/* $Id: mail.c,v 1.1 2002/03/07 15:13:48 in2 Exp $ */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <string.h> #include "config.h" #include "pttstruct.h" #include "common.h" #include "perm.h" #include "modes.h" #include "proto.h" extern int TagNum; extern int b_lines; /* Screen bottom line number: t_lines-1 */ extern char save_title[]; /* used by editor when inserting */ extern int curredit; extern char *err_uid; extern char *msg_cancel; extern char *msg_uid; extern char *fn_overrides; extern char quote_file[80]; extern char quote_user[80]; extern char *fn_notes; extern char *msg_mailer; extern char *msg_sure_ny; extern char *BBSName; extern char currtitle[44]; extern unsigned char currfmode; /* current file mode */ extern char *msg_del_ny; extern char currfile[FNLEN]; extern int currmode; extern char currboard[]; /* name of currently selected board */ extern char *str_space; extern char *str_author1; extern char *str_author2; extern userinfo_t *currutmp; extern unsigned int currstat; extern pid_t currpid; extern int usernum; extern char *str_mail_address; extern userec_t cuser; char currmaildir[32]; static char msg_cc[] = "\033[32m[�s�զW��]\033[m\n"; static char listfile[] = "list.0"; static int mailkeep = 0, mailsum = 0; static int mailsumlimit = 0,mailmaxkeep = 0; int setforward() { char buf[80], ip[50] = "", yn[4]; FILE *fp; sethomepath(buf, cuser.userid); strcat(buf,"/.forward"); if((fp = fopen(buf,"r"))) { fscanf(fp,"%s",ip); fclose(fp); } getdata_buf(b_lines - 1, 0, "�п�J�H�c�۰���H��email�a�}:", ip, 41, DOECHO); if(ip[0] && ip[0] != ' ') { getdata(b_lines, 0, "�T�w�}�Ҧ۰���H�\\��?(Y/n)", yn, 3, LCECHO); if(yn[0] != 'n' && (fp = fopen(buf, "w"))) { move(b_lines,0); clrtoeol(); fprintf(fp,"%s",ip); fclose(fp); outs("�]�w����!"); refresh(); return 0; } } move(b_lines,0); clrtoeol(); outs("�����۰���H!"); unlink(buf); refresh(); return 0; } int built_mail_index() { char genbuf[128]; getdata(b_lines, 0, "���ثH�c?(ĵ�i:�нT�w�H�c�����D�ɤ~�ϥ�)(y/N)", genbuf, 3, LCECHO); if(genbuf[0] != 'y') return 0; sprintf(genbuf, BBSHOME "/bin/buildir " BBSHOME "/home/%c/%s", cuser.userid[0], cuser.userid); move(22,0); prints("\033[1;31m�w�g�B�z����!! �Ѧh���K �q�Э��~\033[m");pressanykey(); system(genbuf); return 0; } int mailalert(char *userid) { userinfo_t *uentp=NULL; int n,tuid,i; if((tuid=searchuser(userid))==0) return -1; n=count_logins(tuid, 0); for(i=1;i<=n;i++) if((uentp = (userinfo_t *)search_ulistn(tuid, i))) uentp->mailalert=1; return 0; } int mail_muser(userec_t muser, char *title, char *filename) { return mail_id(muser.userid, title, filename, cuser.userid); } /* Heat: ��id�ӱH�H,���e�hlink�dzƦn���ɮ� */ int mail_id(char* id, char *title, char *filename, char *owner) { fileheader_t mhdr; char genbuf[128]; sethomepath(genbuf, id); if(stampfile(genbuf, &mhdr)) return 0; strcpy(mhdr.owner, owner); strncpy(mhdr.title, title, TTLEN); mhdr.savemode = 0; mhdr.filemode = 0; Link(filename, genbuf); sethomedir(genbuf,id); append_record(genbuf, &mhdr, sizeof(mhdr)); mailalert(id); return 0; } int invalidaddr(char *addr) { if(*addr == '\0') return 1; /* blank */ while(*addr) { if(not_alnum(*addr) && !strchr("[].%!@:-_;", *addr)) return 1; addr++; } return 0; } int m_internet() { char receiver[60]; getdata(20, 0, "���H�H�G", receiver, 60, DOECHO); if(strchr(receiver, '@') && !invalidaddr(receiver) && getdata(21, 0, "�D �D�G", save_title, TTLEN, DOECHO)) do_send(receiver, save_title); else { move(22, 0); outs("���H�H�ΥD�D�����T, �Э��s������O"); pressanykey(); } return 0; } void m_init() { sethomedir(currmaildir, cuser.userid); } int chkmailbox() { if(!HAVE_PERM(PERM_SYSOP) && !HAVE_PERM(PERM_MAILLIMIT)) { int max_keepmail = MAX_KEEPMAIL; if ( HAS_PERM(PERM_SYSSUBOP) || HAS_PERM(PERM_SMG) || HAS_PERM(PERM_PRG) || HAS_PERM(PERM_ACTION) || HAS_PERM(PERM_PAINT)) { mailsumlimit = 700; max_keepmail = 500; } else if(HAS_PERM(PERM_BM)) { mailsumlimit = 500; max_keepmail = 300; } else if(HAS_PERM(PERM_LOGINOK)) mailsumlimit = 200; else mailsumlimit = 50; mailsumlimit += cuser.exmailbox * 10; mailmaxkeep = max_keepmail + cuser.exmailbox; m_init(); if((mailkeep = get_num_records(currmaildir, sizeof(fileheader_t))) > mailmaxkeep) { move(b_lines, 0); clrtoeol(); bell(); prints("�z�O�s�H��ƥ� %d �W�X�W�� %d, �о�z", mailkeep, mailmaxkeep); bell(); refresh(); igetch(); return mailkeep; } if((mailsum = get_sum_records(currmaildir, sizeof(fileheader_t))) > mailsumlimit) { move(b_lines, 0); clrtoeol(); bell(); prints("�z�O�s�H��e�q %d(k)�W�X�W�� %d(k), �о�z", mailsum, mailsumlimit); bell(); refresh(); igetch(); return mailkeep; } } return 0; } static void do_hold_mail(char *fpath, char *receiver, char *holder) { char buf[80], title[128]; fileheader_t mymail; sethomepath(buf, holder); stampfile(buf, &mymail); mymail.savemode = 'H'; /* hold-mail flag */ mymail.filemode = FILE_READ; strcpy(mymail.owner, "[��.��.��]"); if(receiver) { sprintf(title, "(%s) %s", receiver, save_title); strncpy(mymail.title, title, TTLEN); } else strcpy(mymail.title, save_title); sethomedir(title, holder); unlink(buf); Link(fpath, buf); /* Ptt: append_record->do_append */ do_append(title, &mymail, sizeof(mymail)); } extern userec_t xuser; void hold_mail(char *fpath, char *receiver) { char buf[4]; getdata(b_lines - 1, 0, "�w���Q�H�X�A�O�_�ۦs���Z(Y/N)�H[N] ", buf, 4, LCECHO); if(buf[0] == 'y') do_hold_mail(fpath, receiver, cuser.userid); } int do_send(char *userid, char *title) { fileheader_t mhdr; char fpath[STRLEN]; char receiver[IDLEN]; char genbuf[200]; int internet_mail, i; if(strchr(userid, '@')) internet_mail = 1; else { internet_mail = 0; if(!getuser(userid)) return -1; if(!(xuser.userlevel & PERM_READMAIL)) return -3; if(!title) getdata(2, 0, "�D�D�G", save_title, TTLEN, DOECHO); curredit |= EDIT_MAIL; curredit &= ~EDIT_ITEM; } setutmpmode(SMAIL); fpath[0] = '\0'; if(internet_mail) { int res, ch; if(vedit(fpath, NA, NULL) == -1) { unlink(fpath); clear(); return -2; } clear(); prints("�H��Y�N�H�� %s\n���D���G%s\n�T�w�n�H�X��? (Y/N) [Y]", userid, title); ch = igetch(); switch(ch) { case 'N': case 'n': outs("N\n�H��w����"); res = -2; break; default: outs("Y\n�еy��, �H��ǻ���...\n"); res = #ifndef USE_BSMTP bbs_sendmail(fpath, title, userid); #else bsmtp(fpath, title, userid,0); #endif hold_mail(fpath, userid); } unlink(fpath); return res; } else { strcpy(receiver, userid); sethomepath(genbuf, userid); stampfile(genbuf, &mhdr); strcpy(mhdr.owner, cuser.userid); strncpy(mhdr.title, save_title, TTLEN); mhdr.savemode = '\0'; if(vedit(genbuf, YEA, NULL) == -1) { unlink(genbuf); clear(); return -2; } clear(); sethomefile(fpath, userid, FN_OVERRIDES); i=belong(fpath, cuser.userid); sethomefile(fpath, userid, FN_REJECT); if(i || !belong(fpath, cuser.userid)) //Ptt:��belong���I�Q�� { sethomedir(fpath, userid); if(append_record(fpath, &mhdr, sizeof(mhdr)) == -1) return -1; mailalert(userid); } hold_mail(genbuf, userid); return 0; } } void my_send(char *uident) { switch(do_send(uident, NULL)) { case -1: outs(err_uid); break; case -2: outs(msg_cancel); break; case -3: prints("�ϥΪ� [%s] �L�k���H", uident); break; } pressanykey(); } int m_send() { char uident[40]; stand_title("�Bť������"); usercomplete(msg_uid, uident); showplans(uident); if(uident[0]) my_send(uident); return 0; } /* �s�ձH�H�B�^�H : multi_send, multi_reply */ extern struct word_t *toplev; static void multi_list(int *reciper) { char uid[16]; char genbuf[200]; while(1) { stand_title("�s�ձH�H�W��"); ShowNameList(3, 0, msg_cc); getdata(1, 0, "(I)�ޤJ�n�� (O)�ޤJ�W�u�q�� (N)�ޤJ�s�峹�q�� " "(0-9)�ޤJ��L�S�O�W��\n" "(A)�W�[ (D)�R�� (M)�T�{�H�H�W�� (Q)���� �H[M]", genbuf, 4, LCECHO); switch(genbuf[0]) { case 'a': while(1) { move(1, 0); usercomplete("�п�J�n�W�[���N��(�u�� ENTER �����s�W): ", uid); if(uid[0] == '\0') break; move(2, 0); clrtoeol(); if(!searchuser(uid)) outs(err_uid); else if(!InNameList(uid)) { AddNameList(uid); (*reciper)++; } ShowNameList(3, 0, msg_cc); } break; case 'd': while(*reciper) { move(1, 0); namecomplete("�п�J�n�R�����N��(�u�� ENTER �����R��): ", uid); if(uid[0] == '\0') break; if(RemoveNameList(uid)) (*reciper)--; ShowNameList(3, 0, msg_cc); } break; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': listfile[5] = genbuf[0]; genbuf[0] = '1'; case 'i': setuserfile(genbuf, genbuf[0] == '1' ? listfile : fn_overrides); ToggleNameList(reciper, genbuf, msg_cc); break; case 'o': setuserfile(genbuf, "alohaed"); ToggleNameList(reciper, genbuf, msg_cc); break; case 'n': setuserfile(genbuf, "postlist"); ToggleNameList(reciper, genbuf, msg_cc); break; case 'q': *reciper = 0; return; default: return; } } } static void multi_send(char *title) { FILE *fp; struct word_t *p; fileheader_t mymail; char fpath[TTLEN], *ptr; int reciper, listing; char genbuf[256]; CreateNameList(); listing = reciper = 0; if(*quote_file) { AddNameList(quote_user); reciper = 1; fp = fopen(quote_file, "r"); while(fgets(genbuf, 256, fp)) { if(strncmp(genbuf, "�� ", 3)) { if(listing) break; } else { if(listing) { strtok(ptr = genbuf + 3, " \n\r"); do { if(searchuser(ptr) && !InNameList(ptr) && strcmp(cuser.userid, ptr)) { AddNameList(ptr); reciper++; } } while((ptr = (char *)strtok(NULL, " \n\r"))); } else if(!strncmp(genbuf + 3, "[�q�i]", 6)) listing = 1; } } ShowNameList(3, 0, msg_cc); } multi_list(&reciper); move(1, 0); clrtobot(); if(reciper) { setutmpmode(SMAIL); if(title) do_reply_title(2, title); else { getdata(2, 0, "�D�D�G", fpath, 64, DOECHO); sprintf(save_title, "[�q�i] %s", fpath); } setuserfile(fpath, fn_notes); if((fp = fopen(fpath, "w"))) { fprintf(fp, "�� [�q�i] �@ %d �H����", reciper); listing = 80; for(p = toplev; p; p = p->next) { reciper = strlen(p->word) + 1; if(listing + reciper > 75) { listing = reciper; fprintf(fp, "\n��"); } else listing += reciper; fprintf(fp, " %s", p->word); } memset(genbuf, '-', 75); genbuf[75] = '\0'; fprintf(fp, "\n%s\n\n", genbuf); fclose(fp); } curredit |= EDIT_LIST; if(vedit(fpath, YEA, NULL) == -1) { unlink(fpath); curredit = 0; outs(msg_cancel); pressanykey(); return; } stand_title("�H�H��..."); refresh(); listing = 80; for(p = toplev; p; p = p->next) { reciper = strlen(p->word) + 1; if(listing + reciper > 75) { listing = reciper; outc('\n'); } else { listing += reciper; outc(' '); } outs(p->word); if(searchuser(p->word) && strcmp(STR_GUEST, p->word) ) sethomepath(genbuf, p->word); else continue; stampfile(genbuf, &mymail); unlink(genbuf); Link(fpath, genbuf); strcpy(mymail.owner, cuser.userid); strcpy(mymail.title, save_title); mymail.savemode = 'M'; /* multi-send flag */ sethomedir(genbuf, p->word); if(append_record(genbuf, &mymail, sizeof(mymail)) == -1) outs(err_uid); mailalert(p->word); } hold_mail(fpath, NULL); unlink(fpath); curredit = 0; } else outs(msg_cancel); pressanykey(); } static int multi_reply(int ent, fileheader_t *fhdr, char *direct) { if(fhdr->savemode != 'M') return mail_reply(ent, fhdr, direct); stand_title("�s�զ^�H"); strcpy(quote_user, fhdr->owner); setuserfile(quote_file, fhdr->filename); multi_send(fhdr->title); return 0; } int mail_list() { stand_title("�s�է@�~"); multi_send(NULL); return 0; } int mail_all() { FILE *fp; fileheader_t mymail; char fpath[TTLEN]; char genbuf[200]; extern struct uhash_t *uhash; int i, unum; char *userid; stand_title("���Ҧ��ϥΪ̪��t�γq�i"); setutmpmode(SMAIL); getdata(2, 0, "�D�D�G", fpath, 64, DOECHO); sprintf(save_title, "[�t�γq�i]\033[1;32m %s\033[m", fpath); setuserfile(fpath, fn_notes); if((fp = fopen(fpath, "w"))) { fprintf(fp, "�� [\033[1m�t�γq�i\033[m] �o�O�ʵ��Ҧ��ϥΪ̪��H\n"); fprintf(fp, "-----------------------------------------------------" "----------------------\n"); fclose(fp); } *quote_file = 0; curredit |= EDIT_MAIL; curredit &= ~EDIT_ITEM; if(vedit(fpath, YEA, NULL) == -1) { curredit = 0; unlink(fpath); outs(msg_cancel); pressanykey(); return 0; } curredit = 0; setutmpmode(MAILALL); stand_title("�H�H��..."); sethomepath(genbuf, cuser.userid); stampfile(genbuf, &mymail); unlink(genbuf); Link(fpath, genbuf); unlink(fpath); strcpy(fpath, genbuf); strcpy(mymail.owner, cuser.userid); /*���� ID*/ strcpy(mymail.title, save_title); mymail.savemode = 0; sethomedir(genbuf, cuser.userid); if(append_record(genbuf, &mymail, sizeof(mymail)) == -1) outs(err_uid); for(unum = uhash->number, i = 0; i < unum; i++) { if(bad_user_id(uhash->userid[i])) continue; /* Ptt */ userid = uhash->userid[i]; if(strcmp(userid,STR_GUEST) && strcmp(userid, "new") && strcmp(userid, cuser.userid)) { sethomepath(genbuf, userid); stampfile(genbuf, &mymail); unlink(genbuf); Link(fpath, genbuf); strcpy(mymail.owner, cuser.userid); strcpy(mymail.title, save_title); mymail.savemode = 0; /* mymail.filemode |= FILE_MARKED; Ptt ���i�令���|mark */ sethomedir(genbuf, userid); if(append_record(genbuf, &mymail, sizeof(mymail)) == -1) outs(err_uid); sprintf(genbuf, "%*s %5d / %5d", IDLEN + 1, userid, i + 1, unum); outmsg(genbuf); refresh(); } } return 0; } int mail_mbox() { char cmd[100]; fileheader_t fhdr; sprintf(cmd, "/tmp/%s.uu", cuser.userid); sprintf(fhdr.title, "%s �p�H���", cuser.userid); doforward(cmd, &fhdr, 'Z'); return 0; } static int m_forward(int ent, fileheader_t *fhdr, char *direct) { char uid[STRLEN]; stand_title("��F�H��"); usercomplete(msg_uid, uid); if(uid[0] == '\0') return FULLUPDATE; strcpy(quote_user, fhdr->owner); setuserfile(quote_file, fhdr->filename); sprintf(save_title, "%.64s (fwd)", fhdr->title); move(1, 0); clrtobot(); prints("��H��: %s\n�� �D: %s\n", uid, save_title); switch(do_send(uid, save_title)) { case -1: outs(err_uid); break; case -2: outs(msg_cancel); break; case -3: prints("�ϥΪ� [%s] �L�k���H", uid); break; } pressanykey(); return FULLUPDATE; } static int delmsgs[128]; static int delcnt; static int mrd; static int read_new_mail(fileheader_t *fptr) { static int idc; char done = NA, delete_it; char fname[256]; char genbuf[4]; if(fptr == NULL) { delcnt = 0; idc = 0; return 0; } idc++; if(fptr->filemode) return 0; clear(); move(10, 0); prints("�z�nŪ�Ӧ�[%s]���T��(%s)�ܡH", fptr->owner, fptr->title); getdata(11, 0, "�бz�T�w(Y/N/Q)?[Y] ", genbuf, 3, DOECHO); if(genbuf[0] == 'q') return QUIT; if(genbuf[0] == 'n') return 0; setuserfile(fname, fptr->filename); fptr->filemode |= FILE_READ; if(substitute_record(currmaildir, fptr, sizeof(*fptr), idc)) return -1; mrd = 1; delete_it = NA; while(!done) { int more_result = more(fname, YEA); switch(more_result) { case 1: return READ_PREV; case 2: return RELATE_PREV; case 3: return READ_NEXT; case 4: return RELATE_NEXT; case 5: return RELATE_FIRST; case 6: return 0; case 7: mail_reply(idc, fptr, currmaildir); return FULLUPDATE; case 8: multi_reply(idc, fptr, currmaildir); return FULLUPDATE; } move(b_lines, 0); clrtoeol(); outs(msg_mailer); refresh(); switch(egetch()) { case 'r': case 'R': mail_reply(idc, fptr, currmaildir); break; case 'x': m_forward(idc, fptr, currmaildir); break; case 'y': multi_reply(idc, fptr, currmaildir); break; case 'd': case 'D': delete_it = YEA; default: done = YEA; } } if(delete_it) { clear(); prints("�R���H��m%s�n", fptr->title); getdata(1, 0, msg_sure_ny, genbuf, 2, LCECHO); if(genbuf[0] == 'y') { unlink(fname); delmsgs[delcnt++] = idc; } } clear(); return 0; } int m_new() { clear(); mrd = 0; setutmpmode(RMAIL); read_new_mail(NULL); clear(); curredit |= EDIT_MAIL; curredit &= ~EDIT_ITEM; if(apply_record(currmaildir, read_new_mail, sizeof(fileheader_t)) == -1) { outs("�S���s�H��F"); pressanykey(); return -1; } curredit = 0; if(delcnt) { while(delcnt--) delete_record(currmaildir, sizeof(fileheader_t), delmsgs[delcnt]); } outs(mrd ? "�H�w�\\��" : "�S���s�H��F"); pressanykey(); return -1; } static void mailtitle() { char buf[256] = ""; showtitle("\0�l����", BBSName); sprintf(buf,"[��]���}[����]���[��]�\\Ū�H�� [R]�^�H [x]��F " "[y]�s�զ^�H [O]���~�H:%s [h]�D�U\n\033[7m" "�s�� �� �� �@ �� �H �� �� �D \033[32m", HAS_PERM(PERM_NOOUTMAIL)? "\033[31m��\033[m":"�}"); outs(buf); buf[0]=0; if(mailsumlimit) { sprintf(buf,"(�e�q:%d/%dk %d/%d�g)", mailsum, mailsumlimit, mailkeep, mailmaxkeep); } sprintf(buf, "%s%*s\033[m", buf, 29 - (int) strlen(buf), ""); outs(buf); } static void maildoent(int num, fileheader_t *ent) { char *title, *mark, color, type = "+ Mm"[ent->filemode]; if (TagNum && !Tagger(atoi(ent->filename + 2), 0, TAG_NIN)) type = 'D'; title = subject(mark = ent->title); if(title == mark) { color = '1'; mark = "��"; } else { color = '3'; mark = "R:"; } if(strncmp(currtitle, title, 40)) prints("%5d %c %-7s%-15.14s%s %.46s\n", num, type, ent->date, ent->owner, mark, title); else prints("%5d %c %-7s%-15.14s\033[1;3%cm%s %.46s\033[0m\n", num, type, ent->date, ent->owner, color, mark, title); } #ifdef POSTBUG extern int bug_possible; #endif static int m_idle(int ent, fileheader_t *fhdr, char *direct) { t_idle(); return FULLUPDATE; } static int mail_del(int ent, fileheader_t *fhdr, char *direct) { char genbuf[200]; if(fhdr->filemode & FILE_MARKED) return DONOTHING; getdata(1, 0, msg_del_ny, genbuf, 3, LCECHO); if(genbuf[0] == 'y') { strcpy(currfile, fhdr->filename); if(!delete_file(direct, sizeof(*fhdr), ent, cmpfilename)) { setdirpath(genbuf, direct, fhdr->filename); unlink(genbuf); if((currmode & MODE_SELECT)) { int now; sethomedir(genbuf, cuser.userid); now = getindex(genbuf, fhdr->filename, sizeof(fileheader_t)); delete_file(genbuf, sizeof(fileheader_t), now, cmpfilename); } return DIRCHANGED; } } return FULLUPDATE; } static int mail_read(int ent, fileheader_t *fhdr, char *direct) { char buf[64]; char done, delete_it, replied; clear(); setdirpath(buf, direct, fhdr->filename); strncpy(currtitle, subject(fhdr->title), 40); done = delete_it = replied = NA; while(!done) { int more_result = more(buf, YEA); if(more_result != -1) { fhdr->filemode |= FILE_READ; if((currmode & MODE_SELECT)) { int now; now = getindex(currmaildir, fhdr->filename, sizeof(fileheader_t)); substitute_record(currmaildir, fhdr, sizeof(*fhdr), now); substitute_record(direct, fhdr, sizeof(*fhdr), ent); } else substitute_record(currmaildir, fhdr, sizeof(*fhdr), ent); } switch(more_result) { case 1: return READ_PREV; case 2: return RELATE_PREV; case 3: return READ_NEXT; case 4: return RELATE_NEXT; case 5: return RELATE_FIRST; case 6: return FULLUPDATE; case 7: mail_reply(ent, fhdr, direct); return FULLUPDATE; case 8: multi_reply(ent, fhdr, direct); return FULLUPDATE; } move(b_lines, 0); clrtoeol(); refresh(); outs(msg_mailer); switch(egetch()) { case 'r': case 'R': replied = YEA; mail_reply(ent, fhdr, direct); break; case 'x': m_forward(ent, fhdr, direct); break; case 'y': multi_reply(ent, fhdr, direct); break; case 'd': delete_it = YEA; default: done = YEA; } } if(delete_it) mail_del(ent, fhdr, direct); else { fhdr->filemode |= FILE_READ; #ifdef POSTBUG if(replied) bug_possible = YEA; #endif if((currmode & MODE_SELECT)) { int now; now = getindex(currmaildir, fhdr->filename, sizeof(fileheader_t)); substitute_record(currmaildir, fhdr, sizeof(*fhdr), now); substitute_record(direct, fhdr, sizeof(*fhdr), ent); } else substitute_record(currmaildir, fhdr, sizeof(*fhdr), ent); #ifdef POSTBUG bug_possible = NA; #endif } return FULLUPDATE; } /* in boards/mail �^�H����@�̡A��H����i */ int mail_reply(int ent, fileheader_t *fhdr, char *direct) { char uid[STRLEN]; char *t; FILE *fp; char genbuf[512]; stand_title("�^ �H"); /* �P�_�O boards �� mail */ if(curredit & EDIT_MAIL) setuserfile(quote_file, fhdr->filename); else setbfile(quote_file, currboard, fhdr->filename); /* find the author */ strcpy(quote_user, fhdr->owner); if(strchr(quote_user, '.')) { genbuf[0] = '\0'; if((fp = fopen(quote_file, "r"))) { fgets(genbuf, 512, fp); fclose(fp); } t = strtok(genbuf, str_space); if(!strcmp(t, str_author1) || !strcmp(t, str_author2)) strcpy(uid, strtok(NULL, str_space)); else { outs("���~: �䤣��@�̡C"); pressanykey(); return FULLUPDATE; } } else strcpy(uid, quote_user); /* make the title */ do_reply_title(3, fhdr->title); prints("\n���H�H: %s\n�� �D: %s\n", uid, save_title); /* edit, then send the mail */ ent = curredit; switch(do_send(uid, save_title)) { case -1: outs(err_uid); break; case -2: outs(msg_cancel); break; case -3: prints("�ϥΪ� [%s] �L�k���H", uid); break; } curredit = ent; pressanykey(); return FULLUPDATE; } static int mail_edit(int ent, fileheader_t *fhdr, char *direct) { char genbuf[200]; if(!HAS_PERM(PERM_SYSOP) && strcmp(cuser.userid, fhdr->owner) && strcmp("[��.��.��]", fhdr->owner)) return DONOTHING; setdirpath(genbuf, direct, fhdr->filename); vedit(genbuf, NA, NULL); return FULLUPDATE; } static int mail_nooutmail(int ent, fileheader_t *fhdr, char *direct) { cuser.userlevel ^= PERM_NOOUTMAIL; passwd_update(usernum, &cuser); return FULLUPDATE; } static int mail_mark(int ent, fileheader_t *fhdr, char *direct) { fhdr->filemode ^= FILE_MARKED; if((currmode & MODE_SELECT)) { int now; now = getindex(currmaildir, fhdr->filename, sizeof(fileheader_t)); substitute_record(currmaildir, fhdr, sizeof(*fhdr), now); substitute_record(direct, fhdr, sizeof(*fhdr), ent); } else substitute_record(currmaildir, fhdr, sizeof(*fhdr), ent); return PART_REDRAW; } /* help for mail reading */ static char *mail_help[] = { "\0�q�l�H�c�ާ@����", "\01�R�O", "(p)(��) �e�@�g�峹", "(n)(��) �U�@�g�峹", "(P)(PgUp) �e�@��", "(N)(PgDn) �U�@��", "(##)(cr) ����� ## ��", "($) ����̫�@��", "\01�i���R�O", "(r)(��)/(R)Ū�H / �^�H", "(O) ����/�}�� ���~�H����J", "(c/z) ���J���H��i�J�p�H�H��/�i�J�p�H�H��", "(x/X) ��F�H��/����峹���L�ݪO", "(y) �s�զ^�H", "(F) �N�H�ǰe�^�z���q�l�H�c (u)���y��z�H�^�H�c", "(d) �������H", "(D) �������w�d�H", "(m) �N�H�аO�A�H���Q�M��", "(^G) �ߧY���ثH�c (�H�c���l�ɥ�)", "(t) �аO���R���H��", "(^D) �R���w�аO�H��", NULL }; static int m_help() { show_help(mail_help); return FULLUPDATE; } static int mail_cross_post(int ent, fileheader_t *fhdr, char *direct) { char xboard[20], fname[80], xfpath[80], xtitle[80], inputbuf[10]; fileheader_t xfile; FILE *xptr; int author = 0; char genbuf[200]; char genbuf2[4]; make_blist(); move(2, 0); clrtoeol(); move(3, 0); clrtoeol(); move(1, 0); namecomplete("������峹��ݪO�G", xboard); if(*xboard == '\0' || !haspostperm(xboard)) return FULLUPDATE; ent = 1; if(HAS_PERM(PERM_SYSOP) || !strcmp(fhdr->owner, cuser.userid)) { getdata(2, 0, "(1)������ (2)������榡�H[1] ", genbuf, 3, DOECHO); if(genbuf[0] != '2') { ent = 0; getdata(2, 0, "�O�d��@�̦W�ٶ�?[Y] ", inputbuf, 3, DOECHO); if(inputbuf[0] != 'n' && inputbuf[0] != 'N') author = 1; } } if(ent) sprintf(xtitle, "[���]%.66s", fhdr->title); else strcpy(xtitle, fhdr->title); sprintf(genbuf, "�ĥέ���D�m%.60s�n��?[Y] ", xtitle); getdata(2, 0, genbuf, genbuf2, 4, LCECHO); if(*genbuf2 == 'n') if(getdata(2, 0, "���D�G", genbuf, TTLEN, DOECHO)) strcpy(xtitle, genbuf); getdata(2, 0, "(S)�s�� (L)���� (Q)�����H[Q] ", genbuf, 3, LCECHO); if(genbuf[0] == 'l' || genbuf[0] == 's') { int currmode0 = currmode; currmode = 0; setbpath(xfpath, xboard); stampfile(xfpath, &xfile); if(author) strcpy(xfile.owner, fhdr->owner); else strcpy(xfile.owner, cuser.userid); strcpy(xfile.title, xtitle); if(genbuf[0] == 'l') { xfile.savemode = 'L'; xfile.filemode = FILE_LOCAL; } else xfile.savemode = 'S'; setuserfile(fname, fhdr->filename); if(ent) { xptr = fopen(xfpath, "w"); strcpy(save_title, xfile.title); strcpy(xfpath, currboard); strcpy(currboard, xboard); write_header(xptr); strcpy(currboard, xfpath); fprintf(xptr, "�� [��������� %s �H�c]\n\n", cuser.userid); b_suckinfile(xptr, fname); addsignature(xptr,0); fclose(xptr); } else { unlink(xfpath); Link(fname, xfpath); } setbdir(fname, xboard); append_record(fname, &xfile, sizeof(xfile)); setbtotal(getbnum(xboard)); if(!xfile.filemode) outgo_post(&xfile, xboard); cuser.numposts++; passwd_update(usernum, &cuser); outs("�峹�������"); pressanykey(); currmode = currmode0; } return FULLUPDATE; } int mail_man() { char buf[64],buf1[64]; if (HAS_PERM(PERM_MAILLIMIT)) { int mode0 = currutmp->mode; int stat0 = currstat; sethomeman(buf, cuser.userid); sprintf(buf1, "%s ���H��", cuser.userid); a_menu(buf1, buf, 1); currutmp->mode = mode0; currstat = stat0; return FULLUPDATE; } return DONOTHING; } static int mail_cite(int ent, fileheader_t *fhdr, char *direct) { char fpath[256]; char title[TTLEN + 1]; static char xboard[20]; char buf[20]; boardheader_t *bp; setuserfile(fpath, fhdr->filename); strcpy(title, "�� "); strncpy(title+3, fhdr->title, TTLEN-3); title[TTLEN] = '\0'; a_copyitem(fpath, title, 0, 1); if(cuser.userlevel >= PERM_BM) { move(2, 0); clrtoeol(); move(3, 0); clrtoeol(); move(1, 0); make_blist(); namecomplete("��J�ݪ��W�� (����Enter�i�J�p�H�H��)�G", buf); if(*buf) strcpy(xboard, buf); if(*xboard && (bp = getbcache(getbnum(xboard)))) { setapath(fpath, xboard); setutmpmode(ANNOUNCE); a_menu(xboard, fpath, HAS_PERM(PERM_ALLBOARD) ? 2 : is_BM(bp->BM) ? 1 : 0); } else { mail_man(); } return FULLUPDATE; } else { mail_man(); return FULLUPDATE; } } static int mail_save(int ent, fileheader_t *fhdr, char *direct) { char fpath[256]; char title[TTLEN+1]; if(HAS_PERM(PERM_MAILLIMIT)) { setuserfile(fpath, fhdr->filename); strcpy(title, "�� "); strncpy(title + 3, fhdr->title, TTLEN - 3); title[TTLEN] = '\0'; a_copyitem(fpath, title, fhdr->owner, 1); sethomeman(fpath, cuser.userid); a_menu(cuser.userid, fpath, 1); return FULLUPDATE; } return DONOTHING; } #ifdef OUTJOBSPOOL static int mail_waterball(int ent, fileheader_t *fhdr, char *direct) { static char address[60], cmode = 1; char fname[500], genbuf[200]; FILE *fp; int now; if(!address[0]) strcpy(address, cuser.email); if(address[0]) { sprintf(genbuf, "�H�� [%s] ��(Y/N/Q)�H[Y] ", address); getdata(b_lines - 2, 0, genbuf, fname, 3, LCECHO); if(fname[0] == 'q') { outmsg("�����B�z"); return 1; } if(fname[0] == 'n') address[0] = '\0'; } if(!address[0]) { getdata(b_lines - 2, 0, "�п�J�l��a�}�G", fname, 60, DOECHO); if(fname[0] && strchr(fname, '.')) { strcpy(address, fname); } else { outmsg("�����B�z"); return 1; } } if(invalidaddr(address)) return -2; // sprintf(fname, "%d\n", cmode); getdata(b_lines - 1, 0, "�ϥμҦ�(0/1)? [1]", fname, 3, LCECHO); cmode = (fname[0] != '0' && fname[0] != '1') ? 1 : fname[0] - '0'; now = time(NULL); sprintf(fname, BBSHOME "/jobspool/water.src.%s-%d", cuser.userid, now); sprintf(genbuf, "cp " BBSHOME "/home/%c/%s/%s %s", cuser.userid[0], cuser.userid, fhdr->filename, fname); system(genbuf); /* dirty code ;x */ sprintf(fname, BBSHOME "/jobspool/water.des.%s-%d", cuser.userid, now); fp = fopen(fname, "wt"); fprintf(fp, "%s\n%s\n%d\n", cuser.userid, address, cmode); fclose(fp); return FULLUPDATE; } #endif static struct onekey_t mail_comms[] = { {'z', mail_man}, {'c', mail_cite}, {'s', mail_save}, {'d', mail_del}, {'D', del_range}, {'r', mail_read}, {'R', mail_reply}, {'E', mail_edit}, {'m', mail_mark}, {'O', mail_nooutmail}, {'T', edit_title}, {'x', m_forward}, {'X', mail_cross_post}, {Ctrl('G'), built_mail_index}, /* �H�c */ {'y', multi_reply}, {Ctrl('I'), m_idle}, {'h', m_help}, #ifdef OUTJOBSPOOL {'u', mail_waterball}, #endif {'\0', NULL} }; int m_read() { if(get_num_records(currmaildir, sizeof(fileheader_t))) { curredit = EDIT_MAIL; curredit &= ~EDIT_ITEM; i_read(RMAIL, currmaildir, mailtitle, maildoent, mail_comms, -1); curredit = 0; currutmp->mailalert = load_mailalert(cuser.userid); return 0; } else { outs("�z�S���ӫH"); return XEASY; } } /* �H�����H */ static int send_inner_mail(char *fpath, char *title, char *receiver) { char genbuf[256]; fileheader_t mymail; if(!searchuser(receiver)) return -2; sethomepath(genbuf, receiver); stampfile(genbuf, &mymail); if(!strcmp(receiver, cuser.userid)) { strcpy(mymail.owner, "[" BBSNAME "]"); mymail.filemode = FILE_READ; } else strcpy(mymail.owner, cuser.userid); strncpy(mymail.title, title, TTLEN); unlink(genbuf); Link(fpath, genbuf); sethomedir(genbuf, receiver); return do_append(genbuf, &mymail, sizeof(mymail)); } #include <netdb.h> #include <pwd.h> #include <time.h> #ifndef USE_BSMTP static int bbs_sendmail(char *fpath, char *title, char *receiver) { static int configured = 0; static char myhostname[STRLEN]; static char myusername[20]; struct hostent *hbuf; struct passwd *pbuf; char *ptr; char genbuf[256]; FILE *fin, *fout; /* ���~�d�I */ if((ptr = strchr(receiver, ';'))) { struct tm *ptime; time_t now; *ptr = '\0'; } if((ptr = strstr(receiver, str_mail_address)) || !strchr(receiver,'@')) { char hacker[20]; int len; if(strchr(receiver,'@')) { len = ptr - receiver; memcpy(hacker, receiver, len); hacker[len] = '\0'; } else strcpy(hacker,receiver); return send_inner_mail(fpath, title, hacker); } /* setup the hostname and username */ if(!configured) { /* get host name */ hbuf = gethostbyname("localhost"); if(hbuf) strncpy(myhostname, hbuf->h_name, STRLEN); /* get bbs uident */ pbuf = getpwuid(getuid()); if(pbuf) strncpy(myusername, pbuf->pw_name, 20); if(hbuf && pbuf) configured = 1; else return -1; } /* Running the sendmail */ if(fpath == NULL) { sprintf(genbuf, "/usr/sbin/sendmail %s > /dev/null", receiver); fin = fopen("etc/confirm", "r"); } else { sprintf(genbuf, "/usr/sbin/sendmail -f %s%s %s > /dev/null", cuser.userid, str_mail_address, receiver); fin = fopen(fpath, "r"); } fout = popen(genbuf, "w"); if(fin == NULL || fout == NULL) return -1; if(fpath) fprintf(fout, "Reply-To: %s%s\nFrom: %s%s\n", cuser.userid, str_mail_address, cuser.userid, str_mail_address); fprintf(fout, "To: %s\nSubject: %s\n", receiver, title); fprintf(fout, "X-Disclaimer: " BBSNAME "�糧�H���e�����t�d�C\n\n"); while(fgets(genbuf, 255, fin)) { if(genbuf[0] == '.' && genbuf[1] == '\n') fputs(". \n", fout); else fputs(genbuf, fout); } fclose(fin); fprintf(fout, ".\n"); pclose(fout); return 0; } #else /* USE_BSMTP */ int bsmtp(char *fpath, char *title, char *rcpt, int method) { char buf[80], *ptr; time_t chrono; MailQueue mqueue; /* check if the mail is a inner mail */ if((ptr = strstr(rcpt, str_mail_address)) || !strchr(rcpt, '@')) { char hacker[20]; int len; if(strchr(rcpt,'@')) { len = ptr - rcpt; memcpy(hacker, rcpt, len); hacker[len] = '\0'; } else strcpy(hacker, rcpt); return send_inner_mail(fpath, title, hacker); } chrono = time(NULL); if(method != MQ_JUSTIFY) { /* �{�ҫH */ /* stamp the queue file */ strcpy(buf, "out/"); for(;;) { sprintf(buf + 4,"M.%ld.A", ++chrono); if(!dashf(buf)) { Link(fpath, buf); break; } } fpath = buf; strcpy(mqueue.filepath, fpath); strcpy(mqueue.subject, title); } /* setup mail queue */ mqueue.mailtime = chrono; mqueue.method = method; strcpy(mqueue.sender, cuser.userid); strcpy(mqueue.username, cuser.username); strcpy(mqueue.rcpt, rcpt); if(do_append("out/.DIR", (fileheader_t *)&mqueue, sizeof(mqueue)) < 0) return 0; return chrono; } #endif /* USE_BSMTP */ int doforward(char *direct, fileheader_t *fh, int mode) { static char address[60]; char fname[500]; int return_no; char genbuf[200]; if(!address[0]) strcpy(address, cuser.email); if(address[0]) { sprintf(genbuf, "�T�w��H�� [%s] ��(Y/N/Q)�H[Y] ", address); getdata(b_lines - 1, 0, genbuf, fname, 3, LCECHO); if(fname[0] == 'q') { outmsg("������H"); return 1; } if(fname[0] == 'n') address[0] = '\0'; } if(!address[0]) { do{ getdata(b_lines - 1, 0, "�п�J��H�a�}�G", fname, 60, DOECHO); if(fname[0]) { if(strchr(fname, '.')) strcpy(address, fname); else sprintf(address, "%s.bbs@%s", fname, MYHOSTNAME); } else { outmsg("������H"); return 1; } }while(mode=='Z' && strstr(address, MYHOSTNAME)); } if(invalidaddr(address)) return -2; sprintf(fname, "����H�� %s, �еy��...", address); outmsg(fname); move(b_lines - 1, 0); refresh(); /* �l�ܨϥΪ� */ if(HAS_PERM(PERM_LOGUSER)) { time_t now = time(NULL); char msg[200]; sprintf(msg, "%s mailforward to %s at %s", cuser.userid, address, Cdate(&now)); log_user(msg); } if(mode == 'Z') { sprintf(fname, TAR_PATH " cfz - home/%c/%s | " "/usr/bin/uuencode %s.tgz > %s", cuser.userid[0], cuser.userid, cuser.userid, direct); system(fname); strcpy(fname, direct); } else if(mode == 'U') { char tmp_buf[128]; sprintf(fname, "/tmp/bbs.uu%05d", currpid); sprintf(tmp_buf, "/usr/bin/uuencode %s/%s uu.%05d > %s", direct, fh->filename, currpid, fname); system(tmp_buf); } else if (mode == 'F'){ char tmp_buf[128]; sprintf(fname, "/tmp/bbs.f%05d", currpid); sprintf(tmp_buf, "cp %s/%s %s",direct,fh->filename,fname); system(tmp_buf); } else return -1; return_no = #ifndef USE_BSMTP bbs_sendmail(fname, fh->title, address); #else bsmtp(fname, fh->title, address,mode); #endif unlink(fname); return (return_no); } int load_mailalert(char *userid) { struct stat st; char maildir[256]; int fd; register int numfiles; fileheader_t my_mail; sethomedir(maildir, userid); if(!HAS_PERM(PERM_BASIC)) return 0; if(stat(maildir, &st) < 0) return 0; numfiles = st.st_size / sizeof(fileheader_t); if(numfiles <= 0) return 0; /* �ݬݦ��S���H���٨SŪ�L�H�q�ɧ��^�Y�ˬd�A�IJv���� */ if((fd = open(maildir, O_RDONLY)) > 0) { lseek(fd, st.st_size - sizeof(fileheader_t), SEEK_SET); while(numfiles--) { read(fd, &my_mail, sizeof(fileheader_t)); if(!(my_mail.filemode & FILE_READ)) { close(fd); return 1; } lseek(fd, -(off_t)2 * sizeof(fileheader_t), SEEK_CUR); } close(fd); } return 0; } #ifdef EMAIL_JUSTIFY static void mail_justify(userec_t muser) { fileheader_t mhdr; char title[128], buf1[80]; FILE* fp; sethomepath(buf1, muser.userid); stampfile(buf1, &mhdr); unlink(buf1); strcpy(mhdr.owner, cuser.userid); strncpy(mhdr.title, "[�f�ֳq�L]", TTLEN); mhdr.savemode = 0; mhdr.filemode = 0; if(valid_ident(muser.email) && !invalidaddr(muser.email)) { char title[80], *ptr; unsigned short checksum; /* 16-bit is enough */ char ch; checksum = searchuser(muser.userid); ptr = muser.email; while((ch = *ptr++)) { if(ch <= ' ') break; if(ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') ch |= 0x20; checksum = (checksum << 1) ^ ch; } sprintf(title, "[PTT BBS]To %s(%d:%d) [User Justify]", muser.userid, getuser(muser.userid) + MAGIC_KEY, checksum); if( #ifndef USE_BSMTP bbs_sendmail(NULL, title, muser.email) #else bsmtp(NULL, title, muser.email, MQ_JUSTIFY); #endif < 0) Link("etc/bademail", buf1); else Link("etc/replyemail", buf1); } else Link("etc/bademail", buf1); sethomedir(title, muser.userid); append_record(title, &mhdr, sizeof(mhdr)); } #endif /* EMAIL_JUSTIFY */