/* $Id$ */ #include "bbs.h" #include "gomo.h" #define QCAST int (*)(const void *, const void *) #define BOARD_LINE_ON_SCREEN(X) ((X) + 2) static const char* turn_color[] = { ANSI_COLOR(37;43), ANSI_COLOR(30;43) }; enum Turn { WHT = 0, BLK }; typedef struct { ChessStepType type; /* necessary one */ int color; rc_t loc; } gomo_step_t; typedef char board_t[BRDSIZ][BRDSIZ]; typedef char (*board_p)[BRDSIZ]; #if 0 #define move(y,x) move(y, (x) + ((y) < 2 || (y) > 16 ? 0 : \ (x) > 35 ? 11 : 8)) #endif static void gomo_init_user(const userinfo_t* uinfo, ChessUser* user); static void gomo_init_board(board_t board); static void gomo_drawline(const ChessInfo* info, int line); static void gomo_movecur(int r, int c); static void gomo_prepare_play(ChessInfo* info); static int gomo_select(ChessInfo* info, rc_t location, ChessGameResult* result); static void gomo_prepare_step(ChessInfo* info, const gomo_step_t* step); static ChessGameResult gomo_apply_step(board_t board, const gomo_step_t* step); static void gomo_drawstep(ChessInfo* info, const gomo_step_t* step); static void gomo_gameend(ChessInfo* info, ChessGameResult result); static void gomo_genlog(ChessInfo* info, FILE* fp, ChessGameResult result); ChessActions gomo_actions = { &gomo_init_user, (void (*)(void*)) &gomo_init_board, &gomo_drawline, &gomo_movecur, &gomo_prepare_play, &gomo_select, (void (*)(ChessInfo*, const void*)) &gomo_prepare_step, (ChessGameResult (*)(void*, const void*)) &gomo_apply_step, (void (*)(ChessInfo*, const void*)) &gomo_drawstep, &gomo_gameend, &gomo_genlog }; ChessConstants gomo_constants = { sizeof(gomo_step_t), MAX_TIME, BRDSIZ, BRDSIZ, "五子棋", "photo_fivechess", #ifdef GLOBAL_FIVECHESS_LOG GLOBAL_FIVECHESS_LOG, #else NULL, #endif { ANSI_COLOR(37;43), ANSI_COLOR(30;43) }, { "白棋", "黑棋, 有禁手" }, }; /* pattern and advance map */ static int intrevcmp(const void *a, const void *b) { return (*(int *)b - *(int *)a); } // 以 (x,y) 為起點, 方向 (dx,dy), 傳回以 bit 表示相鄰哪幾格有子 // 如 10111 表示該方向相鄰 1,2,3 有子, 4 空地 // 最高位 1 表示對方的子, 或是牆 /* x,y: 0..BRDSIZ-1 ; color: CBLACK,CWHITE ; dx,dy: -1,0,+1 */ static int gomo_getindex(board_t ku, int x, int y, int color, int dx, int dy) { int i, k, n; for (n = -1, i = 0, k = 1; i < 5; i++, k*=2) { x += dx; y += dy; if ((x < 0) || (x >= BRDSIZ) || (y < 0) || (y >= BRDSIZ)) { n += k; break; } else if (ku[x][y] != BBLANK) { n += k; if (ku[x][y] != color) break; } } if (i >= 5) n += k; return n; } ChessGameResult chkwin(int style, int limit) { if (style == 0x0c) return CHESS_RESULT_WIN; else if (limit == 0) { if (style == 0x0b) return CHESS_RESULT_WIN; return CHESS_RESULT_CONTINUE; } if ((style < 0x0c) && (style > 0x07)) return CHESS_RESULT_LOST; return CHESS_RESULT_CONTINUE; } static int getstyle(board_t ku, int x, int y, int color, int limit); /* x,y: 0..BRDSIZ-1 ; color: CBLACK,CWHITE ; limit:1,0 ; dx,dy: 0,1 */ static int dirchk(board_t ku, int x, int y, int color, int limit, int dx, int dy) { int le, ri, loc, style = 0; le = gomo_getindex(ku, x, y, color, -dx, -dy); ri = gomo_getindex(ku, x, y, color, dx, dy); loc = (le > ri) ? (((le * (le + 1)) >> 1) + ri) : (((ri * (ri + 1)) >> 1) + le); style = pat_gomoku[loc]; if (limit == 0) return (style & 0x0f); style >>= 4; if ((style == 3) || (style == 2)) { int i, n = 0, tmp, nx, ny; n = adv_gomoku[loc / 2]; if(loc%2==0) n/=16; else n%=16; ku[x][y] = color; for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if ((tmp = (i == 0) ? (-(n >> 2)) : (n & 3)) != 0) { nx = x + (le > ri ? 1 : -1) * tmp * dx; ny = y + (le > ri ? 1 : -1) * tmp * dy; if ((dirchk(ku, nx, ny, color, 0, dx, dy) == 0x06) && (chkwin(getstyle(ku, nx, ny, color, limit), limit) >= 0)) break; } } if (i >= 2) style = 0; ku[x][y] = BBLANK; } return style; } /* 例外=F 錯誤=E 有子=D 連五=C 連六=B 雙四=A 四四=9 三三=8 */ /* 四三=7 活四=6 斷四=5 死四=4 活三=3 斷三=2 保留=1 無效=0 */ /* x,y: 0..BRDSIZ-1 ; color: CBLACK,CWHITE ; limit: 1,0 */ static int getstyle(board_t ku, int x, int y, int color, int limit) { int i, j, dir[4], style; if ((x < 0) || (x >= BRDSIZ) || (y < 0) || (y >= BRDSIZ)) return 0x0f; if (ku[x][y] != BBLANK) return 0x0d; // (-1,1), (0,1), (1,0), (1,1) for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) dir[i] = dirchk(ku, x, y, color, limit, i ? (i >> 1) : -1, i ? (i & 1) : 1); qsort(dir, 4, sizeof(int), (QCAST)intrevcmp); if ((style = dir[0]) >= 2) { for (i = 1, j = 6 + (limit ? 1 : 0); i < 4; i++) { if ((style > j) || (dir[i] < 2)) break; if (dir[i] > 3) style = 9; else if ((style < 7) && (style > 3)) style = 7; else style = 8; } } return style; } static char* gomo_move_warn(int style, char buf[]) { char *xtype[] = { ANSI_COLOR(1;31) "跳三" ANSI_RESET, ANSI_COLOR(1;31) "活三" ANSI_RESET, ANSI_COLOR(1;31) "死四" ANSI_RESET, ANSI_COLOR(1;31) "跳四" ANSI_RESET, ANSI_COLOR(1;31) "活四" ANSI_RESET, ANSI_COLOR(1;31) "四三" ANSI_RESET, ANSI_COLOR(1;31) "雙三" ANSI_RESET, ANSI_COLOR(1;31) "雙四" ANSI_RESET, ANSI_COLOR(1;31) "雙四" ANSI_RESET, ANSI_COLOR(1;31) "連六" ANSI_RESET, ANSI_COLOR(1;31) "連五" ANSI_RESET }; if (style > 1 && style < 13) return strcpy(buf, xtype[style - 2]); else return NULL; } static void gomoku_usr_put(userec_t* userec, const ChessUser* user) { userec->five_win = user->win; userec->five_lose = user->lose; userec->five_tie = user->tie; } static char* gomo_getstep(const gomo_step_t* step, char buf[]) { const static char* const ColName = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMN"; const static char* const RawName = "151413121110987654321"; const static int ansi_length = sizeof(ANSI_COLOR(30;43)) - 1; strcpy(buf, turn_color[step->color]); buf[ansi_length ] = ColName[step->loc.c * 2]; buf[ansi_length + 1] = ColName[step->loc.c * 2 + 1]; buf[ansi_length + 2] = RawName[step->loc.r * 2]; buf[ansi_length + 3] = RawName[step->loc.r * 2 + 1]; strcpy(buf + ansi_length + 4, ANSI_RESET); return buf; } static void gomo_init_user(const userinfo_t* uinfo, ChessUser* user) { strlcpy(user->userid, uinfo->userid, sizeof(user->userid)); user->win = uinfo->five_win; user->lose = uinfo->five_lose; user->tie = uinfo->five_tie; } static void gomo_init_user_userec(const userec_t* urec, ChessUser* user) { strlcpy(user->userid, urec->userid, sizeof(user->userid)); user->win = urec->five_win; user->lose = urec->five_lose; user->tie = urec->five_tie; } static void gomo_init_board(board_t board) { memset(board, 0xff, sizeof(board_t)); } static void gomo_drawline(const ChessInfo* info, int line) { const static char* const BoardPic[] = { "┌", "┬", "┐", "├", "┼", "┤", "└", "┴", "┘" }; const static int BoardPicIndex[] = { 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2 }; board_p board = (board_p) info->board; move(line, 0); clrtoeol(); if (line == 0) { prints(ANSI_COLOR(1;46) " 五子棋對戰 " ANSI_COLOR(45) "%30s VS %-20s%10s" ANSI_RESET, info->user1.userid, info->user2.userid, info->mode == CHESS_MODE_WATCH ? "[觀棋模式]" : ""); } else if (line == 1) { outs(" A B C D E F G H I J K L M N"); } else if (line >= 2 && line <= 16) { const int board_line = line - 2; const char* const* const pics = board_line == 0 ? &BoardPic[0] : board_line == 14 ? &BoardPic[6] : &BoardPic[3]; int i; prints("%3d" ANSI_COLOR(30;43), 17 - line); for (i = 0; i < 15; ++i) if (board[board_line][i] == -1) outs(pics[BoardPicIndex[i]]); else outs(bw_chess[(int) board[board_line][i]]); outs(ANSI_RESET); } else if (line >= 17 && line <= 23) prints("%33s", ""); ChessDrawExtraInfo(info, line); } static void gomo_movecur(int r, int c) { move(r + 2, c * 2 + 3); } static void gomo_prepare_play(ChessInfo* info) { if (!gomo_move_warn(*(int*) info->tag, info->warnmsg)) info->warnmsg[0] = 0; } static int gomo_select(ChessInfo* info, rc_t location, ChessGameResult* result) { board_p board = (board_p) info->board; gomo_step_t step; if(board[location.r][location.c] != BBLANK) return 0; *(int*) info->tag = getstyle(board, location.r, location.c, info->turn, info->turn == BLK); *result = chkwin(*(int*) info->tag, info->turn == BLK); board[location.r][location.c] = info->turn; step.type = CHESS_STEP_NORMAL; step.color = info->turn; step.loc = location; gomo_getstep(&step, info->last_movestr); ChessHistoryAppend(info, &step); ChessStepSend(info, &step); gomo_drawstep(info, &step); return 1; } static void gomo_prepare_step(ChessInfo* info, const gomo_step_t* step) { if (step->type == CHESS_STEP_NORMAL) { gomo_getstep(step, info->last_movestr); *(int*) info->tag = getstyle(info->board, step->loc.r, step->loc.c, step->color, step->color == BLK); info->cursor = step->loc; } } static ChessGameResult gomo_apply_step(board_t board, const gomo_step_t* step) { int style; style = getstyle(board, step->loc.r, step->loc.c, step->color, step->color == BLK); board[step->loc.r][step->loc.c] = step->color; return chkwin(style, step->color == BLK); } static void gomo_drawstep(ChessInfo* info, const gomo_step_t* step) { ChessDrawLine(info, BOARD_LINE_ON_SCREEN(step->loc.r)); } static void gomo_gameend(ChessInfo* info, ChessGameResult result) { if (info->mode == CHESS_MODE_VERSUS) { ChessUser* const user1 = &info->user1; /* ChessUser* const user2 = &info->user2; */ user1->lose--; if (result == CHESS_RESULT_WIN) { user1->win++; currutmp->five_win++; } else if (result == CHESS_RESULT_LOST) { user1->lose++; currutmp->five_lose++; } else { user1->tie++; currutmp->five_tie++; } cuser.five_win = user1->win; cuser.five_lose = user1->lose; cuser.five_tie = user1->tie; passwd_update(usernum, &cuser); } else if (info->mode == CHESS_MODE_REPLAY) { free(info->board); free(info->tag); } } static void gomo_genlog(ChessInfo* info, FILE* fp, ChessGameResult result) { const int nStep = info->history.used; int i; for (i = 1; i <= 18; i++) fprintf(fp, "%.*s\n", big_picture[i].len, big_picture[i].data); fprintf(fp, "\nblack:%s\nwhite:%s\n", info->myturn ? info->user1.userid : info->user2.userid, info->myturn ? info->user2.userid : info->user1.userid); for (i = 0; i < nStep; ++i) { const gomo_step_t* const step = (const gomo_step_t*) ChessHistoryRetrieve(info, i); if (step->type == CHESS_STEP_NORMAL) fprintf(fp, "[%2d]%s ==> %c%-5d", i + 1, bw_chess[step->color], 'A' + step->loc.c, 15 - step->loc.r); else break; if (i % 2) fputc('\n', fp); } if (i % 2) fputc('\n', fp); fputs("\n", fp); } void gomoku(int s, ChessGameMode mode) { ChessInfo* info = NewChessInfo(&gomo_actions, &gomo_constants, s, mode); board_t board; int tag; gomo_init_board(board); tag = 0; info->board = board; info->tag = &tag; info->cursor.r = 7; info->cursor.c = 7; if (info->mode == CHESS_MODE_VERSUS) { /* Assume that info->user1 is me. */ info->user1.lose++; passwd_query(usernum, &cuser); gomoku_usr_put(&cuser, &info->user1); passwd_update(usernum, &cuser); } if (mode == CHESS_MODE_WATCH) setutmpmode(CHESSWATCHING); else setutmpmode(M_FIVE); currutmp->sig = SIG_GOMO; ChessPlay(info); DeleteChessInfo(info); } int gomoku_main(void) { return ChessStartGame('f', SIG_GOMO, "五子棋"); } int gomoku_personal(void) { gomoku(0, CHESS_MODE_PERSONAL); return 0; } int gomoku_watch(void) { return ChessWatchGame(&gomoku, M_FIVE, "五子棋"); } ChessInfo* gomoku_replay(FILE* fp) { ChessInfo *info; char buf[256]; info = NewChessInfo(&gomo_actions, &gomo_constants, 0, CHESS_MODE_REPLAY); while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp)) { if (strcmp("\n", buf) == 0) break; else if (strncmp("black:", buf, 6) == 0 || strncmp("white:", buf, 6) == 0) { /* /(black|white):([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/; $2 */ userec_t rec; ChessUser *user = (buf[0] == 'b' ? &info->user1 : &info->user2); chomp(buf); if (getuser(buf + 6, &rec)) gomo_init_user_userec(&rec, user); } else if (buf[0] == '[') { /* "[ 1]● ==> H8 [ 2]○ ==> H9" * * 012345678901234567890123456789 */ gomo_step_t step = { CHESS_STEP_NORMAL, BLK }; int c = buf[11] - 'A'; int r = BRDSIZ - 1 - (buf[12] - '0'); #define INVALID_ROW(R) ((R) < 0 || (R) >= BRDSIZ) #define INVALID_COL(C) ((C) < 0 || (C) >= BRDSIZ) if (INVALID_COL(c) || INVALID_ROW(r)) continue; step.loc.r = r; step.loc.c = c; ChessHistoryAppend(info, &step); if (strlen(buf) < 28) continue; c = buf[28] - 'A'; r = BRDSIZ - (buf[29] - '0'); if (INVALID_COL(c) || INVALID_ROW(r)) continue; step.color = WHT; step.loc.r = r; step.loc.c = c; ChessHistoryAppend(info, &step); } } info->board = malloc(sizeof(board_t)); info->tag = malloc(sizeof(int)); gomo_init_board(info->board); *(int*)(info->tag) = 0; return info; }