/* $Id$ */ #include "bbs.h" #ifdef _BBS_UTIL_C_ # define log_usies(a, b) ; # define abort_bbs(a) exit(1) #endif /* * the reason for "safe_sleep" is that we may call sleep during SIGALRM * handler routine, while SIGALRM is blocked. if we use the original sleep, * we'll never wake up. */ unsigned int safe_sleep(unsigned int seconds) { /* jochang sleep有問題時用 */ sigset_t set, oldset; sigemptyset(&set); sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &set, &oldset); if (sigismember(&oldset, SIGALRM)) { unsigned int retv; log_usies("SAFE_SLEEP ", "avoid hang"); sigemptyset(&set); sigaddset(&set, SIGALRM); sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &set, NULL); retv = sleep(seconds); sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &set, NULL); return retv; } return sleep(seconds); } /* * section - SHM */ static void attach_err(int shmkey, const char *name) { fprintf(stderr, "[%s error] key = %x\n", name, shmkey); fprintf(stderr, "errno = %d: %s\n", errno, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } void * attach_shm(int shmkey, int shmsize) { void *shmptr = (void *)NULL; int shmid; shmid = shmget(shmkey, shmsize, #ifdef USE_HUGETLB SHM_HUGETLB | #endif 0); if (shmid < 0) { // SHM should be created by uhash_loader, NOT mbbsd or other utils attach_err(shmkey, "shmget"); } else { shmptr = (void *)shmat(shmid, NULL, 0); if (shmptr == (void *)-1) attach_err(shmkey, "shmat"); } return shmptr; } void attach_SHM(void) { SHM = attach_shm(SHM_KEY, SHMSIZE); if(SHM->version != SHM_VERSION) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: SHM->version(%d) != SHM_VERSION(%d)\n", SHM->version, SHM_VERSION); fprintf(stderr, "Please use the source code version corresponding to SHM,\n" "or use ipcrm(1) command to clean share memory.\n"); exit(1); } if (!SHM->loaded) /* (uhash) assume fresh shared memory is * zeroed */ exit(1); if (SHM->Btouchtime == 0) SHM->Btouchtime = 1; bcache = SHM->bcache; numboards = SHM->Bnumber; if (SHM->Ptouchtime == 0) SHM->Ptouchtime = 1; if (SHM->Ftouchtime == 0) SHM->Ftouchtime = 1; } /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ /* semaphore : for critical section */ /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ #define SEM_FLG 0600 /* semaphore mode */ #ifndef __FreeBSD__ /* according to X/OPEN, we have to define it ourselves */ union semun { int val; /* value for SETVAL */ struct semid_ds *buf; /* buffer for IPC_STAT, IPC_SET */ unsigned short int *array; /* array for GETALL, SETALL */ struct seminfo *__buf; /* buffer for IPC_INFO */ }; #endif void sem_init(int semkey, int *semid) { union semun s; s.val = 1; *semid = semget(semkey, 1, 0); if (*semid == -1) { *semid = semget(semkey, 1, IPC_CREAT | SEM_FLG); if (*semid == -1) attach_err(semkey, "semget"); semctl(*semid, 0, SETVAL, s); } } void sem_lock(int op, int semid) { struct sembuf sops; sops.sem_num = 0; sops.sem_flg = SEM_UNDO; sops.sem_op = op; if (semop(semid, &sops, 1)) { perror("semop"); exit(1); } } /* * section - user cache(including uhash) */ /* uhash ****************************************** */ /* * the design is this: we use another stand-alone program to create and load * data into the hash. (that program could be run in rc-scripts or something * like that) after loading completes, the stand-alone program sets loaded to * 1 and exits. * * the bbs exits if it can't attach to the shared memory or the hash is not * loaded yet. */ void add_to_uhash(int n, const char *id) { int *p, h = StringHash(id)%(1<userid[n], id, sizeof(SHM->userid[n])); p = &(SHM->hash_head[h]); for (times = 0; times < MAX_USERS && *p != -1; ++times) p = &(SHM->next_in_hash[*p]); if (times == MAX_USERS) abort_bbs(0); SHM->next_in_hash[*p = n] = -1; } void remove_from_uhash(int n) { /* * note: after remove_from_uhash(), you should add_to_uhash() (likely with a * different name) */ int h = StringHash(SHM->userid[n])%(1<hash_head[h]); int times; for (times = 0; times < MAX_USERS && (*p != -1 && *p != n); ++times) p = &(SHM->next_in_hash[*p]); if (times == MAX_USERS) abort_bbs(0); if (*p == n) *p = SHM->next_in_hash[n]; } #if (1<hash_head[h]; for (times = 0; times < MAX_USERS && p != -1 && p < MAX_USERS ; ++times) { if (strcasecmp(SHM->userid[p], userid) == 0) { if(userid[0] && rightid) strcpy(rightid, SHM->userid[p]); return p + 1; } p = SHM->next_in_hash[p]; } return 0; } int searchuser(const char *userid, char *rightid) { if(userid[0]=='\0') return 0; return dosearchuser(userid, rightid); } int getuser(const char *userid, userec_t *xuser) { int uid; if ((uid = searchuser(userid, NULL))) { passwd_query(uid, xuser); xuser->money = moneyof(uid); } return uid; } char * getuserid(int num) { if (--num >= 0 && num < MAX_USERS) return ((char *)SHM->userid[num]); return NULL; } void setuserid(int num, const char *userid) { if (num > 0 && num <= MAX_USERS) { /* Ptt: it may cause problems if (num > SHM->number) SHM->number = num; else */ remove_from_uhash(num - 1); add_to_uhash(num - 1, userid); } } #ifndef _BBS_UTIL_C_ char * u_namearray(char buf[][IDLEN + 1], int *pnum, char *tag) { register char *ptr, tmp; register int n, total; char tagbuf[STRLEN]; int ch, ch2, num; if (*tag == '\0') { *pnum = SHM->number; return SHM->userid[0]; } for (n = 0; tag[n]; n++) tagbuf[n] = chartoupper(tag[n]); tagbuf[n] = '\0'; ch = tagbuf[0]; ch2 = ch - 'A' + 'a'; total = SHM->number; for (n = num = 0; n < total; n++) { ptr = SHM->userid[n]; tmp = *ptr; if (tmp == ch || tmp == ch2) { if (chkstr(tag, tagbuf, ptr)) strcpy(buf[num++], ptr); } } *pnum = num; return buf[0]; } #endif void getnewutmpent(const userinfo_t * up) { /* Ptt:這裡加上 hash 觀念找空的 utmp */ register int i; register userinfo_t *uentp; unsigned int p = StringHash(up->userid) % USHM_SIZE; for (i = 0; i < USHM_SIZE; i++, p++) { if (p == USHM_SIZE) p = 0; uentp = &(SHM->uinfo[p]); if (!(uentp->pid)) { memcpy(uentp, up, sizeof(userinfo_t)); currutmp = uentp; return; } } exit(1); } int apply_ulist(int (*fptr) (const userinfo_t *)) { register userinfo_t *uentp; register int i, state; for (i = 0; i < USHM_SIZE; i++) { uentp = &(SHM->uinfo[i]); if (uentp->pid && (PERM_HIDE(currutmp) || !PERM_HIDE(uentp))) if ((state = (*fptr) (uentp))) return state; } return 0; } userinfo_t * search_ulist_pid(int pid) { register int i = 0, j, start = 0, end = SHM->UTMPnumber - 1; int *ulist; register userinfo_t *u; if (end == -1) return NULL; ulist = SHM->sorted[SHM->currsorted][8]; for (i = ((start + end) / 2);; i = (start + end) / 2) { u = &SHM->uinfo[ulist[i]]; j = pid - u->pid; if (!j) { return u; } if (end == start) { break; } else if (i == start) { i = end; start = end; } else if (j > 0) start = i; else end = i; } return 0; } userinfo_t * search_ulistn(int uid, int unum) { register int i = 0, j, start = 0, end = SHM->UTMPnumber - 1; int *ulist; register userinfo_t *u; if (end == -1) return NULL; ulist = SHM->sorted[SHM->currsorted][7]; for (i = ((start + end) / 2);; i = (start + end) / 2) { u = &SHM->uinfo[ulist[i]]; j = uid - u->uid; if (j == 0) { for (; i > 0 && uid == SHM->uinfo[ulist[i - 1]].uid; --i) ;/* 指到第一筆 */ if ( i + unum - 1 >= 0 && (ulist[i + unum - 1] >= 0 && uid == SHM->uinfo[ulist[i + unum - 1]].uid ) ) return &SHM->uinfo[ulist[i + unum - 1]]; break; /* 超過範圍 */ } if (end == start) { break; } else if (i == start) { i = end; start = end; } else if (j > 0) start = i; else end = i; } return 0; } userinfo_t * search_ulist_userid(const char *userid) { register int i = 0, j, start = 0, end = SHM->UTMPnumber - 1; int *ulist; register userinfo_t * u; if (end == -1) return NULL; ulist = SHM->sorted[SHM->currsorted][0]; for (i = ((start + end) / 2);; i = (start + end) / 2) { u = &SHM->uinfo[ulist[i]]; j = strcasecmp(userid, u->userid); if (!j) { return u; } if (end == start) { break; } else if (i == start) { i = end; start = end; } else if (j > 0) start = i; else end = i; } return 0; } #ifndef _BBS_UTIL_C_ int count_logins(int uid, int show) { register int i = 0, j, start = 0, end = SHM->UTMPnumber - 1, count; int *ulist; userinfo_t *u; if (end == -1) return 0; ulist = SHM->sorted[SHM->currsorted][7]; for (i = ((start + end) / 2);; i = (start + end) / 2) { u = &SHM->uinfo[ulist[i]]; j = uid - u->uid; if (!j) { for (; i > 0 && uid == SHM->uinfo[ulist[i - 1]].uid; i--); /* 指到第一筆 */ for (count = 0; (ulist[i + count] && (u = &SHM->uinfo[ulist[i + count]]) && uid == u->uid); count++) { if (show) prints("(%d) 目前狀態為: %-17.16s(來自 %s)\n", count + 1, modestring(u, 0), u->from); } return count; } if (end == start) { break; } else if (i == start) { i = end; start = end; } else if (j > 0) start = i; else end = i; } return 0; } void purge_utmp(userinfo_t * uentp) { logout_friend_online(uentp); memset(uentp, 0, sizeof(userinfo_t)); SHM->UTMPneedsort = 1; } #endif /* * section - money cache */ int setumoney(int uid, int money) { SHM->money[uid - 1] = money; passwd_update_money(uid); return SHM->money[uid - 1]; } int deumoney(int uid, int money) { if (uid <= 0 || uid > MAX_USERS){ #if defined(_BBS_UTIL_C_) printf("internal error: deumoney(%d, %d)\n", uid, money); #else vmsg("internal error"); #endif return -1; } if (money < 0 && moneyof(uid) < -money) return setumoney(uid, 0); else return setumoney(uid, SHM->money[uid - 1] + money); } /* * section - utmp */ #if !defined(_BBS_UTIL_C_) /* _BBS_UTIL_C_ 不會有 utmp */ void setutmpmode(unsigned int mode) { if (currstat != mode) currutmp->mode = currstat = mode; /* 追蹤使用者 */ if (HasUserPerm(PERM_LOGUSER)) { log_user("setutmpmode to %s(%d)\n", modestring(currutmp, 0), mode); } } #endif /* * section - board cache */ void touchbtotal(int bid) { assert(0<=bid-1 && bid-1total[bid - 1] = 0; SHM->lastposttime[bid - 1] = 0; } /** * qsort comparison function - 照板名排序 */ static int cmpboardname(const void * i, const void * j) { return strcasecmp(bcache[*(int*)i].brdname, bcache[*(int*)j].brdname); } /** * qsort comparison function - 先照群組排序、同一個群組內依板名排 */ static int cmpboardclass(const void * i, const void * j) { boardheader_t *brd1 = &bcache[*(int*)i], *brd2 = &bcache[*(int*)j]; int cmp; cmp=strncmp(brd1->title, brd2->title, 4); if(cmp!=0) return cmp; return strcasecmp(brd1->brdname, brd2->brdname); } void sort_bcache(void) { int i; /* critical section 盡量不要呼叫 */ /* 只有新增 或移除看板 需要呼叫到 */ if(SHM->Bbusystate) { sleep(1); return; } SHM->Bbusystate = 1; for (i = 0; i < SHM->Bnumber; i++) { SHM->bsorted[0][i] = SHM->bsorted[1][i] = i; } qsort(SHM->bsorted[0], SHM->Bnumber, sizeof(int), cmpboardname); qsort(SHM->bsorted[1], SHM->Bnumber, sizeof(int), cmpboardclass); for (i = 0; i < SHM->Bnumber; i++) { bcache[i].firstchild[0] = 0; bcache[i].firstchild[1] = 0; } SHM->Bbusystate = 0; } #ifdef _BBS_UTIL_C_ void reload_bcache(void) { int i, fd; pid_t pid; for( i = 0 ; i < 10 && SHM->Bbusystate ; ++i ){ printf("SHM->Bbusystate is currently locked (value: %d). " "please wait... ", SHM->Bbusystate); sleep(1); } SHM->Bbusystate = 1; if ((fd = open(fn_board, O_RDONLY)) > 0) { SHM->Bnumber = read(fd, bcache, MAX_BOARD * sizeof(boardheader_t)) / sizeof(boardheader_t); close(fd); } memset(SHM->lastposttime, 0, MAX_BOARD * sizeof(time4_t)); memset(SHM->total, 0, MAX_BOARD * sizeof(int)); /* 等所有 boards 資料更新後再設定 uptime */ SHM->Buptime = SHM->Btouchtime; log_usies("CACHE", "reload bcache"); SHM->Bbusystate = 0; sort_bcache(); printf("load bottom in background"); if( (pid = fork()) > 0 ) return; setproctitle("loading bottom"); for( i = 0 ; i < MAX_BOARD ; ++i ) if( SHM->bcache[i].brdname[0] ){ char fn[128]; int n; sprintf(fn, "boards/%c/%s/.DIR.bottom", SHM->bcache[i].brdname[0], SHM->bcache[i].brdname); n = get_num_records(fn, sizeof(fileheader_t)); if( n > 5 ) n = 5; SHM->n_bottom[i] = n; } printf("load bottom done"); if( pid == 0 ) exit(0); // if pid == -1 should be returned } void resolve_boards(void) { while (SHM->Buptime < SHM->Btouchtime) { reload_bcache(); } numboards = SHM->Bnumber; } #endif /* defined(_BBS_UTIL_C_)*/ #if 0 /* Unused */ void touch_boards(void) { SHM->Btouchtime = COMMON_TIME; numboards = -1; resolve_boards(); } #endif void addbrd_touchcache(void) { SHM->Bnumber++; numboards = SHM->Bnumber; reset_board(numboards); sort_bcache(); } void reset_board(int bid) /* XXXbid: from 1 */ { /* Ptt: 這樣就不用老是touch board了 */ int fd; boardheader_t *bhdr; if (--bid < 0) return; assert(0<=bid && bidBbusystate || COMMON_TIME - SHM->busystate_b[bid] < 10) { safe_sleep(1); } else { SHM->busystate_b[bid] = COMMON_TIME; bhdr = bcache; bhdr += bid; if ((fd = open(fn_board, O_RDONLY)) > 0) { lseek(fd, (off_t) (bid * sizeof(boardheader_t)), SEEK_SET); read(fd, bhdr, sizeof(boardheader_t)); close(fd); } SHM->busystate_b[bid] = 0; buildBMcache(bid + 1); /* XXXbid */ } } #ifndef _BBS_UTIL_C_ /* because of HasBoardPerm() in board.c */ int apply_boards(int (*func) (boardheader_t *)) { register int i; register boardheader_t *bhdr; for (i = 0, bhdr = bcache; i < numboards; i++, bhdr++) { if (!(bhdr->brdattr & BRD_GROUPBOARD) && HasBoardPerm(bhdr) && (*func) (bhdr) == QUIT) return QUIT; } return 0; } #endif void setbottomtotal(int bid) { boardheader_t *bh = getbcache(bid); char fname[PATHLEN]; int n; assert(0<=bid-1 && bid-1brdname[0]) return; setbfile(fname, bh->brdname, ".DIR.bottom"); n = get_num_records(fname, sizeof(fileheader_t)); if(n>5) { #ifdef DEBUG_BOTTOM log_file("fix_bottom", LOG_CREAT | LOG_VF, "%s n:%d\n", fname, n); #endif unlink(fname); SHM->n_bottom[bid-1]=0; } else SHM->n_bottom[bid-1]=n; } void setbtotal(int bid) { boardheader_t *bh = getbcache(bid); struct stat st; char genbuf[256]; int num, fd; assert(0<=bid-1 && bid-1brdname, ".DIR"); if ((fd = open(genbuf, O_RDWR)) < 0) return; /* .DIR掛了 */ fstat(fd, &st); num = st.st_size / sizeof(fileheader_t); assert(0<=bid-1 && bid-1total[bid - 1] = num; if (num > 0) { lseek(fd, (off_t) (num - 1) * sizeof(fileheader_t), SEEK_SET); if (read(fd, genbuf, FNLEN) >= 0) { SHM->lastposttime[bid - 1] = (time4_t) atoi(&genbuf[2]); } } else SHM->lastposttime[bid - 1] = 0; close(fd); } void touchbpostnum(int bid, int delta) { int *total = &SHM->total[bid - 1]; assert(0<=bid-1 && bid-1Bnumber - 1; int *blist = SHM->bsorted[0]; if(SHM->Bbusystate) sleep(1); for (i = ((start + end) / 2);; i = (start + end) / 2) { if (!(j = strcasecmp(bname, bcache[blist[i]].brdname))) return (int)(blist[i] + 1); if (end == start) { break; } else if (i == start) { i = end; start = end; } else if (j > 0) start = i; else end = i; } return 0; } int haspostperm(const char *bname) { register int i; char buf[200]; setbfile(buf, bname, fn_water); if (belong(buf, cuser.userid)) return 0; if (!strcasecmp(bname, DEFAULT_BOARD)) return 1; if (!(i = getbnum(bname))) return 0; assert(0<=i-1 && i-1BM, sizeof(s)); for( i = 0 ; s[i] != 0 ; ++i ) if( !isalpha((int)s[i]) && !isdigit((int)s[i]) ) s[i] = ' '; for( ptr = strtok_r(s, " ", &strtok_pos), i = 0 ; i < MAX_BMs && ptr != NULL ; ptr = strtok_r(NULL, " ", &strtok_pos), ++i ) if( (uid = searchuser(ptr, NULL)) != 0 ) SHM->BMcache[bid-1][i] = uid; for( ; i < MAX_BMs ; ++i ) SHM->BMcache[bid-1][i] = -1; } int is_BM_cache(int bid) /* bid starts from 1 */ { assert(0<=bid-1 && bid-1uid == SHM->BMcache[bid][0] || currutmp->uid == SHM->BMcache[bid][1] || currutmp->uid == SHM->BMcache[bid][2] || currutmp->uid == SHM->BMcache[bid][3] ){ cuser.userlevel |= PERM_BM; return 1; } return 0; } /*-------------------------------------------------------*/ /* PTT cache */ /*-------------------------------------------------------*/ /* cache for 動態看板 */ void reload_pttcache(void) { if (SHM->Pbusystate) safe_sleep(1); else { /* jochang: temporary workaround */ fileheader_t item, subitem; char pbuf[256], buf[256], *chr; FILE *fp, *fp1, *fp2; int id; SHM->Pbusystate = 1; SHM->last_film = 0; bzero(SHM->notes, sizeof(SHM->notes)); setapath(pbuf, GLOBAL_NOTE); setadir(buf, pbuf); id = 0; if ((fp = fopen(buf, "r"))) { while (fread(&item, sizeof(item), 1, fp)) { if (item.title[3] == '<' && item.title[8] == '>') { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/%s/.DIR", pbuf, item.filename); if (!(fp1 = fopen(buf, "r"))) continue; while (fread(&subitem, sizeof(subitem), 1, fp1)) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/%s/%s", pbuf, item.filename, subitem.filename); if (!(fp2 = fopen(buf, "r"))) continue; fread(SHM->notes[id], sizeof(char), sizeof(SHM->notes[0]), fp2); SHM->notes[id][sizeof(SHM->notes[0]) - 1] = 0; id++; fclose(fp2); if (id >= MAX_MOVIE) break; } fclose(fp1); if (id >= MAX_MOVIE) break; } } fclose(fp); } SHM->last_film = id - 1; fp = fopen("etc/today_is", "r"); if (fp) { fgets(SHM->today_is, 15, fp); if ((chr = strchr(SHM->today_is, '\n'))) *chr = 0; SHM->today_is[15] = 0; fclose(fp); } /* 等所有資料更新後再設定 uptime */ SHM->Puptime = SHM->Ptouchtime; log_usies("CACHE", "reload pttcache"); SHM->Pbusystate = 0; } } void resolve_garbage(void) { int count = 0; while (SHM->Puptime < SHM->Ptouchtime) { /* 不用while等 */ reload_pttcache(); if (count++ > 10 && SHM->Pbusystate) { /* * Ptt: 這邊會有問題 load超過10 秒會所有進loop的process tate = 0 * 這樣會所有prcosee都會在load 動態看板 會造成load大增 * 但沒有用這個function的話 萬一load passwd檔的process死了 * 又沒有人把他 解開 同樣的問題發生在reload passwd */ SHM->Pbusystate = 0; #ifndef _BBS_UTIL_C_ log_usies("CACHE", "refork Ptt dead lock"); #endif } } } /*-------------------------------------------------------*/ /* PTT's cache */ /*-------------------------------------------------------*/ /* cache for from host 與最多上線人數 */ void reload_fcache(void) { if (SHM->Fbusystate) safe_sleep(1); else { FILE *fp; SHM->Fbusystate = 1; bzero(SHM->home_ip, sizeof(SHM->home_ip)); if ((fp = fopen("etc/domain_name_query.cidr", "r"))) { char buf[256], *ip, *mask; char *strtok_pos; SHM->home_num = 0; while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp)) { if (!buf[0] || buf[0] == '#' || buf[0] == ' ' || buf[0] == '\n') continue; if (buf[0] == '@') { SHM->home_ip[0] = 0; SHM->home_mask[0] = 0xFFFFFFFF; SHM->home_num++; continue; } ip = strtok_r(buf, " \t", &strtok_pos); if ((mask = strchr(ip, '/')) != NULL) { int shift = 32 - atoi(mask + 1); SHM->home_ip[SHM->home_num] = ipstr2int(ip); SHM->home_mask[SHM->home_num] = (0xFFFFFFFF >> shift ) << shift; } else { SHM->home_ip[SHM->home_num] = ipstr2int(ip); SHM->home_mask[SHM->home_num] = 0xFFFFFFFF; } ip = strtok_r(NULL, " \t", &strtok_pos); if (ip == NULL) { strncpy(SHM->home_desc[SHM->home_num], "雲深不知處", sizeof(SHM->home_desc[SHM->home_num])); } else { strncpy(SHM->home_desc[SHM->home_num], ip, sizeof(SHM->home_desc[SHM->home_num])); chomp(SHM->home_desc[SHM->home_num]); } (SHM->home_num)++; if (SHM->home_num == MAX_FROM) break; } fclose(fp); } SHM->max_user = 0; /* 等所有資料更新後再設定 uptime */ SHM->Fuptime = SHM->Ftouchtime; #if !defined(_BBS_UTIL_C_) log_usies("CACHE", "reload fcache"); #endif SHM->Fbusystate = 0; } } void resolve_fcache(void) { while (SHM->Fuptime < SHM->Ftouchtime) reload_fcache(); } /* * section - hbfl (hidden board friend list) */ void hbflreload(int bid) { int hbfl[MAX_FRIEND + 1], i, num, uid; char buf[128]; FILE *fp; assert(0<=bid-1 && bid-1hbfl[bid-1], hbfl, sizeof(hbfl)); } /* 是否"不"通過板友測試. 如果在板友名單中的話傳回 0, 否則為 1 */ int hbflcheck(int bid, int uid) { int i; assert(0<=bid-1 && bid-1hbfl[bid-1][0] < login_start_time - HBFLexpire) hbflreload(bid); for (i = 1; SHM->hbfl[bid-1][i] != 0 && i <= MAX_FRIEND; ++i) { if (SHM->hbfl[bid-1][i] == uid) return 0; } return 1; } #ifdef USE_COOLDOWN void add_cooldowntime(int uid, int min) { // Ptt: I will use the number below 15 seconds. time4_t base= now > SHM->cooldowntime[uid - 1]? now : SHM->cooldowntime[uid - 1]; base += min*60; base &= 0xFFFFFFF0; SHM->cooldowntime[uid - 1] = base; } void add_posttimes(int uid, int times) { if((SHM->cooldowntime[uid - 1] & 0xF) + times <0xF) SHM->cooldowntime[uid - 1] += times; else SHM->cooldowntime[uid - 1] |= 0xF; } #endif