/* $Id$ */ #ifndef INCLUDE_STRUCT_H #define INCLUDE_STRUCT_H #define IDLEN 12 /* Length of bid/uid */ /* �v�и�T */ #define SALE_COMMENTED 0x1 typedef struct bid_t { int high; int buyitnow; int usermax; int increment; char userid[IDLEN + 1]; time_t enddate; char payby; /* 1 cash 2 check or mail 4 wire 8 credit 16 postoffice */ char flag; char pad[2]; int shipping; }bid_t; /* �p������� */ typedef struct chicken_t { char name[20]; char type; /* ���� */ unsigned char tech[16]; /* �ޯ� */ time_t birthday; /* �ͤ� */ time_t lastvisit; /* �W�����U�ɶ� */ int oo; /* �ɫ~ */ int food; /* ���� */ int medicine; /* �ī~ */ int weight; /* �魫 */ int clean; /* ���b */ int run; /* �ӱ��� */ int attack; /* �����O */ int book; /* ���� */ int happy; /* �ּ� */ int satis; /* ���N�� */ int temperament; /* ��� */ int tiredstrong; /* �h�ҫ� */ int sick; /* �f����� */ int hp; /* ��q */ int hp_max; /* ����q */ int mm; /* �k�O */ int mm_max; /* ���k�O */ time_t cbirth; /* ��ڭp��Ϊ��ͤ� */ int pad[2]; /* �d�ۥH��� */ } chicken_t; #define PASSLEN 14 /* Length of encrypted passwd field */ #define REGLEN 38 /* Length of registration data */ typedef struct userec_t { char userid[IDLEN + 1]; char realname[20]; char username[24]; char passwd[PASSLEN]; unsigned char uflag; unsigned int userlevel; unsigned short numlogins; unsigned short numposts; time_t firstlogin; time_t lastlogin; char lasthost[16]; int money; char remoteuser[3]; /* �O�d �ثe�S�Ψ쪺 */ char proverb; char email[50]; char address[50]; char justify[REGLEN + 1]; unsigned char month; unsigned char day; unsigned char year; unsigned char sex; unsigned char state; unsigned char pager; unsigned char invisible; unsigned int exmailbox; chicken_t mychicken; time_t lastsong; unsigned int loginview; unsigned char channel; /* �ʺA�ݪO (unused?) */ unsigned short vl_count; /* ViolateLaw counter */ unsigned short five_win; unsigned short five_lose; unsigned short five_tie; unsigned short chc_win; unsigned short chc_lose; unsigned short chc_tie; int mobile; char mind[4]; char ident[11]; unsigned int uflag2; unsigned char signature; unsigned char goodpost; /* �������n�峹�� */ unsigned char badpost; /* �������a�峹�� */ unsigned char goodsale; /* �v�� �n������ */ unsigned char badsale; /* �v�� �a������ */ char myangel[IDLEN+1]; /* �ڪ��p�Ѩ� */ unsigned short chess_elo_rating; /* �H�ѵ��Ť� */ char pad[52]; } userec_t; /* these are flags in userec_t.uflag */ #define PAGER_FLAG 0x4 /* true if pager was OFF last session */ #define CLOAK_FLAG 0x8 /* true if cloak was ON last session */ #define FRIEND_FLAG 0x10 /* true if show friends only */ #define BRDSORT_FLAG 0x20 /* true if the boards sorted alphabetical */ #define MOVIE_FLAG 0x40 /* true if show movie */ /* useless flag */ //#define COLOR_FLAG 0x80 /* true if the color mode open */ //#define MIND_FLAG 0x100 /* true if mind search mode open <-Heat*/ /* these are flags in userec_t.uflag2 */ #define WATER_MASK 000003 /* water mask */ #define WATER_ORIG 0x0 #define WATER_NEW 0x1 #define WATER_OFO 0x2 #define WATERMODE(mode) ((cuser.uflag2 & WATER_MASK) == mode) #define FAVNOHILIGHT 0x10 /* false if hilight favorite */ #define FAVNEW_FLAG 0x20 /* true if add new board into one's fav */ #define FOREIGN 0x100 /* true if a foreign */ #define LIVERIGHT 0x200 /* true if get "liveright" already */ #define REJ_OUTTAMAIL 0x400 /* true if don't accept outside mails */ #define REJECT_OUTTAMAIL (cuser.uflag2 & REJ_OUTTAMAIL) #ifdef PLAY_ANGEL #define REJ_QUESTION 0x800 /* true if don't want to be angel for a while */ #define REJECT_QUESTION (cuser.uflag2 & REJ_QUESTION) #define ANGEL_MASK 0x3000 #define ANGEL_R_MAEL 0x1000 /* true if reject male */ #define ANGEL_R_FEMAEL 0x2000 /* true if reject female */ #define ANGEL_STATUS() ((cuser.uflag2 & ANGEL_MASK) >> 12) #define ANGEL_SET(X) (cuser.uflag2 = (cuser.uflag2 & ~ANGEL_MASK) | \ (((X) & 3) << 12)) #endif #define BTLEN 48 /* Length of board title */ typedef struct boardheader_t { char brdname[IDLEN + 1]; /* bid */ char title[BTLEN + 1]; char BM[IDLEN * 3 + 3]; /* BMs' userid, token '/' */ unsigned int brdattr; /* board���ݩ� */ char chesscountry; char pad[3]; /* �S�Ψ쪺 */ time_t bupdate; /* note update time */ char pad2[3]; /* �S�Ψ쪺 */ unsigned char bvote; /* Vote flags */ time_t vtime; /* Vote close time */ unsigned int level; /* �i�H�ݦ��O���v�� */ int unused; /* �٨S�Ψ� */ int gid; /* �ݪO���ݪ����O ID */ void *next[2]; /* �b�P�@��gid�U�@�ӬݪO �ʺA����*/ void *firstchild[2]; /* �ݩ�o�ӬݪO���Ĥ@�Ӥl�ݪO */ void *parent; int childcount; /* ���h�֭�child */ int nuser; /* �h�֤H�b�o�O */ int postexpire; /* postexpire */ time_t endgamble; char posttype[33]; char posttype_f; char pad3[50]; } boardheader_t; #define BRD_NOZAP 000000001 /* ���izap */ #define BRD_NOCOUNT 000000002 /* ���C�J�έp */ #define BRD_NOTRAN 000000004 /* ����H */ #define BRD_GROUPBOARD 000000010 /* �s�ժO */ #define BRD_HIDE 000000020 /* ���êO (�ݪO�n�ͤ~�i��) */ #define BRD_POSTMASK 000000040 /* ����o���ξ\Ū */ #define BRD_ANONYMOUS 000000100 /* �ΦW�O */ #define BRD_DEFAULTANONYMOUS 000000200 /* �w�]�ΦW�O */ #define BRD_BAD 000000400 /* �H�k��i���ݪO */ #define BRD_VOTEBOARD 000001000 /* �s�p���ݪO */ #define BRD_WARNEL 000002000 /* �s�p���ݪO */ #define BRD_TOP 000004000 /* �����ݪO�s�� */ #define BRD_NORECOMMEND 000010000 /* ���i���� */ #define BRD_BLOG 000020000 /* BLOG */ #define BRD_BMCOUNT 000040000 /* �O�D�]�w�C�J�O�� */ #define BRD_SYMBOLIC 000100000 /* symbolic link to board */ #define BRD_NOBOO 000200000 /* ���i�N */ #define BRD_LINK_TARGET(x) ((x)->postexpire) #define GROUPOP() (currmode & MODE_GROUPOP) #ifdef CHESSCOUNTRY #define CHESSCODE_NONE 0 #define CHESSCODE_FIVE 1 #define CHESSCODE_CCHESS 2 #define CHESSCODE_MAX 2 #endif /* defined(CHESSCOUNTRY) */ #define TTLEN 64 /* Length of title */ #define FNLEN 33 /* Length of filename */ #define FHR_REFERENCE (1<<31) typedef struct fileheader_t { char filename[FNLEN]; /* M.9876543210.A */ char recommend; /* important level */ char owner[IDLEN + 2]; /* uid[.] */ char date[6]; /* [02/02] or space(5) */ char title[TTLEN + 1]; int money; /* rocker: if bit32 on ==> reference */ unsigned char filemode; /* must be last field @ boards.c */ } fileheader_t; #define FILE_LOCAL 0x1 /* local saved */ #define FILE_READ 0x1 /* already read : mail only */ #define FILE_MARKED 0x2 /* opus: 0x8 */ #define FILE_DIGEST 0x4 /* digest */ #define FILE_HOLD 0x8 /* unused */ #define FILE_BOTTOM 0x8 /* push_bottom */ #define FILE_SOLVED 0x10 /* problem solved, sysop/BM only */ #define FILE_HIDE 0x20 /* hild */ #define FILE_BID 0x20 /* for bid */ #define FILE_BM 0x40 /* BM only */ #define FILE_MULTI 0x100 /* multi send for mail */ #define FILE_VOTE 0x40 /* for vote */ #define FILE_ANONYMOUS 0x80 /* anonymous file */ #define STRLEN 80 /* Length of most string data */ /* uhash is a userid->uid hash table -- jochang */ #define HASH_BITS 16 union xitem_t { struct { /* bbs_item */ char fdate[9]; /* [mm/dd/yy] */ char editor[13]; /* user ID */ char fname[31]; } B; struct { /* gopher_item */ char path[81]; char server[48]; int port; } G; }; typedef struct { char title[63]; union xitem_t X; } item_t; typedef struct { item_t *item[MAX_ITEMS]; char mtitle[STRLEN]; char *path; int num, page, now, level; } gmenu_t; #define FAVMAX 1024 /* Max boards of Myfavorite */ #define FAVGMAX 32 /* Max groups of Myfavorite */ #define FAVGSLEN 8 /* Max Length of Description String */ /* values of msgque_t::msgmode */ #define MSGMODE_TALK 0 #define MSGMODE_WRITE 1 #ifdef PLAY_ANGEL #define MSGMODE_FROMANGEL 2 #define MSGMODE_TOANGEL 3 #endif typedef struct msgque_t { pid_t pid; char userid[IDLEN + 1]; char last_call_in[76]; int msgmode; } msgque_t; typedef struct userinfo_t { int uid; /* Used to find user name in passwd file */ pid_t pid; /* kill() to notify user of talk request */ int sockaddr; /* ... */ int destuid; /* talk uses this to identify who called */ int destuip; /* dest index in utmpshm->uinfo[] */ unsigned char active; /* When allocated this field is true */ unsigned char invisible; /* Used by cloaking function in Xyz menu */ unsigned char sockactive; /* Used to coordinate talk requests */ unsigned char angel; unsigned int userlevel; unsigned char mode; /* UL/DL, Talk Mode, Chat Mode, ... */ unsigned char pager; /* pager toggle, YEA, or NA */ unsigned char in_chat; /* for in_chat commands */ unsigned char sig; /* signal type */ char userid[IDLEN + 1]; char chatid[11]; /* chat id, if in chat mode */ char username[24]; char from[27]; /* machine name the user called in from */ int from_alias; char birth; /* �O�_�O�ͤ� Ptt*/ char tty[11]; /* tty port */ short nFriends; /* �U�� friend[] �u�Ψ�e�X��, �Ψ� bsearch */ int friend[MAX_FRIEND]; int friend_online[MAX_FRIEND];/* point��u�W�n�� utmpshm����m */ /* �n�ͤ����cache �e���bit�O���A */ int reject[MAX_REJECT]; unsigned short int chess_elo_rating; char pad[2]; int lock; int friendtotal; /* �n�ͤ����cache �j�p */ char msgcount; msgque_t msgs[MAX_MSGS]; // uptime �n���S�Ψ� time_t uptime; time_t lastact; /* �W���ϥΪ̰ʪ��ɶ� */ unsigned int brc_id; unsigned char lockmode; /* ���� multi_login �����F�� */ char turn; /* for gomo */ char mateid[IDLEN + 1]; /* for gomo */ unsigned short int five_win; unsigned short int five_lose; unsigned short int five_tie; unsigned short int chc_win; unsigned short int chc_lose; unsigned short int chc_tie; char mailalert; char sex; char color; char mind[4]; #ifdef NOKILLWATERBALL time_t wbtime; #endif } userinfo_t; typedef struct water_t { pid_t pid; char userid[IDLEN + 1]; int top, count; msgque_t msg[MAX_REVIEW]; userinfo_t *uin; // Ptt:�o�i�H���Nalive } water_t; typedef struct { fileheader_t *header; char mtitle[STRLEN]; char *path; int num, page, now, level; } menu_t; /* Used to pass commands to the readmenu. * direct mapping, indexed by ascii code. */ #define onekey_size ((int) 'z') typedef int (* onekey_t)(); #define ANSILINELEN (511) /* Maximum Screen width in chars */ /* anti_crosspost */ typedef struct crosspost_t { int checksum[4]; /* 0 -> 'X' cross post 1-3 -> �ˬd�峹�� */ short times; /* �ĴX�� */ short last_bid; /* crossport to which board */ } crosspost_t; #define SORT_BY_ID 0 #define SORT_BY_CLASS 1 #define SORT_BY_STAT 1 #define SORT_BY_IDLE 2 #define SORT_BY_FROM 3 #define SORT_BY_FIVE 4 #define SORT_BY_SEX 5 typedef struct keeploc_t { char *key; int top_ln; int crs_ln; struct keeploc_t *next; } keeploc_t; #define VALID_USHM_ENTRY(X) ((X) >= 0 && (X) < USHM_SIZE) #define USHM_SIZE (MAX_ACTIVE + 4) /* USHM_SIZE �� MAX_ACTIVE �j�O���F�����ˬd�H�ƤW����, �S�P�ɽĶi�� * �|�y���� shm �Ŧ쪺�L�a�j��. �S, �] USHM ���� hash, �Ŷ��y�j�ɮIJv���n. */ /* MAX_BMs is dirty hardcode 4 in mbbsd/cache.c:is_BM_cache() */ #define MAX_BMs 4 /* for BMcache, �@�ӬݪO�̦h�X�O�D */ typedef struct { /* uhash */ char userid[MAX_USERS][IDLEN + 1]; int next_in_hash[MAX_USERS]; int money[MAX_USERS]; int hash_head[1 << HASH_BITS]; int number; /* # of users total */ int loaded; /* .PASSWD has been loaded? */ /* utmpshm */ userinfo_t uinfo[USHM_SIZE]; userinfo_t *sorted[2][8][USHM_SIZE]; /* �Ĥ@��double buffer ��currsorted���V�ثe�ϥΪ� �ĤG��sort type */ int currsorted; time_t UTMPuptime; int UTMPnumber; char UTMPneedsort; char UTMPbusystate; /* brdshm */ int BMcache[MAX_BOARD][MAX_BMs]; boardheader_t bcache[MAX_BOARD]; boardheader_t *bsorted[2][MAX_BOARD]; /* 0: by name 1: by class */ #if HOTBOARDCACHE unsigned char nHOTs; boardheader_t *HBcache[HOTBOARDCACHE]; #endif time_t busystate_b[MAX_BOARD]; int total[MAX_BOARD]; unsigned char n_bottom[MAX_BOARD]; /* number of bottom */ int hbfl[MAX_BOARD][MAX_FRIEND + 1]; time_t lastposttime[MAX_BOARD]; time_t Buptime; time_t Btouchtime; int Bnumber; int Bbusystate; time_t close_vote_time; /* pttcache */ char notes[MAX_MOVIE][200*11]; char today_is[20]; int n_notes[MAX_MOVIE_SECTION]; /* �@�`�����X�� �ݪO */ int next_refresh[MAX_MOVIE_SECTION]; /* �U�@���nrefresh�� �ݪO */ msgque_t loginmsg; /* �i�����y */ int max_film; int max_history; time_t Puptime; time_t Ptouchtime; int Pbusystate; int GLOBALVAR[10]; /* mbbsd���� global variable �ΥH���έp����� (�D�`�A) */ union { int v[256]; struct { int dymaxactive; /* �ʺA�]�w�̤j�H�ƤW�� */ int toomanyusers; /* �W�L�H�ƤW�������i���Ӽ� */ int noonlineuser; /* ���W�ϥΪ̤����G����� */ #ifdef OUTTA_TIMER time_t now; #endif int nWelcomes; } e; } GV2; /* fromcache */ unsigned int home_ip[MAX_FROM]; unsigned int home_mask[MAX_FROM]; char home_desc[MAX_FROM][32]; int home_num; int max_user; time_t max_time; time_t Fuptime; time_t Ftouchtime; int Fbusystate; #ifdef I18N /* i18n(internationlization) */ char *i18nstrptr[MAX_LANG][MAX_STRING]; char i18nstrbody[22 * MAX_LANG * MAX_STRING]; /* Based on the statistis, we found the lengh of one string is 22 bytes approximately. */ #endif } SHM_t; typedef struct { unsigned char oldlen; /* previous line length */ unsigned char len; /* current length of line */ unsigned char mode; /* status of line, as far as update */ unsigned char smod; /* start of modified data */ unsigned char emod; /* end of modified data */ unsigned char sso; /* start stand out */ unsigned char eso; /* end stand out */ unsigned char data[ANSILINELEN + 1]; } screenline_t; typedef struct { int r, c; } rc_t; #define BRD_ROW 10 #define BRD_COL 9 typedef int board_t[BRD_ROW][BRD_COL]; /* name.c ���B�Ϊ���Ƶ��c */ typedef struct word_t { char *word; struct word_t *next; } word_t; typedef struct commands_t { int (*cmdfunc)(); int level; char *desc; /* next/key/description */ } commands_t; typedef struct MailQueue { char filepath[FNLEN]; char subject[STRLEN]; time_t mailtime; char sender[IDLEN + 1]; char username[24]; char rcpt[50]; int method; char *niamod; } MailQueue; enum {MQ_TEXT, MQ_UUENCODE, MQ_JUSTIFY}; typedef struct { time_t chrono; int recno; } TagItem; /* type in gomo.c, structure passing through socket */ typedef struct { char x; char y; } Horder_t; #ifdef OUTTACACHE typedef struct { int index; // �b SHM->uinfo[index] int uid; // �קK�b cache server �W���P�B, �A�T�{��. int friendstat; int rfriendstat; } ocfs_t; #endif #endif