/* $Id$ */ #include "bbs.h" /* 防堵 Multi play */ static int is_playing(int unmode) { register int i; register userinfo_t *uentp; unsigned int p = StringHash(cuser.userid) % USHM_SIZE; for (i = 0; i < USHM_SIZE; i++, p++) { // XXX linear search if (p == USHM_SIZE) p = 0; uentp = &(SHM->uinfo[p]); if (uentp->mode == DEBUGSLEEPING) continue; if (uentp->uid == usernum && uentp->lockmode == unmode) return 1; } return 0; } int lockutmpmode(int unmode, int state) { int errorno = 0; if (currutmp->lockmode) errorno = LOCK_THIS; else if (state == LOCK_MULTI && is_playing(unmode)) errorno = LOCK_MULTI; if (errorno) { clear(); move(10, 20); if (errorno == LOCK_THIS) prints("請先離開 %s 才能再 %s ", ModeTypeTable[currutmp->lockmode], ModeTypeTable[unmode]); else prints("抱歉! 您已有其他線相同的ID正在%s", ModeTypeTable[unmode]); pressanykey(); return errorno; } setutmpmode(unmode); currutmp->lockmode = unmode; return 0; } int unlockutmpmode(void) { currutmp->lockmode = 0; return 0; } /* 使用錢的函數 */ #define VICE_NEW "vice.new" /* Heat:發票 */ int vice(int money, const char *item) { char buf[128]; unsigned int viceserial = (currutmp->lastact % 10000) * 10000 + random() % 10000; // new logic: do not send useless vice tickets demoney(-money); if (money < VICE_MIN) return 0; setuserfile(buf, VICE_NEW); log_filef(buf, LOG_CREAT, "%8.8d\n", viceserial); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s 花了$%d 編號[%08d]", item, money, viceserial); mail_id(cuser.userid, buf, "etc/vice.txt", BBSMNAME "經濟部"); return 0; } static int inmailbox(int m) { pwcuAddExMailBox(m); return cuser.exmailbox; } int p_from(void) { char tmp_from[sizeof(currutmp->from)]; if (vans("確定要改故鄉?[y/N]") != 'y') return 0; reload_money(); if (cuser.money < 49) return 0; if (getdata(b_lines - 1, 0, "請輸入新故鄉:", tmp_from, sizeof(tmp_from), DOECHO) && strcmp(tmp_from, currutmp->from) != 0) { vice(49, "更改故鄉"); strlcpy(currutmp->from, tmp_from, sizeof(currutmp->from)); } return 0; } int p_exmail(void) { char ans[4], buf[200]; int n, oldm; if (cuser.exmailbox >= MAX_EXKEEPMAIL) { vmsgf("容量最多增加 %d 封,不能再買了。", MAX_EXKEEPMAIL); return 0; } snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "您曾增購 %d 封容量,還要再買多少? ", cuser.exmailbox); // no need to create default prompt. // and people usually come this this by accident... getdata(b_lines - 2, 0, buf, ans, sizeof(ans), NUMECHO); oldm = cuser.exmailbox; n = atoi(ans); if (!ans[0] || n<=0) return 0; if (n + cuser.exmailbox > MAX_EXKEEPMAIL) n = MAX_EXKEEPMAIL - cuser.exmailbox; reload_money(); if (cuser.money < n * 1000) { vmsg("你的錢不夠。"); return 0; } if (vmsgf("你想購買 %d 封信箱 (要花 %d 元), 確定嗎?[y/N] ", n, n*1000) != 'y') return 0; reload_money(); vice(n * 1000, "購買信箱"); inmailbox(n); log_filef("log/exmailbox.log", LOG_CREAT, "%-13s %d+%d->%d %s\n", cuser.userid, oldm, n, cuser.exmailbox, Cdatelite(&now)); vmsgf("已購買信箱。新容量上限: %d", cuser.exmailbox); return 0; } int mail_redenvelop(const char *from, const char *to, int money, char *fpath) { char _fpath[PATHLEN], dirent[PATHLEN]; fileheader_t fhdr; FILE *fp; if (!fpath) fpath = _fpath; sethomepath(fpath, to); stampfile(fpath, &fhdr); if (!(fp = fopen(fpath, "w"))) return -1; fprintf(fp, "作者: %s\n" "標題: 招財進寶\n" "時間: %s\n" ANSI_COLOR(1;33) "親愛的 %s :\n\n" ANSI_RESET ANSI_COLOR(1;31) " 我包給你一個 %d 元的大紅包喔 ^_^\n\n" " 禮輕情意重,請笑納...... ^_^" ANSI_RESET "\n", from, ctime4(&now), to, money); fclose(fp); // colorize topic to make sure this is issued by system. snprintf(fhdr.title, sizeof(fhdr.title), ANSI_COLOR(1;37;41) "[紅包]" ANSI_RESET " $%d", money); strlcpy(fhdr.owner, from, sizeof(fhdr.owner)); sethomedir(dirent, to); append_record(dirent, &fhdr, sizeof(fhdr)); return 0; } int do_give_money(char *id, int uid, int money) { int tax; reload_money(); if (money < 1 || cuser.money < money) return -1; tax = give_tax(money); if (money - tax <= 0) return -1; /* 繳完稅就沒錢給了 */ // 實際給予金錢。 deumoney(uid, money - tax); demoney(-money); log_filef(FN_MONEY, LOG_CREAT, "%-12s 給 %-12s %d\t(稅後 %d)\t%s\n", cuser.userid, id, money, money - tax, Cdate(&now)); // penalty if (money < 50) { usleep(2000000); // 2 sec } else if (money < 200) { usleep(500000); // 0.5 sec } else { usleep(100000); // 0.1 sec } return 0; } int p_give(void) { give_money_ui(NULL); return -1; } int give_money_ui(const char *userid) { int uid; char id[IDLEN + 1], money_buf[20]; char passbuf[PASSLEN]; int m = 0, mtax = 0, tries = 3, skipauth = 0; static time4_t lastauth = 0; const char *myid = cuser.userid; // TODO prevent macros, we should check something here, // like user pw/id/... vs_hdr("給予金錢"); if (!userid || !*userid) usercomplete("這位幸運兒的id: ", id); else { strlcpy(id, userid, sizeof(id)); prints("這位幸運兒的id: %s\n", id); } move(2, 0); clrtobot(); if (!id[0] || strcasecmp(cuser.userid, id) == 0) { vmsg("交易取消!"); return -1; } if (!getdata(2, 0, "要給他多少錢呢: ", money_buf, 7, NUMECHO) || ((m = atoi(money_buf)) < 2)) { vmsg("金額過少,交易取消!"); return -1; } if ((uid = searchuser(id, id)) == 0) { vmsg("查無此人!"); return -1; } reload_money(); if (cuser.money < m) { vmsg("你沒有那麼多錢喔!"); return -1; } mtax = give_tax(m); move(4, 0); prints( "交易內容: %s 將給予 %s : [未稅] $%d (稅金 $%d )\n" "對方實得: $%d\n", cuser.userid, id, m, mtax, m-mtax); // safe context starts at (6, 0). #ifdef PLAY_ANGEL if (HasUserPerm(PERM_ANGEL)) { userec_t xuser = {0}; getuser(id, &xuser); if (strcmp(xuser.myangel, cuser.userid) == 0) { char yn[3]; outs("他是你的小主人,是否匿名?[Y/n]: "); vgets(yn, sizeof(yn), VGET_LOWERCASE); if (yn[0] != 'n') myid = "小天使"; } } #endif // PLAY_ANGEL // safe context starts at (7, 0) move(7, 0); if (now - lastauth >= 15*60) // valid through 15 minutes { outs(ANSI_COLOR(1;31) "為了避免誤按或是惡意詐騙," "在完成交易前要重新確認您的身份。" ANSI_RESET); } else { outs("你的認證尚未過期,可暫時跳過密碼認證程序。\n"); // auth is valid. if (vans("確定進行交易嗎? (y/N): ") == 'y') skipauth = 1; else tries = -1; } // safe context starts at (7, 0) while (!skipauth && tries-- > 0) { getdata(8, 0, MSG_PASSWD, passbuf, sizeof(passbuf), NOECHO); passbuf[8] = '\0'; if (checkpasswd(cuser.passwd, passbuf)) { lastauth = now; break; } // if we show '%d chances left', some user may think // they will be locked out... if (tries > 0 && vmsg("密碼錯誤,請重試或按 n 取消交易。") == 'n') return -1; } if (tries < 0) { vmsg("交易取消!"); return -1; } outs("\n交易正在進行中,請稍候...\n"); refresh(); if(do_give_money(id, uid, m) < 0) { outs(ANSI_COLOR(1;31) "交易失敗!" ANSI_RESET "\n"); vmsg("交易失敗。"); return -1; } outs(ANSI_COLOR(1;33) "交易完成!" ANSI_RESET "\n"); // transaction complete. { char fpath[PATHLEN]; if (mail_redenvelop( myid, id, m - mtax, fpath) < 0) { vmsg("交易完成。"); return 0; } // TODO 若是壞人,禁止編輯內文? if (vans("交易已完成,要修改紅包袋嗎?[y/N] ") == 'y') { veditfile(fpath); } sendalert(id, ALERT_NEW_MAIL); } return 0; } int resolve_over18_user(const userec_t *u) { /* get local time */ struct tm ptime; localtime4_r(&now, &ptime); // 照實歲計算,沒生日的當作未滿 18 if (u->year < 1 || u->month < 1) return 0; else if( (ptime.tm_year - u->year) > 18) return 1; else if (ptime.tm_year - u->year < 18) return 0; else if ((ptime.tm_mon+1) > u->month) return 1; else if ((ptime.tm_mon+1) < u->month) return 0; else if (ptime.tm_mday >= u->day ) return 1; return 0; } void resolve_over18(void) { over18 = resolve_over18_user(cuser_ref); } int p_sysinfo(void) { char *cpuloadstr; int load; extern char *compile_time; #ifdef DETECT_CLIENT extern Fnv32_t client_code; #endif load = cpuload(NULL); cpuloadstr = (load < 5 ? "良好" : (load < 20 ? "尚可" : "過重")); clear(); showtitle("系統資訊", BBSNAME); move(2, 0); prints("您現在位於 " TITLE_COLOR BBSNAME ANSI_RESET " (" MYIP ")\n" "系統負載情況: %s\n" "線上服務人數: %d/%d\n" #ifdef DETECT_CLIENT "client code: %8.8X\n" #endif "編譯時間: %s\n" "起始時間: %s\n", cpuloadstr, SHM->UTMPnumber, #ifdef DYMAX_ACTIVE SHM->GV2.e.dymaxactive > 2000 ? SHM->GV2.e.dymaxactive : MAX_ACTIVE, #else MAX_ACTIVE, #endif #ifdef DETECT_CLIENT client_code, #endif compile_time, Cdatelite(&start_time)); #ifdef REPORT_PIAIP_MODULES outs("\n" ANSI_COLOR(1;30) "Modules powered by piaip:\n" "\ttelnet protocol, ALOHA fixer, BRC v3\n" #if defined(USE_PIAIP_MORE) || defined(USE_PMORE) "\tpmore (piaip's more) 2007 w/Movie\n" #endif #ifdef HAVE_GRAYOUT "\tGrayout Advanced Control 淡入淡出特效系統\n" #endif #ifdef EDITPOST_SMARTMERGE "\tSmart Merge 修文自動合併\n" #endif #ifdef EXP_EDIT_UPLOAD "\t(EXP) Editor Uploader 長文上傳\n" #endif #if defined(USE_PFTERM) "\t(EXP) pfterm (piaip's flat terminal, Perfect Term)\n" #endif #if defined(USE_BBSLUA) "\t(EXP) BBS-Lua\n" #endif ANSI_RESET ); #endif // REPORT_PIAIP_MODULES if (HasUserPerm(PERM_SYSOP)) { struct rusage ru; #ifdef __linux__ int vmdata=0, vmstk=0; FILE * fp; char buf[128]; if ((fp = fopen("/proc/self/status", "r"))) { while (fgets(buf, 128, fp)) { sscanf(buf, "VmData: %d", &vmdata); sscanf(buf, "VmStk: %d", &vmstk); } fclose(fp); } #endif getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &ru); prints("記憶體用量: " #ifdef IA32 "sbrk: %u KB, " #endif #ifdef __linux__ "VmData: %d KB, VmStk: %d KB, " #endif "idrss: %d KB, isrss: %d KB\n", #ifdef IA32 ((unsigned int)sbrk(0) - 0x8048000) / 1024, #endif #ifdef __linux__ vmdata, vmstk, #endif (int)ru.ru_idrss, (int)ru.ru_isrss); prints("CPU 用量: %ld.%06ldu %ld.%06lds", (long int)ru.ru_utime.tv_sec, (long int)ru.ru_utime.tv_usec, (long int)ru.ru_stime.tv_sec, (long int)ru.ru_stime.tv_usec); #ifdef CPULIMIT_PER_DAY prints(" (limit %d secs per day)", CPULIMIT_PER_DAY); #endif outs("\n特別參數:" #ifdef CRITICAL_MEMORY " CRITICAL_MEMORY" #endif #ifdef UTMPD " UTMPD" #endif #ifdef FROMD " FROMD" #endif ); } pressanykey(); return 0; }