/* $Id$ */ #include "bbs.h" #ifdef USE_PIAIP_MORE /* use new pager */ int more(char *fpath, int promptend) { return pmore(fpath, promptend); } #else /* 把這兩個 size 調到一頁的範圍是不是能降低不必要的 IO ? */ #define MORE_BUFSIZE 4096 #define MORE_WINSIZE 4096 #define STR_ANSICODE "[0123456789;," struct MorePool { int base, size, head; unsigned char more_pool[MORE_BUFSIZE]; }; static const char * const more_help[] = { "\0閱\讀文章功\能鍵使用說明", "\01游標移動功\能鍵", "(↑) 上捲一行", "(↓)(Enter) 下捲一行", "(^B)(PgUp)(BackSpace) 上捲一頁", "(→)(PgDn)(Space) 下捲一頁", "(0)(g)(Home) 檔案開頭", "($)(G) (End) 檔案結尾", "\01其他功\能鍵", "(/) 搜尋字串", "(n/N) 重複正/反向搜尋", "(TAB) URL連結", "(Ctrl-T) 存到暫存檔", "(:/f/b) 跳至某頁/下/上篇", "(a/A) 跳至同一作者下/上篇", "([-/]+) 主題式閱\讀 上/下", "(t) 主題式循序閱\讀", "(q)(←) 結束", "(h)(H)(?) 輔助說明畫面", NULL }; #if DEPRECATED__UNUSED int beep = 0; #endif static void more_goto(int fd, struct MorePool *mp, off_t off) { int base = mp->base; if (off < base || off >= base + mp->size) { mp->base = base = off & (-MORE_WINSIZE); lseek(fd, base, SEEK_SET); mp->size = read(fd, mp->more_pool, MORE_BUFSIZE); } mp->head = off - base; } static int more_readln(int fd, struct MorePool *mp, unsigned char *buf) { int ch; unsigned char *data, *tail, *cc; int len, bytes, in_ansi, in_big5; int size, head, ansilen; len = bytes = in_ansi = in_big5 = ansilen = 0; tail = buf + ANSILINELEN - 1; size = mp->size; head = mp->head; data = &mp->more_pool[head]; do { if (head >= size) { mp->base += size; data = mp->more_pool; mp->size = size = read(fd, data, MORE_BUFSIZE); if (size == 0) break; head = 0; } ch = *data++; head++; bytes++; if (ch == '\n') { break; } if (ch == '\t') { do { *buf++ = ' '; } while ((++len & 7) && len < t_columns); } else if (ch == '\033') { if (atoi((char *)(data + 1)) > 47) { if ((cc = (unsigned char *)strchr((char *)(data + 1), 'm')) != NULL) { ch = cc - data + 1; data += ch; head += ch; bytes += ch; } } else { *buf++ = ch; in_ansi = 1; } } else if (in_ansi) { *buf++ = ch; if (!strchr(STR_ANSICODE, ch)) in_ansi = 0; } else if (in_big5) { ++len; *buf++ = ch; in_big5 = 0; } else if (isprint2(ch)) { len++; *buf++ = ch; if (ch >= 0xa1 && ch <= 0xf9) /* first byte of big5 encoding */ in_big5 = 1; } } while (len < t_columns && buf < tail); if (in_big5 && len >= t_columns) { --buf; --head; --data; --bytes; } if (len == t_columns && head < size && *data == '\n') { /* XXX: not handle head==size, should read data */ /* no extra newline dirty hack for exact 80byte line */ data++; bytes++; head++; } *buf = '\0'; mp->head = head; return bytes; } int more(char *fpath, int promptend) { char *head[4] = {"作者", "標題", "時間", "轉信"}; char *ptr, *word = NULL, buf[ANSILINELEN + 1]; struct stat st; int fd, fsize; unsigned int pagebreak[MAX_PAGES], pageno, lino = 0; int line, ch, viewed, pos, numbytes; int header = 0; int local = 0; char search_char0 = 0; static char search_str[81] = ""; typedef char *(*FPTR) (); static FPTR fptr; int searching = 0; int scrollup = 0; char *printcolor[3] = {"44", "33;45", "0;34;46"}, color = 0; struct MorePool mp; /* Ptt */ STATINC(STAT_MORE); memset(pagebreak, 0, sizeof(pagebreak)); if (*search_str) search_char0 = *search_str; *search_str = 0; fd = open(fpath, O_RDONLY, 0600); if (fd < 0) return -1; if (fstat(fd, &st) || ((fsize = st.st_size) <= 0) || S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) { close(fd); //Ptt return -1; } pagebreak[0] = pageno = viewed = line = pos = 0; clear(); /* rocker */ mp.base = mp.head = mp.size = 0; while ((numbytes = more_readln(fd, &mp, (unsigned char *)buf)) || (line == t_lines)) { if (scrollup) { rscroll(); move(0, 0); } if (numbytes) { /* 一般資料處理 */ if (!viewed) { /* begin of file */ if (!strncmp(buf, str_author1, LEN_AUTHOR1)) { line = 3; word = buf + LEN_AUTHOR1; local = 1; } else if (!strncmp(buf, str_author2, LEN_AUTHOR2)) { line = 4; word = buf + LEN_AUTHOR2; } while (pos < line) { if (!pos && ((ptr = strstr(word, str_post1)) || (ptr = strstr(word, str_post2)))) { ptr[-1] = '\0'; prints("\033[47;34m %s \033[44;37m%-53.53s" "\033[47;34m %.4s \033[44;37m%-13s\033[m\n", head[0], word, ptr, ptr + 5); } else if (pos < line) prints("\033[47;34m %s \033[44;37m%-72.72s" "\033[m\n", head[pos], word); viewed += numbytes; numbytes = more_readln(fd, &mp, (unsigned char *)buf); /* 第一行太長了 */ if (!pos && viewed > 79) { /* 第二行不是 [標....] */ if (memcmp(buf, head[1], 2)) { /* 讀下一行進來處理 */ viewed += numbytes; numbytes = more_readln(fd, &mp, (unsigned char *)buf); } } pos++; } if (pos) { header = 1; prints("\033[36m%s\033[m\n", msg_seperator); ++line; ++pos; } lino = pos; word = NULL; } /* ※處理引用者 & 引言 */ if ((buf[0] == ':' || buf[0] == '>') && (buf[1] == ' ')) word = "\033[36m"; else if (!strncmp(buf, "※", 2) || !strncmp(buf, "==>", 3)) word = "\033[32m"; if (word) outs(word); { char msg[500], *pos; if (*search_str && (pos = (*fptr)(buf, search_str))) { char SearchStr[81]; char buf1[100], *pos1; int search_str_len = strlen(search_str); strlcpy(SearchStr, pos, search_str_len + 1); searching = 0; snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "%.*s\033[7m%s\033[m", (int)(pos - buf), buf, SearchStr); while ((pos = (*fptr)(pos1 = pos + search_str_len, search_str))) { snprintf(buf1, sizeof(buf1), "%.*s\033[7m%s\033[m", (int)(pos - pos1), pos1, SearchStr); strlcat(msg, buf1, sizeof(msg)); } strlcat(msg, pos1, sizeof(msg)); outs(Ptt_prints(msg, NO_RELOAD)); } else outs(Ptt_prints(buf, NO_RELOAD)); } if (word) { outs("\033[m"); word = NULL; } outc('\n'); #if DEPRECATED__UNUSED if (beep) { bell(); beep = 0; } #endif if (line < b_lines) /* 一般資料讀取 */ line++; if (line == b_lines && searching == -1) { if (pageno > 0) more_goto(fd, &mp, viewed = pagebreak[--pageno]); else searching = 0; lino = pos = line = 0; clear(); continue; } if (scrollup) { move(line = b_lines, 0); clrtoeol(); for (pos = 1; pos < b_lines; pos++) viewed += more_readln(fd, &mp, (unsigned char *)buf); } else if (pos == b_lines) /* 捲動螢幕 */ scroll(); else pos++; if (!scrollup && ++lino >= (unsigned)b_lines && pageno < MAX_PAGES - 1 ) { pagebreak[++pageno] = viewed; lino = 1; } if (scrollup) { lino = scrollup; scrollup = 0; } viewed += numbytes; /* 累計讀過資料 */ } else line = b_lines; /* end of END */ if (promptend && ((!searching && line == b_lines) || viewed == fsize)) { /* Kaede 剛好 100% 時不停 */ move(b_lines, 0); if (viewed == fsize) { if (searching == 1) searching = 0; color = 0; } else if (pageno == 1 && lino == 1) { if (searching == -1) searching = 0; color = 1; } else color = 2; prints("\033[m\033[%sm 瀏覽 P.%d(%d%%) %s %-30.30s%s", printcolor[(int)color], pageno, (int)((viewed * 100) / fsize), "\033[31;47m", "(h)\033[30m求助 \033[31m→↓[PgUp][", "PgDn][Home][End]\033[30m游標移動 \033[31m←[q]\033[30m結束 \033[m"); while (line == b_lines || (line > 0 && viewed == fsize)) { switch ((ch = igetch())) { case ':': { char buf[10]; int i = 0; getdata(b_lines - 1, 0, "Goto Page: ", buf, 5, DOECHO); sscanf(buf, "%d", &i); if (0 < i && i < MAX_PAGES && (i == 1 || pagebreak[i - 1])) pageno = i - 1; else if (pageno) pageno--; lino = line = 0; break; } case '/': { char ans[4] = "n"; *search_str = search_char0; getdata_buf(b_lines - 1, 0, "[搜尋]關鍵字:", search_str, 40, DOECHO); if (*search_str) { searching = 1; if (getdata(b_lines - 1, 0, "區分大小寫(Y/N/Q)? [N] ", ans, sizeof(ans), LCECHO) && *ans == 'y') fptr = &strstr; else fptr = &strcasestr; } if (*ans == 'q') searching = 0; if (pageno) pageno--; lino = line = 0; break; } case 'n': if (*search_str) { searching = 1; if (pageno) pageno--; lino = line = 0; } break; case 'N': if (*search_str) { searching = -1; if (pageno) pageno--; lino = line = 0; } break; case 'r': // Ptt: put all reply/recommend function here case 'R': case 'Y': case 'y': close(fd); return 999; case 'X': close(fd); return 998; case 'A': close(fd); return AUTHOR_PREV; case 'a': close(fd); return AUTHOR_NEXT; case 'F': case 'f': close(fd); return READ_NEXT; case 'B': case 'b': close(fd); return READ_PREV; case KEY_LEFT: case 'q': close(fd); return FULLUPDATE; case ']': /* Kaede 為了主題閱讀方便 */ case '+': close(fd); return RELATE_NEXT; case '[': /* Kaede 為了主題閱讀方便 */ case '-': close(fd); return RELATE_PREV; case '=': /* Kaede 為了主題閱讀方便 */ close(fd); return RELATE_FIRST; case Ctrl('F'): case KEY_PGDN: line = 1; break; case 't': if (viewed == fsize) { close(fd); return RELATE_NEXT; } line = 1; break; case ' ': if (viewed == fsize) { close(fd); return READ_NEXT; } line = 1; break; case KEY_RIGHT: if (viewed == fsize) { close(fd); return 0; } line = 1; break; case '\r': case '\n': case KEY_DOWN: if (viewed == fsize || (promptend == 2 && (ch == '\r' || ch == '\n'))) { close(fd); return READ_NEXT; } line = t_lines - 2; break; case '$': case 'G': case KEY_END: line = t_lines; break; case '0': case 'g': case KEY_HOME: pageno = line = 0; break; case 'h': case 'H': case '?': /* Kaede Buggy ... */ show_help(more_help); if (pageno) pageno--; lino = line = 0; break; case 'E': if (HAS_PERM(PERM_SYSOP) && strcmp(fpath, "etc/ve.hlp")) { close(fd); vedit(fpath, NA, NULL); return 0; } break; case Ctrl('T'): getdata(b_lines - 2, 0, "把這篇文章收入到暫存檔?[y/N] ", buf, 4, LCECHO); if (buf[0] == 'y') { setuserfile(buf, ask_tmpbuf(b_lines - 1)); Copy(fpath, buf); } if (pageno) pageno--; lino = line = 0; break; case KEY_UP: line = -1; break; case Ctrl('B'): case KEY_PGUP: if (pageno > 1) { if (lino < 2) pageno -= 2; else pageno--; lino = line = 0; } else if (pageno && lino > 1) pageno = line = 0; break; case Ctrl('H'): if (pageno > 1) { if (lino < 2) pageno -= 2; else pageno--; lino = line = 0; } else if (pageno && lino > 1) pageno = line = 0; else { close(fd); return READ_PREV; } } } if (line > 0) { move(b_lines, 0); clrtoeol(); refresh(); } else if (line < 0) { /* Line scroll up */ if (pageno <= 1) { if (lino == 1 || !pageno) { close(fd); return READ_PREV; } if (header && lino <= 5) { more_goto(fd, &mp, viewed = pagebreak[scrollup = lino = pageno = 0] = 0); clear(); } } if (pageno && (int)lino > 1 + local) { line = (lino - 2) - local; if (pageno > 1 && viewed == fsize) line += local; scrollup = lino - 1; more_goto(fd, &mp, viewed = pagebreak[pageno - 1]); while (line--) viewed += more_readln(fd, &mp, (unsigned char *)buf); } else if (pageno > 1) { scrollup = b_lines - 1; line = (b_lines - 2) - local; more_goto(fd, &mp, viewed = pagebreak[--pageno - 1]); while (line--) viewed += more_readln(fd, &mp, (unsigned char *)buf); } line = pos = 0; } else { pos = 0; more_goto(fd, &mp, viewed = pagebreak[pageno]); move(0, 0); clear(); } } } close(fd); if (promptend) { pressanykey(); clear(); } else outs(reset_color); return 0; } #endif