/* * piaip's simplified implementation of TELNET protocol */ #ifdef DEBUG #define TELOPTS #define TELCMDS #endif #include "bbs.h" #ifdef DETECT_CLIENT void UpdateClientCode(unsigned char c); // see mbbsd.c #endif unsigned int telnet_handler(unsigned char c) ; void telnet_init(void); ssize_t tty_read(unsigned char *buf, size_t max); enum TELNET_IAC_STATES { IAC_NONE, IAC_COMMAND, IAC_WAIT_OPT, IAC_WAIT_SE, IAC_PROCESS_OPT, IAC_ERROR }; static unsigned char iac_state = 0; /* as byte to reduce memory */ #define TELNET_IAC_MAXLEN (16) /* We don't reply to most commands, so this maxlen can be minimal. * Warning: if you want to support ENV passing or other long commands, * remember to increase this value. Howver, some poorly implemented * terminals like xxMan may not follow the protocols and user will hang * on those terminals when IACs were sent. */ void telnet_init(void) { /* We are the boss. We don't respect to client. * It's client's responsibility to follow us. * Please write these codes in i-dont-care opt handlers. */ const char telnet_init_cmds[] = { /* retrieve terminal type and throw away. * why? because without this, clients enter line mode. */ IAC, DO, TELOPT_TTYPE, IAC, SB, TELOPT_TTYPE, TELQUAL_SEND, IAC, SE, /* i'm a smart term with resize ability. */ IAC, DO, TELOPT_NAWS, /* i will echo. */ IAC, WILL, TELOPT_ECHO, /* supress ga. */ IAC, WILL, TELOPT_SGA, /* 8 bit binary. */ IAC, WILL, TELOPT_BINARY, IAC, DO, TELOPT_BINARY, }; raw_connection = 1; write(0, telnet_init_cmds, sizeof(telnet_init_cmds)); } /* tty_read * read from tty, process telnet commands if raw connection. * return: >0 = length, <=0 means read more, abort/eof is automatically processed. */ ssize_t tty_read(unsigned char *buf, size_t max) { ssize_t l = read(0, buf, max); if(l == 0 || (l < 0 && !(errno == EINTR || errno == EAGAIN))) abort_bbs(0); if(!raw_connection) return l; /* process buffer */ if (l > 0) { unsigned char *buf2 = buf; size_t i = 0, i2 = 0; /* prescan. because IAC is rare, * this cost is worthy. */ if (iac_state == IAC_NONE && memchr(buf, IAC, l) == NULL) return l; /* we have to look into the buffer. */ for (i = 0; i < l; i++, buf++) if(telnet_handler(*buf) == 0) *(buf2++) = *buf; else i2 ++; l = (i2 == l) ? -1L : l - i2; } return l; } #ifdef DBG_OUTRPT extern unsigned char fakeEscape; #endif // DBG_OUTRPT /* input: raw character * output: telnet command if c was handled, otherwise zero. */ unsigned int telnet_handler(unsigned char c) { static unsigned char iac_quote = 0; /* as byte to reduce memory */ static unsigned char iac_opt_req = 0; static unsigned char iac_buf[TELNET_IAC_MAXLEN]; static unsigned int iac_buflen = 0; /* we have to quote all IACs. */ if(c == IAC && !iac_quote) { iac_quote = 1; return NOP; } #ifdef DETECT_CLIENT /* hash client telnet sequences */ if(cuser.userid[0]==0) { if(iac_state == IAC_WAIT_SE) { // skip suboption } else { if(iac_quote) UpdateClientCode(IAC); UpdateClientCode(c); } } #endif /* a special case is the top level iac. otherwise, iac is just a quote. */ if (iac_quote) { if(iac_state == IAC_NONE) iac_state = IAC_COMMAND; if(iac_state == IAC_WAIT_SE && c == SE) iac_state = IAC_PROCESS_OPT; iac_quote = 0; } /* now, let's process commands by state */ switch(iac_state) { case IAC_NONE: return 0; case IAC_COMMAND: #if 0 // def DEBUG { int cx = c; /* to make compiler happy */ write(0, "-", 1); if(TELCMD_OK(cx)) write(0, TELCMD(c), strlen(TELCMD(c))); write(0, " ", 1); } #endif iac_state = IAC_NONE; /* by default we restore state. */ switch(c) { case IAC: // return 0; // we don't want to allow IACs as input. return 1; /* we don't want to process these. or maybe in future. */ case BREAK: /* break */ #ifdef DBG_OUTRPT fakeEscape = !fakeEscape; return NOP; #endif case ABORT: /* Abort process */ case SUSP: /* Suspend process */ case AO: /* abort output--but let prog finish */ case IP: /* interrupt process--permanently */ case EOR: /* end of record (transparent mode) */ case DM: /* data mark--for connect. cleaning */ case xEOF: /* End of file: EOF is already used... */ return NOP; case NOP: /* nop */ return NOP; /* we should process these, but maybe in future. */ case GA: /* you may reverse the line */ case EL: /* erase the current line */ case EC: /* erase the current character */ return NOP; /* good */ case AYT: /* are you there */ { const char *alive = "I'm still alive, loading: "; char buf[STRLEN]; /* respond as fast as we can */ write(0, alive, strlen(alive)); cpuload(buf); write(0, buf, strlen(buf)); write(0, "\r\n", 2); } return NOP; case DONT: /* you are not to use option */ case DO: /* please, you use option */ case WONT: /* I won't use option */ case WILL: /* I will use option */ iac_opt_req = c; iac_state = IAC_WAIT_OPT; return NOP; case SB: /* interpret as subnegotiation */ iac_state = IAC_WAIT_SE; iac_buflen = 0; return NOP; case SE: /* end sub negotiation */ default: return NOP; } return 1; case IAC_WAIT_OPT: #if 0 // def DEBUG write(0, "-", 1); if(TELOPT_OK(c)) write(0, TELOPT(c), strlen(TELOPT(c))); write(0, " ", 1); #endif iac_state = IAC_NONE; /* * According to RFC, there're some tricky steps to prevent loop. * However because we have a poor term which does not allow * most abilities, let's be a strong boss here. * * Although my old imeplementation worked, it's even better to follow this: * http://www.tcpipguide.com/free/t_TelnetOptionsandOptionNegotiation-3.htm */ switch(c) { /* i-dont-care: i don't care about what client is. * these should be clamed in init and * client must follow me. */ case TELOPT_TTYPE: /* termtype or line. */ case TELOPT_NAWS: /* resize terminal */ case TELOPT_SGA: /* supress GA */ case TELOPT_ECHO: /* echo */ case TELOPT_BINARY: /* we are CJK. */ break; /* i-dont-agree: i don't understand/agree these. * according to RFC, saying NO stopped further * requests so there'll not be endless loop. */ case TELOPT_RCP: /* prepare to reconnect */ default: if (iac_opt_req == WILL || iac_opt_req == DO) { /* unknown option, reply with won't */ unsigned char cmd[3] = { IAC, DONT, 0 }; if(iac_opt_req == DO) cmd[1] = WONT; cmd[2] = c; write(0, cmd, sizeof(cmd)); } break; } return 1; case IAC_WAIT_SE: iac_buf[iac_buflen++] = c; /* no need to convert state because previous quoting will do. */ if(iac_buflen == TELNET_IAC_MAXLEN) { /* may be broken protocol? * whether finished or not, break for safety * or user may be frozen. */ iac_state = IAC_NONE; return 0; } return 1; case IAC_PROCESS_OPT: iac_state = IAC_NONE; #if 0 // def DEBUG write(0, "-", 1); if(TELOPT_OK(iac_buf[0])) write(0, TELOPT(iac_buf[0]), strlen(TELOPT(iac_buf[0]))); write(0, " ", 1); #endif switch(iac_buf[0]) { /* resize terminal */ case TELOPT_NAWS: { int w = (iac_buf[1] << 8) + (iac_buf[2]); int h = (iac_buf[3] << 8) + (iac_buf[4]); term_resize(w, h); #ifdef DETECT_CLIENT if(cuser.userid[0]==0) { UpdateClientCode(iac_buf[0]); if(w==80 && h==24) UpdateClientCode(1); else if(w==80) UpdateClientCode(2); else if(h==24) UpdateClientCode(3); else UpdateClientCode(4); UpdateClientCode(IAC); UpdateClientCode(SE); } #endif } break; default: #ifdef DETECT_CLIENT if(cuser.userid[0]==0) { int i; for(i=0;i<iac_buflen;i++) UpdateClientCode(iac_buf[i]); UpdateClientCode(IAC); UpdateClientCode(SE); } #endif break; } return 1; } return 1; /* never reached */ } // vim: sw=4