/* $Id$ */ /** * edit.c, �ΨӴ��� bbs�W����r�s�边, �Y ve. * �{�b�o�@�ӬO�c�d�L������, �����í�w, �Τ���h�� cpu, ���O�i�H�٤U�\�h * ���O���� (�H Ptt����, �b�E�d�H�W�����ɭ�, ���i�٤U 50MB ���O����) * �p�G�z�{���u�� cpu���O����v�ä��X�G�z�����D, �z�i�H�Ҽ{��ϥέץ��e�� * ���� (Revision 782) * * �쥻 ve �����k�O, �]���C�@��̤j�i�H��J WRAPMARGIN �Ӧr, ��O�N���C�@ * ��O�d�F WRAPMARGIN �o��j���Ŷ� (�� 512 bytes) . ���O��ڤW, ���b�ץ� * �����̤p���Ҷq�W, �ڭ̥u���n�ϱo��ЩҦb�o�@����� WRAPMARGIN �o��j, * ��L�C�@���ꤣ���n�o��h���Ŷ�. ��O�o�� patch�N�b�C����Цb�涡���� * ���ɭ�, �N�쥻������O�����Y�p, �A�N�s���쪺���歫�s�[�j, �H�F���̤p�� * �O����ζq. * �H�W�����o�Ӱʧ@�b adjustline() ������, adjustline()�t�~�]�A�ץ��ƭ� * global pointer, �H�קK dangling pointer . * �t�~�Y�w�q DEBUG, �b textline_t ���c���N�[�J mlength, ���ܸӦ��ڦ��� * �O����j�p. �H��K���յ��G. * �o�Ӫ������G�٦��a��S���ץ��n, �i��ɭP segmentation fault . */ #include "bbs.h" #if 0 #define register #define DEBUG #define inline #endif /** * data ��쪺�Ϊk: * �C�� allocate �@�� textline_t �ɡA�|�t���L (sizeof(textline_t) + string * length - 1) ���j�p�C�p���i�����s�� data �Ӥ����B�~�� malloc�C */ typedef struct textline_t { struct textline_t *prev; struct textline_t *next; short len; #ifdef DEBUG short mlength; #endif char data[1]; } textline_t; #define KEEP_EDITING -2 enum { NOBODY, MANAGER, SYSOP }; /** * �o�ӻ����|�N��� edit.c �B�@�������a�L�A�D�n�|�q editor_internal_t �� * data structure �Ͱ_�C���C�@�� data member ���Բӥ\��A�Ш� sturcture * �������ѡC * * �峹�����e (�H�U�� content) �H�u��v�����A�D�n�H firstline, lastline, * totaln �ӰO���C * * User �b�e�����ݨ쪺�e���A�m��@�ӡu window �v���A�o�� window �|�b * content �W���ʡAwindow �̭����d��Y���n show �X�Ӫ��d��C���ΤF���� * ���ӰO���A�]�A currline, top_of_win, currln, currpnt, curr_window_line, * edit_margin�C��ܥX�Ӫ��ĪG���M���u�O�a�o�X�Ӹ�ơA�ٷ|���L��즳�椬 * �@�ΡA�Ҧp �m��s��Ҧ��B�S���Ÿ��s�� �����C�䤤�̽����������O�b��� block * �]����^���ɭԡC�������ı���欰�O�G���D��Цb�}�l�����ثe�]�����^����m * �O�P�@�ӡ]���ɳo�ӽd��O������d��^�A�_�h�N�O�q�}�l���@�C�@����ثe�]�����^ * �o�@�C�C * * editor ���ϥΤW�ثe������ inclusive �� mode�G * insert mode: * ���J/���N * ansi mode: * �m��s�� * indent mode: * �۰��Y�� * phone mode: * �S���Ÿ��s�� * raw mode: * ignore Ctrl('S'), Ctrl('Q'), Ctrl('T') * �٤�: �o�������? * * editor �䴩�F�϶���ܪ��\��]�h���� �� ��椤�����q�^�A���@�� selected * block�A�i�H cut, copy, cancel, �Ϊ̦s��Ȩ��ɡA�ƦܬO����/�k shift�C�Ԩ� * block_XXX�C * * �� Ctrl('Y') �R�������@��|�Q�O�� deleted_line �o����줤�Cundelete_line() * �i�H�� undelete ���ʧ@�C deleted_line ��l�Ȭ� NULL�A�C���u���\�s�@��A�ҥH * �b�s�U�ӮɡA�o�{�Ȥ��� NULL �|���� free ���ʧ@�Ceditor �����ɡA�b * edit_buffer_destructor() ���p�G�o�{�� deleted_line�A�|�b�o�����C��L�a * ��]���ۦP���@�k�A�Ҧp searched_string�Csearched_string �O�b�j�M�峹���e * �ɡA�n�M�䪺 key word�C * * �٦��@�Ӧ��쪺�S�I�A�u�A���ǰt�v�I�欰�N�p�P�b vim �̭��@�ˡC�c�A���M�S�� * ��j�աA���ܤ֦b�t�� c-style comment �� c-style string �ɬO�諸��C�o�Ӱ� * �@�w�q�� match_paren() ���C * * �t�~�A�p�G���ݭn�s�W�s�����A�бN��l�ơ]���ݭn���ܡ^���ʧ@�g�b * edit_buffer_constructor ���C���M�]���� edit_buffer_destructor �i�H�ϥΡC * * ���~�A���F���Ѥ@�� reentrant �� editor�Aprev ���V�e�@�� editor �� * editor_internal_t�Center_edit_buffer �� exit_edit_buffer ���Ѷi�X�������A * �̭����O�|�I�s constructor �� destructor�C * * TODO * vedit �̭����� curr_buf->oldcurrline�A�ΨӰO�W�@���� currline�C�ѩ�u�� currline �� * �� WRAPMARGIN ���Ŷ��A�ҥH�ثe���@�k�O�� curr_buf->oldcurrline != currline �ɡA�N * resize curr_buf->oldcurrline �� currline�C���O�V�|���O�ثe�����H�u�l�� currline ���� * ���A�ӥB�Y�����J�� curr_buf->oldcurrline ���쪺���@��w�g�Q free ���A�N���F�C�̦n�O * ��o�ǪF��]�_�ӡC���L�ڨS�Ű��F�Apatch is welcome :P * * Victor Hsieh <victor@csie.org> * Thu, 03 Feb 2005 15:18:00 +0800 */ typedef struct editor_internal_t { textline_t *firstline; /* first line of the article. */ textline_t *lastline; /* last line of the article. */ textline_t *currline; /* current line of the article(window). */ textline_t *blockline; /* the first selected line of the block. */ textline_t *top_of_win; /* top line of the article in the window. */ textline_t *deleted_line; /* deleted line. Just keep one deleted line. */ textline_t *oldcurrline; short currln; /* current line of the article. */ short currpnt; /* current column of the article. */ short totaln; /* total lines of the article. */ short curr_window_line; /* current line to the window. */ short last_margin; short edit_margin; /* when the cursor moves out of range (say, t_columns), shift this length of the string so you won't see the first edit_margin-th character. */ short lastindent; short blockln; /* the row you started to select block. */ short blockpnt; /* the column you started to select block. */ char insert_c; /* insert this character when shift something in order to compensate the new space. */ char last_phone_mode; char ifuseanony :1; char redraw_everything :1; char insert_mode :1; char ansimode :1; char indent_mode :1; char phone_mode :1; char raw_mode :1; char *searched_string; char *(*substr_fp) (); struct editor_internal_t *prev; } editor_internal_t; // } __attribute__ ((packed)) static editor_internal_t *curr_buf = NULL; static const char fp_bak[] = "bak"; static const char * const BIG5[13] = { "�A�F�G�B�N�C�H�I�E�T�]�^��������", "�b�c�d�e�f�g�h�i�j�k�l�m�n�o�p�� ", "���������������������������", "�ˡ\\�[�¡ġX�����y���@�������A�B", "�ϡСѡҡԡӡסݡڡܡء١ա֡��", "�ۡ������������ޡߡ���", "����������������", "�i�j�u�v�y�z�q�r�m�n�e�f�a�b�_�`", "�g�h�c�d�k�l�s�t�o�p�w�x�{�|", "���������Ρ������I����K�L�ơ�", "�\\�]�^�_�`�a�b�c�d�e�f�g�h�i�j�k", "�l�m�n�o�p�q�r�s�G�K�N�S�U�X�Z�[", "��������������������" }; static const char * const BIG_mode[13] = { "���I", "�϶�", "�аO", "�нu", "�Ƥ@", "�ƤG", "�b�Y", "�A�@", "�A�G", "��L", "�Ƥ@", "�ƤG", "�Ʀr" }; static const char *table[8] = { "�x�w�|�r�}�u�q�t�z�s�{", "����������������������", "���w������������������", "�x�����������������", "�x�w���r���u�q�t�~�s��", "�������䢣������~�ޢ�", "���w������������������", "�x�����������������" }; static const char *table_mode[6] = { "����", "�s��", "�q", "��", "��", "��" }; /* �O����z�P�s��B�z */ static void indigestion(int i) { vmsg("�Y������ (%d)\n", i); u_exit("EDITOR FAILED"); exit(0); } static inline void edit_buffer_constructor(editor_internal_t *buf) { /* all unspecified columns are 0 */ buf->blockln = -1; buf->insert_c = ' '; buf->insert_mode = 1; buf->redraw_everything = 1; buf->lastindent = -1; } static inline void enter_edit_buffer(void) { editor_internal_t *p = curr_buf; curr_buf = (editor_internal_t *)malloc(sizeof(editor_internal_t)); memset(curr_buf, 0, sizeof(editor_internal_t)); curr_buf->prev = p; edit_buffer_constructor(curr_buf); } static inline void edit_buffer_destructor(void) { if (curr_buf->deleted_line != NULL) free(curr_buf->deleted_line); if (curr_buf->searched_string != NULL) free(curr_buf->searched_string); } static inline void exit_edit_buffer(void) { editor_internal_t *p = curr_buf; edit_buffer_destructor(); curr_buf = p->prev; free(p); } /** * transform position ansix in an ansi string of textline_t to the same * string without escape code. * @return position in the string without escape code. */ static int ansi2n(int ansix, textline_t * line) { register char *data, *tmp; register char ch; data = tmp = line->data; while (*tmp) { if (*tmp == KEY_ESC) { while ((ch = *tmp) && !isalpha((int)ch)) tmp++; if (ch) tmp++; continue; } if (ansix <= 0) break; tmp++; ansix--; } return tmp - data; } /** * opposite to ansi2n, according to given textline_t. * @return position in the string with escape code. */ static short n2ansi(short nx, textline_t * line) { register short ansix = 0; register char *tmp, *nxp; register char ch; tmp = nxp = line->data; nxp += nx; while (*tmp) { if (*tmp == KEY_ESC) { while ((ch = *tmp) && !isalpha((int)ch)) tmp++; if (ch) tmp++; continue; } if (tmp >= nxp) break; tmp++; ansix++; } return ansix; } /* �ù��B�z�G���U�T���B��ܽs�褺�e */ static inline void show_phone_mode_panel(void) { int i; move(b_lines - 1, 0); clrtoeol(); if (curr_buf->last_phone_mode < 20) { int len; prints("\033[1;46m�i%s��J�j ", BIG_mode[curr_buf->last_phone_mode - 1]); len = strlen(BIG5[curr_buf->last_phone_mode - 1]) / 2; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) prints("\033[37m%c\033[34m%2.2s", i + 'A', BIG5[curr_buf->last_phone_mode - 1] + i * 2); for (i = 0; i < 16 - len; i++) outs(" "); outs("\033[37m `1~9-=���� Z����\033[m"); } else { prints("\033[1;46m�i����ø�s�j /=%s *=%s�� ", table_mode[(curr_buf->last_phone_mode - 20) / 4], table_mode[(curr_buf->last_phone_mode - 20) % 4 + 2]); for (i = 0;i < 11;i++) prints("\033[37m%c\033[34m%2.2s", i ? i + '/' : '.', table[curr_buf->last_phone_mode - 20] + i * 2); outs("\033[37m Z���X \033[m"); } } /** * Show the bottom status/help bar, and BIG5/table in phone_mode. */ static void edit_msg(void) { int n = curr_buf->currpnt; if (curr_buf->ansimode) /* Thor: �@ ansi �s�� */ n = n2ansi(n, curr_buf->currline); if (curr_buf->phone_mode) show_phone_mode_panel(); move(b_lines, 0); clrtoeol(); prints("\033[37;44m �s��峹 \033[31;47m (^Z)\033[30m���� " "\033[31;47m(^P)\033[30m�Ÿ� " "\033[31;47m(^G)\033[30m���J�Ϥ�w \033[31m(^X,^Q)" "\033[30m���}��%s�x%c%c%c%c�� %3d:%3d \033[m", curr_buf->insert_mode ? "���J" : "���N", curr_buf->ansimode ? 'A' : 'a', curr_buf->indent_mode ? 'I' : 'i', curr_buf->phone_mode ? 'P' : 'p', curr_buf->raw_mode ? 'R' : 'r', curr_buf->currln + 1, n + 1); } /** * return the middle line of the window. */ static inline int middle_line(void) { return p_lines / 2 + 1; } /** * Return the previous 'num' line. Stop at the first line if there's * not enough lines. */ static textline_t * back_line(textline_t * pos, int num) { while (num-- > 0) { register textline_t *item; if (pos && (item = pos->prev)) { pos = item; curr_buf->currln--; } else break; } return pos; } /* calculate if cursor is at bottom, scroll required? * currently vedit does NOT handle if curr_window_line > b_lines, * take care if you changed curr_window_line! */ static inline int cursor_at_bottom_line(void) { return curr_buf->curr_window_line == b_lines || (curr_buf->phone_mode && curr_buf->curr_window_line == b_lines - 1); } /** * Return the next 'num' line. Stop at the last line if there's not * enough lines. */ static textline_t * forward_line(textline_t * pos, int num) { while (num-- > 0) { register textline_t *item; if (pos && (item = pos->next)) { pos = item; curr_buf->currln++; } else break; } return pos; } /** * move the cursor to the next line with ansimode fixed. */ static inline void cursor_to_next_line(void) { short pos; if (curr_buf->currline->next == NULL) return; curr_buf->currline = curr_buf->currline->next; curr_buf->curr_window_line++; curr_buf->currln++; if (curr_buf->ansimode) { pos = n2ansi(curr_buf->currpnt, curr_buf->currline->prev); curr_buf->currpnt = ansi2n(pos, curr_buf->currline); } else { curr_buf->currpnt = (curr_buf->currline->len > curr_buf->lastindent) ? curr_buf->lastindent : curr_buf->currline->len; } } /** * opposite to cursor_to_next_line. */ static inline void cursor_to_prev_line(void) { short pos; if (curr_buf->currline->prev == NULL) return; curr_buf->curr_window_line--; curr_buf->currln--; curr_buf->currline = curr_buf->currline->prev; if (curr_buf->ansimode) { pos = n2ansi(curr_buf->currpnt, curr_buf->currline->next); curr_buf->currpnt = ansi2n(pos, curr_buf->currline); } else { curr_buf->currpnt = (curr_buf->currline->len > curr_buf->lastindent) ? curr_buf->lastindent : curr_buf->currline->len; } } static inline void window_scroll_down(void) { curr_buf->curr_window_line = 0; if (!curr_buf->top_of_win->prev) indigestion(6); else { curr_buf->top_of_win = curr_buf->top_of_win->prev; rscroll(); } } static inline void window_scroll_up(void) { curr_buf->curr_window_line = b_lines - (curr_buf->phone_mode ? 2 : 1); if (unlikely(!curr_buf->top_of_win->next)) indigestion(7); else { curr_buf->top_of_win = curr_buf->top_of_win->next; if(curr_buf->phone_mode) move(b_lines-1, 0); else move(b_lines, 0); clrtoeol(); scroll(); } } /** * Get the current line number in the window now. */ static int get_lineno_in_window(void) { int cnt = 0; textline_t *p = curr_buf->currline; while (p && (p != curr_buf->top_of_win)) { cnt++; p = p->prev; } return cnt; } /** * shift given raw data s with length len to left by one byte. */ static void raw_shift_left(char *s, int len) { int i; for (i = 0; i < len && s[i] != 0; ++i) s[i] = s[i + 1]; } /** * shift given raw data s with length len to right by one byte. */ static void raw_shift_right(char *s, int len) { int i; for (i = len - 1; i >= 0; --i) s[i + 1] = s[i]; } /** * Return the pointer to the next non-space position. */ static char * next_non_space_char(char *s) { while (*s == ' ') s++; return s; } /** * allocate a textline_t with length length. */ static textline_t * alloc_line(short length) { textline_t *p; if ((p = (textline_t *) malloc(length + sizeof(textline_t)))) { memset(p, 0, length + sizeof(textline_t)); #ifdef DEBUG p->mlength = length; #endif return p; } indigestion(13); abort_bbs(0); return NULL; } /** * Insert p after line in list. Keeps up with last line */ static void insert_line(textline_t *line, textline_t *p) { textline_t *n; if ((p->next = n = line->next)) n->prev = p; else curr_buf->lastline = p; line->next = p; p->prev = line; } /** * delete_line deletes 'line' from the line list. * @param saved true if you want to keep the line in deleted_line */ static void delete_line(textline_t * line, int saved) { register textline_t *p = line->prev; register textline_t *n = line->next; if (!p && !n) { line->data[0] = line->len = 0; return; } if (n) n->prev = p; else curr_buf->lastline = p; if (p) p->next = n; else curr_buf->firstline = n; curr_buf->totaln--; if (saved) { if (curr_buf->deleted_line != NULL) free(curr_buf->deleted_line); curr_buf->deleted_line = line; } else free(line); } static int ask(const char *prompt) { int ch; move(0, 0); clrtoeol(); standout(); outs(prompt); standend(); ch = igetch(); move(0, 0); clrtoeol(); return (ch); } /** * Return the indent space number according to CURRENT line and the FORMER * line. It'll be the first line contains non-space character. * @return space number from the beginning to the first non-space character, * return 0 if non or not in indent mode. */ static int indent_space(void) { textline_t *p; int spcs; if (!curr_buf->indent_mode) return 0; for (p = curr_buf->currline; p; p = p->prev) { for (spcs = 0; p->data[spcs] == ' '; ++spcs); /* empty loop */ if (p->data[spcs]) return spcs; } return 0; } /** * adjustline(oldp, len); * �ΨӱN oldp ���쪺���@��, ���s�ץ��� len�o���. * * �I�s�F adjustline ��O�o�ˬd���ʨ� currline, �p�G�O���� oldcurrline �]�n�� * * In FreeBSD: * �b�o��@�@���F�⦸�� memcpy() , �Ĥ@���q heap ���� stack , * ���ӰO���� free() ��, �S���s�b stack�W malloc() �@��, * �M��A�����^��. * �D�n�O�� sbrk() �[��쪺���G, �o�ˤl�~�u�����Y��O����ζq. * �Ԩ� /usr/share/doc/papers/malloc.ascii.gz (in FreeBSD) */ static textline_t * adjustline(textline_t *oldp, short len) { // XXX write a generic version ? char tmpl[sizeof(textline_t) + WRAPMARGIN]; textline_t *newp; #ifdef deBUG if(oldp->len > WRAPMARGIN || oldp->len < 0) { kill(currpid, SIGSEGV); } #endif memcpy(tmpl, oldp, oldp->len + sizeof(textline_t)); free(oldp); newp = alloc_line(len); memcpy(newp, tmpl, len + sizeof(textline_t)); #ifdef DEBUG newp->mlength = len; #endif if( oldp == curr_buf->firstline ) curr_buf->firstline = newp; if( oldp == curr_buf->lastline ) curr_buf->lastline = newp; if( oldp == curr_buf->currline ) curr_buf->currline = newp; if( oldp == curr_buf->blockline ) curr_buf->blockline = newp; if( oldp == curr_buf->top_of_win) curr_buf->top_of_win= newp; if( newp->prev != NULL ) newp->prev->next = newp; if( newp->next != NULL ) newp->next->prev = newp; // vmsg("adjust %x to %x, length: %d", (int)oldp, (int)newp, len); return newp; } /** * split 'line' right before the character pos * * @return the latter line after splitting */ static textline_t * split(textline_t * line, int pos) { if (pos <= line->len) { register textline_t *p = alloc_line(WRAPMARGIN); register char *ptr; int spcs = indent_space(); curr_buf->totaln++; p->len = line->len - pos + spcs; line->len = pos; memset(p->data, ' ', spcs); p->data[spcs] = 0; ptr = line->data + pos; if (curr_buf->indent_mode) ptr = next_non_space_char(ptr); strcat(p->data + spcs, ptr); ptr[0] = '\0'; if (line == curr_buf->currline && pos <= curr_buf->currpnt) { line = adjustline(line, line->len); insert_line(line, p); // because p is allocated with fullsize, we can skip adjust. // curr_buf->oldcurrline = line; curr_buf->oldcurrline = curr_buf->currline = p; if (pos == curr_buf->currpnt) curr_buf->currpnt = spcs; else curr_buf->currpnt -= pos; curr_buf->curr_window_line++; curr_buf->currln++; /* split may cause cursor hit bottom */ if (cursor_at_bottom_line()) window_scroll_up(); } else { p = adjustline(p, p->len); insert_line(line, p); } curr_buf->redraw_everything = YEA; } return line; } /** * Insert a character ch to current line. * * The line will be split if the length is >= WRAPMARGIN. It'll be split * from the last space if any, or start a new line after the last character. */ static void insert_char(int ch) { register textline_t *p = curr_buf->currline; register int i = p->len; register char *s; int wordwrap = YEA; if (curr_buf->currpnt > i) { indigestion(1); return; } if (curr_buf->currpnt < i && !curr_buf->insert_mode) { p->data[curr_buf->currpnt++] = ch; /* Thor: ansi �s��, �i�Hoverwrite, ���\�� ansi code */ if (curr_buf->ansimode) curr_buf->currpnt = ansi2n(n2ansi(curr_buf->currpnt, p), p); } else { raw_shift_right(p->data + curr_buf->currpnt, i - curr_buf->currpnt + 1); p->data[curr_buf->currpnt++] = ch; i = ++(p->len); } if (i < WRAPMARGIN) return; s = p->data + (i - 1); while (s != p->data && *s == ' ') s--; while (s != p->data && *s != ' ') s--; if (s == p->data) { wordwrap = NA; s = p->data + (i - 2); } p = split(p, (s - p->data) + 1); p = p->next; i = p->len; if (wordwrap && i >= 1) { if (p->data[i - 1] != ' ') { p->data[i] = ' '; p->data[i + 1] = '\0'; p->len++; } } } /** * insert_char twice. */ static void insert_dchar(const char *dchar) { insert_char(*dchar); insert_char(*(dchar+1)); } static void insert_tab(void) { do { insert_char(' '); } while (curr_buf->currpnt & 0x7); } /** * Insert a string. * * All printable and '\033' will be directly printed out. * '\t' will be printed to align every 8 byte. * '\n' will split the line. * The other character will be ignore. */ static void insert_string(const char *str) { char ch; while ((ch = *str++)) { if (isprint2(ch) || ch == '\033') insert_char(ch); else if (ch == '\t') insert_tab(); else if (ch == '\n') split(curr_buf->currline, curr_buf->currpnt); } } /** * undelete the deleted line. * * return NULL if there's no deleted_line, otherwise, return currline. */ static textline_t * undelete_line(void) { editor_internal_t tmp; if (!curr_buf->deleted_line) return NULL; tmp.top_of_win = curr_buf->top_of_win; tmp.indent_mode = curr_buf->indent_mode; tmp.curr_window_line = curr_buf->curr_window_line; curr_buf->indent_mode = 0; curr_buf->currpnt = 0; curr_buf->currln++; insert_string(curr_buf->deleted_line->data); insert_string("\n"); curr_buf->top_of_win = tmp.top_of_win; curr_buf->indent_mode = tmp.indent_mode; curr_buf->curr_window_line = tmp.curr_window_line; assert(curr_buf->currline->prev); curr_buf->currline = adjustline(curr_buf->currline, curr_buf->currline->len); curr_buf->currline = curr_buf->currline->prev; curr_buf->currline = adjustline(curr_buf->currline, WRAPMARGIN); curr_buf->oldcurrline = curr_buf->currline; if (curr_buf->currline->prev == NULL) { curr_buf->top_of_win = curr_buf->currline; curr_buf->currln = 0; } return curr_buf->currline; } /* * 1) lines were joined and one was deleted 2) lines could not be joined 3) * next line is empty returns false if: 1) Some of the joined line wrapped * * (It assumes line has WRAPMARGIN length of data. It seems to imply * line == currline .) */ static int join(textline_t * line) { register textline_t *n; register int ovfl; if (!(n = line->next)) return YEA; if (!*next_non_space_char(n->data)) return YEA; ovfl = line->len + n->len - WRAPMARGIN; if (ovfl < 0) { strcat(line->data, n->data); line->len += n->len; delete_line(n, 0); return YEA; } else { // FIXME segfault register char *s; s = n->data + n->len - ovfl - 1; while (s != n->data && *s == ' ') s--; while (s != n->data && *s != ' ') s--; if (s == n->data) return YEA; split(n, (s - n->data) + 1); if (line->len + n->len >= WRAPMARGIN) { indigestion(0); return YEA; } join(line); n = line->next; ovfl = n->len - 1; if (ovfl >= 0 && ovfl < WRAPMARGIN - 2) { s = &(n->data[ovfl]); if (*s != ' ') { strcpy(s, " "); n->len++; } } return NA; } } static void delete_char(void) { register int len; if ((len = curr_buf->currline->len)) { if (unlikely(curr_buf->currpnt >= len)) { indigestion(1); return; } raw_shift_left(curr_buf->currline->data + curr_buf->currpnt, curr_buf->currline->len - curr_buf->currpnt + 1); curr_buf->currline->len--; } } static void load_file(FILE * fp) { char buf[WRAPMARGIN + 2]; int indent_mode0 = curr_buf->indent_mode; assert(fp); curr_buf->indent_mode = 0; while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp)) insert_string(buf); curr_buf->indent_mode = indent_mode0; } /* �Ȧs�� */ char * ask_tmpbuf(int y) { static char fp_buf[10] = "buf.0"; static char msg[] = "�п�ܼȦs�� (0-9)[0]: "; msg[19] = fp_buf[4]; do { if (!getdata(y, 0, msg, fp_buf + 4, 4, DOECHO)) fp_buf[4] = msg[19]; } while (fp_buf[4] < '0' || fp_buf[4] > '9'); return fp_buf; } static void read_tmpbuf(int n) { FILE *fp; char fp_tmpbuf[80]; char tmpfname[] = "buf.0"; char *tmpf; char ans[4] = "y"; if (0 <= n && n <= 9) { tmpfname[4] = '0' + n; tmpf = tmpfname; } else { tmpf = ask_tmpbuf(3); n = tmpf[4] - '0'; } setuserfile(fp_tmpbuf, tmpf); if (n != 0 && n != 5 && more(fp_tmpbuf, NA) != -1) getdata(b_lines - 1, 0, "�T�wŪ�J��(Y/N)?[Y]", ans, sizeof(ans), LCECHO); if (*ans != 'n' && (fp = fopen(fp_tmpbuf, "r"))) { load_file(fp); fclose(fp); while (curr_buf->curr_window_line >= b_lines) { curr_buf->curr_window_line--; curr_buf->top_of_win = curr_buf->top_of_win->next; } } } static void write_tmpbuf(void) { FILE *fp; char fp_tmpbuf[80], ans[4]; textline_t *p; setuserfile(fp_tmpbuf, ask_tmpbuf(3)); if (dashf(fp_tmpbuf)) { more(fp_tmpbuf, NA); getdata(b_lines - 1, 0, "�Ȧs�ɤw����� (A)���[ (W)�мg (Q)�����H[A] ", ans, sizeof(ans), LCECHO); if (ans[0] == 'q') return; } if ((fp = fopen(fp_tmpbuf, (ans[0] == 'w' ? "w" : "a+")))) { for (p = curr_buf->firstline; p; p = p->next) { if (p->next || p->data[0]) fprintf(fp, "%s\n", p->data); } fclose(fp); } } static void erase_tmpbuf(void) { char fp_tmpbuf[80]; char ans[4] = "n"; setuserfile(fp_tmpbuf, ask_tmpbuf(3)); if (more(fp_tmpbuf, NA) != -1) getdata(b_lines - 1, 0, "�T�w�R����(Y/N)?[N]", ans, sizeof(ans), LCECHO); if (*ans == 'y') unlink(fp_tmpbuf); } /** * �s�边�۰ʳƥ� *(�̦h�ƥ� 512 �� (?)) */ void auto_backup(void) { if (curr_buf == NULL) return; if (curr_buf->currline) { FILE *fp; textline_t *p, *v; char bakfile[PATHLEN]; int count = 0; setuserfile(bakfile, fp_bak); if ((fp = fopen(bakfile, "w"))) { for (p = curr_buf->firstline; p != NULL && count < 512; p = v, count++) { v = p->next; fprintf(fp, "%s\n", p->data); free(p); } fclose(fp); } curr_buf->currline = NULL; } } /** * ���^�s�边�ƥ� */ void restore_backup(void) { char bakfile[80], buf[80]; setuserfile(bakfile, fp_bak); if (dashf(bakfile)) { stand_title("�s�边�۰ʴ_��"); getdata(1, 0, "�z���@�g�峹�|�������A(S)�g�J�Ȧs�� (Q)��F�H[S] ", buf, 4, LCECHO); if (buf[0] != 'q') { setuserfile(buf, ask_tmpbuf(3)); Rename(bakfile, buf); } else unlink(bakfile); } } /* �ޥΤ峹 */ static int garbage_line(const char *str) { int qlevel = 0; while (*str == ':' || *str == '>') { if (*(++str) == ' ') str++; if (qlevel++ >= 1) return 1; } while (*str == ' ' || *str == '\t') str++; if (qlevel >= 1) { if (!strncmp(str, "�� ", 3) || !strncmp(str, "==>", 3) || strstr(str, ") ����:\n")) return 1; } return (*str == '\n'); } static void do_quote(void) { int op; char buf[256]; getdata(b_lines - 1, 0, "�аݭn�ޥέ���(Y/N/All/Repost)�H[Y] ", buf, 3, LCECHO); op = buf[0]; if (op != 'n') { FILE *inf; if ((inf = fopen(quote_file, "r"))) { char *ptr; int indent_mode0 = curr_buf->indent_mode; fgets(buf, 256, inf); if ((ptr = strrchr(buf, ')'))) ptr[1] = '\0'; else if ((ptr = strrchr(buf, '\n'))) ptr[0] = '\0'; if ((ptr = strchr(buf, ':'))) { char *str; while (*(++ptr) == ' '); /* ����o�ϡA���o author's address */ if ((curredit & EDIT_BOTH) && (str = strchr(quote_user, '.'))) { strcpy(++str, ptr); str = strchr(str, ' '); assert(str); str[0] = '\0'; } } else ptr = quote_user; curr_buf->indent_mode = 0; insert_string("�� �ޭz�m"); insert_string(ptr); insert_string("�n���ʨ��G\n"); if (op != 'a') /* �h�� header */ while (fgets(buf, 256, inf) && buf[0] != '\n'); if (op == 'a') while (fgets(buf, 256, inf)) { insert_char(':'); insert_char(' '); insert_string(Ptt_prints(buf, STRIP_ALL)); } else if (op == 'r') while (fgets(buf, 256, inf)) insert_string(Ptt_prints(buf, NO_RELOAD)); else { if (curredit & EDIT_LIST) /* �h�� mail list �� header */ while (fgets(buf, 256, inf) && (!strncmp(buf, "�� ", 3))); while (fgets(buf, 256, inf)) { if (!strcmp(buf, "--\n")) break; if (!garbage_line(buf)) { insert_char(':'); insert_char(' '); insert_string(Ptt_prints(buf, STRIP_ALL)); } } } curr_buf->indent_mode = indent_mode0; fclose(inf); } } } /** * �f�d user �ި����ϥ� */ static int check_quote(void) { register textline_t *p = curr_buf->firstline; register char *str; int post_line; int included_line; post_line = included_line = 0; while (p) { if (!strcmp(str = p->data, "--")) break; if (str[1] == ' ' && ((str[0] == ':') || (str[0] == '>'))) included_line++; else { while (*str == ' ' || *str == '\t') str++; if (*str) post_line++; } p = p->next; } if ((included_line >> 2) > post_line) { move(4, 0); outs("���g�峹���ި���ҶW�L 80%�A�бz���ǷL���ץ��G\n\n" "\033[1;33m1) �W�[�@�Ǥ峹 �� 2) �R�������n���ި�\033[m"); { char ans[4]; getdata(12, 12, "(E)�~��s�� (W)�j��g�J�H[E] ", ans, sizeof(ans), LCECHO); if (ans[0] == 'w') return 0; } return 1; } return 0; } /* �ɮ׳B�z�GŪ�ɡB�s�ɡB���D�Bñ�W�� */ static void read_file(const char *fpath) { FILE *fp; if ((fp = fopen(fpath, "r")) == NULL) { int fd; if ((fd = creat(fpath, 0600)) >= 0) { close(fd); return; } indigestion(4); abort_bbs(0); } load_file(fp); fclose(fp); } void write_header(FILE * fp, int ifuseanony) // FIXME unused { if (curredit & EDIT_MAIL || curredit & EDIT_LIST) { fprintf(fp, "%s %s (%s)\n", str_author1, cuser.userid, cuser.username ); } else { char *ptr; struct { char author[IDLEN + 1]; char board[IDLEN + 1]; char title[66]; time4_t date; /* last post's date */ int number; /* post number */ } postlog; memset(&postlog, 0, sizeof(postlog)); strlcpy(postlog.author, cuser.userid, sizeof(postlog.author)); if (curr_buf) curr_buf->ifuseanony = 0; #ifdef HAVE_ANONYMOUS if (currbrdattr & BRD_ANONYMOUS) { int defanony = (currbrdattr & BRD_DEFAULTANONYMOUS); if (defanony) getdata(3, 0, "�п�J�A�Q�Ϊ�ID�A�]�i������[Enter]�A" "�άO��[r]�ίu�W�G", real_name, sizeof(real_name), DOECHO); else getdata(3, 0, "�п�J�A�Q�Ϊ�ID�A�]�i������[Enter]�ϥέ�ID�G", real_name, sizeof(real_name), DOECHO); if (!real_name[0] && defanony) { strlcpy(real_name, "Anonymous", sizeof(real_name)); strlcpy(postlog.author, real_name, sizeof(postlog.author)); if (curr_buf) curr_buf->ifuseanony = 1; } else { if (!strcmp("r", real_name) || (!defanony && !real_name[0])) strlcpy(postlog.author, cuser.userid, sizeof(postlog.author)); else { snprintf(postlog.author, sizeof(postlog.author), "%s.", real_name); if (curr_buf) curr_buf->ifuseanony = 1; } } } #endif strlcpy(postlog.board, currboard, sizeof(postlog.board)); ptr = save_title; if (!strncmp(ptr, str_reply, 4)) ptr += 4; strncpy(postlog.title, ptr, 65); postlog.date = now; postlog.number = 1; append_record(".post", (fileheader_t *) & postlog, sizeof(postlog)); #ifdef HAVE_ANONYMOUS if (currbrdattr & BRD_ANONYMOUS) { int defanony = (currbrdattr & BRD_DEFAULTANONYMOUS); fprintf(fp, "%s %s (%s) %s %s\n", str_author1, postlog.author, (((!strcmp(real_name, "r") && defanony) || (!real_name[0] && (!defanony))) ? cuser.username : "�q�q�ڬO�� ? ^o^"), local_article ? str_post2 : str_post1, currboard); } else { fprintf(fp, "%s %s (%s) %s %s\n", str_author1, cuser.userid, cuser.username, local_article ? str_post2 : str_post1, currboard); } #else /* HAVE_ANONYMOUS */ fprintf(fp, "%s %s (%s) %s %s\n", str_author1, cuser.userid, cuser.username, local_article ? str_post2 : str_post1, currboard); #endif /* HAVE_ANONYMOUS */ } save_title[72] = '\0'; fprintf(fp, "���D: %s\n�ɶ�: %s\n", save_title, ctime4(&now)); } void addsignature(FILE * fp, int ifuseanony) { FILE *fs; int i, num; char buf[WRAPMARGIN + 1]; char fpath[STRLEN]; static char msg[] = "�п��ñ�W�� (1-9, 0=���[ X=�H��)[X]: "; char ch; if (!strcmp(cuser.userid, STR_GUEST)) { fprintf(fp, "\n--\n�� �o�H�� :" BBSNAME "(" MYHOSTNAME ") \n�� From: %s\n", fromhost); return; } if (!ifuseanony) { num = showsignature(fpath, &i); if (num){ msg[34] = ch = isdigit(cuser.signature) ? cuser.signature : 'X'; getdata(0, 0, msg, buf, 4, DOECHO); if (!buf[0]) buf[0] = ch; if (isdigit((int)buf[0])) ch = buf[0]; else ch = '1' + random() % num; cuser.signature = buf[0]; if (ch != '0') { fpath[i] = ch; if ((fs = fopen(fpath, "r"))) { fputs("\n--\n", fp); for (i = 0; i < MAX_SIGLINES && fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fs); i++) fputs(buf, fp); fclose(fs); } } } } #ifdef HAVE_ORIGIN #ifdef HAVE_ANONYMOUS if (ifuseanony) fprintf(fp, "\n--\n�� �o�H��: " BBSNAME "(" MYHOSTNAME ") \n�� From: %s\n", "�ΦW�ѨϪ��a"); else { char temp[33]; strncpy(temp, fromhost, 31); temp[32] = '\0'; fprintf(fp, "\n--\n�� �o�H��: " BBSNAME "(" MYHOSTNAME ") \n�� From: %s\n", temp); } #else strncpy(temp, fromhost, 15); fprintf(fp, "\n--\n�� �o�H��: " BBSNAME "(" MYHOSTNAME ") \n�� From: %s\n", temp); #endif #endif } static int write_file(char *fpath, int saveheader, int *islocal) { struct tm *ptime; FILE *fp = NULL; textline_t *p, *v; char ans[TTLEN], *msg; int aborted = 0, line = 0, checksum[3], sum = 0, po = 1; stand_title("�ɮ׳B�z"); if (currstat == SMAIL) msg = "[S]�x�s (A)��� (T)����D (E)�~�� (R/W/D)Ū�g�R�Ȧs�ɡH"; else if (local_article) msg = "[L]�����H�� (S)�x�s (A)��� (T)����D (E)�~�� " "(R/W/D)Ū�g�R�Ȧs�ɡH"; else msg = "[S]�x�s (L)�����H�� (A)��� (T)����D (E)�~�� " "(R/W/D)Ū�g�R�Ȧs�ɡH"; getdata(1, 0, msg, ans, 2, LCECHO); switch (ans[0]) { case 'a': outs("�峹\033[1m �S�� \033[m�s�J"); aborted = -1; break; case 'r': read_tmpbuf(-1); case 'e': return KEEP_EDITING; case 'w': write_tmpbuf(); return KEEP_EDITING; case 'd': erase_tmpbuf(); return KEEP_EDITING; case 't': move(3, 0); prints("�¼��D�G%s", save_title); strlcpy(ans, save_title, sizeof(ans)); if (getdata_buf(4, 0, "�s���D�G", ans, sizeof(ans), DOECHO)) strlcpy(save_title, ans, sizeof(save_title)); return KEEP_EDITING; case 's': if (!HAS_PERM(PERM_LOGINOK)) { local_article = 1; move(2, 0); outs("�z�|���q�L�����T�{�A�u�� Local Save�C\n"); pressanykey(); } else local_article = 0; break; case 'l': local_article = 1; } if (!aborted) { if (saveheader && !(curredit & EDIT_MAIL) && check_quote()) return KEEP_EDITING; if (!(*fpath)) setuserfile(fpath, "ve_XXXXXX"); if ((fp = fopen(fpath, "w")) == NULL) { indigestion(5); abort_bbs(0); } if (saveheader) write_header(fp, curr_buf->ifuseanony); } for (p = curr_buf->firstline; p; p = v) { v = p->next; if (!aborted) { assert(fp); msg = p->data; if (v || msg[0]) { trim(msg); line++; if (currstat == POSTING && po ) { saveheader = str_checksum(msg); if (saveheader) { if (postrecord.last_bid != currbid && postrecord.checksum[po] == saveheader) { po++; if (po > 3) { postrecord.times++; postrecord.last_bid = currbid; po = 0; } } else po = 1; if (currstat == POSTING && line >= curr_buf->totaln / 2 && sum < 3) { checksum[sum++] = saveheader; } } } fprintf(fp, "%s\n", msg); } } free(p); } curr_buf->currline = NULL; if (postrecord.times > MAX_CROSSNUM-1 && hbflcheck(currbid, currutmp->uid)) anticrosspost(); if (po && sum == 3) { memcpy(&postrecord.checksum[1], checksum, sizeof(int) * 3); if(postrecord.last_bid != currbid) postrecord.times = 0; } if (!aborted) { if (islocal) *islocal = local_article; if (currstat == POSTING || currstat == SMAIL) addsignature(fp, curr_buf->ifuseanony); else if (currstat == REEDIT #ifndef ALL_REEDIT_LOG && strcmp(currboard, str_sysop) == 0 #endif ) { ptime = localtime4(&now); fprintf(fp, "�� �s��: %-15s �Ӧ�: %-20s (%02d/%02d %02d:%02d)\n", cuser.userid, fromhost, ptime->tm_mon + 1, ptime->tm_mday, ptime->tm_hour, ptime->tm_min); } fclose(fp); if (local_article && (currstat == POSTING)) return 0; return 0; } return aborted; } static inline int has_block_selection(void) { return curr_buf->blockln >= 0; } /** * a block is continual lines of the article. */ /** * stop the block selection. */ static void block_cancel(void) { if (has_block_selection()) { curr_buf->blockln = -1; curr_buf->redraw_everything = YEA; } } static inline void setup_block_begin_end(textline_t **begin, textline_t **end) { if (curr_buf->currln >= curr_buf->blockln) { *begin = curr_buf->blockline; *end = curr_buf->currline; } else { *begin = curr_buf->currline; *end = curr_buf->blockline; } } static inline void setup_block_begin_end_number(short *begin, short *end) { if (curr_buf->currpnt > curr_buf->blockpnt) { *begin = curr_buf->blockpnt; *end = curr_buf->currpnt; } else { *begin = curr_buf->currpnt; *end = curr_buf->blockpnt; } } #define BLOCK_TRUNCATE 0 #define BLOCK_APPEND 1 /** * save the selected block to file 'fname.' * mode: BLOCK_TRUNCATE truncate mode * BLOCK_APPEND append mode */ static void block_save_to_file(const char *fname, int mode) { textline_t *begin, *end; char fp_tmpbuf[80]; FILE *fp; if (!has_block_selection()) return; setup_block_begin_end(&begin, &end); setuserfile(fp_tmpbuf, fname); if ((fp = fopen(fp_tmpbuf, mode == BLOCK_APPEND ? "a+" : "w+"))) { if (begin == end && curr_buf->currpnt != curr_buf->blockpnt) { char buf[WRAPMARGIN + 2]; if (curr_buf->currpnt > curr_buf->blockpnt) { strlcpy(buf, begin->data + curr_buf->blockpnt, sizeof(buf)); buf[curr_buf->currpnt - curr_buf->blockpnt] = 0; } else { strlcpy(buf, begin->data + curr_buf->currpnt, sizeof(buf)); buf[curr_buf->blockpnt - curr_buf->currpnt] = 0; } fputs(buf, fp); } else { textline_t *p; for (p = begin; p != end; p = p->next) fprintf(fp, "%s\n", p->data); fprintf(fp, "%s\n", end->data); } fclose(fp); } } /** * delete selected block */ static void block_delete(void) { textline_t *begin, *end; if (!has_block_selection()) return; setup_block_begin_end(&begin, &end); if (begin == end && curr_buf->currpnt != curr_buf->blockpnt) { short min, max; setup_block_begin_end_number(&min, &max); strcpy(begin->data + min, begin->data + max); begin->len -= max - min; curr_buf->currpnt = min; } else { textline_t *p; if (curr_buf->currln >= curr_buf->blockln) { curr_buf->curr_window_line -= (curr_buf->currln - curr_buf->blockln); if (curr_buf->curr_window_line < 0) { curr_buf->curr_window_line = 0; if (end->next) (curr_buf->top_of_win = end->next)->prev = begin->prev; else curr_buf->top_of_win = (curr_buf->lastline = begin->prev); } curr_buf->currln -= (curr_buf->currln - curr_buf->blockln); } if (begin->prev) begin->prev->next = end->next; else if (end->next) curr_buf->top_of_win = curr_buf->firstline = end->next; else { curr_buf->currline = curr_buf->top_of_win = curr_buf->firstline = curr_buf->lastline = alloc_line(WRAPMARGIN); curr_buf->currln = curr_buf->curr_window_line = curr_buf->edit_margin = 0; } if (end->next) { curr_buf->currline = end->next; curr_buf->currline->prev = begin->prev; } else if (begin->prev) { curr_buf->currline = (curr_buf->lastline = begin->prev); curr_buf->currln--; if (curr_buf->curr_window_line > 0) curr_buf->curr_window_line--; } for (p = begin; p != end; curr_buf->totaln--) free((p = p->next)->prev); free(end); curr_buf->totaln--; curr_buf->currpnt = 0; } } static void block_cut(void) { if (!has_block_selection()) return; block_save_to_file("buf.0", BLOCK_TRUNCATE); block_delete(); curr_buf->blockln = -1; curr_buf->redraw_everything = YEA; } static void block_copy(void) { if (!has_block_selection()) return; block_save_to_file("buf.0", BLOCK_TRUNCATE); curr_buf->blockln = -1; curr_buf->redraw_everything = YEA; } static void block_prompt(void) { char fp_tmpbuf[80]; char tmpfname[] = "buf.0"; char mode[2]; move(b_lines - 1, 0); clrtoeol(); if (!getdata(b_lines - 1, 0, "��϶����ܼȦs�� (0:Cut, 5:Copy, 6-9, q: Cancel)[0] ", tmpfname + 4, 4, LCECHO)) tmpfname[4] = '0'; if (tmpfname[4] < '0' || tmpfname[4] > '9') goto cancel_block; if (tmpfname[4] == '0') { block_cut(); return; } else if (tmpfname[4] == '5') { block_copy(); return; } setuserfile(fp_tmpbuf, tmpfname); if (dashf(fp_tmpbuf)) { more(fp_tmpbuf, NA); getdata(b_lines - 1, 0, "�Ȧs�ɤw����� (A)���[ (W)�мg (Q)�����H[W] ", mode, sizeof(mode), LCECHO); if (mode[0] == 'q') goto cancel_block; else if (mode[0] != 'a') mode[0] = 'w'; } if (getans("�R���϶�(Y/N)?[N] ") != 'y') goto cancel_block; block_save_to_file(tmpfname, mode[0] == 'a' ? BLOCK_APPEND : BLOCK_TRUNCATE); cancel_block: curr_buf->blockln = -1; curr_buf->redraw_everything = YEA; } static void block_select(void) { curr_buf->blockln = curr_buf->currln; curr_buf->blockpnt = curr_buf->currpnt; curr_buf->blockline = curr_buf->currline; } static inline void display_textline_internal(textline_t *p, int i, int min, int max) { char inblock; short tmp; void (*output)(const char *); void (*output_n)(const char *, int); move(i, 0); clrtoeol(); if (!p) { outc('~'); return; } if (curr_buf->ansimode) { output = outs; output_n = outs_n; } else { output = edit_outs; output_n = edit_outs_n; } tmp = curr_buf->currln - curr_buf->curr_window_line + i; /* if line 'i' is in block's range */ if (has_block_selection() && ( (curr_buf->blockln <= curr_buf->currln && curr_buf->blockln <= tmp && tmp <= curr_buf->currln) || (curr_buf->currln <= tmp && tmp <= curr_buf->blockln)) ) { outs("\033[7m"); inblock = 1; } else inblock = 0; if (curr_buf->currln == curr_buf->blockln && p == curr_buf->currline && max > min) { outs("\033[m"); (*output_n)(p->data, min); outs("\033[7m"); (*output_n)(p->data + min, max - min); outs("\033[m"); (*output)(p->data + max); } else (*output)((curr_buf->edit_margin < p->len) ? &p->data[curr_buf->edit_margin] : ""); if (inblock) outs("\033[m"); } /** * given a textline_t 'text' and the line number 'n' in the content, * display this line. * * this is not called... why? */ /* static void display_textline(textline_t *text, int n) { short begin, end; setup_block_begin_end_number(&begin, &end); display_textline_internal(text, n, begin, end); } */ static void refresh_window(void) { register textline_t *p; register int i; short begin, end; setup_block_begin_end_number(&begin, &end); for (p = curr_buf->top_of_win, i = 0; i < b_lines; i++) { display_textline_internal(p, i, begin, end); if (p) p = p->next; } edit_msg(); } static void goto_line(int lino) { if (lino > 0 && lino <= curr_buf->totaln + 1) { textline_t *p; p = curr_buf->firstline; curr_buf->currln = lino - 1; while (--lino && p->next) p = p->next; if (p) curr_buf->currline = p; else { curr_buf->currln = curr_buf->totaln; curr_buf->currline = curr_buf->lastline; } curr_buf->currpnt = 0; /* move window */ if (curr_buf->currln < middle_line()) { curr_buf->top_of_win = curr_buf->firstline; curr_buf->curr_window_line = curr_buf->currln; } else { int i; curr_buf->curr_window_line = middle_line(); for (i = curr_buf->curr_window_line; i; i--) p = p->prev; curr_buf->top_of_win = p; } } curr_buf->redraw_everything = YEA; } static void prompt_goto_line(void) { char buf[10]; if (getdata(b_lines - 1, 0, "���ܲĴX��:", buf, sizeof(buf), DOECHO)) goto_line(atoi(buf)); } /** * search string interactively. * @param mode 0: prompt * 1: forward * -1: backward */ static void search_str(int mode) { const int max_keyword = 65; char *str; char ans[4] = "n"; if (curr_buf->searched_string == NULL) { if (mode != 0) return; curr_buf->searched_string = (char *)malloc(max_keyword * sizeof(char)); curr_buf->searched_string[0] = 0; } str = curr_buf->searched_string; if (!mode) { if (getdata_buf(b_lines - 1, 0, "[�j�M]����r:", str, max_keyword, DOECHO)) if (*str) { if (getdata(b_lines - 1, 0, "�Ϥ��j�p�g(Y/N/Q)? [N] ", ans, sizeof(ans), LCECHO) && *ans == 'y') curr_buf->substr_fp = strstr; else curr_buf->substr_fp = strcasestr; } } if (*str && *ans != 'q') { textline_t *p; char *pos = NULL; int lino; if (mode >= 0) { for (lino = curr_buf->currln, p = curr_buf->currline; p; p = p->next, lino++) if ((pos = (*curr_buf->substr_fp)(p->data + (lino == curr_buf->currln ? curr_buf->currpnt + 1 : 0), str)) && (lino != curr_buf->currln || pos - p->data != curr_buf->currpnt)) break; } else { for (lino = curr_buf->currln, p = curr_buf->currline; p; p = p->prev, lino--) if ((pos = (*curr_buf->substr_fp)(p->data, str)) && (lino != curr_buf->currln || pos - p->data != curr_buf->currpnt)) break; } if (pos) { /* move window */ curr_buf->currline = p; curr_buf->currln = lino; curr_buf->currpnt = pos - p->data; if (lino < middle_line()) { curr_buf->top_of_win = curr_buf->firstline; curr_buf->curr_window_line = curr_buf->currln; } else { int i; curr_buf->curr_window_line = middle_line(); for (i = curr_buf->curr_window_line; i; i--) p = p->prev; curr_buf->top_of_win = p; } curr_buf->redraw_everything = YEA; } } if (!mode) curr_buf->redraw_everything = YEA; } /** * move the cursor from bracket to corresponding bracket. */ static void match_paren(void) { char *parens = "()[]{}"; int type; int parenum = 0; char *ptype; textline_t *p; int lino; int c, i = 0; if (!(ptype = strchr(parens, curr_buf->currline->data[curr_buf->currpnt]))) return; type = (ptype - parens) / 2; parenum = ((ptype - parens) % 2) ? -1 : 1; /* FIXME CRASH */ /* FIXME refactoring */ if (parenum > 0) { for (lino = curr_buf->currln, p = curr_buf->currline; p; p = p->next, lino++) { int len = strlen(p->data); for (i = (lino == curr_buf->currln) ? curr_buf->currpnt + 1 : 0; i < len; i++) { if (p->data[i] == '/' && p->data[++i] == '*') { ++i; while (1) { while (i < len && !(p->data[i] == '*' && p->data[i + 1] == '/')) { i++; } if (i >= len && p->next) { p = p->next; len = strlen(p->data); ++lino; i = 0; } else break; } } else if ((c = p->data[i]) == '\'' || c == '"') { while (1) { while (i < len - 1) { if (p->data[++i] == '\\' && (size_t)i < len - 2) ++i; else if (p->data[i] == c) goto end_quote; } if ((size_t)i >= len - 1 && p->next) { p = p->next; len = strlen(p->data); ++lino; i = -1; } else break; } end_quote: ; } else if ((ptype = strchr(parens, p->data[i])) && (ptype - parens) / 2 == type) { if (!(parenum += ((ptype - parens) % 2) ? -1 : 1)) goto p_outscan; } } } } else { for (lino = curr_buf->currln, p = curr_buf->currline; p; p = p->prev, lino--) { int len = strlen(p->data); for (i = ((lino == curr_buf->currln) ? curr_buf->currpnt - 1 : len - 1); i >= 0; i--) { if (p->data[i] == '/' && p->data[--i] == '*' && i > 0) { --i; while (1) { while (i > 0 && !(p->data[i] == '*' && p->data[i - 1] == '/')) { i--; } if (i <= 0 && p->prev) { p = p->prev; len = strlen(p->data); --lino; i = len - 1; } else break; } } else if ((c = p->data[i]) == '\'' || c == '"') { while (1) { while (i > 0) if (i > 1 && p->data[i - 2] == '\\') i -= 2; else if ((p->data[--i]) == c) goto begin_quote; if (i <= 0 && p->prev) { p = p->prev; len = strlen(p->data); --lino; i = len; } else break; } begin_quote: ; } else if ((ptype = strchr(parens, p->data[i])) && (ptype - parens) / 2 == type) { if (!(parenum += ((ptype - parens) % 2) ? -1 : 1)) goto p_outscan; } } } } p_outscan: if (!parenum) { int top = curr_buf->currln - curr_buf->curr_window_line; int bottom = curr_buf->currln - curr_buf->curr_window_line + b_lines - 1; curr_buf->currpnt = i; curr_buf->currline = p; curr_buf->curr_window_line += lino - curr_buf->currln; curr_buf->currln = lino; if (lino < top || lino > bottom) { if (lino < middle_line()) { curr_buf->top_of_win = curr_buf->firstline; curr_buf->curr_window_line = curr_buf->currln; } else { int i; curr_buf->curr_window_line = middle_line(); for (i = curr_buf->curr_window_line; i; i--) p = p->prev; curr_buf->top_of_win = p; } curr_buf->redraw_everything = YEA; } } } static void currline_shift_left(void) { int currpnt0; if (curr_buf->currline->len <= 0) return; currpnt0 = curr_buf->currpnt; curr_buf->currpnt = 0; delete_char(); curr_buf->currpnt = (currpnt0 <= curr_buf->currline->len) ? currpnt0 : currpnt0 - 1; if (curr_buf->ansimode) curr_buf->currpnt = ansi2n(n2ansi(curr_buf->currpnt, curr_buf->currline), curr_buf->currline); } static void currline_shift_right(void) { int currpnt0; if (curr_buf->currline->len >= WRAPMARGIN - 1) return; currpnt0 = curr_buf->currpnt; curr_buf->currpnt = 0; insert_char(' '); curr_buf->currpnt = currpnt0; } static void cursor_to_next_word(void) { while (curr_buf->currpnt < curr_buf->currline->len && isalnum((int)curr_buf->currline->data[++curr_buf->currpnt])); while (curr_buf->currpnt < curr_buf->currline->len && isspace((int)curr_buf->currline->data[++curr_buf->currpnt])); } static void cursor_to_prev_word(void) { while (curr_buf->currpnt && isspace((int)curr_buf->currline->data[--curr_buf->currpnt])); while (curr_buf->currpnt && isalnum((int)curr_buf->currline->data[--curr_buf->currpnt])); if (curr_buf->currpnt > 0) curr_buf->currpnt++; } static void delete_current_word(void) { while (curr_buf->currpnt < curr_buf->currline->len) { delete_char(); if (!isalnum((int)curr_buf->currline->data[curr_buf->currpnt])) break; } while (curr_buf->currpnt < curr_buf->currline->len) { delete_char(); if (!isspace((int)curr_buf->currline->data[curr_buf->currpnt])) break; } } /** * transform every "*[" in given string to KEY_ESC "[" */ static void transform_to_color(char *line) { while (line[0] && line[1]) if (line[0] == '*' && line[1] == '[') { line[0] = KEY_ESC; line += 2; } else ++line; } static void block_color(void) { textline_t *begin, *end, *p; setup_block_begin_end(&begin, &end); p = begin; while (1) { transform_to_color(p->data); if (p == end) break; else p = p->next; } block_cancel(); } /** * insert ansi code */ static void insert_ansi_code(void) { int ch = curr_buf->insert_mode; curr_buf->insert_mode = curr_buf->redraw_everything = YEA; if (!curr_buf->ansimode) insert_string(reset_color); else { char ans[4]; move(b_lines - 2, 55); outs("\033[1;33;40mB\033[41mR\033[42mG\033[43mY\033[44mL" "\033[45mP\033[46mC\033[47mW\033[m"); if (getdata(b_lines - 1, 0, "�п�J �G��/�e��/�I��[���`�զr�©�][0wb]�G", ans, sizeof(ans), LCECHO)) { const char t[] = "BRGYLPCW"; char color[15]; char *tmp, *apos = ans; int fg, bg; strcpy(color, "\033["); if (isdigit((int)*apos)) { sprintf(color,"%s%c", color, *(apos++)); if (*apos) strcat(color, ";"); } if (*apos) { if ((tmp = strchr(t, toupper(*(apos++))))) fg = tmp - t + 30; else fg = 37; sprintf(color, "%s%d", color, fg); } if (*apos) { if ((tmp = strchr(t, toupper(*(apos++))))) bg = tmp - t + 40; else bg = 40; sprintf(color, "%s;%d", color, bg); } strcat(color, "m"); insert_string(color); } else insert_string(reset_color); } curr_buf->insert_mode = ch; } static inline void phone_mode_switch(void) { if (curr_buf->phone_mode) curr_buf->phone_mode = 0; else { curr_buf->phone_mode = 1; if (!curr_buf->last_phone_mode) curr_buf->last_phone_mode = 2; } } /** * return coresponding phone char of given key c */ static const char* phone_char(char c) { if (curr_buf->last_phone_mode > 0 && curr_buf->last_phone_mode < 20) { if (tolower(c)<'a'||(tolower(c)-'a') >= strlen(BIG5[curr_buf->last_phone_mode - 1]) / 2) return 0; return BIG5[curr_buf->last_phone_mode - 1] + (tolower(c) - 'a') * 2; } else if (curr_buf->last_phone_mode >= 20) { if (c == '.') c = '/'; if (c < '/' || c > '9') return 0; return table[curr_buf->last_phone_mode - 20] + (c - '/') * 2; } return 0; } /** * When get the key for phone mode, handle it (e.g. edit_msg) and return the * key. Otherwise return 0. */ static inline char phone_mode_filter(char ch) { if (!curr_buf->phone_mode) return 0; switch (ch) { case 'z': case 'Z': if (curr_buf->last_phone_mode < 20) curr_buf->last_phone_mode = 20; else curr_buf->last_phone_mode = 2; edit_msg(); return ch; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': if (curr_buf->last_phone_mode < 20) { curr_buf->last_phone_mode = ch - '0' + 1; curr_buf->redraw_everything = YEA; return ch; } break; case '-': if (curr_buf->last_phone_mode < 20) { curr_buf->last_phone_mode = 11; curr_buf->redraw_everything = YEA; return ch; } break; case '=': if (curr_buf->last_phone_mode < 20) { curr_buf->last_phone_mode = 12; curr_buf->redraw_everything = YEA; return ch; } break; case '`': if (curr_buf->last_phone_mode < 20) { curr_buf->last_phone_mode = 13; curr_buf->redraw_everything = YEA; return ch; } break; case '/': if (curr_buf->last_phone_mode >= 20) { curr_buf->last_phone_mode += 4; if (curr_buf->last_phone_mode > 27) curr_buf->last_phone_mode -= 8; curr_buf->redraw_everything = YEA; return ch; } break; case '*': if (curr_buf->last_phone_mode >= 20) { curr_buf->last_phone_mode++; if ((curr_buf->last_phone_mode - 21) % 4 == 3) curr_buf->last_phone_mode -= 4; curr_buf->redraw_everything = YEA; return ch; } break; } return 0; } /* �s��B�z�G�D�{���B��L�B�z */ int vedit(char *fpath, int saveheader, int *islocal) { char last = 0; /* the last key you press */ int ch, tmp; int mode0 = currutmp->mode; int destuid0 = currutmp->destuid; int money = 0; int interval = 0; time4_t th = now; int count = 0, tin = 0; char trans_buffer[256]; STATINC(STAT_VEDIT); currutmp->mode = EDITING; currutmp->destuid = currstat; enter_edit_buffer(); curr_buf->oldcurrline = curr_buf->currline = curr_buf->top_of_win = curr_buf->firstline = curr_buf->lastline = alloc_line(WRAPMARGIN); if (*fpath) { read_file(fpath); } if (*quote_file) { do_quote(); *quote_file = '\0'; } if(curr_buf->oldcurrline != curr_buf->firstline || curr_buf->currline != curr_buf->firstline) { /* we must adjust because cursor (currentline) moved. */ curr_buf->oldcurrline = curr_buf->currline = curr_buf->top_of_win = curr_buf->firstline= adjustline(curr_buf->firstline, WRAPMARGIN); } /* No matter you quote or not, just start the cursor from (0,0) */ curr_buf->currpnt = curr_buf->currln = curr_buf->curr_window_line = curr_buf->edit_margin = curr_buf->last_margin = 0; while (1) { if (curr_buf->redraw_everything || has_block_selection()) { refresh_window(); curr_buf->redraw_everything = NA; } if( curr_buf->oldcurrline != curr_buf->currline ){ curr_buf->oldcurrline = adjustline(curr_buf->oldcurrline, curr_buf->oldcurrline->len); curr_buf->oldcurrline = curr_buf->currline = adjustline(curr_buf->currline, WRAPMARGIN); } if (curr_buf->ansimode) ch = n2ansi(curr_buf->currpnt, curr_buf->currline); else ch = curr_buf->currpnt - curr_buf->edit_margin; move(curr_buf->curr_window_line, ch); #if 0 // DEPRECATED, it's really not a well known expensive feature if (!curr_buf->line_dirty && strcmp(editline, curr_buf->currline->data)) strcpy(editline, curr_buf->currline->data); #endif ch = igetch(); /* jochang debug */ if ((interval = (now - th))) { th = now; if ((char)ch != last) { money++; last = (char)ch; } } if (interval && interval == tin) { // Ptt : +- 1 ���]�� count++; if(count>60) { money = 0; count = 0; /* log_file("etc/illegal_money", LOG_CREAT | LOG_VF, "\033[1;33;46m%s \033[37;45m �ξ����H�o���峹 \033[37m %s\033[m\n", cuser.userid, ctime4(&now)); post_violatelaw(cuser.userid, "Ptt�t��ĵ��", "�ξ����H�o���峹", "�j������"); abort_bbs(0); */ } } else if(interval){ count = 0; tin = interval; } if (curr_buf->raw_mode) { switch (ch) { case Ctrl('S'): case Ctrl('Q'): case Ctrl('T'): continue; } } if (phone_mode_filter(ch)) continue; if (ch < 0x100 && isprint2(ch)) { const char *pstr; if(curr_buf->phone_mode && (pstr=phone_char(ch))) insert_dchar(pstr); else insert_char(ch); curr_buf->lastindent = -1; } else { if (ch == KEY_UP || ch == KEY_DOWN ){ if (curr_buf->lastindent == -1) curr_buf->lastindent = curr_buf->currpnt; } else curr_buf->lastindent = -1; if (ch == KEY_ESC) switch (KEY_ESC_arg) { case ',': ch = Ctrl(']'); break; case '.': ch = Ctrl('T'); break; case 'v': ch = KEY_PGUP; break; case 'a': case 'A': ch = Ctrl('V'); break; case 'X': ch = Ctrl('X'); break; case 'q': ch = Ctrl('Q'); break; case 'o': ch = Ctrl('O'); break; #if 0 // DEPRECATED, it's really not a well known expensive feature case '-': ch = Ctrl('_'); break; #endif case 's': ch = Ctrl('S'); break; } switch (ch) { case Ctrl('X'): /* Save and exit */ tmp = write_file(fpath, saveheader, islocal); if (tmp != KEEP_EDITING) { currutmp->mode = mode0; currutmp->destuid = destuid0; exit_edit_buffer(); if (!tmp) return money; else return tmp; } curr_buf->oldcurrline = curr_buf->currline; curr_buf->redraw_everything = YEA; break; case Ctrl('W'): block_cut(); // curr_buf->oldcurrline is freed in block_cut, and currline is // well adjusted now. This will avoid re-adjusting later. // It's not a good implementation, try to find a better // solution! curr_buf->oldcurrline = curr_buf->currline; break; case Ctrl('Q'): /* Quit without saving */ ch = ask("���������x�s (Y/N)? [N]: "); if (ch == 'y' || ch == 'Y') { currutmp->mode = mode0; currutmp->destuid = destuid0; exit_edit_buffer(); return -1; } curr_buf->redraw_everything = YEA; break; case Ctrl('C'): insert_ansi_code(); break; case KEY_ESC: switch (KEY_ESC_arg) { case 'U': t_users(); curr_buf->redraw_everything = YEA; break; case 'i': t_idle(); curr_buf->redraw_everything = YEA; break; case 'n': search_str(1); break; case 'p': search_str(-1); break; case 'L': case 'J': prompt_goto_line(); break; case ']': match_paren(); break; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': read_tmpbuf(KEY_ESC_arg - '0'); curr_buf->oldcurrline = curr_buf->currline; curr_buf->redraw_everything = YEA; break; case 'l': /* block delete */ case ' ': if (has_block_selection()) { block_prompt(); // curr_buf->oldcurrline is freed in block_cut, and currline is // well adjusted now. This will avoid re-adjusting later. // It's not a good implementation, try to find a better // solution! curr_buf->oldcurrline = curr_buf->currline; } else block_select(); break; case 'u': block_cancel(); break; case 'c': block_copy(); break; case 'y': curr_buf->oldcurrline = undelete_line(); if (curr_buf->oldcurrline == NULL) curr_buf->oldcurrline = curr_buf->currline; break; case 'R': curr_buf->raw_mode ^= 1; break; case 'I': curr_buf->indent_mode ^= 1; break; case 'j': currline_shift_left(); break; case 'k': currline_shift_right(); break; case 'f': cursor_to_next_word(); break; case 'b': cursor_to_prev_word(); break; case 'd': delete_current_word(); break; } break; #if 0 // DEPRECATED, it's really not a well known expensive feature case Ctrl('_'): // swap editline and currline's data if (strcmp(editline, curr_buf->currline->data)) { char buf[WRAPMARGIN]; strlcpy(buf, curr_buf->currline->data, sizeof(buf)); strcpy(curr_buf->currline->data, editline); strcpy(editline, buf); curr_buf->currline->len = strlen(curr_buf->currline->data); curr_buf->currpnt = 0; curr_buf->line_dirty = 1; } break; #endif case Ctrl('S'): search_str(0); break; case Ctrl('U'): insert_char('\033'); break; case Ctrl('V'): /* Toggle ANSI color */ curr_buf->ansimode ^= 1; if (curr_buf->ansimode && has_block_selection()) block_color(); clear(); curr_buf->redraw_everything = YEA; break; case Ctrl('I'): insert_tab(); break; case '\r': case '\n': #ifdef MAX_EDIT_LINE if( curr_buf->totaln == MAX_EDIT_LINE ){ outs("MAX_EDIT_LINE exceed"); break; } #endif split(curr_buf->currline, curr_buf->currpnt); curr_buf->oldcurrline = curr_buf->currline; break; case Ctrl('G'): { unsigned int currstat0 = currstat; setutmpmode(EDITEXP); a_menu("�s�軲�U��", "etc/editexp", (HAS_PERM(PERM_SYSOP) ? SYSOP : NOBODY), trans_buffer); currstat = currstat0; } if (trans_buffer[0]) { FILE *fp1; if ((fp1 = fopen(trans_buffer, "r"))) { int indent_mode0 = curr_buf->indent_mode; char buf[WRAPMARGIN + 2]; curr_buf->indent_mode = 0; while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp1)) { if (!strncmp(buf, "�@��:", 5) || !strncmp(buf, "���D:", 5) || !strncmp(buf, "�ɶ�:", 5)) continue; insert_string(buf); } fclose(fp1); curr_buf->indent_mode = indent_mode0; while (curr_buf->curr_window_line >= b_lines) { curr_buf->curr_window_line--; curr_buf->top_of_win = curr_buf->top_of_win->next; } } } curr_buf->redraw_everything = YEA; break; case Ctrl('P'): phone_mode_switch(); curr_buf->redraw_everything = YEA; break; case Ctrl('Z'): /* Help */ more("etc/ve.hlp", YEA); curr_buf->redraw_everything = YEA; break; case Ctrl('L'): clear(); curr_buf->redraw_everything = YEA; break; case KEY_LEFT: if (curr_buf->currpnt) { if (curr_buf->ansimode) curr_buf->currpnt = n2ansi(curr_buf->currpnt, curr_buf->currline); curr_buf->currpnt--; if (curr_buf->ansimode) curr_buf->currpnt = ansi2n(curr_buf->currpnt, curr_buf->currline); } else if (curr_buf->currline->prev) { curr_buf->curr_window_line--; curr_buf->currln--; curr_buf->currline = curr_buf->currline->prev; curr_buf->currpnt = curr_buf->currline->len; } break; case KEY_RIGHT: if (curr_buf->currline->len != curr_buf->currpnt) { if (curr_buf->ansimode) curr_buf->currpnt = n2ansi(curr_buf->currpnt, curr_buf->currline); curr_buf->currpnt++; if (curr_buf->ansimode) curr_buf->currpnt = ansi2n(curr_buf->currpnt, curr_buf->currline); } else if (curr_buf->currline->next) { curr_buf->currpnt = 0; curr_buf->curr_window_line++; curr_buf->currln++; curr_buf->currline = curr_buf->currline->next; } break; case KEY_UP: cursor_to_prev_line(); break; case KEY_DOWN: cursor_to_next_line(); break; case Ctrl('B'): case KEY_PGUP: { short tmp = curr_buf->currln; curr_buf->top_of_win = back_line(curr_buf->top_of_win, 22); curr_buf->currln = tmp; curr_buf->currline = back_line(curr_buf->currline, 22); curr_buf->curr_window_line = get_lineno_in_window(); if (curr_buf->currpnt > curr_buf->currline->len) curr_buf->currpnt = curr_buf->currline->len; curr_buf->redraw_everything = YEA; break; } case Ctrl('F'): case KEY_PGDN: { short tmp = curr_buf->currln; curr_buf->top_of_win = forward_line(curr_buf->top_of_win, 22); curr_buf->currln = tmp; curr_buf->currline = forward_line(curr_buf->currline, 22); curr_buf->curr_window_line = get_lineno_in_window(); if (curr_buf->currpnt > curr_buf->currline->len) curr_buf->currpnt = curr_buf->currline->len; curr_buf->redraw_everything = YEA; break; } case KEY_END: case Ctrl('E'): curr_buf->currpnt = curr_buf->currline->len; break; case Ctrl(']'): /* start of file */ curr_buf->currline = curr_buf->top_of_win = curr_buf->firstline; curr_buf->currpnt = curr_buf->currln = curr_buf->curr_window_line = 0; curr_buf->redraw_everything = YEA; break; case Ctrl('T'): /* tail of file */ curr_buf->top_of_win = back_line(curr_buf->lastline, 23); curr_buf->currline = curr_buf->lastline; curr_buf->curr_window_line = get_lineno_in_window(); curr_buf->currln = curr_buf->totaln; curr_buf->redraw_everything = YEA; curr_buf->currpnt = 0; break; case KEY_HOME: case Ctrl('A'): curr_buf->currpnt = 0; break; case KEY_INS: /* Toggle insert/overwrite */ case Ctrl('O'): if (has_block_selection() && curr_buf->insert_mode) { char ans[4]; getdata(b_lines - 1, 0, "�϶��L�եk�����J�r��(�w�]���ťզr��)", ans, sizeof(ans), LCECHO); curr_buf->insert_c = ans[0] ? ans[0] : ' '; } curr_buf->insert_mode ^= 1; break; case Ctrl('H'): case '\177': /* backspace */ if (curr_buf->ansimode) { curr_buf->ansimode = 0; clear(); curr_buf->redraw_everything = YEA; } else { if (curr_buf->currpnt == 0) { textline_t *p; if (!curr_buf->currline->prev) break; curr_buf->curr_window_line--; curr_buf->currln--; curr_buf->currline = adjustline(curr_buf->currline, curr_buf->currline->len); curr_buf->currline = curr_buf->currline->prev; curr_buf->currline = adjustline(curr_buf->currline, WRAPMARGIN); curr_buf->oldcurrline = curr_buf->currline; curr_buf->currpnt = curr_buf->currline->len; curr_buf->redraw_everything = YEA; if (*next_non_space_char(curr_buf->currline->next->data) == '\0') { if (curr_buf->currline->next == curr_buf->top_of_win) { delete_line(curr_buf->currline->next, 0); curr_buf->top_of_win = curr_buf->currline; curr_buf->curr_window_line = 0; } else delete_line(curr_buf->currline->next, 0); break; } p = curr_buf->currline; while (!join(p)) { p = p->next; if (p == NULL) { indigestion(2); abort_bbs(0); } } break; } curr_buf->currpnt--; delete_char(); } break; case Ctrl('D'): case KEY_DEL: /* delete current character */ if (curr_buf->currline->len == curr_buf->currpnt) { textline_t *p = curr_buf->currline; while (!join(p)) { p = p->next; if (p == NULL) { indigestion(2); abort_bbs(0); } } curr_buf->redraw_everything = YEA; } else { delete_char(); if (curr_buf->ansimode) curr_buf->currpnt = ansi2n(n2ansi(curr_buf->currpnt, curr_buf->currline), curr_buf->currline); } break; case Ctrl('Y'): /* delete current line */ curr_buf->currline->len = curr_buf->currpnt = 0; case Ctrl('K'): /* delete to end of line */ if (curr_buf->currline->len == 0) { textline_t *p = curr_buf->currline->next; if (!p) { p = curr_buf->currline->prev; if (!p) { curr_buf->currline->data[0] = 0; break; } if (curr_buf->curr_window_line > 0) { curr_buf->curr_window_line--; } curr_buf->currln--; } if (curr_buf->currline == curr_buf->top_of_win) curr_buf->top_of_win = p; delete_line(curr_buf->currline, 1); curr_buf->currline = p; curr_buf->redraw_everything = YEA; curr_buf->oldcurrline = curr_buf->currline = adjustline(curr_buf->currline, WRAPMARGIN); break; } else if (curr_buf->currline->len == curr_buf->currpnt) { textline_t *p = curr_buf->currline; while (!join(p)) { p = p->next; if (p == NULL) { indigestion(2); abort_bbs(0); } } curr_buf->redraw_everything = YEA; break; } curr_buf->currline->len = curr_buf->currpnt; curr_buf->currline->data[curr_buf->currpnt] = '\0'; break; } if (curr_buf->currln < 0) curr_buf->currln = 0; if (curr_buf->curr_window_line < 0) window_scroll_down(); else if (cursor_at_bottom_line()) window_scroll_up(); } if (curr_buf->ansimode) tmp = n2ansi(curr_buf->currpnt, curr_buf->currline); else tmp = curr_buf->currpnt; if (tmp < t_columns - 1) curr_buf->edit_margin = 0; else curr_buf->edit_margin = tmp / (t_columns - 8) * (t_columns - 8); if (!curr_buf->redraw_everything) { if (curr_buf->edit_margin != curr_buf->last_margin) { curr_buf->last_margin = curr_buf->edit_margin; curr_buf->redraw_everything = YEA; } else { move(curr_buf->curr_window_line, 0); clrtoeol(); if (curr_buf->ansimode) outs(curr_buf->currline->data); else edit_outs(&curr_buf->currline->data[curr_buf->edit_margin]); edit_msg(); } } } exit_edit_buffer(); } /* vim:sw=4 */