#include <stdio.h> #include "daemon.h" #include "bbslib.h" #include <time.h> #define INNTOBBS #include "inntobbs.h" typedef struct Header { char *name; int id; } header_t; /*enum HeaderValue { SUBJECT_H, FROM_H, DATE_H, MID_H, NEWSGROUPS_H, NNTPPOSTINGHOST_H, NNTPHOST_H, CONTROL_H, PATH_H, ORGANIZATION_H, LASTHEADER, }; */ #include <string.h> header_t headertable[] = { "Subject" ,SUBJECT_H, "From" ,FROM_H, "Date" ,DATE_H, "Message-ID",MID_H, "Newsgroups",NEWSGROUPS_H, "NNTP-Posting-Host",NNTPPOSTINGHOST_H, "NNTP-Host", NNTPHOST_H, "Control", CONTROL_H, "Path", PATH_H, "Organization", ORGANIZATION_H, "X-Auth-From", X_Auth_From_H, "Approved", APPROVED_H, "Distribution", DISTRIBUTION_H, "Keywords", KEYWORDS_H, "Summary", SUMMARY_H, "References",REFERENCES_H, }; char *HEADER[LASTHEADER]; char *BODY; char *FROM, *SUBJECT, *SITE, *DATE, *POSTHOST, *NNTPHOST, *PATH, *GROUPS, *MSGID, *CONTROL; #ifdef PalmBBS char **XHEADER; char *XPATH; #endif int isexcluded(path1, nl) char *path1; nodelist_t *nl; { char path2[1024]; /*path2 = (char*)mymalloc(strlen(nl->node) + 3);*/ sprintf(path2, "!%.*s!",sizeof path2 - 3, nl->node); if (strstr(path1, path2) != NULL) return 1; if (nl->exclusion && *nl->exclusion) { char *exclude, *ptr; for (exclude = nl->exclusion, ptr = strchr(exclude,','); exclude && *exclude; ptr = strchr(exclude,',')) { if (ptr) *ptr = '\0'; sprintf(path2, "!%.*s!",sizeof path2 - 3, exclude); if (strstr(path1, path2) != NULL) return 1; if (ptr) { *ptr = ','; exclude = ptr+1; } else { break; } } } return 0; } feedfplog(nf, filepath, type) newsfeeds_t *nf; char *filepath; int type; { char *path1, *path2, *hostptr; nodelist_t *nl; if (nf == NULL) return; if( nf->path != NULL ) { char *ptr1, *ptr2; char savech; path1 = (char*)mymalloc(strlen(HEADER[PATH_H]) + 3); sprintf(path1, "!%s!",HEADER[PATH_H]); for (ptr1 = nf->path; ptr1 && *ptr1;) { for (; *ptr1 && isspace(*ptr1); ptr1++); if (!*ptr1) break; for (ptr2 = ptr1; *ptr2 && !isspace(*ptr2); ptr2++); savech = *ptr2; *ptr2 = '\0'; /* bbslog("search node %s\n",ptr1); */ nl = (nodelist_t*) search_nodelist_bynode(ptr1); /* bbslog("search node node %s, host %s fp %d\n",nl->node, nl->host, nl->feedfp); */ *ptr2 = savech; ptr1 = ptr2++; if (nl == NULL) continue; if (nl->feedfp == NULL) continue; if (isexcluded(path1,nl)) continue; /*path2 = (char*)mymalloc(strlen(nl->node) + 3); sprintf(path2, "!%s!",nl->node); free(path2); */ /* bbslog("path1 %s path2 %s\n",path1, path2); */ /*if (strstr(path1, path2) != NULL) return;*/ /* to conform to the bntplink batch file */ { char *slash = strrchr(filepath,'/'); if (slash != NULL) *slash = '\t'; fprintf(nl->feedfp,"%s\t%s\t\t%s\t%s\t%c\t%s\t%s!%s\n", filepath == NULL ? "": filepath, GROUPS, FROM, SUBJECT, type, MSGID, MYBBSID, HEADER[PATH_H]); if (slash != NULL) *slash = '/'; } fflush(nl->feedfp); if (savech == '\0') break; } free(path1); } } static FILE* bbsfeedsfp = NULL; static bbsfeedson = -1; init_bbsfeedsfp() { if (bbsfeedsfp != NULL) { fclose(bbsfeedsfp); bbsfeedsfp = NULL; } bbsfeedson = -1; } bbsfeedslog(filepath, type) char *filepath; int type; { char datebuf[40]; time_t now; if (bbsfeedson ==0) return; if (bbsfeedson == -1) { if (!isfile(BBSFEEDS)) { bbsfeedson = 0; return; } bbsfeedson = 1; } if (bbsfeedsfp == NULL) { bbsfeedsfp = fopen(BBSFEEDS,"a"); } time(&now); strftime(datebuf, sizeof(datebuf), "%b %d %X ", localtime(&now)); if( bbsfeedsfp != NULL ) { fprintf(bbsfeedsfp,"%s %c %s %s %s %s!%s %s\n", datebuf, type, REMOTEHOSTNAME, GROUPS, MSGID, MYBBSID, HEADER[PATH_H], filepath==NULL? "": filepath); fflush(bbsfeedsfp); } } static FILE* echomailfp = NULL; static echomaillogon = -1; init_echomailfp() { if (echomailfp != NULL) { fclose(echomailfp); echomailfp = NULL; } echomaillogon = -1; } echomaillog() { if (echomaillogon ==0) return; if (echomaillogon == -1) { if (!isfile(ECHOMAIL)) { echomaillogon = 0; return; } echomaillogon = 1; } if (echomailfp == NULL) { echomailfp = fopen(ECHOMAIL,"a"); } if( echomailfp != NULL ) { fprintf(echomailfp,"\n"); fprintf(echomailfp,"�o�H�H: %s, �H��: %s\n", FROM, GROUPS); fprintf(echomailfp,"�� �D: %s\n", SUBJECT); fprintf(echomailfp,"�o�H��: %s (%s)\n", SITE, DATE); fprintf(echomailfp,"��H��: %s (%s)\n", PATH, REMOTEHOSTNAME); fflush(echomailfp); } } int headercmp(a,b) header_t *a, *b; { return strcasecmp(a->name, b->name); } int readlines(client) ClientType *client; { int fd = client->fd; char *buffer = client->buffer; buffer_t *in = &client->in; char *front = in->data, *ptr, *hptr; int i; for (i=0; i < LASTHEADER; i++ ) HEADER[i] = NULL; for (ptr = (char*)strchr(in->data,'\n'); ptr != NULL && *ptr != '\0' ; front = ptr+1, ptr = (char*)strchr(front,'\n')) { *ptr = '\0'; if (front[0] == '\r' || front[1] == '\n') { BODY = front+2; break; } hptr = (char*)strchr(front,':'); if (hptr != NULL && hptr[1] == ' ') { int value; *hptr = '\0'; value = headervalue(front); if (value != -1) { char *tp; HEADER[value] = hptr + 2; if ((tp = (char*)strchr(HEADER[value],'\r'))!=NULL) *tp = '\0'; } *hptr = ':'; } /**ptr = '\n';*/ } NNTPHOST = HEADER[NNTPHOST_H]; PATH = HEADER[PATH_H]; FROM = HEADER[FROM_H]; GROUPS = HEADER[NEWSGROUPS_H]; SUBJECT = HEADER[SUBJECT_H]; DATE = HEADER[DATE_H]; SITE = HEADER[ORGANIZATION_H]; MSGID = HEADER[MID_H]; CONTROL = HEADER[CONTROL_H]; POSTHOST = HEADER[NNTPPOSTINGHOST_H]; if (POSTHOST == NULL) { if (HEADER[X_Auth_From_H] != NULL) { POSTHOST = HEADER[X_Auth_From_H]; HEADER[NNTPPOSTINGHOST_H] = POSTHOST; } } #ifdef PalmBBS XPATH = PATH; XHEADER = HEADER; #endif } int headervalue(inputheader) char *inputheader; { header_t key, *findkey; static int hasinit=0; if (hasinit == 0) { article_init(); hasinit = 1; } key.name = inputheader; findkey = ( header_t *)bsearch ( (char *) &key, (char *) headertable, sizeof(headertable)/ sizeof(header_t), sizeof (key), headercmp); if (findkey != NULL) return findkey->id; return -1; } article_init() { int i; static int article_inited = 0; if (article_inited) return; article_inited = 1; qsort(headertable, sizeof(headertable)/ sizeof(header_t), sizeof(header_t), headercmp); for (i=0; i < LASTHEADER; i++ ) HEADER[i] = NULL; } #ifdef INNTOBBS_MAIN main() { int i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q; article_init(); i = headervalue("Subject"); j = headervalue("From"); k = headervalue("Date"); l = headervalue("NNTP-Posting-Host"); m = headervalue("Newsgroups"); n = headervalue("Message-ID"); } #endif