/* $Id$ */ #include "bbs.h" #define CheckMenuPerm(x) ( (x) ? HasUserPerm(x) : 1) /* help & menu processring */ static int refscreen = NA; extern char *boardprefix; extern struct utmpfile_t *utmpshm; extern char board_hidden_status; static const char *title_tail_msgs[] = { "看板", "文摘", "系列", }; static const char *title_tail_attrs[] = { ANSI_COLOR(37), ANSI_COLOR(32), ANSI_COLOR(36), }; enum { TITLE_TAIL_BOARD = 0, TITLE_TAIL_SELECT, TITLE_TAIL_DIGEST, }; void showtitle(const char *title, const char *mid) { /* we have to... * - display title in left, cannot truncate. * - display mid message, cannot truncate * - display tail (board info), if possible. */ int llen = -1, rlen = -1, mlen = -1, mpos = 0; int pos = 0; int tail_type = TITLE_TAIL_BOARD; const char *mid_attr = ANSI_COLOR(33); static char lastboard[16] = {0}; char buf[64]; if (currmode & MODE_SELECT) tail_type = TITLE_TAIL_SELECT; else if (currmode & MODE_DIGEST) tail_type = TITLE_TAIL_DIGEST; /* check if board was changed. */ if (strcmp(currboard, lastboard) != 0 && currboard[0]) { int bid = getbnum(currboard); if(bid > 0) { board_hidden_status = ((getbcache(bid)->brdattr & BRD_HIDE) && (getbcache(bid)->brdattr & BRD_POSTMASK)); strncpy(lastboard, currboard, sizeof(lastboard)); } } /* next, determine if title was overrided. */ #ifdef DEBUG { sprintf(buf, " current pid: %6d ", getpid()); mid = buf; mid_attr = ANSI_COLOR(41;5); mlen = strlen(mid); } #else if (currutmp->mailalert) { mid = " 郵差來按鈴囉 "; mid_attr = ANSI_COLOR(41;5); mlen = strlen(mid); } else if ( HasUserPerm(PERM_ACCTREG) ) { int nreg = dashs((char *)fn_register) / 163; if(nreg > 100) { sprintf(buf, " 有 %03d 未審核 ", nreg); mid_attr = ANSI_COLOR(41;5); mid = buf; mlen = strlen(mid); } } #endif /* now, calculate real positioning info */ if(llen < 0) llen = strlen(title); if(mlen < 0) mlen = strlen(mid); mpos = (t_columns - mlen)/2; /* first, print left. */ clear(); outs(TITLE_COLOR "【"); outs(title); outs("】"); pos = llen + 4; /* prepare for mid */ while(pos < mpos) outc(' '), pos++; outs(mid_attr); outs(mid), pos+=mlen; outs(TITLE_COLOR); /* try to locate right */ rlen = strlen(currboard) + 4 + 4; if(currboard[0] && pos+rlen <= t_columns) { // print right stuff while(++pos < t_columns-rlen) outc(' '); outs(title_tail_attrs[tail_type]); outs(title_tail_msgs[tail_type]); outs("《"); if (board_hidden_status) outs(ANSI_COLOR(32)); outs(currboard); outs(title_tail_attrs[tail_type]); outs("》" ANSI_RESET "\n"); } else { // just pad it. while(++pos < t_columns) outc(' '); outs(ANSI_RESET "\n"); } } /* 動畫處理 */ #define FILMROW 11 static const unsigned char menu_row = 12; static const unsigned char menu_column = 20; static void show_status(void) { int i; struct tm *ptime = localtime4(&now); char mystatus[160]; char *myweek = "天一二三四五六"; const char *msgs[] = {"關閉", "打開", "拔掉", "防水", "好友"}; i = ptime->tm_wday << 1; snprintf(mystatus, sizeof(mystatus), ANSI_COLOR(34;46) "[%d/%d 星期%c%c %d:%02d]" ANSI_COLOR(1;33;45) "%-14s" ANSI_COLOR(30;47) " 目前坊裡有" ANSI_COLOR(31) "%d" ANSI_COLOR(30) "人, 我是" ANSI_COLOR(31) "%-12s" ANSI_COLOR(30) , ptime->tm_mon + 1, ptime->tm_mday, myweek[i], myweek[i + 1], ptime->tm_hour, ptime->tm_min, currutmp->birth ? "生日要請客唷" : SHM->today_is, SHM->UTMPnumber, cuser.userid); outmsg(mystatus); i = strlen(mystatus) - (3*7+25); sprintf(mystatus, "[扣機]" ANSI_COLOR(31) "%s " ANSI_RESET, msgs[currutmp->pager]); outslr("", i, mystatus, strlen(msgs[currutmp->pager]) + 7); } void movie(int i) { static short history[MAX_HISTORY]; int j; if ((currstat != CLASS) && (cuser.uflag & MOVIE_FLAG) && !SHM->Pbusystate && SHM->max_film > 0) { if (currstat == PSALE) { i = PSALE; reload_money(); } else { do { if (!i) i = 1 + (int)(((float)SHM->max_film * random()) / (RAND_MAX + 1.0)); for (j = SHM->max_history; j >= 0; j--) if (i == history[j]) { i = 0; break; } } while (i == 0); } memmove(history, &history[1], SHM->max_history * sizeof(short)); history[SHM->max_history] = j = i; if (i == 999) /* Goodbye my friend */ i = 0; move(1, 0); clrtoline(1 + FILMROW); /* 清掉上次的 */ out_lines(SHM->notes[i], 11); /* 只印11行就好 */ outs(reset_color); } show_status(); refresh(); } static int show_menu(const commands_t * p) { register int n = 0; register char *s; movie(currstat); move(menu_row, 0); while ((s = p[n].desc)) { if (CheckMenuPerm(p[n].level)) { prints("%*s (" ANSI_COLOR(1;36) "%c" ANSI_COLOR(0) ")%s\n", menu_column, "", s[1], s+2); } n++; } return n - 1; } void domenu(int cmdmode, const char *cmdtitle, int cmd, const commands_t cmdtable[]) { int lastcmdptr; int n, pos, total, i; int err; // XXX do we really need this ? static char cmd0[MODE_MAX]; if (cmd0[cmdmode]) cmd = cmd0[cmdmode]; setutmpmode(cmdmode); showtitle(cmdtitle, BBSName); total = show_menu(cmdtable); show_status(); lastcmdptr = pos = 0; do { i = -1; switch (cmd) { case Ctrl('I'): t_idle(); refscreen = YEA; i = lastcmdptr; break; case Ctrl('N'): New(); refscreen = YEA; i = lastcmdptr; break; case Ctrl('A'): if (mail_man() == FULLUPDATE) refscreen = YEA; i = lastcmdptr; break; case KEY_DOWN: i = lastcmdptr; case KEY_HOME: case KEY_PGUP: do { if (++i > total) i = 0; } while (!CheckMenuPerm(cmdtable[i].level)); break; case KEY_END: case KEY_PGDN: i = total; break; case KEY_UP: i = lastcmdptr; do { if (--i < 0) i = total; } while (!CheckMenuPerm(cmdtable[i].level)); break; case KEY_LEFT: case 'e': case 'E': if (cmdmode == MMENU) cmd = 'G'; else if ((cmdmode == MAIL) && chkmailbox()) cmd = 'R'; else return; default: if ((cmd == 's' || cmd == 'r') && (currstat == MMENU || currstat == TMENU || currstat == XMENU)) { if (cmd == 's') ReadSelect(); else Read(); refscreen = YEA; i = lastcmdptr; break; } if (cmd == '\n' || cmd == '\r' || cmd == KEY_RIGHT) { move(b_lines, 0); clrtoeol(); currstat = XMODE; if ((err = (*cmdtable[lastcmdptr].cmdfunc) ()) == QUIT) return; currutmp->mode = currstat = cmdmode; if (err == XEASY) { refresh(); safe_sleep(1); } else if (err != XEASY + 1 || err == FULLUPDATE) refscreen = YEA; if (err != -1) cmd = cmdtable[lastcmdptr].desc[0]; else cmd = cmdtable[lastcmdptr].desc[1]; cmd0[cmdmode] = cmdtable[lastcmdptr].desc[0]; } if (cmd >= 'a' && cmd <= 'z') cmd &= ~0x20; while (++i <= total) if (cmdtable[i].desc[1] == cmd) break; if (!CheckMenuPerm(cmdtable[i].level)) { for (i = 0; cmdtable[i].desc; i++) if (CheckMenuPerm(cmdtable[i].level)) break; if (!cmdtable[i].desc) return; } if (cmd == 'H' && i > total){ /* TODO: Add menu help */ } } if (i > total || !CheckMenuPerm(cmdtable[i].level)) continue; if (refscreen) { showtitle(cmdtitle, BBSName); show_menu(cmdtable); show_status(); refscreen = NA; } cursor_clear(menu_row + pos, menu_column); n = pos = -1; while (++n <= (lastcmdptr = i)) if (CheckMenuPerm(cmdtable[n].level)) pos++; cursor_show(menu_row + pos, menu_column); } while (((cmd = igetch()) != EOF) || refscreen); abort_bbs(0); } /* INDENT OFF */ /* administrator's maintain menu */ static const commands_t adminlist[] = { {m_user, PERM_ACCOUNTS, "UUser 使用者資料"}, {search_user_bypwd, PERM_SYSOP, "SSearch User 特殊搜尋使用者"}, {search_user_bybakpwd,PERM_SYSOP, "OOld User data 查閱\備份使用者資料"}, {m_board, PERM_SYSOP, "BBoard 設定看板"}, {m_register, PERM_ACCOUNTS|PERM_ACCTREG, "RRegister 審核註冊表單"}, {cat_register, PERM_SYSOP, "CCatregister 無法審核時用的"}, {x_file, PERM_SYSOP|PERM_VIEWSYSOP, "XXfile 編輯系統檔案"}, {give_money, PERM_SYSOP|PERM_VIEWSYSOP, "GGivemoney 紅包雞"}, {m_loginmsg, PERM_SYSOP, "MMessage Login 進站水球"}, #ifdef HAVE_MAILCLEAN {m_mclean, PERM_SYSOP, "MMail Clean 清理使用者個人信箱"}, #endif #ifdef HAVE_REPORT {m_trace, PERM_SYSOP, "TTrace 設定是否記錄除錯資訊"}, #endif {NULL, 0, NULL} }; /* mail menu */ static const commands_t maillist[] = { {m_new, PERM_READMAIL, "RNew 閱\讀新進郵件"}, {m_read, PERM_READMAIL, "RRead 多功\能讀信選單"}, {m_send, PERM_LOGINOK, "RSend 站內寄信"}, {x_love, PERM_LOGINOK, "PPaper " ANSI_COLOR(1;32) "情書產生器" ANSI_RESET " "}, {mail_list, PERM_LOGINOK, "RMail List 群組寄信"}, {setforward, PERM_LOGINOK, "FForward " ANSI_COLOR(32) "設定信箱自動轉寄" ANSI_RESET}, {m_sysop, 0, "YYes, sir! 諂媚站長"}, {m_internet, PERM_INTERNET, "RInternet 寄信到 Internet"}, {mail_mbox, PERM_INTERNET, "RZip UserHome 把所有私人資料打包回去"}, {built_mail_index, PERM_LOGINOK, "SSavemail 重建信箱索引"}, {mail_all, PERM_SYSOP, "RAll 寄信給所有使用者"}, {NULL, 0, NULL} }; /* Talk menu */ static const commands_t talklist[] = { {t_users, 0, "UUsers 完全聊天手冊"}, {t_pager, PERM_BASIC, "PPager 切換呼叫器"}, {t_idle, 0, "IIdle 發呆"}, {t_query, 0, "QQuery 查詢網友"}, {t_qchicken, 0, "WWatch Pet 查詢寵物"}, {t_talk, PERM_PAGE, "TTalk 找人聊聊"}, {t_chat, PERM_CHAT, "CChat 找家茶坊喫茶去"}, #ifdef PLAY_ANGEL {t_changeangel, PERM_LOGINOK, "UAChange Angel 更換小天使"}, {t_angelmsg, PERM_ANGEL, "LLeave message 留言給小主人"}, #endif {t_display, 0, "DDisplay 顯示上幾次熱訊"}, {NULL, 0, NULL} }; /* name menu */ static int t_aloha() { friend_edit(FRIEND_ALOHA); return 0; } static int t_special() { friend_edit(FRIEND_SPECIAL); return 0; } static const commands_t namelist[] = { {t_override, PERM_LOGINOK,"OOverRide 好友名單"}, {t_reject, PERM_LOGINOK, "BBlack 壞人名單"}, {t_aloha,PERM_LOGINOK, "AALOHA 上站通知名單"}, #ifdef POSTNOTIFY {t_post,PERM_LOGINOK, "NNewPost 新文章通知名單"}, #endif {t_special,PERM_LOGINOK, "SSpecial 其他特別名單"}, {NULL, 0, NULL} }; void Customize(); // user.c int u_customize() { Customize(); return 0; } /* User menu */ static const commands_t userlist[] = { {u_info, PERM_LOGINOK, "IInfo 設定個人資料與密碼"}, {u_customize, PERM_LOGINOK, "IUCustomize 個人化設定"}, {calendar, PERM_LOGINOK, "CCalendar 個人行事曆"}, {u_editcalendar, PERM_LOGINOK, "CDEditCalendar 編輯個人行事曆"}, {u_loginview, PERM_LOGINOK, "LLogin View 選擇進站畫面"}, #ifdef HAVE_SUICIDE {u_kill, PERM_BASIC, "IKill 自殺!!"}, #endif {u_editplan, PERM_LOGINOK, "QQueryEdit 編輯名片檔"}, {u_editsig, PERM_LOGINOK, "SSignature 編輯簽名檔"}, #if HAVE_FREECLOAK {u_cloak, PERM_LOGINOK, "KKCloak 隱身術"}, #else {u_cloak, PERM_CLOAK, "KKCloak 隱身術"}, #endif {u_register, PERM_BASIC, "RRegister 填寫《註冊申請單》"}, {u_list, PERM_SYSOP, "XUsers 列出註冊名單"}, #ifdef MERGEBBS // {m_sob, PERM_LOGUSER|PERM_SYSOP, "SSOB Import 沙灘變身術"}, {m_sob, PERM_BASIC, "SSOB Import 沙灘變身術"}, #endif {NULL, 0, NULL} }; #ifdef DEBUG int _debug_check_keyinput(); int _debug_testregcode(); int _debug_reportstruct() { clear(); prints("boardheader_t:\t%d\n", sizeof(boardheader_t)); prints("fileheader_t:\t%d\n", sizeof(fileheader_t)); prints("userinfo_t:\t%d\n", sizeof(userinfo_t)); prints("screenline_t:\t%d\n", sizeof(screenline_t)); prints("SHM_t:\t%d\n", sizeof(SHM_t)); prints("bid_t:\t%d\n", sizeof(bid_t)); prints("userec_t:\t%d\n", sizeof(userec_t)); pressanykey(); return 0; } #endif /* XYZ tool menu */ static const commands_t xyzlist[] = { #ifndef DEBUG /* All these are useless in debug mode. */ #ifdef HAVE_LICENSE {x_gpl, 0, "LLicense GNU 使用執照"}, #endif #ifdef HAVE_INFO {x_program, 0, "PProgram 本程式之版本與版權宣告"}, #endif {x_boardman,0, "MMan Boards 《看板精華區排行榜》"}, // {x_boards,0, "HHot Boards 《看板人氣排行榜》"}, {x_history, 0, "HHistory 《我們的成長》"}, {x_note, 0, "NNote 《酸甜苦辣流言板》"}, {x_login,0, "SSystem 《系統重要公告》"}, {x_week, 0, "WWeek 《本週五十大熱門話題》"}, {x_issue, 0, "IIssue 《今日十大熱門話題》"}, {x_today, 0, "TToday 《今日上線人次統計》"}, {x_yesterday, 0, "YYesterday 《昨日上線人次統計》"}, {x_user100 ,0, "UUsers 《使用者百大排行榜》"}, #else {_debug_check_keyinput, 0, "MMKeycode 檢查按鍵控制碼工具"}, {_debug_testregcode, 0, "RRegcode 檢查註冊碼公式"}, {_debug_reportstruct, 0, "RReportStruct 報告各種結構的大小"}, #endif {p_sysinfo, 0, "XXinfo 《查看系統資訊》"}, {NULL, 0, NULL} }; /* Ptt money menu */ static const commands_t moneylist[] = { {p_give, 0, "00Give 給其他人錢"}, {save_violatelaw, 0,"11ViolateLaw 繳罰單"}, #if !HAVE_FREECLOAK {p_cloak, 0, "22Cloak 切換 隱身/現身 $19 /次"}, #endif {p_from, 0, "33From 暫時修改故鄉 $49 /次"}, {ordersong,0, "44OSong 歐桑動態點歌機 $200 /次"}, {p_exmail, 0, "55Exmail 購買信箱 $1000/封"}, {NULL, 0, NULL} }; static int p_money() { domenu(PSALE, "Ptt量販店", '0', moneylist); return 0; }; #if 0 const static commands_t jceelist[] = { {x_90,PERM_LOGINOK, "0090 JCEE 【90學年度大學聯招查榜系統】"}, {x_89,PERM_LOGINOK, "1189 JCEE 【89學年度大學聯招查榜系統】"}, {x_88,PERM_LOGINOK, "2288 JCEE 【88學年度大學聯招查榜系統】"}, {x_87,PERM_LOGINOK, "3387 JCEE 【87學年度大學聯招查榜系統】"}, {x_86,PERM_LOGINOK, "4486 JCEE 【86學年度大學聯招查榜系統】"}, {NULL, 0, NULL} }; static int m_jcee() { domenu(JCEE, "Ptt查榜系統", '0', jceelist); return 0; } #endif static int forsearch(); static int playground(); static int chessroom(); /* Ptt Play menu */ static const commands_t playlist[] = { #if 0 #if HAVE_JCEE {m_jcee, PERM_LOGINOK, "JJCEE 【 大學聯考查榜系統 】"}, #endif #endif {note, PERM_LOGINOK, "NNote 【 刻刻流言板 】"}, /* XXX 壞掉了, 或許可以換成 weather.today/weather.tomorrow 但反正沒意義 */ /* {x_weather,0 , "WWeather 【 氣象預報 】"}, */ /* XXX 壞掉了 */ /* {x_stock,0 , "SStock 【 股市行情 】"},*/ {forsearch,PERM_LOGINOK, "SSearchEngine【" ANSI_COLOR(1;35) " Ptt搜尋器 " ANSI_RESET "】"}, {topsong,PERM_LOGINOK, "TTop Songs 【" ANSI_COLOR(1;32) "歐桑點歌排行榜" ANSI_RESET "】"}, {p_money,PERM_LOGINOK, "PPay 【" ANSI_COLOR(1;31) " Ptt量販店 " ANSI_RESET "】"}, {chicken_main,PERM_LOGINOK, "CChicken " "【" ANSI_COLOR(1;34) " Ptt養雞場 " ANSI_RESET "】"}, {playground,PERM_LOGINOK, "AAmusement 【" ANSI_COLOR(1;33) " Ptt遊樂場 " ANSI_RESET "】"}, {chessroom, PERM_LOGINOK, "BBhineseChess【" ANSI_COLOR(1;34) " Ptt棋院 " ANSI_RESET "】"}, {NULL, 0, NULL} }; static const commands_t chesslist[] = { {chc_main, PERM_LOGINOK, "11ChessFight 【" ANSI_COLOR(1;33) " 象棋邀局 " ANSI_RESET "】"}, {chc_personal, PERM_LOGINOK, "22SelfPlay 【" ANSI_COLOR(1;34) " 象棋打譜 " ANSI_RESET "】"}, {chc_watch, PERM_LOGINOK, "33ChessWatch 【" ANSI_COLOR(1;35) " 象棋觀棋 " ANSI_RESET "】"}, {GoBot, PERM_LOGINOK, "44GoBot 【" ANSI_COLOR(1;36) " 圍棋打譜 " ANSI_RESET "】"}, {NULL, 0, NULL} }; static int chessroom() { domenu(CHC, "Ptt棋院", '1', chesslist); return 0; } static const commands_t plist[] = { /* {p_ticket_main, PERM_LOGINOK,"00Pre 【 總統機 】"}, {alive, PERM_LOGINOK, "00Alive 【 訂票雞 】"}, */ {ticket_main, PERM_LOGINOK, "11Gamble 【 Ptt賭場 】"}, {guess_main, PERM_LOGINOK, "22Guess number【 猜數字 】"}, {othello_main, PERM_LOGINOK, "33Othello 【 黑白棋 】"}, // {dice_main, PERM_LOGINOK, "44Dice 【 玩骰子 】"}, {vice_main, PERM_LOGINOK, "44Vice 【 發票對獎 】"}, {g_card_jack, PERM_LOGINOK, "55Jack 【 黑傑克 】"}, {g_ten_helf, PERM_LOGINOK, "66Tenhalf 【 十點半 】"}, {card_99, PERM_LOGINOK, "77Nine 【 九十九 】"}, {NULL, 0, NULL} }; static int playground() { domenu(AMUSE, "Ptt遊樂場",'1',plist); return 0; } static const commands_t slist[] = { {x_dict,0, "11Dictionary " "【" ANSI_COLOR(1;33) " 趣味大字典 " ANSI_RESET "】"}, {x_mrtmap, 0, "22MRTmap " "【" ANSI_COLOR(1;34) " 捷運地圖 " ANSI_RESET "】"}, {main_railway, PERM_LOGINOK, "33Railway " "【" ANSI_COLOR(1;32) " 火車表查詢 " ANSI_RESET "】"}, {NULL, 0, NULL} }; static int forsearch() { domenu(SREG, "Ptt搜尋器", '1', slist); return 0; } /* main menu */ int admin(void) { domenu(ADMIN, "系統維護", 'X', adminlist); return 0; } int Mail(void) { domenu(MAIL, "電子郵件", 'R', maillist); return 0; } int Talk(void) { domenu(TMENU, "聊天說話", 'U', talklist); return 0; } int User(void) { domenu(UMENU, "個人設定", 'I', userlist); return 0; } int Xyz(void) { domenu(XMENU, "工具程式", 'M', xyzlist); return 0; } int Play_Play(void) { domenu(PMENU, "網路遊樂場", 'A', playlist); return 0; } int Name_Menu(void) { domenu(NMENU, "白色恐怖", 'O', namelist); return 0; }