/* $Id$ */ #include "bbs.h" #define MAX_TIME (300) #define BRDSIZ (8) /* 棋盤單邊大小 */ #define NONE_CHESS " " #define WHITE_CHESS "●" #define BLACK_CHESS "○" #define HINT_CHESS "#" #define NONE 0 #define HINT 1 #define BLACK 2 #define WHITE 3 #define STARTY 10 #define INVERT(COLOR) (((COLOR))==WHITE?BLACK:WHITE) #define IS_BLANK(COLOR) ((COLOR) < BLACK) /* NONE or HINT */ #define IS_CHESS(COLOR) ((COLOR) >= BLACK) #define TURN_TO_COLOR(TURN) (WHITE - (TURN)) #define COLOR_TO_TURN(COLOR) (WHITE - (COLOR)) typedef char color_t; typedef color_t board_t[BRDSIZ + 2][BRDSIZ + 2]; typedef color_t (*board_p)[BRDSIZ + 2]; /* [0] & [9] are dummy */ typedef struct { ChessStepType type; /* necessary one */ color_t color; rc_t loc; } reversi_step_t; typedef struct { int number[2]; } reversi_tag_t; /* chess framework action functions */ static void reversi_init_user(const userinfo_t *uinfo, ChessUser *user); static void reversi_init_user_userec(const userec_t *urec, ChessUser *user); static void reversi_init_board(board_t board); static void reversi_drawline(const ChessInfo* info, int line); static void reversi_movecur(int r, int c); static int reversi_prepare_play(ChessInfo* info); static int reversi_select(ChessInfo* info, rc_t scrloc, ChessGameResult* result); static void reversi_prepare_step(ChessInfo* info, const reversi_step_t* step); static ChessGameResult reversi_apply_step(board_t board, const reversi_step_t* step); static void reversi_drawstep(ChessInfo* info, const void* move); static ChessGameResult reversi_post_game(ChessInfo* info); static void reversi_gameend(ChessInfo* info, ChessGameResult result); static void reversi_genlog(ChessInfo* info, FILE* fp, ChessGameResult result); static const char *CHESS_TYPE[] = {NONE_CHESS, HINT_CHESS, BLACK_CHESS, WHITE_CHESS}; static const char DIRX[] = {-1, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0}; static const char DIRY[] = {-1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, -1, -1}; static const ChessActions reversi_actions = { &reversi_init_user, &reversi_init_user_userec, (void (*) (void*)) &reversi_init_board, &reversi_drawline, &reversi_movecur, &reversi_prepare_play, NULL, /* process_key */ &reversi_select, (void (*)(ChessInfo*, const void*)) &reversi_prepare_step, (ChessGameResult (*)(void*, const void*)) &reversi_apply_step, &reversi_drawstep, &reversi_post_game, &reversi_gameend, &reversi_genlog }; const static ChessConstants reversi_constants = { sizeof(reversi_step_t), MAX_TIME, BRDSIZ, BRDSIZ, 0, "黑白棋", "photo_reversi", #ifdef GLOBAL_REVERSI_LOG GLOBAL_REVERSI_LOG, #else NULL, #endif { "", "" }, { "白棋", "黑棋" }, }; static int can_put(board_t board, color_t who, int x, int y) { int i, temp, checkx, checky; if (IS_BLANK(board[x][y])) for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { checkx = x + DIRX[i]; checky = y + DIRY[i]; temp = board[checkx][checky]; if (IS_BLANK(temp)) continue; if (temp != who) { while (board[checkx += DIRX[i]][checky += DIRY[i]] == temp); if (board[checkx][checky] == who) return 1; } } return 0; } static int caculate_hint(board_t board, color_t who) { int i, j, count = 0; for (i = 1; i <= 8; i++) for (j = 1; j <= 8; j++) { if (board[i][j] == HINT) board[i][j] = NONE; if (can_put(board, who, i, j)) { board[i][j] = HINT; ++count; } } return count; } static void reversi_init_user(const userinfo_t* uinfo, ChessUser* user) { strlcpy(user->userid, uinfo->userid, sizeof(user->userid)); user->win = user->lose = user->tie = 0; } static void reversi_init_user_userec(const userec_t* urec, ChessUser* user) { strlcpy(user->userid, urec->userid, sizeof(user->userid)); user->win = user->lose = user->tie = 0; } static void reversi_init_board(board_t board) { memset(board, NONE, sizeof(board_t)); board[4][4] = board[5][5] = WHITE; board[4][5] = board[5][4] = BLACK; caculate_hint(board, BLACK); } static void reversi_drawline(const ChessInfo* info, int line){ static const char* num_str[] = {"", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8"}; if(line) move(line, STARTY); if (line == 0) { prints(ANSI_COLOR(1;46) " 黑白棋對戰 " ANSI_COLOR(45) "%30s VS %-20s%10s" ANSI_RESET, info->user1.userid, info->user2.userid, info->mode == CHESS_MODE_WATCH ? "[觀棋模式]" : ""); } else if (line == 2) outs(" A B C D E F G H"); else if (line == 3) outs("┌─┬─┬─┬─┬─┬─┬─┬─┐"); else if (line == 19) outs("└─┴─┴─┴─┴─┴─┴─┴─┘"); else if (line == 20) prints(" (" BLACK_CHESS ") %-15s%2d%*s", info->myturn ? info->user1.userid : info->user2.userid, ((reversi_tag_t*)info->tag)->number[COLOR_TO_TURN(BLACK)], 34 - 24, ""); else if (line == 21) prints(" (" WHITE_CHESS ") %-15s%2d%*s", info->myturn ? info->user2.userid : info->user1.userid, ((reversi_tag_t*)info->tag)->number[COLOR_TO_TURN(WHITE)], 34 - 24, ""); else if (line > 3 && line < 19) { if ((line & 1) == 1) outs("├─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┤"); else { int x = line / 2 - 1; int y; board_p board = (board_p) info->board; move(line, STARTY - 2); prints("%s│", num_str[x]); for(y = 1; y <= 8; ++y) prints("%s│", CHESS_TYPE[(int) board[x][y]]); } } ChessDrawExtraInfo(info, line, 4); } static void reversi_movecur(int r, int c) { move(r * 2 + 4, c * 4 + STARTY + 2); } static int reversi_prepare_play(ChessInfo* info) { int x, y; int result; board_p board = (board_p) info->board; reversi_tag_t* tag = (reversi_tag_t*) info->tag; tag->number[0] = tag->number[1] = 0; for(x = 1; x <= 8; ++x) for(y = 1; y <= 8; ++y) if (IS_CHESS(board[x][y])) ++tag->number[COLOR_TO_TURN(board[x][y])]; result = !caculate_hint(board, TURN_TO_COLOR(info->turn)); if (result) { reversi_step_t step = { CHESS_STEP_SPECIAL, TURN_TO_COLOR(info->turn) }; if (info->turn == info->myturn) { ChessStepSend(info, &step); ChessHistoryAppend(info, &step); strcpy(info->last_movestr, "你必須放棄這一步!!"); } else { ChessStepReceive(info, &step); strcpy(info->last_movestr, "對方必須放棄這一步!!"); } } ChessRedraw(info); return result; } static int reversi_select(ChessInfo* info, rc_t loc, ChessGameResult* result) { board_p board = (board_p) info->board; ++loc.r; ++loc.c; if (can_put(board, TURN_TO_COLOR(info->turn), loc.r, loc.c)) { reversi_step_t step = { CHESS_STEP_NORMAL, TURN_TO_COLOR(info->turn), loc }; reversi_apply_step(board, &step); snprintf(info->last_movestr, sizeof(info->last_movestr), "%c%d", step.loc.c - 1 + 'A', step.loc.r); ChessStepSend(info, &step); ChessHistoryAppend(info, &step); return 1; } else return 0; } static ChessGameResult reversi_apply_step(board_t board, const reversi_step_t* step) { int i; color_t opposite = INVERT(step->color); if (step->type != CHESS_STEP_NORMAL) return CHESS_RESULT_CONTINUE; for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { int x = step->loc.r; int y = step->loc.c; while (board[x += DIRX[i]][y += DIRY[i]] == opposite); if (board[x][y] == step->color) { x = step->loc.r; y = step->loc.c; while (board[x += DIRX[i]][y += DIRY[i]] == opposite) board[x][y] = step->color; } } board[step->loc.r][step->loc.c] = step->color; return CHESS_RESULT_CONTINUE; } static void reversi_prepare_step(ChessInfo* info, const reversi_step_t* step) { if (step->type == CHESS_STEP_NORMAL) snprintf(info->last_movestr, sizeof(info->last_movestr), "%c%d", step->loc.c - 1 + 'A', step->loc.r); else if (step->color == TURN_TO_COLOR(info->myturn)) strcpy(info->last_movestr, "你必須放棄這一步!!"); else strcpy(info->last_movestr, "對方必須放棄這一步!!"); } static void reversi_drawstep(ChessInfo* info, const void* move) { ChessRedraw(info); } static ChessGameResult reversi_post_game(ChessInfo* info) { int x, y; board_p board = (board_p) info->board; reversi_tag_t* tag = (reversi_tag_t*) info->tag; tag->number[0] = tag->number[1] = 0; for(x = 1; x <= 8; ++x) for(y = 1; y <= 8; ++y) if (board[x][y] == HINT) board[x][y] = NONE; else if (IS_CHESS(board[x][y])) ++tag->number[COLOR_TO_TURN(board[x][y])]; ChessRedraw(info); if (tag->number[0] == tag->number[1]) return CHESS_RESULT_TIE; else if (tag->number[(int) info->myturn] < tag->number[info->myturn ^ 1]) return CHESS_RESULT_LOST; else return CHESS_RESULT_WIN; } static void reversi_gameend(ChessInfo* info, ChessGameResult result) { /* nothing to do now * TODO game record */ } static void reversi_genlog(ChessInfo* info, FILE* fp, ChessGameResult result) { const int nStep = info->history.used; int i; if (big_picture) for (i = 2; i <= 21; i++) fprintf(fp, "%.*s\n", big_picture[i].len, big_picture[i].data); fprintf(fp, "\n"); fprintf(fp, "按 z 可進入打譜模式\n"); fprintf(fp, "\n"); fprintf(fp, "\nblack:%s\nwhite:%s\n", info->myturn ? info->user1.userid : info->user2.userid, info->myturn ? info->user2.userid : info->user1.userid); for (i = 0; i < nStep; ++i) { const reversi_step_t* const step = (const reversi_step_t*) ChessHistoryRetrieve(info, i); if (step->type == CHESS_STEP_NORMAL) fprintf(fp, "[%2d]%s ==> %c%-5d", i + 1, CHESS_TYPE[(int) step->color], 'A' + step->loc.c - 1, step->loc.r); else fprintf(fp, "[%2d]%s ==> pass ", i + 1, CHESS_TYPE[(int) step->color]); if (i % 2) fputc('\n', fp); } if (i % 2) fputc('\n', fp); fputs("\n", fp); } static int reversi_loadlog(FILE *fp, ChessInfo *info) { char buf[256]; #define INVALID_ROW(R) ((R) <= 0 || (R) > 8) #define INVALID_COL(C) ((C) <= 0 || (C) > 8) while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp)) { if (strcmp("\n", buf) == 0) return 1; else if (strncmp("black:", buf, 6) == 0 || strncmp("white:", buf, 6) == 0) { /* /(black|white):([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/; $2 */ userec_t rec; ChessUser *user = (buf[0] == 'b' ? &info->user1 : &info->user2); chomp(buf); if (getuser(buf + 6, &rec)) reversi_init_user_userec(&rec, user); } else if (buf[0] == '[') { /* "[ 1]● ==> C4 [ 2]○ ==> C5" */ reversi_step_t step = { CHESS_STEP_NORMAL }; int c, r; const char *p = buf; int i; for(i=0; i<2; i++) { p = strchr(p, '>'); if (p == NULL) break; ++p; /* skip '>' */ while (*p && isspace(*p)) ++p; if (!*p) break; /* i=0, p -> "C4 ..." */ /* i=1, p -> "C5\n" */ if (strncmp(p, "pass", 4) == 0) /* [..] .. => pass */ step.type = CHESS_STEP_SPECIAL; else { c = p[0] - 'A' + 1; r = atoi(p + 1); if (INVALID_COL(c) || INVALID_ROW(r)) break; step.loc.r = r; step.loc.c = c; } step.color = i==0 ? BLACK : WHITE; ChessHistoryAppend(info, &step); } } } #undef INVALID_ROW #undef INVALID_COL return 0; } void reversi(int s, ChessGameMode mode) { ChessInfo* info = NewChessInfo(&reversi_actions, &reversi_constants, s, mode); board_t board; reversi_tag_t tag = { { 2, 2 } }; /* will be overridden */ reversi_init_board(board); info->board = board; info->tag = &tag; info->cursor.r = 3; info->cursor.c = 3; if (mode == CHESS_MODE_WATCH) setutmpmode(CHESSWATCHING); else setutmpmode(REVERSI); currutmp->sig = SIG_REVERSI; ChessPlay(info); DeleteChessInfo(info); } int reversi_main(void) { return ChessStartGame('r', SIG_REVERSI, "黑白棋"); } int reversi_personal(void) { reversi(0, CHESS_MODE_PERSONAL); return 0; } int reversi_watch(void) { return ChessWatchGame(&reversi, REVERSI, "黑白棋"); } ChessInfo* reversi_replay(FILE* fp) { ChessInfo *info; info = NewChessInfo(&reversi_actions, &reversi_constants, 0, CHESS_MODE_REPLAY); if(!reversi_loadlog(fp, info)) { DeleteChessInfo(info); return NULL; } info->board = malloc(sizeof(board_t)); info->tag = malloc(sizeof(reversi_tag_t)); reversi_init_board(info->board); /* tag will be initialized later */ return info; }