/* $Id$ */ /*-------------------------------------------------------*/ /* go.c ( NTU FPG BBS Ver 1.00 ) */ /*-------------------------------------------------------*/ /* target : 圍棋 */ /* create : 01/09/00 */ /*-------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "bbs.h" #include #define BBLANK (0) /* 空白 */ #define BBLACK (1) /* 黑子 */ #define BWHITE (2) /* 白子 */ #define redoln() redoscr() #define BRDSIZ (19) /* 棋盤單邊大小 */ #define move(y,x) move(y, (x) + ((y) < 2 || (y) > 20 ? 0 : \ (x) > 43 ? 11 : 8)) #define iBGOTO(x,y) move(20 - (y) , (x) * 2 + 4 - 8),do_move(20-(y),(x)*2+4) // really dirty >< #define BGOTO(x,y) move(20 - (y) , (x) * 2 + 4),do_move(20-(y),(x)*2+4) struct GOData { unsigned char go[BRDSIZ][BRDSIZ]; unsigned char l[BRDSIZ][BRDSIZ]; unsigned char ml[BRDSIZ][BRDSIZ]; Horder_t pool[500]; }; static int lib, mik, mjk, hik, hjk, mk, hk; static float win; //extern char *bw_chess[]; /* 和五子棋共用 */ static char *locE = "ABCDEFGHJKLMNOPQRST"; static char AB[41]; static unsigned char me, he, hand; static Horder_t *v; static void GO_init(struct GOData *gd) { memset(gd->pool, 0, sizeof(gd->pool)); v = gd->pool; memset(gd->go, 0, sizeof(gd->go)); memset(gd-> l, 0, sizeof(gd->go)); memset(gd->ml, 0, sizeof(gd->go)); } static void GO_add(struct GOData *gd, Horder_t *mv) { if (v < gd->pool + 500) *v++ = *mv; } static int GO_sethand(struct GOData *gd, int i) { int j; char tmp[5]; unsigned char (*go)[BRDSIZ]=gd->go; if (i > 0 && i < 10) { move(1, 71); prints("讓子:%d", i); win = 0; go[3][3] = BBLACK; if (i > 1) { go[15][15] = BBLACK; if (i > 2) { go[3][15] = BBLACK; if (i > 3) { go[15][3] = BBLACK; if (i == 5) go[9][9] = BBLACK; else if (i > 5) { go[9][15] = BBLACK; go[9][3] = BBLACK; if (i == 7) go[9][9] = BBLACK; else if (i > 7) { go[15][9] = BBLACK; go[3][9] = BBLACK; if (i > 8) go[9][9] = BBLACK; } } } } } } else return 0; hand = i; *AB = 0; for (i = 0;i < 19;i++) for (j = 0;j < 19;j++) if (go[i][j]) { BGOTO(i, j); outs(bw_chess[go[i][j] - 1]); redoln(); sprintf(tmp, "[%c%c]", 'a' + i, 's' - j); strcat(AB, tmp); } return 1; } static void GO_count(struct GOData *gd, int x, int y, int color) { unsigned char (*go)[BRDSIZ]=gd->go; unsigned char (*ml)[BRDSIZ]=gd->ml; ml[x][y] = 0; if (x != 0) { if ((go[x - 1][y] == BBLANK) && ml[x - 1][y]) { ++lib; ml[x - 1][y] = 0; } else if ((go[x - 1][y] == color) && ml[x - 1][y]) GO_count(gd, x - 1, y, color); } if (x != 18) { if ((go[x + 1][y] == BBLANK) && ml[x + 1][y]) { ++lib; ml[x + 1][y] = 0; } else if ((go[x + 1][y] == color) && ml[x + 1][y]) GO_count(gd, x + 1, y, color); } if (y != 0) { if ((go[x][y - 1] == BBLANK) && ml[x][y - 1]) { ++lib; ml[x][y - 1] = 0; } else if ((go[x][y - 1] == color) && ml[x][y - 1]) GO_count(gd, x, y - 1, color); } if (y != 18) { if ((go[x][y + 1] == BBLANK) && ml[x][y + 1]) { ++lib; ml[x][y + 1] = 0; } else if ((go[x][y + 1] == color) && ml[x][y + 1]) GO_count(gd, x, y + 1, color); } } static void GO_countlib(struct GOData *gd, int x, int y, char color) { int i, j; for (i = 0; i < 19; i++) for (j = 0; j < 19; j++) gd->ml[i][j] = 1; GO_count(gd, x, y, color); } static void GO_eval(struct GOData *gd, char color) { int i, j; for (i = 0; i < 19; i++) for (j = 0; j < 19; j++) if (gd->go[i][j] == color) { lib = 0; GO_countlib(gd, i, j, color); gd->l[i][j] = lib; } } static int GO_check(struct GOData *gd, Horder_t *mv) { int m, n, k; unsigned char (*go)[BRDSIZ]=gd->go; unsigned char (*l)[BRDSIZ]=gd->l; lib = 0; GO_countlib(gd, mv->x, mv->y, me); if (lib == 0) { go[(int)mv->x][(int)mv->y] = me; GO_eval(gd, he); k = 0; for (m = 0; m < 19; m++) for (n = 0; n < 19; n++) if ((go[m][n] == he) && !l[m][n]) ++k; if ((k == 0) || (k == 1 && ((mv->x == mik) && (mv->y == mjk)))) { go[(int)mv->x][(int)mv->y] = BBLANK; /* restore to open */ return 0; } else return 1; } else return 1; } static void GO_blank(char x, char y) { char *str = "┌┬┐├┼┤└┴┘"; int n1, n2, loc; BGOTO(x, y); n1 = (x == 0) ? 0 : (x == 18) ? 2 : 1; n2 = (y == 18) ? 0 : (y == 0) ? 2 : 1; loc= 2 * (n2 * 3 + n1); prints("%.2s", str + loc); //redoln(); } static void GO_examboard(struct GOData *gd, char color) { int i, j, n; unsigned char (*go)[BRDSIZ]=gd->go; unsigned char (*l)[BRDSIZ]=gd->l; GO_eval(gd, color); if (color == he) { hik = -1; hjk = -1; } else { mik = -1; mjk = -1; } n = 0; for (i = 0; i < 19; i++) for (j = 0; j < 19; j++) if ((go[i][j] == color) && (l[i][j] == 0)) { go[i][j] = BBLANK; GO_blank(i, j); if (color == he) { hik = i; hjk = j; ++hk; } else { mik = i; mjk = j; ++mk; } ++n; } if (color == he && n > 1) { hik = -1; hjk = -1; } else if ( n > 1 ) { mik = -1; mjk = -1; } } static void GO_clean(struct GOData *gd, int fd, int x, int y, int color) { Horder_t tmp; unsigned char (*go)[BRDSIZ]=gd->go; unsigned char (*ml)[BRDSIZ]=gd->ml; ml[x][y] = 0; go[x][y] = BBLANK; GO_blank(x, y); tmp.x = x; tmp.y = y; if (send(fd, &tmp, sizeof(Horder_t), 0) != sizeof(Horder_t)) return; if (x != 0) { if ((go[x - 1][y] == color) && ml[x - 1][y]) GO_clean(gd, fd, x - 1, y, color); } if (x != 18) { if ((go[x + 1][y] == color) && ml[x + 1][y]) GO_clean(gd, fd, x + 1, y, color); } if (y != 0) { if ((go[x][y - 1] == color) && ml[x][y - 1]) GO_clean(gd, fd, x, y - 1, color); } if (y != 18) { if ((go[x][y + 1] == color) && ml[x][y + 1]) GO_clean(gd, fd, x, y + 1, color); } } static void GO_cleandead(struct GOData *gd, int fd, char x, char y, char color) { int i, j; for (i = 0; i < 19; i++) for (j = 0; j < 19; j++) gd->ml[i][j] = 1; GO_clean(gd, fd, x, y, color); } static void GO_log(struct GOData *gd, char *userid) { fileheader_t mymail; char title[128], buf[80]; int i = 0; FILE *fp; Horder_t *ptr = gd->pool; //extern screenline *big_picture; sethomepath(buf, cuser.userid); stampfile(buf, &mymail); fp = fopen(buf, "w"); for(i = 1; i < 21; i++) fprintf(fp, "%.*s\n", big_picture[i].len, big_picture[i].data + 1); i = 0; fprintf(fp, "\n"); do { if (ptr->x == -1 || ptr->y == -1) fprintf(fp, "[%3d]%s => %c", i + 1, win ? bw_chess[i % 2] : bw_chess[(i + 1) % 2], (i % 5) == 4 ? '\n' : '\t'); else fprintf(fp, "[%3d]%s => %.1s%d%c", i + 1, win ? bw_chess[i % 2] : bw_chess[(i + 1) % 2], locE + ptr->x, ptr->y + 1, (i % 5) == 4 ? '\n' : '\t'); i++; } while (++ptr < v); fprintf(fp, "\n\n《以下為 sgf 格式棋譜》\n\n(;GM[1]"); if (userid == NULL) fprintf(fp, "GN[Gobot-Gobot FPG]\n"); else fprintf(fp, "GN[%s-%s(%c) FPG]\n", userid, cuser.userid, me == BBLACK ? 'B' : 'W'); fprintf(fp, "SZ[19]HA[%d]", hand); if (userid == NULL) { fprintf(fp, "PB[Gobot]PW[Gobot]\n"); } else { if (me == BBLACK) fprintf(fp, "PB[%s]PW[%s]\n", cuser.userid, userid); else fprintf(fp, "PB[%s]PW[%s]\n", userid, cuser.userid); } fprintf(fp, "PC[FPG BBS/Ptt BBS: ptt.cc]\n"); if (win) i = 0; else { i = 1; fprintf(fp, "AB%s\n", AB); } ptr = gd->pool; do { if (ptr->x == -1 || ptr->y == -1) fprintf(fp, ";%c[]%c", i % 2 ? 'W' : 'B', (i % 10) == 9 ? '\n' : ' '); else fprintf(fp, ";%c[%c%c]%c", i % 2 ? 'W' : 'B', 'a' + ptr->x, 's' - ptr->y, (i % 10) == 9 ? '\n' : ' '); i++; } while (++ptr < v); fprintf(fp, ";)\n\n"); fclose(fp); mymail.filemode = FILE_READ; strcpy(mymail.owner, "[備.忘.錄]"); if (userid == NULL) { strcpy(mymail.title, "圍棋打譜"); } else snprintf(mymail.title, sizeof(mymail.title), "\033[37;41m棋譜\033[m %s VS %s", cuser.userid, userid); sethomedir(title, cuser.userid); append_record(title, &mymail, sizeof(mymail)); } static int go_key(struct GOData *gd, int fd, int ch, Horder_t *mv) { if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 's' && ch != 'i') { char pbuf[4]; int vx, vy; pbuf[0] = ch; pbuf[1] = 0; if (fd) add_io(0, 0); getdata(21, 9, "直接指定位置(1 - 19):", pbuf, 4, DOECHO); if (fd) add_io(fd, 0); move(21, 9); clrtoeol(); //outs(" "); vx = ch - 'a'; if (ch > 'i') vx--; vy = atoi(pbuf) - 1; if( vx >= 0 && vx < BRDSIZ && vy >= 0 && vy < BRDSIZ && gd->go[vx][vy] == BBLANK) { mv->x = vx; mv->y = vy; return 1; } } else { switch(ch) { case KEY_RIGHT: mv->x = (mv->x == BRDSIZ - 1) ? mv->x : mv->x + 1; break; case KEY_LEFT: mv->x = (mv->x == 0 ) ? 0 : mv->x - 1; break; case KEY_UP: mv->y = (mv->y == BRDSIZ - 1) ? mv->y : mv->y + 1; break; case KEY_DOWN: mv->y = (mv->y == 0 ) ? 0 : mv->y - 1; break; case ' ': case '\r': case '\n': if (gd->go[(int)mv->x][(int)mv->y] == BBLANK && GO_check(gd, mv)) return 1; } } return 0; } static unsigned char GO_findcolor(struct GOData *gd, int x, int y) { int k, result = 0, color[4]; unsigned char (*go)[BRDSIZ]=gd->go; if (go[x][y] != BBLANK) return 0; if (x > 0) { k = x; do --k; while ((go[k][y] == BBLANK) && (k > 0)); color[0] = go[k][y]; } else color[0] = go[x][y]; if (x < 18) { k = x; do ++k; while ((go[k][y] == BBLANK) && (k < 18)); color[1] = go[k][y]; } else color[1] = go[x][y]; if (y > 0) { k = y; do --k; while ((go[x][k] == BBLANK) && (k > 0)); color[2] = go[x][k]; } else color[2] = go[x][y]; if (y < 18) { k = y; do ++k; while ((go[x][k] == BBLANK) && (k < 18)); color[3] = go[x][k]; } else color[3] = go[x][y]; for (k = 0;k < 4;k++) { if (color[k] == BBLANK) continue; else { result = color[k]; break; } } for (k = 0;k < 4;k++) { if ((color[k] != BBLANK) && (color[k] != result)) return 0; } return result; } static int GO_result(struct GOData *gd) { int i, j, result; float count[2]; char *chessresult[] = { "•", "。" }; unsigned char (*go)[BRDSIZ]=gd->go; count[0] = count[1] = 0; for (i = 0; i < 19; i++) for (j = 0; j < 19; j++) if (go[i][j] == BBLANK) { result = GO_findcolor(gd, i, j); BGOTO(i, j); if (result) { outs(chessresult[result - 1]); count[result - 1]++; } else { outs("×"); win -= 0.5; } } else count[go[i][j] - 1]++; redoscr(); if (me == BBLACK) { move(5, 46); prints("%s 方目數:%-3.1f ", bw_chess[me - 1], count[0]); move(6, 46); prints("%s 方目數:%-3.1f ", bw_chess[he - 1], count[1]); move(21, 46); clrtoeol(); move(8, 46); if (count[0] > 181 + win) return 1; } else { move(5, 46); prints("%s 方目數:%-3.1f ", bw_chess[me - 1], count[1]); move(6, 46); prints("%s 方目數:%-3.1f ", bw_chess[he - 1], count[0]); move(21, 46); clrtoeol(); move(8, 46); if (count[0] <= 181 + win) return 1; } return 0; } void GO_cleantable() { move(1, 0); outs( " A B C D E F G H J K L M N O P Q R S T\n" " 19 ┌┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┐ \n" " 18 ├┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┤ \n" " 17 ├┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┤ \n" " 16 ├┼┼+┼┼┼┼┼+┼┼┼┼┼+┼┼┤ \n" " 15 ├┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┤ \n" " 14 ├┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┤ \n" " 13 ├┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┤ \n" " 12 ├┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┤ \n" " 11 ├┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┤ \n" " 10 ├┼┼+┼┼┼┼┼+┼┼┼┼┼+┼┼┤ \n" " 9 ├┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┤ \n" " 8 ├┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┤ \n" " 7 ├┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┤ \n" " 6 ├┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┤ \n" " 5 ├┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┤ \n" " 4 ├┼┼+┼┼┼┼┼+┼┼┼┼┼+┼┼┤ \n" " 3 ├┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┤ \n" " 2 ├┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┤ \n" " 1 └┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┘ \n" ); } int gochess(int fd) { Horder_t mv; userinfo_t *my = currutmp; time_t mtime, htime, btime; int i, j, ch = 0, passflag, endflag, totalgo, timeflag, is_view; unsigned char mhand, hhand; int scr_need_redraw = 1; struct GOData gd; unsigned char (*go)[BRDSIZ]=gd.go; unsigned char (*l)[BRDSIZ]=gd.l; Horder_t *pool=gd.pool; GO_init(&gd); hk = mk = 0; totalgo = 0; hik = hjk = -1; mik = mjk = -1; mhand = hhand = 250; /* 不太可能一分鐘內下這麼多手 :p */ mtime = htime = 60; /* 一開始的一分鐘內不計手 */ win = 3.5; me = !(my->turn) + 1; he = my->turn + 1; if (me > 2) me = 2; if (he > 2) he = 2; endflag = passflag = timeflag = 0; is_view = 1; setutmpmode(GO); clear(); /* 觀戰用程式碼, 與 ptt 不相容 if (me == BWHITE) { VIEWCHESS vs; memset(&vs, 0, sizeof(VIEWCHESS)); strcpy(vs.userid[0], cuser.userid); strcpy(vs.userid[1], my->mateid); if (cshm_new(&vs) == -1) is_view = 0; } */ prints("\033[1;46m 圍棋對戰 \033[45m%31s VS %-31s\033[m", cuser.userid, my->mateid); GO_cleantable(); /* film_out(FILM_GO, 1); */ add_io(fd, 0); mv.x = mv.y = 9; btime = now; for(;;) { if(scr_need_redraw){ move(2, 46); prints("%s 方提子數:%3d", bw_chess[me - 1], hk); move(3, 46); prints("%s 方提子數:%3d", bw_chess[he - 1], mk); move(8, 46); clrtoeol(); if (endflag) outs("請清除死子,以便計算勝負"); else if (my->turn) prints("輪到自己下了.... 我是 %s", bw_chess[me - 1]); else outs("等待對方下子...."); move(10, 46); clrtoeol(); if (totalgo > 0) { if (pool[totalgo - 1].x == -1 || pool[totalgo - 1].y == -1) prints("%s #%-3d PASS 上一手 ", win ? bw_chess[(totalgo - 1) & 1] : bw_chess[totalgo & 1], totalgo); else prints("%s #%-3d %.1s%-2d 上一手 ", win ? bw_chess[(totalgo - 1) & 1] : bw_chess[totalgo & 1], totalgo, locE + pool[totalgo - 1].x, pool[totalgo - 1].y + 1); } for (i = totalgo - 1;i > 0 && totalgo - i <= 10;i--) { move(10 + totalgo - i, 46); clrtoeol(); if (pool[i - 1].x == -1 || pool[i - 1].y == -1) prints("%s #%-3d PASS", win ? bw_chess[(i - 1) & 1] : bw_chess[i & 1], i); else prints("%s #%-3d %.1s%-2d ", win ? bw_chess[(i - 1) & 1] : bw_chess[i & 1], i, locE + pool[i - 1].x, pool[i - 1].y + 1); } move(21, 46); if (v == pool) { if (me == BWHITE && win != 0) outs("\033[1;33m按 x 讓子 y 不限時 Ctrl-C 中止棋局\033[m"); else outs("\033[1;33m按 Ctrl-C 中止棋局\033[m"); } else if (passflag && my->turn) { if (endflag) outs("\033[1;33m對方 DONE,己方 DONE 就計算結果\033[m"); else outs("\033[1;33m對方 PASS,己方 PASS 就結束棋局\033[m"); } else if (v > pool) clrtoeol(); if (endflag) outmsg("\033[1;33;42m 下棋 \033[;31;47m (←↑↓→)\033[30m移動 \033[31m(空白鍵/ENTER)\033[30m下子 \033[31m(v)\033[30m傳訊 \033[31m(z)\033[30m投降 \033[31m(w)\033[30mDONE \033[31m(u)\033[30m回復 \033[m"); else outmsg("\033[1;33;42m 下棋 \033[;31;47m (←↑↓→)\033[30m移動 \033[31m(空白鍵/ENTER)\033[30m下子 \033[31m(v)\033[30m傳訊 \033[31m(z)\033[30m投降 \033[31m(w)\033[30mPASS \033[m"); redoscr(); scr_need_redraw = 0; } if (endflag || timeflag) { char buf[128]; int n; //move(5, 46); n = sprintf(buf, "\033[6;47H%s 方時間:----- --", bw_chess[me - 1]); output(buf, n); //move(6, 46); n = sprintf(buf, "\033[7;47H%s 方時間:----- --", bw_chess[he - 1]); output(buf, n); } else { if (my->turn) { mtime -= now - btime; if (mtime < 0) { if (mhand > 25) /* 第一分鐘過後,要在 12 分鐘內下 25 手 */ { mtime = 12 * 60; mhand = 25; } else { mv.x = mv.y = -8; if (send(fd, &mv, sizeof(Horder_t), 0) != sizeof(Horder_t)) break; move(8, 46); outs("未在時間內完成 25 手,裁定敗"); break; } } } else { htime -= now - btime; if (htime < 0) { if (hhand > 25) /* 第一分鐘過後,要在 12 分鐘內下 25 手 */ { htime = 12 * 60; hhand = 25; } else htime = 0; } } move(5, 46); clrtoeol(); /* move() only move pointer in screen.c, doesn't move * curses correctly */ //do_move(5, 35); { char buf[128]; int n; //move(5, 46); n = sprintf(buf, "\033[6;47H%s 方時間:%02ld:%02ld ", bw_chess[me - 1], mtime / 60, mtime % 60); if (mhand <= 25) n += sprintf(buf + n, "%2d 手", 25 - mhand); output(buf, n); //move(6, 46); n = sprintf(buf, "\033[7;47H%s 方時間:%02ld:%02ld ", bw_chess[he - 1], htime / 60, htime % 60); if (hhand <= 25) n += sprintf(buf + n, "%2d 手", 25 - hhand); output(buf, n); } } btime = now; iBGOTO(mv.x, mv.y); /* if (ch == -1 && is_view) cshm_update(mv.x, mv.y); */ ch = igetch(); if (ch == 'v') { //extern screenline *big_picture; screenline_t* screen0 = calloc(t_lines, sizeof(screenline_t)); int y, x; memcpy(screen0, big_picture, t_lines * sizeof(screenline_t)); add_io(0, 0); getyx(&y, &x); if (ch == 'v') { //extern char watermode; //watermode = 2; my_write(0, "丟水球過去:", my->mateid, WATERBALL_GENERAL, &SHM->uinfo[my->destuip]); //watermode = 0; } /* ??? scw: when will these code be executed? else { show_last_call_in(); my_write(currutmp->msgs[0].last_pid, "水球丟回去:"); } */ move(y, x); memcpy(big_picture, screen0, t_lines * sizeof(screenline_t)); free(screen0); add_io(fd, 0); scr_need_redraw = 1; continue; } else if (ch == 'x') { if (v == pool && me == BWHITE && win != 0) { char buf[4]; add_io(0, 0); getdata(21, 46, "要讓多少子呢(1 - 9)? ", buf, 4, DOECHO); add_io(fd, 0); if (GO_sethand(&gd, atoi(buf))) { mv.x = -9; mv.y = atoi(buf); if (send(fd, &mv, sizeof(Horder_t), 0) != sizeof(Horder_t)) break; mv.x = mv.y = 9; my->turn = 1; ch = -1; } continue; } } else if (ch == 'y') { if (v == pool && me == BWHITE) { timeflag = 1; mv.x = mv.y = -10; if (send(fd, &mv, sizeof(Horder_t), 0) != sizeof(Horder_t)) break; mv.x = mv.y = 9; ch = -1; } } else if (ch == 'w') { if (endflag) { Horder_t tmp; if (passflag && my->turn) { tmp.x = tmp.y = -3; if (send(fd, &tmp, sizeof(Horder_t), 0) != sizeof(Horder_t)) break; if (GO_result(&gd)) outs("恭禧,您獲得勝利.... "); else outs("輸了,再接再勵呦.... "); if (me == BWHITE) ch = -1; break; } else { Horder_t tmp; passflag = 1; tmp.x = tmp.y = -6; if (send(fd, &tmp, sizeof(Horder_t), 0) != sizeof(Horder_t)) break; my->turn = 0; if (me == BWHITE) ch = -1; continue; } } else { if (my->turn) { if (passflag) { endflag = 1; passflag = 0; mv.x = mv.y = -2; if (send(fd, &mv, sizeof(Horder_t), 0) != sizeof(Horder_t)) break; mv.x = mv.y = 9; memcpy(l, go, sizeof(gd.l)); /* 備份 */ if (me == BWHITE) ch = -1; continue; } else { passflag = 1; mv.x = mv.y = -1; if (send(fd, &mv, sizeof(Horder_t), 0) != sizeof(Horder_t)) break; GO_add(&gd, &mv); totalgo++; mv.x = mv.y = 9; my->turn = 0; if (me == BWHITE) ch = -1; continue; } } } } else if (ch == Ctrl('C')/* && v == pool */) { mv.x = mv.y = -5; if (send(fd, &mv, sizeof(Horder_t), 0) != sizeof(Horder_t)) break; break; } else if (ch == 'u') { if (endflag) { memcpy(go, l, sizeof(gd.go)); for(i = 0;i < 19;i++) for(j = 0;j < 19;j++) { BGOTO(i, j); if (go[i][j]) { outs(bw_chess[go[i][j] - 1]); } else GO_blank(i, j); } redoscr(); mv.x = mv.y = -7; if (send(fd, &mv, sizeof(Horder_t), 0) != sizeof(Horder_t)) break; mv = *(v - 1); if (me == BWHITE) ch = -1; } } else if (ch == 'z') { mv.x = mv.y = -4; if (send(fd, &mv, sizeof(Horder_t), 0) != sizeof(Horder_t)) break; move(8, 46); outs("您認輸了.... "); break; } if (ch == I_OTHERDATA) { ch = recv(fd, &mv, sizeof(Horder_t), 0); scr_need_redraw = 1; if (ch <= 0) { move(8, 46); outs("對方斷線.... "); break; } if (ch != sizeof(Horder_t)) { continue; } if (mv.x == -9 && mv.y > 0) { GO_sethand(&gd, mv.y); mv.x = mv.y = 9; my->turn = 0; continue; } if (mv.x == -10 && mv.y == -10) { timeflag = 1; mv.x = mv.y = 9; continue; } if (mv.x == -5 && mv.y == -5){ move(8, 46); outs("對方斷線.... "); break; } if (mv.x == -4 && mv.y == -4) { move(8, 46); outs("對方認輸.... "); break; } if (mv.x == -8 && mv.y == -8) { move(8, 46); outs("對方未在時間內完成 25 手,裁定勝"); break; } if (mv.x == -3 && mv.y == -3) { if (GO_result(&gd)) outs("恭禧,您獲得勝利.... "); else outs("輸了,再接再勵呦.... "); break; if (me == BWHITE) ch = -1; } if (mv.x == -2 && mv.y == -2) { endflag = 1; passflag = 0; mv.x = mv.y = 9; my->turn = 1; memcpy(l, go, sizeof(gd.l)); /* 備份 */ if (me == BWHITE) ch = -1; continue; } if (mv.x == -7 && mv.y == -7) { memcpy(go, l, sizeof(gd.go)); for(i = 0;i < 19;i++) for(j = 0;j < 19;j++) { BGOTO(i, j); if (go[i][j]) { outs(bw_chess[go[i][j] - 1]); redoln(); } else GO_blank(i, j); } mv = *(v - 1); if (me == BWHITE) ch = -1; continue; } if (mv.x == -6 && mv.y == -6) { passflag = 1; mv = *(v - 1); my->turn = 1; if (me == BWHITE) ch = -1; continue; } if (mv.x == -1 && mv.y == -1) { GO_add(&gd, &mv); totalgo++; mv.x = mv.y = 9; passflag = 1; my->turn = 1; if (me == BWHITE) ch = -1; continue; } if (endflag) { int y, x; getyx(&y, &x); go[(int)mv.x][(int)mv.y] = BBLANK; GO_blank(mv.x, mv.y); /* hk++; */ mv.x = (x - 4) / 2; mv.y = 20 - y; iBGOTO(mv.x, mv.y); if (me == BWHITE) ch = -1; continue; } if (!my->turn) { GO_add(&gd, &mv); totalgo++; if (--hhand <= 0) { htime = 12 * 60; hhand = 25; } go[(int)mv.x][(int)mv.y] = he; BGOTO(mv.x, mv.y); outs(bw_chess[he - 1]); GO_examboard(&gd, me); my->turn = 1; htime -= now - btime; btime = now; passflag = 0; if (me == BWHITE) ch = -1; } continue; } if (endflag == 1 && (ch == ' ' || ch == '\r' || ch == '\n')) { if (go[(int)mv.x][(int)mv.y] == me) GO_cleandead(&gd, fd, mv.x, mv.y, me); if (me == BWHITE) ch = -1; continue; } if (my->turn) { if (go_key(&gd, fd, ch, &mv)) my->turn = 0; else continue; if (!my->turn) { GO_add(&gd, &mv); totalgo++; mtime -= now - btime; btime = now; if (--mhand <= 0) { mtime = 12 * 60; mhand = 25; } BGOTO(mv.x, mv.y); outs(bw_chess[me - 1]); go[(int)mv.x][(int)mv.y] = me; GO_examboard(&gd, he); if (send(fd, &mv, sizeof(Horder_t), 0) != sizeof(Horder_t)) break; passflag = 0; if (me == BWHITE) ch = -1; scr_need_redraw = 1; } } } add_io(0, 0); close(fd); redoscr(); igetch(); /* if (me == BWHITE && is_view) cshm_free(); */ if (endflag) { for(i = 0;i < 19;i++) for(j = 0;j < 19;j++) { BGOTO(i, j); if (l[i][j]) { outs(bw_chess[l[i][j] - 1]); } else GO_blank(i, j); } } redoscr(); if (v > pool + 10) { char ans[3]; getdata(b_lines - 1, 0, "要存成棋譜嗎(Y/N)?[Y] ", ans, 3, LCECHO); if (*ans != 'n') GO_log(&gd, my->mateid); } return 0; } int GoBot(void) { Horder_t mv; int i, ch, totalgo; unsigned char tmp_go[2][BRDSIZ][BRDSIZ]; unsigned char tmp_l[2][BRDSIZ][BRDSIZ]; unsigned char tmp_ml[2][BRDSIZ][BRDSIZ]; int tmp_lib[2], tmp_mik[2], tmp_mjk[2], tmp_hik[2], tmp_hjk[2]; int scr_need_redraw = 1; struct GOData gd; unsigned char (*go)[BRDSIZ]=gd.go; unsigned char (*l)[BRDSIZ]=gd.l; unsigned char (*ml)[BRDSIZ]=gd.ml; Horder_t *pool=gd.pool; GO_init(&gd); memset(&tmp_go, 0, sizeof(tmp_go)); memset(&tmp_l, 0, sizeof(tmp_l)); memset(&tmp_ml, 0, sizeof(tmp_ml)); for (i = 0;i < 2;i++) { tmp_lib[i] = 0; tmp_mik[i] = tmp_mjk[i] = tmp_hik[i] = tmp_hjk[i] = -1; } me = BBLACK; he = BWHITE; hand = 0; totalgo = 0; hik = hjk = -1; mik = mjk = -1; setutmpmode(GO); clear(); prints("\033[1;46m 圍棋打譜 \033[45m%66s\033[m", " "); GO_cleantable(); /* film_out(FILM_GO, 1); */ mv.x = mv.y = 9; for(;;) { if(scr_need_redraw){ move(8, 46); clrtoeol(); prints("輪到 %s 方下了....", bw_chess[me - 1]); move(10, 46); clrtoeol(); if (totalgo > 0) { if (pool[totalgo - 1].x == -1 || pool[totalgo - 1].y == -1) prints("%s #%-3d PASS 上一手 ", bw_chess[(totalgo - 1) & 1], totalgo); else prints("%s #%-3d %.1s%-2d 上一手 ", bw_chess[(totalgo - 1) & 1], totalgo, locE + pool[totalgo - 1].x, pool[totalgo - 1].y + 1); } for (i = totalgo - 1;i > 0 && totalgo - i <= 10;i--) { move(10 + totalgo - i, 46); clrtoeol(); if (pool[i - 1].x == -1 || pool[i - 1].y == -1) prints("%s #%-3d PASS", bw_chess[(i - 1) & 1], i); else prints("%s #%-3d %.1s%-2d ", bw_chess[(i - 1) & 1], i, locE + pool[i - 1].x, pool[i - 1].y + 1); } outmsg(" 打譜  (←↑↓→)移動 (空白鍵/ENTER)下子 (u)回上一步 \033[31m(z)\033[30m離開 "); redoscr(); scr_need_redraw = 0; } iBGOTO(mv.x, mv.y); ch = igetch(); if (ch == 'z') break; else if (ch == 'u') { int j; if (!totalgo) continue; memset(go, 0, sizeof(gd.go)); memset( l, 0, sizeof(gd.go)); memset(ml, 0, sizeof(gd.go)); memset(&tmp_go, 0, sizeof(tmp_go)); memset(&tmp_l, 0, sizeof(tmp_l)); memset(&tmp_ml, 0, sizeof(tmp_ml)); for (i = 0;i < 2;i++) { tmp_lib[i] = 0; tmp_mik[i] = tmp_mjk[i] = tmp_hik[i] = tmp_hjk[i] = -1; } me = BBLACK; he = BWHITE; hik = hjk = -1; mik = mjk = -1; /* film_out(FILM_GO, 1); */ totalgo--; for (i = 0;i < totalgo;i++) { go[(int)pool[i].x][(int)pool[i].y] = me; GO_examboard(&gd, he); memcpy(&tmp_go[me - 1], &go, sizeof(gd.l)); memcpy(&tmp_l[me - 1], &l, sizeof(gd.l)); memcpy(&tmp_ml[me - 1], &ml, sizeof(gd.ml)); tmp_lib[me - 1] = lib; tmp_mik[me - 1] = mik; tmp_mjk[me - 1] = mjk; tmp_hik[me - 1] = hik; tmp_hjk[me - 1] = hjk; me = he; he = 3 - me; memcpy(&go, &tmp_go[me - 1], sizeof(gd.l)); memcpy(&l, &tmp_l[me - 1], sizeof(gd.l)); memcpy(&ml, &tmp_ml[me - 1], sizeof(gd.ml)); lib = tmp_lib[me - 1]; mik = tmp_mik[me - 1]; mjk = tmp_mjk[me - 1]; hik = tmp_hik[me - 1]; hjk = tmp_hjk[me - 1]; go[(int)pool[i].x][(int)pool[i].y] = he; GO_examboard(&gd, me); } GO_cleantable(); for (i = 0; i < BRDSIZ; ++i) for(j = 0; j < BRDSIZ; ++j) if (go[i][j]) { BGOTO(i, j); outs(bw_chess[go[i][j] - 1]); } scr_need_redraw = 1; mv = *(--v); } else { if (go_key(&gd, 0, ch, &mv)) { GO_add(&gd, &mv); totalgo++; BGOTO(mv.x, mv.y); outs(bw_chess[me - 1]); go[(int)mv.x][(int)mv.y] = me; GO_examboard(&gd, he); memcpy(&tmp_go[me - 1], &go, sizeof(gd.l)); memcpy(&tmp_l[me - 1], &l, sizeof(gd.l)); memcpy(&tmp_ml[me - 1], &ml, sizeof(gd.ml)); tmp_lib[me - 1] = lib; tmp_mik[me - 1] = mik; tmp_mjk[me - 1] = mjk; tmp_hik[me - 1] = hik; tmp_hjk[me - 1] = hjk; me = he; he = 3 - me; memcpy(&go, &tmp_go[me - 1], sizeof(gd.l)); memcpy(&l, &tmp_l[me - 1], sizeof(gd.l)); memcpy(&ml, &tmp_ml[me - 1], sizeof(gd.ml)); lib = tmp_lib[me - 1]; mik = tmp_mik[me - 1]; mjk = tmp_mjk[me - 1]; hik = tmp_hik[me - 1]; hjk = tmp_hjk[me - 1]; go[(int)mv.x][(int)mv.y] = he; GO_examboard(&gd, me); scr_need_redraw = 1; } } } if (v > pool) { char ans[3]; getdata(b_lines - 1, 0, "要存成棋譜嗎(Y/N)?[Y] ", ans, 3, LCECHO); if (*ans != 'n') GO_log(&gd, NULL); } return 0; }