/* $Id$ */ #include "bbs.h" #ifndef DBCSAWARE #define dbcs_off (1) #endif #define STOP_LINE (t_lines-3) static int chatline; static FILE *flog; static void printchatline(const char *str) { move(chatline, 0); if (*str == '>' && !PERM_HIDE(currutmp)) return; else if (chatline < STOP_LINE - 1) chatline++; else { region_scroll_up(2, STOP_LINE - 2); move(STOP_LINE - 2, 0); } outs(str); outc('\n'); outs("��"); if (flog) fprintf(flog, "%s\n", str); } static void chat_clear(char *unused GCC_UNUSED) { for (chatline = 2; chatline < STOP_LINE; chatline++) { move(chatline, 0); clrtoeol(); } move(b_lines, 0); clrtoeol(); move(chatline = 2, 0); outs("��"); } static void print_footer() { vs_footer("�i�ͤѫǡj", " (PgUp/PgDn)�^�U��ѰO�� (Ctrl-Z)�ֳt���� (Ctrl-C)���}��ѫ�"); } static void print_chatid(const char *chatid) { move(b_lines - 1, 0); clrtobot(); outs(chatid); outc(':'); print_footer(); } static int chat_send(int fd, const char *buf) { int len; char genbuf[200]; len = snprintf(genbuf, sizeof(genbuf), "%s\n", buf); return (send(fd, genbuf, len, 0) == len); } struct ChatBuf { char buf[128]; int bufstart; }; static int chat_recv(struct ChatBuf *cb, int fd, char *chatroom, char *chatid, size_t chatid_size) { int c, len; char *bptr; len = sizeof(cb->buf) - cb->bufstart - 1; if ((c = recv(fd, cb->buf + cb->bufstart, len, 0)) <= 0) return -1; c += cb->bufstart; bptr = cb->buf; while (c > 0) { len = strlen(bptr) + 1; if (len > c && (unsigned)len < (sizeof(cb->buf)/ 2) ) break; if (*bptr == '/') { switch (bptr[1]) { case 'c': chat_clear(NULL); break; case 'n': strlcpy(chatid, bptr + 2, chatid_size); print_chatid(chatid); break; case 'r': strlcpy(chatroom, bptr + 2, sizeof(chatroom)); break; case 't': move(0, 0); clrtoeol(); prints(ANSI_COLOR(1;37;46) " �ͤѫ� [%-12s] " ANSI_COLOR(45) " ���D�G%-48s" ANSI_RESET, chatroom, bptr + 2); } } else printchatline(bptr); c -= len; bptr += len; } if (c > 0) { memmove(cb->buf, bptr, sizeof(cb->buf)-(bptr-cb->buf)); cb->bufstart = len - 1; } else cb->bufstart = 0; return 0; } static void chathelp(const char *cmd, const char *desc) { char buf[STRLEN]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), " %-20s- %s", cmd, desc); printchatline(buf); } static void chat_help(char *arg) { if (strstr(arg, " op")) { printchatline("�ͤѫǺz���M�Ϋ��O"); chathelp("[/f]lag [+-][ls]", "�]�w��w�B���K���A"); chathelp("[/i]nvite <id>", "�ܽ� <id> �[�J�ͤѫ�"); chathelp("[/k]ick <id>", "�N <id> ��X�ͤѫ�"); chathelp("[/o]p <id>", "�N Op ���v�O�ಾ�� <id>"); chathelp("[/t]opic <text>", "���Ӹ��D"); chathelp("[/w]all", "�s�� (�����M��)"); chathelp(" /ban <userid>", "�ڵ� <userid> �A���i�J����ѫ� (�[�J�¦W��)"); chathelp(" /unban <userid>", "�� <userid> ���X�¦W��"); } else { chathelp(" /help op", "�ͤѫǺz���M�Ϋ��O"); chathelp("[//]help", "MUD-like ����ʵ�"); chathelp("[/a]ct <msg>", "���@�Ӱʧ@"); chathelp("[/b]ye [msg]", "�D�O"); chathelp("[/c]lear", "�M���ù�"); chathelp("[/j]oin <room>", "�إߩΥ[�J�ͤѫ�"); chathelp("[/l]ist [room]", "�C�X�ͤѫǨϥΪ�"); chathelp("[/m]sg <id> <msg>", "�� <id> ��������"); chathelp("[/n]ick <id>", "�N�ͤѥN������ <id>"); chathelp("[/p]ager", "�����I�s��"); chathelp("[/q]uery <id>", "�d�ߺ���"); chathelp("[/r]oom ", "�C�X�@��ͤѫ�"); chathelp("[/w]ho", "�C�X���ͤѫǨϥΪ�"); chathelp(" /whoin <room>", "�C�X�ͤѫ�<room> ���ϥΪ�"); chathelp(" /ignore <userid>", "�������w�ϥΪ̪��T��"); chathelp(" /unignore <userid>", "��������w�ϥΪ̪��T��"); } } static void chat_date(char *unused GCC_UNUSED) { char genbuf[200]; snprintf(genbuf, sizeof(genbuf), "�� " BBSNAME "�зǮɶ�: %s", Cdate(&now)); printchatline(genbuf); } static void chat_pager(char *unused GCC_UNUSED) { char genbuf[200]; char *msgs[PAGER_MODES] = { /* Ref: please match PAGER* in modes.h */ "����", "���}", "�ޱ�", "����", "�n��" }; snprintf(genbuf, sizeof(genbuf), "�� �z���I�s��:[%s]", msgs[currutmp->pager = (currutmp->pager + 1) % PAGER_MODES]); printchatline(genbuf); } static void chat_query(char *arg) { char *uid; int tuid; userec_t xuser; char *strtok_pos; printchatline(""); strtok_r(arg, str_space, &strtok_pos); if ((uid = strtok_r(NULL, str_space, &strtok_pos)) && (tuid = getuser(uid, &xuser))) { char buf[ANSILINELEN], *ptr; FILE *fp; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s(%s) �@�W�� %d ���A�o���L %d �g�峹", xuser.userid, xuser.nickname, xuser.numlogins, xuser.numposts); printchatline(buf); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "�̪�(%s)�q[%s]�W��", Cdate(&xuser.lastlogin), (xuser.lasthost[0] ? xuser.lasthost : "(����)")); printchatline(buf); sethomefile(buf, xuser.userid, fn_plans); if ((fp = fopen(buf, "r"))) { tuid = 0; while (tuid++ < MAX_QUERYLINES && fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp)) { if ((ptr = strchr(buf, '\n'))) ptr[0] = '\0'; printchatline(buf); } fclose(fp); } } else printchatline(err_uid); } typedef struct chat_command_t { char *cmdname; /* Chatroom command length */ void (*cmdfunc) (char *); /* Pointer to function */ } chat_command_t; static const chat_command_t chat_cmdtbl[] = { {"help", chat_help}, {"clear", chat_clear}, {"date", chat_date}, {"pager", chat_pager}, {"query", chat_query}, {NULL, NULL} }; static int chat_cmd_match(const char *buf, const char *str) { while (*str && *buf && !isspace((int)*buf)) if (tolower(*buf++) != *str++) return 0; return 1; } static int chat_cmd(char *buf, int fd GCC_UNUSED) { int i; if (*buf++ != '/') return 0; for (i = 0; chat_cmdtbl[i].cmdname; i++) { if (chat_cmd_match(buf, chat_cmdtbl[i].cmdname)) { chat_cmdtbl[i].cmdfunc(buf); return 1; } } return 0; } typedef struct { struct ChatBuf *chatbuf; int cfd; char *chatroom; char *chatid; int *chatting; char *logfpath; } ChatCbParam; static int _vgetcb_peek(int key, VGET_RUNTIME *prt GCC_UNUSED, void *instance) { ChatCbParam *p = (ChatCbParam*) instance; assert(p); switch (key) { case I_OTHERDATA: // incoming // XXX why 9? I don't know... just copied from old code. if (chat_recv(p->chatbuf, p->cfd, p->chatroom, p->chatid, 9) == -1) { chat_send(p->cfd, "/b"); *(p->chatting) = 0; return VGETCB_ABORT; } return VGETCB_NEXT; case Ctrl('C'): chat_send(p->cfd, "/b"); *(p->chatting) = 0; return VGETCB_ABORT; case Ctrl('I'): { VREFSCR scr = vscr_save(); add_io(0, 0); t_idle(); vscr_restore(scr); add_io(p->cfd, 0); } return VGETCB_NEXT; case KEY_PGUP: case KEY_PGDN: if (flog) { VREFSCR scr = vscr_save(); add_io(0, 0); fflush(flog); more(p->logfpath, YEA); vscr_restore(scr); add_io(p->cfd, 0); } return VGETCB_NEXT; // Support ZA because chat is mostly independent and secure. case Ctrl('Z'): { int za = 0; VREFCUR cur = vcur_save(); add_io(0, 0); za = ZA_Select(); print_footer(); vcur_restore(cur); add_io(p->cfd, 0); if (za) return VGETCB_ABORT; return VGETCB_NEXT; } } return VGETCB_NONE; } static int chatid_len = 10; int t_chat(void) { static time4_t lastEnter = 0; char chatroom[IDLEN+1] = "";/* Chat-Room Name */ char inbuf[80], chatid[20] = "", *ptr = ""; char hasnewmail = 0; char fpath[PATHLEN]; int cfd; int chatting = YEA; struct ChatBuf chatbuf; ChatCbParam vgetparam = {0}; if(HasUserPerm(PERM_VIOLATELAW)) { vmsg("�Х�ú�@��~��ϥβ�ѫ�!"); return -1; } if (!HasUserPerm(PERM_CHAT)) return -1; syncnow(); #ifdef CHAT_GAPMINS if ((now - lastEnter)/60 < CHAT_GAPMINS) { vmsg("�z�~�����}��ѫǡA�̭����b��z���C�еy��A�աC"); return 0; } #endif #ifdef CHAT_REGDAYS if ((now - cuser.firstlogin)/DAY_SECONDS < CHAT_REGDAYS) { int i = CHAT_REGDAYS - (now-cuser.firstlogin)/DAY_SECONDS +1; vmsgf("�z�٤�����`�� (�A�� %d �ѧa)", i); return 0; } #endif memset(&chatbuf, 0, sizeof(chatbuf)); outs(" �X���e�� �б��........ "); cfd = toconnect(XCHATD_ADDR); if (cfd < 0) { outs("\n " "�z! �S�H�b����C...�n�����a�誺�H���h�}����!..."); system("bin/xchatd"); pressanykey(); return -1; } while (1) { getdata(b_lines - 1, 0, "�п�J�Q�ϥΪ���Ѽʺ١G", chatid, 9, DOECHO); if(!chatid[0]) strlcpy(chatid, cuser.userid, sizeof(chatid)); chatid[8] = '\0'; /* * �s�榡: /! UserID ChatID Password */ snprintf(inbuf, sizeof(inbuf), "/! %s %s %s", cuser.userid, chatid, cuser.passwd); chat_send(cfd, inbuf); if (recv(cfd, inbuf, 3, 0) != 3) { close(cfd); vmsg("�t�ο��~�C"); return 0; } if (!strcmp(inbuf, CHAT_LOGIN_OK)) break; else if (!strcmp(inbuf, CHAT_LOGIN_EXISTS)) ptr = "�o�ӥN���w�g���H�ΤF"; else if (!strcmp(inbuf, CHAT_LOGIN_INVALID)) ptr = "�o�ӥN���O���~��"; else if (!strcmp(inbuf, CHAT_LOGIN_BOGUS)) ptr = "�ФŬ��������i�J��ѫ� !!"; move(b_lines - 2, 0); outs(ptr); clrtoeol(); bell(); } syncnow(); lastEnter = now; add_io(cfd, 0); setutmpmode(CHATING); currutmp->in_chat = YEA; strlcpy(currutmp->chatid, chatid, sizeof(currutmp->chatid)); clear(); chatline = 2; move(STOP_LINE, 0); outs(msg_seperator); move(STOP_LINE, 56); outs(" /h �d�߫��O /b ���} "); move(1, 0); outs(msg_seperator); print_chatid(chatid); memset(inbuf, 0, sizeof(inbuf)); setuserfile(fpath, "chat_XXXXXX"); flog = fdopen(mkstemp(fpath), "w"); // set up vgetstring callback parameter VGET_CALLBACKS vge = { _vgetcb_peek }; vgetparam.chatbuf = &chatbuf; vgetparam.cfd = cfd; vgetparam.chatid = chatid; vgetparam.chatroom = chatroom; vgetparam.chatting = &chatting; vgetparam.logfpath = fpath; while (chatting) { if (ZA_Waiting()) { // process ZA VREFSCR scr = vscr_save(); add_io(0, 0); ZA_Enter(); vscr_restore(scr); add_io(cfd, 0); } print_chatid(chatid); move(b_lines-1, chatid_len); // chatid_len = 10, quote(:) occupies 1, so 79-11=68 vgetstring(inbuf, 68, VGET_TRANSPARENT, "", &vge, &vgetparam); // quick check for end flag or exit command. if (!chatting) break; if (strncasecmp(inbuf, "/b", 2) == 0) { // cases: /b, /bye, "/b " // !cases: /ban if (tolower(inbuf[2]) != 'a') break; } // quick continue for empty input if (!*inbuf) continue; #ifdef EXP_ANTIFLOOD { // prevent flooding */ static time4_t lasttime = 0; static int flood = 0; syncnow(); if (now - lasttime < 3 ) { // 3 �����~�b���O���檺 ((25-5)/2) if( ++flood > 10 ){ // flush all input! drop_input(); while (wait_input(1, 0)) { if (num_in_buf()) drop_input(); else tty_read((unsigned char*)inbuf, sizeof(inbuf)); } drop_input(); vmsg("�ФŤj�q�ŶK�γy���~�O�����ĪG�C"); // log? sleep(2); continue; } } else { lasttime = now; flood = 0; } } #endif // anti-flood // send message to server if possible. if (!chat_cmd(inbuf, cfd)) chatting = chat_send(cfd, inbuf); // print mail message if possible. if (ISNEWMAIL(currutmp)) { if (!hasnewmail) { printchatline("�� �z����Ū���s�H��C"); hasnewmail = 1; } } else { if (hasnewmail) hasnewmail = 0; } } close(cfd); add_io(0, 0); currutmp->in_chat = currutmp->chatid[0] = 0; if (flog) { char ans[4]; fclose(flog); more(fpath, NA); getdata(b_lines - 1, 0, "�M��(C) ���ܳƧѿ�(M) (C/M)?[C]", ans, sizeof(ans), LCECHO); if (*ans == 'm') { if (mail_log2id(cuser.userid, "�|ij�O��", fpath, "[��.��.��]", 0, 1) < 0) vmsg("�Ƨѿ��x�s���ѡC"); } unlink(fpath); } return 0; }