/* $Id: more.c,v 1.14 2002/06/04 13:08:34 in2 Exp $ */ #include "bbs.h" #define MORE_BUFSIZE 4096 #define MORE_WINSIZE 4096 #define STR_ANSICODE "[0123456789;," static int more_base, more_size, more_head; static unsigned char more_pool[MORE_BUFSIZE]; #define MAXPATHLEN 256 static char *more_help[] = { "\0�\\Ū�峹�\\����ϥλ���", "\01��в��ʥ\\����", "(��) �W���@��", "(��)(Enter) �U���@��", "(^B)(PgUp)(BackSpace) �W���@��", "(��)(PgDn)(Space) �U���@��", "(0)(g)(Home) �ɮ}�Y", "($)(G) (End) �ɮ���", "\01��L�\\����", "(/) �j�M�r��", "(n/N) ���ƥ�/�ϦV�j�M", "(TAB) URL�s��", "(Ctrl-T) �s��Ȧs��", "(:/f/b) ���ܬY��/�U/�W�g", "(F/B) ���ܦP�@�j�M�D�D�U/�W�g", "(a/A) ���ܦP�@�@�̤U/�W�g", "([/]) �D�D���\\Ū �W/�U", "(t) �D�D���`�Ǿ\\Ū", "(Ctrl-C) �p�p���", "(q)(��) ����", "(h)(H)(?) ���U�����e��", NULL }; int beep = 0; static void more_goto (int fd, off_t off) { int base = more_base; if (off < base || off >= base + more_size) { more_base = base = off & (-MORE_WINSIZE); lseek (fd, base, SEEK_SET); more_size = read (fd, more_pool, MORE_BUFSIZE); } more_head = off - base; } static int more_readln (int fd, unsigned char *buf) { int ch; unsigned char *data, *tail, *cc; int len, bytes, in_ansi; int size, head, ansilen; len = bytes = in_ansi = ansilen = 0; tail = buf + ANSILINELEN - 1; size = more_size; head = more_head; data = &more_pool[head]; do { if (head >= size) { more_base += size; data = more_pool; more_size = size = read (fd, data, MORE_BUFSIZE); if (size == 0) break; head = 0; } ch = *data++; head++; bytes++; if (ch == '\n') { break; } if (ch == '\t') { do { *buf++ = ' '; } while ((++len & 7) && len < 80); } else if (ch == '\033') { if (atoi ((char *)(data + 1)) > 47) { if ((cc = (unsigned char *)strchr ((char *)(data + 1), 'm')) != NULL) { ch = cc - data + 1; data += ch; head += ch; bytes += ch; } } else { if (showansi) *buf++ = ch; in_ansi = 1; } } else if (in_ansi) { if (showansi) *buf++ = ch; if (!strchr (STR_ANSICODE, ch)) in_ansi = 0; } else if (isprint2 (ch)) { len++; *buf++ = ch; } } while (len < 80 && buf < tail); *buf = '\0'; more_head = head; return bytes; } /* not used static int readln(FILE *fp, char *buf) { register int ch, i, len, bytes, in_ansi; len = bytes = in_ansi = i = 0; while(len < 80 && i < ANSILINELEN && (ch = getc(fp)) != EOF) { bytes++; if(ch == '\n') break; else if(ch == '\t') do { buf[i++] = ' '; } while((++len & 7) && len < 80); else if(ch == '\a') beep = 1; else if(ch == '\033') { if(showansi) buf[i++] = ch; in_ansi = 1; } else if(in_ansi) { if(showansi) buf[i++] = ch; if(!strchr("[0123456789;,", ch)) in_ansi = 0; } else if(isprint2(ch)) { len++; buf[i++] = ch; } } buf[i] = '\0'; return bytes; } */ static int more_web(char *fpath, int promptend); int more(char *fpath, int promptend) { static char *head[4] = {"�@��", "���D", "�ɶ�" ,"��H"}; char *ptr, *word = NULL, buf[ANSILINELEN + 1], *ch1; struct stat st; /* rocker */ //FILE *fp; int fd, fsize; unsigned int pagebreak[MAX_PAGES], pageno, lino = 0; int line, ch, viewed, pos, numbytes; int header = 0; int local = 0; char search_char0=0; static char search_str[81]=""; typedef char* (*FPTR)(); static FPTR fptr; int searching = 0; int scrollup = 0; char *printcolor[3]= {"44","33;45","0;34;46"}, color =0; char *http[80]={NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL, NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL, NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL, NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL, NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL, NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL, NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL, NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL}; /* Ptt */ char pagemode = 0; char pagecount = 0; memset(pagebreak, 0, sizeof(pagebreak)); if(*search_str) search_char0 = *search_str; *search_str = 0; #ifdef MDCACHE fd = mdcacheopen(fpath); #else fd = open (fpath, O_RDONLY, 0600); #endif if (fd < 0) return -1; if(fstat(fd, &st) || ((fsize = st.st_size) <= 0) || S_ISDIR (st.st_mode)) { close(fd); //Ptt return -1; } pagebreak[0] = pageno = viewed = line = pos = 0; clear(); /* rocker */ more_base = more_head = more_size = 0; while((numbytes = more_readln(fd, (unsigned char *)buf)) || (line == t_lines)) { if(scrollup) { rscroll(); move(0, 0); } if(numbytes) { /* �@���ƳB�z */ if(!viewed) { /* begin of file */ if(showansi) { /* header processing */ if(!strncmp(buf, str_author1, LEN_AUTHOR1)) { line = 3; word = buf + LEN_AUTHOR1; local = 1; } else if(!strncmp(buf, str_author2, LEN_AUTHOR2)) { line = 4; word = buf + LEN_AUTHOR2; } while(pos < line) { if(!pos && ((ptr = strstr(word, str_post1)) || (ptr = strstr(word, str_post2)))) { ptr[-1] = '\0'; prints("\033[47;34m %s \033[44;37m%-53.53s" "\033[47;34m %.4s \033[44;37m%-13s\033[m\n", head[0], word, ptr, ptr + 5); } else if (pos < line) prints("\033[47;34m %s \033[44;37m%-72.72s" "\033[m\n", head[pos], word); viewed += numbytes; numbytes = more_readln(fd, (unsigned char *)buf); /* �Ĥ@��Ӫ��F */ if(!pos && viewed > 79) { /* �ĤG�椣�O [��....] */ if(memcmp( buf, head[1], 2)) { /* Ū�U�@��i�ӳB�z */ viewed += numbytes; numbytes = more_readln(fd, (unsigned char *)buf); } } pos++; } if(pos) { header = 1; prints("\033[36m%s\033[m\n", msg_seperator); ++line; ++pos; } } lino = pos; word = NULL; } /* ���B�z�ޥΪ� & �ި� */ if((buf[1] == ' ') && (buf[0] == ':' || buf[0] == '>')) word = "\033[36m"; else if(!strncmp(buf, "��", 2) || !strncmp(buf, "==>", 3)) word = "\033[32m"; ch1 = buf; while(1) { int i; char e,*ch2; if((ch2 = strstr(ch1, "http://"))) ; else if((ch2 = strstr(ch1,"gopher://"))) ; else if((ch2 = strstr(ch1,"mailto:"))) ; else break; for(e = 0; ch2[(int)e] != ' ' && ch2[(int)e] != '\n' && ch2[(int)e] != '\0' && ch2[(int)e] != '"' && ch2[(int)e] != ';' && ch2[(int)e] != ']'; e++); for(i = 0; http[i] && i < 80; i++) if(!strncmp(http[i], ch2, e) && http[(int)e] == 0) break; if(!http[i]) { http[i] = (char *)malloc(e + 1); strncpy(http[i], ch2, e); http[i][(int)e] = 0; pagecount++; } ch1 = &ch2[7]; } if(word) outs(word); { char msg[500], *pos; if(*search_str && (pos = fptr(buf, search_str))) { char SearchStr[81]; char buf1[100], *pos1; strncpy(SearchStr, pos, strlen(search_str)); SearchStr[strlen(search_str)] = 0; searching = 0; sprintf(msg, "%.*s\033[7m%s\033[m", pos - buf, buf, SearchStr); while((pos = fptr(pos1 = pos + strlen(search_str), search_str))) { sprintf(buf1, "%.*s\033[7m%s\033[m", pos - pos1, pos1, SearchStr); strcat(msg, buf1); } strcat(msg, pos1); outs(Ptt_prints(msg,NO_RELOAD)); } else outs(Ptt_prints(buf,NO_RELOAD)); } if(word) { outs("\033[m"); word = NULL; } outch('\n'); if(beep) { bell(); beep = 0; } if(line < b_lines) /* �@����Ū�� */ line++; if(line == b_lines && searching == -1) { if(pageno > 0) more_goto(fd, viewed = pagebreak[--pageno]); else searching = 0; lino = pos = line = 0; clear(); continue; } if(scrollup) { move(line = b_lines, 0); clrtoeol(); for(pos = 1; pos < b_lines; pos++) viewed += more_readln(fd, (unsigned char *)buf); } else if(pos == b_lines) /* ���ʿù� */ scroll(); else pos++; if(!scrollup && ++lino >= b_lines && pageno < MAX_PAGES - 1) { pagebreak[++pageno] = viewed; lino = 1; } if(scrollup) { lino = scrollup; scrollup = 0; } viewed += numbytes; /* �֭pŪ�L��� */ } else line = b_lines; /* end of END */ if(promptend && ((!searching && line == b_lines) || viewed == fsize)) { /* Kaede ��n 100% �ɤ��� */ move(b_lines, 0); if(viewed == fsize) { if(searching == 1) searching = 0; color = 0; } else if(pageno == 1 && lino == 1) { if(searching == -1) searching = 0; color = 1; } else color = 2; prints("\033[m\033[%sm �s�� P.%d(%d%%) %s %-30.30s%s", printcolor[(int)color], pageno, (int)((viewed * 100) / fsize), pagemode ? "\033[30;47m" : "\033[31;47m", pagemode ? http[pagemode-1] : "(h)\033[30m�D�U \033[31m����[PgUp][", pagemode ? "\033[31m[TAB]\033[30m���� \033[31m[Enter]\033[30m��w \033[31m��\033[30m���\033[m" : "PgDn][Home][End]\033[30m��в��� \033[31m��[q]\033[30m���� \033[m"); while(line == b_lines || (line > 0 && viewed == fsize)) { switch((ch = egetch())) { case ':': { char buf[10]; int i = 0; getdata(b_lines - 1, 0, "Goto Page: ", buf, 5, DOECHO); sscanf(buf, "%d", &i); if(0 < i && i < MAX_PAGES && (i == 1 || pagebreak[i - 1])) pageno = i - 1; else if(pageno) pageno--; lino = line = 0; break; } case '/': { char ans[4] = "n"; *search_str = search_char0; getdata_buf(b_lines - 1, 0,"[�j�M]����r:", search_str, 40, DOECHO); if(*search_str) { searching = 1; if(getdata(b_lines - 1, 0, "�Ϥ��j�p�g(Y/N/Q)? [N] ", ans, sizeof(ans), LCECHO) && *ans == 'y') fptr = strstr; else fptr = strcasestr; } if(*ans == 'q') searching = 0; if(pageno) pageno--; lino = line = 0; break; } case 'n': if(*search_str) { searching = 1; if(pageno) pageno--; lino = line = 0; } break; case 'N': if(*search_str) { searching = -1; if(pageno) pageno--; lino = line = 0; } break; case 'r': case 'R': case 'Y': close(fd); return 7; case 'y': close(fd); return 8; case 'A': close(fd); return 9; case 'a': close(fd); return 10; case 'F': close(fd); return 11; case 'B': close(fd); return 12; case KEY_LEFT: if(pagemode) { pagemode = 0; *search_str = 0; if(pageno) pageno--; lino = line = 0; break; } close(fd); return 6; case 'q': close(fd); return 0; case 'b': close(fd); return 1; case 'f': close(fd); return 3; case ']': /* Kaede ���F�D�D�\Ū��K */ close(fd); return 4; case '[': /* Kaede ���F�D�D�\Ū��K */ close(fd); return 2; case '=': /* Kaede ���F�D�D�\Ū��K */ close(fd); return 5; case Ctrl('F'): case KEY_PGDN: line = 1; break; case 't': if(viewed == fsize) { close(fd); return 4; } line = 1; break; case ' ': if(viewed == fsize) { close(fd); return 3; } line = 1; break; case KEY_RIGHT: if(viewed == fsize) { close(fd); return 0; } line = 1; break; case '\r': case '\n': if(pagemode) { more_web(http[pagemode-1],YEA); pagemode = 0; *search_str = 0; if(pageno) pageno--; lino = line = 0; break; } case KEY_DOWN: if(viewed == fsize || (promptend == 2 && (ch == '\r' || ch == '\n'))) { close(fd); return 3; } line = t_lines - 2; break; case '$': case 'G': case KEY_END: line = t_lines; break; case '0': case 'g': case KEY_HOME: pageno = line = 0; break; case 'h': case 'H': case '?': /* Kaede Buggy ... */ show_help(more_help); if(pageno) pageno--; lino = line = 0; break; case 'E': if(HAS_PERM(PERM_SYSOP) && strcmp(fpath, "etc/ve.hlp")) { close(fd); vedit(fpath, NA, NULL); return 0; } break; case Ctrl('C'): cal(); if(pageno) pageno--; lino = line = 0; break; case Ctrl('T'): getdata(b_lines - 2, 0, "��o�g�峹���J��Ȧs�ɡH[y/N] ", buf, 4, LCECHO); if(buf[0] == 'y') { char tmpbuf[128]; setuserfile(tmpbuf, ask_tmpbuf(b_lines - 1)); sprintf(buf, "cp -f %s %s", fpath, tmpbuf); system(buf); } if(pageno) pageno--; lino = line = 0; break; #if 0 case Ctrl('I'): if(!pagecount) break; pagemode = (pagemode % pagecount) + 1; strncpy(search_str,http[pagemode-1],80); search_str[80] =0; fptr = strstr; if(pageno) pageno--; lino = line = 0; break; #endif case KEY_UP: line = -1; break; case Ctrl('B'): case KEY_PGUP: if(pageno > 1) { if(lino < 2) pageno -= 2; else pageno--; lino = line = 0; } else if(pageno && lino > 1) pageno = line = 0; break; case Ctrl('H'): if(pageno > 1) { if(lino < 2) pageno -= 2; else pageno--; lino = line = 0; } else if(pageno && lino > 1) pageno = line = 0; else { close(fd); return 1; } } } if(line > 0) { move(b_lines, 0); clrtoeol(); refresh(); } else if(line < 0) { /* Line scroll up */ if(pageno <= 1) { if(lino == 1 || !pageno) { close(fd); return 1; } if(header && lino <= 5) { more_goto(fd, viewed = pagebreak[scrollup = lino = pageno = 0] = 0); clear(); } } if(pageno && lino > 1 + local) { line = (lino - 2) - local; if(pageno > 1 && viewed == fsize) line += local; scrollup = lino - 1; more_goto(fd, viewed = pagebreak[pageno - 1]); while(line--) viewed += more_readln(fd, (unsigned char *)buf); } else if(pageno > 1) { scrollup = b_lines - 1; line = (b_lines - 2) - local; more_goto(fd, viewed = pagebreak[--pageno - 1]); while(line--) viewed += more_readln(fd, (unsigned char *)buf); } line = pos = 0; } else { pos = 0; more_goto (fd, viewed = pagebreak[pageno]); move(0,0); clear(); } } } close(fd); if(promptend) { pressanykey(); clear(); } else outs(reset_color); return 0; } static int more_web(char *fpath, int promptend) { char *ch, *ch1 = NULL; char *hostname = fpath,userfile[MAXPATHLEN],file[MAXPATHLEN]="/"; char genbuf[200]; time_t dtime; #if !defined(USE_LYNX) && defined(USE_PROXY) int a; FILE *fp; struct hostent *h; struct sockaddr_in sin; #endif if((ch = strstr(fpath, "mailto:"))) { if(!HAS_PERM(PERM_LOGINOK)) { move(b_lines - 1,0); outs("\033[41m �z���v�������L�k�ϥ�internet mail... \033[m"); refresh(); return 0; } if(!invalidaddr(&ch[7]) && getdata(b_lines - 1, 0, "[�H�H]�D�D�G", genbuf, 40, DOECHO)) do_send(&ch[7], genbuf); else { move(b_lines - 1,0); outs("\033[41m ���H�Hemail �� ���D ���~... \033[m"); refresh(); } return 0; } if((ch = strstr(fpath, "gopher://"))) { item_t item; strcpy(item.X.G.server, &ch[9]); strcpy(item.X.G.path, "1/"); item.X.G.port = 70; gem(fpath , &item, 0); return 0; } if((ch = strstr(fpath, "http://"))) hostname=&ch[7]; if((ch = strchr(hostname, '/'))) { *ch = 0; if(&ch1[1]) strcat(file,&ch[1]); } if(file[strlen(file) - 1] == '/') strcat(file,"index.html"); move(b_lines-1,0); clrtoeol(); #ifdef USE_PROXY sprintf(genbuf, "\033[33;44m ���b�s��%s.(proxy:%s).....�еy��....\033[m", hostname, PROXYSERVER); #else sprintf(genbuf, "\033[33;44m ���b�s��%s......�еy��....\033[m", hostname); #endif outs(genbuf); refresh(); #ifdef LOCAL_PROXY /* ���� local disk �� proxy */ dtime=now; sprintf(userfile,"hproxy/%s%s",hostname,file); if(dashf(userfile) && (dtime - dasht(userfile)) < HPROXYDAY * 24 * 60 && more(userfile,promptend)) { return 1; } ch=userfile - 1; while((ch1 = strchr(ch + 1,'/'))) { *ch1 = 0; if(!dashd(ch)) mkdir(ch+1,0755); chdir(ch+1); *ch1 = '/'; ch = ch1; } chdir(BBSHOME); #endif #ifndef USE_LYNX #ifdef USE_PROXY if(!(h = gethostbyname(PROXYSERVER))) { outs("\033[33;44m �䤣��o��proxy server!..\033[m"); refresh(); return; } ()memset((char *)&sin, 0, sizeof(sin)); sin.sin_family = AF_INET; if(h == NULL) sin.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(PROXYSERVER); else ()memcpy(&sin.sin_addr.s_addr, h->h_addr, h->h_length); sin.sin_port = htons((ushort)PROXYPORT); /* HTTP port */ a = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if((connect(a, (struct sockaddr *) & sin, sizeof sin)) < 0) { outs("\033[1;44m �s����proxy����ڵ� ! \033[m"); refresh(); return; } sprintf(genbuf,"GET http://%s/%s HTTP/1.1\n",hostname,file); #else if(!(h = gethostbyname(hostname))) { outs("\033[33;44m �䤣��o��server!..\033[m"); refresh(); return; } ()memset((char *) &sin, 0, sizeof(sin)); sin.sin_family = AF_INET; if(h == NULL) sin.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(hostname); else ()memcpy(&sin.sin_addr.s_addr, h->h_addr, h->h_length); sin.sin_port = htons((ushort)80); a = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if((connect(a, (struct sockaddr *) & sin, sizeof sin)) < 0) { outs("\033[1;44m �s������ڵ� ! \033[m"); refresh(); return; } sprintf(genbuf, "GET %s\n", file); #endif for(i = strlen(file); file[i - 1] != '/' && i > 0 ; i--); file[i] = 0; i = strlen(genbuf); write(a, genbuf, i); #define BLANK 001 #define ISPRINT 002 #define PRE 004 #define CENTER 010 if((fp = fopen(userfile,"w"))) { int flag = 2, c; char path[MAXPATHLEN]; unsigned char j, k; while((i = read(a,genbuf,200))) { if(i < 0) return; genbuf[i]=0; for(j = 0, k = 0; genbuf[j] && j < i; j++) { if((flag & ISPRINT) && genbuf[j] == '<') flag |= BLANK; else if((flag & ISPRINT) && genbuf[j] == '>') flag &= ~BLANK; else { if(!(flag & BLANK)) { if(j != k && (genbuf[j] != '\n' || flag & PRE)) genbuf[k++] = genbuf[j]; } else { switch(char_lower(genbuf[j])) { case 'a': break; case 'b': if(genbuf[j + 1] == 'r' && genbuf[j + 2] == '>') genbuf[k++] = '\n'; break; case 'h': if(genbuf[j + 1] == 'r' && (genbuf[j + 2] == '>' || genbuf[j + 2] == 's')) { strncpy(&genbuf[k], "\n--\n", 4); k += 4; } break; case 'l': if(genbuf[j + 1] == 'i' && genbuf[j + 2]=='>') { strncpy(&genbuf[k], "\n�� ", 4); k += 4; } break; case 'p': if(genbuf[j + 1]=='>') { genbuf[k++] = '\n'; genbuf[k++] = '\n'; } else if(genbuf[j + 1] == 'r' && genbuf[j + 2] == 'e') flag ^= PRE; break; case 't': if(genbuf[j + 1] == 'd' && genbuf[j + 2]=='>') { strncpy(&genbuf[k], "\n-\n", 3); k += 3; } break; } } if((genbuf[j] & 0x80) && (flag & ISPRINT)) flag &= ~ISPRINT; else flag |= ISPRINT; } } genbuf[k]=0; fputs(genbuf, fp); } fclose(fp); close(a); return more(userfile, promptend); } return 0; #else /* use lynx dump */ sprintf(genbuf, "lynx -dump http://%s%s > %s", hostname, file, userfile); system(genbuf); return more(userfile, promptend); #endif }