/* $Id$ */ #include "bbs.h" // TODO remove this /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ /* set file path for boards/user home */ /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ static const char * const str_home_file = "home/%c/%s/%s"; static const char * const str_board_file = "boards/%c/%s/%s"; static const char * const str_dotdir = FN_DIR; /* XXX set*() all assume buffer size = PATHLEN */ void setuserfile(char *buf, const char *fname) { sethomefile(buf, cuser.userid, fname); } void setbdir(char *buf, const char *boardname) { //assert(boardname[0]); snprintf(buf, PATHLEN, str_board_file, boardname[0], boardname, str_dotdir); } /** * 給定文章標題 title,傳回指到主題的部分的指標。 * @param title */ char * subject(char *title) { if (!strncasecmp(title, str_reply, 3)) { title += 3; if (*title == ' ') title++; } return title; } int is_uBM(const char *list, const char *id) { register int len; if (list[0] == '[') list++; if (list[0] > ' ') { len = strlen(id); do { if (!strncasecmp(list, id, len)) { list += len; if ((*list == 0) || (*list == '/') || (*list == ']') || (*list == ' ')) return 1; } if ((list = strchr(list, '/')) != NULL) list++; else break; } while (1); } return 0; } int userid_is_BM(const char *userid, const char *list) { register int ch, len; // TODO merge with is_uBM ch = list[0]; if ((ch > ' ') && (ch < 128)) { len = strlen(userid); do { if (!strncasecmp(list, userid, len)) { ch = list[len]; if ((ch == 0) || (ch == '/') || (ch == ']')) return 1; } while ((ch = *list++)) { if (ch == '/') break; } } while (ch); } return 0; } time4_t gettime(int line, time4_t dt, const char*head) { char yn[7]; int i; struct tm ptime, endtime; time_t t; localtime4_r(&dt, &ptime); endtime = ptime; snprintf(yn, sizeof(yn), "%4d", ptime.tm_year + 1900); move(line, 0); outs(head); i=strlen(head); do { getdata_buf(line, i, " 西元年:", yn, 5, NUMECHO); // signed: limited on (2037, ...) // unsigned: limited on (..., 1970) // let's restrict inside the boundary. } while ((endtime.tm_year = atoi(yn) - 1900) < 70 || endtime.tm_year > 135); snprintf(yn, sizeof(yn), "%d", ptime.tm_mon + 1); do { getdata_buf(line, i+15, "月:", yn, 3, NUMECHO); } while ((endtime.tm_mon = atoi(yn) - 1) < 0 || endtime.tm_mon > 11); snprintf(yn, sizeof(yn), "%d", ptime.tm_mday); do { getdata_buf(line, i+24, "日:", yn, 3, NUMECHO); } while ((endtime.tm_mday = atoi(yn)) < 1 || endtime.tm_mday > 31); snprintf(yn, sizeof(yn), "%d", ptime.tm_hour); do { getdata_buf(line, i+33, "時(0-23):", yn, 3, NUMECHO); } while ((endtime.tm_hour = atoi(yn)) < 0 || endtime.tm_hour > 23); snprintf(yn, sizeof(yn), "%d", ptime.tm_min); do { getdata_buf(line, i+42, "分(0-59):", yn, 3, NUMECHO); } while ((endtime.tm_min = atoi(yn)) < 0 || endtime.tm_min > 59); t = mktime(&endtime); /* saturation check */ if(t < 0) t = 1; if(t > INT_MAX) t = INT_MAX; return t; } // synchronize 'now' void syncnow(void) { #ifdef OUTTA_TIMER now = SHM->GV2.e.now; #else now = time(0); #endif } void wait_penalty(int sec) { static time4_t lastWait = 0; syncnow(); if (now - lastWait < sec) { sec = now - lastWait; if (sec < 0 || sec >= 5) sec = 5; sleep(sec); peek_input(0.1, Ctrl('C')); drop_input(); } lastWait = now; } // TODO // move this function to vtuikit.c /** * 從第 y 列開始 show 出 filename 檔案中的前 lines 行。 * mode 為 output 的模式,參數同 strip_ansi。 * @param filename: the file to show * @param y: starting line on screen * @param lines: max lines to be displayed * @param mode: SHOWFILE_*, see modes.h * @return 失敗傳回 0,否則為 1。 * 2 表示有 PttPrints 碼 */ int show_file(const char *filename, int y, int lines, int mode) { FILE *fp; char buf[ANSILINELEN]; int ret = 1; int strpmode = STRIP_ALL; if (mode & SHOWFILE_ALLOW_COLOR) strpmode = ONLY_COLOR; if (mode & SHOWFILE_ALLOW_MOVE) strpmode = NO_RELOAD; if (y >= 0) move(y, 0); clrtoln(lines + y); if ((fp = fopen(filename, "r"))) { while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp) && lines--) { move(y++, 0); if (mode == SHOWFILE_RAW) { outs(buf); } else if ((mode & SHOWFILE_ALLOW_STAR) && (strstr(buf, ESC_STR "*") != NULL)) { // because Ptt_prints escapes are not so often, // let's try harder to detect it. outs(Ptt_prints(buf, sizeof(buf), strpmode)); ret = 2; } else { // ESC is very common... strip_ansi(buf, buf, strpmode); outs(buf); } } fclose(fp); outs(ANSI_RESET); // prevent some broken Welcome file } else return 0; return ret; } int show_80x24_screen(const char *filename) { clear(); // max 24 lines, holding one more line for pause/messages return show_file(filename, 0, 24, SHOWFILE_ALLOW_ALL); } // TODO // move this function to vtuikit.c int search_num(int ch, int max) { int clen = 1, y = b_lines - msg_occupied; char genbuf[10]; genbuf[0] = ch; genbuf[1] = 0; clen = getdata_buf(y, 0, " 跳至第幾項: ", genbuf, sizeof(genbuf)-1, NUMECHO); move(y, 0); clrtoeol(); genbuf[clen] = '\0'; if (genbuf[0] == '\0') return -1; clen = atoi(genbuf); if (clen == 0) return 0; if (clen > max) return max; return clen - 1; } // TODO // move this function to vtuikit.c void cursor_show(int row, int column) { move(row, column); outs(STR_CURSOR); move(row, column + 1); } // TODO // move this function to vtuikit.c void cursor_clear(int row, int column) { move(row, column); outs(STR_UNCUR); } // TODO // move this function to vtuikit.c int cursor_key(int row, int column) { int ch; cursor_show(row, column); ch = igetch(); move(row, column); outs(STR_UNCUR); return ch; } // TODO // move this function to vtuikit.c void printdash(const char *mesg, int msglen) { int head = 0, tail; if(msglen <= 0) msglen = strlen(mesg); if (mesg) head = (msglen + 1) >> 1; tail = head; while (head++ < t_columns/2-2) outc('-'); if (tail) { outc(' '); if(mesg) outs(mesg); outc(' '); } while (tail++ < t_columns/2-2) outc('-'); outc('\n'); } int log_user(const char *fmt, ...) { char msg[256], filename[256]; va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); vsnprintf(msg , sizeof(msg), fmt, ap); va_end(ap); sethomefile(filename, cuser.userid, "USERLOG"); return log_filef(filename, LOG_CREAT, "%s: %s %s", cuser.userid, msg, Cdate(&now)); } // TODO // move this function to vtuikit.c void show_help(const char * const helptext[]) { const char *str; int i; clear(); for (i = 0; (str = helptext[i]); i++) { if (*str == '\0') prints(ANSI_COLOR(1) "【 %s 】" ANSI_COLOR(0) "\n", str + 1); else if (*str == '\01') prints("\n" ANSI_COLOR(36) "【 %s 】" ANSI_RESET "\n", str + 1); else prints(" %s\n", str); } PRESSANYKEY(); } // TODO // move this function to vtuikit.c void show_helpfile(const char *helpfile) { clear(); show_file((char *)helpfile, 0, b_lines, SHOWFILE_ALLOW_ALL); PRESSANYKEY(); } /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ /* use mmap() to malloc large memory in CRITICAL_MEMORY */ /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ #ifdef CRITICAL_MEMORY void *MALLOC(int size) { int *p; p = (int *)mmap(NULL, (size + 4), PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_ANON | MAP_PRIVATE, -1, 0); p[0] = size; #if defined(DEBUG) vmsgf("critical malloc %d bytes", size); #endif return (void *)&p[1]; } void FREE(void *ptr) { int size = ((int *)ptr)[-1]; munmap((void *)(&(((int *)ptr)[-1])), size); #if defined(DEBUG) vmsgf("critical free %d bytes", size); #endif } #endif unsigned DBCS_StringHash(const char *s) { return fnv1a_32_dbcs_strcase(s, FNV1_32_INIT); } /* AIDS */ aidu_t fn2aidu(char *fn) { aidu_t aidu = 0; aidu_t type = 0; aidu_t v1 = 0; aidu_t v2 = 0; char *sp = fn; if(fn == NULL) return 0; switch(*(sp ++)) { case 'M': type = 0; break; case 'G': type = 1; break; default: return 0; break; } if(*(sp ++) != '.') return 0; v1 = strtoul(sp, &sp, 10); if(sp == NULL) return 0; if(*sp != '.' || *(sp + 1) != 'A') return 0; sp += 2; if(*(sp ++) == '.') { v2 = strtoul(sp, &sp, 16); if(sp == NULL) return 0; } aidu = ((type & 0xf) << 44) | ((v1 & 0xffffffff) << 12) | (v2 & 0xfff); return aidu; } /* IMPORTANT: * size of buf must be at least 8+1 bytes */ char *aidu2aidc(char *buf, aidu_t aidu) { const char aidu2aidc_table[] = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz-_"; const int aidu2aidc_tablesize = sizeof(aidu2aidc_table) - 1; char *sp = buf + 8; aidu_t v; *(sp --) = '\0'; while(sp >= buf) { /* FIXME: 能保證 aidu2aidc_tablesize 是 2 的冪次的話, 這裡可以改用 bitwise operation 做 */ v = aidu % aidu2aidc_tablesize; aidu = aidu / aidu2aidc_tablesize; *(sp --) = aidu2aidc_table[v]; } return buf; } /* IMPORTANT: * size of fn must be at least FNLEN bytes */ char *aidu2fn(char *fn, aidu_t aidu) { aidu_t type = ((aidu >> 44) & 0xf); aidu_t v1 = ((aidu >> 12) & 0xffffffff); aidu_t v2 = (aidu & 0xfff); if(fn == NULL) return NULL; snprintf(fn, FNLEN - 1, "%c.%d.A.%03X", ((type == 0) ? 'M' : 'G'), (unsigned int)v1, (unsigned int)v2); fn[FNLEN - 1] = '\0'; return fn; } aidu_t aidc2aidu(char *aidc) { char *sp = aidc; aidu_t aidu = 0; if(aidc == NULL) return 0; while(*sp != '\0' && /* ignore trailing spaces */ *sp != ' ') { aidu_t v = 0; /* FIXME: 查表法會不會比較快? */ if(*sp >= '0' && *sp <= '9') v = *sp - '0'; else if(*sp >= 'A' && *sp <= 'Z') v = *sp - 'A' + 10; else if(*sp >= 'a' && *sp <= 'z') v = *sp - 'a' + 36; else if(*sp == '-') v = 62; else if(*sp == '_') v = 63; else return 0; aidu <<= 6; aidu |= (v & 0x3f); sp ++; } return aidu; } int search_aidu(char *bfile, aidu_t aidu) { char fn[FNLEN]; int fd; fileheader_t fhs[64]; int len, i; int pos = 0; int found = 0; int lastpos = 0; if(aidu2fn(fn, aidu) == NULL) return -1; if((fd = open(bfile, O_RDONLY, 0)) < 0) return -1; while(!found && (len = read(fd, fhs, sizeof(fhs))) > 0) { len /= sizeof(fileheader_t); for(i = 0; i < len; i ++) { int l; if(strcmp(fhs[i].filename, fn) == 0 || ((aidu & 0xfff) == 0 && (l = strlen(fhs[i].filename)) > 6 && strncmp(fhs[i].filename, fn, l) == 0)) { if(fhs[i].filemode & FILE_BOTTOM) { lastpos = pos; } else { found = 1; break; } } pos ++; } } close(fd); return (found ? pos : (lastpos ? lastpos : -1)); } /* end of AIDS */