/* $Id$ */ #include "bbs.h" char * genpasswd(char *pw) { if (pw[0]) { char saltc[2], c; int i; i = 9 * getpid(); saltc[0] = i & 077; saltc[1] = (i >> 6) & 077; for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { c = saltc[i] + '.'; if (c > '9') c += 7; if (c > 'Z') c += 6; saltc[i] = c; } return crypt(pw, saltc); } return ""; } // NOTE it will clean string in "plain" int checkpasswd(const char *passwd, char *plain) { int ok; char *pw; ok = 0; pw = crypt(plain, passwd); if(pw && strcmp(pw, passwd)==0) ok = 1; memset(plain, 0, strlen(plain)); return ok; } /* �ˬd user ���U���p */ int bad_user_id(const char *userid) { int len, i; len = strlen(userid); if (len < 2) return 1; if (not_alpha(userid[0])) return 1; for (i = 1; i < len; i++) /* DickG: �ץ��F�u��� userid �Ĥ@�Ӧr���� bug */ if (not_alnum(userid[i])) return 1; if (strcasecmp(userid, str_new) == 0) return 1; /* in2: �쥻�O��strcasestr, ���L���ǤH�������n�X�{�o�Ӧr�����ٺ�X�z�a? */ if( strncasecmp(userid, "fuck", 4) == 0 || strncasecmp(userid, "shit", 4) == 0 ) return 1; /* * while((ch = *(++userid))) if(not_alnum(ch)) return 1; */ return 0; } /* -------------------------------- */ /* New policy for allocate new user */ /* (a) is the worst user currently */ /* (b) is the object to be compared */ /* -------------------------------- */ static int compute_user_value(const userec_t * urec, time4_t clock) { int value; /* if (urec) has XEMPT permission, don't kick it */ if ((urec->userid[0] == '\0') || (urec->userlevel & PERM_XEMPT) /* || (urec->userlevel & PERM_LOGINOK) */ || !strcmp(STR_GUEST, urec->userid)) return 999999; value = (clock - urec->lastlogin) / 60; /* minutes */ /* new user should register in 30 mins */ if (strcmp(urec->userid, str_new) == 0) return 30 - value; #if 0 if (!urec->numlogins) /* �� login ���\�̡A���O�d */ return -1; if (urec->numlogins <= 3) /* #login �֩�T�̡A�O�d 20 �� */ return 20 * 24 * 60 - value; #endif /* ���������U�̡A�O�d 15 �� */ /* �@�뱡�p�A�O�d 120 �� */ return (urec->userlevel & PERM_LOGINOK ? 120 : 15) * 24 * 60 - value; } int check_and_expire_account(int uid, const userec_t * urec) { char genbuf[200], genbuf2[200]; int val; if ((val = compute_user_value(urec, now)) < 0) { snprintf(genbuf, sizeof(genbuf), "#%d %-12s %15.15s %d %d %d", uid, urec->userid, ctime4(&(urec->lastlogin)) + 4, urec->numlogins, urec->numposts, val); if (val > -1 * 60 * 24 * 365) { log_usies("CLEAN", genbuf); sethomepath(genbuf, urec->userid); snprintf(genbuf2, sizeof(genbuf2), "tmp/%s", urec->userid); if (dashd(genbuf) && Rename(genbuf, genbuf2)) { snprintf(genbuf, sizeof(genbuf), "/bin/rm -fr home/%c/%s >/dev/null 2>&1", urec->userid[0], urec->userid); system(genbuf); } kill_user(uid); } else { val = 0; log_usies("DATED", genbuf); } } return val; } int getnewuserid(void) { char genbuf[50]; char *fn_fresh = ".fresh"; userec_t utmp; time_t clock; struct stat st; int fd, i; clock = now; /* Lazy method : ����M�w�g�M�����L���b�� */ if ((i = searchuser("", NULL)) == 0) { /* �C 1 �Ӥp�ɡA�M�z user �b���@�� */ if ((stat(fn_fresh, &st) == -1) || (st.st_mtime < clock - 3600)) { if ((fd = open(fn_fresh, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0600)) == -1) return -1; write(fd, ctime(&clock), 25); close(fd); log_usies("CLEAN", "dated users"); fprintf(stdout, "�M��s�b����, �еy�ݤ���...\n\r"); if ((fd = open(fn_passwd, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0600)) == -1) return -1; /* ����o������n�q 2 �}�l... Ptt:�]��SYSOP�b1 */ for (i = 2; i <= MAX_USERS; i++) { passwd_query(i, &utmp); check_and_expire_account(i, &utmp); } } } passwd_lock(); i = searchuser("", NULL); if ((i <= 0) || (i > MAX_USERS)) { passwd_unlock(); vmsg("��p�A�ϥΪ̱b���w�g���F�A�L�k���U�s���b��"); exit(1); } snprintf(genbuf, sizeof(genbuf), "uid %d", i); log_usies("APPLY", genbuf); kill_user(i); passwd_unlock(); return i; } void new_register(void) { userec_t newuser; char passbuf[STRLEN]; int allocid, try, id, uid; #ifdef HAVE_USERAGREEMENT more(HAVE_USERAGREEMENT, YEA); while( 1 ){ getdata(b_lines - 1, 0, "�аݱz�����o���ϥΪ̱��ڶ�? (yes/no) ", passbuf, 4, LCECHO); if( passbuf[0] == 'y' ) break; if( passbuf[0] == 'n' ){ vmsg("��p, �z���n�����ϥΪ̱��ڤ~����U�b���ɨ��ڭ̪��A�ȭ�!"); exit(1); } vmsg("�п�J y���ܱ���, n���ܤ�����"); } #endif memset(&newuser, 0, sizeof(newuser)); more("etc/register", NA); try = 0; while (1) { userec_t xuser; int minute; if (++try >= 6) { vmsg("�z���տ��~����J�Ӧh�A�ФU���A�ӧa"); exit(1); } getdata(17, 0, msg_uid, newuser.userid, sizeof(newuser.userid), DOECHO); strcpy(passbuf, newuser.userid); if (bad_user_id(passbuf)) outs("�L�k�����o�ӥN���A�Шϥέ^��r���A�åB���n�]�t�Ů�\n"); else if ((id = getuser(passbuf, &xuser)) && (minute = check_and_expire_account(id, &xuser)) >= 0) { if (minute == 999999) // XXX magic number outs("���N���w�g���H�ϥ� �O��������"); else { prints("���N���w�g���H�ϥ� �٦�%d�Ѥ~�L�� \n", minute / (60 * 24)); } } else break; } try = 0; while (1) { if (++try >= 6) { vmsg("�z���տ��~����J�Ӧh�A�ФU���A�ӧa"); exit(1); } move(18, 0); clrtoeol(); outs(ANSI_COLOR(1;33) "���קK�Q���ݡA�z���K�X�ä��|��ܦb�e���W�A������J����� Enter ��Y�i�C" ANSI_RESET); if ((getdata(19, 0, "�г]�w�K�X�G", passbuf, sizeof(passbuf), NOECHO) < 3) || !strcmp(passbuf, newuser.userid)) { outs("�K�X��²��A���D�J�I�A�ܤ֭n 4 �Ӧr�A�Э��s��J\n"); continue; } strncpy(newuser.passwd, passbuf, PASSLEN); getdata(20, 0, "���ˬd�K�X�G", passbuf, sizeof(passbuf), NOECHO); if (strncmp(passbuf, newuser.passwd, PASSLEN)) { outs("�K�X��J���~, �Э��s��J�K�X.\n"); continue; } passbuf[8] = '\0'; strncpy(newuser.passwd, genpasswd(passbuf), PASSLEN); break; } newuser.version = PASSWD_VERSION; newuser.userlevel = PERM_DEFAULT; newuser.uflag = BRDSORT_FLAG | MOVIE_FLAG; newuser.uflag2 = 0; newuser.firstlogin = newuser.lastlogin = now; newuser.money = 0; newuser.pager = 1; #ifdef DBCSAWARE if(u_detectDBCSAwareEvilClient()) newuser.uflag &= ~DBCSAWARE_FLAG; else newuser.uflag |= DBCSAWARE_FLAG; #endif allocid = getnewuserid(); if (allocid > MAX_USERS || allocid <= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "�����H�f�w�F���M�I\n"); exit(1); } if (passwd_update(allocid, &newuser) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "�Ⱥ��F�A�A���I\n"); exit(1); } setuserid(allocid, newuser.userid); if( (uid = initcuser(newuser.userid)) ) setumoney(uid, 0); else{ fprintf(stderr, "�L�k�إ߱b��\n"); exit(1); } log_usies("REGISTER", fromhost); } void check_register(void) { char *ptr = NULL; if (HasUserPerm(PERM_LOGINOK)) return; /* * �קK�ϥΪ̳Q�h�^���U���A�b���D�h�^����]���e�A * �S�e�X�@�����U��C */ if (currutmp->mailalert) m_read(); stand_title("�иԲӶ�g�ӤH���"); while (strlen(cuser.nickname) < 2) getdata(2, 0, "�︹�ʺ١G", cuser.nickname, sizeof(cuser.nickname), DOECHO); for (ptr = cuser.nickname; *ptr; ptr++) { if (*ptr == 9) /* TAB convert */ *ptr = ' '; } while (strlen(cuser.realname) < 4) getdata(4, 0, "�u��m�W�G", cuser.realname, sizeof(cuser.realname), DOECHO); while (strlen(cuser.address) < 8) getdata(6, 0, "�p���a�}�G", cuser.address, sizeof(cuser.address), DOECHO); if (!HasUserPerm(PERM_SYSOP)) { /* �^�йL�����{�ҫH��A�δ��g E-mail post �L */ clear(); move(9, 3); outs("�иԶ�g" ANSI_COLOR(32) "���U�ӽг�" ANSI_RESET "�A" "�q�i�����H��o�i���ϥ��v�O�C\n\n\n\n"); u_register(); #ifdef NEWUSER_LIMIT if (cuser.lastlogin - cuser->firstlogin < 3 * 86400) cuser.userlevel &= ~PERM_POST; more("etc/newuser", YEA); #endif } } /* vim:sw=4 */