/* $Id$ */ #ifdef DEBUG #define TELOPTS #define TELCMDS #endif #include "bbs.h" #include "banip.h" #ifdef __linux__ # ifdef CRITICAL_MEMORY # include # endif # ifdef DEBUG # include # endif #endif #define SOCKET_QLEN 4 static void do_aloha(const char *hello); static void getremotename(const struct sockaddr_in * from, char *rhost, char *rname); #ifdef CONVERT void big2gb_init(void*); void gb2big_init(void*); void big2uni_init(void*); void uni2big_init(void*); #endif #if 0 static jmp_buf byebye; #endif static char remoteusername[40] = "?"; static unsigned char enter_uflag; static int use_shell_login_mode = 0; #ifdef DETECT_CLIENT Fnv32_t client_code=FNV1_32_INIT; #endif #ifdef USE_RFORK #define fork() rfork(RFFDG | RFPROC | RFNOWAIT) #endif /* set signal handler, which won't be reset once signal comes */ static void signal_restart(int signum, void (*handler) (int)) { struct sigaction act; act.sa_handler = handler; memset(&(act.sa_mask), 0, sizeof(sigset_t)); act.sa_flags = 0; sigaction(signum, &act, NULL); } static void start_daemon(void) { int n, fd; /* * More idiot speed-hacking --- the first time conversion makes the C * library open the files containing the locale definition and time zone. * If this hasn't happened in the parent process, it happens in the * children, once per connection --- and it does add up. */ time_t dummy = time(NULL); struct tm *dummy_time = localtime(&dummy); char buf[32]; strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S", dummy_time); #ifndef NO_FORK if ((n = fork())) { exit(0); } #endif /* rocker.011018: it's a good idea to close all unexcept fd!! */ #ifndef VALGRIND n = getdtablesize(); while (n) close(--n); if( ((fd = open("log/stderr", O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_APPEND, 0644)) >= 0) && fd != 2 ){ dup2(fd, 2); close(fd); } #endif if(getenv("SSH_CLIENT")) unsetenv("SSH_CLIENT"); /* * rocker.011018: we don't need to remember original tty, so request a * new session id */ setsid(); /* * rocker.011018: after new session, we should insure the process is * clean daemon */ #ifndef NO_FORK if ((n = fork())) { exit(0); } #endif } static void reapchild(int sig) { int state, pid; while ((pid = waitpid(-1, &state, WNOHANG | WUNTRACED)) > 0); } void log_usies(const char *mode, const char *mesg) { now = time(NULL); if (!mesg) log_file(FN_USIES, LOG_CREAT | LOG_VF, "%s %s %-12s Stay:%d (%s)\n", Cdate(&now), mode, cuser.userid , (int)(now - login_start_time) / 60, cuser.nickname); else log_file(FN_USIES, LOG_CREAT | LOG_VF, "%s %s %-12s %s\n", Cdate(&now), mode, cuser.userid, mesg); /* 追蹤使用者 */ if (HasUserPerm(PERM_LOGUSER)) log_user("logout"); } static void setflags(int mask, int value) { if (value) cuser.uflag |= mask; else cuser.uflag &= ~mask; } void u_exit(const char *mode) { int diff = (time(0) - login_start_time) / 60; int dirty = currmode & MODE_DIRTY; currmode = 0; /* close fd 0 & 1 to terminate network */ close(0); close(1); assert(strncmp(currutmp->userid,cuser.userid, IDLEN)==0); if(strncmp(currutmp->userid,cuser.userid, IDLEN)!=0) return; reload_money(); /* cuser.goodpost = currutmp->goodpost; cuser.badpost = currutmp->badpost; cuser.goodsale = currutmp->goodsale; cuser.badsale = currutmp->badsale; */ auto_backup(); setflags(PAGER_FLAG, currutmp->pager != PAGER_ON); setflags(CLOAK_FLAG, currutmp->invisible); save_brdbuf(); brc_finalize(); cuser.invisible = currutmp->invisible; cuser.withme = currutmp->withme; cuser.pager = currutmp->pager; memcpy(cuser.mind, currutmp->mind, 4); setutmpbid(0); if (!SHM->GV2.e.shutdown) { if (!(HasUserPerm(PERM_SYSOP) && HasUserPerm(PERM_SYSOPHIDE)) && !currutmp->invisible) do_aloha("<<下站通知>> -- 我走囉!"); } if ((cuser.uflag != enter_uflag) || dirty || diff) { if (!diff && cuser.numlogins) cuser.numlogins = --cuser.numlogins; /* Leeym 上站停留時間限制式 */ } passwd_update(usernum, &cuser); purge_utmp(currutmp); log_usies(mode, NULL); } void abort_bbs(int sig) { /* ignore normal signals */ Signal(SIGALRM, SIG_IGN); Signal(SIGUSR1, SIG_IGN); Signal(SIGUSR2, SIG_IGN); Signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN); Signal(SIGTERM, SIG_IGN); Signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); if (currmode) u_exit("ABORTED"); exit(0); } #ifdef GCC_NORETURN static void abort_bbs_debug(int sig) GCC_NORETURN; #endif /* NOTE: It's better to use signal-safe functions. Avoid to call * functions with global/static variable -- data may be corrupted */ static void abort_bbs_debug(int sig) { int i; sigset_t sigset; switch(sig) { case SIGINT: STATINC(STAT_SIGINT); break; case SIGQUIT: STATINC(STAT_SIGQUIT); break; case SIGILL: STATINC(STAT_SIGILL); break; case SIGABRT: STATINC(STAT_SIGABRT); break; case SIGFPE: STATINC(STAT_SIGFPE); break; case SIGBUS: STATINC(STAT_SIGBUS); break; case SIGSEGV: STATINC(STAT_SIGSEGV); break; case SIGXCPU: STATINC(STAT_SIGXCPU); break; } /* ignore normal signals */ Signal(SIGALRM, SIG_IGN); Signal(SIGUSR1, SIG_IGN); Signal(SIGUSR2, SIG_IGN); Signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN); Signal(SIGTERM, SIG_IGN); Signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); /* unblock */ sigemptyset(&sigset); sigaddset(&sigset, SIGINT); sigaddset(&sigset, SIGQUIT); sigaddset(&sigset, SIGILL); sigaddset(&sigset, SIGABRT); sigaddset(&sigset, SIGFPE); sigaddset(&sigset, SIGBUS); sigaddset(&sigset, SIGSEGV); sigaddset(&sigset, SIGXCPU); sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &sigset, NULL); #define CRASH_MSG ANSI_COLOR(0) "\r\n程式異常, 立刻斷線. 請洽 PttBug 板詳述你發生的問題.\r\n" #define XCPU_MSG ANSI_COLOR(0) "\r\n程式耗用過多計算資源, 立刻斷線. 可能是 (a)執行太多耗用資源的動作 或 (b)程式掉入無窮迴圈. 請洽 PttBug 板詳述你發生的問題.\r\n" if(sig==SIGXCPU) write(1, XCPU_MSG, sizeof(XCPU_MSG)); else write(1, CRASH_MSG, sizeof(CRASH_MSG)); /* close all file descriptors (including the network connection) */ for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i) close(i); /* log */ /* assume vsnprintf() in log_file() is signal-safe, is it? */ log_file("log/crash.log", LOG_VF|LOG_CREAT, "%ld %d %d %.12s\n", time4(NULL), getpid(), sig, cuser.userid); /* try logout... not a good idea, maybe crash again. now disabled */ /* if (currmode) { currmode = 0; u_exit("AXXED"); } */ #ifdef DEBUGSLEEP #ifndef VALGRIND setproctitle("debug me!(%d)(%s,%d)", sig, cuser.userid, currstat); #endif /* do this manually to prevent broken stuff */ /* will broken currutmp cause problems here? hope not... */ if(currutmp && strncmp(cuser.userid, currutmp->userid, IDLEN) == EQUSTR) currutmp->mode = DEBUGSLEEPING; sleep(3600); /* wait 60 mins for debug */ #endif exit(0); } /* 登錄 BBS 程式 */ static void mysrand(void) { srandom(time(NULL) + getpid()); /* 時間跟 pid 當 rand 的 seed */ } void talk_request(int sig) { STATINC(STAT_TALKREQUEST); bell(); bell(); if (currutmp->msgcount) { char timebuf[100]; #ifdef OUTTA_TIMER now = SHM->GV2.e.now; #else now = time(0); #endif move(0, 0); clrtoeol(); prints(ANSI_COLOR(33;41) "★%s" ANSI_COLOR(34;47) " [%s] %s " ANSI_COLOR(0) "", SHM->uinfo[currutmp->destuip].userid, my_ctime(&now,timebuf,sizeof(timebuf)), (currutmp->sig == 2) ? "重要消息廣播!(請Ctrl-U,l查看熱訊記錄)" : "呼叫、呼叫,聽到請回答"); refresh(); } else { unsigned char mode0 = currutmp->mode; char c0 = currutmp->chatid[0]; screen_backup_t old_screen; currutmp->mode = 0; currutmp->chatid[0] = 1; screen_backup(&old_screen); talkreply(); currutmp->mode = mode0; currutmp->chatid[0] = c0; screen_restore(&old_screen); } } void show_call_in(int save, int which) { char buf[200]; #ifdef PLAY_ANGEL if (currutmp->msgs[which].msgmode == MSGMODE_TOANGEL) snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), ANSI_COLOR(1;37;46) "★%s" ANSI_COLOR(37;45) " %s " ANSI_RESET, currutmp->msgs[which].userid, currutmp->msgs[which].last_call_in); else #endif snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), ANSI_COLOR(1;33;46) "★%s" ANSI_COLOR(37;45) " %s " ANSI_RESET, currutmp->msgs[which].userid, currutmp->msgs[which].last_call_in); outmsg(buf); if (save) { char genbuf[200]; if (!fp_writelog) { sethomefile(genbuf, cuser.userid, fn_writelog); fp_writelog = fopen(genbuf, "a"); } if (fp_writelog) { fprintf(fp_writelog, "%s [%s]\n", buf, Cdatelite(&now)); } } } static int add_history_water(water_t * w, const msgque_t * msg) { memcpy(&w->msg[w->top], msg, sizeof(msgque_t)); w->top++; w->top %= WATERMODE(WATER_OFO) ? 5 : MAX_REVIEW; if (w->count < MAX_REVIEW) w->count++; return w->count; } static int add_history(const msgque_t * msg) { int i = 0, j, waterinit = 0; water_t *tmp; check_water_init(); if (WATERMODE(WATER_ORIG) || WATERMODE(WATER_NEW)) add_history_water(&water[0], msg); if (WATERMODE(WATER_NEW) || WATERMODE(WATER_OFO)) { for (i = 0; i < 5 && swater[i]; i++) if (swater[i]->pid == msg->pid #ifdef PLAY_ANGEL && swater[i]->msg[0].msgmode == msg->msgmode /* When throwing waterball to angel directly */ #endif ) break; if (i == 5) { waterinit = 1; i = 4; memset(swater[4], 0, sizeof(water_t)); } else if (!swater[i]) { water_usies = i + 1; swater[i] = &water[i + 1]; waterinit = 1; } tmp = swater[i]; if (waterinit) { memcpy(swater[i]->userid, msg->userid, sizeof(swater[i]->userid)); swater[i]->pid = msg->pid; } if (!swater[i]->uin) swater[i]->uin = currutmp; for (j = i; j > 0; j--) swater[j] = swater[j - 1]; swater[0] = tmp; add_history_water(swater[0], msg); } if (WATERMODE(WATER_ORIG) || WATERMODE(WATER_NEW)) { if (watermode > 0 && (water_which == swater[0] || water_which == &water[0])) { if (watermode < water_which->count) watermode++; t_display_new(); } } return i; } void write_request(int sig) { int i, msgcount; STATINC(STAT_WRITEREQUEST); #ifdef NOKILLWATERBALL if( reentrant_write_request ) /* kill again by shmctl */ return; reentrant_write_request = 1; #endif #ifdef OUTTA_TIMER now = SHM->GV2.e.now; #else now = time(0); #endif check_water_init(); if (WATERMODE(WATER_OFO)) { /* 如果目前正在回水球模式的話, 就不能進行 add_history() , 因為會改寫 water[], 而使回水球目的爛掉, 所以分成幾種情況考慮. sig != 0表真的有水球進來, 故顯示. sig == 0表示沒有水球進來, 不過之前尚有水球還沒寫到 water[]. */ static int alreadyshow = 0; if( sig ){ /* 真的有水球進來 */ /* 若原來正在 REPLYING , 則改成 RECVINREPLYING, 這樣在回水球結束後, 會再呼叫一次 write_request(0) */ if( wmofo == REPLYING ) wmofo = RECVINREPLYING; /* 顯示 */ for( ; alreadyshow < currutmp->msgcount && alreadyshow < MAX_MSGS ; ++alreadyshow ){ bell(); show_call_in(1, alreadyshow); refresh(); } } /* 看看是不是要把 currutmp->msg 拿回 water[] (by add_history()) 須要是不在回水球中 (NOTREPLYING) */ if( wmofo == NOTREPLYING && (msgcount = currutmp->msgcount) > 0 ){ for( i = 0 ; i < msgcount ; ++i ) add_history(&currutmp->msgs[i]); if( (currutmp->msgcount -= msgcount) < 0 ) currutmp->msgcount = 0; alreadyshow = 0; } } else { if (currutmp->mode != 0 && currutmp->pager != PAGER_OFF && cuser.userlevel != 0 && currutmp->msgcount != 0 && currutmp->mode != TALK && currutmp->mode != EDITING && currutmp->mode != CHATING && currutmp->mode != PAGE && currutmp->mode != IDLE && currutmp->mode != MAILALL && currutmp->mode != MONITOR) { char c0 = currutmp->chatid[0]; int currstat0 = currstat; unsigned char mode0 = currutmp->mode; currutmp->mode = 0; currutmp->chatid[0] = 2; currstat = HIT; #ifdef NOKILLWATERBALL currutmp->wbtime = 0; #endif if( (msgcount = currutmp->msgcount) > 0 ){ for( i = 0 ; i < msgcount ; ++i ){ bell(); show_call_in(1, 0); add_history(&currutmp->msgs[0]); if( (--currutmp->msgcount) < 0 ) i = msgcount; /* force to exit for() */ else if( currutmp->msgcount > 0 ) memmove(&currutmp->msgs[0], &currutmp->msgs[1], sizeof(msgque_t) * currutmp->msgcount); igetch(); } } currutmp->chatid[0] = c0; currutmp->mode = mode0; currstat = currstat0; } else { bell(); show_call_in(1, 0); add_history(&currutmp->msgs[0]); refresh(); currutmp->msgcount = 0; } } #ifdef NOKILLWATERBALL reentrant_write_request = 0; currutmp->wbtime = 0; /* race */ #endif } static userinfo_t* getotherlogin(int num) { userinfo_t *ui; do { if (!(ui = (userinfo_t *) search_ulistn(usernum, num))) return NULL; /* user isn't logged in */ /* skip sleeping process, this is slow if lots */ if(ui->mode == DEBUGSLEEPING) num++; else if(ui->pid <= 0) num++; else if(kill(ui->pid, 0) < 0) num++; else break; } while (1); return ui; } static void multi_user_check(void) { register userinfo_t *ui; char genbuf[3]; if (HasUserPerm(PERM_SYSOP)) return; /* don't check sysops */ srandom(getpid()); // race condition here, sleep may help..? if (cuser.userlevel) { usleep(random()%1000000); // 0~1s ui = getotherlogin(1); if(ui == NULL) return; getdata(b_lines - 1, 0, "您想刪除其他重複的 login (Y/N)嗎?[Y] ", genbuf, 3, LCECHO); usleep(random()%1000000); if (genbuf[0] != 'n') { do { // scan again, old ui may be invalid ui = getotherlogin(1); if(ui==NULL) return; if (ui->pid > 0) { if(kill(ui->pid, SIGHUP)<0) { perror("kill SIGHUP fail"); break; } log_usies("KICK ", cuser.nickname); } else { fprintf(stderr, "id=%s ui->pid=0\n", cuser.userid); } usleep(random()%2000000+1000000); // 1~3s } while(getotherlogin(3) != NULL); } else { /* deny login if still have 3 */ if (getotherlogin(3) != NULL) abort_bbs(0); /* Goodbye(); */ } } else { /* allow multiple guest user */ if (search_ulistn(usernum, MAX_GUEST) != NULL) { vmsg("抱歉,目前已有太多 guest 在站上, 請用new註冊。"); exit(1); } } } /* bad login */ static char * const str_badlogin = "logins.bad"; static void logattempt(const char *uid, char type) { char fname[40]; int fd, len; char genbuf[200]; snprintf(genbuf, sizeof(genbuf), "%c%-12s[%s] %s@%s\n", type, uid, Cdate(&login_start_time), remoteusername, fromhost); len = strlen(genbuf); if ((fd = open(str_badlogin, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_APPEND, 0644)) > 0) { write(fd, genbuf, len); close(fd); } if (type == '-') { snprintf(genbuf, sizeof(genbuf), "[%s] %s\n", Cdate(&login_start_time), fromhost); len = strlen(genbuf); sethomefile(fname, uid, str_badlogin); if ((fd = open(fname, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_APPEND, 0644)) > 0) { write(fd, genbuf, len); close(fd); } } } void mkuserdir(const char *userid) { char genbuf[200]; sethomepath(genbuf, userid); // assume it is a dir, so just check if it is exist if (access(genbuf, F_OK) != 0) mkdir(genbuf, 0755); } static void login_query(void) { #ifdef CONVERT /* uid 加一位, for gb login */ char uid[IDLEN + 2], passbuf[PASSLEN]; int attempts, len; #else char uid[IDLEN + 1], passbuf[PASSLEN]; int attempts; #endif resolve_garbage(); now = time(0); #ifdef DEBUG move(1, 0); prints("debugging mode\ncurrent pid: %d\n", getpid()); #else show_file("etc/Welcome", 1, -1, NO_RELOAD); #endif output("1", 1); attempts = 0; while (1) { if (attempts++ >= LOGINATTEMPTS) { more("etc/goodbye", NA); pressanykey(); exit(1); } bzero(&cuser, sizeof(cuser)); #ifdef DEBUG move(19, 0); prints("current pid: %d ", getpid()); #endif getdata(20, 0, "請輸入代號,或以[guest]參觀,以[new]註冊:", uid, sizeof(uid), DOECHO); #ifdef CONVERT /* switch to gb mode if uid end with '.' */ len = strlen(uid); if (uid[0] && uid[len - 1] == '.') { set_converting_type(CONV_GB); uid[len - 1] = 0; } else if (uid[0] && uid[len - 1] == ',') { set_converting_type(CONV_UTF8); uid[len - 1] = 0; } else if (len >= IDLEN + 1) uid[IDLEN] = 0; #endif if (strcasecmp(uid, str_new) == 0) { #ifdef LOGINASNEW new_register(); mkuserdir(cuser.userid); break; #else outs("本系統目前無法以 new 註冊, 請用 guest 進入\n"); continue; #endif } else if (!is_validuserid(uid)) { outs(err_uid); } else if (strcasecmp(uid, STR_GUEST) == 0) { /* guest */ if (initcuser(uid)< 1) exit (0) ; cuser.userlevel = 0; cuser.uflag = PAGER_FLAG | BRDSORT_FLAG | MOVIE_FLAG; mkuserdir(cuser.userid); break; } else { /* normal user */ getdata(21, 0, MSG_PASSWD, passbuf, sizeof(passbuf), NOECHO); passbuf[8] = '\0'; move (22, 0); clrtoeol(); outs("正在檢查密碼..."); move(22, 0); refresh(); /* prepare for later */ clrtoeol(); if( initcuser(uid) < 1 || !cuser.userid[0] || !checkpasswd(cuser.passwd, passbuf) ){ if(is_validuserid(cuser.userid)) logattempt(cuser.userid , '-'); outs(ERR_PASSWD); } else { logattempt(cuser.userid, ' '); outs("密碼正確! 開始登入系統..."); move(22, 0); refresh(); clrtoeol(); if (strcasecmp(str_sysop, cuser.userid) == 0){ #ifdef NO_SYSOP_ACCOUNT exit(0); #else /* 自動加上各個主要權限 */ cuser.userlevel = PERM_BASIC | PERM_CHAT | PERM_PAGE | PERM_POST | PERM_LOGINOK | PERM_MAILLIMIT | PERM_CLOAK | PERM_SEECLOAK | PERM_XEMPT | PERM_SYSOPHIDE | PERM_BM | PERM_ACCOUNTS | PERM_CHATROOM | PERM_BOARD | PERM_SYSOP | PERM_BBSADM; mkuserdir(cuser.userid); #endif } break; } } } multi_user_check(); #ifdef DETECT_CLIENT { int fd = open("log/client_code",O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_APPEND, 0644); if(fd>=0) { write(fd, &client_code, sizeof(client_code)); close(fd); } } #endif } void add_distinct(const char *fname, const char *line) { FILE *fp; int n = 0; if ((fp = fopen(fname, "a+"))) { char buffer[80]; char tmpname[100]; FILE *fptmp; strlcpy(tmpname, fname, sizeof(tmpname)); strcat(tmpname, "_tmp"); if (!(fptmp = fopen(tmpname, "w"))) { fclose(fp); return; } rewind(fp); while (fgets(buffer, 80, fp)) { char *p = buffer + strlen(buffer) - 1; if (p[-1] == '\n' || p[-1] == '\r') p[-1] = 0; if (!strcmp(buffer, line)) break; sscanf(buffer + strlen(buffer) + 2, "%d", &n); fprintf(fptmp, "%s%c#%d\n", buffer, 0, n); } if (feof(fp)) fprintf(fptmp, "%s%c#1\n", line, 0); else { sscanf(buffer + strlen(buffer) + 2, "%d", &n); fprintf(fptmp, "%s%c#%d\n", buffer, 0, n + 1); while (fgets(buffer, 80, fp)) { sscanf(buffer + strlen(buffer) + 2, "%d", &n); fprintf(fptmp, "%s%c#%d\n", buffer, 0, n); } } fclose(fp); fclose(fptmp); unlink(fname); rename(tmpname, fname); } } void del_distinct(const char *fname, const char *line, int casesensitive) { FILE *fp; int n = 0; if ((fp = fopen(fname, "r"))) { char buffer[80]; char tmpname[100]; FILE *fptmp; strlcpy(tmpname, fname, sizeof(tmpname)); strcat(tmpname, "_tmp"); if (!(fptmp = fopen(tmpname, "w"))) { fclose(fp); return; } rewind(fp); while (fgets(buffer, 80, fp)) { char *p = buffer + strlen(buffer) - 1; if (p[-1] == '\n' || p[-1] == '\r') p[-1] = 0; if(casesensitive) { if (!strcmp(buffer, line)) break; } else { if (!strcasecmp(buffer, line)) break; } sscanf(buffer + strlen(buffer) + 2, "%d", &n); fprintf(fptmp, "%s%c#%d\n", buffer, 0, n); } if (!feof(fp)) while (fgets(buffer, 80, fp)) { sscanf(buffer + strlen(buffer) + 2, "%d", &n); fprintf(fptmp, "%s%c#%d\n", buffer, 0, n); } fclose(fp); fclose(fptmp); unlink(fname); rename(tmpname, fname); } } #ifdef WHERE static int where(const char *from) { int i; for (i = 0; i < SHM->home_num; i++) { if ((SHM->home_ip[i] & SHM->home_mask[i]) == (ipstr2int(from) & SHM->home_mask[i])) { return i; } } return 0; } #endif static void check_BM(void) { /* XXX: -_- */ int i; cuser.userlevel &= ~PERM_BM; for( i = 0 ; i < numboards ; ++i ) if( is_BM_cache(i + 1) ) /* XXXbid */ return; //for (i = 0, bhdr = bcache; i < numboards && !is_BM(bhdr->BM); i++, bhdr++); } static void setup_utmp(int mode) { /* NOTE, 在 getnewutmpent 之前不應該有任何 slow/blocking function */ userinfo_t uinfo; memset(&uinfo, 0, sizeof(uinfo)); uinfo.pid = currpid = getpid(); uinfo.uid = usernum; uinfo.mode = currstat = mode; uinfo.userlevel = cuser.userlevel; uinfo.sex = cuser.sex % 8; uinfo.lastact = time(NULL); strlcpy(uinfo.userid, cuser.userid, sizeof(uinfo.userid)); //strlcpy(uinfo.realname, cuser.realname, sizeof(uinfo.realname)); strlcpy(uinfo.nickname, cuser.nickname, sizeof(uinfo.nickname)); strip_nonebig5((unsigned char *)uinfo.nickname, sizeof(uinfo.nickname)); strlcpy(uinfo.from, fromhost, sizeof(uinfo.from)); uinfo.five_win = cuser.five_win; uinfo.five_lose = cuser.five_lose; uinfo.five_tie = cuser.five_tie; uinfo.chc_win = cuser.chc_win; uinfo.chc_lose = cuser.chc_lose; uinfo.chc_tie = cuser.chc_tie; uinfo.chess_elo_rating = cuser.chess_elo_rating; uinfo.go_win = cuser.go_win; uinfo.go_lose = cuser.go_lose; uinfo.go_tie = cuser.go_tie; uinfo.invisible = cuser.invisible % 2; uinfo.pager = cuser.pager % PAGER_MODES; /* uinfo.goodpost = cuser.goodpost; uinfo.badpost = cuser.badpost; uinfo.goodsale = cuser.goodsale; uinfo.badsale = cuser.badsale; */ if(cuser.withme & (cuser.withme<<1) & (WITHME_ALLFLAG<<1)) cuser.withme = 0; /* unset all if contradict */ uinfo.withme = cuser.withme & ~WITHME_ALLFLAG; memcpy(uinfo.mind, cuser.mind, 4); strip_nonebig5((unsigned char *)uinfo.mind, 4); #ifdef WHERE uinfo.from_alias = where(fromhost); #endif #ifndef FAST_LOGIN setuserfile(buf, "remoteuser"); strlcpy(remotebuf, fromhost, sizeof(fromhost)); strcat(remotebuf, ctime4(&now)); chomp(remotebuf); add_distinct(buf, remotebuf); #endif if (enter_uflag & CLOAK_FLAG) uinfo.invisible = YEA; #ifdef PLAY_ANGEL if (REJECT_QUESTION) uinfo.angel = 1; uinfo.angel |= ANGEL_STATUS() << 1; #endif getnewutmpent(&uinfo); currmode = MODE_STARTED; SHM->UTMPneedsort = 1; // XXX 不用每 20 才檢查吧 if (!(cuser.numlogins % 20) && cuser.userlevel & PERM_BM) check_BM(); /* Ptt 自動取下離職板主權力 */ #ifndef _BBS_UTIL_C_ /* Very, very slow friend_load. */ if( strcmp(cuser.userid, STR_GUEST) != 0 ) // guest 不處理好友 friend_load(0); nice(3); #endif } inline static void welcome_msg(void) { prints(ANSI_RESET " 歡迎您第 " ANSI_COLOR(1;33) "%d" ANSI_COLOR(0;37) " 度拜訪本站,上次您是從 " ANSI_COLOR(1;33) "%s" ANSI_COLOR(0;37) " 連往本站," ANSI_CLRTOEND "\n" " 我記得那天是 " ANSI_COLOR(1;33) "%s" ANSI_COLOR(0;37) "。" ANSI_CLRTOEND "\n" ANSI_CLRTOEND "\n" , ++cuser.numlogins, cuser.lasthost, Cdate(&(cuser.lastlogin))); pressanykey(); } inline static void check_bad_login(void) { char genbuf[200]; setuserfile(genbuf, str_badlogin); if (more(genbuf, NA) != -1) { move(b_lines - 3, 0); outs("通常並沒有辦法知道該ip是誰所有, " "以及其意圖(是不小心按錯或有意測您密碼)\n" "若您有帳號被盜用疑慮, 請經常更改您的密碼或使用加密連線"); if (getans("您要刪除以上錯誤嘗試的記錄嗎(Y/N)?[N]") == 'y') unlink(genbuf); } } inline static void birthday_make_a_wish(const struct tm *ptime, const struct tm *tmp) { if (tmp->tm_mday != ptime->tm_mday) { more("etc/birth.post", YEA); brc_initial_board("WhoAmI"); set_board(); do_post(); } } inline static void record_lasthost(const char *fromhost) { strlcpy(cuser.lasthost, fromhost, sizeof(cuser.lasthost)); } inline static void check_mailbox_quota(void) { if (chkmailbox()) m_read(); } static void init_guest_info(void) { int i; char *nick[13] = { "椰子", "貝殼", "內衣", "寶特瓶", "翻車魚", "樹葉", "浮萍", "鞋子", "潛水艇", "魔王", "鐵罐", "考卷", "大美女" }; char *name[13] = { "大王椰子", "鸚鵡螺", "比基尼", "可口可樂", "仰泳的魚", "憶", "高岡屋", "AIR Jordon", "紅色十月號", "批踢踢", "SASAYA椰奶", "鴨蛋", "布魯克鱈魚香絲" }; char *addr[13] = { "天堂樂園", "大海", "綠島小夜曲", "美國", "綠色珊瑚礁", "遠方", "原本海", "NIKE", "蘇聯", "男八618室", "愛之味", "天上", "藍色珊瑚礁" }; i = login_start_time % 13; snprintf(cuser.nickname, sizeof(cuser.nickname), "海邊漂來的%s", nick[(int)i]); strlcpy(currutmp->nickname, cuser.nickname, sizeof(currutmp->nickname)); strlcpy(cuser.realname, name[(int)i], sizeof(cuser.realname)); strlcpy(cuser.address, addr[(int)i], sizeof(cuser.address)); cuser.sex = i % 8; currutmp->pager = PAGER_DISABLE; } #if FOREIGN_REG_DAY > 0 inline static void foreign_warning(void){ if ((cuser.uflag2 & FOREIGN) && !(cuser.uflag2 & LIVERIGHT)){ if (login_start_time - cuser.firstlogin > (FOREIGN_REG_DAY - 5) * 24 * 3600){ mail_muser(cuser, "[出入境管理局]", "etc/foreign_expired_warn"); } else if (login_start_time - cuser.firstlogin > FOREIGN_REG_DAY * 24 * 3600){ cuser.userlevel &= ~(PERM_LOGINOK | PERM_POST); vmsg("警告:請至出入境管理局申請永久居留"); } } } #endif static void user_login(void) { struct tm ptime, lasttime; int nowusers, ifbirth = 0, i; /* NOTE! 在 setup_utmp 之前, 不應該有任何 blocking/slow function, * 否則可藉機 race condition 達到 multi-login */ /* get local time */ ptime = *localtime4(&now); /* 初始化: random number 增加user跟時間的差異 */ mysrand(); /* check if over18 */ if( (ptime.tm_year - cuser.year) >= 18 || (ptime.tm_year - cuser.year == 17 && ((ptime.tm_mon+1) > cuser.month || ((ptime.tm_mon+1) == cuser.month && ptime.tm_mday > cuser.day))) ) over18 = 1; log_usies("ENTER", fromhost); #ifndef VALGRIND setproctitle("%s: %s", margs, cuser.userid); #endif resolve_fcache(); /* resolve_boards(); */ numboards = SHM->Bnumber; if(getenv("SSH_CLIENT") != NULL){ struct sockaddr_in xsin; char frombuf[50]; sscanf(getenv("SSH_CLIENT"), "%s", frombuf); xsin.sin_family = AF_INET; xsin.sin_port = htons(23); if (strrchr(frombuf, ':')) inet_pton(AF_INET, strrchr(frombuf, ':') + 1, &xsin.sin_addr); else inet_pton(AF_INET, frombuf, &xsin.sin_addr); getremotename(&xsin, fromhost, remoteusername); /* RFC931 */ } /* 初始化 uinfo、flag、mode */ setup_utmp(LOGIN); enter_uflag = cuser.uflag; lasttime = *localtime4(&cuser.lastlogin); /* show welcome_login */ if( (ifbirth = (ptime.tm_mday == cuser.day && ptime.tm_mon + 1 == cuser.month)) ){ char buf[PATHLEN]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "etc/Welcome_birth.%d", getHoroscope(cuser.month, cuser.day)); more(buf, NA); } else { #ifndef MULTI_WELCOME_LOGIN more("etc/Welcome_login", NA); #else if( SHM->GV2.e.nWelcomes ){ char buf[80]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "etc/Welcome_login.%d", (int)login_start_time % SHM->GV2.e.nWelcomes); more(buf, NA); } #endif } refresh(); currutmp->alerts |= load_mailalert(cuser.userid); if ((nowusers = SHM->UTMPnumber) > SHM->max_user) { SHM->max_user = nowusers; SHM->max_time = now; } if (!(HasUserPerm(PERM_SYSOP) && HasUserPerm(PERM_SYSOPHIDE)) && !currutmp->invisible) { /* do_aloha is costly. do it later? */ do_aloha("<<上站通知>> -- 我來啦!"); } if (SHM->loginmsg.pid){ if(search_ulist_pid(SHM->loginmsg.pid)) getmessage(SHM->loginmsg); else SHM->loginmsg.pid=0; } if (cuser.userlevel) { /* not guest */ move(t_lines - 4, 0); clrtobot(); welcome_msg(); if( ifbirth ){ birthday_make_a_wish(&ptime, &lasttime); if( getans("是否要顯示「壽星」於使用者名單上?(y/N)") == 'y' ) currutmp->birth = 1; } check_bad_login(); check_mailbox_quota(); check_register(); record_lasthost(fromhost); restore_backup(); } else if (strcmp(cuser.userid, STR_GUEST) == 0) { /* guest */ init_guest_info(); #if 0 // def DBCSAWARE u_detectDBCSAwareEvilClient(); #else pressanykey(); #endif } else { pressanykey(); check_mailbox_quota(); } if(ptime.tm_yday!=lasttime.tm_yday) STATINC(STAT_TODAYLOGIN_MAX); if (!PERM_HIDE(currutmp)) { /* If you wanna do incremental upgrade * (like, added a function/flag that wants user to confirm againe) * put it here. */ #if defined(DBCSAWARE) && defined(DBCSAWARE_UPGRADE_STARTTIME) // define the real time you upgraded in your pttbbs.conf if(cuser.lastlogin < DBCSAWARE_UPGRADE_STARTTIME) { if (u_detectDBCSAwareEvilClient()) cuser.uflag &= ~DBCSAWARE_FLAG; else cuser.uflag |= DBCSAWARE_FLAG; } #endif /* login time update */ if(ptime.tm_yday!=lasttime.tm_yday) STATINC(STAT_TODAYLOGIN_MIN); cuser.lastlogin = login_start_time; } #if FOREIGN_REG_DAY > 0 foreign_warning(); #endif passwd_update(usernum, &cuser); if(cuser.uflag2 & FAVNEW_FLAG) { fav_load(); if (get_fav_root() != NULL) { int num; num = updatenewfav(1); if (num > NEW_FAV_THRESHOLD && getans("找到 %d 個新看板,確定要加入我的最愛嗎?[Y/n]", num) == 'n') { fav_free(); fav_load(); } } } for (i = 0; i < NUMVIEWFILE; i++) if ((cuser.loginview >> i) & 1) more(loginview_file[(int)i][0], YEA); } static void do_aloha(const char *hello) { FILE *fp; char userid[80]; char genbuf[200]; setuserfile(genbuf, "aloha"); if ((fp = fopen(genbuf, "r"))) { while (fgets(userid, 80, fp)) { userinfo_t *uentp; if ((uentp = (userinfo_t *) search_ulist_userid(userid)) && isvisible(uentp, currutmp)) { my_write(uentp->pid, hello, uentp->userid, WATERBALL_ALOHA, uentp); } } fclose(fp); } } static void do_term_init(void) { term_init(); initscr(); if(use_shell_login_mode) raise(SIGWINCH); } inline static void start_client(void) { #ifdef CPULIMIT struct rlimit rml; rml.rlim_cur = CPULIMIT * 60 - 5; rml.rlim_max = CPULIMIT * 60; setrlimit(RLIMIT_CPU, &rml); #endif STATINC(STAT_LOGIN); /* system init */ nice(2); /* Ptt: lower priority */ login_start_time = time(0); currmode = 0; Signal(SIGHUP, abort_bbs); Signal(SIGTERM, abort_bbs); Signal(SIGPIPE, abort_bbs); Signal(SIGINT, abort_bbs_debug); Signal(SIGQUIT, abort_bbs_debug); Signal(SIGILL, abort_bbs_debug); Signal(SIGABRT, abort_bbs_debug); Signal(SIGFPE, abort_bbs_debug); Signal(SIGBUS, abort_bbs_debug); Signal(SIGSEGV, abort_bbs_debug); Signal(SIGXCPU, abort_bbs_debug); signal_restart(SIGUSR1, talk_request); signal_restart(SIGUSR2, write_request); dup2(0, 1); do_term_init(); Signal(SIGALRM, abort_bbs); alarm(600); login_query(); /* Ptt 加上login time out */ m_init(); /* init the user mail path */ user_login(); auto_close_polls(); /* 自動開票 */ Signal(SIGALRM, SIG_IGN); main_menu(); } /* 取得 remote user name 以判定身份 */ /* * rfc931() speaks a common subset of the RFC 931, AUTH, TAP, IDENT and RFC * 1413 protocols. It queries an RFC 931 etc. compatible daemon on a remote * host to look up the owner of a connection. The information should not be * used for authentication purposes. This routine intercepts alarm signals. * * Author: Wietse Venema, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands. */ #define RFC931_TIMEOUT 10 #define RFC931_PORT 113 /* Semi-well-known port */ #define ANY_PORT 0 /* Any old port will do */ #if 0 /* timeout - handle timeouts */ static void timeout(int sig) { longjmp(byebye, sig); } #endif static void getremotename(const struct sockaddr_in * from, char *rhost, char *rname) { /* get remote host name */ #ifdef FAST_LOGIN strcpy(rhost, (char *)inet_ntoa(from->sin_addr)); #else struct sockaddr_in our_sin; struct sockaddr_in rmt_sin; unsigned rmt_port, rmt_pt; unsigned our_port, our_pt; FILE *fp; char buffer[512], user[80], *cp; int s; static struct hostent *hp; hp = NULL; if (setjmp(byebye) == 0) { Signal(SIGALRM, timeout); alarm(3); hp = gethostbyaddr((char *)&from->sin_addr, sizeof(struct in_addr), from->sin_family); alarm(0); } strcpy(rhost, hp ? hp->h_name : (char *)inet_ntoa(from->sin_addr)); /* * Use one unbuffered stdio stream for writing to and for reading from * the RFC931 etc. server. This is done because of a bug in the SunOS * 4.1.x stdio library. The bug may live in other stdio implementations, * too. When we use a single, buffered, bidirectional stdio stream ("r+" * or "w+" mode) we read our own output. Such behaviour would make sense * with resources that support random-access operations, but not with * sockets. */ s = sizeof(our_sin); if (getsockname(0, (struct sockaddr *) & our_sin, &s) < 0) return; if ((s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) return; if (!(fp = fdopen(s, "r+"))) { close(s); return; } /* Set up a timer so we won't get stuck while waiting for the server. */ if (setjmp(byebye) == 0) { Signal(SIGALRM, timeout); alarm(RFC931_TIMEOUT); /* * Bind the local and remote ends of the query socket to the same IP * addresses as the connection under investigation. We go through all * this trouble because the local or remote system might have more * than one network address. The RFC931 etc. client sends only port * numbers; the server takes the IP addresses from the query socket. */ our_pt = ntohs(our_sin.sin_port); our_sin.sin_port = htons(ANY_PORT); rmt_sin = *from; rmt_pt = ntohs(rmt_sin.sin_port); rmt_sin.sin_port = htons(RFC931_PORT); setbuf(fp, (char *)0); s = fileno(fp); if (bind(s, (struct sockaddr *) & our_sin, sizeof(our_sin)) >= 0 && connect(s, (struct sockaddr *) & rmt_sin, sizeof(rmt_sin)) >= 0) { /* * Send query to server. Neglect the risk that a 13-byte write * would have to be fragmented by the local system and cause * trouble with buggy System V stdio libraries. */ fprintf(fp, "%u,%u\r\n", rmt_pt, our_pt); fflush(fp); /* * Read response from server. Use fgets()/sscanf() so we can work * around System V stdio libraries that incorrectly assume EOF * when a read from a socket returns less than requested. */ if (fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fp) && !ferror(fp) && !feof(fp) && sscanf(buffer, "%u , %u : USERID :%*[^:]:%79s", &rmt_port, &our_port, user) == 3 && rmt_pt == rmt_port && our_pt == our_port) { /* * Strip trailing carriage return. It is part of the * protocol, not part of the data. */ if ((cp = (char *)strchr(user, '\r'))) *cp = 0; strlcpy(rname, user, sizeof(user)); } } alarm(0); } fclose(fp); #endif } static int bind_port(int port) { int sock, on, sz; struct linger lin; struct sockaddr_in xsin; sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); on = 1; setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char *)&on, sizeof(on)); setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, (char *)&on, sizeof(on)); lin.l_onoff = 0; setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, &lin, sizeof(lin)); sz = 1024; setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, (void*)&sz, sizeof(sz)); sz = 4096; setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, (void*)&sz, sizeof(sz)); xsin.sin_family = AF_INET; xsin.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); xsin.sin_port = htons(port); if (bind(sock, (struct sockaddr *) & xsin, sizeof xsin) < 0) { syslog(LOG_INFO, "bbsd bind_port can't bind to %d", port); exit(1); } if (listen(sock, SOCKET_QLEN) < 0) { syslog(LOG_INFO, "bbsd bind_port can't listen to %d", port); exit(1); } return sock; } /*******************************************************/ static int shell_login(int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[]); static int daemon_login(int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[]); static int check_ban_and_load(int fd); static int check_banip(char *host); int main(int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[]) { start_time = time(NULL); /* avoid SIGPIPE */ Signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); /* avoid erroneous signal from other mbbsd */ Signal(SIGUSR1, SIG_IGN); Signal(SIGUSR2, SIG_IGN); #if defined(__GLIBC__) && defined(CRITICAL_MEMORY) #define MY__MMAP_THRESHOLD (1024 * 8) #define MY__MMAP_MAX (0) #define MY__TRIM_THRESHOLD (1024 * 8) #define MY__TOP_PAD (0) mallopt (M_MMAP_THRESHOLD, MY__MMAP_THRESHOLD); mallopt (M_MMAP_MAX, MY__MMAP_MAX); mallopt (M_TRIM_THRESHOLD, MY__TRIM_THRESHOLD); mallopt (M_TOP_PAD, MY__TOP_PAD); #endif attach_SHM(); if( (argc == 3 && shell_login(argc, argv, envp)) || (argc != 3 && daemon_login(argc, argv, envp)) ) start_client(); return 0; } static int shell_login(int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[]) { int fd; STATINC(STAT_SHELLLOGIN); /* Give up root privileges: no way back from here */ setgid(BBSGID); setuid(BBSUID); chdir(BBSHOME); #if defined(linux) && defined(DEBUG) // mtrace(); #endif use_shell_login_mode = 1; initsetproctitle(argc, argv, envp); snprintf(margs, sizeof(margs), "%s ssh ", argv[0]); /* * copy fromindent: Standard input:1138: Error:Unexpected end of file the * original "bbs" */ if (argc > 1) { strcpy(fromhost, argv[1]); if (argc > 3) strlcpy(remoteusername, argv[3], sizeof(remoteusername)); } close(2); /* don't close fd 1, at least init_tty need it */ if( ((fd = open("log/stderr", O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_APPEND, 0644)) >= 0) && fd != 2 ){ dup2(fd, 2); close(fd); } init_tty(); if (check_ban_and_load(0)) { sleep(10); return 0; } #ifdef DETECT_CLIENT FNV1A_CHAR(123, client_code); #endif return 1; } void telnet_init(void); unsigned int telnet_handler(unsigned char c) ; static int daemon_login(int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[]) { int msock, csock; /* socket for Master and Child */ FILE *fp; int listen_port = 23; int len_of_sock_addr, overloading = 0, i; char buf[256]; #if OVERLOADBLOCKFDS int blockfd[OVERLOADBLOCKFDS]; int nblocked = 0; #endif struct sockaddr_in xsin; xsin.sin_family = AF_INET; /* setup standalone */ start_daemon(); signal_restart(SIGCHLD, reapchild); /* choose port */ if( argc < 2 ) listen_port = 3006; else{ #ifdef NO_FORK listen_port = atoi(argv[1]); #else for( i = 1 ; i < (argc - 1) ; ++i ) switch( fork() ){ case -1: perror("fork()"); break; case 0: goto out; default: break; } out: listen_port = atoi(argv[i]); #endif } /* port binding */ if( (msock = bind_port(listen_port)) < 0 ){ syslog(LOG_INFO, "mbbsd bind_port failed.\n"); exit(1); } /* Give up root privileges: no way back from here */ setgid(BBSGID); setuid(BBSUID); chdir(BBSHOME); /* proctitle */ initsetproctitle(argc, argv, envp); #ifndef VALGRIND snprintf(margs, sizeof(margs), "%s %d ", argv[0], listen_port); setproctitle("%s: listening ", margs); #endif /* It's better to do something before fork */ #ifdef CONVERT big2gb_init(NULL); gb2big_init(NULL); big2uni_init(NULL); uni2big_init(NULL); #endif #ifndef NO_FORK #ifdef PRE_FORK if( listen_port == 23 ){ // only pre-fork in port 23 for( i = 0 ; i < PRE_FORK ; ++i ) if( fork() <= 0 ) break; } #endif #endif snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "run/mbbsd.%d.%d.pid", listen_port, (int)getpid()); if ((fp = fopen(buf, "w"))) { fprintf(fp, "%d\n", (int)getpid()); fclose(fp); } /* main loop */ while( 1 ){ len_of_sock_addr = sizeof(xsin); if( #if defined(Solaris) && __OS_MAJOR_VERSION__ == 5 && __OS_MINOR_VERSION__ < 7 (csock = accept(msock, (struct sockaddr *)&xsin, &len_of_sock_addr)) < 0 #else (csock = accept(msock, (struct sockaddr *)&xsin, (socklen_t *)&len_of_sock_addr)) < 0 #endif ) { if (errno != EINTR) sleep(1); continue; } overloading = check_ban_and_load(csock); #if OVERLOADBLOCKFDS if( (!overloading && nblocked) || (overloading && nblocked == OVERLOADBLOCKFDS) ){ for( i = 0 ; i < OVERLOADBLOCKFDS ; ++i ) if( blockfd[i] != csock && blockfd[i] != msock ) /* blockfd[i] should not be msock, but it happened */ close(blockfd[i]); nblocked = 0; } #endif if( overloading ){ #if OVERLOADBLOCKFDS blockfd[nblocked++] = csock; #else close(csock); #endif continue; } #ifdef NO_FORK break; #else if (fork() == 0) break; else close(csock); #endif } /* here is only child running */ #ifndef VALGRIND setproctitle("%s: ...login wait... ", margs); #endif close(msock); dup2(csock, 0); close(csock); getremotename(&xsin, fromhost, remoteusername); if( check_banip(fromhost) ){ sleep(10); exit(0); } telnet_init(); return 1; } /* * check if we're banning login and if the load is too high. if login is * permitted, return 0; else return -1; approriate message is output to fd. */ static int check_ban_and_load(int fd) { FILE *fp; static time4_t chkload_time = 0; static int overload = 0; /* overload or banned, update every 1 * sec */ static int banned = 0; #ifdef INSCREEN write(fd, INSCREEN, sizeof(INSCREEN)); #else #define BANNER \ "【" BBSNAME "】◎ 台大流行網 ◎(" MYHOSTNAME ") 調幅(" MYIP ") \r\n" write(fd, BANNER, sizeof(BANNER)); #endif if ((time(0) - chkload_time) > 1) { overload = 0; banned = 0; if(cpuload(NULL) > MAX_CPULOAD) overload = 1; else if (SHM->UTMPnumber >= MAX_ACTIVE #ifdef DYMAX_ACTIVE || (SHM->GV2.e.dymaxactive > 2000 && SHM->UTMPnumber >= SHM->GV2.e.dymaxactive) #endif ) { ++SHM->GV2.e.toomanyusers; overload = 2; } else if(!access(BBSHOME "/" BAN_FILE, R_OK)) banned = 1; chkload_time = time(0); } if(overload == 1) write(fd, "系統過載, 請稍後再來\r\n", 22); else if(overload == 2) write(fd, "由於人數過多,請您稍後再來。", 28); else if (banned && (fp = fopen(BBSHOME "/" BAN_FILE, "r"))) { char buf[256]; while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp)) write(fd, buf, strlen(buf)); fclose(fp); } if (banned || overload) return -1; return 0; } static int check_banip(char *host) { unsigned int thisip = 0; char *ptr, *myhost = strdup(host); for( ptr = strtok(myhost, ".") ; ptr != NULL ; ptr = strtok(NULL, ".") ) thisip = thisip * 256 + atoi(ptr); free(myhost); return uintbsearch(thisip, &banip[1], banip[0]) ? 1 : 0; } /* ------- piaip's implementation of TELNET protocol ------- */ enum TELNET_IAC_STATES { IAC_NONE, IAC_COMMAND, IAC_WAIT_OPT, IAC_WAIT_SE, IAC_PROCESS_OPT, IAC_ERROR }; static unsigned char iac_state = 0; /* as byte to reduce memory */ #define TELNET_IAC_MAXLEN (16) /* We don't reply to most commands, so this maxlen can be minimal. * Warning: if you want to support ENV passing or other long commands, * remember to increase this value. Howver, some poorly implemented * terminals like xxMan may not follow the protocols and user will hang * on those terminals when IACs were sent. */ void telnet_init(void) { /* We are the boss. We don't respect to client. * It's client's responsibility to follow us. * Please write these codes in i-dont-care opt handlers. */ const char telnet_init_cmds[] = { /* retrieve terminal type and throw away. * why? because without this, clients enter line mode. */ IAC, DO, TELOPT_TTYPE, IAC, SB, TELOPT_TTYPE, TELQUAL_SEND, IAC, SE, /* i'm a smart term with resize ability. */ IAC, DO, TELOPT_NAWS, /* i will echo. */ IAC, WILL, TELOPT_ECHO, /* supress ga. */ IAC, WILL, TELOPT_SGA, /* 8 bit binary. */ IAC, WILL, TELOPT_BINARY, IAC, DO, TELOPT_BINARY, }; raw_connection = 1; write(0, telnet_init_cmds, sizeof(telnet_init_cmds)); } /* tty_read * read from tty, process telnet commands if raw connection. * return: >0 = length, <=0 means read more, abort/eof is automatically processed. */ ssize_t tty_read(unsigned char *buf, size_t max) { ssize_t l = read(0, buf, max); if(l == 0 || (l < 0 && !(errno == EINTR || errno == EAGAIN))) abort_bbs(0); if(!raw_connection) return l; /* process buffer */ if (l > 0) { unsigned char *buf2 = buf; size_t i = 0, i2 = 0; /* prescan. because IAC is rare, * this cost is worthy. */ if (iac_state == IAC_NONE && memchr(buf, IAC, l) == NULL) return l; /* we have to look into the buffer. */ for (i = 0; i < l; i++, buf++) if(telnet_handler(*buf) == 0) *(buf2++) = *buf; else i2 ++; l = (i2 == l) ? -1L : l - i2; } return l; } /* input: raw character * output: telnet command if c was handled, otherwise zero. */ unsigned int telnet_handler(unsigned char c) { static unsigned char iac_quote = 0; /* as byte to reduce memory */ static unsigned char iac_opt_req = 0; static unsigned char iac_buf[TELNET_IAC_MAXLEN]; static unsigned int iac_buflen = 0; /* we have to quote all IACs. */ if(c == IAC && !iac_quote) { iac_quote = 1; return NOP; } #ifdef DETECT_CLIENT /* hash client telnet sequences */ if(cuser.userid[0]==0) { if(iac_state == IAC_WAIT_SE) { // skip suboption } else { if(iac_quote) FNV1A_CHAR(IAC, client_code); FNV1A_CHAR(c, client_code); } } #endif /* a special case is the top level iac. otherwise, iac is just a quote. */ if (iac_quote) { if(iac_state == IAC_NONE) iac_state = IAC_COMMAND; if(iac_state == IAC_WAIT_SE && c == SE) iac_state = IAC_PROCESS_OPT; iac_quote = 0; } /* now, let's process commands by state */ switch(iac_state) { case IAC_NONE: return 0; case IAC_COMMAND: #ifdef DEBUG { int cx = c; /* to make compiler happy */ write(0, "-", 1); if(TELCMD_OK(cx)) write(0, TELCMD(c), strlen(TELCMD(c))); write(0, " ", 1); } #endif iac_state = IAC_NONE; /* by default we restore state. */ switch(c) { case IAC: return 0; /* we don't want to process these. or maybe in future. */ case BREAK: /* break */ case ABORT: /* Abort process */ case SUSP: /* Suspend process */ case AO: /* abort output--but let prog finish */ case IP: /* interrupt process--permanently */ case EOR: /* end of record (transparent mode) */ case DM: /* data mark--for connect. cleaning */ case xEOF: /* End of file: EOF is already used... */ return NOP; case NOP: /* nop */ return NOP; /* we should process these, but maybe in future. */ case GA: /* you may reverse the line */ case EL: /* erase the current line */ case EC: /* erase the current character */ return NOP; /* good */ case AYT: /* are you there */ { const char *alive = "I'm still alive, loading: "; char buf[STRLEN]; /* respond as fast as we can */ write(0, alive, strlen(alive)); cpuload(buf); write(0, buf, strlen(buf)); write(0, "\r\n", 2); } return NOP; case DONT: /* you are not to use option */ case DO: /* please, you use option */ case WONT: /* I won't use option */ case WILL: /* I will use option */ iac_opt_req = c; iac_state = IAC_WAIT_OPT; return NOP; case SB: /* interpret as subnegotiation */ iac_state = IAC_WAIT_SE; iac_buflen = 0; return NOP; case SE: /* end sub negotiation */ default: return NOP; } return 1; case IAC_WAIT_OPT: #ifdef DEBUG write(0, "-", 1); if(TELOPT_OK(c)) write(0, TELOPT(c), strlen(TELOPT(c))); write(0, " ", 1); #endif iac_state = IAC_NONE; /* * According to RFC, there're some tricky steps to prevent loop. * However because we have a poor term which does not allow * most abilities, let's be a strong boss here. * * Although my old imeplementation worked, it's even better to follow this: * http://www.tcpipguide.com/free/t_TelnetOptionsandOptionNegotiation-3.htm */ switch(c) { /* i-dont-care: i don't care about what client is. * these should be clamed in init and * client must follow me. */ case TELOPT_TTYPE: /* termtype or line. */ case TELOPT_NAWS: /* resize terminal */ case TELOPT_SGA: /* supress GA */ case TELOPT_ECHO: /* echo */ case TELOPT_BINARY: /* we are CJK. */ break; /* i-dont-agree: i don't understand/agree these. * according to RFC, saying NO stopped further * requests so there'll not be endless loop. */ case TELOPT_RCP: /* prepare to reconnect */ default: if (iac_opt_req == WILL || iac_opt_req == DO) { /* unknown option, reply with won't */ unsigned char cmd[3] = { IAC, DONT, 0 }; if(iac_opt_req == DO) cmd[1] = WONT; cmd[2] = c; write(0, cmd, sizeof(cmd)); } break; } return 1; case IAC_WAIT_SE: iac_buf[iac_buflen++] = c; /* no need to convert state because previous quoting will do. */ if(iac_buflen == TELNET_IAC_MAXLEN) { /* may be broken protocol? * whether finished or not, break for safety * or user may be frozen. */ iac_state = IAC_NONE; return 0; } return 1; case IAC_PROCESS_OPT: iac_state = IAC_NONE; #ifdef DEBUG write(0, "-", 1); if(TELOPT_OK(iac_buf[0])) write(0, TELOPT(iac_buf[0]), strlen(TELOPT(iac_buf[0]))); write(0, " ", 1); #endif switch(iac_buf[0]) { /* resize terminal */ case TELOPT_NAWS: { int w = (iac_buf[1] << 8) + (iac_buf[2]); int h = (iac_buf[3] << 8) + (iac_buf[4]); term_resize(w, h); #ifdef DETECT_CLIENT if(cuser.userid[0]==0) { FNV1A_CHAR(iac_buf[0], client_code); if(w==80 && h==24) FNV1A_CHAR(1, client_code); else if(w==80) FNV1A_CHAR(2, client_code); else if(h==24) FNV1A_CHAR(3, client_code); else FNV1A_CHAR(4, client_code); FNV1A_CHAR(IAC, client_code); FNV1A_CHAR(SE, client_code); } #endif } break; default: #ifdef DETECT_CLIENT if(cuser.userid[0]==0) { int i; for(i=0;i