/* $Id$ */ #include "bbs.h" #define WHEREAMI_LEVEL 16 static int recommend(int ent, fileheader_t * fhdr, char *direct); #ifdef ASSESS static char *badpost_reason[] = { "�s�i", "��������", "�H������" }; #endif static void mail_by_link(char *owner, char *title, char *path) { char genbuf[200]; fileheader_t mymail; sethomepath(genbuf, cuser.userid); stampfile(genbuf, &mymail); strlcpy(mymail.owner, owner, sizeof(mymail.owner)); snprintf(mymail.title, sizeof(mymail.title), title); unlink(genbuf); Link(path, genbuf); sethomedir(genbuf, cuser.userid); append_record(genbuf, &mymail, sizeof(mymail)); } void anticrosspost() { log_file("etc/illegal_money", LOG_CREAT | LOG_VF, "\033[1;33;46m%s \033[37;45mcross post �峹 \033[37m %s\033[m\n", cuser.userid, ctime(&now)); post_violatelaw(cuser.userid, "Ptt�t��ĵ��", "Cross-post", "�@��B��"); cuser.userlevel |= PERM_VIOLATELAW; cuser.vl_count++; mail_by_link("Pttĵ���", "Cross-Post�@��", BBSHOME "/etc/crosspost.txt"); u_exit("Cross Post"); exit(0); } /* Heat CharlieL */ int save_violatelaw() { char buf[128], ok[3]; setutmpmode(VIOLATELAW); clear(); stand_title("ú�@�椤��"); if (!(cuser.userlevel & PERM_VIOLATELAW)) { mouts(22, 0, "\033[1;31m�A�L���? �A�S�S���Q�}�@��~~\033[m"); pressanykey(); return 0; } reload_money(); if (cuser.money < (int)cuser.vl_count * 1000) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "\033[1;31m�o�O�A�� %d ���H�ϥ����k�W" "����ú�X %d $Ptt ,�A�u�� %d ��, ��������!!\033[m", (int)cuser.vl_count, (int)cuser.vl_count * 1000, cuser.money); mouts(22, 0, buf); pressanykey(); return 0; } move(5, 0); prints("\033[1;37m�A���D��? �]���A���H�k " "�w�g�y���ܦh�H�����K\033[m\n"); prints("\033[1;37m�A�O�_�T�w�H�ᤣ�|�A�ǤF�H\033[m\n"); if (!getdata(10, 0, "�T�w�ܡH[y/n]:", ok, sizeof(ok), LCECHO) || ok[0] == 'n' || ok[0] == 'N') { mouts(22, 0, "\033[1;31m���A�Q�q�F�A�ӧa!! " "�ڬ۫H�A���|�������諸~~~\033[m"); pressanykey(); return 0; } snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "�o�O�A�� %d ���H�k ����ú�X %d $Ptt", cuser.vl_count, cuser.vl_count * 1000); mouts(11, 0, buf); if (!getdata(10, 0, "�n�I��[y/n]:", ok, sizeof(ok), LCECHO) || ok[0] == 'N' || ok[0] == 'n') { mouts(22, 0, "\033[1;31m �� �s���� �A�ӧa!!!\033[m"); pressanykey(); return 0; } demoney(-1000 * cuser.vl_count); cuser.userlevel &= (~PERM_VIOLATELAW); passwd_update(usernum, &cuser); return 0; } /* * void make_blist() { CreateNameList(); apply_boards(g_board_names); } */ static time_t *board_note_time; void set_board() { boardheader_t *bp; bp = getbcache(currbid); if( !HasPerm(bp) ){ vmsg("access control violation, exit"); u_exit("access control violation!"); exit(-1); } board_note_time = &bp->bupdate; if(bp->BM[0] <= ' ') strcpy(currBM, "�x�D��"); else snprintf(currBM, sizeof(currBM), "�O�D�G%s", bp->BM); /* init basic perm, but post perm is checked on demand */ currmode = (currmode & (MODE_DIRTY | MODE_GROUPOP)) | MODE_STARTED; if (HAS_PERM(PERM_ALLBOARD) || is_BM_cache(currbid)) { currmode = currmode | MODE_BOARD | MODE_POST | MODE_POSTCHECKED; } } /* check post perm on demand, no double checks in current board */ int CheckPostPerm(void) { if (!(currmode & MODE_POSTCHECKED)) { currmode |= MODE_POSTCHECKED; if (haspostperm(currboard)) { currmode |= MODE_POST; return 1; } currmode &= ~MODE_POST; return 0; } return (currmode & MODE_POST); } static void readtitle() { boardheader_t *bp; char *brd_title; bp = getbcache(currbid); if(bp->bvote != 2 && bp->bvote) brd_title = "���ݪO�i��벼��"; else brd_title = bp->title + 7; showtitle(currBM, brd_title); prints("[��]���} [��]�\\Ū [^P]�o���峹 [b]�Ƨѿ� [d]�R�� [z]��ذ� " "[TAB]��K [h]elp\n\033[7m �s�� �� �� �@ �� �� �� �� �D" " �H��:%-5d \033[m", SHM->bcache[currbid - 1].nuser); } static void readdoent(int num, fileheader_t * ent) { int type; char *mark, *title, color, special = 0, isonline = 0, recom[5]; userinfo_t *uentp; type = brc_unread(ent->filename, brc_num, brc_list) ? '+' : ' '; if ((currmode & MODE_BOARD) && (ent->filemode & FILE_DIGEST)) type = (type == ' ') ? '*' : '#'; else if (currmode & MODE_BOARD || HAS_PERM(PERM_LOGINOK)) { if (ent->filemode & FILE_BOTTOM) type = '_' ; else if (ent->filemode & FILE_MARKED) type = (type == ' ') ? 'm' : 'M'; else if (TagNum && !Tagger(atoi(ent->filename + 2), 0, TAG_NIN)) type = 'D'; else if (ent->filemode & FILE_SOLVED) type = 's'; } title = subject(mark = ent->title); if (ent->filemode & FILE_VOTE) color = '2', mark = "��"; else if (ent->filemode & FILE_BID) color = '6', mark = "�C"; else if (title == mark) color = '1', mark = "��"; else color = '3', mark = "R:"; if (title[45]) strlcpy(title + 42, " �K", sizeof(title) - 42); /* ��h�l�� string �屼 */ if (!strncmp(title, "[���i]", 6)) special = 1; #if 1 if (!strchr(ent->owner, '.') && !SHM->GV2.e.noonlineuser && (uentp = search_ulist_userid(ent->owner)) && isvisible(currutmp, uentp)) isonline = 1; #else if (!strchr(ent->owner, '.') && (uid = searchuser(ent->owner)) && !SHM->GV2.e.noonlineuser && (uentp = search_ulist(uid)) && isvisible(currutmp, uentp)) isonline = 1; #endif if(ent->recommend>99) strcpy(recom,"1m�z"); else if(ent->recommend>9) sprintf(recom,"3m%2d",ent->recommend); else if(ent->recommend>0) sprintf(recom,"2m%2d",ent->recommend); else if(ent->recommend<-99) sprintf(recom,"0mXX"); else if(ent->recommend<-10) sprintf(recom,"0mX%d",-ent->recommend); else strcpy(recom,"0m "); prints( #ifdef COLORDATE "%6d %c\033[1;3%4.4s\033[%dm%-6s\033[m\033[%dm%-13.12s", #else "%6d %c\033[1;3%4.4s\033[m%-6s\033[%dm%-13.12s", #endif num, type, recom, #ifdef COLORDATE (ent->date[3] + ent->date[4]) % 7 + 31, #endif ent->date, isonline, ent->owner); if (strncmp(currtitle, title, TTLEN)) prints("\033[m%s \033[1m%.*s\033[m%s\n", mark, special ? 6 : 0, title, special ? title + 6 : title); else prints("\033[1;3%cm%s %s\033[m\n", color, mark, title); } int whereami(int ent, fileheader_t * fhdr, char *direct) { boardheader_t *bh, *p[WHEREAMI_LEVEL], *root; int i, j; if (!currutmp->brc_id) return 0; move(1, 0); clrtobot(); bh = getbcache(currutmp->brc_id); root = getbcache(1); p[0] = bh; for (i = 0; i < WHEREAMI_LEVEL && p[i]->parent != root && p[i]->parent; i++) p[i + 1] = p[i]->parent; j = i; prints("�ڦb��?\n%-40.40s %.13s\n", p[j]->title + 7, p[j]->BM); for (j--; j >= 0; j--) prints("%*s %-13.13s %-37.37s %.13s\n", (i - j) * 2, "", p[j]->brdname, p[j]->title, p[j]->BM); pressanykey(); return FULLUPDATE; } static int do_select(int ent, fileheader_t * fhdr, char *direct) { char bname[20]; char bpath[60]; boardheader_t *bh; struct stat st; int i; setutmpmode(SELECT); move(0, 0); clrtoeol(); generalnamecomplete(MSG_SELECT_BOARD, bname, sizeof(bname), SHM->Bnumber, completeboard_compar, completeboard_permission, completeboard_getname); if (bname[0] == '\0' || !(i = getbnum(bname))) return FULLUPDATE; bh = getbcache(i); if (!HasPerm(bh)) return FULLUPDATE; strlcpy(bname, bh->brdname, sizeof(bname)); brc_update(); currbid = i; setbpath(bpath, bname); if ((*bname == '\0') || (stat(bpath, &st) == -1)) { move(2, 0); clrtoeol(); outs(err_bid); return FULLUPDATE; } setutmpbid(currbid); brc_initial_board(bname); set_board(); setbdir(currdirect, currboard); move(1, 0); clrtoeol(); return NEWDIRECT; } /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ /* ��} innbbsd ��X�H��B�s�u��H���B�z�{�� */ /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ void outgo_post(fileheader_t * fh, char *board) { FILE *foo; if ((foo = fopen("innd/out.bntp", "a"))) { fprintf(foo, "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", board, fh->filename, cuser.userid, cuser.username, fh->title); fclose(foo); } } static void cancelpost(fileheader_t * fh, int by_BM, char *newpath) { FILE *fin, *fout; char *ptr, *brd; fileheader_t postfile; char genbuf[200]; char nick[STRLEN], fn1[STRLEN]; if(!fh->filename[0]) return; setbfile(fn1, currboard, fh->filename); if ((fin = fopen(fn1, "r"))) { brd = by_BM ? "deleted" : "junk"; setbpath(newpath, brd); stampfile(newpath, &postfile); memcpy(postfile.owner, fh->owner, IDLEN + TTLEN + 10); nick[0] = '\0'; while (fgets(genbuf, sizeof(genbuf), fin)) { if (!strncmp(genbuf, str_author1, LEN_AUTHOR1) || !strncmp(genbuf, str_author2, LEN_AUTHOR2)) { if ((ptr = strrchr(genbuf, ')'))) *ptr = '\0'; if ((ptr = (char *)strchr(genbuf, '('))) strlcpy(nick, ptr + 1, sizeof(nick)); break; } } if ((fout = fopen("innd/cancel.bntp", "a"))) { fprintf(fout, "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", currboard, fh->filename, cuser.userid, nick, fh->title); fclose(fout); } fclose(fin); Rename(fn1, newpath); setbdir(genbuf, brd); setbtotal(getbnum(brd)); append_record(genbuf, &postfile, sizeof(postfile)); } } /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ /* �o���B�^���B�s��B����峹 */ /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ void do_reply_title(int row, char *title) { char genbuf[200]; char genbuf2[4]; if (strncasecmp(title, str_reply, 4)) snprintf(save_title, sizeof(save_title), "Re: %s", title); else strlcpy(save_title, title, sizeof(save_title)); save_title[TTLEN - 1] = '\0'; snprintf(genbuf, sizeof(genbuf), "�ĥέ���D�m%.60s�n��?[Y] ", save_title); getdata(row, 0, genbuf, genbuf2, 4, LCECHO); if (genbuf2[0] == 'n' || genbuf2[0] == 'N') getdata(++row, 0, "���D�G", save_title, TTLEN, DOECHO); } static void do_unanonymous_post(char *fpath) { fileheader_t mhdr; char title[128]; char genbuf[200]; setbpath(genbuf, "UnAnonymous"); if (dashd(genbuf)) { stampfile(genbuf, &mhdr); unlink(genbuf); Link(fpath, genbuf); strlcpy(mhdr.owner, cuser.userid, sizeof(mhdr.owner)); strlcpy(mhdr.title, save_title, sizeof(mhdr.title)); mhdr.filemode = 0; setbdir(title, "UnAnonymous"); append_record(title, &mhdr, sizeof(mhdr)); } } #ifdef NO_WATER_POST #ifndef DEBUG static time_t last_post_time = 0; #endif static time_t water_counts = 0; #endif void do_crosspost(char *brd, fileheader_t *postfile, const char *fpath) { char genbuf[200]; int len = 42-strlen(currboard); fileheader_t fh; if(!strncasecmp(postfile->title, str_reply, 3)) len=len+4; setbpath(genbuf, brd); stampfile(genbuf, &fh); strcpy(fh.owner, postfile->owner); strcpy(fh.date, postfile->date); sprintf(fh.title,"%-*.*s.%s��", len, len, postfile->title, currboard); unlink(genbuf); Link((char *)fpath, genbuf); postfile->filemode = FILE_LOCAL; setbdir(genbuf, brd); if (append_record(genbuf, &fh, sizeof(fileheader_t)) != -1) { setbtotal(getbnum(brd)); } } static void setupbidinfo(bid_t *bidinfo) { char buf[256]; bidinfo->enddate = gettime(20, now+86400,"�����Юש�"); do getdata_str(21,0,"����:",buf, 8, LCECHO, "1"); while((bidinfo->high=atoi(buf))<=0); do getdata_str(21,20, "�C�ЦܤּW�[�h��:",buf, 5, LCECHO, "1"); while((bidinfo->increment=atoi(buf))<=0); getdata(21,44, "�����ʶR��(�i���]):",buf, 10, LCECHO); bidinfo->buyitnow=atoi(buf); getdata_str(22,0, "�I�ڤ覡: 1.Ptt�� 2.�l���λȦ���b 3.�䲼�ιq�� 4.�l���f��I�� [1]:", buf, 3, LCECHO,"1"); bidinfo->payby=(buf[0]-'1'); if(bidinfo->payby<0 ||bidinfo->payby>3)bidinfo->payby=0; getdata_str(23,0, "�B�O(0:�K�B�O�Τ夤����)[0]:", buf, 6, LCECHO, "0"); bidinfo->shipping = atoi(buf); if(bidinfo->shipping<0) bidinfo->shipping=0; } static void print_bidinfo(FILE *io, bid_t bidinfo) { char *payby[4]={ "Ptt��","�l���λȦ���b","�䲼�ιq��","�l���f��I��"}; if(io) { if(!bidinfo.userid[0]) fprintf(io,"�_�л�: %-20d\n",bidinfo.high); else fprintf(io, "�ثe�̰���:%-20d�X����:%-16s\n",bidinfo.high, bidinfo.userid); fprintf(io, "�I�ڤ覡: %-20s������:%-16s\n",payby[bidinfo.payby%4],Cdate(& bidinfo.enddate)); if(bidinfo.buyitnow) fprintf(io, "�����ʶR��:%-20d",bidinfo.buyitnow); if(bidinfo.shipping) fprintf(io, "�B�O:%d", bidinfo.shipping); fprintf(io, "\n"); } else { if(!bidinfo.userid[0]) prints("�_�л�: %-20d\n",bidinfo.high); else prints("�ثe�̰���:%-20d�X����:%-16s\n",bidinfo.high, bidinfo.userid); prints("�I�ڤ覡: %-20s������:%-16s\n",payby[bidinfo.payby%4],Cdate(& bidinfo.enddate)); if(bidinfo.buyitnow) prints("�����ʶR��:%-20d",bidinfo.buyitnow); if(bidinfo.shipping) prints("�B�O:%d", bidinfo.shipping); prints("\n"); } } static int do_general(int isbid) { bid_t bidinfo; fileheader_t postfile; char fpath[80], buf[80]; int aborted, defanony, ifuseanony, i; char genbuf[200], *owner, ctype[8][5] = {"���D", "��ij", "�Q��", "�߱o", "����", "�Яq", "���i", "����"}; boardheader_t *bp; int islocal, posttype=-1; ifuseanony = 0; bp = getbcache(currbid); clear(); if (!CheckPostPerm() #ifdef FOREIGN_REG // ���O�~�y�ϥΪ̦b PttForeign �O && !((cuser.uflag2 & FOREIGN) && strcmp(bp->brdname, "PttForeign") == 0) #endif ) { vmsg("�藍�_�A�z�ثe�L�k�b���o���峹�I"); return READ_REDRAW; } #ifdef NO_WATER_POST #ifndef DEBUG /* why we need this in DEBUG mode? */ /* �T�������̦h�o�����g�峹 */ if (currutmp->lastact - last_post_time < 60 * 3) { if (water_counts >= 5) { vmsg("�藍�_�A�z���峹�Ӥ��o�A�ݷ|�Apost�a�I�i��'X'���ˤ峹"); return READ_REDRAW; } } else { last_post_time = currutmp->lastact; water_counts = 0; } #endif #endif if(likely(!isbid)) setbfile(genbuf, currboard, FN_POST_NOTE); else setbfile(genbuf, currboard, FN_POST_BID); if (more(genbuf, NA) == -1) { if(!isbid) more("etc/" FN_POST_NOTE, NA); else more("etc/" FN_POST_BID, NA); } move(19, 0); prints("%s��i\033[33m %s\033[m �j \033[32m%s\033[m �ݪO\n", isbid?"���}�ۼ�":"�o���峹", currboard, bp->title + 7); if (unlikely(isbid)) { memset(&bidinfo,0,sizeof(bidinfo)); setupbidinfo(&bidinfo); postfile.money=bidinfo.high; move(20,0); clrtobot(); } if (quote_file[0]) do_reply_title(20, currtitle); else { if (!isbid) { move(21,0); prints("�����G"); for(i=0; i<8 && bp->posttype[i*4]; i++) strncpy(ctype[i],bp->posttype+4*i,4); if(i==0) i=8; for(aborted=0; aborted<i; aborted++) prints("%d.%4.4s ", aborted+1, ctype[aborted]); sprintf(buf,"(1-%d�Τ���)",i); getdata(21, 6+7*i, buf, save_title, 3, LCECHO); posttype = save_title[0] - '1'; if (posttype >= 0 && posttype < i) snprintf(save_title, sizeof(save_title), "[%s] ", ctype[posttype]); else { save_title[0] = '\0'; posttype=-1; } } getdata_buf(22, 0, "���D�G", save_title, TTLEN, DOECHO); strip_ansi(save_title, save_title, STRIP_ALL); } if (save_title[0] == '\0') return FULLUPDATE; curredit &= ~EDIT_MAIL; curredit &= ~EDIT_ITEM; setutmpmode(POSTING); /* ����� Internet �v���̡A�u��b�����o���峹 */ if (HAS_PERM(PERM_INTERNET)) local_article = 0; else local_article = 1; /* build filename */ setbpath(fpath, currboard); stampfile(fpath, &postfile); if(isbid) { aborted = (int)fopen(fpath, "w"); if(aborted) { print_bidinfo((FILE*)aborted, bidinfo); fclose((FILE*)aborted); } } else if(posttype!=-1 && ((1<<posttype) & bp->posttype_f)) { setbnfile(genbuf, bp->brdname, "postsample", posttype); Copy(genbuf, fpath); } aborted = vedit(fpath, YEA, &islocal); if (aborted == -1) { unlink(fpath); pressanykey(); return FULLUPDATE; } water_counts++; /* po���\ */ /* set owner to Anonymous , for Anonymous board */ #ifdef HAVE_ANONYMOUS /* Ptt and Jaky */ defanony = currbrdattr & BRD_DEFAULTANONYMOUS; if ((currbrdattr & BRD_ANONYMOUS) && ((strcmp(real_name, "r") && defanony) || (real_name[0] && !defanony)) ) { strcat(real_name, "."); owner = real_name; ifuseanony = 1; } else owner = cuser.userid; #else owner = cuser.userid; #endif /* �� */ aborted = (aborted > MAX_POST_MONEY * 2) ? MAX_POST_MONEY : aborted / 2; if(ifuseanony) { postfile.filemode |= FILE_ANONYMOUS; postfile.money = currutmp->uid; } else if(!isbid) postfile.money = aborted; strlcpy(postfile.owner, owner, sizeof(postfile.owner)); strlcpy(postfile.title, save_title, sizeof(postfile.title)); if (islocal) /* local save */ postfile.filemode |= FILE_LOCAL; setbdir(buf, currboard); if(isbid) { sprintf(genbuf, "%s.bid", fpath); append_record(genbuf,(void*) &bidinfo, sizeof(bidinfo)); postfile.filemode |= FILE_BID ; } if (append_record(buf, &postfile, sizeof(postfile)) != -1) { setbtotal(currbid); if (currmode & MODE_SELECT) append_record(currdirect, &postfile, sizeof(postfile)); if (!islocal && !(bp->brdattr & BRD_NOTRAN)) outgo_post(&postfile, currboard); brc_addlist(postfile.filename); if (!(currbrdattr & BRD_HIDE) && (!bp->level || (currbrdattr & BRD_POSTMASK))) { do_crosspost(ALLPOST, &postfile, fpath); } outs("���Q�K�X�G�i�A"); #ifdef MAX_POST_MONEY aborted = (aborted > MAX_POST_MONEY) ? MAX_POST_MONEY : aborted; #endif if (strcmp(currboard, "Test") && !ifuseanony) { prints("�o�O�z���� %d �g�峹�C",++cuser.numposts); if(postfile.filemode&FILE_BID) prints("�ۼФ峹�S���Z�S�C"); else if(currbrdattr&BRD_BAD) prints("�H�k��i���ݪO�S���Z�S�C"); else { prints(" �Z�S %d �ȡC",aborted); demoney(aborted); } } else outs("���իH�C�J�����A�q�Х]�[�C"); /* �^�����@�̫H�c */ if (curredit & EDIT_BOTH) { char *str, *msg = "�^���ܧ@�̫H�c"; if ((str = strchr(quote_user, '.'))) { if ( #ifndef USE_BSMTP bbs_sendmail(fpath, save_title, str + 1) #else bsmtp(fpath, save_title, str + 1, 0) #endif < 0) msg = "�@�̵L�k���H"; } else { sethomepath(genbuf, quote_user); stampfile(genbuf, &postfile); unlink(genbuf); Link(fpath, genbuf); strlcpy(postfile.owner, cuser.userid, sizeof(postfile.owner)); strlcpy(postfile.title, save_title, sizeof(postfile.title)); sethomedir(genbuf, quote_user); if (append_record(genbuf, &postfile, sizeof(postfile)) == -1) msg = err_uid; } outs(msg); curredit ^= EDIT_BOTH; } if (currbrdattr & BRD_ANONYMOUS) do_unanonymous_post(fpath); } pressanykey(); return FULLUPDATE; } int do_post() { boardheader_t *bp; bp = getbcache(currbid); if (bp->brdattr & BRD_VOTEBOARD) return do_voteboard(0); else if (!(bp->brdattr & BRD_GROUPBOARD)) return do_general(0); return 0; } int do_post_vote() { return do_voteboard(1); } int do_post_openbid() { boardheader_t *bp; bp = getbcache(currbid); if (!(bp->brdattr & BRD_VOTEBOARD)) return do_general(1); return 0; } static void do_generalboardreply(fileheader_t * fhdr) { char genbuf[3]; getdata(b_lines - 1, 0, "�� �^���� (F)�ݪO (M)�@�̫H�c (B)�G�̬ҬO (Q)�����H[F] ", genbuf, sizeof(genbuf), LCECHO); switch (genbuf[0]) { case 'm': mail_reply(0, fhdr, 0); case 'q': break; case 'b': curredit = EDIT_BOTH; default: strlcpy(currtitle, fhdr->title, sizeof(currtitle)); strlcpy(quote_user, fhdr->owner, sizeof(quote_user)); do_post(); } *quote_file = 0; } int invalid_brdname(char *brd) { register char ch; ch = *brd++; if (!isalpha(ch)) return 1; while ((ch = *brd++)) { if (not_alnum(ch) && ch != '_' && ch != '-' && ch != '.') return 1; } return 0; } static int b_call_in(int ent, fileheader_t * fhdr, char *direct) { userinfo_t *u = search_ulist(searchuser(fhdr->owner)); if (u) { int fri_stat; fri_stat = friend_stat(currutmp, u); if (isvisible_stat(currutmp, u, fri_stat) && call_in(u, fri_stat)) return FULLUPDATE; } return DONOTHING; } static int b_posttype(int ent, fileheader_t * fhdr, char *direct) { boardheader_t *bp; int i, aborted; char filepath[256], genbuf[60], title[5], posttype_f, posttype[33]=""; if(!(currmode & MODE_BOARD)) return DONOTHING; bp = getbcache(currbid); move(2,0); clrtobot(); posttype_f = bp->posttype_f; for(i=0; i<8; i++) { move(2,0); outs("�峹����: "); strncpy(genbuf, bp->posttype+i*4, 4); genbuf[4]=0; sprintf(title,"%d.",i+1); if(!getdata_buf(2,11, title, genbuf, 5, DOECHO)) break; sprintf(posttype+i*4,"%-4.4s", genbuf); if( posttype_f & (1<<i) ) { if(getdata(2, 20, "�]�w�d���榡�H(Y/n)", genbuf, 3, LCECHO) && genbuf[0]=='n') { posttype_f &= ~(1<<i); continue; } } else if (!getdata(2, 20, "�]�w�d���榡�H(y/N)", genbuf, 3, LCECHO) || genbuf[0]!='y') continue; setbnfile(filepath, bp->brdname, "postsample", i); aborted = vedit(filepath, NA, NULL); if (aborted == -1) { clear(); posttype_f &= ~(1<<i); continue; } posttype_f |= (1<<i); } bp->posttype_f = posttype_f; strncpy(bp->posttype, posttype, 32); /* �o�����ӭn��race condition */ substitute_record(fn_board, bp, sizeof(boardheader_t), currbid); return FULLUPDATE; } static void do_reply(fileheader_t * fhdr) { boardheader_t *bp; bp = getbcache(currbid); if (bp->brdattr & BRD_VOTEBOARD || (fhdr->filemode & FILE_VOTE)) do_voteboardreply(fhdr); else do_generalboardreply(fhdr); } static int reply_post(int ent, fileheader_t * fhdr, char *direct) { if (!CheckPostPerm()) return DONOTHING; setdirpath(quote_file, direct, fhdr->filename); do_reply(fhdr); *quote_file = 0; return FULLUPDATE; } static int edit_post(int ent, fileheader_t * fhdr, char *direct) { char fpath[80]; char genbuf[200]; fileheader_t postfile; boardheader_t *bp = getbcache(currbid); if (fhdr->filemode&FILE_BOTTOM && strcmp(bp->brdname, "Security") == 0) return DONOTHING; if (!HAS_PERM(PERM_SYSOP) && ((bp->brdattr & BRD_VOTEBOARD) || fhdr->filemode & FILE_VOTE)) return DONOTHING; if( !HAS_PERM(PERM_SYSOP) && (!CheckPostPerm() || strcmp(fhdr->owner, cuser.userid) != 0) ) return DONOTHING; if( currmode & MODE_SELECT ) return DONOTHING; #ifdef SAFE_ARTICLE_DELETE if( fhdr->filename[0] == '.' ) return DONOTHING; #endif setutmpmode(REEDIT); setbpath(fpath, currboard); stampfile(fpath, &postfile); setdirpath(genbuf, direct, fhdr->filename); local_article = fhdr->filemode & FILE_LOCAL; Copy(genbuf, fpath); strlcpy(save_title, fhdr->title, sizeof(save_title)); if (vedit(fpath, 0, NULL) != -1) { Rename(fpath, genbuf); if(strcmp(save_title, fhdr->title)) // Ptt: here is the black hole problem { strcpy(fhdr->title, save_title); substitute_ref_record(direct, fhdr, ent); } } return FULLUPDATE; } #define UPDATE_USEREC (currmode |= MODE_DIRTY) static int cross_post(int ent, fileheader_t * fhdr, char *direct) { char xboard[20], fname[80], xfpath[80], xtitle[80], inputbuf[10]; fileheader_t xfile; FILE *xptr; int author = 0; char genbuf[200]; char genbuf2[4]; boardheader_t *bp; if (!CheckPostPerm()) { move(5, 10); outs("�藍�_�A�z�ثe�L�k����峹�I"); pressanykey(); return FULLUPDATE; } move(2, 0); clrtoeol(); move(1, 0); bp = getbcache(currbid); if (bp && (bp->brdattr & BRD_VOTEBOARD) ) return FULLUPDATE; generalnamecomplete("������峹��ݪO�G", xboard, sizeof(xboard), SHM->Bnumber, completeboard_compar, completeboard_permission, completeboard_getname); if (*xboard == '\0' || !haspostperm(xboard)) return FULLUPDATE; if ((ent = str_checksum(fhdr->title)) != 0 && ent == postrecord.checksum[0]) { /* �ˬd cross post ���� */ if (postrecord.times++ > MAX_CROSSNUM) anticrosspost(); } else { postrecord.times = 0; postrecord.checksum[0] = ent; } ent = 1; if (HAS_PERM(PERM_SYSOP) || !strcmp(fhdr->owner, cuser.userid)) { getdata(2, 0, "(1)������ (2)������榡�H[1] ", genbuf, 3, DOECHO); if (genbuf[0] != '2') { ent = 0; getdata(2, 0, "�O�d��@�̦W�ٶ�?[Y] ", inputbuf, 3, DOECHO); if (inputbuf[0] != 'n' && inputbuf[0] != 'N') author = 1; } } if (ent) snprintf(xtitle, sizeof(xtitle), "[���]%.66s", fhdr->title); else strlcpy(xtitle, fhdr->title, sizeof(xtitle)); snprintf(genbuf, sizeof(genbuf), "�ĥέ���D�m%.60s�n��?[Y] ", xtitle); getdata(2, 0, genbuf, genbuf2, 4, LCECHO); if (genbuf2[0] == 'n' || genbuf2[0] == 'N') { if (getdata_str(2, 0, "���D�G", genbuf, TTLEN, DOECHO, xtitle)) strlcpy(xtitle, genbuf, sizeof(xtitle)); } getdata(2, 0, "(S)�s�� (L)���� (Q)�����H[Q] ", genbuf, 3, LCECHO); if (genbuf[0] == 'l' || genbuf[0] == 's') { int currmode0 = currmode; char *save_currboard; currmode = 0; setbpath(xfpath, xboard); stampfile(xfpath, &xfile); if (author) strlcpy(xfile.owner, fhdr->owner, sizeof(xfile.owner)); else strlcpy(xfile.owner, cuser.userid, sizeof(xfile.owner)); strlcpy(xfile.title, xtitle, sizeof(xfile.title)); if (genbuf[0] == 'l') { xfile.filemode = FILE_LOCAL; } setbfile(fname, currboard, fhdr->filename); xptr = fopen(xfpath, "w"); strlcpy(save_title, xfile.title, sizeof(save_title)); save_currboard = currboard; currboard = xboard; write_header(xptr); currboard = save_currboard; fprintf(xptr, "�� [��������� %s �ݪO]\n\n", currboard); b_suckinfile(xptr, fname); addsignature(xptr, 0); fclose(xptr); /* * Cross fs�����D } else { unlink(xfpath); link(fname, xfpath); } */ setbdir(fname, xboard); append_record(fname, &xfile, sizeof(xfile)); bp = getbcache(getbnum(xboard)); if (!xfile.filemode && !(bp->brdattr & BRD_NOTRAN)) outgo_post(&xfile, xboard); setbtotal(getbnum(xboard)); cuser.numposts++; UPDATE_USEREC; outs("�峹�������"); pressanykey(); currmode = currmode0; } return FULLUPDATE; } static int read_post(int ent, fileheader_t * fhdr, char *direct) { char genbuf[200]; int more_result; if (fhdr->owner[0] == '-') return READ_SKIP; setdirpath(genbuf, direct, fhdr->filename); if ((more_result = more(genbuf, YEA)) == -1) return READ_SKIP; brc_addlist(fhdr->filename); strncpy(currtitle, subject(fhdr->title), TTLEN); if (more_result) { if(more_result == 999) { if (CheckPostPerm()) { strlcpy(quote_file, genbuf, sizeof(quote_file)); do_reply(fhdr); *quote_file = 0; } return FULLUPDATE; } if(more_result == 998) { recommend(ent, fhdr, direct); return FULLUPDATE; } else return more_result; } return FULLUPDATE; } /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ /* �Ķ���ذ� */ /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ static int b_man() { char buf[64]; setapath(buf, currboard); if ((currmode & MODE_BOARD) || HAS_PERM(PERM_SYSOP)) { char genbuf[128]; int fd; snprintf(genbuf, sizeof(genbuf), "%s/.rebuild", buf); if ((fd = open(genbuf, O_CREAT, 0640)) > 0) close(fd); } return a_menu(currboard, buf, HAS_PERM(PERM_ALLBOARD) ? 2 : (currmode & MODE_BOARD ? 1 : 0)); } #ifndef NO_GAMBLE static int stop_gamble() { boardheader_t *bp = getbcache(currbid); char fn_ticket[128], fn_ticket_end[128]; if (!bp->endgamble || bp->endgamble > now) return 0; setbfile(fn_ticket, currboard, FN_TICKET); setbfile(fn_ticket_end, currboard, FN_TICKET_END); rename(fn_ticket, fn_ticket_end); if (bp->endgamble) { bp->endgamble = 0; substitute_record(fn_board, bp, sizeof(boardheader_t), currbid); } return 1; } static int join_gamble(int ent, fileheader_t * fhdr, char *direct) { if (!HAS_PERM(PERM_LOGINOK)) return DONOTHING; if (stop_gamble()) { vmsg("�ثe���|���L�ν�L�w�}��"); return DONOTHING; } ticket(currbid); return FULLUPDATE; } static int hold_gamble(int ent, fileheader_t * fhdr, char *direct) { char fn_ticket[128], fn_ticket_end[128], genbuf[128], msg[256] = "", yn[10] = ""; boardheader_t *bp = getbcache(currbid); int i; FILE *fp = NULL; if (!(currmode & MODE_BOARD)) return 0; setbfile(fn_ticket, currboard, FN_TICKET); setbfile(fn_ticket_end, currboard, FN_TICKET_END); setbfile(genbuf, currboard, FN_TICKET_LOCK); if (dashf(fn_ticket)) { getdata(b_lines - 1, 0, "�w�g���|���L, " "�O�_�n [����U�`]?(N/y)�G", yn, 3, LCECHO); if (yn[0] != 'y') return FULLUPDATE; rename(fn_ticket, fn_ticket_end); if (bp->endgamble) { bp->endgamble = 0; substitute_record(fn_board, bp, sizeof(boardheader_t), currbid); } return FULLUPDATE; } if (dashf(fn_ticket_end)) { getdata(b_lines - 1, 0, "�w�g���|���L, " "�O�_�n�}�� [�_/�O]?(N/y)�G", yn, 3, LCECHO); if (yn[0] != 'y') return FULLUPDATE; openticket(currbid); return FULLUPDATE; } else if (dashf(genbuf)) { vmsg(" �ثe�t�Υ��b�B�z�}���Ʃy, �е��G�X�l��A�|��......."); return FULLUPDATE; } getdata(b_lines - 2, 0, "�n�|���L (N/y):", yn, 3, LCECHO); if (yn[0] != 'y') return FULLUPDATE; getdata(b_lines - 1, 0, "�䤰��? �п�J�D�D (��J��s�褺�e):", msg, 20, DOECHO); if (msg[0] == 0 || vedit(fn_ticket_end, NA, NULL) < 0) return FULLUPDATE; clear(); showtitle("�|���L", BBSNAME); setbfile(genbuf, currboard, FN_TICKET_ITEMS); //sprintf(genbuf, "%s/" FN_TICKET_ITEMS, direct); if (!(fp = fopen(genbuf, "w"))) return FULLUPDATE; do { getdata(2, 0, "��J�m������ (����:10-10000):", yn, 6, LCECHO); i = atoi(yn); } while (i < 10 || i > 10000); fprintf(fp, "%d\n", i); if (!getdata(3, 0, "�]�w�۰ʫʽL�ɶ�?(Y/n)", yn, 3, LCECHO) || yn[0] != 'n') { bp->endgamble = gettime(4, now, "�ʽL��"); substitute_record(fn_board, bp, sizeof(boardheader_t), currbid); } move(6, 0); snprintf(genbuf, sizeof(genbuf), "�Ш� %s �O ��'f'�ѻP���!\n\n�@�i %d Ptt��, �o�O%s�����\n%s%s\n", currboard, i, i < 100 ? "�p�䦡" : i < 500 ? "������" : i < 1000 ? "�Q�گ�" : i < 5000 ? "�I����" : "�ɮa����", bp->endgamble ? "��L�����ɶ�: " : "", bp->endgamble ? Cdate(&bp->endgamble) : "" ); strcat(msg, genbuf); prints("�Ш̦���J�m���W��, �ݴ���2~8��. (�����K��, ��J������enter)\n"); for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { snprintf(yn, sizeof(yn), " %d)", i + 1); getdata(7 + i, 0, yn, genbuf, 9, DOECHO); if (!genbuf[0] && i > 1) break; fprintf(fp, "%s\n", genbuf); } fclose(fp); setbfile(genbuf, currboard, FN_TICKET_RECORD); unlink(genbuf); // Ptt: �����Q�Τ��Pid�P���|���� setbfile(genbuf, currboard, FN_TICKET_USER); unlink(genbuf); // Ptt: �����Q�Τ��Pid�P���|���� move(8 + i, 0); prints("��L�]�w����"); snprintf(genbuf, sizeof(genbuf), "[���i] %s �O �}�l���!", currboard); post_msg(currboard, genbuf, msg, cuser.userid); post_msg("Record", genbuf + 7, msg, "[�������l]"); /* Tim ����CS, �H�K���b����user���Ƥw�g�g�i�� */ rename(fn_ticket_end, fn_ticket); /* �]�w���~���ɦW��L�� */ return FULLUPDATE; } #endif static int cite_post(int ent, fileheader_t * fhdr, char *direct) { char fpath[256]; char title[TTLEN + 1]; setbfile(fpath, currboard, fhdr->filename); strlcpy(title, "�� ", sizeof(title)); strlcpy(title + 3, fhdr->title, TTLEN - 3); title[TTLEN] = '\0'; a_copyitem(fpath, title, 0, 1); b_man(); return FULLUPDATE; } int edit_title(int ent, fileheader_t * fhdr, char *direct) { char genbuf[200]; fileheader_t tmpfhdr = *fhdr; int dirty = 0; if (currmode & MODE_BOARD || !strcmp(cuser.userid, fhdr->owner)) { if (getdata(b_lines - 1, 0, "���D�G", genbuf, TTLEN, DOECHO)) { strlcpy(tmpfhdr.title, genbuf, sizeof(tmpfhdr.title)); dirty++; } } if (HAS_PERM(PERM_SYSOP)) { if (getdata(b_lines - 1, 0, "�@�̡G", genbuf, IDLEN + 2, DOECHO)) { strlcpy(tmpfhdr.owner, genbuf, sizeof(tmpfhdr.owner)); dirty++; } if (getdata(b_lines - 1, 0, "����G", genbuf, 6, DOECHO)) { snprintf(tmpfhdr.date, sizeof(tmpfhdr.date), "%.5s", genbuf); dirty++; } } if (currmode & MODE_BOARD || !strcmp(cuser.userid, fhdr->owner)) { getdata(b_lines - 1, 0, "�T�w(Y/N)?[n] ", genbuf, 3, DOECHO); if ((genbuf[0] == 'y' || genbuf[0] == 'Y') && dirty) { *fhdr = tmpfhdr; substitute_ref_record(direct, fhdr, ent); } return FULLUPDATE; } return DONOTHING; } static int solve_post(int ent, fileheader_t * fhdr, char *direct) { if (HAS_PERM(PERM_SYSOP)) { fhdr->filemode ^= FILE_SOLVED; substitute_ref_record(direct, fhdr, ent); return PART_REDRAW; } return DONOTHING; } static int recommend_cancel(int ent, fileheader_t * fhdr, char *direct) { char yn[5]; if (!(currmode & MODE_BOARD)) return DONOTHING; getdata(b_lines - 1, 0, "�T�w�n�����k�s(Y/N)?[n] ", yn, 5, LCECHO); if (yn[0] != 'y') return FULLUPDATE; #ifdef ASSESS // to save resource if (fhdr->recommend > 9) inc_goodpost(searchuser(fhdr->owner), -1 * (fhdr->recommend / 10)); #endif fhdr->recommend = 0; substitute_ref_record(direct, fhdr, ent); return FULLUPDATE; } static int do_add_recommend(char *direct, fileheader_t *fhdr, int ent, char *buf, int type) { char path[256]; int update=0; /* race here: ���F��� system calls , �{�b�����η��e������� +1 �g�J .DIR ��. �y�� 1.�Y�Ӥ��ɦW�Q��������, ����N�g�����ɦW�� (�y�����F��) 2.�S�����sŪ�@��, �ҥH����ƥi��Q�ֺ� 3.�Y�����ɭԫe��Q�R, �N�[���媺����� */ setdirpath(path, direct, fhdr->filename); if( log_file(path, 0, buf) == -1 ){ // �� CREATE vmsg("����/�v�Х���"); return -1; } /* This is a solution to avoid most racing (still some), but cost four * system calls. */ if(type == 0 && fhdr->recommend < 100 ) update = 1; else if(type == 1 && fhdr->recommend > -100) update = -1; if( update ){ int fd; //Ptt: update only necessary if( (fd = open(direct, O_RDWR)) < 0 ) return -1; if( lseek(fd, (off_t)(sizeof(fileheader_t) * (ent - 1) + (int)&fhdr->recommend - (int)fhdr), SEEK_SET) >= 0) // �p�G lseek ���ѴN���| write { read(fd, &fhdr->recommend, sizeof(char)); fhdr->recommend += update; lseek(fd, -1, SEEK_CUR); write(fd, &fhdr->recommend, sizeof(char)); } close(fd); } return 0; } static int do_bid(int ent, fileheader_t * fhdr, boardheader_t *bp, char *direct, struct tm *ptime) { char genbuf[200], fpath[256],say[30],*money; bid_t bidinfo; int mymax, next; setdirpath(fpath, direct, fhdr->filename); strcat(fpath,".bid"); get_record(fpath, &bidinfo, sizeof(bidinfo), 1); move(18,0); clrtobot(); prints("�v�ХD�D: %s\n", fhdr->title); print_bidinfo(0, bidinfo); if(!bidinfo.payby) money="Ptt$ "; else money=" NT$ "; if(now>bidinfo.enddate || bidinfo.high==bidinfo.buyitnow) { prints("���v�Фw�g����,"); if( bidinfo.userid[0]) { /*if(!payby && bidinfo.usermax!=-1) {�HPtt���۰ʦ��� }*/ prints("���� %s �H %d �o��!", bidinfo.userid, bidinfo.high); #ifdef ASSESS if (!(bidinfo.flag & SALE_COMMENTED) && strcmp(bidinfo.userid, currutmp->userid) == 0){ char tmp = getans("�z���o������������p��? 1:�� 2:���� 3:���q[Q]"); if ('1' <= tmp && tmp <= '3'){ switch(tmp){ case 1: inc_goodsale(currutmp->uid, 1); break; case 2: inc_badpost(currutmp->uid, 1); break; } bidinfo.flag |= SALE_COMMENTED; substitute_record(fpath, &bidinfo, sizeof(bidinfo), 1); } } #endif } else prints("�L�H�o��!"); pressanykey(); return FULLUPDATE; } if(bidinfo.userid[0]) { prints("�U���X���ܤ֭n:%s%d", money,bidinfo.high + bidinfo.increment); if(bidinfo.buyitnow) prints(" (��J %d ����H�����ʶR����)",bidinfo.buyitnow); next=bidinfo.high + bidinfo.increment; } else { prints("�_�л�: %d", bidinfo.high); next=bidinfo.high; } if(!strcmp(cuser.userid,bidinfo.userid)) { prints("�A�O�̰��o�Ъ�!"); pressanykey(); return FULLUPDATE; } if (strcmp(cuser.userid, fhdr->owner) == 0){ vmsg("ĵ�i! ���H����X��!"); return FULLUPDATE; } getdata_str(23,0,"�O�_�n�U��? (y/N)", genbuf, 3, LCECHO,"n"); if(genbuf[0]!='y') return FULLUPDATE; getdata(23, 0, "�z���̰��U�Ъ��B(0:����):", genbuf, 10, LCECHO); mymax=atoi(genbuf); getdata(23,0,"�U�зP��:",say,12,DOECHO); get_record(fpath, &bidinfo, sizeof(bidinfo), 1); if(bidinfo.buyitnow && mymax>bidinfo.buyitnow) mymax=bidinfo.buyitnow; else if(!bidinfo.userid[0]) next=bidinfo.high; else next=bidinfo.high + bidinfo.increment; if(mymax< next || (bidinfo.payby==0 && cuser.money<mymax )) { vmsg("�����U�ЩμЪ������m��"); return FULLUPDATE; } snprintf(genbuf, sizeof(genbuf), "\033[1;31m�� \033[33m%s\033[m\033[33m:%s\033[m%*s %s%-15d��%15s %02d/%02d\n", cuser.userid,say, 31 - strlen(cuser.userid) - strlen(say), " ", money, next, fromhost, ptime->tm_mon + 1, ptime->tm_mday); do_add_recommend(direct, fhdr, ent, genbuf, 0); if(next > bidinfo.usermax) { bidinfo.usermax=mymax; bidinfo.high=next; strcpy(bidinfo.userid,cuser.userid); } else if(mymax>bidinfo.usermax) { bidinfo.high=bidinfo.usermax+bidinfo.increment; if(bidinfo.high>mymax) bidinfo.high=mymax; bidinfo.usermax=mymax; strcpy(bidinfo.userid,cuser.userid); snprintf(genbuf, sizeof(genbuf), "\033[1;31m�� \033[33m�۰��v��%s�ӥX\033[m\033[33m\033[m%*s%s%-15d�� %02d/%02d\n", cuser.userid, 20 - strlen(cuser.userid) , " ",money, bidinfo.high, ptime->tm_mon + 1, ptime->tm_mday); do_add_recommend(direct, fhdr, ent, genbuf, 0); } else { if(mymax+bidinfo.increment<bidinfo.usermax) bidinfo.high=mymax+bidinfo.increment; else bidinfo.high=bidinfo.usermax; /*�o��ǩǪ�*/ snprintf(genbuf, sizeof(genbuf), "\033[1;31m�� \033[33m�۰��v��%s�ӥX\033[m\033[33m\033[m%*s%s%-15d�� %02d/%02d\n", bidinfo.userid, 20 - strlen(bidinfo.userid) , " ", money, bidinfo.high, ptime->tm_mon + 1, ptime->tm_mday); do_add_recommend(direct, fhdr, ent, genbuf, 0); } substitute_record(fpath, &bidinfo, sizeof(bidinfo), 1); vmsg("���߱z! �H�̰����m�Ч���!"); return FULLUPDATE; } static int recommend(int ent, fileheader_t * fhdr, char *direct) { struct tm *ptime = localtime(&now); char buf[200], path[200], *ctype[3] = {"37m��","31m�N","31m��"}; int type; boardheader_t *bp; static time_t lastrecommend = 0; bp = getbcache(currbid); if( bp->brdattr & BRD_NORECOMMEND){ vmsg("��p, ���B�T����˩��v��"); return FULLUPDATE; } if (!CheckPostPerm() || bp->brdattr & BRD_VOTEBOARD || fhdr->filemode & FILE_VOTE) { vmsg("�z�v������, �L�k����!"); return FULLUPDATE; } #ifdef SAFE_ARTICLE_DELETE if( fhdr->filename[0] == '.' ){ vmsg("����w�R��"); return FULLUPDATE; } #endif if( fhdr->filemode & FILE_BID){ return do_bid(ent, fhdr, bp, direct, ptime); } setdirpath(path, direct, fhdr->filename); type = vmsg_lines(b_lines-2, "�z�n��o�g�峹 1.���� 2.�N�n [1]?") - '1'; if (fhdr->recommend == 0 && strcmp(cuser.userid, fhdr->owner) == 0){ mouts(b_lines-1, 0, "���H���˩μN�Ĥ@��, ��H �� �[���覡"); type = 2; } #ifndef DEBUG if (!(currmode & MODE_BOARD)&& now - lastrecommend < 90) { mouts(b_lines-1, 0,"���ˮɶ��Ӫ�, ��H �� �[���覡"); type = 2; } #endif if(type > 2 || type < 0) type = 0; if (!getdata(b_lines - 2, 0, "�n������:", path, 40, DOECHO) || path == NULL || getans("�T�w�n\033[%s\033[m��? �ХJ�ӦҼ{(Y/N)?[n]", ctype[type])!='y') return FULLUPDATE; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "\033[1;%s \033[33m%s\033[m\033[33m:%s\033[m%*s%15s %02d/%02d\n", ctype[type], cuser.userid, path, 53 - strlen(cuser.userid) - strlen(path) , " ", fromhost, ptime->tm_mon + 1, ptime->tm_mday); do_add_recommend(direct, fhdr, ent, buf, type); #ifdef ASSESS /* �C 10 ������ �[�@�� goodpost */ if (type ==0 && (fhdr->filemode & FILE_MARKED) && fhdr->recommend % 10 == 0) { int uid = searchuser(fhdr->owner); if (uid > 0) inc_goodpost(uid, 1); } #endif lastrecommend = now; return FULLUPDATE; } static int mark_post(int ent, fileheader_t * fhdr, char *direct) { char buf[STRLEN], fpath[STRLEN]; if (!(currmode & MODE_BOARD)) return DONOTHING; setbpath(fpath, currboard); sprintf(buf, "%s/%s", fpath, fhdr->filename); if( !(fhdr->filemode & FILE_MARKED) && /* �Y�ثe�٨S�� mark �~�n check */ access(buf, F_OK) < 0 ) return DONOTHING; fhdr->filemode ^= FILE_MARKED; #ifdef ASSESS if (!(fhdr->filemode & FILE_BID)){ if (fhdr->filemode & FILE_MARKED) { if (!(currbrdattr & BRD_BAD) && fhdr->recommend >= 10) inc_goodpost(searchuser(fhdr->owner), fhdr->recommend / 10); } else if (fhdr->recommend > 9) inc_goodpost(searchuser(fhdr->owner), -1 * (fhdr->recommend / 10)); } #endif substitute_ref_record(direct, fhdr, ent); return PART_REDRAW; } int del_range(int ent, fileheader_t *fhdr, char *direct) { char num1[8], num2[8]; int inum1, inum2; boardheader_t *bp = NULL; /* ���T�ر��p�|�i�o��, �H��, �ݪO, ��ذ� */ if( !(direct[0] == 'h') ){ /* �H�� check */ bp = getbcache(currbid); if (strcmp(bp->brdname, "Security") == 0) return DONOTHING; } /* rocker.011018: �걵�Ҧ��U�٬O�����\�R������n */ if (currmode & MODE_SELECT) { vmsg("�Х��^�쥿�`�Ҧ���A�i��R��..."); return FULLUPDATE; } if ((currstat != READING) || (currmode & MODE_BOARD)) { getdata(1, 0, "[�]�w�R���d��] �_�I�G", num1, 6, DOECHO); inum1 = atoi(num1); if (inum1 <= 0) { vmsg("�_�I���~"); return FULLUPDATE; } getdata(1, 28, "���I�G", num2, 6, DOECHO); inum2 = atoi(num2); if (inum2 < inum1) { vmsg("���I���~"); return FULLUPDATE; } getdata(1, 48, msg_sure_ny, num1, 3, LCECHO); if (*num1 == 'y') { outmsg("�B�z��,�еy��..."); refresh(); #ifdef SAFE_ARTICLE_DELETE if(bp && !(currmode & MODE_DIGEST) && bp->nuser > 20 ) safe_article_delete_range(direct, inum1, inum2); else delete_range(direct, inum1, inum2); #else delete_range(direct, inum1, inum2); #endif fixkeep(direct, inum1); if (currmode & MODE_BOARD) setbtotal(currbid); return DIRCHANGED; } return FULLUPDATE; } return DONOTHING; } static int del_post(int ent, fileheader_t * fhdr, char *direct) { char genbuf[100], newpath[256]; int num, not_owned; boardheader_t *bp; bp = getbcache(currbid); if (strcmp(bp->brdname, "Security") == 0) return DONOTHING; if ((fhdr->filemode & FILE_BOTTOM) || (fhdr->filemode & FILE_MARKED) || (fhdr->filemode & FILE_DIGEST) || (fhdr->owner[0] == '-')) return DONOTHING; not_owned = strcmp(fhdr->owner, cuser.userid); if ((!(currmode & MODE_BOARD) && not_owned) || ((bp->brdattr & BRD_VOTEBOARD) && !HAS_PERM(PERM_SYSOP)) || !strcmp(cuser.userid, STR_GUEST)) return DONOTHING; if (currmode & MODE_SELECT) { vmsg("�Ц^��@��Ҧ��A�R���峹"); return DONOTHING; } getdata(1, 0, msg_del_ny, genbuf, 3, LCECHO); if (genbuf[0] == 'y') { if( #ifdef SAFE_ARTICLE_DELETE (bp->nuser>20 && !(currmode & MODE_DIGEST) && !safe_article_delete(ent, fhdr, direct)) || #endif !delete_record(direct, sizeof(fileheader_t), ent) ) { cancelpost(fhdr, not_owned, newpath); if(fhdr->filemode & FILE_ANONYMOUS) /* When the file is anonymous posted, fhdr->money is author. * see do_general() */ num = fhdr->money; else num = searchuser(fhdr->owner); #ifdef ASSESS #define SIZE sizeof(badpost_reason) / sizeof(char *) if (not_owned && num > 0 && !(currmode & MODE_DIGEST)) { getdata(1, 40, "�c�H�峹?(y/N)", genbuf, 3, LCECHO); if(genbuf[0]=='y') { int i; char reason[64]; move(b_lines - 2, 0); for (i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) prints("%d.%s ", i + 1, badpost_reason[i]); prints("%d.%s", i + 1, "��L"); getdata(b_lines - 1, 0, "�п��", reason, sizeof(reason), LCECHO); i = reason[0] - '0'; if (i <= 0 || i > SIZE) getdata(b_lines, 0, "�п�J��]", reason, sizeof(reason), DOECHO); else strcpy(reason, badpost_reason[i - 1]); if (!(inc_badpost(num, 1) % 10)){ post_violatelaw(xuser.userid, "Ptt �t��ĵ��", "�H��֭p�Q�g", "�@��@�i"); mail_violatelaw(xuser.userid, "Ptt �t��ĵ��", "�H��֭p�Q�g", "�@��@�i"); xuser.userlevel |= PERM_VIOLATELAW; } sprintf(genbuf,"�H��h�^(%s):%-40.40s", reason, fhdr->title); mail_id(xuser.userid, genbuf, newpath, cuser.userid); } } #undef SIZE #endif setbtotal(currbid); if (fhdr->money < 0 || fhdr->filemode & FILE_ANONYMOUS) fhdr->money = 0; if (not_owned && strcmp(currboard, "Test")) { deumoney(num, -fhdr->money); } if (!not_owned && strcmp(currboard, "Test")) { if (cuser.numposts) cuser.numposts--; if (!(currmode & MODE_DIGEST && currmode & MODE_BOARD)){ demoney(-fhdr->money); vmsg("�z���峹� %d �g�A��I�M��O %d ��", cuser.numposts, fhdr->money); } } return DIRCHANGED; } } return FULLUPDATE; } static int // Ptt: �ץ��Y�� show_filename(int ent, fileheader_t * fhdr, char *direct) { if(!HAS_PERM(PERM_SYSOP)) return DONOTHING; vmsg("�ɮצW��: %s ", fhdr->filename); return PART_REDRAW; } static int view_postmoney(int ent, fileheader_t * fhdr, char *direct) { if(currmode & MODE_SELECT){ vmsg("�Цb���}�ثe����ܼҦ��A�d��"); return FULLUPDATE; } if(fhdr->filemode & FILE_ANONYMOUS) /* When the file is anonymous posted, fhdr->money is author. * see do_general() */ vmsg("�ΦW�z�s��: %d (�P�@�H���X�|�@��)", fhdr->money + currutmp->pid); else vmsg("�o�@�g�峹�� %d ��", fhdr->money); return FULLUPDATE; } #ifdef OUTJOBSPOOL /* �ݪO�ƥ� */ static int tar_addqueue(int ent, fileheader_t * fhdr, char *direct) { char email[60], qfn[80], ans[2]; FILE *fp; char bakboard, bakman; clear(); showtitle("�ݪO�ƥ�", BBSNAME); move(2, 0); if (!((currmode & MODE_BOARD) || HAS_PERM(PERM_SYSOP))) { move(5, 10); outs("�p�n�O�O�D�άO�����~������� -.-\"\""); pressanykey(); return FULLUPDATE; } snprintf(qfn, sizeof(qfn), BBSHOME "/jobspool/tarqueue.%s", currboard); if (access(qfn, 0) == 0) { outs("�w�g�Ʃw��{, �y��|�i��ƥ�"); pressanykey(); return FULLUPDATE; } if (!getdata(4, 0, "�п�J�ت��H�c�G", email, sizeof(email), DOECHO)) return FULLUPDATE; /* check email -.-"" */ if (strstr(email, "@") == NULL || strstr(email, ".bbs@") != NULL) { move(6, 0); outs("�z���w���H�c�����T! "); pressanykey(); return FULLUPDATE; } getdata(6, 0, "�n�ƥ��ݪO���e��(Y/N)?[Y]", ans, sizeof(ans), LCECHO); bakboard = (ans[0] == 'n' || ans[0] == 'N') ? 0 : 1; getdata(7, 0, "�n�ƥ���ذϤ��e��(Y/N)?[N]", ans, sizeof(ans), LCECHO); bakman = (ans[0] == 'y' || ans[0] == 'Y') ? 1 : 0; if (!bakboard && !bakman) { move(8, 0); outs("�i�O�ڭ̥u��ƥ��ݪO�κ�ذϪ��C ^^\"\"\""); pressanykey(); return FULLUPDATE; } fp = fopen(qfn, "w"); fprintf(fp, "%s\n", cuser.userid); fprintf(fp, "%s\n", email); fprintf(fp, "%d,%d\n", bakboard, bakman); fclose(fp); move(10, 0); outs("�t�Τw�g�N�z���ƥ��ƤJ��{, \n"); outs("�y��N�|�b�t�έt�����C���ɭԱN��ƱH���z~ :) "); pressanykey(); return FULLUPDATE; } #endif static int sequent_ent; static int continue_flag; /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ /* �̧�Ū�s�峹 */ /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ static int sequent_messages(fileheader_t * fptr) { static int idc; char genbuf[200]; if (fptr == NULL) return (idc = 0); if (++idc < sequent_ent) return 0; if (!brc_unread(fptr->filename, brc_num, brc_list)) return 0; if (continue_flag) genbuf[0] = 'y'; else { prints("Ū���峹��G[%s] �@�̡G[%s]\n���D�G[%s]", currboard, fptr->owner, fptr->title); getdata(3, 0, "(Y/N/Quit) [Y]: ", genbuf, 3, LCECHO); } if (genbuf[0] != 'y' && genbuf[0]) { clear(); return (genbuf[0] == 'q' ? QUIT : 0); } setbfile(genbuf, currboard, fptr->filename); brc_addlist(fptr->filename); if (more(genbuf, YEA) == 0) outmsg("\033[31;47m \033[31m(R)\033[30m�^�H \033[31m(��,n)" "\033[30m�U�@�� \033[31m(��,q)\033[30m���} \033[m"); continue_flag = 0; switch (igetch()) { case KEY_LEFT: case 'e': case 'q': case 'Q': break; case 'y': case 'r': case 'Y': case 'R': if (CheckPostPerm()) { strlcpy(quote_file, genbuf, sizeof(quote_file)); do_reply(fptr); *quote_file = 0; } break; case ' ': case KEY_DOWN: case '\n': case 'n': continue_flag = 1; } clear(); return 0; } static int sequential_read(int ent, fileheader_t * fhdr, char *direct) { char buf[40]; clear(); sequent_messages((fileheader_t *) NULL); sequent_ent = ent; continue_flag = 0; setbdir(buf, currboard); apply_record(buf, sequent_messages, sizeof(fileheader_t)); return FULLUPDATE; } /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ /* �ݪO�Ƨѿ��B��K�B��ذ� */ /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ int b_note_edit_bname(int bid) { char buf[64]; int aborted; boardheader_t *fh = getbcache(bid); setbfile(buf, fh->brdname, fn_notes); aborted = vedit(buf, NA, NULL); if (aborted == -1) { clear(); outs(msg_cancel); pressanykey(); } else { if (!getdata(2, 0, "�]�w���Ĵ����ѡH(n/Y)", buf, 3, LCECHO) || buf[0] != 'n') fh->bupdate = gettime(3, fh->bupdate ? fh->bupdate : now, "���Ĥ����"); else fh->bupdate = 0; substitute_record(fn_board, fh, sizeof(boardheader_t), bid); } return 0; } static int b_notes_edit() { if (currmode & MODE_BOARD) { b_note_edit_bname(currbid); return FULLUPDATE; } return 0; } static int b_water_edit() { if (currmode & MODE_BOARD) { friend_edit(BOARD_WATER); return FULLUPDATE; } return 0; } static int visable_list_edit() { if (currmode & MODE_BOARD) { friend_edit(BOARD_VISABLE); hbflreload(currbid); return FULLUPDATE; } return 0; } static int b_post_note() { char buf[200], yn[3]; if (currmode & MODE_BOARD) { setbfile(buf, currboard, FN_POST_NOTE); if (more(buf, NA) == -1) more("etc/" FN_POST_NOTE, NA); getdata(b_lines - 2, 0, "�O�_�n�Φۭqpost�`�N�ƶ�?", yn, sizeof(yn), LCECHO); if (yn[0] == 'y') vedit(buf, NA, NULL); else unlink(buf); setbfile(buf, currboard, FN_POST_BID); if (more(buf, NA) == -1) more("etc/" FN_POST_BID, NA); getdata(b_lines - 2, 0, "�O�_�n�Φۭq�v�Ф峹�`�N�ƶ�?", yn, sizeof(yn), LCECHO); if (yn[0] == 'y') vedit(buf, NA, NULL); else unlink(buf); return FULLUPDATE; } return 0; } static int can_vote_edit() { if (currmode & MODE_BOARD) { friend_edit(FRIEND_CANVOTE); return FULLUPDATE; } return 0; } static int bh_title_edit() { boardheader_t *bp; if (currmode & MODE_BOARD) { char genbuf[BTLEN]; bp = getbcache(currbid); move(1, 0); clrtoeol(); getdata_str(1, 0, "�п�J�ݪO�s����ԭz:", genbuf, BTLEN - 16, DOECHO, bp->title + 7); if (!genbuf[0]) return 0; strip_ansi(genbuf, genbuf, STRIP_ALL); strlcpy(bp->title + 7, genbuf, sizeof(bp->title) - 7); substitute_record(fn_board, bp, sizeof(boardheader_t), currbid); log_usies("SetBoard", currboard); return FULLUPDATE; } return 0; } static int b_notes() { char buf[64]; setbfile(buf, currboard, fn_notes); if (more(buf, NA) == -1) { clear(); move(4, 20); outs("���ݪO�|�L�u�Ƨѿ��v�C"); } pressanykey(); return FULLUPDATE; } int board_select() { char fpath[80]; char genbuf[100]; currmode &= ~MODE_SELECT; snprintf(fpath, sizeof(fpath), "SR.%s", cuser.userid); setbfile(genbuf, currboard, fpath); unlink(genbuf); if (currstat == RMAIL) sethomedir(currdirect, cuser.userid); else setbdir(currdirect, currboard); return NEWDIRECT; } int board_digest() { if (currmode & MODE_SELECT) board_select(); currmode ^= MODE_DIGEST; if (currmode & MODE_DIGEST) currmode &= ~MODE_POST; else if (haspostperm(currboard)) currmode |= MODE_POST; setbdir(currdirect, currboard); return NEWDIRECT; } static int push_bottom(int ent, fileheader_t * fhdr, char *direct) { int num; char buf[256]; if ((currmode & MODE_DIGEST) || !(currmode & MODE_BOARD)) return DONOTHING; setbottomtotal(currbid); // <- Ptt : will be remove when stable num = getbottomtotal(currbid); if(getans(fhdr->filemode & FILE_BOTTOM ? "�����m�����i?(y/N)": "�[�J�m�����i?(y/N)")!='y') return READ_REDRAW; fhdr->filemode ^= FILE_BOTTOM; if(fhdr->filemode & FILE_BOTTOM ) { sprintf(buf, "%s.bottom", direct); if(num >= 5) { vmsg("���o�W�L 5 �g���n���i �к�²!"); return READ_REDRAW; } fhdr->money = ent | FHR_REFERENCE; append_record(buf, fhdr, sizeof(fileheader_t)); } else { num = delete_record(direct, sizeof(fileheader_t), ent); } setbottomtotal(currbid); return DIRCHANGED; } static int good_post(int ent, fileheader_t * fhdr, char *direct) { char genbuf[200]; char genbuf2[200]; int delta = 0; if ((currmode & MODE_DIGEST) || !(currmode & MODE_BOARD)) return DONOTHING; if(getans(fhdr->filemode & FILE_DIGEST ? "�����ݪO��K?(Y/n)" : "���J�ݪO��K?(Y/n)") == 'n') return READ_REDRAW; if (fhdr->filemode & FILE_DIGEST) { fhdr->filemode = (fhdr->filemode & ~FILE_DIGEST); if (!strcmp(currboard, "Note") || !strcmp(currboard, "PttBug") || !strcmp(currboard, "Artdsn") || !strcmp(currboard, "PttLaw")) { deumoney(searchuser(fhdr->owner), -1000); if (!(currmode & MODE_SELECT)) fhdr->money -= 1000; else delta = -1000; } } else { fileheader_t digest; char *ptr, buf[64]; memcpy(&digest, fhdr, sizeof(digest)); digest.filename[0] = 'G'; strlcpy(buf, direct, sizeof(buf)); ptr = strrchr(buf, '/'); assert(ptr); ptr++; ptr[0] = '\0'; snprintf(genbuf, sizeof(genbuf), "%s%s", buf, digest.filename); if (dashf(genbuf)) unlink(genbuf); digest.filemode = 0; snprintf(genbuf2, sizeof(genbuf2), "%s%s", buf, fhdr->filename); Link(genbuf2, genbuf); strcpy(ptr, fn_mandex); append_record(buf, &digest, sizeof(digest)); #ifdef GLOBAL_DIGEST if(!(getbcache(currbid)->brdattr & BRD_HIDE)) { getdata(1, 0, "�n��ȱo�X���������K?(N/y)", genbuf2, 3, LCECHO); if(genbuf2[0] == 'y') do_crosspost(GLOBAL_DIGEST, &digest, genbuf); } #endif fhdr->filemode = (fhdr->filemode & ~FILE_MARKED) | FILE_DIGEST; if (!strcmp(currboard, "Note") || !strcmp(currboard, "PttBug") || !strcmp(currboard, "Artdsn") || !strcmp(currboard, "PttLaw")) { deumoney(searchuser(fhdr->owner), 1000); if (!(currmode & MODE_SELECT)) fhdr->money += 1000; else delta = 1000; } } substitute_ref_record(direct, fhdr, ent); return FULLUPDATE; } /* help for board reading */ static char *board_help[] = { "\0���\\��ݪO�ާ@����", "\01�R�O", "(p)(��) �W���@�g�峹 (^P/^O/^V)�o���峹/�v��/���ʳs�p", "(n)(��) �U���@�g�峹 (d) �R���峹", "(P)(PgUp) �W���@�� (S) ��s�����峹", "(N)(PgDn) �U���@�� (##) ���� ## ���峹", "(r)(��) �\\Ū���g�峹 ($) ����̫�@�g�峹", "\01�i���R�O", "(tab)/z ��K�Ҧ�/��ذ� (a/A)(^Q) ��M�@��/�@�̸��", "(b/f) �iŪ�Ƨѿ�/�ѻP��L (?)(/) ��M���D", "(V/R) �벼/�d�ߧ벼���G (^W)(X) �ڦb����/���ˤ峹/�ѻP�v��", "(x)(w) ����峹/����y (=)/([]<>-+) ��M���g�峹/�D�D���\\Ū", #ifdef INTERNET_EMAIL "(F) �峹�H�^Internet�l�c (U) �N�峹 uuencode ��H�^�l�c", #endif "(E)/(Q) ���s�峹/�d����/�ΦW(^H) �C�X�Ҧ����D�n���D", "\01�O�D�R�O", "(M/o) �|��벼/�s�p�벼�W�� (m/c/g/^Z) �O�d/������/��K/�m��", "(D) �R���@�q�d�峹 (T/B) ���s�峹���D/���s�ݪO���D", "(I) �}��/�T��ݪO���� (t/^D) �аO�峹/�尣�аO���峹", "(O)/(i) �o���`�N�ƶ� �峹���O (H)/(Y) �ݪO����/�{�� �������ˤ峹", #ifdef NO_GAMBLE "(W/K/v) �s�i�O�e��/�����W��/�i���W��", #else "(^G) �|���L/����U�`/�}��(W/K/v) �s�i�O�e��/�����W��/�i���W��", #endif NULL }; static int b_help() { show_help(board_help); return FULLUPDATE; } static int b_changerecommend(int ent, fileheader_t * fhdr, char *direct) { boardheader_t *bp=NULL; if (!((currmode & MODE_BOARD) || HAS_PERM(PERM_SYSOP))) return DONOTHING; bp = getbcache(currbid); bp->brdattr ^= BRD_NORECOMMEND; substitute_record(fn_board, bp, sizeof(boardheader_t), currbid); vmsg("���O�{�b %s ����", (bp->brdattr & BRD_NORECOMMEND) ? "�T��" : "�}��"); return FULLUPDATE; } /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ /* �O�D�]�w����/ ������ */ /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ char board_hidden_status; #ifdef BMCHS static int change_hidden(int ent, fileheader_t * fhdr, char *direct) { boardheader_t *bp; if (!((currmode & MODE_BOARD) || HAS_PERM(PERM_SYSOP))) return DONOTHING; bp = getbcache(currbid); if (((bp->brdattr & BRD_HIDE) && (bp->brdattr & BRD_POSTMASK))) { if (getans("�ثe�O�b���Ϊ��A, �n�����ι�(y/N)?") != 'y') return FULLUPDATE; bp->brdattr &= ~BRD_HIDE; bp->brdattr &= ~BRD_POSTMASK; outs("�g�ߤ��Dz��H�A�L�B���D���q�C\n"); board_hidden_status = 0; hbflreload(currbid); } else { if (getans("�ثe�O�b�{�Ϊ��A, �n���ι�(y/N)?") != 'y') return FULLUPDATE; bp->brdattr |= BRD_HIDE; bp->brdattr |= BRD_POSTMASK; outs("�g�ߤ��w�����A���ߵ��۬í��C\n"); board_hidden_status = 1; } substitute_record(fn_board, bp, sizeof(boardheader_t), currbid); log_usies("SetBoard", bp->brdname); pressanykey(); return FULLUPDATE; } static int change_counting(int ent, fileheader_t * fhdr, char *direct) { boardheader_t *bp; if (!((currmode & MODE_BOARD) || HAS_PERM(PERM_SYSOP))) return DONOTHING; bp = getbcache(currbid); if (!(bp->brdattr & BRD_HIDE && bp->brdattr & BRD_POSTMASK)) return FULLUPDATE; if (bp->brdattr & BRD_BMCOUNT) { if (getans("�ثe�O�C�J�Q�j�Ʀ�, �n�����C�J�Q�j�Ʀ��(Y/N)?[N]") != 'y') return FULLUPDATE; bp->brdattr &= ~BRD_BMCOUNT; outs("�A�A����]���|���Q�j���r�C\n"); } else { if (getans("�ثe�ݪO���C�J�Q�j�Ʀ�, �n�C�J�Q�j��(Y/N)?[N]") != 'y') return FULLUPDATE; bp->brdattr |= BRD_BMCOUNT; outs("������ĤQ�j�Ĥ@�a�C\n"); } substitute_record(fn_board, bp, sizeof(boardheader_t), currbid); pressanykey(); return FULLUPDATE; } #endif /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ /* �ݪO�\��� */ /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ /* onekey_size was defined in ../include/pttstruct.h, as ((int)'z') */ onekey_t read_comms[] = { show_filename, // Ctrl('A') NULL, // Ctrl('B') NULL, // Ctrl('C') NULL, // Ctrl('D') NULL, // Ctrl('E') NULL, // Ctrl('F') #ifdef NO_GAMBLE NULL, // Ctrl('G') #else hold_gamble, // Ctrl('G') #endif NULL, // Ctrl('H') board_digest, // Ctrl('I') KEY_TAB 9 NULL, // Ctrl('J') NULL, // Ctrl('K') NULL, // Ctrl('L') NULL, // Ctrl('M') #ifdef BMCHS change_counting, // Ctrl('N') #else NULL, // Ctrl('N') #endif do_post_openbid, // Ctrl('O') do_post, // Ctrl('P') NULL, // Ctrl('Q') NULL, // Ctrl('R') NULL, // Ctrl('S') NULL, // Ctrl('T') NULL, // Ctrl('U') do_post_vote, // Ctrl('V') whereami, // Ctrl('W') NULL, // Ctrl('X') NULL, // Ctrl('Y') push_bottom, // Ctrl('Z') 26 NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, // 'A' 65 bh_title_edit, // 'B' NULL, // 'C' del_range, // 'D' edit_post, // 'E' NULL, // 'F' NULL, // 'G' #ifdef BMCHS change_hidden, // 'H' #else NULL, // 'H' #endif b_changerecommend, // 'I' NULL, // 'J' b_water_edit, // 'K' solve_post, // 'L' b_vote_maintain, // 'M' NULL, // 'N' b_post_note, // 'O' NULL, // 'P' view_postmoney, // 'Q' b_results, // 'R' sequential_read, // 'S' edit_title, // 'T' NULL, // 'U' b_vote, // 'V' b_notes_edit, // 'W' recommend, // 'X' recommend_cancel, // 'Y' NULL, // 'Z' 90 NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, // 'a' 97 b_notes, // 'b' cite_post, // 'c' del_post, // 'd' NULL, // 'e' #ifdef NO_GAMBLE NULL, // 'f' #else join_gamble, // 'f' #endif good_post, // 'g' b_help, // 'h' b_posttype, // 'i' NULL, // 'j' NULL, // 'k' NULL, // 'l' mark_post, // 'm' NULL, // 'n' can_vote_edit, // 'o' NULL, // 'p' NULL, // 'q' read_post, // 'r' do_select, // 's' NULL, // 't' #ifdef OUTJOBSPOOL tar_addqueue, // 'u' #else NULL, // 'u' #endif visable_list_edit, // 'v' b_call_in, // 'w' cross_post, // 'x' reply_post, // 'y' b_man, // 'z' 122 }; int Read() { int mode0 = currutmp->mode; int stat0 = currstat, tmpbid = currutmp->brc_id; char buf[40]; #ifdef LOG_BOARD time_t usetime = now; #endif if ( ! currboard[0] ) brc_initial_board(DEFAULT_BOARD); setutmpmode(READING); set_board(); if (board_visit_time < *board_note_time) { setbfile(buf, currboard, fn_notes); if(more(buf, NA)!=-1) pressanykey(); else *board_note_time=0; } setutmpbid(currbid); setbdir(buf, currboard); curredit &= ~EDIT_MAIL; i_read(READING, buf, readtitle, readdoent, read_comms, currbid); currmode &= ~MODE_POSTCHECKED; #ifdef LOG_BOARD log_board(currboard, now - usetime); #endif brc_update(); setutmpbid(tmpbid); currutmp->mode = mode0; currstat = stat0; return 0; } void ReadSelect() { int mode0 = currutmp->mode; int stat0 = currstat; char genbuf[200]; currstat = SELECT; if (do_select(0, 0, genbuf) == NEWDIRECT) Read(); setutmpbid(0); currutmp->mode = mode0; currstat = stat0; } #ifdef LOG_BOARD static void log_board(char *mode, time_t usetime) { if (usetime > 30) { log_file(FN_USEBOARD, LOG_CREAT | LOG_VF, "USE %-20.20s Stay: %5ld (%s) %s\n", mode, usetime, cuser.userid, ctime(&now)); } } #endif int Select() { char genbuf[200]; do_select(0, NULL, genbuf); return 0; } #ifdef HAVEMOBILE void mobile_message(char *mobile, char *message) { bsmtp(char *fpath, char *title, char *rcpt, int method); } #endif