/* $Id$ */ #include "bbs.h" #define FN_REGISTER_LOG "register.log" // global registration history #define FN_REJECT_NOTIFY "justify.reject" // Regform1 file name (deprecated) #define fn_register "register.new" // New style (Regform2) file names: #define FN_REGFORM "regform" // registration form in user home #define FN_REGFORM_LOG "regform.log" // regform history in user home #define FN_REQLIST "reg.wait" // request list file, in global directory (replacing fn_register) // #define DBG_DISABLE_CHECK // disable all input checks // #define DBG_DRYRUN // Dry-run test (mainly for RegForm2) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Password Hash //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// char * genpasswd(char *pw) { if (pw[0]) { char saltc[2], c; int i; i = 9 * getpid(); saltc[0] = i & 077; saltc[1] = (i >> 6) & 077; for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { c = saltc[i] + '.'; if (c > '9') c += 7; if (c > 'Z') c += 6; saltc[i] = c; } return fcrypt(pw, saltc); } return ""; } // NOTE it will clean string in "plain" int checkpasswd(const char *passwd, char *plain) { int ok; char *pw; ok = 0; pw = fcrypt(plain, passwd); if(pw && strcmp(pw, passwd)==0) ok = 1; memset(plain, 0, strlen(plain)); return ok; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Value Validation //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static int HaveRejectStr(const char *s, const char **rej) { int i; char *ptr, *rejectstr[] = {"�F", "��", "��", "�A��", "�Y", "��", "�b", "..", "xx", "�A��", "�ާ�", "�q", "�Ѥ~", "�W�H", "�t", "�u", "�v", "�w", "�x", "�y", "�z", "�{", "�|", "�}", "�~", "��", "��", "��", "��",/*"��",*/ "��", "��", "��", "��", "��", "��", "��", "��", "��", "��", "��", "��", "��", "��", "��", "��", "��", "��", "��", "��", "��", NULL}; if( rej != NULL ) for( i = 0 ; rej[i] != NULL ; ++i ) if( strstr(s, rej[i]) ) return 1; for( i = 0 ; rejectstr[i] != NULL ; ++i ) if( strstr(s, rejectstr[i]) ) return 1; if( (ptr = strstr(s, "��")) != NULL ){ if( ptr != s && strncmp(ptr - 1, "����", 4) == 0 ) return 0; return 1; } return 0; } static int removespace(char *s) { int i, index; for (i = 0, index = 0; s[i]; i++) { if (s[i] != ' ') s[index++] = s[i]; } s[index] = '\0'; return index; } int bad_user_id(const char *userid) { if(!is_validuserid(userid)) return 1; if (strcasecmp(userid, str_new) == 0) return 1; #ifdef NO_GUEST_ACCOUNT_REG if (strcasecmp(userid, STR_GUEST) == 0) return 1; #endif /* in2: �쥻�O��strcasestr, ���L���ǤH�������n�X�{�o�Ӧr�����ٺ�X�z�a? */ if( strncasecmp(userid, "fuck", 4) == 0 || strncasecmp(userid, "shit", 4) == 0 ) return 1; /* * while((ch = *(++userid))) if(not_alnum(ch)) return 1; */ return 0; } static char * isvalidname(char *rname) { #ifdef FOREIGN_REG return NULL; #else const char *rejectstr[] = {"��", "�D", "���Y", "�p��", "�p��", "���H", "�Ѥ�", "�ѧ�", "�_��", "����", "�ӭ�", "���Y", "�p�n", "�p�j", "���k", "�p�f", "�j�Y", "���D", "�P��", "�_�_", "���l", "�j�Y", "�p�p", "�p��", "�p�f", "�f�f", "�K", "��", "�ݷ�", "�j��", "�L", NULL}; if( removespace(rname) && rname[0] < 0 && strlen(rname) >= 4 && !HaveRejectStr(rname, rejectstr) && strncmp(rname, "�p", 2) != 0 && //�_�Y�O�u�p�v strncmp(rname, "�ڬO", 4) != 0 && //�_�Y�O�u�ڬO�v !(strlen(rname) == 4 && strncmp(&rname[2], "��", 2) == 0) && !(strlen(rname) >= 4 && strncmp(&rname[0], &rname[2], 2) == 0)) return NULL; return "�z����J�����T"; #endif } static char * isvalidcareer(char *career) { #ifndef FOREIGN_REG const char *rejectstr[] = {NULL}; if (!(career[0] < 0 && strlen(career) >= 6) || strcmp(career, "�a��") == 0 || HaveRejectStr(career, rejectstr) ) return "�z����J�����T"; if (strcmp(&career[strlen(career) - 2], "�j") == 0 || strcmp(&career[strlen(career) - 4], "�j��") == 0 || strcmp(career, "�ǥͤj��") == 0) return "�·нХ[�Ǯըt��"; if (strcmp(career, "�ǥͰ���") == 0) return "�·п�J�ǮզW��"; #else if( strlen(career) < 6 ) return "�z����J�����T"; #endif if (strstr(career, "��") && strstr(career, "�t") && strstr(career, "��") == NULL && (strstr(career, "��") == NULL && strstr(career, "�w") == NULL)) return "�Х[�W�~��"; return NULL; } static int strlen_without_space(const char *s) { int i = 0; while (*s) if (*s++ != ' ') i++; return i; } static char * isvalidaddr(char *addr) { const char *rejectstr[] = {"�a�y", "�Ȫe", "���P", NULL}; #ifdef DBG_DISABLE_CHECK return NULL; #endif // DBG_DISABLE_CHECK // addr[0] > 0: check if address is starting by Chinese. if (strlen_without_space(addr) < 15) return "�o�Ӧa�}���G�ä�����"; if (strstr(addr, "�H�c") != NULL || strstr(addr, "�l�F") != NULL) return "��p�ڭ̤������l�F�H�c"; if ((strstr(addr, "��") == NULL && strstr(addr, "�]") == NULL && strstr(addr, "��") == NULL && strstr(addr, "��") == NULL) || HaveRejectStr(addr, rejectstr) || strcmp(&addr[strlen(addr) - 2], "�q") == 0 || strcmp(&addr[strlen(addr) - 2], "��") == 0 || strcmp(&addr[strlen(addr) - 2], "��") == 0 || strcmp(&addr[strlen(addr) - 2], "��") == 0 || strcmp(&addr[strlen(addr) - 2], "��") == 0 || strcmp(&addr[strlen(addr) - 2], "��") == 0 || strcmp(&addr[strlen(addr) - 2], "��") == 0 ) return "�o�Ӧa�}���G�ä�����"; return NULL; } static char * isvalidphone(char *phone) { int i; #ifdef DBG_DISABLE_CHECK return NULL; #endif // DBG_DISABLE_CHECK for( i = 0 ; phone[i] != 0 ; ++i ) if( !isdigit((int)phone[i]) ) return "�Ф��n�[���j�Ÿ�"; if (!removespace(phone) || strlen(phone) < 9 || strstr(phone, "00000000") != NULL || strstr(phone, "22222222") != NULL ) { return "�o�ӹq�ܸ��X�ä����T(�Чt�ϽX)" ; } return NULL; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Account Expiring //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* -------------------------------- */ /* New policy for allocate new user */ /* (a) is the worst user currently */ /* (b) is the object to be compared */ /* -------------------------------- */ static int compute_user_value(const userec_t * urec, time4_t clock) { int value; /* if (urec) has XEMPT permission, don't kick it */ if ((urec->userid[0] == '\0') || (urec->userlevel & PERM_XEMPT) /* || (urec->userlevel & PERM_LOGINOK) */ || !strcmp(STR_GUEST, urec->userid)) return 999999; value = (clock - urec->lastlogin) / 60; /* minutes */ /* new user should register in 30 mins */ // XXX �ثe new acccount �ä��|�b utmp �̩� str_new... if (strcmp(urec->userid, str_new) == 0) return 30 - value; #if 0 if (!urec->numlogins) /* �� login ���\�̡A���O�d */ return -1; if (urec->numlogins <= 3) /* #login �֩�T�̡A�O�d 20 �� */ return 20 * 24 * 60 - value; #endif /* ���������U�̡A�O�d 15 �� */ /* �@�뱡�p�A�O�d 120 �� */ return (urec->userlevel & PERM_LOGINOK ? 120 : 15) * 24 * 60 - value; } int check_and_expire_account(int uid, const userec_t * urec, int expireRange) { char genbuf[200]; int val; if ((val = compute_user_value(urec, now)) < 0) { snprintf(genbuf, sizeof(genbuf), "#%d %-12s %15.15s %d %d %d", uid, urec->userid, ctime4(&(urec->lastlogin)) + 4, urec->numlogins, urec->numposts, val); // �Y�W�L expireRange �h��H�A // ���M�N return 0 if (-val > expireRange) { log_usies("DATED", genbuf); // log_usies("CLEAN", genbuf); kill_user(uid, urec->userid); } else val = 0; } return val; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Regcode Support //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define REGCODE_INITIAL "v6" // always 2 characters static char * getregfile(char *buf) { // not in user's home because s/he could zip his/her home snprintf(buf, PATHLEN, "jobspool/.regcode.%s", cuser.userid); return buf; } static char * makeregcode(char *buf) { char fpath[PATHLEN]; int fd, i; // prevent ambigious characters: oOlI const char *alphabet = "qwertyuipasdfghjkzxcvbnmoQWERTYUPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM"; /* generate a new regcode */ buf[13] = 0; buf[0] = REGCODE_INITIAL[0]; buf[1] = REGCODE_INITIAL[1]; for( i = 2 ; i < 13 ; ++i ) buf[i] = alphabet[random() % strlen(alphabet)]; getregfile(fpath); if( (fd = open(fpath, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, 0600)) == -1 ){ perror("open"); exit(1); } write(fd, buf, 13); close(fd); return buf; } static char * getregcode(char *buf) { int fd; char fpath[PATHLEN]; getregfile(fpath); if( (fd = open(fpath, O_RDONLY)) == -1 ){ buf[0] = 0; return buf; } read(fd, buf, 13); close(fd); buf[13] = 0; return buf; } void delregcodefile(void) { char fpath[PATHLEN]; getregfile(fpath); unlink(fpath); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Justify Utilities //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static void email_justify(const userec_t *muser) { char buf[256], genbuf[256]; /* * It is intended to use BBSENAME instead of BBSNAME here. * Because recently many poor users with poor mail clients * (or evil mail servers) cannot handle/decode Chinese * subjects (BBSNAME) correctly, so we'd like to use * BBSENAME here to prevent subject being messed up. * And please keep BBSENAME short or it may be truncated * by evil mail servers. */ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), " " BBSENAME " - [ %s ]", makeregcode(genbuf)); #ifdef HAVEMOBILE if (strcmp(muser->email, "m") == 0 || strcmp(muser->email, "M") == 0) mobile_message(mobile, buf); else #endif bsmtp("etc/registermail", buf, muser->email, "non-exist"); move(20,0); clrtobot(); outs("�ڭ̧Y�N�H�X�{�ҫH (�z���ӷ|�b 10 ����������)\n" "�����z�i�H�ھڻ{�ҫH���D���{�ҽX\n" "��J�� (U)ser -> (R)egister ��N�i�H�������U"); pressanykey(); return; } /* �ϥΪ̶�g���U���� */ static void getfield(int line, const char *info, const char *desc, char *buf, int len) { char prompt[STRLEN]; char genbuf[200]; // clear first move(line+1, 0); clrtoeol(); move(line, 0); clrtoeol(); prints(" ����]�w�G%-30.30s (%s)", buf, info); snprintf(prompt, sizeof(prompt), " %s�G", desc); if (getdata_str(line + 1, 0, prompt, genbuf, len, DOECHO, buf)) strcpy(buf, genbuf); move(line+1, 0); clrtoeol(); move(line, 0); clrtoeol(); prints(" %s�G%s", desc, buf); } int setupnewuser(const userec_t *user) { char genbuf[50]; char *fn_fresh = ".fresh"; userec_t utmp; time_t clock; struct stat st; int fd, uid; clock = now; // XXX race condition... if (dosearchuser(user->userid, NULL)) { vmsg("��}�����֡A�O�H�w�g�m���F�I"); exit(1); } /* Lazy method : ����M�w�g�M�����L���b�� */ if ((uid = dosearchuser("", NULL)) == 0) { /* �C 1 �Ӥp�ɡA�M�z user �b���@�� */ if ((stat(fn_fresh, &st) == -1) || (st.st_mtime < clock - 3600)) { if ((fd = open(fn_fresh, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0600)) == -1) return -1; write(fd, ctime(&clock), 25); close(fd); log_usies("CLEAN", "dated users"); fprintf(stdout, "�M��s�b����, �еy�ݤ���...\n\r"); if ((fd = open(fn_passwd, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0600)) == -1) return -1; /* ����o������n�q 2 �}�l... Ptt:�]��SYSOP�b1 */ for (uid = 2; uid <= MAX_USERS; uid++) { passwd_query(uid, &utmp); // tolerate for one year. check_and_expire_account(uid, &utmp, 365*12*60); } } } /* initialize passwd semaphores */ if (passwd_init()) exit(1); passwd_lock(); uid = dosearchuser("", NULL); if ((uid <= 0) || (uid > MAX_USERS)) { passwd_unlock(); vmsg("��p�A�ϥΪ̱b���w�g���F�A�L�k���U�s���b��"); exit(1); } setuserid(uid, user->userid); snprintf(genbuf, sizeof(genbuf), "uid %d", uid); log_usies("APPLY", genbuf); SHM->money[uid - 1] = user->money; if (passwd_update(uid, (userec_t *)user) == -1) { passwd_unlock(); vmsg("�Ⱥ��F�A�A���I"); exit(1); } passwd_unlock(); return uid; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // New Registration (Phase 1: Create Account) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void new_register(void) { userec_t newuser; char passbuf[STRLEN]; int try, id, uid; char *errmsg = NULL; #ifdef HAVE_USERAGREEMENT more(HAVE_USERAGREEMENT, YEA); while( 1 ){ getdata(b_lines, 0, "�аݱz�����o���ϥΪ̱��ڶ�? (yes/no) ", passbuf, 4, LCECHO); if( passbuf[0] == 'y' ) break; if( passbuf[0] == 'n' ){ vmsg("��p, �z���n�����ϥΪ̱��ڤ~����U�b���ɨ��ڭ̪��A�ȭ�!"); exit(1); } vmsg("�п�J y���ܱ���, n���ܤ�����"); } #endif // setup newuser memset(&newuser, 0, sizeof(newuser)); newuser.version = PASSWD_VERSION; newuser.userlevel = PERM_DEFAULT; newuser.uflag = BRDSORT_FLAG | MOVIE_FLAG; newuser.uflag2 = 0; newuser.firstlogin = newuser.lastlogin = now; newuser.money = 0; newuser.pager = PAGER_ON; strlcpy(newuser.lasthost, fromhost, sizeof(newuser.lasthost)); #ifdef DBCSAWARE if(u_detectDBCSAwareEvilClient()) newuser.uflag &= ~DBCSAWARE_FLAG; else newuser.uflag |= DBCSAWARE_FLAG; #endif more("etc/register", NA); try = 0; while (1) { userec_t xuser; int minute; if (++try >= 6) { vmsg("�z���տ��~����J�Ӧh�A�ФU���A�ӧa"); exit(1); } getdata(17, 0, msg_uid, newuser.userid, sizeof(newuser.userid), DOECHO); strcpy(passbuf, newuser.userid); if (bad_user_id(passbuf)) outs("�L�k�����o�ӥN���A�Шϥέ^��r���A�åB���n�]�t�Ů�\n"); else if ((id = getuser(passbuf, &xuser)) && // >=: see check_and_expire_account definition (minute = check_and_expire_account(id, &xuser, 0)) >= 0) { if (minute == 999999) // XXX magic number. It should be greater than MAX_USERS at least. outs("���N���w�g���H�ϥ� �O��������"); else { prints("���N���w�g���H�ϥ� �٦� %d �Ѥ~�L�� \n", minute / (60 * 24) + 1); } } else break; } // XXX �O�o�̫� create account �e�٭n�A�ˬd�@�� acc try = 0; while (1) { if (++try >= 6) { vmsg("�z���տ��~����J�Ӧh�A�ФU���A�ӧa"); exit(1); } move(20, 0); clrtoeol(); outs(ANSI_COLOR(1;33) "���קK�Q���ݡA�z���K�X�ä��|��ܦb�e���W�A������J����� Enter ��Y�i�C\n" "�t�~�Ъ`�N�K�X�u���e�K�Ӧr�����ġA�W�L���N�۰ʩ����C" ANSI_RESET); if ((getdata(18, 0, "�г]�w�K�X�G", passbuf, sizeof(passbuf), NOECHO) < 3) || !strcmp(passbuf, newuser.userid)) { outs("�K�X��²��A���D�J�I�A�ܤ֭n 4 �Ӧr�A�Э��s��J\n"); continue; } strlcpy(newuser.passwd, passbuf, PASSLEN); getdata(19, 0, "���ˬd�K�X�G", passbuf, sizeof(passbuf), NOECHO); if (strncmp(passbuf, newuser.passwd, PASSLEN)) { move(19, 0); outs("�K�X��J���~, �Э��s��J�K�X.\n"); continue; } passbuf[8] = '\0'; strlcpy(newuser.passwd, genpasswd(passbuf), PASSLEN); break; } // set-up more information. move(19, 0); clrtobot(); // warning: because currutmp=NULL, we can simply pass newuser.* to getdata. // DON'T DO THIS IF YOUR currutmp != NULL. try = 0; while (strlen(newuser.nickname) < 2) { if (++try > 10) { vmsg("�z���տ��~����J�Ӧh�A�ФU���A�ӧa"); exit(1); } getdata(19, 0, "�︹�ʺ١G", newuser.nickname, sizeof(newuser.nickname), DOECHO); } try = 0; while (strlen(newuser.realname) < 4) { if (++try > 10) { vmsg("�z���տ��~����J�Ӧh�A�ФU���A�ӧa"); exit(1); } getdata(20, 0, "�u��m�W�G", newuser.realname, sizeof(newuser.realname), DOECHO); if ((errmsg = isvalidname(newuser.realname))) { memset(newuser.realname, 0, sizeof(newuser.realname)); vmsg(errmsg); } } try = 0; while (strlen(newuser.address) < 8) { // do not use isvalidaddr to check, // because that requires foreign info. if (++try > 10) { vmsg("�z���տ��~����J�Ӧh�A�ФU���A�ӧa"); exit(1); } getdata(21, 0, "�p���a�}�G", newuser.address, sizeof(newuser.address), DOECHO); } try = 0; while (newuser.year < 40) // magic number 40: see user.c { char birthday[sizeof("mmmm/yy/dd ")]; int y, m, d; if (++try > 20) { vmsg("�z���տ��~����J�Ӧh�A�ФU���A�ӧa"); exit(1); } getdata(22, 0, "�ͤ� (�褸�~/��/��, �p 1984/02/29)�G", birthday, sizeof(birthday), DOECHO); if (ParseDate(birthday, &y, &m, &d)) { vmsg("����榡�����T"); continue; } else if (y < 1940) { vmsg("�A�u��������ѶܡH"); continue; } newuser.year = (unsigned char)(y-1900); newuser.month = (unsigned char)m; newuser.day = (unsigned char)d; } setupnewuser(&newuser); if( (uid = initcuser(newuser.userid)) < 0) { vmsg("�L�k�إ߱b��"); exit(1); } log_usies("REGISTER", fromhost); } void check_birthday(void) { // check birthday int changed = 0; time_t t = (time_t)now; struct tm tm; localtime_r(&t, &tm); while ( cuser.year < 40 || // magic number 40: see user.c cuser.year+3 > tm.tm_year) { char birthday[sizeof("mmmm/yy/dd ")]; int y, m, d; clear(); vs_hdr("��J�ͤ�"); move(2,0); outs("�������t�X��椺�e���Ũ�סA�бz��J���T���ͤ��T�C"); getdata(5, 0, "�ͤ� (�褸�~/��/��, �p 1984/02/29)�G", birthday, sizeof(birthday), DOECHO); if (ParseDate(birthday, &y, &m, &d)) { vmsg("����榡�����T"); continue; } else if (y < 1940) { vmsg("�A�u��������ѶܡH"); continue; } else if (y+3 > tm.tm_year+1900) { vmsg("����/���X�����ӵL�k�ϥ� BBS..."); continue; } cuser.year = (unsigned char)(y-1900); cuser.month = (unsigned char)m; cuser.day = (unsigned char)d; changed = 1; } if (changed) { clear(); resolve_over18(); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // User Registration (Phase 2: Validation) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void check_register(void) { char fn[PATHLEN]; // �w�g�q�L���N���ΤF if (HasUserPerm(PERM_LOGINOK) || HasUserPerm(PERM_SYSOP)) return; // ���v���Q�����ӬO�n���L������U�ΡC if (!HasUserPerm(PERM_BASIC)) return; /* * �קK�ϥΪ̳Q�h�^���U���A�b���D�h�^����]���e�A * �S�e�X�@�����U��C */ setuserfile(fn, FN_REJECT_NOTIFY); if (dashf(fn)) { more(fn, NA); move(b_lines-3, 0); outs("�W�����U��f�d���ѡC (���O���w�ƥ���z���H�c��)\n" "�Э��s�ӽШ÷ӤW�����ܥ��T��g���U��C"); while(vans("�п�J y �~��: ") != 'y'); unlink(fn); } /* �^�йL�����{�ҫH��A�δ��g E-mail post �L */ clear(); move(9, 0); // �L�k�ϥε��U�X = �Q�h�����A���ܤ@�U? // (u_register �̭��| vmsg) if (HasUserPerm(PERM_NOREGCODE)) { } outs(" �z�ثe�|���q�L���U�{�ҵ{�ǡA�вӸԶ�g" ANSI_COLOR(32) "���U�ӽг�" ANSI_RESET "�A\n" " �q�i�����H��o�i���ϥ��v�O�C\n\n"); outs(" �p�G�z���e���ϥ� email ���{�Ҥ覡�q�L���U�{�Ҧ��S�ݨ즹�T���A\n" " �N���z���{�ҥѩ��Ƥ�����w�Q�����C\n"); u_register(); #ifdef NEWUSER_LIMIT if (cuser.lastlogin - cuser->firstlogin < 3 * 86400) cuser.userlevel &= ~PERM_POST; more("etc/newuser", YEA); #endif } int create_regform_request() { FILE *fn; char fname[PATHLEN]; setuserfile(fname, FN_REGFORM); fn = fopen(fname, "wt"); // regform 2: replace model if (!fn) return 0; // create request data fprintf(fn, "uid: %s\n", cuser.userid); fprintf(fn, "name: %s\n", cuser.realname); fprintf(fn, "career: %s\n", cuser.career); fprintf(fn, "addr: %s\n", cuser.address); fprintf(fn, "phone: %s\n", cuser.phone); fprintf(fn, "email: %s\n", "x"); // email is apparently 'x' here. fprintf(fn, "----\n"); fclose(fn); // regform2 must update request list file_append_record(FN_REQLIST, cuser.userid); // save justify information snprintf(cuser.justify, sizeof(cuser.justify), "<Manual>"); return 1; } static void toregister(char *email) { clear(); vs_hdr("�{�ҳ]�w"); if (cuser.userlevel & PERM_NOREGCODE){ strcpy(email, "x"); goto REGFORM2; } move(1, 0); outs("�z�n, �����{�һ{�Ҫ��覡��:\n" " 1.�Y�z�� E-Mail (���������� yahoo, kimo���K�O�� E-Mail)\n" " �п�J�z�� E-Mail , �ڭ̷|�H�o�t���{�ҽX���H�z\n" " �����Ш� (U)ser => (R)egister ��J�{�ҽX, �Y�i�q�L�{��\n" "\n" " 2.�Y�z�S�� E-Mail �άO�@���L�k����{�ҫH, �п�J x \n" " �|�������˦ۤH�u�f�ֵ��U��ơA" ANSI_COLOR(1;33) "���`�N�o�i��|��W�ƶg�Χ�h�ɶ��C" ANSI_RESET "\n" "**********************************************************\n" "* �`�N! *\n" "* �q�`���ӷ|�b��J������Q����������{�ҫH, �Y�L�[������ *\n" "* �Ш�l��U�����ˬd�O�_�Q���@�U���H(SPAM)�F�A�t�~�Y�O *\n" "* ��J��o�ͻ{�ҽX���~�Э���@�� E-Mail *\n" "**********************************************************\n"); #ifdef HAVEMOBILE outs(" 3.�Y�z����������B�Q�Ĩ����²�T�{�Ҫ��覡 , �п�J m \n" " �ڭ̱N�|�H�o�t���{�ҽX��²�T���z \n" " �����Ш�(U)ser => (R)egister ��J�{�ҽX, �Y�i�q�L�{��\n"); #endif while (1) { email[0] = 0; getfield(15, "�����{�ҥ�", "E-Mail Address", email, 50); strip_blank(email, email); if (strcmp(email, "X") == 0) email[0] = 'x'; if (strcmp(email, "x") == 0) break; #ifdef HAVEMOBILE else if (strcmp(email, "m") == 0 || strcmp(email, "M") == 0) { if (isvalidmobile(mobile)) { char yn[3]; getdata(16, 0, "�ЦA���T�{�z��J��������X���T��? [y/N]", yn, sizeof(yn), LCECHO); if (yn[0] == 'Y' || yn[0] == 'y') break; } else { move(15, 0); clrtobot(); move(17, 0); outs("���w��������X�����T," "�Y�z�L��������п�ܨ�L�覡�{��"); } } #endif else if (isvalidemail(email)) { char yn[3]; #ifdef USE_EMAILDB int email_count = emaildb_check_email(email, strlen(email)); if (email_count < 0) { move(15, 0); clrtobot(); move(17, 0); outs("�Ȯɤ����\\ email �{�ҵ��U, �еy��A��\n"); pressanykey(); return; } else if (email_count >= EMAILDB_LIMIT) { move(15, 0); clrtobot(); move(17, 0); outs("���w�� E-Mail �w���U�L�h�b��, �ШϥΨ�L E-Mail, �ο�J x �Ĥ�ʻ{��\n"); outs("���`�N��ʻ{�ҳq�`�|��W�ƶg�H�W���ɶ��C\n"); } else { #endif getdata(16, 0, "�ЦA���T�{�z��J�� E-Mail ��m���T��? [y/N]", yn, sizeof(yn), LCECHO); if (yn[0] == 'Y' || yn[0] == 'y') break; #ifdef USE_EMAILDB } #endif } else { move(15, 0); clrtobot(); move(17, 0); outs("���w�� E-Mail �����T, �Y�z�L E-Mail �п�J x �ѯ�����ʻ{��\n"); outs("���`�N��ʻ{�ҳq�`�|��W�ƶg�H�W���ɶ��C\n"); } } #ifdef USE_EMAILDB if (emaildb_update_email(cuser.userid, strlen(cuser.userid), email, strlen(email)) < 0) { move(15, 0); clrtobot(); move(17, 0); outs("�Ȯɤ����\\ email �{�ҵ��U, �еy��A��\n"); pressanykey(); return; } #endif strlcpy(cuser.email, email, sizeof(cuser.email)); REGFORM2: if (strcasecmp(email, "x") == 0) { /* ��ʻ{�� */ if (!create_regform_request()) { vmsg("���U�ӽг�إߥ��ѡC�Ц� " BN_BUGREPORT " ���i�C"); } } else { // register by mail or mobile snprintf(cuser.justify, sizeof(cuser.justify), "<Email>"); #ifdef HAVEMOBILE if (phone != NULL && email[1] == 0 && tolower(email[0]) == 'm') snprintf(cuser.justify, sizeof(cuser.justify), "<Mobile>"); #endif email_justify(&cuser); } } int u_register(void) { char rname[20], addr[50], mobile[16]; #ifdef FOREIGN_REG char fore[2]; #endif char phone[20], career[40], email[50], birthday[11], sex_is[2]; unsigned char year, mon, day; char inregcode[14], regcode[50]; char ans[3], *errcode; int i = 0; if (cuser.userlevel & PERM_LOGINOK) { outs("�z�������T�{�w�g�����A���ݶ�g�ӽЪ�"); return XEASY; } // TODO REGFORM 2 checks 2 parts. i = file_find_record(FN_REQLIST, cuser.userid); if (i > 0) { vs_hdr("���U��|�b�B�z��"); move(3, 0); prints(" �z�����U�ӽг�|�b�B�z��(�B�z����: %d)�A�Э@�ߵ���\n\n", i); outs(" �p�G�z�w������U�X�o�ݨ�o�ӵe���A���N���z�b�ϥ� Email ���U��\n"); outs(" " ANSI_COLOR(1;31) "�S�t�~�ӽФF���������H�u�f�֪����U�ӽг�C" ANSI_RESET "\n\n"); outs(" �i�J�H�u�f�ֵ{�ǫ� Email ���U�X�۰ʥ��ġA\n"); outs(" �n����f�֧��� (�|�h��ܦh�ɶ��A�q�`�_�X�Ƥ�) �A�ҥH�Э@�ߵ��ԡC\n\n"); vmsg("�z�����U�ӽг�|�b�B�z��"); return FULLUPDATE; } strlcpy(rname, cuser.realname, sizeof(rname)); strlcpy(addr, cuser.address, sizeof(addr)); strlcpy(email, cuser.email, sizeof(email)); strlcpy(career,cuser.career, sizeof(career)); strlcpy(phone, cuser.phone, sizeof(phone)); if (cuser.mobile) snprintf(mobile, sizeof(mobile), "0%09d", cuser.mobile); else mobile[0] = 0; if (cuser.month == 0 && cuser.day == 0 && cuser.year == 0) birthday[0] = 0; else snprintf(birthday, sizeof(birthday), "%04i/%02i/%02i", 1900 + cuser.year, cuser.month, cuser.day); sex_is[0] = (cuser.sex % 8) + '1'; sex_is[1] = 0; if (cuser.userlevel & PERM_NOREGCODE) { vmsg("�z���Q���\\�ϥλ{�ҽX�{�ҡC�ж�g���U�ӽг�"); goto REGFORM; } // getregcode(regcode); // XXX why check by year? // birthday is moved to earlier, so let's check email instead. if (cuser.email[0] && // cuser.year != 0 && /* �w�g�Ĥ@����L�F~ ^^" */ strcmp(cuser.email, "x") != 0 && /* �W����ʻ{�ҥ��� */ strcmp(cuser.email, "X") != 0) { vs_hdr("EMail�{��"); move(2, 0); prints("�п�J�z���{�ҽX�C(�� %s �}�Y�L�ťժ��Q�T�X)\n" "�ο�J x �ӭ��s��g E-Mail �Χ�ѯ�����ʻ{��\n", REGCODE_INITIAL); inregcode[0] = 0; do{ getdata(10, 0, "�z���{�ҽX�G", inregcode, sizeof(inregcode), DOECHO); if( strcmp(inregcode, "x") == 0 || strcmp(inregcode, "X") == 0 ) break; if( strlen(inregcode) != 13 || inregcode[0] == ' ') vmsg("�{�ҽX��J������A�`�@�����Q�T�X�A�S���ťզr���C"); else if( inregcode[0] != REGCODE_INITIAL[0] || inregcode[1] != REGCODE_INITIAL[1] ) { /* old regcode */ vmsg("��J���{�ҽX���~�A" // "�Φ]�t�Ϊ@�Ťw���ġA" "�п�J x ����@�� E-Mail"); } else break; } while( 1 ); // make it case insensitive. if (strcasecmp(inregcode, getregcode(regcode)) == 0) { int unum; delregcodefile(); if ((unum = searchuser(cuser.userid, NULL)) == 0) { vmsg("�t�ο��~�A�d�L���H�I"); u_exit("getuser error"); exit(0); } mail_muser(cuser, "[���U���\\�o]", "etc/registeredmail"); #if FOREIGN_REG_DAY > 0 if(cuser.uflag2 & FOREIGN) mail_muser(cuser, "[�X�J�Һz��]", "etc/foreign_welcome"); #endif cuser.userlevel |= (PERM_LOGINOK | PERM_POST); outs("\n���U���\\, ���s�W����N���o�����v��\n" "�Ы��U���@������᭫�s�W��~ :)"); snprintf(cuser.justify, sizeof(cuser.justify), "<E-Mail>: %s", Cdate(&now)); pressanykey(); u_exit("registed"); exit(0); return QUIT; } else if (strcasecmp(inregcode, "x") != 0) { if (regcode[0]) { vmsg("�{�ҽX���~�I"); return FULLUPDATE; } else { vmsg("�{�ҽX�w�L���A�Э��s���U�C"); toregister(email); return FULLUPDATE; } } else { toregister(email); return FULLUPDATE; } } REGFORM: getdata(b_lines - 1, 0, "�z�T�w�n��g���U���(Y/N)�H[N] ", ans, 3, LCECHO); if (ans[0] != 'y') return FULLUPDATE; move(2, 0); clrtobot(); while (1) { clear(); move(1, 0); prints("%s(%s) �z�n�A�оڹ��g�H�U�����:", cuser.userid, cuser.nickname); #ifdef FOREIGN_REG fore[0] = 'y'; fore[1] = 0; getfield(2, "Y/n", "�O�_�{�b���b�x�W", fore, 2); if (fore[0] == 'n') fore[0] |= FOREIGN; else fore[0] = 0; #endif while (1) { getfield(8, #ifdef FOREIGN_REG "�ХΥ��W", #else "�ХΤ���", #endif "�u��m�W", rname, 20); if( (errcode = isvalidname(rname)) == NULL ) break; else vmsg(errcode); } move(11, 0); outs(" �кɶq�ԲӪ���g�z���A�ȳ��A�j�M�|�սг·�" "�[" ANSI_COLOR(1;33) "�t��" ANSI_RESET "�A���q���Х[" ANSI_COLOR(1;33) "¾��" ANSI_RESET "�A\n" " �ȵL�u�@�г·ж�g" ANSI_COLOR(1;33) "���~�Ǯ�" ANSI_RESET "�C\n"); while (1) { getfield(9, "(���~)�Ǯ�(�t" ANSI_COLOR(1;33) "�t�Ҧ~��" ANSI_RESET ")�γ��¾��", "�A�ȳ��", career, 40); if( (errcode = isvalidcareer(career)) == NULL ) break; else vmsg(errcode); } move(10, 0); clrtobot(); while (1) { getfield(10, "�t" ANSI_COLOR(1;33) "����" ANSI_RESET "�Ϊ��츹�X" "(�x�_�Х[" ANSI_COLOR(1;33) "��F��" ANSI_RESET ")", "�ثe���}", addr, sizeof(addr)); if( (errcode = isvalidaddr(addr)) == NULL #ifdef FOREIGN_REG || fore[0] #endif ) break; else vmsg(errcode); } while (1) { getfield(11, "���[-(), �]�A���~�ϸ�", "�s���q��", phone, 11); if( (errcode = isvalidphone(phone)) == NULL ) break; else vmsg(errcode); } getfield(12, "�u��J�Ʀr �p:0912345678 (�i����)", "������X", mobile, 20); while (1) { getfield(13, "�褸/���/��� �p:1984/02/29", "�ͤ�", birthday, sizeof(birthday)); if (birthday[0] == 0) { snprintf(birthday, sizeof(birthday), "%04i/%02i/%02i", 1900 + cuser.year, cuser.month, cuser.day); mon = cuser.month; day = cuser.day; year = cuser.year; } else { int y, m, d; if (ParseDate(birthday, &y, &m, &d)) { vmsg("�z����J�����T"); continue; } mon = (unsigned char)m; day = (unsigned char)d; year = (unsigned char)(y - 1900); } if (year < 40) { vmsg("�z����J�����T"); continue; } break; } getfield(14, "1.���� 2.�j�� ", "�ʧO", sex_is, 2); getdata(20, 0, "�H�W��ƬO�_���T(Y/N)�H(Q)�������U [N] ", ans, 3, LCECHO); if (ans[0] == 'q') return 0; if (ans[0] == 'y') break; } // copy values to cuser strlcpy(cuser.realname, rname, sizeof(cuser.realname)); strlcpy(cuser.address, addr, sizeof(cuser.address)); strlcpy(cuser.email, email, sizeof(cuser.email)); strlcpy(cuser.career, career, sizeof(cuser.career)); strlcpy(cuser.phone, phone, sizeof(cuser.phone)); cuser.mobile = atoi(mobile); cuser.sex = (sex_is[0] - '1') % 8; cuser.month = mon; cuser.day = day; cuser.year = year; #ifdef FOREIGN_REG if (fore[0]) cuser.uflag2 |= FOREIGN; else cuser.uflag2 &= ~FOREIGN; #endif // if reach here, email is apparently 'x'. toregister(email); // update cuser passwd_update(usernum, &cuser); return FULLUPDATE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Regform Utilities //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TODO define and use structure instead, even in reg request file. typedef struct { // current format: // (optional) num: unum, date // [0] uid: xxxxx (IDLEN=12) // [1] name: RRRRRR (20) // [2] career: YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY (40) // [3] addr: TTTTTTTTT (50) // [4] phone: 02DDDDDDDD (20) // [5] email: x (50) (deprecated) // [6] mobile: (deprecated) // [7] ---- // lasthost: 16 char userid[IDLEN+1]; char exist; char online; char pad [ 5]; // IDLEN(12)+1+1+1+5=20 char name [20]; char career[40]; char addr [50]; char phone [20]; } RegformEntry; // regform format utilities int load_regform_entry(RegformEntry *pre, FILE *fp) { char buf[STRLEN]; char *v; memset(pre, 0, sizeof(RegformEntry)); while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp)) { if (buf[0] == '-') break; buf[sizeof(buf)-1] = 0; v = strchr(buf, ':'); if (v == NULL) continue; *v++ = 0; if (*v == ' ') v++; chomp(v); if (strcmp(buf, "uid") == 0) strlcpy(pre->userid, v, sizeof(pre->userid)); else if (strcmp(buf, "name") == 0) strlcpy(pre->name, v, sizeof(pre->name)); else if (strcmp(buf, "career") == 0) strlcpy(pre->career, v, sizeof(pre->career)); else if (strcmp(buf, "addr") == 0) strlcpy(pre->addr, v, sizeof(pre->addr)); else if (strcmp(buf, "phone") == 0) strlcpy(pre->phone, v, sizeof(pre->phone)); } return pre->userid[0] ? 1 : 0; } int print_regform_entry(const RegformEntry *pre, FILE *fp, int close) { fprintf(fp, "uid: %s\n", pre->userid); fprintf(fp, "name: %s\n", pre->name); fprintf(fp, "career: %s\n", pre->career); fprintf(fp, "addr: %s\n", pre->addr); fprintf(fp, "phone: %s\n", pre->phone); if (close) fprintf(fp, "----\n"); return 1; } int print_regform_entry_localized(const RegformEntry *pre, FILE *fp, int close) { fprintf(fp, "�ϥΪ�ID: %s\n", pre->userid); fprintf(fp, "�u��m�W: %s\n", pre->name); fprintf(fp, "¾�~�Ǯ�: %s\n", pre->career); fprintf(fp, "�ثe���}: %s\n", pre->addr); fprintf(fp, "�q�ܸ��X: %s\n", pre->phone); if (close) fprintf(fp, "----\n"); return 1; } int append_regform(const RegformEntry *pre, const char *logfn, const char *varname, const char *varval1, const char *varval2) { FILE *fout = fopen(logfn, "at"); if (!fout) return 0; print_regform_entry(pre, fout, 0); if (varname && *varname) { syncnow(); fprintf(fout, "Date: %s\n", Cdate(&now)); if (!varval1) varval1 = ""; fprintf(fout, "%s: %s", varname, varval1); if (varval2) fprintf(fout, " %s", varval2); fprintf(fout, "\n"); } // close it fprintf(fout, "----\n"); fclose(fout); return 1; } // prototype declare static void regform_print_reasons(const char *reason, FILE *fp); void regform_log2board(const RegformEntry *pre, char accept, const char *reason, int priority) { #ifdef BN_ID_RECORD char fn[PATHLEN]; char title[STRLEN]; FILE *fp = NULL; char *title2 = NULL; snprintf(title, sizeof(title), "[�f��] %s: %s (%s: %s)", accept ? "���q�L":"���h�^", pre->userid, priority ? "���w�f��" : "�f�֪�", cuser.userid); // reduce mail header title title2 = strchr(title, ' '); if (title2) title2++; if (post_msg_fpath(BN_ID_RECORD, title, title2 ? title2 : title, "[���U�t��]", fn) < 0 || ((fp = fopen(fn, "at")) == NULL)) return; fprintf(fp, "\n"); if (!accept) // print out reject reasons regform_print_reasons(reason, fp); fprintf(fp, "\n"); print_regform_entry_localized(pre, fp, 1); fclose(fp); #endif // BN_ID_RECORD } int regform_estimate_queuesize() { return dashs(FN_REQLIST) / IDLEN; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Administration (SYSOP Validation) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define REJECT_REASONS (6) #define REASON_LEN (60) static const char *reasonstr[REJECT_REASONS] = { "��J�u��m�W", "�Զ�(���~)�Ǯաy�t�z�y�šz�ΪA�ȳ��(�t���ݿ�����¾��)", "��g���㪺���}��� (�t�����W��, �x�_���Чt��F�ϰ�)", "�Զ�s���q�� (�t�ϽX, �������[ '-', '(', ')' ���Ÿ�)", "��T�ç����g���U�ӽЪ�", "�Τ����g�ӽг�", }; #define REASON_FIRSTABBREV '0' #define REASON_IN_ABBREV(x) \ ((x) >= REASON_FIRSTABBREV && (x) - REASON_FIRSTABBREV < REJECT_REASONS) #define REASON_EXPANDABBREV(x) reasonstr[(x) - REASON_FIRSTABBREV] void regform_accept(const char *userid, const char *justify) { char buf[PATHLEN]; int unum = 0; userec_t muser; unum = getuser(userid, &muser); if (unum == 0) return; // invalid user muser.userlevel |= (PERM_LOGINOK | PERM_POST); strlcpy(muser.justify, justify, sizeof(muser.justify)); // manual accept sets email to 'x' strlcpy(muser.email, "x", sizeof(muser.email)); // handle files sethomefile(buf, muser.userid, FN_REJECT_NOTIFY); unlink(buf); // update password file passwd_update(unum, &muser); // alert online users? if (search_ulist(unum)) { sendalert(muser.userid, ALERT_PWD_PERM|ALERT_PWD_JUSTIFY); // force to reload perm kick_all(muser.userid); } // According to suggestions by PTT BBS account sysops, // it is better to use anonymous here. #if FOREIGN_REG_DAY > 0 if(muser.uflag2 & FOREIGN) mail_log2id(muser.userid, "[System] Registration Complete ", "etc/foreign_welcome", "[SYSTEM]", 1, 0); else #endif // last: send notification mail mail_log2id(muser.userid, "[�t�γq��] ���U���\\ ", "etc/registered", "[�t�γq��]", 1, 0); } void regform_reject(const char *userid, const char *reason, const RegformEntry *pre) { char buf[PATHLEN]; FILE *fp = NULL; int unum = 0; userec_t muser; unum = getuser(userid, &muser); if (unum == 0) return; // invalid user muser.userlevel &= ~(PERM_LOGINOK | PERM_POST); // handle files // update password file passwd_update(unum, &muser); // alert online users? if (search_ulist(unum)) { sendalert(muser.userid, ALERT_PWD_PERM); // force to reload perm kick_all(muser.userid); } // last: send notification mkuserdir(muser.userid); sethomefile(buf, muser.userid, FN_REJECT_NOTIFY); fp = fopen(buf, "wt"); assert(fp); syncnow(); if(pre) print_regform_entry_localized(pre, fp, 1); fprintf(fp, "%s ���U���ѡC\n", Cdate(&now)); // prompt user for how to contact if they have problem fprintf(fp, ANSI_COLOR(1;31) "�p��������D�λݭn�P���ȤH���p���Ц�" BN_ID_PROBLEM "�ݪO�C" ANSI_RESET "\n"); // multiple abbrev loop regform_print_reasons(reason, fp); fclose(fp); // According to suggestions by PTT BBS account sysops, // it is better to use anonymous here. // // XXX how to handle the notification file better? // mail_log2id: do not use move. // mail_muser(muser, "[���U����]", buf); // use regform2! no need to set 'newmail'. mail_log2id(muser.userid, "[���U���ѰO��]", buf, "[���U�t��]", 0, 0); } // New Regform UI static void prompt_regform_ui() { vs_footer(" �f�� ", " (y)����(n)�ڵ�(d)�ᱼ (s)���L(u)�_�� (�ť�/PgDn)�x�s+�U�� (q/END)����"); } static void regform_print_reasons(const char *reason, FILE *fp) { // multiple abbrev loop if (REASON_IN_ABBREV(reason[0])) { int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < REASON_LEN && REASON_IN_ABBREV(reason[i]); i++) fprintf(fp, "[�h�^��]] ��%s\n", REASON_EXPANDABBREV(reason[i])); } else { fprintf(fp, "[�h�^��]] %s\n", reason); } } static void resolve_reason(char *s, int y) { // should start with REASON_FIRSTABBREV const char *reason_prompt = " (0)�u��m�W (1)�Զ�t�� (2)������}" " (3)�Զ�q�� (4)�T���g (5)�����g"; s[0] = 0; move(y, 0); outs(reason_prompt); outs("\n"); do { getdata(y+1, 0, "�h�^��]: ", s, REASON_LEN, DOECHO); // convert abbrev reasons (format: single digit, or multiple digites) if (REASON_IN_ABBREV(s[0])) { if (s[1] == 0) // simple replace ment { strlcpy(s+2, REASON_EXPANDABBREV(s[0]), REASON_LEN-2); s[0] = 0xbd; // '��'[0]; s[1] = 0xd0; // '��'[1]; } else { // strip until all digites char *p = s; while (*p) { if (!REASON_IN_ABBREV(*p)) *p = ' '; p++; } strip_blank(s, s); strlcat(s, " [�h����]]", REASON_LEN); } } if (strlen(s) < 4) { if (vmsg("��]�ӵu�C �n�����h�^�ܡH (y/N): ") == 'y') { *s = 0; return; } } } while (strlen(s) < 4); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Regform2 API //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // registration queue int regq_append(const char *userid) { if (file_append_record(FN_REQLIST, userid) < 0) return 0; return 1; } int regq_find(const char *userid) { return file_find_record(FN_REQLIST, userid); } int regq_delete(const char *userid) { return file_delete_record(FN_REQLIST, userid, 0); } // user home regform operation int regfrm_exist(const char *userid) { char fn[PATHLEN]; sethomefile(fn, userid, FN_REGFORM); return dashf(fn) ? 1 : 0; } int regfrm_load(const char *userid, RegformEntry *pre) { FILE *fp = NULL; char fn[PATHLEN]; int ret = 0; sethomefile(fn, userid, FN_REGFORM); if (!dashf(fn)) return 0; fp = fopen(fn, "rt"); if (!fp) return 0; ret = load_regform_entry(pre, fp); fclose(fp); return ret; } int regfrm_save(const char *userid, const RegformEntry *pre) { FILE *fp = NULL; char fn[PATHLEN]; int ret = 0; sethomefile(fn, userid, FN_REGFORM); fp = fopen(fn, "wt"); if (!fp) return 0; ret = print_regform_entry(pre, fp, 1); fclose(fp); return ret; } int regfrm_trylock(const char *userid) { int fd = 0; char fn[PATHLEN]; sethomefile(fn, userid, FN_REGFORM); if (!dashf(fn)) return 0; fd = open(fn, O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) return 0; if (flock(fd, LOCK_EX|LOCK_NB) == 0) return fd; close(fd); return 0; } int regfrm_unlock(int lockfd) { int fd = lockfd; if (lockfd <= 0) return 0; lockfd = flock(fd, LOCK_UN) == 0 ? 1 : 0; close(fd); return lockfd; } // regform processors int regfrm_accept(RegformEntry *pre, int priority) { char justify[REGLEN+1], buf[STRLEN*2]; char fn[PATHLEN], fnlog[PATHLEN]; #ifdef DBG_DRYRUN // dry run! vmsg("regfrm_accept"); return 1; #endif sethomefile(fn, pre->userid, FN_REGFORM); // build justify string snprintf(justify, sizeof(justify), "[%s] %s", cuser.userid, Cdate(&now)); // call handler regform_accept(pre->userid, justify); // append current form to history. sethomefile(fnlog, pre->userid, FN_REGFORM_LOG); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Date: %s\n", Cdate(&now)); file_append_line(fnlog, buf); AppendTail(fn, fnlog, 0); // global history snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Approved: %s -> %s\nDate: %s\n", cuser.userid, pre->userid, Cdate(&now)); file_append_line(FN_REGISTER_LOG, buf); AppendTail(fn, FN_REGISTER_LOG, 0); regform_log2board(pre, 1, NULL, priority); // remove from queue unlink(fn); regq_delete(pre->userid); return 1; } int regfrm_reject(RegformEntry *pre, const char *reason, int priority) { char buf[STRLEN*2]; char fn[PATHLEN]; #ifdef DBG_DRYRUN // dry run! vmsg("regfrm_reject"); return 1; #endif sethomefile(fn, pre->userid, FN_REGFORM); // call handler regform_reject(pre->userid, reason, pre); // log it snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Rejected: %s -> %s [%s]\nDate: %s\n", cuser.userid, pre->userid, reason, Cdate(&now)); file_append_line(FN_REGISTER_LOG, buf); AppendTail(fn, FN_REGISTER_LOG, 0); regform_log2board(pre, 0, reason, priority); // remove from queue unlink(fn); regq_delete(pre->userid); return 1; } int regfrm_delete(const char *userid) { char fn[PATHLEN]; sethomefile(fn, userid, FN_REGFORM); #ifdef DBG_DRYRUN // dry run! vmsgf("regfrm_delete (%s)", userid); return 1; #endif // directly delete. unlink(fn); // remove from queue regq_delete(userid); return 1; } // working queue FILE * regq_init_pull() { FILE *fp = tmpfile(), *src =NULL; char buf[STRLEN]; if (!fp) return NULL; src = fopen(FN_REQLIST, "rt"); if (!src) { fclose(fp); return NULL; } while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), src)) fputs(buf, fp); fclose(src); rewind(fp); return fp; } int regq_pull(FILE *fp, char *uid) { char buf[STRLEN]; size_t idlen = 0; uid[0] = 0; if (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp) == NULL) return 0; idlen = strcspn(buf, str_space); if (idlen < 1) return 0; if (idlen > IDLEN) idlen = IDLEN; strlcpy(uid, buf, idlen+1); return 1; } int regq_end_pull(FILE *fp) { // no need to unlink because fp is a tmpfile. if (!fp) return 0; fclose(fp); return 1; } // UI part int ui_display_regform_single( const userec_t *xuser, const RegformEntry *pre, int tid, char *reason) { int c; while (1) { move(1, 0); user_display(xuser, 1); move(14, 0); prints(ANSI_COLOR(1;32) "--------------- �o�O�� %2d �����U�� -----------------------" ANSI_RESET "\n", tid); prints(" %-12s: %s %s\n", "�b��", pre->userid, (xuser->userlevel & PERM_NOREGCODE) ? ANSI_COLOR(1;31) " [T:�T��ϥλ{�ҽX���U]" ANSI_RESET: ""); prints("0.%-12s: %s%s\n", "�u��m�W", pre->name, xuser->uflag2 & FOREIGN ? " (�~�y)" : ""); prints("1.%-12s: %s\n", "�A�ȳ��", pre->career); prints("2.%-12s: %s\n", "�ثe���}", pre->addr); prints("3.%-12s: %s\n", "�s���q��", pre->phone); move(b_lines, 0); outs("�O�_���������(Y/N/Q/Del/Skip)�H[S] "); // round to ASCII while ((c = igetch()) > 0xFF); c = tolower(c); if (c == 'y' || c == 'q' || c == 'd' || c == 's') return c; if (c == 'n') { int n = 0; move(3, 0); outs("\n" ANSI_COLOR(1;31) "�д��X�h�^�ӽЪ���]�A�� <Enter> ����:\n" ANSI_RESET); for (n = 0; n < REJECT_REASONS; n++) prints("%d) ��%s\n", n, reasonstr[n]); outs("\n\n\n"); // preserved for prompt getdata(3+2+REJECT_REASONS+1, 0,"�h�^��]: ", reason, REASON_LEN, DOECHO); if (reason[0] == 0) continue; // interprete reason return 'n'; } else if (REASON_IN_ABBREV(c)) { // quick set sprintf(reason, "%c", c); return 'n'; } return 's'; } // shall never reach here return 's'; } void regform2_validate_single(const char *xuid) { int lfd = 0; int tid = 0; char uid[IDLEN+1]; char rsn[REASON_LEN]; FILE *fpregq = regq_init_pull(); RegformEntry re; if (xuid && !*xuid) xuid = NULL; if (!fpregq) return; while (regq_pull(fpregq, uid)) { userec_t muser; int unum = 0; int abort = 0; // if target assigned, loop until given target. if (xuid && strcasecmp(uid, xuid) != 0) continue; // check if user exists. memset(&muser, 0, sizeof(muser)); unum = getuser(uid, &muser); if (unum < 1) { regq_delete(uid); continue; } // check if regform exists. if (!regfrm_exist(uid)) { // TODO delete here? regq_delete(uid); continue; } #ifndef DBG_DRYRUN // check if user is already registered if (muser.userlevel & PERM_LOGINOK) { regfrm_delete(uid); continue; } #endif // try to lock lfd = regfrm_trylock(uid); if (lfd <= 0) continue; // load it if (!regfrm_load(uid, &re)) { regfrm_delete(uid); regfrm_unlock(lfd); // regq_delete(uid); // done in regfrm_delete continue; } tid ++; // display regform and process switch(ui_display_regform_single(&muser, &re, tid, rsn)) { case 'y': // accept regfrm_accept(&re, xuid ? 1 : 0); break; case 'd': // delete regfrm_delete(uid); break; case 'q': // quit abort = 1; break; case 'n': // reject regfrm_reject(&re, rsn, xuid ? 1 : 0); break; case 's': // skip // do nothing. break; default: // shall never reach here assert(0); break; } // final processing regfrm_unlock(lfd); if (abort) break; } regq_end_pull(fpregq); // finishing clear(); move(5, 0); if (xuid && tid == 0) prints("���o�{ %s �����U��C", xuid); else prints("�z�f�F %d �����U��C", tid); pressanykey(); } #define FORMS_IN_PAGE (10) int regform2_validate_page(int dryrun) { int unum = 0; int yMsg = FORMS_IN_PAGE*2+1; userec_t muser; RegformEntry forms [FORMS_IN_PAGE]; char ans [FORMS_IN_PAGE]; int lfds [FORMS_IN_PAGE]; char rejects[FORMS_IN_PAGE][REASON_LEN]; // reject reason length char rsn [REASON_LEN]; int cforms = 0, // current loaded forms ci = 0, // cursor index ch = 0, // input key i; int tid = 0; char uid[IDLEN+1]; FILE *fpregq = regq_init_pull(); if (!fpregq) return 0; while (ch != 'q') { // initialize and prepare memset(ans, 0, sizeof(ans)); memset(rejects, 0, sizeof(rejects)); memset(forms, 0, sizeof(forms)); memset(lfds, 0, sizeof(lfds)); cforms = 0; clear(); // load forms while (cforms < FORMS_IN_PAGE) { if (!regq_pull(fpregq, uid)) break; i = cforms; // align index // check if user exists. memset(&muser, 0, sizeof(muser)); unum = getuser(uid, &muser); if (unum < 1) { regq_delete(uid); continue; } #ifndef DBG_DRYRUN // TODO check if user is already registered if (muser.userlevel & PERM_LOGINOK) { regfrm_delete(uid); continue; } #endif // check if regform exists. if (!regfrm_exist(uid)) { // TODO delete here? regq_delete(uid); continue; } // try to lock lfds[i] = regfrm_trylock(uid); if (lfds[i] <= 0) continue; // load it if (!regfrm_load(uid, &forms[i])) { regfrm_delete(uid); regfrm_unlock(lfds[i]); // regq_delete(uid); // done in regfrm_delete continue; } forms[i].exist = 1; forms[i].online = search_ulist(unum) ? 1 : 0; // assign default answers if (muser.userlevel & PERM_LOGINOK) ans[i] = 'd'; #ifdef REGFORM_DISABLE_ONLINE_USER else if (forms[i].online) ans[i] = 's'; #endif // REGFORM_DISABLE_ONLINE_USER // display move(i*2, 0); prints(" %2d%s %s%-12s " ANSI_RESET, i+1, (unum == 0) ? ANSI_COLOR(1;31) "D" : ( (muser.userlevel & PERM_LOGINOK) ? ANSI_COLOR(1;33) "Y" : #ifdef REGFORM_DISABLE_ONLINE_USER forms[i].online ? "s" : #endif "."), forms[i].online ? ANSI_COLOR(1;35) : ANSI_COLOR(1), forms[i].userid); prints( ANSI_COLOR(1;31) "%19s " ANSI_COLOR(1;32) "%-40s" ANSI_RESET"\n", forms[i].name, forms[i].career); move(i*2+1, 0); prints(" %s %-50s%20s\n", (muser.userlevel & PERM_NOREGCODE) ? ANSI_COLOR(1;31) "T" ANSI_RESET : " ", forms[i].addr, forms[i].phone); cforms++, tid ++; } // if no more forms then leave. if (cforms < 1) break; // adjust cursor if required if (ci >= cforms) ci = cforms-1; // display page info { char msg[STRLEN]; snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "%s �w��� %d �����U�� ", // "(%2d%%) ", dryrun? "(���ռҦ�)" : "", tid); prints(ANSI_COLOR(7) "\n%78s" ANSI_RESET "\n", msg); } // handle user input prompt_regform_ui(); ch = 0; while (ch != 'q' && ch != ' ') { ch = cursor_key(ci*2, 0); switch (ch) { // nav keys case KEY_UP: case 'k': if (ci > 0) ci--; break; case KEY_DOWN: case 'j': ch = 'j'; // go next break; // quick nav (assuming to FORMS_IN_PAGE=10) case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': ci = ch - '1'; if (ci >= cforms) ci = cforms-1; break; case '0': ci = 10-1; if (ci >= cforms) ci = cforms-1; break; /* case KEY_HOME: ci = 0; break; case KEY_END: ci = cforms-1; break; */ // abort case KEY_END: case 'q': ch = 'q'; if (vans("�T�w�n���}�F�ܡH (�����ܧ�N���|�x�s) [y/N]: ") != 'y') { prompt_regform_ui(); ch = 0; continue; } break; // prepare to go next page case KEY_PGDN: case ' ': ch = ' '; { int blanks = 0; // solving blank (undecided entries) for (i = 0, blanks = 0; i < cforms; i++) if (ans[i] == 0) blanks ++; if (!blanks) break; // have more blanks ch = vansf("�|�����w�� %d �Ӷ��حn: (S���L/y�q�L/n�ڵ�/e�~��s��): ", blanks); } if (ch == 'e') { prompt_regform_ui(); ch = 0; continue; } if (ch == 'y') { // do nothing. } else if (ch == 'n') { // query reject reason resolve_reason(rsn, yMsg); if (*rsn == 0) ch = 's'; } else ch = 's'; // filling answers for (i = 0; i < cforms; i++) { if (ans[i] != 0) continue; ans[i] = ch; if (ch != 'n') continue; strlcpy(rejects[i], rsn, REASON_LEN); } ch = ' '; // go to page mode! break; // function keys case 'y': // accept #ifdef REGFORM_DISABLE_ONLINE_USER if (forms[ci].online) { vmsg("�Ȥ��}��f�֦b�u�W�ϥΪ̡C"); break; } #endif case 's': // skip case 'd': // delete case KEY_DEL: //delete if (ch == KEY_DEL) ch = 'd'; grayout(ci*2, ci*2+1, GRAYOUT_DARK); move_ansi(ci*2, 4); outc(ch); ans[ci] = ch; ch = 'j'; // go next break; case 'u': // undo #ifdef REGFORM_DISABLE_ONLINE_USER if (forms[ci].online) { vmsg("�Ȥ��}��f�֦b�u�W�ϥΪ̡C"); break; } #endif grayout(ci*2, ci*2+1, GRAYOUT_NORM); move_ansi(ci*2, 4); outc('.'); ans[ci] = 0; ch = 'j'; // go next break; case 'n': // reject #ifdef REGFORM_DISABLE_ONLINE_USER if (forms[ci].online) { vmsg("�Ȥ��}��f�֦b�u�W�ϥΪ̡C"); break; } #endif // query for reason resolve_reason(rejects[ci], yMsg); prompt_regform_ui(); if (!rejects[ci][0]) break; move(yMsg, 0); prints("�h�^ %s ���U���]:\n %s\n", forms[ci].userid, rejects[ci]); // do reject grayout(ci*2, ci*2+1, GRAYOUT_DARK); move_ansi(ci*2, 4); outc(ch); ans[ci] = ch; ch = 'j'; // go next break; } // switch(ch) // change cursor if (ch == 'j' && ++ci >= cforms) ci = cforms -1; } // while(ch != QUIT/SAVE) // if exit, we still need to skip all read forms if (ch == 'q') { for (i = 0; i < cforms; i++) ans[i] = 's'; } // page complete (save). assert(ch == ' ' || ch == 'q'); // save/commit if required. if (dryrun) { // prmopt for debug clear(); vs_hdr("���ռҦ�"); outs("�z���b������ռҦ��A�ҥH��f�����U��ä��|�ͮġC\n" "�U���C�X���O��~�z�f�������G:\n\n"); for (i = 0; i < cforms; i++) { char justify[REGLEN+1]; if (ans[i] == 'y') snprintf(justify, sizeof(justify), // build justify string "%s %s", cuser.userid, Cdate(&now)); prints("%2d. %-12s - %c %s\n", i+1, forms[i].userid, ans[i], ans[i] == 'n' ? rejects[i] : ans[i] == 'y' ? justify : ""); } if (ch != 'q') pressanykey(); } else { // real functionality for (i = 0; i < cforms; i++) { switch(ans[i]) { case 'y': // accept regfrm_accept(&forms[i], 0); break; case 'd': // delete regfrm_delete(uid); break; case 'n': // reject regfrm_reject(&forms[i], rejects[i], 0); break; case 's': // skip // do nothing. break; default: assert(0); break; } } } // !dryrun // unlock all forms for (i = 0; i < cforms; i++) regfrm_unlock(lfds[i]); } // while (ch != 'q') regq_end_pull(fpregq); // finishing clear(); move(5, 0); prints("�z�f�F %d �����U��C", tid); pressanykey(); return 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Regform UI // �B�z Register Form ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* Auto-Regform-Scan * FIXME �u�O�@�ΩU�� * * fdata �ΤF�Ӧh magic number * return value ���ӬO�� reason (return index + 1) * ans[0] �����O�b��ܪ��u���~�����v (Register ���̬ݨ쪺����) */ #if 0 static int auto_scan(char fdata[][STRLEN], char ans[]) { int good = 0; int count = 0; int i; char temp[10]; if (!strncmp(fdata[1], "�p", 2) || strstr(fdata[1], "�X") || strstr(fdata[1], "��") || strstr(fdata[1], "��")) { ans[0] = '0'; return 1; } strlcpy(temp, fdata[1], 3); /* �|�r */ if (!strncmp(temp, &(fdata[1][2]), 2)) { ans[0] = '0'; return 1; } if (strlen(fdata[1]) >= 6) { if (strstr(fdata[1], "������")) { ans[0] = '0'; return 1; } if (strstr("�����]���P�d�G��", temp)) good++; else if (strstr("���C���L���x�E���B", temp)) good++; else if (strstr("Ĭ��d�f����i����Ĭ", temp)) good++; else if (strstr("�}�¥ۿc�I���έ�", temp)) good++; } if (!good) return 0; if (!strcmp(fdata[2], fdata[3]) || !strcmp(fdata[2], fdata[4]) || !strcmp(fdata[3], fdata[4])) { ans[0] = '4'; return 5; } if (strstr(fdata[2], "�j")) { if (strstr(fdata[2], "�x") || strstr(fdata[2], "�H") || strstr(fdata[2], "��") || strstr(fdata[2], "�F") || strstr(fdata[2], "�M") || strstr(fdata[2], "ĵ") || strstr(fdata[2], "�v") || strstr(fdata[2], "�ʶ�") || strstr(fdata[2], "����") || strstr(fdata[2], "��") || strstr(fdata[2], "��") || strstr(fdata[2], "�F�d")) good++; } else if (strstr(fdata[2], "�k��")) good++; if (strstr(fdata[3], "�a�y") || strstr(fdata[3], "�t�z") || strstr(fdata[3], "�H�c")) { ans[0] = '2'; return 3; } if (strstr(fdata[3], "��") || strstr(fdata[3], "��")) { if (strstr(fdata[3], "��") || strstr(fdata[3], "��")) { if (strstr(fdata[3], "��")) good++; } } for (i = 0; fdata[4][i]; i++) { if (isdigit((int)fdata[4][i])) count++; } if (count <= 4) { ans[0] = '3'; return 4; } else if (count >= 7) good++; if (good >= 3) { ans[0] = 'y'; return -1; } else return 0; } #endif int m_register(void) { FILE *fn; int x, y, wid, len; char ans[4]; char genbuf[200]; if (dashs(FN_REQLIST) <= 0) { outs("�ثe�õL�s���U���"); return XEASY; } fn = fopen(FN_REQLIST, "r"); assert(fn); vs_hdr("�f�֨ϥΪ̵��U���"); y = 2; x = wid = 0; while (fgets(genbuf, STRLEN, fn) && x < 65) { move(y++, x); outs(genbuf); len = strlen(genbuf); if (len > wid) wid = len; if (y >= t_lines - 3) { y = 2; x += wid + 2; } } fclose(fn); getdata(b_lines - 1, 0, "�}�l�f�ֶ� (Y:�浧�Ҧ�/N:���f/E:�㭶�Ҧ�/U:���wID)�H[N] ", ans, sizeof(ans), LCECHO); if (ans[0] == 'y') regform2_validate_single(NULL); else if (ans[0] == 'e') regform2_validate_page(0); else if (ans[0] == 'u') { vs_hdr("���w�f��"); usercomplete(msg_uid, genbuf); if (genbuf[0]) regform2_validate_single(genbuf); } return 0; } /* vim:sw=4 */