/* $Id$ */ #include "bbs.h" #include "gomo.h" #define QCAST int (*)(const void *, const void *) static int tick, lastcount, mylasttick, hislasttick; //static char ku[BRDSIZ][BRDSIZ]; static Horder_t *v; static int draw_photo; #define move(y,x) move(y, (x) + ((y) < 2 || (y) > 16 ? 0 : \ (x) > 35 ? 11 : 8)) /* pattern and advance map */ static int intrevcmp(const void *a, const void *b) { return (*(int *)b - *(int *)a); } // 以 (x,y) 為起點, 方向 (dx,dy), 傳回以 bit 表示相鄰哪幾格有子 // 如 10111 表示該方向相鄰 1,2,3 有子, 4 空地 // 最高位 1 表示對方的子, 或是牆 /* x,y: 0..BRDSIZ-1 ; color: CBLACK,CWHITE ; dx,dy: -1,0,+1 */ static int gomo_getindex(char ku[][BRDSIZ], int x, int y, int color, int dx, int dy) { int i, k, n; for (n = -1, i = 0, k = 1; i < 5; i++, k*=2) { x += dx; y += dy; if ((x < 0) || (x >= BRDSIZ) || (y < 0) || (y >= BRDSIZ)) { n += k; break; } else if (ku[x][y] != BBLANK) { n += k; if (ku[x][y] != color) break; } } if (i >= 5) n += k; return n; } int chkwin(int style, int limit) { if (style == 0x0c) return 1 /* style */ ; else if (limit == 0) { if (style == 0x0b) return 1 /* style */ ; return 0; } if ((style < 0x0c) && (style > 0x07)) return -1 /* -style */ ; return 0; } static int getstyle(char ku[][BRDSIZ], int x, int y, int color, int limit); /* x,y: 0..BRDSIZ-1 ; color: CBLACK,CWHITE ; limit:1,0 ; dx,dy: 0,1 */ static int dirchk(char ku[][BRDSIZ], int x, int y, int color, int limit, int dx, int dy) { int le, ri, loc, style = 0; le = gomo_getindex(ku, x, y, color, -dx, -dy); ri = gomo_getindex(ku, x, y, color, dx, dy); loc = (le > ri) ? (((le * (le + 1)) >> 1) + ri) : (((ri * (ri + 1)) >> 1) + le); style = pat[loc]; if (limit == 0) return (style & 0x0f); style >>= 4; if ((style == 3) || (style == 2)) { int i, n = 0, tmp, nx, ny; n = adv[loc / 2]; if(loc%2==0) n/=16; else n%=16; ku[x][y] = color; for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if ((tmp = (i == 0) ? (-(n >> 2)) : (n & 3)) != 0) { nx = x + (le > ri ? 1 : -1) * tmp * dx; ny = y + (le > ri ? 1 : -1) * tmp * dy; if ((dirchk(ku, nx, ny, color, 0, dx, dy) == 0x06) && (chkwin(getstyle(ku, nx, ny, color, limit), limit) >= 0)) break; } } if (i >= 2) style = 0; ku[x][y] = BBLANK; } return style; } /* 例外=F 錯誤=E 有子=D 連五=C 連六=B 雙四=A 四四=9 三三=8 */ /* 四三=7 活四=6 斷四=5 死四=4 活三=3 斷三=2 保留=1 無效=0 */ /* x,y: 0..BRDSIZ-1 ; color: CBLACK,CWHITE ; limit: 1,0 */ static int getstyle(char ku[][BRDSIZ], int x, int y, int color, int limit) { int i, j, dir[4], style; if ((x < 0) || (x >= BRDSIZ) || (y < 0) || (y >= BRDSIZ)) return 0x0f; if (ku[x][y] != BBLANK) return 0x0d; // (-1,1), (0,1), (1,0), (1,1) for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) dir[i] = dirchk(ku, x, y, color, limit, i ? (i >> 1) : -1, i ? (i & 1) : 1); qsort(dir, 4, sizeof(int), (QCAST)intrevcmp); if ((style = dir[0]) >= 2) { for (i = 1, j = 6 + (limit ? 1 : 0); i < 4; i++) { if ((style > j) || (dir[i] < 2)) break; if (dir[i] > 3) style = 9; else if ((style < 7) && (style > 3)) style = 7; else style = 8; } } return style; } static void HO_init(char ku[][BRDSIZ], Horder_t *pool) { memset(pool, 0, sizeof(Horder_t)*BRDSIZ*BRDSIZ); v = pool; pat = pat_gomoku; adv = adv_gomoku; memset(ku, 0, (BRDSIZ*BRDSIZ)); } static void HO_add(Horder_t * mv) { *v++ = *mv; } static void HO_undo(char ku[][BRDSIZ], Horder_t * mv) { char *str = "┌┬┐├┼┤└┴┘"; int n1, n2, loc; *mv = *(--v); ku[(int)mv->x][(int)mv->y] = BBLANK; BGOTO(mv->x, mv->y); n1 = (mv->x == 0) ? 0 : (mv->x == 14) ? 2 : 1; n2 = (mv->y == 14) ? 0 : (mv->y == 0) ? 2 : 1; loc = 2 * (n2 * 3 + n1); prints("%.2s", str + loc); redoln(); } static void HO_log(Horder_t *pool, FILE* fp, char *mate) { int i; Horder_t *ptr = pool; for (i = 1; i < 18; i++) fprintf(fp, "%.*s\n", big_picture[i].len, big_picture[i].data); if (mate != NULL) fprintf(fp, "\nblack:%s\nwhite:%s\n", cuser.userid, mate); i = 0; do { fprintf(fp, "[%2d]%s ==> %c%-5d", i + 1, bw_chess[i % 2], 'A' + ptr->x, ptr->y + 1); if (i % 2) fputc('\n', fp); i++; } while (++ptr < v); if (mate != NULL) fputs("\n\n", fp); } static void HO_log_user(Horder_t* pool, char *mate) { char buf[200]; fileheader_t mail_header; FILE* fp; sethomepath(buf, cuser.userid); stampfile(buf, &mail_header); fp = fopen(buf, "w"); if (fp != NULL) { HO_log(pool, fp, NULL); fclose(fp); mail_header.filemode = FILE_READ; strlcpy(mail_header.owner, "[備.忘.錄]", sizeof(mail_header.owner)); snprintf(mail_header.title, sizeof(mail_header.title), ANSI_COLOR(37;41) "棋譜" ANSI_RESET " %s VS %s", cuser.userid, mate); sethomedir(buf, cuser.userid); append_record(buf, &mail_header, sizeof(mail_header)); } } #ifdef GLOBAL_FIVECHESS_LOG static void HO_log_board(Horder_t* pool, char *mate) { char buf[200]; fileheader_t log_header; FILE* fp; int bid; if ((bid = getbnum(GLOBAL_FIVECHESS_LOG)) == 0) return; setbpath(buf, GLOBAL_FIVECHESS_LOG); stampfile(buf, &log_header); fp = fopen(buf, "w"); if (fp != NULL) { HO_log(pool, fp, mate); fclose(fp); strlcpy(log_header.owner, "[棋譜機器人]", sizeof(log_header.owner)); snprintf(log_header.title, sizeof(log_header.title), "[棋譜] %s VS %s", cuser.userid, mate); setbdir(buf, GLOBAL_FIVECHESS_LOG); append_record(buf, &log_header, sizeof(log_header)); setbtotal(bid); } } #endif static int countgomo(Horder_t *pool) { return v-pool; } static int chkmv(char ku[][BRDSIZ], Horder_t * mv, int color, int limit) { char *xtype[] = {ANSI_COLOR(1;31) "跳三" ANSI_RESET, ANSI_COLOR(1;31) "活三" ANSI_RESET, ANSI_COLOR(1;31) "死四" ANSI_RESET, ANSI_COLOR(1;31) "跳四" ANSI_RESET, ANSI_COLOR(1;31) "活四" ANSI_RESET, ANSI_COLOR(1;31) "四三" ANSI_RESET, ANSI_COLOR(1;31) "雙三" ANSI_RESET, ANSI_COLOR(1;31) "雙四" ANSI_RESET, ANSI_COLOR(1;31) "雙四" ANSI_RESET, ANSI_COLOR(1;31) "連六" ANSI_RESET, ANSI_COLOR(1;31) "連五" ANSI_RESET}; int rule = getstyle(ku, mv->x, mv->y, color, limit); if (rule > 1 && rule < 13) { move(draw_photo ? 19 : 15, 40); outs(xtype[rule - 2]); bell(); } return chkwin(rule, limit); } static int gomo_key(char ku[][BRDSIZ], int fd, int ch, Horder_t * mv) { if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'o') { char pbuf[4], vx, vy; pbuf[0] = ch; pbuf[1] = '\0'; if (fd) add_io(0, 0); oldgetdata(17, 0, "直接指定位置 :", pbuf, sizeof(pbuf), DOECHO); if (fd) add_io(fd, 0); vx = pbuf[0] - 'a'; vy = atoi(pbuf + 1) - 1; if (vx >= 0 && vx < 15 && vy >= 0 && vy < 15 && ku[(int)vx][(int)vy] == BBLANK) { mv->x = vx; mv->y = vy; return 1; } } else { switch (ch) { case KEY_RIGHT: if(mv->xx++; break; case KEY_LEFT: if(mv->x>0) mv->x--; break; case KEY_UP: if(mv->yy++; break; case KEY_DOWN: if(mv->y>0) mv->y--; break; case ' ': case '\r': if (ku[(int)mv->x][(int)mv->y] == BBLANK) return 1; } } return 0; } #define PASS_REQUEST -2 #define PASS_REJECT -3 #define UNDO_REQUEST -1 #define UNDO_REJECT -4 int gomoku(int fd) { Horder_t mv; int me, he, ch; char hewantpass, iwantpass, passrejected; char hewantundo, iwantundo, undorejected; userinfo_t *my = currutmp; Horder_t pool[BRDSIZ*BRDSIZ]; int scr_need_redraw; char ku[BRDSIZ][BRDSIZ]; char genbuf[200]; userec_t xuser; HO_init(ku, pool); me = !(my->turn) + 1; he = my->turn + 1; tick = now + MAX_TIME; lastcount = MAX_TIME; setutmpmode(M_FIVE); clear(); prints(ANSI_COLOR(1;46) " 五子棋對戰 " ANSI_COLOR(45) "%30s VS %-30s" ANSI_RESET, cuser.userid, my->mateid); //show_file("etc/@five", 1, -1, ONLY_COLOR); move(1, 0); outs( " A B C D E F G H I J K L M N\n" " 15" ANSI_COLOR(30;43) "┌┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┐" ANSI_RESET "\n" " 14" ANSI_COLOR(30;43) "├┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┤" ANSI_RESET "\n" " 13" ANSI_COLOR(30;43) "├┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┤" ANSI_RESET "\n" " 12" ANSI_COLOR(30;43) "├┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┤" ANSI_RESET "\n" " 11" ANSI_COLOR(30;43) "├┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┤" ANSI_RESET "\n" " 10" ANSI_COLOR(30;43) "├┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┤" ANSI_RESET "\n" " 9" ANSI_COLOR(30;43) "├┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┤" ANSI_RESET "\n" " 8" ANSI_COLOR(30;43) "├┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┤" ANSI_RESET "\n" " 7" ANSI_COLOR(30;43) "├┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┤" ANSI_RESET "\n" " 6" ANSI_COLOR(30;43) "├┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┤" ANSI_RESET "\n" " 5" ANSI_COLOR(30;43) "├┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┤" ANSI_RESET "\n" " 4" ANSI_COLOR(30;43) "├┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┤" ANSI_RESET "\n" " 3" ANSI_COLOR(30;43) "├┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┤" ANSI_RESET "\n" " 2" ANSI_COLOR(30;43) "├┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┤" ANSI_RESET "\n" " 1" ANSI_COLOR(30;43) "└┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┘" ANSI_RESET "\n" ); draw_photo = 0; setuserfile(genbuf, "photo_fivechess"); if (dashf(genbuf)) draw_photo = 1; else { sethomefile(genbuf, my->mateid, "photo_fivechess"); if (dashf(genbuf)) draw_photo = 1; } getuser(my->mateid, &xuser); if (draw_photo) { int line; FILE* fp; static const char * const blank_photo[6] = { "┌──────┐", "│ 空 │", "│ 白 │", "│ 照 │", "│ 片│", "└──────┘" }; char country[5], level[11]; setuserfile(genbuf, "photo_fivechess"); fp = fopen(genbuf, "r"); if (fp == NULL) { strcpy(country, "無"); level[0] = 0; } else { int i, j; for (line = 1; line < 8; ++line) fgets(genbuf, 200, fp); fgets(genbuf, 200, fp); chomp(genbuf); strip_ansi(genbuf + 11, genbuf + 11, STRIP_ALL); /* country name may have color */ for (i = 11, j = 0; genbuf[i] && j < 4; ++i) if (genbuf[i] != ' ') /* and spaces */ country[j++] = genbuf[i]; country[j] = 0; /* two chinese words */ fgets(genbuf, 200, fp); chomp(genbuf); strlcpy(level, genbuf + 11, 11); /* five chinese words*/ rewind(fp); } for (line = 2; line < 8; ++line) { move(line, 37); if (fp != NULL) { if (fgets(genbuf, 200, fp)) { chomp(genbuf); prints("%s ", genbuf); } else outs(" "); } else outs(blank_photo[line - 2]); switch (line - 2) { case 0: prints("<代號> %s", cuser.userid); break; case 1: prints("<暱稱> %.16s", cuser.nickname); break; case 2: prints("<上站> %d", cuser.numlogins); break; case 3: prints("<文章> %d", cuser.numposts); break; case 4: prints("<職位> %-4s %s", country, level); break; case 5: prints("<來源> %.16s", cuser.lasthost); break; } } if (fp != NULL) fclose(fp); move(8, 43); prints(ANSI_COLOR(7) "%s" ANSI_RESET, me == BBLACK ? "黑棋" : "白棋"); move(9, 43); outs(" V.S "); move(10, 68); prints(ANSI_COLOR(7) "%s" ANSI_RESET, me == BBLACK ? "白棋" : "黑棋"); sethomefile(genbuf, my->mateid, "photo_fivechess"); fp = fopen(genbuf, "r"); if (fp == NULL) { strcpy(country, "無"); level[0] = 0; } else { int i, j; for (line = 1; line < 8; ++line) fgets(genbuf, 200, fp); fgets(genbuf, 200, fp); chomp(genbuf); strip_ansi(genbuf + 11, genbuf + 11, STRIP_ALL); /* country name may have color */ for (i = 11, j = 0; genbuf[i] && j < 4; ++i) if (genbuf[i] != ' ') /* and spaces */ country[j++] = genbuf[i]; country[j] = 0; /* two chinese words */ fgets(genbuf, 200, fp); chomp(genbuf); strlcpy(level, genbuf + 11, 11); /* five chinese words*/ rewind(fp); } for (line = 11; line < 17; ++line) { move(line, 37); switch (line - 11) { case 0: prints("<代號> %-16.16s ", xuser.userid); break; case 1: prints("<暱稱> %-16.16s ", xuser.nickname); break; case 2: prints("<上站> %-16d ", xuser.numlogins); break; case 3: prints("<文章> %-16d ", xuser.numposts); break; case 4: prints("<職位> %-4s %-10s ", country, level); break; case 5: prints("<來源> %-16.16s ", xuser.lasthost); break; } if (fp != NULL) { if (fgets(genbuf, 200, fp)) { chomp(genbuf); outs(genbuf); } else outs(" "); } else outs(blank_photo[line - 11]); } if (fp != NULL) fclose(fp); move(18, 4); prints("我是 %s", me == BBLACK ? "先手 ●,有禁手" : "後手 ○"); } else { move(3, 40); outs("[q] 認輸離開"); move(4, 40); outs("[u] 悔棋"); move(5, 40); outs("[p] 要求和棋"); move(9, 39); outs("[歡迎到five_chess討論五子棋喔]"); move(11, 40); prints("我是 %s", me == BBLACK ? "先手 ●, 有禁手" : "後手 ○"); move(16, 40); prints(ANSI_COLOR(1;33) "%s", cuser.userid); move(17, 40); prints(ANSI_COLOR(1;33) "%s", my->mateid); move(16, 60); prints(ANSI_COLOR(1;31) "%d" ANSI_COLOR(37) "勝 " ANSI_COLOR(34) "%d" ANSI_COLOR(37) "敗 " ANSI_COLOR(36) "%d" ANSI_COLOR(37) "和" ANSI_RESET, cuser.five_win, cuser.five_lose, cuser.five_tie); move(17, 60); prints(ANSI_COLOR(1;31) "%d" ANSI_COLOR(37) "勝 " ANSI_COLOR(34) "%d" ANSI_COLOR(37) "敗 " ANSI_COLOR(36) "%d" ANSI_COLOR(37) "" "和" ANSI_RESET, xuser.five_win, xuser.five_lose, xuser.five_tie); move(18, 40); prints("%s時間還剩%d:%02d\n", my->turn ? "你的" : "對方", MAX_TIME / 60, MAX_TIME % 60); } cuser.five_lose++; /* 一進來先加一場敗場, 贏了後再扣回去, 避免快輸了惡意斷線 */ passwd_update(usernum, &cuser); add_io(fd, 0); hewantpass = iwantpass = passrejected = 0; hewantundo = iwantundo = undorejected = 0; mv.x = mv.y = 7; scr_need_redraw = 1; for (;;) { if (scr_need_redraw){ if (draw_photo) move(19, 4); else move(13, 40); outs(my->turn ? "輪到自己下了!" : "等待對方下子.."); redoln(); outmsg(ANSI_COLOR(1;33;42) " 下五子棋 " ANSI_COLOR(;31;47) " (←↑↓→)" ANSI_COLOR(30) "移動 " ANSI_COLOR(31) "(空白鍵/ENTER)" ANSI_COLOR(30) "下子 " ANSI_COLOR(31) "(q)" ANSI_COLOR(30) "投降 " ANSI_COLOR(31) "(p)" ANSI_COLOR(30) "和棋 " ANSI_COLOR(31) "(u)" ANSI_COLOR(30) "悔棋 " ANSI_RESET); scr_need_redraw = 0; } if (lastcount != tick - now) { lastcount = tick - now; move(18, 40); prints("%s時間還剩%d:%02d\n", my->turn ? "你的" : "對方", lastcount / 60, lastcount % 60); if (lastcount <= 0 && my->turn) { move(19, 40); outs("時間已到, 你輸了"); my->five_lose++; send(fd, '\0', 1, 0); break; } if (lastcount <= -5 && !my->turn) { move(19, 40); outs("對手太久沒下, 你贏了!"); cuser.five_lose--; cuser.five_win++; my->five_win++; passwd_update(usernum, &cuser); mv.x = mv.y = -2; send(fd, &mv, sizeof(Horder_t), 0); mv = *(v - 1); break; } } move(draw_photo ? 20 : 14, 40); clrtoeol(); if (hewantpass) { outs(ANSI_COLOR(1;32) "和棋要求!" ANSI_RESET); bell(); } else if (iwantpass) outs(ANSI_COLOR(1;32) "提出和棋要求!" ANSI_RESET); else if (passrejected) { outs(ANSI_COLOR(1;32) "要求被拒!" ANSI_RESET); passrejected = 0; } else if (hewantundo) { outs(ANSI_COLOR(1;33) "悔棋要求! (按 u 接受, 任意鍵拒絕)" ANSI_RESET); bell(); } else if (iwantundo) outs(ANSI_COLOR(1;33) "提出悔棋要求!" ANSI_RESET); else if (undorejected) { outs(ANSI_COLOR(1;33) "要求被拒!" ANSI_RESET); undorejected = 0; } BGOTOCUR(mv.x, mv.y); ch = igetch(); if ((iwantpass || hewantpass) && ch != 'p' && ch != I_OTHERDATA) { mv.x = mv.y = PASS_REJECT; send(fd , &mv, sizeof(Horder_t), 0); mv = *(v - 1); iwantpass = 0; hewantpass = 0; continue; } if ((iwantundo || hewantundo) && ch != 'u' && ch != I_OTHERDATA) { mv.x = mv.y = UNDO_REJECT; send(fd , &mv, sizeof(Horder_t), 0); mv = *(v - 1); iwantundo = 0; hewantundo = 0; continue; } if (ch == 'q') { if (countgomo(pool) < 10) { cuser.five_lose--; passwd_update(usernum, &cuser); } send(fd, "", 1, 0); break; } else if (ch == 'u') { if (my->turn) { if (hewantundo) { mv.x = mv.y = UNDO_REQUEST; ch = send(fd, &mv, sizeof(Horder_t), 0); tick = hislasttick; HO_undo(ku, &mv); my->turn = 0; hewantundo = 0; scr_need_redraw = 1; } continue; } else if (v > pool) { mv.x = mv.y = UNDO_REQUEST; ch = send(fd, &mv, sizeof(Horder_t), 0); if (ch == sizeof(Horder_t)) { iwantundo = 1; continue; } else break; } } if (ch == 'p') { if (my->turn) { if (iwantpass == 0) { iwantpass = 1; mv.x = mv.y = PASS_REQUEST; send(fd, &mv, sizeof(Horder_t), 0); mv = *(v - 1); } continue; } else if (hewantpass) { cuser.five_lose--; cuser.five_tie++; my->five_tie++; passwd_update(usernum, &cuser); mv.x = mv.y = PASS_REQUEST; send(fd, &mv, sizeof(Horder_t), 0); mv = *(v - 1); break; } } if (ch == I_OTHERDATA) { ch = recv(fd, &mv, sizeof(Horder_t), 0); if (ch != sizeof(Horder_t)) { lastcount = tick - now; if (lastcount >= 0) { cuser.five_lose--; if (countgomo(pool) >= 10) { cuser.five_win++; my->five_win++; } passwd_update(usernum, &cuser); outmsg("對方認輸了!!"); break; } else { outmsg("你超過時間未下子, 輸了!"); my->five_lose++; break; } } else if (mv.x == PASS_REQUEST && mv.y == PASS_REQUEST) { if (iwantpass == 1) { cuser.five_lose--; cuser.five_tie++; my->five_tie++; passwd_update(usernum, &cuser); break; } else { hewantpass = 1; mv = *(v - 1); continue; } } else if (mv.x == PASS_REJECT && mv.y == PASS_REJECT) { if (iwantpass) passrejected = 1; iwantpass = 0; hewantpass = 0; mv = *(v - 1); continue; } else if (mv.x == UNDO_REJECT && mv.y == UNDO_REJECT) { if (iwantundo) undorejected = 1; iwantundo = 0; hewantundo = 0; mv = *(v - 1); continue; } else if (mv.x == UNDO_REQUEST && mv.y == UNDO_REQUEST) { if (!my->turn) { if (iwantundo) { HO_undo(ku, &mv); tick = mylasttick; my->turn = 1; iwantundo = hewantundo = 0; scr_need_redraw = 1; } /* else shouldn't happend */ } else { hewantundo = 1; mv = *(v - 1); } continue; } if (!my->turn) { int win; win = chkmv(ku, &mv, he, he == BBLACK); HO_add(&mv); hislasttick = tick; tick = now + MAX_TIME; ku[(int)mv.x][(int)mv.y] = he; bell(); BGOTO(mv.x, mv.y); outs(bw_chess[he - 1]); redoln(); if (win) { outmsg(win == 1 ? "對方贏了!" : "對方禁手"); if (win != 1) { cuser.five_lose--; cuser.five_win++; my->five_win++; passwd_update(usernum, &cuser); } else my->five_lose++; break; } my->turn = 1; } scr_need_redraw = 1; continue; } if (my->turn) { if (gomo_key(ku, fd, ch, &mv)) my->turn = 0; else continue; if (!my->turn) { int win; HO_add(&mv); BGOTO(mv.x, mv.y); outs(bw_chess[me - 1]); redoln(); win = chkmv(ku, &mv, me, me == BBLACK); ku[(int)mv.x][(int)mv.y] = me; mylasttick = tick; tick = now + MAX_TIME; /* 倒數 */ lastcount = MAX_TIME; if (send(fd, &mv, sizeof(Horder_t), 0) != sizeof(Horder_t)) break; if (win) { outmsg(win == 1 ? "我贏囉~~" : "禁手輸了"); if (win == 1) { cuser.five_lose--; cuser.five_win++; my->five_win++; passwd_update(usernum, &cuser); } else my->five_lose++; break; } move(draw_photo ? 19 : 15, 40); clrtoeol(); } scr_need_redraw = 1; } } add_io(0, 0); close(fd); igetch(); if (v > pool) { char ans[4]; getdata(19, 0, "要保留本局成棋譜嗎?(y/N)", ans, sizeof(ans), LCECHO); if (*ans == 'y') HO_log_user(pool, my->mateid); #ifdef GLOBAL_FIVECHESS_LOG if (me == BBLACK) HO_log_board(pool, my->mateid); #endif } return 0; }