/* $Id$ */ #include "bbs.h" static char * const sex[8] = { MSG_BIG_BOY, MSG_BIG_GIRL, MSG_LITTLE_BOY, MSG_LITTLE_GIRL, MSG_MAN, MSG_WOMAN, MSG_PLANT, MSG_MIME }; #ifdef CHESSCOUNTRY static const char * const chess_photo_name[3] = { "photo_fivechess", "photo_cchess", "photo_go", }; static const char * const chess_type[3] = { "五子棋", "象棋", "圍棋", }; #endif int kill_user(int num, const char *userid) { userec_t u; char src[256], dst[256]; if(!userid || num<=0 ) return -1; sethomepath(src, userid); snprintf(dst, sizeof(dst), "tmp/%s", userid); friend_delete_all(userid, FRIEND_ALOHA); delete_allpost(userid); if (dashd(src) && Rename(src, dst) == 0) { snprintf(src, sizeof(src), "/bin/rm -fr home/%c/%s >/dev/null 2>&1", userid[0], userid); system(src); } memset(&u, 0, sizeof(userec_t)); log_usies("KILL", getuserid(num)); setuserid(num, ""); passwd_update(num, &u); return 0; } int u_loginview(void) { int i; unsigned int pbits = cuser.loginview; clear(); move(4, 0); for (i = 0; i < NUMVIEWFILE; i++) prints(" %c. %-20s %-15s \n", 'A' + i, loginview_file[i][1], ((pbits >> i) & 1 ? "ˇ" : "X")); clrtobot(); while ((i = getkey("請按 [A-N] 切換設定,按 [Return] 結束:"))!='\r') { i = i - 'a'; if (i >= NUMVIEWFILE || i < 0) bell(); else { pbits ^= (1 << i); move(i + 4, 28); outs((pbits >> i) & 1 ? "ˇ" : "X"); } } if (pbits != cuser.loginview) { cuser.loginview = pbits; passwd_update(usernum, &cuser); } return 0; } int u_cancelbadpost(void) { int day; if(cuser.badpost==0) {vmsg("你並沒有劣文."); return 0;} if(search_ulistn(usernum,2)) {vmsg("請登出其他視窗, 否則不受理."); return 0;} passwd_query(usernum, &cuser); day = 180 - (now - cuser.timeremovebadpost ) / 86400; if(day>0 && day<=180) { vmsgf("每 180 天才能申請一次, 還剩 %d 天.", day); vmsg("您也可以注意站方是否有勞動服務方式刪除劣文."); return 0; } if( getkey("我願意尊守站方規定,組規,以及板規[y/N]?")!='y' || getkey("我願意尊重不歧視族群,不鬧板,尊重各板主權力[y/N]?")!='y' || getkey("我願意謹慎發表有意義言論,不謾罵攻擊,不跨板廣告[y/N]?")!='y' ) {vmsg("請您思考清楚後再來申請刪除."); return 0;} if(search_ulistn(usernum,2)) {vmsg("請登出其他視窗, 否則不受理."); return 0;} if(cuser.badpost) { cuser.badpost--; cuser.timeremovebadpost = now; passwd_update(usernum, &cuser); log_filef("log/cancelbadpost.log", LOG_CREAT, "%s %s 刪除一篇劣文\n", Cdate(&now), cuser.userid); } vmsg("恭喜您已經成功\刪除一篇劣文."); return 0; } void user_display(const userec_t * u, int adminmode) { int diff = 0; char genbuf[200]; clrtobot(); prints( " " ANSI_COLOR(30;41) "┴┬┴┬┴┬" ANSI_RESET " " ANSI_COLOR(1;30;45) " 使 用 者" " 資 料 " " " ANSI_RESET " " ANSI_COLOR(30;41) "┴┬┴┬┴┬" ANSI_RESET "\n"); prints(" 代號暱稱: %s(%s)\n" " 真實姓名: %s" #if FOREIGN_REG_DAY > 0 " %s%s" #elif defined(FOREIGN_REG) " %s" #endif "\n" " 居住住址: %s\n" " 電子信箱: %s\n" " 性 別: %s\n" " 銀行帳戶: %d 銀兩\n", u->userid, u->nickname, u->realname, #if FOREIGN_REG_DAY > 0 u->uflag2 & FOREIGN ? "(外籍: " : "", u->uflag2 & FOREIGN ? (u->uflag2 & LIVERIGHT) ? "永久居留)" : "未取得居留權)" : "", #elif defined(FOREIGN_REG) u->uflag2 & FOREIGN ? "(外籍)" : "", #endif u->address, u->email, sex[u->sex % 8], u->money); sethomedir(genbuf, u->userid); prints(" 私人信箱: %d 封 (購買信箱: %d 封)\n" " 手機號碼: %010d\n" " 生 日: %04i/%02i/%02i\n", get_num_records(genbuf, sizeof(fileheader_t)), u->exmailbox, u->mobile, u->year + 1900, u->month, u->day ); #ifdef ASSESS prints(" 優 劣 文: 優:%d / 劣:%d\n", u->goodpost, u->badpost); #endif // ASSESS prints(" 上站位置: %s\n", u->lasthost); #ifdef PLAY_ANGEL if (adminmode) prints(" 小 天 使: %s\n", u->myangel[0] ? u->myangel : "無"); #endif prints(" 註冊日期: %s", ctime4(&u->firstlogin)); prints(" 前次光臨: %s", ctime4(&u->lastlogin)); prints(" 上站文章: %d 次 / %d 篇\n", u->numlogins, u->numposts); #ifdef CHESSCOUNTRY { int i, j; FILE* fp; for(i = 0; i < 2; ++i){ sethomefile(genbuf, u->userid, chess_photo_name[i]); fp = fopen(genbuf, "r"); if(fp != NULL){ for(j = 0; j < 11; ++j) fgets(genbuf, 200, fp); fgets(genbuf, 200, fp); prints("%12s棋國自我描述: %s", chess_type[i], genbuf + 11); fclose(fp); } } } #endif if (adminmode) { strcpy(genbuf, "bTCPRp#@XWBA#VSM0123456789ABCDEF"); for (diff = 0; diff < 32; diff++) if (!(u->userlevel & (1 << diff))) genbuf[diff] = '-'; prints(" 認證資料: %s\n" " user權限: %s\n", u->justify, genbuf); } else { diff = (now - login_start_time) / 60; prints(" 停留期間: %d 小時 %2d 分\n", diff / 60, diff % 60); } /* Thor: 想看看這個 user 是那些板的板主 */ if (u->userlevel >= PERM_BM) { int i; boardheader_t *bhdr; outs(" 擔任板主: "); for (i = 0, bhdr = bcache; i < numboards; i++, bhdr++) { if (is_uBM(bhdr->BM, u->userid)) { outs(bhdr->brdname); outc(' '); } } outc('\n'); } outs(" " ANSI_COLOR(30;41) "┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴" "┬┴┬┴┬┴┬" ANSI_RESET); outs((u->userlevel & PERM_LOGINOK) ? "\n您的註冊程序已經完成,歡迎加入本站" : "\n如果要提昇權限,請參考本站公佈欄辦理註冊"); #ifdef NEWUSER_LIMIT if ((u->lastlogin - u->firstlogin < 3 * 86400) && !HasUserPerm(PERM_POST)) outs("\n新手上路,三天後開放權限"); #endif } void mail_violatelaw(const char *crime, const char *police, const char *reason, const char *result) { char genbuf[200]; fileheader_t fhdr; FILE *fp; sendalert(crime, ALERT_PWD_PERM); sethomepath(genbuf, crime); stampfile(genbuf, &fhdr); if (!(fp = fopen(genbuf, "w"))) return; fprintf(fp, "作者: [" BBSMNAME "警察局]\n" "標題: [報告] 違法報告\n" "時間: %s\n" ANSI_COLOR(1;32) "%s" ANSI_RESET "判決:\n " ANSI_COLOR(1;32) "%s" ANSI_RESET "因" ANSI_COLOR(1;35) "%s" ANSI_RESET "行為,\n違反本站站規,處以" ANSI_COLOR(1;35) "%s" ANSI_RESET ",特此通知" "\n請到 " GLOBAL_LAW " 查詢相關法規資訊,並到 Play-Pay-ViolateLaw 繳交罰單", ctime4(&now), police, crime, reason, result); fclose(fp); strcpy(fhdr.title, "[報告] 違法判決報告"); strcpy(fhdr.owner, "[" BBSMNAME "警察局]"); sethomedir(genbuf, crime); append_record(genbuf, &fhdr, sizeof(fhdr)); } void kick_all(char *user) { userinfo_t *ui; int num = searchuser(user, NULL), i=1; while((ui = (userinfo_t *) search_ulistn(num, i))>0) { if(ui == currutmp) i++; if ((ui->pid <= 0 || kill(ui->pid, SIGHUP) == -1)) purge_utmp(ui); log_usies("KICK ALL", user); } } void violate_law(userec_t * u, int unum) { char ans[4], ans2[4]; char reason[128]; move(1, 0); clrtobot(); move(2, 0); outs("(1)Cross-post (2)亂發廣告信 (3)亂發連鎖信\n"); outs("(4)騷擾站上使用者 (8)其他以罰單處置行為\n(9)砍 id 行為\n"); getdata(5, 0, "(0)結束", ans, 3, DOECHO); switch (ans[0]) { case '1': strcpy(reason, "Cross-post"); break; case '2': strcpy(reason, "亂發廣告信"); break; case '3': strcpy(reason, "亂發連鎖信"); break; case '4': while (!getdata(7, 0, "請輸入被檢舉理由以示負責:", reason, 50, DOECHO)); strcat(reason, "[騷擾站上使用者]"); break; case '8': case '9': while (!getdata(6, 0, "請輸入理由以示負責:", reason, 50, DOECHO)); break; default: return; } getdata(7, 0, msg_sure_ny, ans2, 3, LCECHO); if (*ans2 != 'y') return; if (ans[0] == '9') { if (HasUserPerm(PERM_POLICE) && (u->numlogins > 100 || u->numposts > 100)) return; kill_user(unum, u->userid); post_violatelaw(u->userid, cuser.userid, reason, "砍除 ID"); } else { kick_all(u->userid); u->userlevel |= PERM_VIOLATELAW; u->timeviolatelaw = now; u->vl_count++; passwd_update(unum, u); post_violatelaw(u->userid, cuser.userid, reason, "罰單處份"); mail_violatelaw(u->userid, "站務警察", reason, "罰單處份"); } pressanykey(); } void Customize(void) { char done = 0; int dirty = 0; int key; /* cuser.uflag settings */ static const unsigned int masks1[] = { MOVIE_FLAG, NO_MODMARK_FLAG , COLORED_MODMARK, #ifdef DBCSAWARE DBCSAWARE_FLAG, DBCS_NOINTRESC, #endif 0, }; static const char* desc1[] = { "動態看板", "隱藏文章修改符號(推文/修文) (~)", "改用色彩代替修改符號 (+)", #ifdef DBCSAWARE "自動偵測雙位元字集(如全型中文)", "禁止在雙位元中使用色碼(去一字雙色)", #endif 0, }; /* cuser.uflag2 settings */ static const unsigned int masks2[] = { REJ_OUTTAMAIL, FAVNEW_FLAG, FAVNOHILIGHT, 0, }; static const char* desc2[] = { "拒收站外信", "新板自動進我的最愛", "單色顯示我的最愛", 0, }; while ( !done ) { int i = 0, ia = 0, ic = 0; /* general uflags */ int iax = 0; /* extended flags */ clear(); showtitle("個人化設定", "個人化設定"); move(2, 0); outs("您目前的個人化設定: "); move(4, 0); /* print uflag options */ for (i = 0; masks1[i]; i++, ia++) { clrtoeol(); prints( ANSI_COLOR(1;36) "%c" ANSI_RESET ". %-40s%s\n", 'a' + ia, desc1[i], (cuser.uflag & masks1[i]) ? ANSI_COLOR(1;36) "是" ANSI_RESET : "否"); } ic = i; /* print uflag2 options */ for (i = 0; masks2[i]; i++, ia++) { clrtoeol(); prints( ANSI_COLOR(1;36) "%c" ANSI_RESET ". %-40s%s" ANSI_RESET "\n", 'a' + ia, desc2[i], (cuser.uflag2 & masks2[i]) ? ANSI_COLOR(1;36) "是" ANSI_RESET : "否"); } /* extended stuff */ { char mindbuf[5]; const static char *wm[] = {"一般", "進階", "未來", ""}; prints("%c. %-40s%s\n", '1' + iax++, "水球模式", wm[(cuser.uflag2 & WATER_MASK)]); memcpy(mindbuf, &currutmp->mind, 4); mindbuf[4] = 0; prints("%c. %-40s%s\n", '1' + iax++, "目前的心情", mindbuf); #ifdef PLAY_ANGEL /* damn it, dirty stuff here */ if( HasUserPerm(PERM_ANGEL) ) { const char *am[4] = {"男女皆可", "限女生", "限男生", "暫不接受新的小主人"}; prints("%c. %-40s%10s\n", '1' + iax++, "開放小主人詢問", (REJECT_QUESTION ? "否" : "是")); prints("%c. %-40s%10s\n", '1' + iax++, "接受的小主人性別", am[ANGEL_STATUS()]); } #endif } /* input */ key = getkey("請按 [a-%c,1-%c] 切換設定,其它任意鍵結束: ", 'a' + ia-1, '1' + iax -1); if (key >= 'a' && key < 'a' + ia) { /* normal pref */ key -= 'a'; dirty = 1; if(key < ic) { cuser.uflag ^= masks1[key]; } else { key -= ic; cuser.uflag2 ^= masks2[key]; } continue; } if (key < '1' || key >= '1' + iax) { done = 1; continue; } /* extended keys */ key -= '1'; switch(key) { case 0: { int currentset = cuser.uflag2 & WATER_MASK; currentset = (currentset + 1) % 3; cuser.uflag2 &= ~WATER_MASK; cuser.uflag2 |= currentset; vmsg("修正水球模式後請正常離線再重新上線"); dirty = 1; } continue; case 1: { char mindbuf[6] = ""; getdata(b_lines - 1, 0, "現在的心情? ", mindbuf, 5, DOECHO); if (strcmp(mindbuf, "通緝") == 0) vmsg("不可以把自己設通緝啦!"); else if (strcmp(mindbuf, "壽星") == 0) vmsg("你不是今天生日欸!"); else memcpy(currutmp->mind, mindbuf, 4); dirty = 1; } continue; } #ifdef PLAY_ANGEL if( HasUserPerm(PERM_ANGEL) ){ if (key == iax-2) { SwitchBeingAngel(); dirty = 1; continue; } else if (key == iax-1) { SwitchAngelSex(ANGEL_STATUS() + 1); dirty = 1; continue; } } #endif } grayout(1, b_lines-2, GRAYOUT_DARK); move(b_lines-1, 0); clrtoeol(); if(dirty) { passwd_update(usernum, &cuser); outs("設定已儲存。\n"); } else { outs("結束設定。\n"); } redrawwin(); // in case we changed output pref (like DBCS) vmsg("設定完成"); } static char * getregfile(char *buf) { // not in user's home because s/he could zip his/her home snprintf(buf, PATHLEN, "jobspool/.regcode.%s", cuser.userid); return buf; } static char * makeregcode(char *buf) { char fpath[PATHLEN]; int fd, i; const char *alphabet = "qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmQWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM"; /* generate a new regcode */ buf[13] = 0; buf[0] = 'v'; buf[1] = '6'; for( i = 2 ; i < 13 ; ++i ) buf[i] = alphabet[random() % 52]; getregfile(fpath); if( (fd = open(fpath, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, 0600)) == -1 ){ perror("open"); exit(1); } write(fd, buf, 13); close(fd); return buf; } static char * getregcode(char *buf) { int fd; char fpath[PATHLEN]; getregfile(fpath); if( (fd = open(fpath, O_RDONLY)) == -1 ){ buf[0] = 0; return buf; } read(fd, buf, 13); close(fd); buf[13] = 0; return buf; } static void delregcodefile(void) { char fpath[PATHLEN]; getregfile(fpath); unlink(fpath); } #ifdef DEBUG int _debug_testregcode() { char buf[16], rcode[16]; char myid[16]; int i = 1; clear(); strcpy(myid, cuser.userid); do { getdata(0, 0, "輸入 id (空白結束): ", buf, IDLEN+1, DOECHO); if(buf[0]) { move(i++, 0); i %= t_lines; if(i == 0) i = 1; strcpy(cuser.userid, buf); prints("id: [%s], regcode: [%s]\n", cuser.userid, getregcode(rcode)); move(i, 0); clrtoeol(); } } while (buf[0]); strcpy(cuser.userid, myid); pressanykey(); return 0; } #endif static void justify_wait(char *userid, char *phone, char *career, char *rname, char *addr, char *mobile) { char buf[PATHLEN]; sethomefile(buf, userid, "justify.wait"); if (phone[0] != 0) { FILE* fn = fopen(buf, "w"); assert(fn); fprintf(fn, "%s\n%s\ndummy\n%s\n%s\n%s\n", phone, career, rname, addr, mobile); fclose(fn); } } static void email_justify(const userec_t *muser) { char tmp[IDLEN + 1], buf[256], genbuf[256]; /* * It is intended to use BBSENAME instead of BBSNAME here. * Because recently many poor users with poor mail clients * (or evil mail servers) cannot handle/decode Chinese * subjects (BBSNAME) correctly, so we'd like to use * BBSENAME here to prevent subject being messed up. * And please keep BBSENAME short or it may be truncated * by evil mail servers. */ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), " " BBSENAME " - [ %s ]", makeregcode(genbuf)); strlcpy(tmp, cuser.userid, sizeof(tmp)); // XXX dirty, set userid=SYSOP strlcpy(cuser.userid, str_sysop, sizeof(cuser.userid)); #ifdef HAVEMOBILE if (strcmp(muser->email, "m") == 0 || strcmp(muser->email, "M") == 0) mobile_message(mobile, buf); else #endif bsmtp("etc/registermail", buf, muser->email); strlcpy(cuser.userid, tmp, sizeof(cuser.userid)); move(20,0); clrtobot(); outs("我們即將寄出認證信 (您應該會在 10 分鐘內收到)\n" "收到後您可以根據認證信標題的認證碼\n" "輸入到 (U)ser -> (R)egister 後就可以完成註冊"); pressanykey(); return; } void uinfo_query(userec_t *u, int adminmode, int unum) { userec_t x; register int i = 0, fail, mail_changed; int uid, ans; char buf[STRLEN], *p; char genbuf[200], reason[50]; int money = 0; int flag = 0, temp = 0, money_change = 0; fail = mail_changed = 0; memcpy(&x, u, sizeof(userec_t)); ans = getans(adminmode ? "(1)改資料(2)密碼(3)權限(4)砍帳號(5)改ID(6)寵物(7)審判(M)信箱 [0]結束 " : "請選擇 (1)修改資料 (2)設定密碼 (M)修改信箱 (C) 個人化設定 ==> [0]結束 "); if (ans > '2' && ans != 'm' && ans != 'c' && !adminmode) ans = '0'; if (ans == '1' || ans == '3' || ans == 'm') { clear(); i = 1; move(i++, 0); outs(msg_uid); outs(x.userid); } switch (ans) { case 'c': Customize(); return; case 'm': do { getdata_str(i, 0, "電子信箱[變動要重新認證]:", buf, 50, DOECHO, x.email); } while (!isvalidemail(buf) && vmsg("認證信箱不能用使用免費信箱")); i++; if (strcmp(buf, x.email) && strchr(buf, '@')) { strlcpy(x.email, buf, sizeof(x.email)); mail_changed = 1 - adminmode; delregcodefile(); } break; case '7': violate_law(&x, unum); return; case '1': move(0, 0); outs("請逐項修改。"); getdata_buf(i++, 0, " 暱 稱 :", x.nickname, sizeof(x.nickname), DOECHO); if (adminmode) { getdata_buf(i++, 0, "真實姓名:", x.realname, sizeof(x.realname), DOECHO); getdata_buf(i++, 0, "居住地址:", x.address, sizeof(x.address), DOECHO); } snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%010d", x.mobile); getdata_buf(i++, 0, "手機號碼:", buf, 11, LCECHO); x.mobile = atoi(buf); snprintf(genbuf, sizeof(genbuf), "%i", (u->sex + 1) % 8); getdata_str(i++, 0, "性別 (1)葛格 (2)姐接 (3)底迪 (4)美眉 (5)薯叔 " "(6)阿姨 (7)植物 (8)礦物:", buf, 3, DOECHO, genbuf); if (buf[0] >= '1' && buf[0] <= '8') x.sex = (buf[0] - '1') % 8; else x.sex = u->sex % 8; while (1) { snprintf(genbuf, sizeof(genbuf), "%04i/%02i/%02i", u->year + 1900, u->month, u->day); if (getdata_str(i, 0, "生日 西元/月月/日日:", buf, 11, DOECHO, genbuf) == 0) { x.month = u->month; x.day = u->day; x.year = u->year; } else { int y, m, d; if (ParseDate(buf, &y, &m, &d)) continue; x.month = (unsigned char)m; x.day = (unsigned char)d; x.year = (unsigned char)(y - 1900); } if (!adminmode && x.year < 40) continue; i++; break; } #ifdef PLAY_ANGEL if (adminmode) { const char* prompt; userec_t the_angel; if (x.myangel[0] == 0 || x.myangel[0] == '-' || (getuser(x.myangel, &the_angel) && the_angel.userlevel & PERM_ANGEL)) prompt = "小天使:"; else prompt = "小天使(此帳號已無小天使資格):"; while (1) { userec_t xuser; getdata_str(i, 0, prompt, buf, IDLEN + 1, DOECHO, x.myangel); if(buf[0] == 0 || strcmp(buf, "-") == 0 || (getuser(buf, &xuser) && (xuser.userlevel & PERM_ANGEL)) || strcmp(x.myangel, buf) == 0){ strlcpy(x.myangel, xuser.userid, IDLEN + 1); ++i; break; } prompt = "小天使:"; } } #endif #ifdef CHESSCOUNTRY { int j, k; FILE* fp; for(j = 0; j < 2; ++j){ sethomefile(genbuf, u->userid, chess_photo_name[j]); fp = fopen(genbuf, "r"); if(fp != NULL){ FILE* newfp; char mybuf[200]; for(k = 0; k < 11; ++k) fgets(genbuf, 200, fp); fgets(genbuf, 200, fp); chomp(genbuf); snprintf(mybuf, 200, "%s棋國自我描述:", chess_type[j]); getdata_buf(i, 0, mybuf, genbuf + 11, 80 - 11, DOECHO); ++i; sethomefile(mybuf, u->userid, chess_photo_name[j]); strcat(mybuf, ".new"); if((newfp = fopen(mybuf, "w")) != NULL){ rewind(fp); for(k = 0; k < 11; ++k){ fgets(mybuf, 200, fp); fputs(mybuf, newfp); } fputs(genbuf, newfp); fputc('\n', newfp); fclose(newfp); sethomefile(genbuf, u->userid, chess_photo_name[j]); sethomefile(mybuf, u->userid, chess_photo_name[j]); strcat(mybuf, ".new"); Rename(mybuf, genbuf); } fclose(fp); } } } #endif if (adminmode) { int l; if (HasUserPerm(PERM_BBSADM)) { snprintf(genbuf, sizeof(genbuf), "%d", x.money); if (getdata_str(i++, 0, "銀行帳戶:", buf, 10, DOECHO, genbuf)) if ((l = atol(buf)) != 0) { if (l != x.money) { money_change = 1; money = x.money; x.money = l; } } } snprintf(genbuf, sizeof(genbuf), "%d", x.exmailbox); if (getdata_str(i++, 0, "購買信箱數:", buf, 6, DOECHO, genbuf)) if ((l = atol(buf)) != 0) x.exmailbox = (int)l; getdata_buf(i++, 0, "認證資料:", x.justify, sizeof(x.justify), DOECHO); getdata_buf(i++, 0, "最近光臨機器:", x.lasthost, sizeof(x.lasthost), DOECHO); // XXX 一變數不要多用途亂用 "fail" snprintf(genbuf, sizeof(genbuf), "%d", x.numlogins); if (getdata_str(i++, 0, "上線次數:", buf, 10, DOECHO, genbuf)) if ((fail = atoi(buf)) >= 0) x.numlogins = fail; snprintf(genbuf, sizeof(genbuf), "%d", u->numposts); if (getdata_str(i++, 0, "文章數目:", buf, 10, DOECHO, genbuf)) if ((fail = atoi(buf)) >= 0) x.numposts = fail; snprintf(genbuf, sizeof(genbuf), "%d", u->goodpost); if (getdata_str(i++, 0, "優良文章數:", buf, 10, DOECHO, genbuf)) if ((fail = atoi(buf)) >= 0) x.goodpost = fail; snprintf(genbuf, sizeof(genbuf), "%d", u->badpost); if (getdata_str(i++, 0, "惡劣文章數:", buf, 10, DOECHO, genbuf)) if ((fail = atoi(buf)) >= 0) x.badpost = fail; snprintf(genbuf, sizeof(genbuf), "%d", u->vl_count); if (getdata_str(i++, 0, "違法記錄:", buf, 10, DOECHO, genbuf)) if ((fail = atoi(buf)) >= 0) x.vl_count = fail; snprintf(genbuf, sizeof(genbuf), "%d/%d/%d", u->five_win, u->five_lose, u->five_tie); if (getdata_str(i++, 0, "五子棋戰績 勝/敗/和:", buf, 16, DOECHO, genbuf)) while (1) { char *strtok_pos; p = strtok_r(buf, "/\r\n", &strtok_pos); if (!p) break; x.five_win = atoi(p); p = strtok_r(NULL, "/\r\n", &strtok_pos); if (!p) break; x.five_lose = atoi(p); p = strtok_r(NULL, "/\r\n", &strtok_pos); if (!p) break; x.five_tie = atoi(p); break; } snprintf(genbuf, sizeof(genbuf), "%d/%d/%d", u->chc_win, u->chc_lose, u->chc_tie); if (getdata_str(i++, 0, "象棋戰績 勝/敗/和:", buf, 16, DOECHO, genbuf)) while (1) { char *strtok_pos; p = strtok_r(buf, "/\r\n", &strtok_pos); if (!p) break; x.chc_win = atoi(p); p = strtok_r(NULL, "/\r\n", &strtok_pos); if (!p) break; x.chc_lose = atoi(p); p = strtok_r(NULL, "/\r\n", &strtok_pos); if (!p) break; x.chc_tie = atoi(p); break; } #ifdef FOREIGN_REG if (getdata_str(i++, 0, "住在 1)台灣 2)其他:", buf, 2, DOECHO, x.uflag2 & FOREIGN ? "2" : "1")) if ((fail = atoi(buf)) > 0){ if (fail == 2){ x.uflag2 |= FOREIGN; } else x.uflag2 &= ~FOREIGN; } if (x.uflag2 & FOREIGN) if (getdata_str(i++, 0, "永久居留權 1)是 2)否:", buf, 2, DOECHO, x.uflag2 & LIVERIGHT ? "1" : "2")){ if ((fail = atoi(buf)) > 0){ if (fail == 1){ x.uflag2 |= LIVERIGHT; x.userlevel |= (PERM_LOGINOK | PERM_POST); } else{ x.uflag2 &= ~LIVERIGHT; x.userlevel &= ~(PERM_LOGINOK | PERM_POST); } } } #endif fail = 0; } break; case '2': i = 19; if (!adminmode) { if (!getdata(i++, 0, "請輸入原密碼:", buf, PASSLEN, NOECHO) || !checkpasswd(u->passwd, buf)) { outs("\n\n您輸入的密碼不正確\n"); fail++; break; } } else { FILE *fp; char witness[3][32], title[100]; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (!getdata(19 + i, 0, "請輸入協助證明之使用者:", witness[i], sizeof(witness[i]), DOECHO)) { outs("\n不輸入則無法更改\n"); fail++; break; } else if (!(uid = searchuser(witness[i], NULL))) { outs("\n查無此使用者\n"); fail++; break; } else { userec_t atuser; passwd_query(uid, &atuser); if (now - atuser.firstlogin < 6 * 30 * 24 * 60 * 60) { outs("\n註冊未超過半年,請重新輸入\n"); i--; } strcpy(witness[i], atuser.userid); // Adjust upper or lower case } } if (i < 3) break; sprintf(title, "%s 的密碼重設通知 (by %s)",u->userid, cuser.userid); unlink("etc/updatepwd.log"); if(! (fp = fopen("etc/updatepwd.log", "w"))) break; fprintf(fp, "%s 要求密碼重設:\n" "見證人為 %s, %s, %s", u->userid, witness[0], witness[1], witness[2] ); fclose(fp); post_file(GLOBAL_SECURITY, title, "etc/updatepwd.log", "[系統安全局]"); mail_id(u->userid, title, "etc/updatepwd.log", cuser.userid); for(i=0; i<3; i++) { mail_id(witness[i], title, "etc/updatepwd.log", cuser.userid); } i = 20; } if (!getdata(i++, 0, "請設定新密碼:", buf, PASSLEN, NOECHO)) { outs("\n\n密碼設定取消, 繼續使用舊密碼\n"); fail++; break; } strlcpy(genbuf, buf, PASSLEN); getdata(i++, 0, "請檢查新密碼:", buf, PASSLEN, NOECHO); if (strncmp(buf, genbuf, PASSLEN)) { outs("\n\n新密碼確認失敗, 無法設定新密碼\n"); fail++; break; } buf[8] = '\0'; strlcpy(x.passwd, genpasswd(buf), sizeof(x.passwd)); break; case '3': i = setperms(x.userlevel, str_permid); if (i == x.userlevel) fail++; else { flag = 1; temp = x.userlevel; x.userlevel = i; } break; case '4': i = QUIT; break; case '5': if (getdata_str(b_lines - 3, 0, "新的使用者代號:", genbuf, IDLEN + 1, DOECHO, x.userid)) { if (searchuser(genbuf, NULL)) { outs("錯誤! 已經有同樣 ID 的使用者"); fail++; } else strlcpy(x.userid, genbuf, sizeof(x.userid)); } break; case '6': if (x.mychicken.name[0]) x.mychicken.name[0] = 0; else strlcpy(x.mychicken.name, "[死]", sizeof(x.mychicken.name)); break; default: return; } if (fail) { pressanykey(); return; } if (getans(msg_sure_ny) == 'y') { if (flag) { post_change_perm(temp, i, cuser.userid, x.userid); #ifdef PLAY_ANGEL if (i & ~temp & PERM_ANGEL) mail_id(x.userid, "翅膀長出來了!", "etc/angel_notify", "[上帝]"); #endif } if (strcmp(u->userid, x.userid)) { char src[STRLEN], dst[STRLEN]; sethomepath(src, u->userid); sethomepath(dst, x.userid); Rename(src, dst); setuserid(unum, x.userid); } if (mail_changed) { char justify_tmp[REGLEN + 1]; char *phone, *career; char *strtok_pos; strlcpy(justify_tmp, u->justify, sizeof(justify_tmp)); x.userlevel &= ~(PERM_LOGINOK | PERM_POST); phone = strtok_r(justify_tmp, ":", &strtok_pos); career = strtok_r(NULL, ":", &strtok_pos); if (phone == NULL) phone = ""; if (career == NULL) career = ""; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", x.mobile); justify_wait(x.userid, phone, career, x.realname, x.address, buf); } memcpy(u, &x, sizeof(x)); if (i == QUIT) { kill_user(unum, x.userid); return; } else log_usies("SetUser", x.userid); if (money_change) { char title[TTLEN+1]; char msg[200]; clrtobot(); clear(); while (!getdata(5, 0, "請輸入理由以示負責:", reason, sizeof(reason), DOECHO)); snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), " 站長" ANSI_COLOR(1;32) "%s" ANSI_RESET "把" ANSI_COLOR(1;32) "%s" ANSI_RESET "的錢" "從" ANSI_COLOR(1;35) "%d" ANSI_RESET "改成" ANSI_COLOR(1;35) "%d" ANSI_RESET "\n" " " ANSI_COLOR(1;37) "站長%s修改錢理由是:%s" ANSI_RESET, cuser.userid, x.userid, money, x.money, cuser.userid, reason); snprintf(title, sizeof(title), "[公安報告] 站長%s修改%s錢報告", cuser.userid, x.userid); post_msg(GLOBAL_SECURITY, title, msg, "[系統安全局]"); setumoney(unum, x.money); } passwd_update(unum, &x); if(flag) sendalert(x.userid, ALERT_PWD_PERM); // force to reload perm } } int u_info(void) { move(2, 0); user_display(&cuser, 0); uinfo_query(&cuser, 0, usernum); strlcpy(currutmp->nickname, cuser.nickname, sizeof(currutmp->nickname)); return 0; } int u_cloak(void) { outs((currutmp->invisible ^= 1) ? MSG_CLOAKED : MSG_UNCLOAK); return XEASY; } void showplans_userec(userec_t *user) { char genbuf[200]; if(user->userlevel & PERM_VIOLATELAW) { outs(" " ANSI_COLOR(1;31) "此人違規 尚未繳交罰單" ANSI_RESET); return; } #ifdef CHESSCOUNTRY if (user_query_mode) { int i = 0; FILE *fp; sethomefile(genbuf, user->userid, chess_photo_name[user_query_mode - 1]); if ((fp = fopen(genbuf, "r")) != NULL) { char photo[6][256]; int kingdom_bid = 0; int win = 0, lost = 0; move(7, 0); while (i < 12 && fgets(genbuf, 256, fp)) { chomp(genbuf); if (i < 6) /* 讀照片檔 */ strcpy(photo[i], genbuf); else if (i == 6) kingdom_bid = atoi(genbuf); else prints("%s %s\n", photo[i - 7], genbuf); i++; } fclose(fp); if (user_query_mode == 1) { win = user->five_win; lost = user->five_lose; } else if(user_query_mode == 2) { win = user->chc_win; lost = user->chc_lose; } prints("%s <總共戰績> %d 勝 %d 敗\n", photo[5], win, lost); /* 棋國國徽 */ setapath(genbuf, bcache[kingdom_bid - 1].brdname); strlcat(genbuf, "/chess_ensign", sizeof(genbuf)); show_file(genbuf, 13, 10, ONLY_COLOR); return; } } #endif /* defined(CHESSCOUNTRY) */ sethomefile(genbuf, user->userid, fn_plans); if (!show_file(genbuf, 7, MAX_QUERYLINES, ONLY_COLOR)) prints("《個人名片》%s 目前沒有名片", user->userid); } void showplans(const char *uid) { userec_t user; if(getuser(uid, &user)) showplans_userec(&user); } /* * return value: how many items displayed */ int showsignature(char *fname, int *j, SigInfo *si) { FILE *fp; char buf[256]; int i, lines = scr_lns; char ch; clear(); move(2, 0); lines -= 3; setuserfile(fname, "sig.0"); *j = strlen(fname) - 1; si->total = 0; si->max = 0; for (ch = '1'; ch <= '9'; ch++) { fname[*j] = ch; if ((fp = fopen(fname, "r"))) { si->total ++; si->max = ch - '1'; if(lines > 0 && si->max >= si->show_start) { prints(ANSI_COLOR(36) "【 簽名檔.%c 】" ANSI_RESET "\n", ch); lines--; if(lines > MAX_SIGLINES/2) si->show_max = si->max; for (i = 0; lines > 0 && i < MAX_SIGLINES && fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp) != NULL; i++) outs(buf), lines--; } fclose(fp); } } if(lines > 0) si->show_max = si->max; return si->max; } int u_editsig(void) { int aborted; char ans[4]; int j, browsing = 0; char genbuf[MAXPATHLEN]; SigInfo si; memset(&si, 0, sizeof(si)); browse_sigs: showsignature(genbuf, &j, &si); getdata(0, 0, (browsing || (si.max > si.show_max)) ? "簽名檔 (E)編輯 (D)刪除 (N)翻頁 (Q)取消?[Q] ": "簽名檔 (E)編輯 (D)刪除 (Q)取消?[Q] ", ans, sizeof(ans), LCECHO); if(ans[0] == 'n') { si.show_start = si.show_max + 1; if(si.show_start > si.max) si.show_start = 0; browsing = 1; goto browse_sigs; } aborted = 0; if (ans[0] == 'd') aborted = 1; else if (ans[0] == 'e') aborted = 2; if (aborted) { if (!getdata(1, 0, "請選擇簽名檔(1-9)?[1] ", ans, sizeof(ans), DOECHO)) ans[0] = '1'; if (ans[0] >= '1' && ans[0] <= '9') { genbuf[j] = ans[0]; if (aborted == 1) { unlink(genbuf); outs(msg_del_ok); } else { setutmpmode(EDITSIG); aborted = vedit(genbuf, NA, NULL); if (aborted != -1) outs("簽名檔更新完畢"); } } pressanykey(); } return 0; } int u_editplan(void) { char genbuf[200]; getdata(b_lines - 1, 0, "名片 (D)刪除 (E)編輯 [Q]取消?[Q] ", genbuf, 3, LCECHO); if (genbuf[0] == 'e') { int aborted; setutmpmode(EDITPLAN); setuserfile(genbuf, fn_plans); aborted = vedit(genbuf, NA, NULL); if (aborted != -1) outs("名片更新完畢"); pressanykey(); return 0; } else if (genbuf[0] == 'd') { setuserfile(genbuf, fn_plans); unlink(genbuf); outmsg("名片刪除完畢"); } return 0; } /* 使用者填寫註冊表格 */ static void getfield(int line, const char *info, const char *desc, char *buf, int len) { char prompt[STRLEN]; char genbuf[200]; move(line, 2); prints("原先設定:%-30.30s (%s)", buf, info); snprintf(prompt, sizeof(prompt), "%s:", desc); if (getdata_str(line + 1, 2, prompt, genbuf, len, DOECHO, buf)) strcpy(buf, genbuf); move(line, 2); prints("%s:%s", desc, buf); clrtoeol(); } static int removespace(char *s) { int i, index; for (i = 0, index = 0; s[i]; i++) { if (s[i] != ' ') s[index++] = s[i]; } s[index] = '\0'; return index; } int isvalidemail(const char *email) { FILE *fp; char buf[128], *c; if (!strstr(email, "@")) return 0; for (c = strstr(email, "@"); *c != 0; ++c) if ('A' <= *c && *c <= 'Z') *c += 32; if ((fp = fopen("etc/banemail", "r"))) { while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp)) { if (buf[0] == '#') continue; chomp(buf); if (buf[0] == 'A' && strcasecmp(&buf[1], email) == 0) return 0; if (buf[0] == 'P' && strcasestr(email, &buf[1])) return 0; if (buf[0] == 'S' && strcasecmp(strstr(email, "@") + 1, &buf[1]) == 0) return 0; } fclose(fp); } return 1; } static void toregister(char *email, char *genbuf, char *phone, char *career, char *rname, char *addr, char *mobile) { FILE *fn; char buf[128]; justify_wait(cuser.userid, phone, career, rname, addr, mobile); clear(); stand_title("認證設定"); if (cuser.userlevel & PERM_NOREGCODE){ strcpy(email, "x"); goto REGFORM2; } move(1, 0); outs("您好, 本站認證認證的方式有:\n" " 1.若您有 E-Mail (本站不接受 yahoo, kimo等免費的 E-Mail)\n" " 請輸入您的 E-Mail , 我們會寄發含有認證碼的信件給您\n" " 收到後請到 (U)ser => (R)egister 輸入認證碼, 即可通過認證\n" "\n" " 2.若您沒有 E-Mail 或是一直無法收到認證信, 請輸入 x \n" " 會有站長親自人工審核註冊資料," ANSI_COLOR(1;33) "但注意這可能會花上數週或更多時間。" ANSI_RESET "\n" "**********************************************************\n" "* 注意! *\n" "* 通常應該會在輸入完成後十分鐘內收到認證信, 若過久未收到 *\n" "* 請到郵件垃圾桶檢查是否被當作垃圾信(SPAM)了,另外若是 *\n" "* 輸入後發生認證碼錯誤請重填一次 E-Mail *\n" "**********************************************************\n"); #ifdef HAVEMOBILE outs(" 3.若您有手機門號且想採取手機簡訊認證的方式 , 請輸入 m \n" " 我們將會寄發含有認證碼的簡訊給您 \n" " 收到後請到(U)ser => (R)egister 輸入認證碼, 即可通過認證\n"); #endif while (1) { email[0] = 0; getfield(15, "身分認證用", "E-Mail Address", email, 50); if (strcmp(email, "x") == 0 || strcmp(email, "X") == 0) break; #ifdef HAVEMOBILE else if (strcmp(email, "m") == 0 || strcmp(email, "M") == 0) { if (isvalidmobile(mobile)) { char yn[3]; getdata(16, 0, "請再次確認您輸入的手機號碼正確嘛? [y/N]", yn, sizeof(yn), LCECHO); if (yn[0] == 'Y' || yn[0] == 'y') break; } else { move(15, 0); clrtobot(); move(17, 0); outs("指定的手機號碼不合法," "若您無手機門號請選擇其他方式認證"); } } #endif else if (isvalidemail(email)) { char yn[3]; #ifdef USE_EMAILDB int email_count = emaildb_check_email(email, strlen(email)); if (email_count < 0) { move(15, 0); clrtobot(); move(17, 0); outs("暫時不允許\ email 認證註冊, 請稍後再試\n"); pressanykey(); return; } else if (email_count >= EMAILDB_LIMIT) { move(15, 0); clrtobot(); move(17, 0); outs("指定的 E-Mail 已註冊過多帳號, 請使用其他 E-Mail, 或輸入 x 採手動認證\n"); outs("但注意手動認證通常會花上數週以上的時間。\n"); } else { #endif getdata(16, 0, "請再次確認您輸入的 E-Mail 位置正確嘛? [y/N]", yn, sizeof(yn), LCECHO); if (yn[0] == 'Y' || yn[0] == 'y') break; #ifdef USE_EMAILDB } #endif } else { move(15, 0); clrtobot(); move(17, 0); outs("指定的 E-Mail 不合法, 若您無 E-Mail 請輸入 x 由站長手動認證\n"); outs("但注意手動認證通常會花上數週以上的時間。\n"); } } #ifdef USE_EMAILDB if (emaildb_update_email(cuser.userid, strlen(cuser.userid), email, strlen(email)) < 0) { move(15, 0); clrtobot(); move(17, 0); outs("暫時不允許\ email 認證註冊, 請稍後再試\n"); pressanykey(); return; } #endif strlcpy(cuser.email, email, sizeof(cuser.email)); REGFORM2: if (strcasecmp(email, "x") == 0) { /* 手動認證 */ if ((fn = fopen(fn_register, "a"))) { fprintf(fn, "num: %d, %s", usernum, ctime4(&now)); fprintf(fn, "uid: %s\n", cuser.userid); fprintf(fn, "name: %s\n", rname); fprintf(fn, "career: %s\n", career); fprintf(fn, "addr: %s\n", addr); fprintf(fn, "phone: %s\n", phone); fprintf(fn, "mobile: %s\n", mobile); fprintf(fn, "email: %s\n", email); fprintf(fn, "----\n"); fclose(fn); } } else { if (phone != NULL) { #ifdef HAVEMOBILE if (strcmp(email, "m") == 0 || strcmp(email, "M") == 0) sprintf(genbuf, sizeof(genbuf), "%s:%s:", phone, career); else #endif snprintf(genbuf, sizeof(genbuf), "%s:%s:", phone, career); strlcpy(cuser.justify, genbuf, sizeof(cuser.justify)); sethomefile(buf, cuser.userid, "justify"); } email_justify(&cuser); } } static int HaveRejectStr(const char *s, const char **rej) { int i; char *ptr, *rejectstr[] = {"幹", "阿", "不", "你媽", "某", "笨", "呆", "..", "xx", "你管", "管我", "猜", "天才", "超人", "ㄅ", "ㄆ", "ㄇ", "ㄈ", "ㄉ", "ㄊ", "ㄋ", "ㄌ", "ㄍ", "ㄎ", "ㄏ", "ㄐ", "ㄑ", "ㄒ", "ㄓ",/*"ㄔ",*/ "ㄕ", "ㄖ", "ㄗ", "ㄘ", "ㄙ", "ㄧ", "ㄨ", "ㄩ", "ㄚ", "ㄛ", "ㄜ", "ㄝ", "ㄞ", "ㄟ", "ㄠ", "ㄡ", "ㄢ", "ㄣ", "ㄤ", "ㄥ", "ㄦ", NULL}; if( rej != NULL ) for( i = 0 ; rej[i] != NULL ; ++i ) if( strstr(s, rej[i]) ) return 1; for( i = 0 ; rejectstr[i] != NULL ; ++i ) if( strstr(s, rejectstr[i]) ) return 1; if( (ptr = strstr(s, "ㄔ")) != NULL ){ if( ptr != s && strncmp(ptr - 1, "都市", 4) == 0 ) return 0; return 1; } return 0; } static char *isvalidname(char *rname) { #ifdef FOREIGN_REG return NULL; #else const char *rejectstr[] = {"肥", "胖", "豬頭", "小白", "小明", "路人", "老王", "老李", "寶貝", "先生", "帥哥", "老頭", "小姊", "小姐", "美女", "小妹", "大頭", "公主", "同學", "寶寶", "公子", "大頭", "小小", "小弟", "小妹", "妹妹", "嘿", "嗯", "爺爺", "大哥", "無", NULL}; if( removespace(rname) && rname[0] < 0 && strlen(rname) >= 4 && !HaveRejectStr(rname, rejectstr) && strncmp(rname, "小", 2) != 0 && //起頭是「小」 strncmp(rname, "我是", 4) != 0 && //起頭是「我是」 !(strlen(rname) == 4 && strncmp(&rname[2], "兒", 2) == 0) && !(strlen(rname) >= 4 && strncmp(&rname[0], &rname[2], 2) == 0)) return NULL; return "您的輸入不正確"; #endif } static char *isvalidcareer(char *career) { #ifndef FOREIGN_REG const char *rejectstr[] = {NULL}; if (!(removespace(career) && career[0] < 0 && strlen(career) >= 6) || strcmp(career, "家裡") == 0 || HaveRejectStr(career, rejectstr) ) return "您的輸入不正確"; if (strcmp(&career[strlen(career) - 2], "大") == 0 || strcmp(&career[strlen(career) - 4], "大學") == 0 || strcmp(career, "學生大學") == 0) return "麻煩請加學校系所"; if (strcmp(career, "學生高中") == 0) return "麻煩輸入學校名稱"; #else if( strlen(career) < 6 ) return "您的輸入不正確"; #endif return NULL; } static char *isvalidaddr(char *addr) { const char *rejectstr[] = {"地球", "銀河", "火星", NULL}; if (!removespace(addr) || addr[0] > 0 || strlen(addr) < 15) return "這個地址並不合法"; if (strstr(addr, "信箱") != NULL || strstr(addr, "郵政") != NULL) return "抱歉我們不接受郵政信箱"; if ((strstr(addr, "市") == NULL && strstr(addr, "巿") == NULL && strstr(addr, "縣") == NULL && strstr(addr, "室") == NULL) || HaveRejectStr(addr, rejectstr) || strcmp(&addr[strlen(addr) - 2], "段") == 0 || strcmp(&addr[strlen(addr) - 2], "路") == 0 || strcmp(&addr[strlen(addr) - 2], "巷") == 0 || strcmp(&addr[strlen(addr) - 2], "弄") == 0 || strcmp(&addr[strlen(addr) - 2], "區") == 0 || strcmp(&addr[strlen(addr) - 2], "市") == 0 || strcmp(&addr[strlen(addr) - 2], "街") == 0 ) return "這個地址並不合法"; return NULL; } static char *isvalidphone(char *phone) { int i; for( i = 0 ; phone[i] != 0 ; ++i ) if( !isdigit((int)phone[i]) ) return "請不要加分隔符號"; if (!removespace(phone) || strlen(phone) < 9 || strstr(phone, "00000000") != NULL || strstr(phone, "22222222") != NULL ) { return "這個電話號碼並不合法(請含區碼)" ; } return NULL; } int u_register(void) { char rname[20], addr[50], mobile[16]; #ifdef FOREIGN_REG char fore[2]; #endif char phone[20], career[40], email[50], birthday[11], sex_is[2]; unsigned char year, mon, day; char inregcode[14], regcode[50]; char ans[3], *ptr, *errcode; char genbuf[200]; FILE *fn; if (cuser.userlevel & PERM_LOGINOK) { outs("您的身份確認已經完成,不需填寫申請表"); return XEASY; } if ((fn = fopen(fn_register, "r"))) { int i =0; while (fgets(genbuf, STRLEN, fn)) { if ((ptr = strchr(genbuf, '\n'))) *ptr = '\0'; if (strncmp(genbuf, "uid: ", 5) != 0) continue; i++; if(strcmp(genbuf + 5, cuser.userid) != 0) continue; fclose(fn); /* idiots complain about this, so bug them */ clear(); move(3, 0); prints(" 您的註冊申請單尚在處理中(處理順位: %d),請耐心等候\n\n", i); outs(" 如果您已收到註冊碼卻看到這個畫面,那代表您在使用 Email 註冊後\n"); outs(" " ANSI_COLOR(1;31) "又另外申請了站長直接人工審核的註冊申請單。" ANSI_RESET "\n\n"); // outs("該死,都不看說明的...\n"); outs(" 進入人工審核程序後 Email 註冊自動失效,有註冊碼也沒用,\n"); outs(" 要等到審核完成 (會多花很多時間,通常起碼一天) ,所以請耐心等候。\n\n"); /* 下面是國王的 code 所需要的 message */ #if 0 outs(" 另外請注意,若站長審註冊單時您正在站上則會無法審核、自動跳過。\n"); outs(" 所以等候審核時請勿掛站。若超過兩三天仍未被審到,通常就是這個原因。\n"); #endif vmsg("您的註冊申請單尚在處理中"); return FULLUPDATE; } fclose(fn); } strlcpy(rname, cuser.realname, sizeof(rname)); strlcpy(addr, cuser.address, sizeof(addr)); strlcpy(email, cuser.email, sizeof(email)); snprintf(mobile, sizeof(mobile), "0%09d", cuser.mobile); if (cuser.month == 0 && cuser.day && cuser.year == 0) birthday[0] = 0; else snprintf(birthday, sizeof(birthday), "%04i/%02i/%02i", 1900 + cuser.year, cuser.month, cuser.day); sex_is[0] = (cuser.sex % 8) + '1'; sex_is[1] = 0; career[0] = phone[0] = '\0'; sethomefile(genbuf, cuser.userid, "justify.wait"); if ((fn = fopen(genbuf, "r"))) { fgets(genbuf, sizeof(genbuf), fn); chomp(genbuf); strlcpy(phone, genbuf, sizeof(phone)); fgets(genbuf, sizeof(genbuf), fn); chomp(genbuf); strlcpy(career, genbuf, sizeof(career)); fgets(genbuf, sizeof(genbuf), fn); // old version compatible fgets(genbuf, sizeof(genbuf), fn); chomp(genbuf); strlcpy(rname, genbuf, sizeof(rname)); fgets(genbuf, sizeof(genbuf), fn); chomp(genbuf); strlcpy(addr, genbuf, sizeof(addr)); fgets(genbuf, sizeof(genbuf), fn); chomp(genbuf); strlcpy(mobile, genbuf, sizeof(mobile)); fclose(fn); } if (cuser.userlevel & PERM_NOREGCODE) { vmsg("您不被允許\使用認證碼認證。請填寫註冊申請單"); goto REGFORM; } if (cuser.year != 0 && /* 已經第一次填過了~ ^^" */ strcmp(cuser.email, "x") != 0 && /* 上次手動認證失敗 */ strcmp(cuser.email, "X") != 0) { clear(); stand_title("EMail認證"); move(2, 0); prints("%s(%s) 您好,請輸入您的認證碼。\n" "或您可以輸入 x 來重新填寫 E-Mail 或改由站長手動認證\n", cuser.userid, cuser.nickname); inregcode[0] = 0; do{ getdata(10, 0, "您的認證碼:", inregcode, sizeof(inregcode), DOECHO); if( strcmp(inregcode, "x") == 0 || strcmp(inregcode, "X") == 0 ) break; if( inregcode[0] != 'v' || inregcode[1] != '6' ) { /* old regcode */ vmsg("您輸入的認證碼因系統昇級已失效," "請輸入 x 重填一次 E-Mail"); } else if( strlen(inregcode) != 13 ) vmsg("認證碼輸入不完全,應該一共有十三碼。"); else break; } while( 1 ); if (strcmp(inregcode, getregcode(regcode)) == 0) { int unum; delregcodefile(); if ((unum = searchuser(cuser.userid, NULL)) == 0) { vmsg("系統錯誤,查無此人!"); u_exit("getuser error"); exit(0); } mail_muser(cuser, "[註冊成功\囉]", "etc/registeredmail"); #if FOREIGN_REG_DAY > 0 if(cuser.uflag2 & FOREIGN) mail_muser(cuser, "[出入境管理局]", "etc/foreign_welcome"); #endif cuser.userlevel |= (PERM_LOGINOK | PERM_POST); outs("\n註冊成功\, 重新上站後將取得完整權限\n" "請按下任一鍵跳離後重新上站~ :)"); sethomefile(genbuf, cuser.userid, "justify.wait"); unlink(genbuf); snprintf(cuser.justify, sizeof(cuser.justify), "%s:%s:email", phone, career); sethomefile(genbuf, cuser.userid, "justify"); log_file(genbuf, LOG_CREAT, cuser.justify); pressanykey(); u_exit("registed"); exit(0); return QUIT; } else if (strcmp(inregcode, "x") != 0 && strcmp(inregcode, "X") != 0) { vmsg("認證碼錯誤!"); } else { toregister(email, genbuf, phone, career, rname, addr, mobile); return FULLUPDATE; } } REGFORM: getdata(b_lines - 1, 0, "您確定要填寫註冊單嗎(Y/N)?[N] ", ans, 3, LCECHO); if (ans[0] != 'y') return FULLUPDATE; move(2, 0); clrtobot(); while (1) { clear(); move(1, 0); prints("%s(%s) 您好,請據實填寫以下的資料:", cuser.userid, cuser.nickname); #ifdef FOREIGN_REG fore[0] = 'y'; fore[1] = 0; getfield(2, "Y/n", "是否現在住在台灣", fore, 2); if (fore[0] == 'n') fore[0] |= FOREIGN; else fore[0] = 0; #endif while (1) { getfield(8, #ifdef FOREIGN_REG "請用本名", #else "請用中文", #endif "真實姓名", rname, 20); if( (errcode = isvalidname(rname)) == NULL ) break; else vmsg(errcode); } move(11, 0); outs(" 請盡量詳細的填寫您的服務單位,大專院校請麻煩" "加" ANSI_COLOR(1;33) "系所" ANSI_RESET ",公司單位請加" ANSI_COLOR(1;33) "職稱" ANSI_RESET ",\n" " 暫無工作請麻煩填寫" ANSI_COLOR(1;33) "畢業學校" ANSI_RESET "。\n"); while (1) { getfield(9, "(畢業)學校(含" ANSI_COLOR(1;33) "系所年級" ANSI_RESET ")或單位職稱", "服務單位", career, 40); if( (errcode = isvalidcareer(career)) == NULL ) break; else vmsg(errcode); } move(11, 0); clrtobot(); while (1) { getfield(11, "含" ANSI_COLOR(1;33) "縣市" ANSI_RESET "及門寢號碼" "(台北請加" ANSI_COLOR(1;33) "行政區" ANSI_RESET ")", "目前住址", addr, sizeof(addr)); if( (errcode = isvalidaddr(addr)) == NULL #ifdef FOREIGN_REG || fore[0] #endif ) break; else vmsg(errcode); } while (1) { getfield(13, "不加-(), 包括長途區號", "連絡電話", phone, 11); if( (errcode = isvalidphone(phone)) == NULL ) break; else vmsg(errcode); } getfield(15, "只輸入數字 如:0912345678 (可不填)", "手機號碼", mobile, 20); while (1) { getfield(17, "西元/月月/日日 如:1984/02/29", "生日", birthday, sizeof(birthday)); if (birthday[0] == 0) { snprintf(birthday, sizeof(birthday), "%04i/%02i/%02i", 1900 + cuser.year, cuser.month, cuser.day); mon = cuser.month; day = cuser.day; year = cuser.year; } else { int y, m, d; if (ParseDate(birthday, &y, &m, &d)) { vmsg("您的輸入不正確"); continue; } mon = (unsigned char)m; day = (unsigned char)d; year = (unsigned char)(y - 1900); } if (year < 40) { vmsg("您的輸入不正確"); continue; } break; } getfield(19, "1.葛格 2.姐接 ", "性別", sex_is, 2); getdata(20, 0, "以上資料是否正確(Y/N)?(Q)取消註冊 [N] ", ans, 3, LCECHO); if (ans[0] == 'q') return 0; if (ans[0] == 'y') break; } strlcpy(cuser.realname, rname, sizeof(cuser.realname)); strlcpy(cuser.address, addr, sizeof(cuser.address)); strlcpy(cuser.email, email, sizeof(cuser.email)); cuser.mobile = atoi(mobile); cuser.sex = (sex_is[0] - '1') % 8; cuser.month = mon; cuser.day = day; cuser.year = year; #ifdef FOREIGN_REG if (fore[0]) cuser.uflag2 |= FOREIGN; else cuser.uflag2 &= ~FOREIGN; #endif trim(career); trim(addr); trim(phone); toregister(email, genbuf, phone, career, rname, addr, mobile); return FULLUPDATE; } /* 列出所有註冊使用者 */ static int usercounter, totalusers; static unsigned short u_list_special; static int u_list_CB(int num, userec_t * uentp) { static int i; char permstr[8], *ptr; register int level; if (uentp == NULL) { move(2, 0); clrtoeol(); prints(ANSI_COLOR(7) " 使用者代號 %-25s 上站 文章 %s " "最近光臨日期 " ANSI_COLOR(0) "\n", "綽號暱稱", HasUserPerm(PERM_SEEULEVELS) ? "等級" : ""); i = 3; return 0; } if (bad_user_id(uentp->userid)) return 0; if ((uentp->userlevel & ~(u_list_special)) == 0) return 0; if (i == b_lines) { prints(ANSI_COLOR(34;46) " 已顯示 %d/%d 人(%d%%) " ANSI_COLOR(31;47) " " "(Space)" ANSI_COLOR(30) " 看下一頁 " ANSI_COLOR(31) "(Q)" ANSI_COLOR(30) " 離開 " ANSI_RESET, usercounter, totalusers, usercounter * 100 / totalusers); i = igetch(); if (i == 'q' || i == 'Q') return QUIT; i = 3; } if (i == 3) { move(3, 0); clrtobot(); } level = uentp->userlevel; strlcpy(permstr, "----", 8); if (level & PERM_SYSOP) permstr[0] = 'S'; else if (level & PERM_ACCOUNTS) permstr[0] = 'A'; else if (level & PERM_SYSOPHIDE) permstr[0] = 'p'; if (level & (PERM_BOARD)) permstr[1] = 'B'; else if (level & (PERM_BM)) permstr[1] = 'b'; if (level & (PERM_XEMPT)) permstr[2] = 'X'; else if (level & (PERM_LOGINOK)) permstr[2] = 'R'; if (level & (PERM_CLOAK | PERM_SEECLOAK)) permstr[3] = 'C'; ptr = (char *)Cdate(&uentp->lastlogin); ptr[18] = '\0'; prints("%-14s %-27.27s%5d %5d %s %s\n", uentp->userid, uentp->nickname, uentp->numlogins, uentp->numposts, HasUserPerm(PERM_SEEULEVELS) ? permstr : "", ptr); usercounter++; i++; return 0; } int u_list(void) { char genbuf[3]; setutmpmode(LAUSERS); u_list_special = usercounter = 0; totalusers = SHM->number; if (HasUserPerm(PERM_SEEULEVELS)) { getdata(b_lines - 1, 0, "觀看 [1]特殊等級 (2)全部?", genbuf, 3, DOECHO); if (genbuf[0] != '2') u_list_special = PERM_BASIC | PERM_CHAT | PERM_PAGE | PERM_POST | PERM_LOGINOK | PERM_BM; } u_list_CB(0, NULL); if (passwd_apply(u_list_CB) == -1) { outs(msg_nobody); return XEASY; } move(b_lines, 0); clrtoeol(); prints(ANSI_COLOR(34;46) " 已顯示 %d/%d 的使用者(系統容量無上限) " ANSI_COLOR(31;47) " (請按任意鍵繼續) " ANSI_RESET, usercounter, totalusers); igetch(); return 0; } #ifdef DBCSAWARE /* detect if user is using an evil client that sends double * keys for DBCS data. * True if client is evil. */ int u_detectDBCSAwareEvilClient() { int ret = 0; clear(); move(1, 0); outs(ANSI_RESET "* 本站支援自動偵測中文字的移動與編輯,但有些連線程式(如xxMan)\n" " 會自行處理、多送按鍵,於是便會造成" ANSI_COLOR(1;37) "一次移動兩個中文字的現象。" ANSI_RESET "\n\n" "* 讓連線程式處理移動容易造成許\多" "顯示及移動上的問題,所以我們建議您\n" " 關閉該程式上的此項設定(通常叫「偵測(全型或雙位元組)中文」),\n" " 讓 BBS 系統可以正確的控制你的畫面。\n\n" ANSI_COLOR(1;33) "* 如果您看不懂上面的說明也無所謂,我們會自動偵測適合您的設定。" ANSI_RESET "\n" " 請在設定好連線程式成您偏好的模式後按" ANSI_COLOR(1;33) "一下" ANSI_RESET "您鍵盤上的" ANSI_COLOR(1;33) "←" ANSI_RESET "\n" ANSI_COLOR(1;36) " (另外左右方向鍵或寫 BS/Backspace 的倒退鍵與 Del 刪除鍵均可)\n" ANSI_RESET); /* clear buffer */ while(num_in_buf() > 0) igetch(); while (1) { int ch = 0; move(12, 0); outs("這是偵測區,您的游標會出現在" ANSI_COLOR(7) "這裡" ANSI_RESET); move(12, 15*2); ch = igetch(); if(ch != KEY_LEFT && ch != KEY_RIGHT && ch != Ctrl('H') && ch != '\177') { move(14, 0); outs("請按一下上面指定的鍵! 你按到別的鍵了!"); } else { move(16, 0); /* Actually you may also use num_in_buf here. those clients * usually sends doubled keys together in one packet. * However when I was writing this, a bug (existed for more than 3 * years) of num_in_buf forced me to write new wait_input. * Anyway it is fixed now. */ refresh(); if(wait_input(0.1, 0)) // if(igetch() == ch) // if (num_in_buf() > 0) { /* evil dbcs aware client */ outs("偵測到您的連線程式會自行處理游標移動。\n\n" // "若日後因此造成瀏覽上的問題本站恕不處理。\n\n" "已設定為「讓您的連線程式處理游標移動」\n"); ret = 1; } else { /* good non-dbcs aware client */ outs("您的連線程式似乎不會多送按鍵," "這樣 BBS 可以更精準的控制畫面。\n\n" "已設定為「讓 BBS 伺服器直接處理游標移動」\n"); ret = 0; } outs( "\n若想改變設定請至 個人設定區 → 個人化設定 → \n" " 調整「自動偵測雙位元字集(如全型中文)」之設定"); while(num_in_buf()) igetch(); break; } } pressanykey(); return ret; } #endif /* vim:sw=4 */