/* $Id$ */ #include "bbs.h" /* 進站水球宣傳 */ int m_loginmsg() { char msg[100]; move(21,0); clrtobot(); if(SHM->loginmsg.pid && SHM->loginmsg.pid != currutmp->pid) { outs("目前已經有以下的 進站水球設定請先協調好再設定.."); getmessage(SHM->loginmsg); } getdata(22, 0, "進站水球:本站活動,不干擾使用者為限,設定者離站自動取消,確定要設?(y/N)", msg, 3, LCECHO); if(msg[0]=='y' && getdata_str(23, 0, "設定進站水球:", msg, 56, DOECHO, SHM->loginmsg.last_call_in)) { SHM->loginmsg.pid=currutmp->pid; /*站長不多 就不管race condition */ strcpy(SHM->loginmsg.last_call_in, msg); strcpy(SHM->loginmsg.userid, cuser.userid); } return 0; } /* 使用者管理 */ int m_user() { userec_t muser; int id; char genbuf[200]; stand_title("使用者設定"); usercomplete(msg_uid, genbuf); if (*genbuf) { move(2, 0); if ((id = getuser(genbuf))) { memcpy(&muser, &xuser, sizeof(muser)); user_display(&muser, 1); uinfo_query(&muser, 1, id); } else { outs(err_uid); clrtoeol(); pressanykey(); } } return 0; } static int search_key_user(char *passwdfile, int mode) { userec_t user; int ch; int coun = 0; FILE *fp1 = fopen(passwdfile, "r"); char friendfile[128]="", key[22], genbuf[8], *keymatch; assert(fp1); clear(); getdata(0, 0, mode ? "請輸入使用者關鍵字[電話|地址|姓名|身份證|上站地點|" "email|小雞id] :" : "請輸入id :", key, sizeof(key), DOECHO); if(!key[0]) return 0; while ((fread(&user, sizeof(user), 1, fp1)) > 0 && coun < MAX_USERS) { if (!(++coun & 15)) { move(1, 0); prints("第 [%d] 筆資料\n", coun); refresh(); } keymatch = NULL; if (!strcasecmp(user.userid, key)) keymatch = user.userid; else if(mode) { if(strstr(user.realname, key)) keymatch = user.realname; else if(strstr(user.username, key)) keymatch = user.username; else if(strstr(user.lasthost, key)) keymatch = user.lasthost; else if(strcasestr(user.email, key)) keymatch = user.email; else if(strstr(user.address, key)) keymatch = user.address; else if(strstr(user.justify, key)) keymatch = user.justify; else if(strstr(user.mychicken.name, key)) keymatch = user.mychicken.name; else if(strstr(user.ident, key)) keymatch = user.ident; } if(keymatch) { move(1, 0); prints("第 [%d] 筆資料\n", coun); refresh(); user_display(&user, 1); uinfo_query(&user, 1, coun); outs("\033[44m 空白鍵\033[37m:搜尋下一個" " \033[33m Q\033[37m: 離開"); outs(mode ? " A: add to namelist \033[m " : " S: 取用備份資料 \033[m "); while (1) { while ((ch = igetch()) == 0); if (ch == 'a' || ch=='A' ) { if(!friendfile[0]) { friend_special(); setfriendfile(friendfile, FRIEND_SPECIAL); } friend_add(user.userid, FRIEND_SPECIAL, keymatch); break; } if (ch == ' ') break; if (ch == 'q' || ch == 'Q') { fclose(fp1); return 0; } if (ch == 's' && !mode) { if ((ch = searchuser(user.userid))) { setumoney(ch, user.money); passwd_update(ch, &user); fclose(fp1); return 0; } else { getdata(0, 0, "目前的 PASSWD 檔沒有此 ID,新增嗎?[y/N]", genbuf, 3, LCECHO); if (genbuf[0] != 'y') { outs("目前的PASSWDS檔沒有此id " "請先new一個這個id的帳號"); } else { int allocid = getnewuserid(); if (allocid > MAX_USERS || allocid <= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "本站人口已達飽和!\n"); exit(1); } if (passwd_update(allocid, &user) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "客滿了,再見!\n"); exit(1); } setuserid(allocid, user.userid); if (!searchuser(user.userid)) { fprintf(stderr, "無法建立帳號\n"); exit(1); } fclose(fp1); return 0; } } } } } } fclose(fp1); return 0; } /* 以任意 key 尋找使用者 */ int search_user_bypwd() { search_key_user(FN_PASSWD, 1); return 0; } /* 尋找備份的使用者資料 */ int search_user_bybakpwd() { char *choice[] = { "PASSWDS.NEW1", "PASSWDS.NEW2", "PASSWDS.NEW3", "PASSWDS.NEW4", "PASSWDS.NEW5", "PASSWDS.NEW6", "PASSWDS.BAK" }; int ch; clear(); move(1, 1); outs("請輸入你要用來尋找備份的檔案 或按 'q' 離開\n"); outs(" [\033[1;31m1\033[m]一天前, [\033[1;31m2\033[m]兩天前, " "[\033[1;31m3\033[m]三天前\n"); outs(" [\033[1;31m4\033[m]四天前, [\033[1;31m5\033[m]五天前, " "[\033[1;31m6\033[m]六天前\n"); outs(" [7]備份的\n"); do { move(5, 1); outs("選擇 => "); ch = igetch(); if (ch == 'q' || ch == 'Q') return 0; } while (ch < '1' || ch > '7'); ch -= '1'; if( access(choice[ch], R_OK) != 0 ) vmsg("檔案不存在"); else search_key_user(choice[ch], 0); return 0; } static void bperm_msg(boardheader_t * board) { prints("\n設定 [%s] 看板之(%s)權限:", board->brdname, board->brdattr & BRD_POSTMASK ? "發表" : "閱\讀"); } unsigned int setperms(unsigned int pbits, char * const pstring[]) { register int i; move(4, 0); for (i = 0; i < NUMPERMS / 2; i++) { prints("%c. %-20s %-15s %c. %-20s %s\n", 'A' + i, pstring[i], ((pbits >> i) & 1 ? "ˇ" : "X"), i < 10 ? 'Q' + i : '0' + i - 10, pstring[i + 16], ((pbits >> (i + 16)) & 1 ? "ˇ" : "X")); } clrtobot(); while ( (i = getkey("請按 [A-5] 切換設定,按 [Return] 結束:"))!='\r') { i = i - 'a'; if (i < 0) i = i + 'a' - '0' + 26; if (i >= NUMPERMS) bell(); else { pbits ^= (1 << i); move(i % 16 + 4, i <= 15 ? 24 : 64); outs((pbits >> i) & 1 ? "ˇ" : "X"); } } return pbits; } /* 自動設立精華區 */ void setup_man(boardheader_t * board) { char genbuf[200]; setapath(genbuf, board->brdname); mkdir(genbuf, 0755); } void delete_symbolic_link(boardheader_t *bh, int bid) { memset(bh, 0, sizeof(boardheader_t)); substitute_record(fn_board, bh, sizeof(boardheader_t), bid); reset_board(bid); sort_bcache(); log_usies("DelLink", bh->brdname); } int dir_cmp(const void *a, const void *b) { return (atoi( &((fileheader_t *)a)->filename[2] ) - atoi( &((fileheader_t *)b)->filename[2] )); } void merge_dir(char *dir1, char *dir2, int isoutter) { int i, pn, sn; fileheader_t *fh; char *p1, *p2, bakdir[128], file1[128], file2[128]; strcpy(file1,dir1); strcpy(file2,dir2); if((p1=strrchr(file1,'/'))) p1 ++; else p1 = file1; if((p2=strrchr(file2,'/'))) p2 ++; else p2 = file2; pn=get_num_records(dir1, sizeof(fileheader_t)); sn=get_num_records(dir2, sizeof(fileheader_t)); if(!sn) return; fh= (fileheader_t *)malloc( (pn+sn)*sizeof(fileheader_t)); get_records(dir1, fh, sizeof(fileheader_t), 1, pn); get_records(dir2, fh+pn, sizeof(fileheader_t), 1, sn); if(isoutter) { for(i=0; iBnumber, completeboard_compar, completeboard_permission, completeboard_getname); if (frombname[0] == '\0' || !getbnum(frombname) || !strcmp(frombname,bname)) break; setbdir(genbuf, bname); setbdir(fromdir, frombname); merge_dir(genbuf, fromdir, 0); #ifdef MERGEBBS } #endif touchbtotal(bid); } break; case 'b': if (HAS_PERM(PERM_SYSOP)) { char bvotebuf[10]; memcpy(&newbh, &bh, sizeof(bh)); snprintf(bvotebuf, sizeof(bvotebuf), "%d", newbh.bvote); move(20, 0); prints("看板 %s 原來的 BVote:%d", bh.brdname, bh.bvote); getdata_str(21, 0, "新的 Bvote:", genbuf, 5, LCECHO, bvotebuf); newbh.bvote = atoi(genbuf); substitute_record(fn_board, &newbh, sizeof(newbh), bid); reset_board(bid); log_usies("SetBoardBvote", newbh.brdname); break; } else break; case 'v': memcpy(&newbh, &bh, sizeof(bh)); outs("看板目前為"); outs((bh.brdattr & BRD_BAD) ? "違法" : "正常"); getdata(21, 0, "確定更改?", genbuf, 5, LCECHO); if (genbuf[0] == 'y') { if (newbh.brdattr & BRD_BAD) newbh.brdattr = newbh.brdattr & (!BRD_BAD); else newbh.brdattr = newbh.brdattr | BRD_BAD; substitute_record(fn_board, &newbh, sizeof(newbh), bid); reset_board(bid); log_usies("ViolateLawSet", newbh.brdname); } break; case 'd': if (HAS_PERM(PERM_SYSSUBOP) && !HAS_PERM(PERM_SYSOP)) break; getdata_str(9, 0, msg_sure_ny, genbuf, 3, LCECHO, "N"); if (genbuf[0] != 'y' || !bname[0]) outs(MSG_DEL_CANCEL); else if (bh.brdattr & BRD_SYMBOLIC) { delete_symbolic_link(&bh, bid); } else { strlcpy(bname, bh.brdname, sizeof(bh.brdname)); snprintf(genbuf, sizeof(genbuf), "/bin/tar zcvf tmp/board_%s.tgz boards/%c/%s man/boards/%c/%s >/dev/null 2>&1;" "/bin/rm -fr boards/%c/%s man/boards/%c/%s", bname, bname[0], bname, bname[0], bname, bname[0], bname, bname[0], bname); system(genbuf); memset(&bh, 0, sizeof(bh)); snprintf(bh.title, sizeof(bh.title), "%s 看板 %s 刪除", bname, cuser.userid); post_msg("Security", bh.title, "請注意刪除的合法性", "[系統安全局]"); substitute_record(fn_board, &bh, sizeof(bh), bid); reset_board(bid); sort_bcache(); log_usies("DelBoard", bh.title); outs("刪板完畢"); } break; case 'e': move(8, 0); outs("直接按 [Return] 不修改該項設定"); memcpy(&newbh, &bh, sizeof(bh)); while (getdata(9, 0, "新看板名稱:", genbuf, IDLEN + 1, DOECHO)) { if (getbnum(genbuf)) { move(3, 0); outs("錯誤! 板名雷同"); } else if ( !invalid_brdname(genbuf) ){ strlcpy(newbh.brdname, genbuf, sizeof(newbh.brdname)); break; } } do { getdata_str(12, 0, "看板類別:", genbuf, 5, DOECHO, bh.title); if (strlen(genbuf) == 4) break; } while (1); if (strlen(genbuf) >= 4) strncpy(newbh.title, genbuf, 4); newbh.title[4] = ' '; getdata_str(14, 0, "看板主題:", genbuf, BTLEN + 1, DOECHO, bh.title + 7); if (genbuf[0]) strlcpy(newbh.title + 7, genbuf, sizeof(newbh.title) - 7); if (getdata_str(15, 0, "新板主名單:", genbuf, IDLEN * 3 + 3, DOECHO, bh.BM)) { trim(genbuf); strlcpy(newbh.BM, genbuf, sizeof(newbh.BM)); } #ifdef CHESSCOUNTRY snprintf(genbuf, sizeof(genbuf), "%d", bh.chesscountry); if (getdata_str(16, 0, "設定棋國 (0)無 (1)五子棋 (2)象棋", ans, sizeof(ans), LCECHO, genbuf)){ newbh.chesscountry = atoi(ans); if (newbh.chesscountry > CHESSCODE_MAX || newbh.chesscountry < CHESSCODE_NONE) newbh.chesscountry = bh.chesscountry; } #endif /* defined(CHESSCOUNTRY) */ if (HAS_PERM(PERM_SYSOP)) { move(1, 0); clrtobot(); newbh.brdattr = setperms(newbh.brdattr, str_permboard); move(1, 0); clrtobot(); } if (newbh.brdattr & BRD_GROUPBOARD) strncpy(newbh.title + 5, "Σ", 2); else if (newbh.brdattr & BRD_NOTRAN) strncpy(newbh.title + 5, "◎", 2); else strncpy(newbh.title + 5, "●", 2); if (HAS_PERM(PERM_SYSOP) && !(newbh.brdattr & BRD_HIDE)) { getdata_str(14, 0, "設定讀寫權限(Y/N)?", ans, sizeof(ans), LCECHO, "N"); if (*ans == 'y') { getdata_str(15, 0, "限制 [R]閱\讀 (P)發表?", ans, sizeof(ans), LCECHO, "R"); if (*ans == 'p') newbh.brdattr |= BRD_POSTMASK; else newbh.brdattr &= ~BRD_POSTMASK; move(1, 0); clrtobot(); bperm_msg(&newbh); newbh.level = setperms(newbh.level, str_permid); clear(); } } getdata(b_lines - 1, 0, "請您確定(Y/N)?[Y]", genbuf, 4, LCECHO); if ((*genbuf != 'n') && memcmp(&newbh, &bh, sizeof(bh))) { if (strcmp(bh.brdname, newbh.brdname)) { char src[60], tar[60]; setbpath(src, bh.brdname); setbpath(tar, newbh.brdname); Rename(src, tar); setapath(src, bh.brdname); setapath(tar, newbh.brdname); Rename(src, tar); } setup_man(&newbh); substitute_record(fn_board, &newbh, sizeof(newbh), bid); reset_board(bid); sort_bcache(); log_usies("SetBoard", newbh.brdname); } } return 0; } /* 設定看板 */ int m_board() { char bname[32]; stand_title("看板設定"); generalnamecomplete(msg_bid, bname, sizeof(bname), SHM->Bnumber, completeboard_compar, completeboard_permission, completeboard_getname); if (!*bname) return 0; m_mod_board(bname); return 0; } /* 設定系統檔案 */ int x_file() { int aborted; char ans[4], *fpath; move(b_lines - 6, 0); /* Ptt */ outs("設定 (1)身份確認信 (4)post注意事項 (5)錯誤登入訊息 (6)註冊範例 (7)通過確認通知\n"); outs(" (8)email post通知 (9)系統功\能精靈 (A)茶樓 (B)站長名單 (C)email通過確認\n"); outs(" (D)新使用者需知 (E)身份確認方法 (F)歡迎畫面 (G)進站畫面" #ifdef MULTI_WELCOME_LOGIN "(X)刪除進站畫面" #endif "\n"); outs(" (H)看板期限 (I)故鄉 (J)出站畫面 (K)生日卡 (L)節日 (M)外籍使用者認證通知\n"); outs(" (N)外籍使用者過期警告通知" #ifdef PLAY_ANGEL " (Y)小天使認證通知" #endif "\n"); getdata(b_lines - 1, 0, "[Q]取消[1-9 A-N]?", ans, sizeof(ans), LCECHO); switch (ans[0]) { case '1': fpath = "etc/confirm"; break; case '4': fpath = "etc/post.note"; break; case '5': fpath = "etc/goodbye"; break; case '6': fpath = "etc/register"; break; case '7': fpath = "etc/registered"; break; case '8': fpath = "etc/emailpost"; break; case '9': fpath = "etc/hint"; break; case 'b': fpath = "etc/sysop"; break; case 'c': fpath = "etc/bademail"; break; case 'd': fpath = "etc/newuser"; break; case 'e': fpath = "etc/justify"; break; case 'f': fpath = "etc/Welcome"; break; case 'g': #ifdef MULTI_WELCOME_LOGIN getdata(b_lines - 1, 0, "第幾個進站畫面[0-4]", ans, sizeof(ans), LCECHO); if (ans[0] == '1') { fpath = "etc/Welcome_login.1"; } else if (ans[0] == '2') { fpath = "etc/Welcome_login.2"; } else if (ans[0] == '3') { fpath = "etc/Welcome_login.3"; } else if (ans[0] == '4') { fpath = "etc/Welcome_login.4"; } else { fpath = "etc/Welcome_login.0"; } #else fpath = "etc/Welcome_login"; #endif break; #ifdef MULTI_WELCOME_LOGIN case 'x': getdata(b_lines - 1, 0, "第幾個進站畫面[1-4]", ans, sizeof(ans), LCECHO); if (ans[0] == '1') { unlink("etc/Welcome_login.1"); outs("ok"); } else if (ans[0] == '2') { unlink("etc/Welcome_login.2"); outs("ok"); } else if (ans[0] == '3') { unlink("etc/Welcome_login.3"); outs("ok"); } else if (ans[0] == '4') { unlink("etc/Welcome_login.4"); outs("ok"); } else { outs("所指定的進站畫面無法刪除"); } pressanykey(); return FULLUPDATE; #endif case 'h': fpath = "etc/expire.conf"; break; case 'i': fpath = "etc/domain_name_query"; break; case 'j': fpath = "etc/Logout"; break; case 'k': fpath = "etc/Welcome_birth"; break; case 'l': fpath = "etc/feast"; break; case 'm': fpath = "etc/foreign_welcome"; break; case 'n': fpath = "etc/foreign_expired_warn"; break; #ifdef PLAY_ANGEL case 'y': fpath = "etc/angel_notify"; break; #endif default: return FULLUPDATE; } aborted = vedit(fpath, NA, NULL); prints("\n\n系統檔案[%s]:%s", fpath, (aborted == -1) ? "未改變" : "更新完畢"); pressanykey(); return FULLUPDATE; } static int add_board_record(boardheader_t *board) { int bid; if ((bid = getbnum("")) > 0) { substitute_record(fn_board, board, sizeof(boardheader_t), bid); reset_board(bid); sort_bcache(); } else if (append_record(fn_board, (fileheader_t *)board, sizeof(boardheader_t)) == -1) { return -1; } else { addbrd_touchcache(); } return 0; } int m_newbrd(int recover) { boardheader_t newboard; char ans[4]; char genbuf[200]; stand_title("建立新板"); memset(&newboard, 0, sizeof(newboard)); newboard.gid = class_bid; if (newboard.gid == 0) { move(6, 0); outs("請先選擇一個類別再開板!"); pressanykey(); return -1; } do { if (!getdata(3, 0, msg_bid, newboard.brdname, sizeof(newboard.brdname), DOECHO)) return -1; } while (invalid_brdname(newboard.brdname)); do { getdata(6, 0, "看板類別:", genbuf, 5, DOECHO); if (strlen(genbuf) == 4) break; } while (1); strncpy(newboard.title, genbuf, 4); newboard.title[4] = ' '; getdata(8, 0, "看板主題:", genbuf, BTLEN + 1, DOECHO); if (genbuf[0]) strlcpy(newboard.title + 7, genbuf, sizeof(newboard.title) - 7); setbpath(genbuf, newboard.brdname); if (recover) { if (dashd(genbuf)) { outs("此看板已經存在! 請取不同英文板名"); pressanykey(); return -1; } } else if (getbnum(newboard.brdname) > 0 || mkdir(genbuf, 0755) == -1) { outs("此看板已經存在! 請取不同英文板名"); pressanykey(); return -1; } newboard.brdattr = BRD_NOTRAN; if (HAS_PERM(PERM_SYSOP)) { move(1, 0); clrtobot(); newboard.brdattr = setperms(newboard.brdattr, str_permboard); move(1, 0); clrtobot(); } getdata(9, 0, "是看板? (N:目錄) (Y/n):", genbuf, 3, LCECHO); if (genbuf[0] == 'n') newboard.brdattr |= BRD_GROUPBOARD; if (newboard.brdattr & BRD_GROUPBOARD) strncpy(newboard.title + 5, "Σ", 2); else if (newboard.brdattr & BRD_NOTRAN) strncpy(newboard.title + 5, "◎", 2); else strncpy(newboard.title + 5, "●", 2); newboard.level = 0; getdata(11, 0, "板主名單:", newboard.BM, sizeof(newboard.BM), DOECHO); #ifdef CHESSCOUNTRY if (getdata_str(12, 0, "設定棋國 (0)無 (1)五子棋 (2)象棋", ans, sizeof(ans), LCECHO, "0")){ newboard.chesscountry = atoi(ans); if (newboard.chesscountry > CHESSCODE_MAX || newboard.chesscountry < CHESSCODE_NONE) newboard.chesscountry = CHESSCODE_NONE; } #endif /* defined(CHESSCOUNTRY) */ if (HAS_PERM(PERM_SYSOP) && !(newboard.brdattr & BRD_HIDE)) { getdata_str(14, 0, "設定讀寫權限(Y/N)?", ans, sizeof(ans), LCECHO, "N"); if (*ans == 'y') { getdata_str(15, 0, "限制 [R]閱\讀 (P)發表?", ans, sizeof(ans), LCECHO, "R"); if (*ans == 'p') newboard.brdattr |= BRD_POSTMASK; else newboard.brdattr &= (~BRD_POSTMASK); move(1, 0); clrtobot(); bperm_msg(&newboard); newboard.level = setperms(newboard.level, str_permid); clear(); } } add_board_record(&newboard); getbcache(class_bid)->childcount = 0; pressanykey(); setup_man(&newboard); outs("\n新板成立"); post_newboard(newboard.title, newboard.brdname, newboard.BM); log_usies("NewBoard", newboard.title); pressanykey(); return 0; } int make_symbolic_link(char *bname, int gid) { boardheader_t newboard; int bid; bid = getbnum(bname); memset(&newboard, 0, sizeof(newboard)); /* * known issue: * These two stuff will be used for sorting. But duplicated brdnames * may cause wrong binary-search result. So I replace the last * letters of brdname to '~'(ascii code 126) in order to correct the * resuilt, thought I think it's a dirty solution. * * Duplicate entry with same brdname may cause wrong result, if * searching by key brdname. But people don't need to know a board * is symbolic, so just let SYSOP know it. You may want to read * board.c:load_boards(). */ strlcpy(newboard.brdname, bname, sizeof(newboard.brdname)); newboard.brdname[strlen(bname) - 1] = '~'; strlcpy(newboard.title, bcache[bid - 1].title, sizeof(newboard.title)); strcpy(newboard.title + 5, "@看板連結"); newboard.gid = gid; BRD_LINK_TARGET(&newboard) = bid; newboard.brdattr = BRD_NOTRAN | BRD_SYMBOLIC; if (add_board_record(&newboard) < 0) return -1; return bid; } int make_symbolic_link_interactively(int gid) { char buf[32]; generalnamecomplete(msg_bid, buf, sizeof(buf), SHM->Bnumber, completeboard_compar, completeboard_permission, completeboard_getname); if (!buf[0]) return -1; stand_title("建立看板連結"); if (make_symbolic_link(buf, gid) < 0) { vmsg("看板連結建立失敗"); return -1; } log_usies("NewSymbolic", buf); return 0; } static int auto_scan(char fdata[][STRLEN], char ans[]) { int good = 0; int count = 0; int i; char temp[10]; if (!strncmp(fdata[2], "小", 2) || strstr(fdata[2], "丫") || strstr(fdata[2], "誰") || strstr(fdata[2], "不")) { ans[0] = '0'; return 1; } strncpy(temp, fdata[2], 2); temp[2] = '\0'; /* 疊字 */ if (!strncmp(temp, &(fdata[2][2]), 2)) { ans[0] = '0'; return 1; } if (strlen(fdata[2]) >= 6) { if (strstr(fdata[2], "陳水扁")) { ans[0] = '0'; return 1; } if (strstr("趙錢孫李周吳鄭王", temp)) good++; else if (strstr("杜顏黃林陳官余辛劉", temp)) good++; else if (strstr("蘇方吳呂李邵張廖應蘇", temp)) good++; else if (strstr("徐謝石盧施戴翁唐", temp)) good++; } if (!good) return 0; if (!strcmp(fdata[3], fdata[4]) || !strcmp(fdata[3], fdata[5]) || !strcmp(fdata[4], fdata[5])) { ans[0] = '4'; return 5; } if (strstr(fdata[3], "大")) { if (strstr(fdata[3], "台") || strstr(fdata[3], "淡") || strstr(fdata[3], "交") || strstr(fdata[3], "政") || strstr(fdata[3], "清") || strstr(fdata[3], "警") || strstr(fdata[3], "師") || strstr(fdata[3], "銘傳") || strstr(fdata[3], "中央") || strstr(fdata[3], "成") || strstr(fdata[3], "輔") || strstr(fdata[3], "東吳")) good++; } else if (strstr(fdata[3], "女中")) good++; if (strstr(fdata[4], "地球") || strstr(fdata[4], "宇宙") || strstr(fdata[4], "信箱")) { ans[0] = '2'; return 3; } if (strstr(fdata[4], "市") || strstr(fdata[4], "縣")) { if (strstr(fdata[4], "路") || strstr(fdata[4], "街")) { if (strstr(fdata[4], "號")) good++; } } for (i = 0; fdata[5][i]; i++) { if (isdigit(fdata[5][i])) count++; } if (count <= 4) { ans[0] = '3'; return 4; } else if (count >= 7) good++; if (good >= 3) { ans[0] = 'y'; return -1; } else return 0; } /* 處理 Register Form */ int scan_register_form(char *regfile, int automode, int neednum) { char genbuf[200]; char *logfile = "register.log"; char *field[] = { "uid", "ident", "name", "career", "addr", "phone", "email", NULL }; char *finfo[] = { "帳號", "身分證號", "真實姓名", "服務單位", "目前住址", "連絡電話", "電子郵件信箱", NULL }; char *reason[] = { "輸入真實姓名", "詳填「(畢業)學校及『系』『級』」或「服務單位(含所屬縣市及職稱)」", "填寫完整的住址資料 (含縣市名稱, 台北市請含行政區域)", "詳填連絡電話 (含區域碼, 中間不用加 \"-\", \"(\", \")\"等符號", "確實填寫註冊申請表", "用中文填寫申請單", "輸入真實身分證字號", NULL }; char *autoid = "AutoScan"; userec_t muser; FILE *fn, *fout, *freg; char fdata[7][STRLEN]; char fname[STRLEN], buf[STRLEN]; char ans[4], *ptr, *uid; int n = 0, unum = 0; int nSelf = 0, nAuto = 0; uid = cuser.userid; snprintf(fname, sizeof(fname), "%s.tmp", regfile); move(2, 0); if (dashf(fname)) { if (neednum == 0) { /* 自己進 Admin 來審的 */ outs("其他 SYSOP 也在審核註冊申請單"); pressanykey(); } return -1; } Rename(regfile, fname); if ((fn = fopen(fname, "r")) == NULL) { prints("系統錯誤,無法讀取註冊資料檔: %s", fname); pressanykey(); return -1; } if (neednum) { /* 被強迫審的 */ move(1, 0); clrtobot(); prints("各位具有站長權限的人,註冊單累積超過一百份了,麻煩您幫忙審 %d 份\n", neednum); outs("也就是大概二十分之一的數量,當然,您也可以多審\n沒審完之前,系統不會讓你跳出喲!謝謝"); pressanykey(); } memset(fdata, 0, sizeof(fdata)); while (fgets(genbuf, STRLEN, fn)) { if ((ptr = (char *)strstr(genbuf, ": "))) { *ptr = '\0'; for (n = 0; field[n]; n++) { if (strcmp(genbuf, field[n]) == 0) { strlcpy(fdata[n], ptr + 2, sizeof(fdata[n])); if ((ptr = (char *)strchr(fdata[n], '\n'))) *ptr = '\0'; } } } else if ((unum = getuser(fdata[0])) == 0) { move(2, 0); clrtobot(); outs("系統錯誤,查無此人\n\n"); for (n = 0; field[n]; n++) prints("%s : %s\n", finfo[n], fdata[n]); pressanykey(); neednum--; } else { neednum--; memcpy(&muser, &xuser, sizeof(muser)); if (automode) uid = autoid; if ((!automode || !auto_scan(fdata, ans))) { uid = cuser.userid; move(1, 0); prints("帳號位置 :%d\n", unum); user_display(&muser, 1); move(14, 0); prints("\033[1;32m------------- 請站長嚴格審核使用者資料,您還有 %d 份---------------\033[m\n", neednum); prints(" %-12s:%s\n", finfo[0], fdata[0]); prints(" %-12s:%s\n", finfo[1], fdata[1]); #ifdef FOREIGN_REG prints("0.%-12s:%s%s\n", finfo[2], fdata[2], muser.uflag2 & FOREIGN ? " (外籍)" : ""); #else prints("0.%-12s:%s\n", finfo[2], fdata[2]); #endif for (n = 3; field[n]; n++) { prints("%d.%-12s:%s\n", n - 2, finfo[n], fdata[n]); } if (muser.userlevel & PERM_LOGINOK) { ans[0] = getkey("此帳號已經完成註冊, " "更新(Y/N/Skip)?[N] "); if (ans[0] != 'y' && ans[0] != 's') ans[0] = 'd'; } else { if (search_ulist(unum) == NULL) ans[0] = vmsg_lines(22, "是否接受此資料(Y/N/Q/Del/Skip)?[S])"); else ans[0] = 's'; if ('A' <= ans[0] && ans[0] <= 'Z') ans[0] += 32; if (ans[0] != 'y' && ans[0] != 'n' && ans[0] != 'q' && ans[0] != 'd' && !('0' <= ans[0] && ans[0] <= '4')) ans[0] = 's'; ans[1] = 0; } nSelf++; } else nAuto++; if (neednum > 0 && ans[0] == 'q') { move(2, 0); clrtobot(); outs("沒審完不能退出"); pressanykey(); ans[0] = 's'; } switch (ans[0]) { case 'q': if ((freg = fopen(regfile, "a"))) { for (n = 0; field[n]; n++) fprintf(freg, "%s: %s\n", field[n], fdata[n]); fprintf(freg, "----\n"); while (fgets(genbuf, STRLEN, fn)) fputs(genbuf, freg); fclose(freg); } case 'd': break; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case 'n': if (ans[0] == 'n') { for (n = 0; field[n]; n++) prints("%s: %s\n", finfo[n], fdata[n]); move(9, 0); outs("請提出退回申請表原因,按 取消\n"); for (n = 0; reason[n]; n++) prints("%d) 請%s\n", n, reason[n]); } else buf[0] = ans[0]; if (ans[0] != 'n' || getdata(10 + n, 0, "退回原因:", buf, 60, DOECHO)) if ((buf[0] - '0') >= 0 && (buf[0] - '0') < n) { int i; fileheader_t mhdr; char title[128], buf1[80]; FILE *fp; sethomepath(buf1, muser.userid); stampfile(buf1, &mhdr); strlcpy(mhdr.owner, cuser.userid, sizeof(mhdr.owner)); strlcpy(mhdr.title, "[註冊失敗]", TTLEN); mhdr.filemode = 0; sethomedir(title, muser.userid); if (append_record(title, &mhdr, sizeof(mhdr)) != -1) { fp = fopen(buf1, "w"); for(i = 0; buf[i] && i < sizeof(buf); i++){ if (!isdigit(buf[i])) continue; fprintf(fp, "[退回原因] 請%s\n", reason[buf[i] - '0']); } fclose(fp); } if ((fout = fopen(logfile, "a"))) { for (n = 0; field[n]; n++) fprintf(fout, "%s: %s\n", field[n], fdata[n]); fprintf(fout, "Date: %s\n", Cdate(&now)); fprintf(fout, "Rejected: %s [%s]\n----\n", uid, buf); fclose(fout); } break; } move(10, 0); clrtobot(); outs("取消退回此註冊申請表"); case 's': if ((freg = fopen(regfile, "a"))) { for (n = 0; field[n]; n++) fprintf(freg, "%s: %s\n", field[n], fdata[n]); fprintf(freg, "----\n"); fclose(freg); } break; default: outs("以下使用者資料已經更新:\n"); mail_muser(muser, "[註冊成功\囉]", "etc/registered"); if(muser.uflag2 & FOREIGN) mail_muser(muser, "[出入境管理局]", "etc/foreign_welcome"); muser.userlevel |= (PERM_LOGINOK | PERM_POST); strlcpy(muser.realname, fdata[2], sizeof(muser.realname)); strlcpy(muser.address, fdata[4], sizeof(muser.address)); strlcpy(muser.email, fdata[6], sizeof(muser.email)); snprintf(genbuf, sizeof(genbuf), "%s:%s:%s", fdata[5], fdata[3], uid); strlcpy(muser.justify, genbuf, sizeof(muser.justify)); passwd_update(unum, &muser); sethomefile(buf, muser.userid, "justify"); log_file(buf, LOG_CREAT, genbuf); if ((fout = fopen(logfile, "a"))) { for (n = 0; field[n]; n++) fprintf(fout, "%s: %s\n", field[n], fdata[n]); fprintf(fout, "Date: %s\n", Cdate(&now)); fprintf(fout, "Approved: %s\n", uid); fprintf(fout, "----\n"); fclose(fout); } sethomefile(genbuf, muser.userid, "justify.wait"); unlink(genbuf); break; } } } fclose(fn); unlink(fname); move(0, 0); clrtobot(); move(5, 0); prints("您審了 %d 份註冊單,AutoScan 審了 %d 份", nSelf, nAuto); /** DickG: 將審了幾份的相關資料 post 到 Security 板上 ***********/ /* * DickG: 因應新的站長上站需審核方案,是故沒有必要留下 record ime(buf, * 200, "%Y/%m/%d/%H:%M", pt); * * strcpy(xboard, "Security"); setbpath(xfpath, xboard); stampfile(xfpath, * &xfile); strcpy(xfile.owner, "系統"); strcpy(xfile.title, "[報告] * 審核記錄"); xptr = fopen(xfpath, "w"); fprintf(xptr, "\n時間:%s %s * 審了 %d 份註冊單\n AutoScan 審了 %d 份註冊單\n 共計 %d 份。", buf, * cuser.userid, nSelf, nAuto, nSelf+nAuto); fclose(xptr); setbdir(fname, * xboard); append_record(fname, &xfile, sizeof(xfile)); * outgo_post(&xfile, xboard); touchbtotal(getbnum(xboard)); * cuser.numposts++; */ /*********************************************/ pressanykey(); return (0); } int m_register() { FILE *fn; int x, y, wid, len; char ans[4]; char genbuf[200]; if ((fn = fopen(fn_register, "r")) == NULL) { outs("目前並無新註冊資料"); return XEASY; } stand_title("審核使用者註冊資料"); y = 2; x = wid = 0; while (fgets(genbuf, STRLEN, fn) && x < 65) { if (strncmp(genbuf, "uid: ", 5) == 0) { move(y++, x); outs(genbuf + 5); len = strlen(genbuf + 5); if (len > wid) wid = len; if (y >= t_lines - 3) { y = 2; x += wid + 2; } } } fclose(fn); getdata(b_lines - 1, 0, "開始審核嗎(Auto/Yes/No)?[N] ", ans, sizeof(ans), LCECHO); if (ans[0] == 'a') scan_register_form(fn_register, 1, 0); else if (ans[0] == 'y') scan_register_form(fn_register, 0, 0); return 0; } int cat_register() { if (system("cat register.new.tmp >> register.new") == 0 && system("rm -f register.new.tmp") == 0) vmsg("OK 嚕~~ 繼續去奮鬥吧!!"); else vmsg("沒辦法CAT過去呢 去檢查一下系統吧!!"); return 0; } static void give_id_money(char *user_id, int money, FILE * log_fp, char *mail_title, time_t t) { char tt[TTLEN + 1] = {0}; if (deumoney(searchuser(user_id), money) < 0) { move(12, 0); clrtoeol(); prints("id:%s money:%d 不對吧!!", user_id, money); pressanykey(); } else { fprintf(log_fp, "%d %s %d", (int)t, user_id, money); snprintf(tt, sizeof(tt), "%s : %d ptt 幣", mail_title, money); mail_id(user_id, tt, "etc/givemoney.why", "[PTT 銀行]"); } } int give_money() { FILE *fp, *fp2; char *ptr, *id, *mn; char buf[200] = "", tt[TTLEN + 1] = ""; struct tm *pt = localtime(&now); int to_all = 0, money = 0; getdata(0, 0, "指定使用者(S) 全站使用者(A) 取消(Q)?[S]", buf, sizeof(buf), LCECHO); if (buf[0] == 'q') return 1; else if (buf[0] == 'a') { to_all = 1; getdata(1, 0, "發多少錢呢?", buf, 20, DOECHO); money = atoi(buf); if (money <= 0) { move(2, 0); outs("輸入錯誤!!"); pressanykey(); return 1; } } else { if (vedit("etc/givemoney.txt", NA, NULL) < 0) return 1; } clear(); getdata(0, 0, "要發錢了嗎(Y/N)[N]", buf, 3, LCECHO); if (buf[0] != 'y') return 1; if (!(fp2 = fopen("etc/givemoney.log", "a"))) return 1; strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%Y/%m/%d/%H:%M", pt); fprintf(fp2, "%s\n", buf); getdata(1, 0, "紅包袋標題 :", tt, TTLEN, DOECHO); move(2, 0); outs("編紅包袋內容"); pressanykey(); if (vedit("etc/givemoney.why", NA, NULL) < 0) { fclose(fp2); return 1; } stand_title("發錢中..."); if (to_all) { int i, unum; for (unum = SHM->number, i = 0; i < unum; i++) { if (bad_user_id(SHM->userid[i])) continue; id = SHM->userid[i]; give_id_money(id, money, fp2, tt, now); } //something wrong @ _ @ //give_money_post("全站使用者", atoi(money)); } else { if (!(fp = fopen("etc/givemoney.txt", "r+"))) { fclose(fp2); return 1; } while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp)) { clear(); if (!(ptr = strchr(buf, ':'))) continue; *ptr = '\0'; id = buf; mn = ptr + 1; give_id_money(id, atoi(mn), fp2, tt, now); give_money_post(id, atoi(mn)); } fclose(fp); } fclose(fp2); pressanykey(); return FULLUPDATE; }