/* $Id$ */ #include "bbs.h" /** * �����ɮת��Ӹ`�A�Ш� docs/brc.txt�C */ #ifndef BRC_MAXNUM #define BRC_STRLEN 15 /* Length of board name */ #define BRC_MAXSIZE 24576 /* Effective size of brc rc file, 8192 * 3 */ #define BRC_MAXNUM 80 /* Upper bound of brc_num, size of brc_list */ #endif #define BRC_BLOCKSIZE 1024 #if MAX_BOARD > 65535 || BRC_MAXSIZE > 65535 #error Max number of boards or BRC_MAXSIZE cannot fit in unsighed short, \ please rewrite brc.c #endif typedef unsigned short brcbid_t; typedef unsigned short brcnbrd_t; /* old brc rc file form: * board_name 15 bytes * brc_num 1 byte, binary integer * brc_list brc_num * sizeof(int) bytes, brc_num binary integer(s) */ static time4_t brc_expire_time; /* Will be set to the time one year before login. All the files created * before then will be recognized read. */ static int brc_changed = 0; /* The below two will be filled by read_brc_buf() and brc_update() */ static char *brc_buf = NULL; static int brc_size; static int brc_alloc; static char * const fn_oldboardrc = ".boardrc"; static char * const fn_brc = ".brc2"; #if 0 /* unused after brc2 */ static char * brc_getrecord(char *ptr, char *endp, brcbid_t *bid, brcnbrd_t *pnum, time4_t *list) { brcnbrd_t num; char *tmp; if (ptr + sizeof(brcbid_t) + sizeof(brcnbrd_t) > endp) return endp + 1; /* dangling, ignoring it */ *bid = *(brcbid_t*)ptr; /* bid */ ptr += sizeof(brcbid_t); num = *(brcnbrd_t*)ptr; /* brc_num */ ptr += sizeof(brcnbrd_t); tmp = ptr + num * sizeof(time4_t); /* end of this record */ if (tmp <= endp){ memcpy(list, ptr, num * sizeof(time4_t)); /* brc_list */ if (num > BRC_MAXNUM) num = BRC_MAXNUM; *pnum = num; } return tmp; } #endif /* Returns the address of the record strictly between begin and endp with * bid equal to the parameter. Returns 0 if not found. * brcnbrd_t *num is an output parameter which will filled with brc_num * if the record is found. If not found the record, *num will be the number * of dangling bytes. */ static char * brc_findrecord_in(char *begin, char *endp, brcbid_t bid, brcnbrd_t *num) { char *tmpp, *ptr = begin; brcbid_t tbid; while (ptr + sizeof(brcbid_t) + sizeof(brcnbrd_t) < endp) { /* for each available records */ tmpp = ptr; tbid = *(brcbid_t*)tmpp; tmpp += sizeof(brcbid_t); *num = *(brcnbrd_t*)tmpp; tmpp += sizeof(brcnbrd_t) + *num * sizeof(time4_t); /* end of record */ if ( tmpp > endp ){ /* dangling, ignore the trailing data */ *num = (brcnbrd_t)(endp - ptr); /* for brc_insert_record() */ return 0; } if ( tbid == bid ) return ptr; ptr = tmpp; } *num = 0; return 0; } time4_t * brc_find_record(int bid, int *num) { char *p; brcnbrd_t tnum; p = brc_findrecord_in(brc_buf, brc_buf + brc_size, bid, &tnum); *num = tnum; if (p) return (time4_t*)(p + sizeof(brcbid_t) + sizeof(brcnbrd_t)); *num = 0; return 0; } static char * brc_putrecord(char *ptr, char *endp, brcbid_t bid, brcnbrd_t num, const time4_t *list) { char * tmp; if (num > 0 && list[0] > brc_expire_time && ptr + sizeof(brcbid_t) + sizeof(brcnbrd_t) < endp) { if (num > BRC_MAXNUM) num = BRC_MAXNUM; if (num == 0) return ptr; *(brcbid_t*)ptr = bid; /* write in bid */ ptr += sizeof(brcbid_t); *(brcnbrd_t*)ptr = num; /* write in brc_num */ ptr += sizeof(brcnbrd_t); tmp = ptr + num * sizeof(time4_t); if (tmp <= endp) memcpy(ptr, list, num * sizeof(time4_t)); /* write in brc_list */ ptr = tmp; } return ptr; } static inline int brc_enlarge_buf() { char *buffer; if (brc_alloc >= BRC_MAXSIZE) return 0; #ifdef CRITICAL_MEMORY #define THE_MALLOC(X) MALLOC(X) #define THE_FREE(X) FREE(X) #else #define THE_MALLOC(X) alloca(X) #define THE_FREE(X) (void)(X) /* alloca get memory from stack and automatically freed when * function returns. */ #endif buffer = (char*)THE_MALLOC(brc_alloc); memcpy(buffer, brc_buf, brc_alloc); free(brc_buf); brc_alloc += BRC_BLOCKSIZE; brc_buf = (char*)malloc(brc_alloc); memcpy(brc_buf, buffer, brc_alloc - BRC_BLOCKSIZE); #ifdef DEBUG vmsg("brc enlarged to %d bytes", brc_alloc); #endif THE_FREE(buffer); return 1; #undef THE_MALLOC #undef THE_FREE } static inline void brc_get_buf(int size){ if (!size) brc_alloc = BRC_BLOCKSIZE; else brc_alloc = (size + BRC_BLOCKSIZE - 1) / BRC_BLOCKSIZE * BRC_BLOCKSIZE; if (brc_alloc > BRC_MAXSIZE) brc_alloc = BRC_MAXSIZE; brc_buf = (char*)malloc(brc_alloc); } static inline void brc_insert_record(brcbid_t bid, brcnbrd_t num, time4_t* list) { char *ptr; int new_size, end_size; brcnbrd_t tnum; ptr = brc_findrecord_in(brc_buf, brc_buf + brc_size, bid, &tnum); while (num > 0 && list[num - 1] < brc_expire_time) num--; /* don't write the times before brc_expire_time */ if (!ptr) { brc_size -= (int)tnum; /* put on the beginning */ if (num){ new_size = sizeof(brcbid_t) + sizeof(brcnbrd_t) + num * sizeof(time4_t); brc_size += new_size; if (brc_size > brc_alloc && !brc_enlarge_buf()) brc_size = BRC_MAXSIZE; if (brc_size > new_size) memmove(brc_buf + new_size, brc_buf, brc_size - new_size); brc_putrecord(brc_buf, brc_buf + new_size, bid, num, list); } } else { /* ptr points to the old current brc list. * tmpp is the end of it (exclusive). */ int len = sizeof(brcbid_t) + sizeof(brcnbrd_t) + tnum * sizeof(time4_t); char *tmpp = ptr + len; end_size = brc_buf + brc_size - tmpp; if (num) { int sindex = ptr - brc_buf; new_size = (sizeof(brcbid_t) + sizeof(brcnbrd_t) + num * sizeof(time4_t)); brc_size += new_size - len; if (brc_size > brc_alloc) { if (brc_enlarge_buf()) { ptr = brc_buf + sindex; tmpp = ptr + len; } else { end_size -= brc_size - BRC_MAXSIZE; brc_size = BRC_MAXSIZE; } } if (end_size > 0 && ptr + new_size != tmpp) memmove(ptr + new_size, tmpp, end_size); brc_putrecord(ptr, brc_buf + brc_alloc, bid, num, list); } else { /* deleting record */ memmove(ptr, tmpp, end_size); brc_size -= len; } } brc_changed = 0; } void brc_update(){ if (brc_changed && cuser.userlevel && brc_num > 0) brc_insert_record(currbid, brc_num, brc_list); } /* return 1 if successfully read from old .boardrc file. * otherwise, return 0. */ inline static void read_old_brc(int fd) { char brdname[BRC_STRLEN + 1]; char *ptr; brcnbrd_t num; brcbid_t bid; brcbid_t read_brd[512]; int nRead = 0, i; ptr = brc_buf; brc_size = 0; while (read(fd, brdname, BRC_STRLEN + 1) == BRC_STRLEN + 1) { num = brdname[BRC_STRLEN]; brdname[BRC_STRLEN] = 0; bid = getbnum(brdname); for (i = 0; i < nRead; ++i) if (read_brd[i] == bid) break; if (i != nRead){ lseek(fd, num * sizeof(int), SEEK_CUR); continue; } read_brd[nRead >= 512 ? nRead = 0 : nRead++] = bid; *(brcbid_t*)ptr = bid; ptr += sizeof(brcbid_t); *(brcnbrd_t*)ptr = num; ptr += sizeof(brcnbrd_t); if (read(fd, ptr, sizeof(int) * num) != sizeof(int) * num) break; brc_size += sizeof(brcbid_t) + sizeof(brcnbrd_t) + sizeof(time4_t) * num; ptr += sizeof(time4_t) * num; } } inline static void read_brc_buf() { if (brc_buf == NULL) { char brcfile[STRLEN]; int fd; struct stat brcstat; setuserfile(brcfile, fn_brc); if ((fd = open(brcfile, O_RDONLY)) != -1) { fstat(fd, &brcstat); brc_get_buf(brcstat.st_size); brc_size = read(fd, brc_buf, brc_alloc); close(fd); } else { setuserfile(brcfile, fn_oldboardrc); if ((fd = open(brcfile, O_RDONLY)) != -1) { fstat(fd, &brcstat); brc_get_buf(brcstat.st_size); read_old_brc(fd); close(fd); } else brc_size = 0; } } } void brc_finalize(){ char brcfile[STRLEN]; int fd; brc_update(); setuserfile(brcfile, fn_brc); if (brc_buf != NULL && (fd = open(brcfile, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0644)) != -1) { write(fd, brc_buf, brc_size); close(fd); } } int brc_initialize(){ static char done = 0; if (done) return 1; done = 1; brc_expire_time = login_start_time - 365 * 86400; read_brc_buf(); return 0; } int brc_read_record(int bid, int *num, time4_t *list){ char *ptr; brcnbrd_t tnum; ptr = brc_findrecord_in(brc_buf, brc_buf + brc_size, bid, &tnum); *num = tnum; if ( ptr ){ memcpy(list, ptr + sizeof(brcbid_t) + sizeof(brcnbrd_t), *num * sizeof(time4_t)); return *num; } list[0] = *num = 1; return 0; } int brc_initial_board(const char *boardname) { brc_initialize(); if (strcmp(currboard, boardname) == 0) { return brc_num; } brc_update(); /* write back first */ currbid = getbnum(boardname); if( currbid == 0 ) currbid = getbnum(DEFAULT_BOARD); currboard = bcache[currbid - 1].brdname; currbrdattr = bcache[currbid - 1].brdattr; return brc_read_record(currbid, &brc_num, brc_list); } void brc_trunc(int bid, time4_t ftime){ brc_insert_record(bid, 1, &ftime); if ( bid == currbid ){ brc_num = 1; brc_list[0] = ftime; brc_changed = 0; } } void brc_addlist(const char *fname) { int n, i; time4_t ftime; if (!cuser.userlevel) return; ftime = atoi(&fname[2]); if (ftime <= brc_expire_time /* too old, don't do any thing */ /* || fname[0] != 'M' || fname[1] != '.' */ ) { return; } if (brc_num <= 0) { /* uninitialized */ brc_list[0] = ftime; brc_num = 1; brc_changed = 1; return; } if ((brc_num == 1) && (ftime < brc_list[0])) /* most when after 'v' */ return; for (n = 0; n < brc_num; n++) { /* using linear search */ if (ftime == brc_list[n]) { return; } else if (ftime > brc_list[n]) { if (brc_num < BRC_MAXNUM) brc_num++; /* insert ftime into brc_list */ for (i = brc_num - 1; --i >= n; brc_list[i + 1] = brc_list[i]); brc_list[n] = ftime; brc_changed = 1; return; } } } int brc_unread_time(time4_t ftime, int bnum, const time4_t *blist) { int n; if (ftime <= brc_expire_time) /* too old */ return 0; if (bnum <= 0) return 1; for (n = 0; n < bnum; n++) { /* using linear search */ if (ftime > blist[n]) return 1; else if (ftime == blist[n]) return 0; } return 0; } int brc_unread(const char *fname, int bnum, const time4_t *blist) { int ftime, n; ftime = atoi(&fname[2]); /* this will get the time of the file created */ if (ftime <= brc_expire_time) /* too old */ return 0; if (bnum <= 0) return 1; for (n = 0; n < bnum; n++) { /* using linear search */ if (ftime > blist[n]) return 1; else if (ftime == blist[n]) return 0; } return 0; }