERM_ANGEL) ) { const char *am[4] = {"�k�k�ҥi", "���k��", "���k��", "�Ȥ������s���p�D�H"}; prints("%c. %-40s%10s\n", '1' + iax++, "�}��p�D�H�߰�", (REJECT_QUESTION ? "�_" : "�O")); prints("%c. %-40s%10s\n", '1' + iax++, "�������p�D�H�ʧO", am[ANGEL_STATUS()]); } #endif } /* input */ key = getkey("�Ы� [a-%c,1-%c] �����]�w�A�䥦���N�䵲��: ", 'a' + ia-1, '1' + iax -1); if (key >= 'a' && key < 'a' + ia) { /* normal pref */ key -= 'a'; dirty = 1; if(key < ic) { cuser.uflag ^= masks1[key]; } else { key -= ic; cuser.uflag2 ^= masks2[key]; } continue; } if (key < '1' || key >= '1' + iax) { done = 1; continue; } /* extended keys */ key -= '1'; switch(key) { case 0: { int currentset = cuser.uflag2 & WATER_MASK; currentset = (currentset + 1) % 3; cuser.uflag2 &= ~WATER_MASK; cuser.uflag2 |= currentset; vmsg("�ץ����y�Ҧ���Х��`���u�A���s�W�u"); dirty = 1; } continue; case 1: { char mindbuf[6] = ""; getdata(b_lines - 1, 0, "�{�b���߱�? ", mindbuf, 5, DOECHO); if (strcmp(mindbuf, "�q�r") == 0) vmsg("���i�H��ۤv�]�q�r��!"); else if (strcmp(mindbuf, "�جP") == 0) vmsg("�A���O���ѥͤ���!"); else memcpy(currutmp->mind, mindbuf, 4); dirty = 1; } continue; } #ifdef PLAY_ANGEL if( HasUserPerm(PERM_ANGEL) ){ if (key == iax-2) { SwitchBeingAngel(); dirty = 1; continue; } else if (key == iax-1) { SwitchAngelSex(ANGEL_STATUS() + 1); dirty = 1; continue; } } #endif } grayout(1, b_lines-2, GRAYOUT_DARK); move(b_lines-1, 0); clrtoeol(); if(dirty) { passwd_update(usernum, &cuser); outs("�]�w�w�x�s�C\n"); } else { outs("�����]�w�C\n"); } redrawwin(); // in case we changed output pref (like DBCS) vmsg("�]�w����"); } void uinfo_query(userec_t *u, int adminmode, int unum) { userec_t x; int i = 0, fail; int ans; char buf[STRLEN]; char genbuf[200]; int y = 0; int perm_changed; int mail_changed; int money_changed; int tokill = 0; int changefrom = 0; fail = 0; mail_changed = money_changed = perm_changed = 0; { // verify unum int xuid = getuser(u->userid, &x); if (xuid != unum) { vmsg("�t�ο��~: �ϥΪ̸�Ƹ��X (unum) ���X�C�Ц� " GLOBAL_BUGREPORT "���i�C"); return; } } memcpy(&x, u, sizeof(userec_t)); ans = getans(adminmode ? "(1)����(2)�K�X(3)�v��(4)��b��(5)��ID(6)�d��(7)�f�P(M)�H�c [0]���� " : "�п�� (1)�ק��� (2)�]�w�K�X (M)�ק�H�c (C) �ӤH�Ƴ]�w ==> [0]���� "); if (ans > '2' && ans != 'm' && ans != 'c' && !adminmode) ans = '0'; if (ans == '1' || ans == '3' || ans == 'm') { clear(); y = 1; move(y++, 0); outs(msg_uid); outs(x.userid); } switch (ans) { case 'c': Customize(); return; case 'm': do { getdata_str(y, 0, "�q�l�H�c [�ܰʭn���s�{��]�G", buf, sizeof(x.email), DOECHO, x.email); // TODO �o�̤]�n emaildb_check #ifdef USE_EMAILDB if (isvalidemail(buf)) { int email_count = emaildb_check_email(buf, strlen(buf)); if (email_count < 0) vmsg("�Ȯɤ����\\ email �{��, �еy��A��"); else if (email_count >= EMAILDB_LIMIT) vmsg("���w�� E-Mail �w���U�L�h�b��, �ШϥΨ�L E-Mail"); else // valid break; } continue; #endif } while (!isvalidemail(buf) && vmsg("�{�ҫH�c����ΨϥΧK�O�H�c")); y++; // admins may want to use special names if (strcmp(buf, x.email) && (strchr(buf, '@') || adminmode)) { // TODO �o�̤]�n emaildb_check #ifdef USE_EMAILDB if (emaildb_update_email(cuser.userid, strlen(cuser.userid), buf, strlen(buf)) < 0) { vmsg("�Ȯɤ����\\ email �{��, �еy��A��"); break; } #endif strlcpy(x.email, buf, sizeof(x.email)); mail_changed = 1; delregcodefile(); } break; case '7': violate_law(&x, unum); return; case '1': move(0, 0); outs("�гv���ק�C"); getdata_buf(y++, 0, " �� �� �G", x.nickname, sizeof(x.nickname), DOECHO); if (adminmode) { getdata_buf(y++, 0, "�u��m�W�G", x.realname, sizeof(x.realname), DOECHO); getdata_buf(y++, 0, "�~���a�}�G", x.address, sizeof(x.address), DOECHO); } buf[0] = 0; if (x.mobile) snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%010d", x.mobile); getdata_buf(y++, 0, "������X�G", buf, 11, LCECHO); x.mobile = atoi(buf); snprintf(genbuf, sizeof(genbuf), "%d", (u->sex + 1) % 8); getdata_str(y++, 0, "�ʧO (1)���� (2)�j�� (3)���} (4)���� (5)���� " "(6)���� (7)�Ӫ� (8)�q���G", buf, 3, DOECHO, genbuf); if (buf[0] >= '1' && buf[0] <= '8') x.sex = (buf[0] - '1') % 8; else x.sex = u->sex % 8; while (1) { snprintf(genbuf, sizeof(genbuf), "%04i/%02i/%02i", u->year + 1900, u->month, u->day); if (getdata_str(y, 0, "�ͤ� �褸/���/���G", buf, 11, DOECHO, genbuf) == 0) { x.month = u->month; x.day = u->day; x.year = u->year; } else { int y, m, d; if (ParseDate(buf, &y, &m, &d)) continue; x.month = (unsigned char)m; x.day = (unsigned char)d; x.year = (unsigned char)(y - 1900); } if (!adminmode && x.year < 40) continue; y++; break; } #ifdef PLAY_ANGEL if (adminmode) { const char* prompt; userec_t the_angel; if (x.myangel[0] == 0 || x.myangel[0] == '-' || (getuser(x.myangel, &the_angel) && the_angel.userlevel & PERM_ANGEL)) prompt = "�p�ѨϡG"; else prompt = "�p�Ѩϡ]���b���w�L�p�Ѩϸ��^�G"; while (1) { userec_t xuser; getdata_str(y, 0, prompt, buf, IDLEN + 1, DOECHO, x.myangel); if(buf[0] == 0 || strcmp(buf, "-") == 0 || (getuser(buf, &xuser) && (xuser.userlevel & PERM_ANGEL)) || strcmp(x.myangel, buf) == 0){ strlcpy(x.myangel, xuser.userid, IDLEN + 1); ++y; break; } prompt = "�p�ѨϡG"; } } #endif #ifdef CHESSCOUNTRY { int j, k; FILE* fp; for(j = 0; j < 2; ++j){ sethomefile(genbuf, u->userid, chess_photo_name[j]); fp = fopen(genbuf, "r"); if(fp != NULL){ FILE* newfp; char mybuf[200]; for(k = 0; k < 11; ++k) fgets(genbuf, 200, fp); fgets(genbuf, 200, fp); chomp(genbuf); snprintf(mybuf, 200, "%s�Ѱ�ۧڴy�z�G", chess_type[j]); getdata_buf(y, 0, mybuf, genbuf + 11, 80 - 11, DOECHO); ++y; sethomefile(mybuf, u->userid, chess_photo_name[j]); strcat(mybuf, ".new"); if((newfp = fopen(mybuf, "w")) != NULL){ rewind(fp); for(k = 0; k < 11; ++k){ fgets(mybuf, 200, fp); fputs(mybuf, newfp); } fputs(genbuf, newfp); fputc('\n', newfp); fclose(newfp); sethomefile(genbuf, u->userid, chess_photo_name[j]); sethomefile(mybuf, u->userid, chess_photo_name[j]); strcat(mybuf, ".new"); Rename(mybuf, genbuf); } fclose(fp); } } } #endif if (adminmode) { int tmp; if (HasUserPerm(PERM_BBSADM)) { snprintf(genbuf, sizeof(genbuf), "%d", x.money); if (getdata_str(y++, 0, "�Ȧ�b��G", buf, 10, DOECHO, genbuf)) if ((tmp = atol(buf)) != 0) { if (tmp != x.money) { money_changed = 1; changefrom = x.money; x.money = tmp; } } } snprintf(genbuf, sizeof(genbuf), "%d", x.exmailbox); if (getdata_str(y++, 0, "�ʶR�H�c�ơG", buf, 6, DOECHO, genbuf)) if ((tmp = atoi(buf)) != 0) x.exmailbox = (int)tmp; getdata_buf(y++, 0, "�{�Ҹ�ơG", x.justify, sizeof(x.justify), DOECHO); getdata_buf(y++, 0, "�̪���{�����G", x.lasthost, sizeof(x.lasthost), DOECHO); snprintf(genbuf, sizeof(genbuf), "%d", x.numlogins); if (getdata_str(y++, 0, "�W�u���ơG", buf, 10, DOECHO, genbuf)) if ((tmp = atoi(buf)) >= 0) x.numlogins = tmp; snprintf(genbuf, sizeof(genbuf), "%d", u->numposts); if (getdata_str(y++, 0, "�峹�ƥءG", buf, 10, DOECHO, genbuf)) if ((tmp = atoi(buf)) >= 0) x.numposts = tmp; snprintf(genbuf, sizeof(genbuf), "%d", u->goodpost); if (getdata_str(y++, 0, "�u�}�峹��:", buf, 10, DOECHO, genbuf)) if ((tmp = atoi(buf)) >= 0) x.goodpost = tmp; snprintf(genbuf, sizeof(genbuf), "%d", u->badpost); if (getdata_str(y++, 0, "�c�H�峹��:", buf, 10, DOECHO, genbuf)) if ((tmp = atoi(buf)) >= 0) x.badpost = tmp; snprintf(genbuf, sizeof(genbuf), "%d", u->vl_count); if (getdata_str(y++, 0, "�H�k�O���G", buf, 10, DOECHO, genbuf)) if ((tmp = atoi(buf)) >= 0) x.vl_count = tmp; snprintf(genbuf, sizeof(genbuf), "%d/%d/%d", u->five_win, u->five_lose, u->five_tie); if (getdata_str(y++, 0, "���l�Ѿ��Z ��/��/�M�G", buf, 16, DOECHO, genbuf)) while (1) { char *p; char *strtok_pos; p = strtok_r(buf, "/\r\n", &strtok_pos); if (!p) break; x.five_win = atoi(p); p = strtok_r(NULL, "/\r\n", &strtok_pos); if (!p) break; x.five_lose = atoi(p); p = strtok_r(NULL, "/\r\n", &strtok_pos); if (!p) break; x.five_tie = atoi(p); break; } snprintf(genbuf, sizeof(genbuf), "%d/%d/%d", u->chc_win, u->chc_lose, u->chc_tie); if (getdata_str(y++, 0, "�H�Ѿ��Z ��/��/�M�G", buf, 16, DOECHO, genbuf)) while (1) { char *p; char *strtok_pos; p = strtok_r(buf, "/\r\n", &strtok_pos); if (!p) break; x.chc_win = atoi(p); p = strtok_r(NULL, "/\r\n", &strtok_pos); if (!p) break; x.chc_lose = atoi(p); p = strtok_r(NULL, "/\r\n", &strtok_pos); if (!p) break; x.chc_tie = atoi(p); break; } #ifdef FOREIGN_REG if (getdata_str(y++, 0, "���b 1)�x�W 2)��L�G", buf, 2, DOECHO, x.uflag2 & FOREIGN ? "2" : "1")) if ((tmp = atoi(buf)) > 0){ if (tmp == 2){ x.uflag2 |= FOREIGN; } else x.uflag2 &= ~FOREIGN; } if (x.uflag2 & FOREIGN) if (getdata_str(y++, 0, "�ä[�~�d�v 1)�O 2)�_�G", buf, 2, DOECHO, x.uflag2 & LIVERIGHT ? "1" : "2")){ if ((tmp = atoi(buf)) > 0){ if (tmp == 1){ x.uflag2 |= LIVERIGHT; x.userlevel |= (PERM_LOGINOK | PERM_POST); } else{ x.uflag2 &= ~LIVERIGHT; x.userlevel &= ~(PERM_LOGINOK | PERM_POST); } } } #endif } break; case '2': y = 19; if (!adminmode) { if (!getdata(y++, 0, "�п�J��K�X�G", buf, PASSLEN, NOECHO) || !checkpasswd(u->passwd, buf)) { outs("\n\n�z��J���K�X�����T\n"); fail++; break; } } else { FILE *fp; char witness[3][32], title[100]; int uid; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (!getdata(19 + i, 0, "�п�J��U�ҩ����ϥΪ̡G", witness[i], sizeof(witness[i]), DOECHO)) { outs("\n����J�h�L�k���\n"); fail++; break; } else if (!(uid = searchuser(witness[i], NULL))) { outs("\n�d�L���ϥΪ�\n"); fail++; break; } else { userec_t atuser; passwd_query(uid, &atuser); if (now - atuser.firstlogin < 6 * 30 * 24 * 60 * 60) { outs("\n���U���W�L�b�~�A�Э��s��J\n"); i--; } strcpy(witness[i], atuser.userid); // Adjust upper or lower case } } if (i < 3) break; sprintf(title, "%s ���K�X���]�q�� (by %s)",u->userid, cuser.userid); unlink("etc/updatepwd.log"); if(! (fp = fopen("etc/updatepwd.log", "w"))) break; fprintf(fp, "%s �n�D�K�X���]:\n" "���ҤH�� %s, %s, %s", u->userid, witness[0], witness[1], witness[2] ); fclose(fp); post_file(GLOBAL_SECURITY, title, "etc/updatepwd.log", "[�t�Φw����]"); mail_id(u->userid, title, "etc/updatepwd.log", cuser.userid); for(i=0; i<3; i++) { mail_id(witness[i], title, "etc/updatepwd.log", cuser.userid); } y = 20; } if (!getdata(y++, 0, "�г]�w�s�K�X�G", buf, PASSLEN, NOECHO)) { outs("\n\n�K�X�]�w����, �~��ϥ��±K�X\n"); fail++; break; } strlcpy(genbuf, buf, PASSLEN); move(y+1, 0); outs("�Ъ`�N�]�w�K�X�u���e�K�Ӧr�����ġA�W�L���N�۰ʩ����C"); getdata(y++, 0, "���ˬd�s�K�X�G", buf, PASSLEN, NOECHO); if (strncmp(buf, genbuf, PASSLEN)) { outs("\n\n�s�K�X�T�{����, �L�k�]�w�s�K�X\n"); fail++; break; } buf[8] = '\0'; strlcpy(x.passwd, genpasswd(buf), sizeof(x.passwd)); break; case '3': { int tmp = setperms(x.userlevel, str_permid); if (tmp == x.userlevel) fail++; else { perm_changed = 1; changefrom = x.userlevel; x.userlevel = tmp; } } break; case '4': tokill = 1; break; case '5': if (getdata_str(b_lines - 3, 0, "�s���ϥΪ̥N���G", genbuf, IDLEN + 1, DOECHO, x.userid)) { if (searchuser(genbuf, NULL)) { outs("���~! �w�g���P�� ID ���ϥΪ�"); fail++; } else strlcpy(x.userid, genbuf, sizeof(x.userid)); } break; case '6': chicken_toggle_death(x.userid); break; default: return; } if (fail) { pressanykey(); return; } if (getans(msg_sure_ny) == 'y') { if (perm_changed) { post_change_perm(changefrom, x.userlevel, cuser.userid, x.userid); #ifdef PLAY_ANGEL if (x.userlevel & ~changefrom & PERM_ANGEL) mail_id(x.userid, "�ͻH���X�ӤF�I", "etc/angel_notify", "[�W��]"); #endif } if (strcmp(u->userid, x.userid)) { char src[STRLEN], dst[STRLEN]; sethomepath(src, u->userid); sethomepath(dst, x.userid); Rename(src, dst); setuserid(unum, x.userid); } if (mail_changed && !adminmode) { // wait registration. x.userlevel &= ~(PERM_LOGINOK | PERM_POST); } memcpy(u, &x, sizeof(x)); if (tokill) { kill_user(unum, x.userid); return; } else log_usies("SetUser", x.userid); if (money_changed) { char title[TTLEN+1]; char msg[200]; char reason[50]; clrtobot(); clear(); while (!getdata(5, 0, "�п�J�z�ѥH�ܭt�d�G", reason, sizeof(reason), DOECHO)); snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), " ����" ANSI_COLOR(1;32) "%s" ANSI_RESET "��" ANSI_COLOR(1;32) "%s" ANSI_RESET "����" "�q" ANSI_COLOR(1;35) "%d" ANSI_RESET "�令" ANSI_COLOR(1;35) "%d" ANSI_RESET "\n" " " ANSI_COLOR(1;37) "����%s�ק���z�ѬO�G%s" ANSI_RESET, cuser.userid, x.userid, changefrom, x.money, cuser.userid, reason); snprintf(title, sizeof(title), "[���w���i] ����%s�ק�%s�����i", cuser.userid, x.userid); post_msg(GLOBAL_SECURITY, title, msg, "[�t�Φw����]"); setumoney(unum, x.money); } passwd_update(unum, &x); if(perm_changed) sendalert(x.userid, ALERT_PWD_PERM); // force to reload perm // resolve_over18 only works for cuser if (!adminmode) resolve_over18(); } } int u_info(void) { move(2, 0); user_display(&cuser, 0); uinfo_query(&cuser, 0, usernum); strlcpy(currutmp->nickname, cuser.nickname, sizeof(currutmp->nickname)); return 0; } int u_cloak(void) { outs((currutmp->invisible ^= 1) ? MSG_CLOAKED : MSG_UNCLOAK); return XEASY; } void showplans_userec(userec_t *user) { char genbuf[200]; if(user->userlevel & PERM_VIOLATELAW) { outs(" " ANSI_COLOR(1;31) "���H�H�W �|��ú��@��" ANSI_RESET); return; } #ifdef CHESSCOUNTRY if (user_query_mode) { int i = 0; FILE *fp; sethomefile(genbuf, user->userid, chess_photo_name[user_query_mode - 1]); if ((fp = fopen(genbuf, "r")) != NULL) { char photo[6][256]; int kingdom_bid = 0; int win = 0, lost = 0; move(7, 0); while (i < 12 && fgets(genbuf, 256, fp)) { chomp(genbuf); if (i < 6) /* Ū�Ӥ��� */ strcpy(photo[i], genbuf); else if (i == 6) kingdom_bid = atoi(genbuf); else prints("%s %s\n", photo[i - 7], genbuf); i++; } fclose(fp); if (user_query_mode == 1) { win = user->five_win; lost = user->five_lose; } else if(user_query_mode == 2) { win = user->chc_win; lost = user->chc_lose; } prints("%s <�`�@���Z> %d �� %d ��\n", photo[5], win, lost); /* �Ѱ���� */ setapath(genbuf, bcache[kingdom_bid - 1].brdname); strlcat(genbuf, "/chess_ensign", sizeof(genbuf)); show_file(genbuf, 13, 10, SHOWFILE_ALLOW_COLOR); return; } } #endif /* defined(CHESSCOUNTRY) */ sethomefile(genbuf, user->userid, fn_plans); if (!show_file(genbuf, 7, MAX_QUERYLINES, SHOWFILE_ALLOW_COLOR)) prints("�m�ӤH�W���n%s �ثe�S���W��", user->userid); } void showplans(const char *uid) { userec_t user; if(getuser(uid, &user)) showplans_userec(&user); } /* * return value: how many items displayed */ int showsignature(char *fname, int *j, SigInfo *si) { FILE *fp; char buf[256]; int i, lines = scr_lns; char ch; clear(); move(2, 0); lines -= 3; setuserfile(fname, "sig.0"); *j = strlen(fname) - 1; si->total = 0; si->max = 0; for (ch = '1'; ch <= '9'; ch++) { fname[*j] = ch; if ((fp = fopen(fname, "r"))) { si->total ++; si->max = ch - '1'; if(lines > 0 && si->max >= si->show_start) { prints(ANSI_COLOR(36) "�i ñ�W��.%c �j" ANSI_RESET "\n", ch); lines--; if(lines > MAX_SIGLINES/2) si->show_max = si->max; for (i = 0; lines > 0 && i < MAX_SIGLINES && fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp) != NULL; i++) outs(buf), lines--; } fclose(fp); } } if(lines > 0) si->show_max = si->max; return si->max; } int u_editsig(void) { int aborted; char ans[4]; int j, browsing = 0; char genbuf[MAXPATHLEN]; SigInfo si; memset(&si, 0, sizeof(si)); browse_sigs: showsignature(genbuf, &j, &si); getdata(0, 0, (browsing || (si.max > si.show_max)) ? "ñ�W�� (E)�s�� (D)�R�� (N)½�� (Q)�����H[Q] ": "ñ�W�� (E)�s�� (D)�R�� (Q)�����H[Q] ", ans, sizeof(ans), LCECHO); if(ans[0] == 'n') { si.show_start = si.show_max + 1; if(si.show_start > si.max) si.show_start = 0; browsing = 1; goto browse_sigs; } aborted = 0; if (ans[0] == 'd') aborted = 1; else if (ans[0] == 'e') aborted = 2; if (aborted) { if (!getdata(1, 0, "�п��ñ�W��(1-9)�H[1] ", ans, sizeof(ans), DOECHO)) ans[0] = '1'; if (ans[0] >= '1' && ans[0] <= '9') { genbuf[j] = ans[0]; if (aborted == 1) { unlink(genbuf); outs(msg_del_ok); } else { setutmpmode(EDITSIG); aborted = vedit(genbuf, NA, NULL); if (aborted != -1) outs("ñ�W�ɧ�s����"); } } pressanykey(); } return 0; } int u_editplan(void) { char genbuf[200]; getdata(b_lines - 1, 0, "�W�� (D)�R�� (E)�s�� [Q]�����H[Q] ", genbuf, 3, LCECHO); if (genbuf[0] == 'e') { int aborted; setutmpmode(EDITPLAN); setuserfile(genbuf, fn_plans); aborted = vedit(genbuf, NA, NULL); if (aborted != -1) outs("�W����s����"); pressanykey(); return 0; } else if (genbuf[0] == 'd') { setuserfile(genbuf, fn_plans); unlink(genbuf); outmsg("�W���R������"); } return 0; } int isvalidemail(const char *email) { FILE *fp; char buf[128], *c; if (!strstr(email, "@")) return 0; for (c = strstr(email, "@"); *c != 0; ++c) if ('A' <= *c && *c <= 'Z') *c += 32; if ((fp = fopen("etc/banemail", "r"))) { while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp)) { if (buf[0] == '#') continue; chomp(buf); if (buf[0] == 'A' && strcasecmp(&buf[1], email) == 0) return 0; if (buf[0] == 'P' && strcasestr(email, &buf[1])) return 0; if (buf[0] == 'S' && strcasecmp(strstr(email, "@") + 1, &buf[1]) == 0) return 0; } fclose(fp); } return 1; } /* �C�X�Ҧ����U�ϥΪ� */ struct ListAllUsetCtx { int usercounter; int totalusers; unsigned short u_list_special; int y; }; static int u_list_CB(void *data, int num, userec_t * uentp) { char permstr[8], *ptr; register int level; struct ListAllUsetCtx *ctx = (struct ListAllUsetCtx*) data; (void)num; if (uentp == NULL) { move(2, 0); clrtoeol(); prints(ANSI_COLOR(7) " �ϥΪ̥N�� %-25s �W�� �峹 %s " "�̪���{��� " ANSI_COLOR(0) "\n", "�︹�ʺ�", HasUserPerm(PERM_SEEULEVELS) ? "����" : ""); ctx->y = 3; return 0; } if (bad_user_id(uentp->userid)) return 0; if ((uentp->userlevel & ~(ctx->u_list_special)) == 0) return 0; if (ctx->y == b_lines) { int ch; prints(ANSI_COLOR(34;46) " �w��� %d/%d �H(%d%%) " ANSI_COLOR(31;47) " " "(Space)" ANSI_COLOR(30) " �ݤU�@�� " ANSI_COLOR(31) "(Q)" ANSI_COLOR(30) " ���} " ANSI_RESET, ctx->usercounter, ctx->totalusers, ctx->usercounter * 100 / ctx->totalusers); ch = igetch(); if (ch == 'q' || ch == 'Q') return -1; ctx->y = 3; } if (ctx->y == 3) { move(3, 0); clrtobot(); } level = uentp->userlevel; strlcpy(permstr, "----", 8); if (level & PERM_SYSOP) permstr[0] = 'S'; else if (level & PERM_ACCOUNTS) permstr[0] = 'A'; else if (level & PERM_SYSOPHIDE) permstr[0] = 'p'; if (level & (PERM_BOARD)) permstr[1] = 'B'; else if (level & (PERM_BM)) permstr[1] = 'b'; if (level & (PERM_XEMPT)) permstr[2] = 'X'; else if (level & (PERM_LOGINOK)) permstr[2] = 'R'; if (level & (PERM_CLOAK | PERM_SEECLOAK)) permstr[3] = 'C'; ptr = (char *)Cdate(&uentp->lastlogin); ptr[18] = '\0'; prints("%-14s %-27.27s%5d %5d %s %s\n", uentp->userid, uentp->nickname, uentp->numlogins, uentp->numposts, HasUserPerm(PERM_SEEULEVELS) ? permstr : "", ptr); ctx->usercounter++; ctx->y++; return 0; } int u_list(void) { char genbuf[3]; struct ListAllUsetCtx data, *ctx = &data; setutmpmode(LAUSERS); ctx->u_list_special = ctx->usercounter = 0; ctx->totalusers = SHM->number; if (HasUserPerm(PERM_SEEULEVELS)) { getdata(b_lines - 1, 0, "�[�� [1]�S������ (2)�����H", genbuf, 3, DOECHO); if (genbuf[0] != '2') ctx->u_list_special = PERM_BASIC | PERM_CHAT | PERM_PAGE | PERM_POST | PERM_LOGINOK | PERM_BM; } u_list_CB(ctx, 0, NULL); passwd_apply(ctx, u_list_CB); move(b_lines, 0); clrtoeol(); prints(ANSI_COLOR(34;46) " �w��� %d/%d ���ϥΪ�(�t�ήe�q�L�W��) " ANSI_COLOR(31;47) " (�Ы����N���~��) " ANSI_RESET, ctx->usercounter, ctx->totalusers); igetch(); return 0; } #ifdef DBCSAWARE /* detect if user is using an evil client that sends double * keys for DBCS data. * True if client is evil. */ int u_detectDBCSAwareEvilClient() { int ret = 0; clear(); stand_title("�]�w�۰ʰ������줸�r�� (��������)"); move(2, 0); outs(ANSI_RESET "* �����䴩�۰ʰ�������r�����ʻP�s��A�����dzs�u�{�� (�pxxMan)\n" " �]�|�ۦ�չϰ����B�h�e����A��O�K�|�y��" ANSI_COLOR(1;37) "�@�����ʨ�Ӥ���r���{�H�C" ANSI_RESET "\n\n" "* ���s�u�{���B�z���ʮe���y����ܤβ��ʤW�~�P�����D�A�ҥH�ڭ̫�ij�z\n" " �����ӵ{���W���]�w�]�q�`�s�u����(���������줸��)����v�^�A\n" " �� BBS �t�Υi�H���T������A���e���C\n\n" ANSI_COLOR(1;33) "* �p�G�z�ݤ����W���������]�L�ҿסA�ڭ̷|�۰ʰ����A�X�z���]�w�C" ANSI_RESET "\n" " �Цb�]�w�n�s�u�{�����z���n���Ҧ����" ANSI_COLOR(1;33) "�@�U" ANSI_RESET "�z��L�W��" ANSI_COLOR(1;33) "��" ANSI_RESET "\n" ANSI_COLOR(1;36) " (���k��V��μg BS/Backspace ���˰h��P Del �R���䧡�i)\n" ANSI_RESET); /* clear buffer */ peek_input(0.1, Ctrl('C')); drop_input(); while (1) { int ch = 0; move(14, 0); outs("�o�O�����ϡA�z����з|�X�{�b" ANSI_COLOR(7) "�o��" ANSI_RESET); move(14, 15*2); ch = igetch(); if(ch != KEY_LEFT && ch != KEY_RIGHT && ch != Ctrl('H') && ch != '\177') { move(16, 0); bell(); outs("�Ы��@�U�W�����w����I �A����O����F�I"); } else { move(16, 0); /* Actually you may also use num_in_buf here. those clients * usually sends doubled keys together in one packet. * However when I was writing this, a bug (existed for more than 3 * years) of num_in_buf forced me to write new wait_input. * Anyway it is fixed now. */ refresh(); if(wait_input(0.1, 0)) // if(igetch() == ch) // if (num_in_buf() > 0) { /* evil dbcs aware client */ outs("������z���s�u�{���|�ۦ�B�z��в��ʡC\n" // "�Y���]���y���s���W�����D���������B�z�C\n\n" "�w�]�w���u���z���s�u�{���B�z��в��ʡv\n"); ret = 1; } else { /* good non-dbcs aware client */ outs("�z���s�u�{�����G���|�h�e����A" "�o�� BBS �i�H���Ǫ�����e���C\n" "�w�]�w���u�� BBS ���A�������B�z��в��ʡv\n"); ret = 0; } outs( "\n�Y�Q���ܳ]�w�Ц� �ӤH�]�w�� �� �ӤH�Ƴ]�w �� \n" " �վ�u�۰ʰ������줸�r��(�p��������)�v���]�w"); while(num_in_buf()) igetch(); break; } } drop_input(); pressanykey(); return ret; } #endif /* vim:sw=4 */