/* $Id$ */ #include "bbs.h" #define o_clear() output(clearbuf,clearbuflen) #define o_cleol() output(cleolbuf,cleolbuflen) #define o_scrollrev() output(scrollrev,scrollrevlen) #define o_standup() output(strtstandout,strtstandoutlen) #define o_standdown() output(endstandout,endstandoutlen) static unsigned short cur_ln = 0, cur_col = 0; static unsigned char docls; static unsigned char standing = NA; static int scrollcnt, tc_col, tc_line; #define MODIFIED (1) /* if line has been modifed, screen output */ #define STANDOUT (2) /* if this line has a standout region */ void initscr(void) { if (!big_picture) { big_picture = (screenline_t *) calloc(scr_lns, sizeof(screenline_t)); docls = YEA; } } void move(int y, int x) { assert(y>=0); assert(x>=0); cur_col = x; cur_ln = y; } void getyx(int *y, int *x) { *y = cur_ln; *x = cur_col; } static inline screenline_t* GetCurrentLine(){ register int i = cur_ln + roll; if(i >= scr_lns) i %= scr_lns; return &big_picture[i]; } static void rel_move(int was_col, int was_ln, int new_col, int new_ln) { if (new_ln >= t_lines || new_col >= t_columns) return; tc_col = new_col; tc_line = new_ln; if (new_col == 0) { if (new_ln == was_ln) { if (was_col) ochar('\r'); return; } else if (new_ln == was_ln + 1) { ochar('\n'); if (was_col) ochar('\r'); return; } } if (new_ln == was_ln) { if (was_col == new_col) return; if (new_col == was_col - 1) { ochar(Ctrl('H')); return; } } do_move(new_col, new_ln); } static void standoutput(const char *buf, int ds, int de, int sso, int eso) { int st_start, st_end; if (eso <= ds || sso >= de) { output(buf + ds, de - ds); } else { st_start = MAX(sso, ds); st_end = MIN(eso, de); if (sso > ds) output(buf + ds, sso - ds); o_standup(); output(buf + st_start, st_end - st_start); o_standdown(); if (de > eso) output(buf + eso, de - eso); } } void redoscr(void) { register screenline_t *bp; register int i, j, len; o_clear(); for (tc_col = tc_line = i = 0, j = roll; i < scr_lns; i++, j++) { if (j >= scr_lns) j = 0; bp = &big_picture[j]; if ((len = bp->len)) { rel_move(tc_col, tc_line, 0, i); if (bp->mode & STANDOUT) { standoutput((char *)bp->data, 0, len, bp->sso, bp->eso); } else output((char *)bp->data, len); tc_col += len; if (tc_col >= t_columns) { /* XXX Is this code right? */ if (automargins) tc_col = t_columns - 1; else { tc_col -= t_columns; tc_line++; if (tc_line >= t_lines) tc_line = b_lines; } } bp->mode &= ~(MODIFIED); bp->oldlen = len; } } rel_move(tc_col, tc_line, cur_col, cur_ln); docls = scrollcnt = 0; oflush(); } void redoln(void) { screenline_t *slp = GetCurrentLine(); int len, mode; len = slp->len; rel_move(tc_col, tc_line, 0, cur_ln); if (len) { if ((mode = slp->mode) & STANDOUT) standoutput((char*)slp->data, 0, len, slp->sso, slp->eso); else output((char*)slp->data, len); slp->mode = mode & ~(MODIFIED); slp->oldlen = tc_col = len; } else clrtoeol(); rel_move(tc_col, tc_line, cur_col, cur_ln); oflush(); } void refresh(void) { /* TODO remove unnecessary refresh() call, to save CPU time */ register screenline_t *bp = big_picture; register int i, j, len; if (num_in_buf()) return; if ((docls) || (abs(scrollcnt) >= (scr_lns - 3))) { redoscr(); return; } if (scrollcnt < 0) { if (!scrollrevlen) { redoscr(); return; } rel_move(tc_col, tc_line, 0, 0); do { o_scrollrev(); } while (++scrollcnt); } else if (scrollcnt > 0) { rel_move(tc_col, tc_line, 0, b_lines); do { ochar('\n'); } while (--scrollcnt); } for (i = 0, j = roll; i < scr_lns; i++, j++) { if (j >= scr_lns) j = 0; bp = &big_picture[j]; len = bp->len; if (bp->mode & MODIFIED && bp->smod < len) { bp->mode &= ~(MODIFIED); if (bp->emod >= len) bp->emod = len - 1; rel_move(tc_col, tc_line, bp->smod, i); if (bp->mode & STANDOUT) standoutput((char *)bp->data, bp->smod, bp->emod + 1, bp->sso, bp->eso); else output((char *)&bp->data[bp->smod], bp->emod - bp->smod + 1); tc_col = bp->emod + 1; if (tc_col >= t_columns) { /* XXX Is this code right? */ if (automargins) tc_col = t_columns - 1; else { tc_col -= t_columns; tc_line++; if (tc_line >= t_lines) tc_line = b_lines; } } } if (bp->oldlen > len) { /* XXX len/oldlen also count the length of escape sequence, * before we fix it, we must print ANSI_CLRTOEND everywhere */ rel_move(tc_col, tc_line, len, i); o_cleol(); } bp->oldlen = len; } rel_move(tc_col, tc_line, cur_col, cur_ln); oflush(); } void clear(void) { register screenline_t *slp; register int i; docls = YEA; cur_col = cur_ln = roll = 0; for(i=0; imode = slp->len = slp->oldlen = 0; } } void clrtoeol(void) { register screenline_t *slp = GetCurrentLine(); register int ln; standing = NA; if (cur_col <= slp->sso) slp->mode &= ~STANDOUT; if (cur_col > slp->oldlen) { for (ln = slp->len; ln <= cur_col; ln++) slp->data[ln] = ' '; } if (cur_col < slp->oldlen) { for (ln = slp->len; ln >= cur_col; ln--) slp->data[ln] = ' '; } slp->len = cur_col; } /** * 從目前的行數(scr_ln) clear 到第 line 行 */ void clrtoline(int line) { register screenline_t *slp; register int i, j; for (i = cur_ln, j = i + roll; i < line; i++, j++) { if (j >= scr_lns) j -= scr_lns; slp = &big_picture[j]; slp->mode = slp->len = 0; if (slp->oldlen) slp->oldlen = scr_cols; } } /** * 從目前的行數(scr_ln) clear 到底 */ inline void clrtobot(void) { clrtoline(scr_lns); } void outc(unsigned char c) { register screenline_t *slp = GetCurrentLine(); register int i; if (c == '\n' || c == '\r') { if (standing) { slp->eso = MAX(slp->eso, cur_col); standing = NA; } if ((i = cur_col - slp->len) > 0) memset(&slp->data[slp->len], ' ', i + 1); slp->len = cur_col; cur_col = 0; if (cur_ln < scr_lns) cur_ln++; return; } /* * else if(c != ESC_CHR && !isprint2(c)) { c = '*'; //substitute a '*' for * non-printable } */ if (cur_col >= slp->len) { for (i = slp->len; i < cur_col; i++) slp->data[i] = ' '; slp->data[cur_col] = '\0'; slp->len = cur_col + 1; } if (slp->data[cur_col] != c) { slp->data[cur_col] = c; if (!(slp->mode & MODIFIED)) slp->smod = slp->emod = cur_col; slp->mode |= MODIFIED; if (cur_col > slp->emod) slp->emod = cur_col; if (cur_col < slp->smod) slp->smod = cur_col; } #if 1 if(cur_col < scr_cols) cur_col++; #else /* vvv commented by piaip: but SCR_COLS is 511 > unsigned char! */ /* this comparison is always false (cur_col is unsigned char and scr_cols * is 511). */ if (++cur_col >= scr_cols) { if (standing && (slp->mode & STANDOUT)) { standing = 0; slp->eso = MAX(slp->eso, cur_col); } cur_col = 0; if (cur_ln < scr_lns) cur_ln++; } #endif } void outs(const char *str) { while (*str) { outc(*str++); } } void outs_n(const char *str, int n) { while (*str && n--) { outc(*str++); } } // void outslr(const char *left, int leftlen, const char *right, int rightlen) { if (left == NULL) left = ""; if (right == NULL) right = ""; if(*left && leftlen < 0) leftlen = strlen(left); if(*right && rightlen < 0) rightlen = strlen(right); // now calculate padding rightlen = t_columns - leftlen - rightlen; outs(left); // ignore right msg if we need to. if(rightlen >= 0) { while(--rightlen > 0) outc(' '); outs(right); } else { rightlen = t_columns - leftlen; while(--rightlen > 0) outc(' '); } } /* Jaky */ void out_lines(const char *str, int line) { while (*str && line) { outc(*str); if (*str == '\n') line--; str++; } } void outmsg(const char *msg) { move(b_lines - msg_occupied, 0); clrtoeol(); outs(msg); } void outmsglr(const char *msg, int llen, const char *rmsg, int rlen) { move(b_lines - msg_occupied, 0); clrtoeol(); outslr(msg, llen, rmsg, rlen); outs(ANSI_RESET ANSI_CLRTOEND); } void prints(const char *fmt,...) { va_list args; char buff[1024]; va_start(args, fmt); vsnprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), fmt, args); va_end(args); outs(buff); } void mouts(int y, int x, const char *str) { move(y, x); clrtoeol(); outs(str); } void scroll(void) { scrollcnt++; if (++roll >= scr_lns) roll = 0; move(b_lines, 0); clrtoeol(); } void rscroll(void) { scrollcnt--; if (--roll < 0) roll = b_lines; move(0, 0); clrtoeol(); } void region_scroll_up(int top, int bottom) { int i; if (top > bottom) { i = top; top = bottom; bottom = i; } if (top < 0 || bottom >= scr_lns) return; for (i = top; i < bottom; i++) big_picture[i] = big_picture[i + 1]; memset(big_picture + i, 0, sizeof(*big_picture)); memset(big_picture[i].data, ' ', scr_cols); save_cursor(); change_scroll_range(top, bottom); do_move(0, bottom); scroll_forward(); change_scroll_range(0, scr_lns - 1); restore_cursor(); refresh(); } void standout(void) { if (!standing && strtstandoutlen) { register screenline_t *slp; slp = GetCurrentLine(); standing = YEA; slp->sso = slp->eso = cur_col; slp->mode |= STANDOUT; } } void standend(void) { if (standing && strtstandoutlen) { register screenline_t *slp; slp = GetCurrentLine(); standing = NA; slp->eso = MAX(slp->eso, cur_col); } } static size_t screen_backupsize(int len, const screenline_t *bp) { int i; size_t sum = 0; for(i = 0; i < len; i++) sum += ((char*)&bp[i].data - (char*)&bp[i]) + bp[i].len; return sum; } void screen_backup(screen_backup_t *old) { int i; size_t offset = 0; void *buf; screenline_t* bp = big_picture; buf = old->raw_memory = malloc(screen_backupsize(t_lines, big_picture)); old->col = t_columns; old->row = t_lines; getyx(&old->y, &old->x); for(i = 0; i < t_lines; i++) { /* backup header */ memcpy((char*)buf + offset, &bp[i], ((char*)&bp[i].data - (char*)&bp[i])); offset += ((char*)&bp[i].data - (char*)&bp[i]); /* backup body */ memcpy((char*)buf + offset, &bp[i].data, bp[i].len); offset += bp[i].len; } } void screen_restore(const screen_backup_t *old) { int i; size_t offset=0; void *buf = old->raw_memory; screenline_t* bp = big_picture; const int len = MIN(old->row, t_lines); for(i = 0; i < len; i++) { /* restore header */ memcpy(&bp[i], (char*)buf + offset, ((char*)&bp[i].data - (char*)&bp[i])); offset += ((char*)&bp[i].data - (char*)&bp[i]); /* restore body */ memcpy(&bp[i].data, (char*)buf + offset, bp[i].len); offset += bp[i].len; } free(old->raw_memory); move(old->y, old->x); redoscr(); } /* vim:sw=4 */