/* $Id$ */ #include "bbs.h" typedef struct event_t { int year, month, day, days; int color; char *content; struct event_t *next; } event_t; static int MonthDay(int m, int leap) { int day[12] = {31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31}; assert(1<=m && m<=12); return leap && m == 2 ? 29 : day[m - 1]; } static int Days(int y, int m, int d) { int i, w; w = 1 + 365 * (y - 1) + ((y - 1) / 4) - ((y - 1) / 100) + ((y - 1) / 400) + d - 1; for (i = 1; i < m; i++) w += MonthDay(i, is_leap_year(y)); return w; } /** * return 1 if date and time is invalid */ int ParseDateTime(const char *date, int *year, int *month, int *day, int *hour, int *min, int *sec) { char *y, *m, *d, *hh, *mm, *ss; char buf[128]; char *strtok_pos; strlcpy(buf, date, sizeof(buf)); y = strtok_r(buf, "/", &strtok_pos); if (!y) return 1; m = strtok_r(NULL, "/", &strtok_pos);if (!m) return 1; d = strtok_r(NULL, " ", &strtok_pos); if (!d) return 1; if (hour) { hh = strtok_r(NULL, ":", &strtok_pos); if (!hh) return 1; *hour = atoi(hh); } if (min ) { mm = strtok_r(NULL, ":", &strtok_pos); if (!mm) return 1; *min = atoi(mm); } if (sec ) { ss = strtok_r(NULL, "", &strtok_pos); if (!ss) return 1; *sec = atoi(ss); } *year = atoi(y); *month = atoi(m); *day = atoi(d); if (hour && (*hour < 0 || *hour > 23)) return 1; if (min && (*min < 0 || *min > 59)) return 1; if (sec && (*sec < 0 || *sec > 59)) return 1; if (*year < 1 || *month < 1 || *month > 12 || *day < 1 || *day > MonthDay(*month, is_leap_year(*year))) return 1; return 0; } /** * return 1 if date is invalid */ int ParseDate(const char *date, int *year, int *month, int *day) { return ParseDateTime(date, year, month, day, NULL, NULL, NULL); } /** * return 1 if date is invalid */ static int ParseEventDate(const char *date, event_t * t) { int retval = ParseDate(date, &t->year, &t->month, &t->day); if (retval) return retval; t->days = Days(t->year, t->month, t->day); return retval; } static int ParseColor(const char *color) { struct { char *str; int val; } c[] = { { "black", 0 }, { "red", 1 }, { "green", 2 }, { "yellow", 3 }, { "blue", 4 }, { "magenta", 5 }, { "cyan", 6 }, { "white", 7 } }; int i; for (i = 0; (unsigned)i < sizeof(c) / sizeof(c[0]); i++) if (strcasecmp(color, c[i].str) == 0) return c[i].val; return 7; } static void InsertEvent(event_t * head, event_t * t) { event_t *p; for (p = head; p->next && p->next->days < t->days; p = p->next); t->next = p->next; p->next = t; } static void FreeEvent(event_t * e) { event_t *n; while (e) { n = e->next; free(e->content); /* from strdup() */ free(e); e = n; } } static event_t * ReadEvent(int today) { FILE *fp; char buf[PATHLEN]; event_t head; head.next = NULL; sethomefile(buf, cuser.userid, "calendar"); fp = fopen(buf, "r"); if (fp) { while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp)) { char *date, *color, *content; event_t *t; char *strtok_pos; if (buf[0] == '#') continue; date = strtok_r(buf, " \t\n", &strtok_pos); color = strtok_r(NULL, " \t\n", &strtok_pos); content = strtok_r(NULL, "\n", &strtok_pos); if (!date || !color || !content) continue; t = malloc(sizeof(event_t)); if (ParseEventDate(date, t) || t->days < today) { free(t); continue; } t->color = ParseColor(color) + 30; for (; *content == ' ' || *content == '\t'; content++); t->content = strdup(content); InsertEvent(&head, t); } fclose(fp); } return head.next; } static char ** AllocCalBuffer(int line, int len) { int i; char **p; p = malloc(sizeof(char *) * line); p[0] = malloc(sizeof(char) * line * len); for (i = 1; i < line; i++) p[i] = p[i - 1] + len; return p; } static void FreeCalBuffer(char **buf) { free(buf[0]); free(buf); } #define CALENDAR_COLOR ANSI_COLOR(0;30;47) #define HEADER_COLOR ANSI_COLOR(1;44) #define HEADER_SUNDAY_COLOR ANSI_COLOR(31) #define HEADER_DAY_COLOR ANSI_COLOR(33) static int GenerateCalendar(char **buf, int y, int m, int today, event_t * e) { char *week_str[7] = {"��", "�@", "�G", "�T", "�|", "��", "��"}; char *month_color[12] = { ANSI_COLOR(1;32), ANSI_COLOR(1;33), ANSI_COLOR(1;35), ANSI_COLOR(1;36), ANSI_COLOR(1;32), ANSI_COLOR(1;33), ANSI_COLOR(1;35), ANSI_COLOR(1;36), ANSI_COLOR(1;32), ANSI_COLOR(1;33), ANSI_COLOR(1;35), ANSI_COLOR(1;36) }; char *month_str[12] = { "�@�� ", "�G�� ", "�T�� ", "�|�� ", "���� ", "���� ", "�C�� ", "�K�� ", "�E�� ", "�Q�� ", "�Q�@��", "�Q�G��" }; char *p, attr1[16], *attr2; int i, d, w, line = 0, first_day = Days(y, m, 1); /* week day banner */ p = buf[line]; p += sprintf(p, " %s%s%s%s", HEADER_COLOR, HEADER_SUNDAY_COLOR, week_str[0], HEADER_DAY_COLOR); for (i = 1; i < 7; i++) p += sprintf(p, " %s", week_str[i]); p += sprintf(p, ANSI_RESET); /* indent for first line */ p = buf[++line]; p += sprintf(p, " %s", CALENDAR_COLOR); for (i = 0, w = first_day % 7; i < w; i++) p += sprintf(p, " "); /* initial event */ for (; e && e->days < first_day; e = e->next); d = MonthDay(m, is_leap_year(y)); for (i = 1; i <= d; i++, w = (w + 1) % 7) { attr1[0] = 0; attr2 = ""; while (e && e->days == first_day + i - 1) { sprintf(attr1, ANSI_COLOR(1;%d), e->color); attr2 = CALENDAR_COLOR; e = e->next; } if (today == first_day + i - 1) { strlcpy(attr1, ANSI_COLOR(1;37;42), sizeof(attr1)); attr2 = CALENDAR_COLOR; } p += sprintf(p, "%s%2d%s", attr1, i, attr2); if (w == 6) { p += sprintf(p, ANSI_RESET); p = buf[++line]; /* show month */ if (line >= 2 && line <= 4) p += sprintf(p, "%s%2.2s\33[m %s", month_color[m - 1], month_str[m - 1] + (line - 2) * 2, CALENDAR_COLOR); else if (i < d) p += sprintf(p, " %s", CALENDAR_COLOR); } else *p++ = ' '; } /* fill up the last line */ if (w) { for (w = 7 - w; w; w--) p += sprintf(p, w == 1 ? " " : " "); p += sprintf(p, ANSI_RESET); } return line + 1; } int u_editcalendar(void) { char genbuf[PATHLEN]; getdata(b_lines - 1, 0, "��ƾ� (D)�R�� (E)�s�� (H)���� [Q]�����H[Q] ", genbuf, 3, LCECHO); if (genbuf[0] == 'e') { int aborted; setutmpmode(EDITPLAN); sethomefile(genbuf, cuser.userid, "calendar"); aborted = veditfile(genbuf); if (aborted != EDIT_ABORTED) vmsg("��ƾ��s����"); return 0; } else if (genbuf[0] == 'd') { sethomefile(genbuf, cuser.userid, "calendar"); unlink(genbuf); vmsg("��ƾ�R������"); } else if (genbuf[0] == 'h') { move(1, 0); clrtoln(b_lines); move(3, 0); prints("��ƾ�榡����:\n�s��ɥH�@�欰���A�p:\n\n" "# �����}�Y���O����\n2006/05/04 red �W����!\n\n" "�䤤�� red �O�����ܪ��C��C\n" "�ثe�i�Ϊ��C�⬰:\n " ANSI_COLOR(1;30) "black " ANSI_COLOR(31) "red " ANSI_COLOR(32) "green " ANSI_COLOR(33) "yellow " ANSI_COLOR(34) "blue " ANSI_COLOR(35) "magenta " ANSI_COLOR(36) "cyan " ANSI_COLOR(37) "white " ANSI_RESET "\n " ANSI_COLOR(1;30;47) "black " ANSI_COLOR(31) "red " ANSI_COLOR(32) "green " ANSI_COLOR(33) "yellow " ANSI_COLOR(34) "blue " ANSI_COLOR(35) "magenta " ANSI_COLOR(36) "cyan " ANSI_COLOR(37) "white " ANSI_RESET ); pressanykey(); } return 0; } int calendar(void) { char **buf; struct tm snow; int i, y, m, today, lines = 0; event_t *head = NULL, *e = NULL; /* initialize date */ localtime4_r(&now, &snow); today = Days(snow.tm_year + 1900, snow.tm_mon + 1, snow.tm_mday); y = snow.tm_year + 1900, m = snow.tm_mon + 1; /* read event */ head = e = ReadEvent(today); /* generate calendar */ buf = AllocCalBuffer(22, 256); for (i = 0; i < 22; i++) sprintf(buf[i], "%24s", ""); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { lines += GenerateCalendar(buf + lines, y, m, today, e) + 1; if (m == 12) y++, m = 1; else m++; } /* output */ clear(); outc('\n'); for (i = 0; i < 22; i++) { outs(buf[i]); if (i == 0) { prints("\t" ANSI_COLOR(1;37) "�{�b�O %d.%02d.%02d %2d:%02d:%02d%cm" ANSI_RESET, snow.tm_year + 1900, snow.tm_mon + 1, snow.tm_mday, (snow.tm_hour == 0 || snow.tm_hour == 12) ? 12 : snow.tm_hour % 12, snow.tm_min, snow.tm_sec, snow.tm_hour >= 12 ? 'p' : 'a'); } else if (i >= 2 && e) { prints("\t" ANSI_COLOR(1;37) "(�|�� " ANSI_COLOR(%d) "%3d" ANSI_COLOR(37) " ��)" ANSI_RESET " %02d/%02d %s", e->color, e->days - today, e->month, e->day, e->content); e = e->next; } outc('\n'); } FreeEvent(head); FreeCalBuffer(buf); i = vmsg("�Ы� e �s���ƾ�A�Ψ䥦���N�����}�C"); i = tolower(((unsigned char)i) & 0xFF); if (i == 'e') { u_editcalendar(); } return 0; }