// Register Mail Daemon // $Id$ // // sqlite portion from wens // Create: Hung-Te Lin // Initial Date: 2009/06/19 // // Copyright (C) 2009, Hung-Te Lin // All rights reserved // TODO: #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "common.h" #include "pttstruct.h" /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Common Section #include // local definiions #ifndef EMAILDB_PATH #define EMAILDB_PATH BBSHOME "/emaildb.db" #endif sqlite3 *g_Db = NULL; static int regmaildb_open(sqlite3 **Db, const char *fpath) { int rc; assert(fpath); if ((rc = sqlite3_open(fpath, Db)) != SQLITE_OK) return rc; // create table if it doesn't exist rc = sqlite3_exec(*Db, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS emaildb (userid TEXT, email TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (userid));" "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS email ON emaildb (email);", NULL, NULL, NULL); return rc; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // InitEmaildb Tool Main #ifdef INIT_MAIN // standalone initialize builder #define TRANSCATION_PERIOD (4096) int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int fd = 0; userec_t xuser; off_t sz = 0, i = 0, valids = 0; sqlite3 *Db = NULL; sqlite3_stmt *Stmt = NULL, *tranStart = NULL, *tranEnd = NULL; const char *fpath = EMAILDB_PATH; // init passwd sz = dashs(FN_PASSWD); fd = open(FN_PASSWD, O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0 || sz <= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "cannot open ~/.PASSWDS.\n"); return 0; } sz /= sizeof(userec_t); if (argc > 1) fpath = argv[1]; // init emaildb if (regmaildb_open(&Db, fpath) != SQLITE_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "cannot initialize emaildb: %s.\n", fpath); return 0; } if (sqlite3_prepare(Db, "REPLACE INTO emaildb (userid, email) VALUES (lower(?),lower(?));", -1, &Stmt, NULL) != SQLITE_OK || sqlite3_prepare(Db, "BEGIN TRANSACTION;", -1, &tranStart, NULL) != SQLITE_OK || sqlite3_prepare(Db, "COMMIT;", -1, &tranEnd, NULL) != SQLITE_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "SQLite 3 internal error.\n"); return 0; } sqlite3_step(tranStart); sqlite3_reset(tranStart); while (read(fd, &xuser, sizeof(xuser)) == sizeof(xuser)) { i++; // got a record if (strlen(xuser.userid) < 2 || strlen(xuser.userid) > IDLEN) continue; if (strlen(xuser.email) < 5) continue; if (sqlite3_bind_text(Stmt, 1, xuser.userid, strlen(xuser.userid), SQLITE_STATIC) != SQLITE_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "\ncannot prepare userid param.\n"); break; } if (sqlite3_bind_text(Stmt, 2, xuser.email, strlen(xuser.email), SQLITE_STATIC) != SQLITE_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "\ncannot prepare email param.\n"); break; } if (sqlite3_step(Stmt) != SQLITE_DONE) { fprintf(stderr, "\ncannot execute statement.\n"); break; } sqlite3_reset(Stmt); valids ++; if (valids % 10 == 0) fprintf(stderr, "%d/%d (valid: %d)\r", (int)i, (int)sz, (int)valids); if (valids % TRANSCATION_PERIOD == 0) { sqlite3_step(tranEnd); sqlite3_step(tranStart); sqlite3_reset(tranEnd); sqlite3_reset(tranStart); } } if (valids % TRANSCATION_PERIOD) sqlite3_step(tranEnd); if (Stmt != NULL) sqlite3_finalize(Stmt); if (Db != NULL) sqlite3_close(Db); close(fd); return 0; } #else // !INIT_MAIN /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // As Daemon #include #include "bbs.h" #include "daemons.h" int regmaildb_check_email(const char * email, int email_len, const char *myid) { int count = -1; sqlite3 *Db = NULL; sqlite3_stmt *Stmt = NULL; if (g_Db) Db =g_Db; else if (regmaildb_open(&Db, EMAILDB_PATH) != SQLITE_OK) goto end; // XXX == is faster than LIKE in this case, although it does not support '%' and case sensitive if (sqlite3_prepare(Db, "SELECT userid FROM emaildb WHERE email == lower(?);", -1, &Stmt, NULL) != SQLITE_OK) goto end; if (sqlite3_bind_text(Stmt, 1, email, email_len, SQLITE_STATIC) != SQLITE_OK) goto end; count = 0; while (sqlite3_step(Stmt) == SQLITE_ROW) { char *result; userec_t u; if ((result = (char*)sqlite3_column_text(Stmt, 0)) == NULL) break; // ignore my self, because I may be the one going to // use mail. if (strcasecmp(result, myid) == 0) continue; // force update u.email[0] = 0; if (passwd_load_user(result, &u)) if (strcasecmp(email, u.email) == 0) count++; } end: if (Stmt != NULL) if (sqlite3_finalize(Stmt) != SQLITE_OK) count = -1; if (Db != NULL && !g_Db) sqlite3_close(Db); return count; } int regmaildb_update_email(const char * userid, int userid_len, const char * email, int email_len) { int ret = -1; sqlite3 *Db = NULL; sqlite3_stmt *Stmt = NULL; if (g_Db) Db =g_Db; else if (regmaildb_open(&Db, EMAILDB_PATH) != SQLITE_OK) goto end; if (strcmp(email, "x") == 0) { if (sqlite3_prepare(Db, "DELETE FROM emaildb WHERE userid == lower(?);", -1, &Stmt, NULL) != SQLITE_OK) goto end; if (sqlite3_bind_text(Stmt, 1, userid, userid_len, SQLITE_STATIC) != SQLITE_OK) goto end; } else { if (sqlite3_prepare(Db, "REPLACE INTO emaildb (userid, email) VALUES (lower(?),lower(?));", -1, &Stmt, NULL) != SQLITE_OK) goto end; if (sqlite3_bind_text(Stmt, 1, userid, userid_len, SQLITE_STATIC) != SQLITE_OK) goto end; if (sqlite3_bind_text(Stmt, 2, email, email_len, SQLITE_STATIC) != SQLITE_OK) goto end; } if (sqlite3_step(Stmt) == SQLITE_DONE) ret = 0; end: if (Stmt != NULL) sqlite3_finalize(Stmt); if (Db != NULL && !g_Db) sqlite3_close(Db); return ret; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Callbacks // Command syntax: // operation\n // userid\n // email\n // // operation: set,count static void client_cb(int fd, short event, void *arg) { struct event *ev = (struct event*) arg; regmaildb_req req = {0}; int ret = -1; assert(ev); if ( (event & EV_TIMEOUT) || !(event & EV_READ) || toread(fd, &req, sizeof(req)) != sizeof(req) || req.cb != sizeof(req)) { fprintf(stderr, "error: corrupted request.\r\n"); close(fd); free(ev); return; } if (!*req.email) { fprintf(stderr, "invalid request: uid=[%s]\r\n", req.userid); close(fd); free(ev); return; } switch(req.operation) { case REGMAILDB_REQ_COUNT: ret = regmaildb_check_email(req.email, strlen(req.email), req.userid); fprintf(stderr, "%-*s check mail (result: %d): [%s]\r\n", IDLEN, req.userid, ret, req.email); if (towrite(fd, &ret, sizeof(ret)) != sizeof(ret)) { fprintf(stderr, " error: cannot write response...\r\n"); } break; case REGMAILDB_REQ_SET: ret = regmaildb_update_email(req.userid, strlen(req.userid), req.email, strlen(req.email)); fprintf(stderr, "%-*s UPDATE mail (result: %d): [%s]\r\n", IDLEN, req.userid, ret, req.email); if (towrite(fd, &ret, sizeof(ret)) != sizeof(ret)) { fprintf(stderr, " error: cannot write response...\r\n"); } break; default: fprintf(stderr, "error: invalid operation: %d.\r\n", req.operation); close(fd); free(ev); return; } // close connection anyway close(fd); free(ev); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// struct timeval tv = {60, 0}; static struct event ev_listen; static void listen_cb(int fd, short event, void *arg) { int cfd; if ((cfd = accept(fd, NULL, NULL)) < 0 ) return; struct event *ev = malloc(sizeof(struct event)); event_set(ev, cfd, EV_READ, client_cb, ev); event_add(ev, &tv); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Daemon Main int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int ch, sfd; char *iface_ip = REGMAILD_ADDR; Signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); chdir(BBSHOME); attach_SHM(); /* Give up root privileges: no way back from here */ setgid(BBSGID); setuid(BBSUID); while ( (ch = getopt(argc, argv, "i:h")) != -1 ) switch( ch ){ case 'i': iface_ip = optarg; break; case 'h': default: fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [-i [interface_ip]:port]\n", argv[0]); return 1; } if ( (sfd = tobind(iface_ip)) < 0 ) return 1; daemonize(BBSHOME "/run/regmaild.pid", NULL); regmaildb_open(&g_Db, EMAILDB_PATH); event_init(); event_set(&ev_listen, sfd, EV_READ | EV_PERSIST, listen_cb, &ev_listen); event_add(&ev_listen, NULL); fprintf(stderr, "start dispatch.\r\n"); event_dispatch(); return 0; } #endif // !INIT_MAIN // vim:et