/* $Id$ */ #include "bbs.h" #define MORE_MSG "按空白鍵可列出更多項目" void ToggleVector(struct Vector *list, int *recipient, const char *listfile, const char *msg) { FILE *fp; char genbuf[STRLEN]; if ((fp = fopen(listfile, "r"))) { while (fgets(genbuf, sizeof(genbuf), fp)) { char *space = strpbrk(genbuf, str_space); if (space) *space = '\0'; if (!genbuf[0]) continue; if (Vector_search(list, genbuf) < 0) { Vector_add(list, genbuf); (*recipient)++; } else { Vector_remove(list, genbuf); (*recipient)--; } } fclose(fp); ShowVector(list, 3, 0, msg, 0); } } int ShowVector(struct Vector *list, int row, int col, const char * msg, int idx) { int i, len; move(row, col); clrtobot(); if (msg) { outs(msg); row++; } col = 0; len = Vector_MaxLen(list, idx, b_lines - row); while (len + col < t_columns) { for (i = row; idx < Vector_length(list) && (i < b_lines); i++) { move(i, col); outs(Vector_get(list, idx)); idx++; } col += len + 2; if (idx == Vector_length(list)) { idx = 0; break; } len = Vector_MaxLen(list, idx, b_lines - row); } return idx; } struct namecomplete_int { const struct Vector * base; struct Vector sublist; int idx, dirty; }; static int nc_cb_peek(int key, VGET_RUNTIME *prt, void *instance) { struct namecomplete_int * nc_int = (struct namecomplete_int *) instance; int tmp; prt->buf[prt->iend] = 0; if (nc_int->dirty < 0) { Vector_sublist(nc_int->base, &nc_int->sublist, prt->buf); nc_int->idx = 0; nc_int->dirty = 0; } switch (key) { case KEY_ENTER: if (Vector_length(&nc_int->sublist) == 1) strlcpy(prt->buf, Vector_get(&nc_int->sublist, 0), prt->len); else if ((tmp = Vector_search(&nc_int->sublist, prt->buf)) >= 0) strlcpy(prt->buf, Vector_get(&nc_int->sublist, tmp), prt->len); else prt->buf[0] = '\0'; prt->icurr = prt->iend = strlen(prt->buf); break; case ' ': if (Vector_length(&nc_int->sublist) == 1) { strlcpy(prt->buf, Vector_get(&nc_int->sublist, 0), prt->len); prt->icurr = prt->iend = strlen(prt->buf); return VGETCB_NEXT; } move(2, 0); clrtobot(); printdash("相關資訊一覽表", 0); nc_int->idx = ShowVector(&nc_int->sublist, 3, 0, NULL, nc_int->idx); if (nc_int->idx < Vector_length(&nc_int->sublist)) vshowmsg(MORE_MSG); return VGETCB_NEXT; break; case KEY_BS: /* backspace */ nc_int->dirty = -1; break; case KEY_HOME: case Ctrl('A'): case KEY_END: case Ctrl('E'): case KEY_LEFT: case Ctrl('B'): case KEY_RIGHT: case Ctrl('F'): case KEY_DEL: case Ctrl('D'): case Ctrl('Y'): case Ctrl('K'): return VGETCB_NEXT; break; default: if (isprint(key)) { struct Vector tmplist; prt->buf[prt->iend] = key; prt->buf[prt->iend + 1] = 0; Vector_init(&tmplist, IDLEN + 1); Vector_sublist(&nc_int->sublist, &tmplist, prt->buf); if (Vector_length(&tmplist) == 0) { Vector_delete(&tmplist); prt->buf[prt->iend] = 0; return VGETCB_NEXT; } else { Vector_delete(&nc_int->sublist); nc_int->sublist = tmplist; nc_int->idx = 0; prt->buf[prt->iend] = 0; } } } return VGETCB_NONE; } void namecomplete2(const struct Vector *namelist, const char *prompt, char *data) { struct namecomplete_int nc_int = { .base = namelist, .dirty = 0, }; VGET_CALLBACKS vcb = { .peek = nc_cb_peek, .data = NULL, .post = NULL, }; outs(prompt); clrtoeol(); Vector_init(&nc_int.sublist, IDLEN+1); Vector_sublist(namelist, &nc_int.sublist, ""); vgetstring(data, IDLEN + 1, VGET_ASCII_ONLY, NULL, &vcb, &nc_int); Vector_delete(&nc_int.sublist); } void usercomplete(const char *prompt, char *data) { struct Vector namelist; Vector_init_const(&namelist, SHM->userid[0], MAX_USERS, IDLEN+1); namecomplete2(&namelist, prompt, data); } static int gnc_findbound(char *str, int *START, int *END, size_t nmemb, gnc_comp_func compar) { int start, end, mid, cmp, strl; strl = strlen(str); start = -1, end = nmemb - 1; /* The first available element is always in the half-open interval * (start, end]. (or `end'-th it self if start == end) */ while (end > start + 1) { mid = (start + end) / 2; cmp = (*compar)(mid, str, strl); if (cmp >= 0) end = mid; else start = mid; } if ((*compar)(end, str, strl) != 0) { *START = *END = -1; return -1; } *START = end; start = end; end = nmemb; /* The last available element is always in the half-open interval * [start, end). (or `start'-th it self if start == end) */ while (end > start + 1) { mid = (start + end) / 2; cmp = (*compar)(mid, str, strl); if (cmp <= 0) start = mid; else end = mid; } *END = start; return 0; } static int gnc_complete(char *data, int *start, int *end, gnc_perm_func permission, gnc_getname_func getname) { int i, count, first = -1, last = *end; if (*start < 0 || *end < 0) return 0; for (i = *start, count = 0; i <= *end; ++i) if ((*permission)(i)) { if (first == -1) first = i; last = i; ++count; } if (count == 1) strcpy(data, (*getname)(first)); *start = first; *end = last; return count; } int generalnamecomplete(const char *prompt, char *data, int len, size_t nmemb, gnc_comp_func compar, gnc_perm_func permission, gnc_getname_func getname) { int x, y, origx, scrx, ch, i, morelist = -1, col, ret = -1; int start, end, ptr; int clearbot = NA; outs(prompt); clrtoeol(); getyx(&y, &x); scrx = origx = x; ptr = 0; data[ptr] = 0; start = 0; end = nmemb - 1; while (1) { // print input field again move(y, scrx); outc(' '); clrtoeol(); move(y, scrx); outs(ANSI_REVERSE); // data[ptr] = 0; prints("%-*s", len, data); outs(ANSI_RESET); move(y, scrx + ptr); // get input if ((ch = igetch()) == EOF) break; if (ch == KEY_ENTER) { data[ptr] = 0; outc('\n'); if (ptr != 0) { gnc_findbound(data, &start, &end, nmemb, compar); if (gnc_complete(data, &start, &end, permission, getname) == 1 || (*compar)(start, data, len) == 0) { strcpy(data, (*getname)(start)); ret = start; } else { data[0] = '\0'; ret = -1; } } else ptr = -1; break; } else if (ch == ' ') { if (morelist == -1) { if (gnc_findbound(data, &start, &end, nmemb, compar) == -1) continue; i = gnc_complete(data, &start, &end, permission, getname); if (i == 1) { ptr = strlen(data); continue; } else { char* first = (*getname)(start); i = ptr; while (first[i] && (*compar)(end, first, i + 1) == 0) { data[i] = first[i]; ++i; } data[i] = '\0'; if (i != ptr) { /* did complete several words */ ptr = i; } } morelist = start; } else if (morelist > end) continue; clearbot = YEA; move(2, 0); clrtobot(); printdash("相關資訊一覽表", 0); col = 0; while (len + col < t_columns-1) { for (i = 0; morelist <= end && i < p_lines; ++morelist) { if ((*permission)(morelist)) { move(3 + i, col); prints("%s ", (*getname)(morelist)); ++i; } } col += len + 2; } if (morelist != end + 1) { vshowmsg(MORE_MSG); } continue; } else if (ch == KEY_BS) { /* backspace */ if (ptr == 0) continue; morelist = -1; --ptr; data[ptr] = 0; continue; } else if (isprint(ch) && ptr <= (len - 2)) { morelist = -1; data[ptr] = ch; ++ptr; data[ptr] = 0; if (gnc_findbound(data, &start, &end, nmemb, compar) < 0) data[--ptr] = 0; else { for (i = start; i <= end; ++i) if ((*permission)(i)) break; if (i == end + 1) data[--ptr] = 0; } } else if (ch == KEY_UP || ch == KEY_DOWN) { if (!InputHistoryExists(data)) InputHistoryAdd(data); if (ch == KEY_DOWN) InputHistoryNext(data, len); else InputHistoryPrev(data, len); ptr = strlen(data); } } outc('\n'); if (clearbot) { move(2, 0); clrtobot(); } if (*data) { move(y, origx); outs(data); outc('\n'); // save the history InputHistoryAdd(data); } return ret; } /* general complete functions (brdshm) */ int completeboard_compar(int where, const char *str, int len) { boardheader_t *bh = &bcache[SHM->bsorted[0][where]]; return strncasecmp(bh->brdname, str, len); } int completeboard_permission(int where) { boardheader_t *bptr = &bcache[SHM->bsorted[0][where]]; return (!(bptr->brdattr & BRD_SYMBOLIC) && (GROUPOP() || HasBoardPerm(bptr)) && !(bptr->brdattr & BRD_GROUPBOARD)); } int complete_board_and_group_permission(int where) { boardheader_t *bptr = &bcache[SHM->bsorted[0][where]]; return (!(bptr->brdattr & BRD_SYMBOLIC) && (GROUPOP() || HasBoardPerm(bptr))); } char * completeboard_getname(int where) { return bcache[SHM->bsorted[0][where]].brdname; } /* general complete functions (utmpshm) */ int completeutmp_compar(int where, const char *str, int len) { userinfo_t *u = &SHM->uinfo[SHM->sorted[SHM->currsorted][0][where]]; return strncasecmp(u->userid, str, len); } int completeutmp_permission(int where) { userinfo_t *u = &SHM->uinfo[SHM->sorted[SHM->currsorted][0][where]]; return (unlikely(HasUserPerm(PERM_SYSOP)) || unlikely(HasUserPerm(PERM_SEECLOAK)) || // !SHM->sorted[SHM->currsorted][0][where]->invisible); isvisible(currutmp, u)); } char * completeutmp_getname(int where) { return SHM->uinfo[SHM->sorted[SHM->currsorted][0][where]].userid; }