/* $Id$ */ #include "bbs.h" #include "chess.h" #define assert_not_reached() assert(!"Should never be here!!!") extern const double elo_exp_tab[1000]; enum Turn { BLK = 0, RED }; enum Kind { KIND_K=1, KIND_A, KIND_E, KIND_R, KIND_H, KIND_C, KIND_P, }; #define CENTER(a, b) (((a) + (b)) >> 1) #define CHC_TIMEOUT 300 #define PHOTO_LINE 15 #define PHOTO_COLUMN (256 + 25) typedef struct drc_t { ChessStepType type; /* necessary one */ rc_t from, to; } drc_t; typedef struct { rc_t select; char selected; } chc_tag_data_t; /* chess framework action functions */ static void chc_init_user(const userinfo_t *userec, ChessUser *user); static void chc_init_board(const ChessInfo* info, board_t board); static void chc_drawline(const ChessInfo* info, int line); static void chc_movecur(int r, int c); static void chc_prepare_play(ChessInfo* info); static int chc_select(ChessInfo* info, rc_t scrloc, ChessGameResult* result); static void chc_prepare_step(ChessInfo* info, const void* step); static int chc_movechess(board_t board, const drc_t* move); static void chc_drawstep(ChessInfo* info, const drc_t* move); static void chc_gameend(ChessInfo* info, ChessGameResult result); static void chc_genlog(ChessInfo* info, FILE* fp, ChessGameResult result); static const char * const turn_color[2]={BLACK_COLOR, RED_COLOR}; /* some constant variable definition */ static const char * const turn_str[2] = {"�ª�", "����"}; static const char * const num_str[2][10] = { {"", "��", "��", "��", "��", "��", "��", "��", "��", "��"}, {"", "�@", "�G", "�T", "�|", "��", "��", "�C", "�K", "�E"}, }; static const char * const chess_str[2][8] = { /* 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 */ {" ", "�N", "�h", "�H", "��", "��", "�]", "��"}, {" ", "��", "�K", "��", "��", "�X", "��", "�L"} }; static const char * const chess_brd[BRD_ROW * 2 - 1] = { /* 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 */ "�z�w�s�w�s�w�s�w�s�w�s�w�s�w�s�w�{", /* 0 */ "�x �x �x �x�@�x���x �x �x �x", "�u�w�q�w�q�w�q�w�q�w�q�w�q�w�q�w�t", /* 1 */ "�x �x �x �x���x�@�x �x �x �x", "�u�w�q�w�q�w�q�w�q�w�q�w�q�w�q�w�t", /* 2 */ "�x �x �x �x �x �x �x �x �x", "�u�w�q�w�q�w�q�w�q�w�q�w�q�w�q�w�t", /* 3 */ "�x �x �x �x �x �x �x �x �x", "�u�w�r�w�r�w�r�w�r�w�r�w�r�w�r�w�t", /* 4 */ "�x �� �e �~ �� �x", "�u�w�s�w�s�w�s�w�s�w�s�w�s�w�s�w�t", /* 5 */ "�x �x �x �x �x �x �x �x �x", "�u�w�q�w�q�w�q�w�q�w�q�w�q�w�q�w�t", /* 6 */ "�x �x �x �x �x �x �x �x �x", "�u�w�q�w�q�w�q�w�q�w�q�w�q�w�q�w�t", /* 7 */ "�x �x �x �x�@�x���x �x �x �x", "�u�w�q�w�q�w�q�w�q�w�q�w�q�w�q�w�t", /* 8 */ "�x �x �x �x���x�@�x �x �x �x", "�|�w�r�w�r�w�r�w�r�w�r�w�r�w�r�w�}" /* 9 */ }; static char * const hint_str[] = { " q �{�����}", " p �n�D�M��", "��V�� ���ʹC��", "Enter ���/����" }; static const ChessActions chc_actions = { &chc_init_user, (void (*) (void*)) &chc_init_board, &chc_drawline, &chc_movecur, &chc_prepare_play, &chc_select, &chc_prepare_step, (int (*) (void*, const void*)) &chc_movechess, (void (*)(ChessInfo*, const void*)) &chc_drawstep, &chc_gameend, &chc_genlog }; static const ChessConstants chc_constants = { sizeof(drc_t), CHC_TIMEOUT, BRD_ROW, BRD_COL, "photo_cchess", #ifdef GLOBAL_CCHESS_LOG GLOBAL_CCHESS_LOG, #else NULL, #endif { BLACK_COLOR, RED_COLOR }, {"�ª�", "����"} }; /* * Start of the drawing function. */ static void chc_movecur(int r, int c) { move(r * 2 + 3, c * 4 + 4); } static char * getstep(board_t board, const rc_t *from, const rc_t *to, char buf[]) { int turn, fc, tc; char *dir; int twin = 0, twin_r = 0; int len = 0; turn = CHE_O(board[from->r][from->c]); if(CHE_P(board[from->r][from->c] != KIND_P)) { // TODO �ثe���ާL��e�� int i; for(i=0;i<10;i++) if(board[i][from->c]==board[from->r][from->c]) { if(i!=from->r) { twin=1; twin_r=i; } } } fc = (turn == BLK ? from->c + 1 : 9 - from->c); tc = (turn == BLK ? to->c + 1 : 9 - to->c); if (from->r == to->r) dir = "��"; else { if (from->c == to->c) tc = from->r - to->r; if (tc < 0) tc = -tc; if ((turn == BLK && to->r > from->r) || (turn == RED && to->r < from->r)) dir = "�i"; else dir = "�h"; } len=sprintf(buf, "%s", turn_color[turn]); /* �X�G|�e�X */ if(twin) { len+=sprintf(buf+len, "%s%s", ((from->r>twin_r)==(turn==(BLK)))?"�e":"��", chess_str[turn][CHE_P(board[from->r][from->c])]); } else { len+=sprintf(buf+len, "%s%s", chess_str[turn][CHE_P(board[from->r][from->c])], num_str[turn][fc]); } /* �i�T */ len+=sprintf(buf+len, "%s%s" ANSI_RESET, dir, num_str[turn][tc]); /* �G�H */ if(board[to->r][to->c]) { len+=sprintf(buf+len,"�G%s%s" ANSI_RESET, turn_color[turn^1], chess_str[turn^1][CHE_P(board[to->r][to->c])]); } return buf; } static void showstep(const ChessInfo* info) { outs(info->last_movestr); } inline static const char* chc_timestr(int second) { static char str[10]; snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "%d:%02d", second / 60, second % 60); return str; } static void chc_drawline(const ChessInfo* info, int line) { int i, j; board_p board = (board_p) info->board; chc_tag_data_t *tag = info->tag; if (line == CHESS_DRAWING_TURN_ROW) line = info->photo ? PHOTO_TURN_ROW : REAL_TURN_ROW; else if (line == CHESS_DRAWING_TIME_ROW) { if(info->photo) { chc_drawline(info, PHOTO_TIME_ROW1); chc_drawline(info, PHOTO_TIME_ROW2); } else { chc_drawline(info, REAL_TIME_ROW1); chc_drawline(info, REAL_TIME_ROW2); } return; } else if (line == CHESS_DRAWING_WARN_ROW) line = info->photo ? PHOTO_WARN_ROW : REAL_WARN_ROW; else if (line == CHESS_DRAWING_STEP_ROW) line = STEP_ROW; move(line, 0); clrtoeol(); if (line == 0) { prints(ANSI_COLOR(1;46) " �H�ѹ�� " ANSI_COLOR(45) "%30s VS %-20s%10s" ANSI_RESET, info->user1.userid, info->user2.userid, info->mode == CHESS_MODE_WATCH ? "[�[�ѼҦ�]" : ""); } else if (line >= 3 && line <= 21) { outs(" "); for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) { j = board[RTL(info,line)][CTL(info,i)]; if ((line & 1) == 1 && j) { if (tag->selected && tag->select.r == RTL(info,line) && tag->select.c == CTL(info,i)) { prints("%s%s" ANSI_RESET, CHE_O(j) == BLK ? BLACK_REVERSE : RED_REVERSE, chess_str[CHE_O(j)][CHE_P(j)]); } else { prints("%s%s" ANSI_RESET, turn_color[CHE_O(j)], chess_str[CHE_O(j)][CHE_P(j)]); } } else prints("%c%c", chess_brd[line - 3][i * 4], chess_brd[line - 3][i * 4 + 1]); if (i != 8) prints("%c%c", chess_brd[line - 3][i * 4 + 2], chess_brd[line - 3][i * 4 + 3]); } } else if (line == 2 || line == 22) { outs(" "); if (line == 2) for (i = 1; i <= 9; i++) prints("%s ", num_str[REDDOWN(info)?0:1][i]); else for (i = 9; i >= 1; i--) prints("%s ", num_str[REDDOWN(info)?1:0][i]); } if (info->photo) { if (line >= 3 && line < 3 + CHESS_PHOTO_LINE) { outs(" "); outs(info->photo + (line - 3) * CHESS_PHOTO_COLUMN); } else if (line >= PHOTO_TURN_ROW && line <= PHOTO_WARN_ROW) { outs(" "); if (line == PHOTO_TURN_ROW) prints("%s%s" ANSI_RESET, TURN_COLOR, info->myturn == info->turn ? "����A�U�ѤF" : "���ݹ��U��"); else if (line == PHOTO_TIME_ROW1) { if (info->mode == CHESS_MODE_WATCH) { if (!info->timelimit) prints("�C�⭭�ɤ�����"); else prints("����: %5s", chc_timestr(info->timelimit->free_time)); } else if (info->lefthand[0]) prints("�ڤ�Ѿl�ɶ� %s / %2d �B", chc_timestr(info->lefttime[0]), info->lefthand[0]); else prints("�ڤ�Ѿl�ɶ� %s", chc_timestr(info->lefttime[0])); } else if (line == PHOTO_TIME_ROW2) { if (info->mode == CHESS_MODE_WATCH) { if (info->timelimit) { if (info->timelimit->time_mode == CHESS_TIMEMODE_MULTIHAND) prints("�B��: %s / %2d �B", chc_timestr(info->timelimit->limit_time), info->timelimit->limit_hand); else prints("Ū��: %5d ��", info->timelimit->limit_time); } } else if (info->lefthand[1]) prints("���Ѿl�ɶ� %s / %2d �B", chc_timestr(info->lefttime[1]), info->lefthand[1]); else prints("���Ѿl�ɶ� %s", chc_timestr(info->lefttime[1])); } else if (line == PHOTO_WARN_ROW) outs(info->warnmsg); } } else if (line >= 3 && line <= HISWIN_ROW) { outs(" "); if (line >= 3 && line < 3 + (int)dim(hint_str)) { outs(hint_str[line - 3]); } else if (line == SIDE_ROW) { prints(ANSI_COLOR(1) "�A�O%s%s" ANSI_RESET, turn_color[(int) info->myturn], turn_str[(int) info->myturn]); } else if (line == REAL_TURN_ROW) { prints("%s%s" ANSI_RESET, TURN_COLOR, info->myturn == info->turn ? "����A�U�ѤF" : "���ݹ��U��"); } else if (line == STEP_ROW && info->last_movestr) { showstep(info); } else if (line == REAL_TIME_ROW1) { if (info->lefthand[0]) prints("�ڤ�Ѿl�ɶ� %s / %2d �B", chc_timestr(info->lefttime[0]), info->lefthand[0]); else prints("�ڤ�Ѿl�ɶ� %s", chc_timestr(info->lefttime[0])); } else if (line == REAL_TIME_ROW2) { if (info->lefthand[1]) prints("���Ѿl�ɶ� %s / %2d �B", chc_timestr(info->lefttime[1]), info->lefthand[1]); else prints("���Ѿl�ɶ� %s", chc_timestr(info->lefttime[1])); } else if (line == REAL_WARN_ROW) { outs(info->warnmsg); } else if (line == MYWIN_ROW) { prints(ANSI_COLOR(1;33) "%12.12s " ANSI_COLOR(1;31) "%2d" ANSI_COLOR(37) "�� " ANSI_COLOR(34) "%2d" ANSI_COLOR(37) "�� " ANSI_COLOR(36) "%2d" ANSI_COLOR(37) "�M" ANSI_RESET, info->user1.userid, info->user1.win, info->user1.lose - 1, info->user1.tie); } else if (line == HISWIN_ROW) { prints(ANSI_COLOR(1;33) "%12.12s " ANSI_COLOR(1;31) "%2d" ANSI_COLOR(37) "�� " ANSI_COLOR(34) "%2d" ANSI_COLOR(37) "�� " ANSI_COLOR(36) "%2d" ANSI_COLOR(37) "�M" ANSI_RESET, info->user2.userid, info->user2.win, info->user2.lose, info->user2.tie); } } } /* * End of the drawing function. */ /* * Start of the log function. */ void chc_log_step(FILE* fp, board_t board, const drc_t *step) { char buf[80]; buf[0] = buf[1] = ' '; getstep(board, &step->from, &step->to, buf + 2); fputs(buf, fp); fputc('\n', fp); } static int #if defined(__linux__) chc_filter(const struct dirent *dir) #else chc_filter(struct dirent *dir) #endif { if (strcmp(dir->d_name, ".") == 0 || strcmp(dir->d_name, "..") == 0 ) return 0; return strstr(dir->d_name, ".poem") != NULL; } static int chc_log_poem(FILE* outfp) { struct dirent **namelist; int n; // TODO use readdir(), don't use lots of memory n = scandir(BBSHOME"/etc/chess", &namelist, chc_filter, alphasort); if (n < 0) perror("scandir"); else { char buf[80]; FILE *fp; sprintf(buf, BBSHOME"/etc/chess/%s", namelist[random() % n]->d_name); if ((fp = fopen(buf, "r")) == NULL) return -1; while(fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp) != NULL) fputs(buf, outfp); while(n--) free(namelist[n]); free(namelist); fclose(fp); } return 0; } static void chc_genlog(ChessInfo* info, FILE* fp, ChessGameResult result) { const int nStep = info->history.used; board_t board; int i; if (info->myturn == RED) fprintf(fp, "%s V.S. %s\n", info->user1.userid, info->user2.userid); else fprintf(fp, "%s V.S. %s\n", info->user2.userid, info->user1.userid); chc_init_board(info, board); for (i = 0; i < nStep; ++i) { const drc_t *move = (const drc_t*) ChessHistoryRetrieve(info, i); chc_log_step(fp, board, move); chc_movechess(board, move); } if (result == CHESS_RESULT_TIE) fprintf(fp, "=> �M��\n"); else if (result == CHESS_RESULT_WIN || result == CHESS_RESULT_LOST) fprintf(fp, "=> %s ��\n", (info->myturn == RED) == (result== CHESS_RESULT_WIN) ? "��" : "��"); fputs("\n--\n\n", fp); /* TODO: generate machine readable log. * e.g. http://www.nchess.com/ccff.html */ chc_log_poem(fp); } /* * End of the log function. */ /* * Start of the rule function. */ static void chc_init_board(const ChessInfo* info, board_t board) { memset(board, 0, sizeof(board_t)); board[0][4] = CHE(KIND_K, BLK); /* �N */ board[0][3] = board[0][5] = CHE(KIND_A, BLK); /* �h */ board[0][2] = board[0][6] = CHE(KIND_E, BLK); /* �H */ board[0][0] = board[0][8] = CHE(KIND_R, BLK); /* �� */ board[0][1] = board[0][7] = CHE(KIND_H, BLK); /* �� */ board[2][1] = board[2][7] = CHE(KIND_C, BLK); /* �] */ board[3][0] = board[3][2] = board[3][4] = board[3][6] = board[3][8] = CHE(KIND_P, BLK); /* �� */ board[9][4] = CHE(KIND_K, RED); /* �� */ board[9][3] = board[9][5] = CHE(KIND_A, RED); /* �K */ board[9][2] = board[9][6] = CHE(KIND_E, RED); /* �� */ board[9][0] = board[9][8] = CHE(KIND_R, RED); /* �� */ board[9][1] = board[9][7] = CHE(KIND_H, RED); /* �X */ board[7][1] = board[7][7] = CHE(KIND_C, RED); /* �� */ board[6][0] = board[6][2] = board[6][4] = board[6][6] = board[6][8] = CHE(KIND_P, RED); /* �L */ } static void chc_prepare_step(ChessInfo* info, const void* step) { const drc_t* move = (const drc_t*) step; getstep((board_p) info->board, &move->from, &move->to, info->last_movestr); } static int chc_movechess(board_t board, const drc_t* move) { int end = (CHE_P(board[move->to.r][move->to.c]) == KIND_K); board[move->to.r][move->to.c] = board[move->from.r][move->from.c]; board[move->from.r][move->from.c] = 0; return end; } static void chc_drawstep(ChessInfo* info, const drc_t* move) { info->actions->drawline(info, LTR(info, move->from.r)); info->actions->drawline(info, LTR(info, move->to.r)); } /* �D��y�Ц�ΦC(rowcol)���Z�� */ static int dist(rc_t from, rc_t to, int rowcol) { int d; d = rowcol ? from.c - to.c : from.r - to.r; return d > 0 ? d : -d; } /* ��y��(��ΦCrowcol)�������X���Ѥl */ static int between(board_t board, rc_t from, rc_t to, int rowcol) { int i, rtv = 0; if (rowcol) { if (from.c > to.c) i = from.c, from.c = to.c, to.c = i; for (i = from.c + 1; i < to.c; i++) if (board[to.r][i]) rtv++; } else { if (from.r > to.r) i = from.r, from.r = to.r, to.r = i; for (i = from.r + 1; i < to.r; i++) if (board[i][to.c]) rtv++; } return rtv; } static int chc_canmove(board_t board, rc_t from, rc_t to) { int i; int rd, cd, turn; if(0 || !(0<=from.r && from.r<BRD_ROW) || !(0<=from.c && from.c<BRD_COL) || !(0<=to.r && to.r<BRD_ROW) || !(0<=to.c && to.c<BRD_COL)) return 0; rd = dist(from, to, 0); cd = dist(from, to, 1); turn = CHE_O(board[from.r][from.c]); /* general check */ if (board[to.r][to.c] && CHE_O(board[to.r][to.c]) == turn) return 0; /* individual check */ switch (CHE_P(board[from.r][from.c])) { case KIND_K: /* �N �� */ if (!(rd == 1 && cd == 0) && !(rd == 0 && cd == 1)) return 0; if ((turn == BLK && to.r > 2) || (turn == RED && to.r < 7) || to.c < 3 || to.c > 5) return 0; break; case KIND_A: /* �h �K */ if (!(rd == 1 && cd == 1)) return 0; if ((turn == BLK && to.r > 2) || (turn == RED && to.r < 7) || to.c < 3 || to.c > 5) return 0; break; case KIND_E: /* �H �� */ if (!(rd == 2 && cd == 2)) return 0; if ((turn == BLK && to.r > 4) || (turn == RED && to.r < 5)) return 0; /* ��H�L */ if (board[CENTER(from.r, to.r)][CENTER(from.c, to.c)]) return 0; break; case KIND_R: /* �� */ if (!(rd > 0 && cd == 0) && !(rd == 0 && cd > 0)) return 0; if (between(board, from, to, rd == 0)) return 0; break; case KIND_H: /* �� �X */ if (!(rd == 2 && cd == 1) && !(rd == 1 && cd == 2)) return 0; /* �䰨�} */ if (rd == 2) { if (board[CENTER(from.r, to.r)][from.c]) return 0; } else { if (board[from.r][CENTER(from.c, to.c)]) return 0; } break; case KIND_C: /* �] �� */ if (!(rd > 0 && cd == 0) && !(rd == 0 && cd > 0)) return 0; i = between(board, from, to, rd == 0); if ((i > 1) || (i == 1 && !board[to.r][to.c]) || (i == 0 && board[to.r][to.c])) return 0; break; case KIND_P: /* �� �L */ if (!(rd == 1 && cd == 0) && !(rd == 0 && cd == 1)) return 0; if (((turn == BLK && to.r < 5) || (turn == RED && to.r > 4)) && cd != 0) return 0; if ((turn == BLK && to.r < from.r) || (turn == RED && to.r > from.r)) return 0; break; } return 1; } /* �� turn's king ���y�� */ static void findking(board_t board, int turn, rc_t * buf) { int i, r, c; r = (turn == BLK ? 0 : 7); for (i = 0; i < 3; r++, i++) for (c = 3; c < 6; c++) if (CHE_P(board[r][c]) == KIND_K && CHE_O(board[r][c]) == turn) { buf->r = r, buf->c = c; return; } assert_not_reached(); } static int chc_iskfk(board_t board) { rc_t from, to; findking(board, BLK, &to); findking(board, RED, &from); if (from.c == to.c && between(board, from, to, 0) == 0) return 1; return 0; } static int chc_ischeck(board_t board, int turn) { rc_t from, to; findking(board, turn, &to); for (from.r = 0; from.r < BRD_ROW; from.r++) for (from.c = 0; from.c < BRD_COL; from.c++) if (board[from.r][from.c] && CHE_O(board[from.r][from.c]) != turn) if (chc_canmove(board, from, to)) return 1; return 0; } /* * End of the rule function. */ static void chcusr_put(userec_t* userec, const ChessUser* user) { userec->chc_win = user->win; userec->chc_lose = user->lose; userec->chc_tie = user->tie; userec->chess_elo_rating = user->rating; } static void chc_init_user(const userinfo_t *uinfo, ChessUser *user) { strlcpy(user->userid, uinfo->userid, sizeof(user->userid)); user->win = uinfo->chc_win; user->lose = uinfo->chc_lose; user->tie = uinfo->chc_tie; user->rating = uinfo->chess_elo_rating; if(user->rating == 0) user->rating = 1500; /* ELO initial value */ user->orig_rating = user->rating; } static void chc_prepare_play(ChessInfo* info) { if (chc_ischeck((board_p) info->board, info->turn)) { strlcpy(info->warnmsg, ANSI_COLOR(1;31) "�N�x!" ANSI_RESET, sizeof(info->warnmsg)); bell(); } else info->warnmsg[0] = 0; } static int chc_select(ChessInfo* info, rc_t scrloc, ChessGameResult* result) { chc_tag_data_t* tag = (chc_tag_data_t*) info->tag; board_p board = (board_p) info->board; rc_t loc; assert(tag); /* transform from screen to internal coordinate */ if(REDDOWN(info)) { loc = scrloc; } else { loc.r = BRD_ROW-scrloc.r-1; loc.c = BRD_COL-scrloc.c-1; } if (!tag->selected) { /* trying to pick something */ if (board[loc.r][loc.c] && CHE_O(board[loc.r][loc.c]) == info->turn) { /* they can pick up this */ tag->selected = 1; tag->select = loc; chc_drawline(info, LTR(info, loc.r)); } return 0; } else if (tag->select.r == loc.r && tag->select.c == loc.c) { /* cancel selection */ tag->selected = 0; chc_drawline(info, LTR(info, loc.r)); return 0; } else if (chc_canmove(board, tag->select, loc)) { /* moving the chess */ drc_t moving = { CHESS_STEP_NORMAL, tag->select, loc }; board_t tmpbrd; int valid_step = 1; if (CHE_P(board[loc.r][loc.c]) == KIND_K) /* ������N�� */ *result = CHESS_RESULT_WIN; else { memcpy(tmpbrd, board, sizeof(board_t)); chc_movechess(tmpbrd, &moving); valid_step = !chc_iskfk(tmpbrd); } if (valid_step) { getstep(board, &moving.from, &moving.to, info->last_movestr); chc_movechess(board, &moving); chc_drawline(info, LTR(info, moving.from.r)); chc_drawline(info, LTR(info, moving.to.r)); ChessHistoryAppend(info, &moving); ChessStepBroadcast(info, &moving); ChessStepSendOpposite(info, &moving); tag->selected = 0; return 1; } else { /* ������ */ strlcpy(info->warnmsg, ANSI_COLOR(1;33) "���i�H������" ANSI_RESET, sizeof(info->warnmsg)); bell(); chc_drawline(info, WARN_ROW); return 0; } } else /* nothing happened */ return 0; } int round_to_int(double x) { /* assume that double cast to int will drop fraction parts */ if(x>=0) return (int)(x+0.5); return (int)(x-0.5); } /* * ELO rating system * see http://www.wordiq.com/definition/ELO_rating_system */ static void count_chess_elo_rating(ChessUser* user1, const ChessUser* user2, double myres) { double k; double exp_res; int diff; int newrating; if(user1->rating < 1800) k = 30; else if(user1->rating < 2000) k = 25; else if(user1->rating < 2200) k = 20; else if(user1->rating < 2400) k = 15; else k = 10; //exp_res = 1.0/(1.0 + pow(10.0, (user2->rating-user1->rating)/400.0)); //user1->rating += (int)floor(k*(myres-exp_res)+0.5); diff=(int)user2->rating-(int)user1->rating; if(diff<=-1000 || diff>=1000) exp_res=diff>0?0.0:1.0; else if(diff>=0) exp_res=elo_exp_tab[diff]; else exp_res=1.0-elo_exp_tab[-diff]; newrating = (int)user1->rating + round_to_int(k*(myres-exp_res)); if(newrating > 3000) newrating = 3000; if(newrating < 1) newrating = 1; user1->rating = newrating; } /* �H�ѥ\��i�J�I: * chc_main: � * chc_personal: ���� * chc_watch: �[�� * talk.c: � */ void chc(int s, ChessGameMode mode) { ChessInfo* info = NewChessInfo(&chc_actions, &chc_constants, s, mode); board_t board; chc_tag_data_t tag; chc_init_board(info, board); tag.selected = 0; info->board = board; info->tag = &tag; if (info->mode == CHESS_MODE_VERSUS) { /* Assume that info->user1 is me. */ info->user1.lose++; count_chess_elo_rating(&info->user1, &info->user2, 0.0); passwd_query(usernum, &cuser); chcusr_put(&cuser, &info->user1); passwd_update(usernum, &cuser); } if (mode == CHESS_MODE_WATCH) setutmpmode(CHESSWATCHING); else setutmpmode(CHC); ChessPlay(info); DeleteChessInfo(info); } static void chc_gameend(ChessInfo* info, ChessGameResult result) { ChessUser* const user1 = &info->user1; ChessUser* const user2 = &info->user2; if (info->mode == CHESS_MODE_VERSUS) { if (info->myturn == RED) { /* �Ѭ���@ log. �O���O�U�ѫe����l���� */ /* NOTE, �Y�����_�u�h�L log */ time_t t = time(NULL); char buf[100]; sprintf(buf, "%s %s(%d,W%d/D%d/L%d) %s %s(%d,W%d/D%d/L%d)\n", ctime(&t), user1->userid, user1->rating, user1->win, user1->tie, user1->lose - 1, (result == CHESS_RESULT_TIE ? "�M" : result == CHESS_RESULT_WIN ? "��" : "�t"), user2->userid, user2->rating, user2->win, user2->tie, user2->lose - 1); buf[24] = ' '; // replace '\n' log_file(BBSHOME "/log/chc.log", LOG_CREAT, buf); } user1->rating = user1->orig_rating; user1->lose--; if (result == CHESS_RESULT_WIN) { count_chess_elo_rating(user1, user2, 1.0); user1->win++; currutmp->chc_win++; } else if (result == CHESS_RESULT_LOST) { count_chess_elo_rating(user1, user2, 0.0); user1->lose++; currutmp->chc_lose++; } else { count_chess_elo_rating(user1, user2, 0.5); user1->tie++; currutmp->chc_tie++; } currutmp->chess_elo_rating = user1->rating; chcusr_put(&cuser, user1); passwd_update(usernum, &cuser); } } int chc_main(void) { return ChessStartGame('c', SIG_CHC, "���e�~�ɤ���"); } int chc_personal(void) { chc(0, CHESS_MODE_PERSONAL); return 0; } int chc_watch(void) { return ChessWatchGame(&chc, CHC, "���e�~�ɤ���"); }