/* $Id$ */ #include "bbs.h" // TODO pull chicken out of userec. // remove chickenpk. #define NUM_KINDS 15 /* 有多少種動物 */ #define CHICKENLOG "etc/chicken" // enable if you want to run live upgrade // #define CHICKEN_LIVE_UPGRADE static const char * const cage[17] = { "誕生", "週歲", "幼年", "少年", "青春", "青年", "青年", "活力", "壯年", "壯年", "壯年", "中年", "中年", "老年", "老年", "老摳摳", "古希"}; static const char * const chicken_type[NUM_KINDS] = { "小雞", "美少女", "勇士", "蜘蛛", "恐龍", "老鷹", "貓", "蠟筆小新", "狗狗", "惡魔", "忍者", "ㄚ扁", "馬英九", "就可人", "蘿莉"}; static const char * const chicken_food[NUM_KINDS] = { "雞飼料", "營養厚片", "雞排便當", "死蝴蝶", "屍體", "小雞", "貓餅乾", "小熊餅乾", "寶錄", "靈氣", "飯團", "便當", "雞腿", "笑話文章", "水果沙拉"}; static const int egg_price[NUM_KINDS] = { 5, 25, 30, 40, 80, 50, 15, 35, 17, 100, 85, 200, 200, 100, 77}; static const int food_price[NUM_KINDS] = { 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 12, 5, 6, 5, 20, 15, 23, 23, 10, 19}; static const char * const attack_type[NUM_KINDS] = { "啄", "鞭打", "槌", "咬", "撞擊", "啄", "抓", "踢", "咬", "燃燒", "暗擊", "棍打", "劍擊", "冷凍光線", "香吻一枚"}; static const char * const damage_degree[] = { "蚊子似的", "騷癢似的", "小力的", "輕微的", "有點疼的", "使力的", "傷人的", "重重的", "使全力的", "惡狠狠的", "危險的", "瘋狂的", "猛烈的", "狂風暴雨似的", "驚天動地的", "致命的", NULL}; enum { OO, FOOD, WEIGHT, CLEAN, RUN, ATTACK, BOOK, HAPPY, SATIS, TEMPERAMENT, TIREDSTRONG, SICK, HP_MAX, MM_MAX }; static const short time_change[NUM_KINDS][14] = /* 補品 食物 體重 乾淨 敏捷 攻擊力 知識 快樂 滿意 氣質 疲勞 病氣 滿血 滿法 */ { /* 雞 */ {1, 1, 30, 3, 8, 3, 3, 40, 9, 1, 7, 3, 30, 1}, /* 美少女 */ {1, 1, 110, 1, 4, 7, 41, 20, 9, 25, 25, 7, 110, 15}, /* 勇士 */ {1, 1, 200, 5, 4, 10, 33, 20, 15, 10, 27, 1, 200, 9}, /* 蜘蛛 */ {1, 1, 10, 5, 8, 1, 1, 5, 3, 1, 4, 1, 10, 30}, /* 恐龍 */ {1, 1, 1000, 9, 1, 13, 4, 12, 3, 1, 200, 1, 1000, 3}, /* 老鷹 */ {1, 1, 90, 7, 10, 7, 4, 12, 3, 30, 20, 5, 90, 20}, /* 貓 */ {1, 1, 30, 5, 5, 6, 4, 8, 3, 15, 7, 4, 30, 21}, /* 蠟筆小新 */ {1, 1, 100, 9, 7, 7, 20, 50, 10, 8, 24, 4, 100, 9}, /* 狗 */ {1, 1, 45, 8, 7, 9, 3, 40, 20, 3, 9, 5, 45, 1}, /* 惡魔 */ {1, 1, 45, 10, 11, 11, 5, 21, 11, 1, 9, 5, 45, 25}, /* 忍者 */ {1, 1, 45, 2, 12, 10, 25, 1, 1, 10, 9, 5, 45, 26}, /* 阿扁 */ {1, 1, 150, 4, 8, 13, 95, 25, 7, 10, 25, 5, 175, 85}, /* 馬英九 */ {1, 1, 147, 2, 10, 10, 85, 20, 4, 25, 25, 5, 145, 95}, /* 就可人 */ {1, 1, 200, 3, 15, 15, 50, 50, 10, 5, 10, 2, 300, 0}, /* 羅利 */ {1, 1, 80, 2, 9, 10, 2, 5, 7, 8, 12, 1, 135, 5}, }; static void time_diff(chicken_t * thechicken); static int isdeadth(const chicken_t * thechicken, chicken_t *mychicken); chicken_t * load_live_chicken(const char *uid) { char fn[PATHLEN]; int fd = 0; chicken_t *p = NULL; if (!uid || !uid[0]) return NULL; sethomefile(fn, uid, FN_CHICKEN); if (!dashf(fn)) return NULL; fd = open(fn, O_RDWR); if (fd < 0) return NULL; // now fd is valie. open and mmap. p = mmap(NULL, sizeof(chicken_t), PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0); close(fd); return p; } int load_chicken(const char *uid, chicken_t *mychicken) { char fn[PATHLEN]; int fd = 0; memset(mychicken, 0, sizeof(chicken_t)); if (!uid || !uid[0]) return 0; sethomefile(fn, uid, FN_CHICKEN); if (!dashf(fn)) return 0; fd = open(fn, O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) return 0; if (read(fd, mychicken, sizeof(chicken_t)) > 0 && mychicken->name[0]) return 1; return 0; } void free_live_chicken(chicken_t *p) { if (!p) return; munmap(p, sizeof(chicken_t)); } void chicken_query(const char *userid) { chicken_t xchicken; #ifdef CHICKEN_LIVE_UPGRADE // live update vmsg("PTT 系統進行更新,本週暫停開放寵物查詢。"); return; #endif if (!load_chicken(userid, &xchicken)) { move(1, 0); clrtobot(); prints("\n\n%s 並沒有養寵物..", userid); } else { time_diff(&xchicken); if (!isdeadth(&xchicken, NULL)) { show_chicken_data(&xchicken, NULL); prints("\n\n以上是 %s 的寵物資料..", userid); } else { move(1, 0); clrtobot(); prints("\n\n%s 的寵物死掉了...", userid); } } pressanykey(); } static int new_chicken(void) { chicken_t mychicken; int price, i; int fd; char fn[PATHLEN]; memset(&mychicken, 0, sizeof(chicken_t)); clear(); move(2, 0); outs("歡迎光臨 " ANSI_COLOR(33) "◎" ANSI_COLOR(37;44) " " BBSMNAME "寵物市場 " ANSI_COLOR(33;40) "◎" ANSI_RESET ".. " "目前蛋價:\n" "(a)小雞 $5 (b)美少女 $25 (c)勇士 $30 (d)蜘蛛 $40 " "(e)恐龍 $80\n" "(f)老鷹 $50 (g)貓 $15 (h)蠟筆小新$35 (i)狗狗 $17 " "(j)惡魔 $100\n" "(k)忍者 $85 (n)就可人$100 (m)蘿莉 $77\n" "[0]不想買了 $0\n"); i = getans("請選擇你要養的動物:"); // since (o) is confusing to some people, we alias 'm' to 'o'. if (i == 'm') i = 'o'; // (m, l) were political person. // do not make them in a BBS system... if (i == 'm' || i == 'l') return 0; i -= 'a'; if (i < 0 || i > NUM_KINDS - 1) return 0; mychicken.type = i; price = egg_price[(int)mychicken.type]; reload_money(); if (cuser.money < price) { vmsgf("錢不夠買蛋蛋,蛋蛋要 %d 元", price); return 0; } while (strlen(mychicken.name) < 3) { getdata(8, 0, "幫牠取個好名字:", mychicken.name, sizeof(mychicken.name), DOECHO); } mychicken.lastvisit = mychicken.birthday = mychicken.cbirth = now; mychicken.food = 0; mychicken.weight = time_change[(int)mychicken.type][WEIGHT] / 3; mychicken.clean = 0; mychicken.run = time_change[(int)mychicken.type][RUN]; mychicken.attack = time_change[(int)mychicken.type][ATTACK]; mychicken.book = time_change[(int)mychicken.type][BOOK]; mychicken.happy = time_change[(int)mychicken.type][HAPPY]; mychicken.satis = time_change[(int)mychicken.type][SATIS]; mychicken.temperament = time_change[(int)mychicken.type][TEMPERAMENT]; mychicken.tiredstrong = 0; mychicken.sick = 0; mychicken.hp = time_change[(int)mychicken.type][WEIGHT]; mychicken.hp_max = time_change[(int)mychicken.type][WEIGHT]; mychicken.mm = 0; mychicken.mm_max = 0; reload_money(); if (cuser.money < price) { vmsg("錢不夠了。"); return 0; } vice(price, "寵物蛋"); // flush it setuserfile(fn, FN_CHICKEN); fd = open(fn, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT, 0666); if (fd < 0) { vmsg("系統錯誤: 無法建立資料,請至 " GLOBAL_BUGREPORT " 報告。"); return 0; } write(fd, &mychicken, sizeof(chicken_t)); close(fd); // log data log_filef(CHICKENLOG, LOG_CREAT, ANSI_COLOR(31) "%s " ANSI_RESET "養了一隻叫" ANSI_COLOR(33) " %s " ANSI_RESET "的 " ANSI_COLOR(32) "%s" ANSI_RESET " 於 %s\n", cuser.userid, mychicken.name, chicken_type[(int)mychicken.type], ctime4(&now)); return 1; } static void show_chicken_stat(const chicken_t * thechicken, int age) { struct tm *ptime; ptime = localtime4(&thechicken->birthday); prints(" Name :" ANSI_COLOR(33) "%s" ANSI_RESET " (" ANSI_COLOR(32) "%s" ANSI_RESET ")%*s生日 " ":" ANSI_COLOR(31) "%02d" ANSI_RESET "年" ANSI_COLOR(31) "%2d" ANSI_RESET "月" ANSI_COLOR(31) "%2d" ANSI_RESET "日 " "(" ANSI_COLOR(32) "%s %d歲" ANSI_RESET ")\n" " 體:" ANSI_COLOR(33) "%5d/%-5d" ANSI_RESET " 法:" ANSI_COLOR(33) "%5d/%-5d" ANSI_RESET " 攻擊力:" ANSI_COLOR(33) "%-7d" ANSI_RESET " 敏捷 :" ANSI_COLOR(33) "%-7d" ANSI_RESET " 知識 :" ANSI_COLOR(33) "%-7d" ANSI_RESET " \n" " 快樂 :" ANSI_COLOR(33) "%-7d " ANSI_RESET " 滿意 :" ANSI_COLOR(33) "%-7d " ANSI_RESET " 疲勞 :" ANSI_COLOR(33) "%-7d" ANSI_RESET " 氣質 :" ANSI_COLOR(33) "%-7d " ANSI_RESET "體重 :" ANSI_COLOR(33) "%-5.2f" ANSI_RESET " \n" " 病氣 :" ANSI_COLOR(33) "%-7d " ANSI_RESET " 乾淨 :" ANSI_COLOR(33) "%-7d " ANSI_RESET " 食物 :" ANSI_COLOR(33) "%-7d" ANSI_RESET " 大補丸:" ANSI_COLOR(33) "%-7d" ANSI_RESET " 藥品 :" ANSI_COLOR(33) "%-7d" ANSI_RESET " \n", thechicken->name, chicken_type[(int)thechicken->type], strlen(thechicken->name) >= 15 ? 0 : (int)(15 - strlen(thechicken->name)), "", ptime->tm_year % 100, ptime->tm_mon + 1, ptime->tm_mday, cage[age > 16 ? 16 : age], age, thechicken->hp, thechicken->hp_max, thechicken->mm, thechicken->mm_max, thechicken->attack, thechicken->run, thechicken->book, thechicken->happy, thechicken->satis, thechicken->tiredstrong, thechicken->temperament, ((float)(thechicken->hp_max + (thechicken->weight / 50))) / 100, thechicken->sick, thechicken->clean, thechicken->food, thechicken->oo, thechicken->medicine); } #define CHICKEN_PIC "etc/chickens" static void show_chicken_picture(const char *fpath) { show_file(fpath, 5, 14, SHOWFILE_ALLOW_ALL); } void show_chicken_data(chicken_t * thechicken, chicken_t * pkchicken) { char buf[1024]; int age = ((now - thechicken->cbirth) / (60 * 60 * 24)); if (age < 0) { thechicken->birthday = thechicken->cbirth = now - 10 * (60 * 60 * 24); age = 10; } /* Ptt:debug */ thechicken->type %= NUM_KINDS; clear(); showtitle(pkchicken ? BBSMNAME2 "鬥雞場" : BBSMNAME2 "養雞場", BBSName); move(1, 0); show_chicken_stat(thechicken, age); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), CHICKEN_PIC "/%c%d", thechicken->type + 'a', age > 16 ? 16 : age); show_chicken_picture(buf); move(18, 0); if (thechicken->sick) outs("生病了..."); if (thechicken->sick > thechicken->hp / 5) outs(ANSI_COLOR(5;31) "擔心...病重!!" ANSI_RESET); if (thechicken->clean > 150) outs(ANSI_COLOR(31) "又臭又髒的.." ANSI_RESET); else if (thechicken->clean > 80) outs("有點髒.."); else if (thechicken->clean < 20) outs(ANSI_COLOR(32) "很乾淨.." ANSI_RESET); if (thechicken->weight > thechicken->hp_max * 4) outs(ANSI_COLOR(31) "快飽死了!." ANSI_RESET); else if (thechicken->weight > thechicken->hp_max * 3) outs(ANSI_COLOR(32) "飽嘟嘟.." ANSI_RESET); else if (thechicken->weight < (thechicken->hp_max / 4)) outs(ANSI_COLOR(31) "快餓死了!.." ANSI_RESET); else if (thechicken->weight < (thechicken->hp_max / 2)) outs("餓了.."); if (thechicken->tiredstrong > thechicken->hp * 1.7) outs(ANSI_COLOR(31) "累得昏迷了..." ANSI_RESET); else if (thechicken->tiredstrong > thechicken->hp) outs("累了.."); else if (thechicken->tiredstrong < thechicken->hp / 4) outs(ANSI_COLOR(32) "精力旺盛..." ANSI_RESET); if (thechicken->hp < thechicken->hp_max / 4) outs(ANSI_COLOR(31) "體力用盡..奄奄一息.." ANSI_RESET); if (thechicken->happy > 500) outs(ANSI_COLOR(32) "很快樂.." ANSI_RESET); else if (thechicken->happy < 100) outs("不快樂.."); if (thechicken->satis > 500) outs(ANSI_COLOR(32) "很滿足.." ANSI_RESET); else if (thechicken->satis < 50) outs("不滿足.."); if (pkchicken) { outc('\n'); show_chicken_stat(pkchicken, age); outs("[任意鍵] 攻擊對方 [q] 落跑 [o] 吃大補丸"); } } static void ch_eat(chicken_t *mychicken) { if (mychicken->food) { mychicken->weight += time_change[(int)mychicken->type][WEIGHT] + mychicken->hp_max / 5; mychicken->tiredstrong += time_change[(int)mychicken->type][TIREDSTRONG] / 2; mychicken->hp_max++; mychicken->happy += 5; mychicken->satis += 7; mychicken->food--; move(10, 10); show_chicken_picture(CHICKEN_PIC "/eat"); pressanykey(); } } static void ch_clean(chicken_t *mychicken) { mychicken->clean = 0; mychicken->tiredstrong += time_change[(int)mychicken->type][TIREDSTRONG] / 3; show_chicken_picture(CHICKEN_PIC "/clean"); pressanykey(); } static void ch_guess(chicken_t *mychicken) { char *guess[3] = {"剪刀", "石頭", "布"}, me, ch, win; mychicken->happy += time_change[(int)mychicken->type][HAPPY] * 1.5; mychicken->satis += time_change[(int)mychicken->type][SATIS]; mychicken->tiredstrong += time_change[(int)mychicken->type][TIREDSTRONG]; mychicken->attack += time_change[(int)mychicken->type][ATTACK] / 4; move(20, 0); clrtobot(); outs("你要出[" ANSI_COLOR(32) "1" ANSI_RESET "]" ANSI_COLOR(33) "剪刀" ANSI_RESET "(" ANSI_COLOR(32) "2" ANSI_RESET ")" ANSI_COLOR(33) "石頭" ANSI_RESET "(" ANSI_COLOR(32) "3" ANSI_RESET ")" ANSI_COLOR(33) "布" ANSI_RESET ":\n"); me = igetch(); me -= '1'; if (me > 2 || me < 0) me = 0; win = (int)(3.0 * random() / (RAND_MAX + 1.0)) - 1; ch = (me + win + 3) % 3; prints("%s:%s ! %s:%s !.....%s", cuser.userid, guess[(int)me], mychicken->name, guess[(int)ch], win == 0 ? "平手" : win < 0 ? "耶..贏了 :D!!" : "嗚..我輸了 :~"); pressanykey(); } static void ch_book(chicken_t *mychicken) { mychicken->book += time_change[(int)mychicken->type][BOOK]; mychicken->tiredstrong += time_change[(int)mychicken->type][TIREDSTRONG]; show_chicken_picture(CHICKEN_PIC "/read"); pressanykey(); } static void ch_kiss(chicken_t *mychicken) { mychicken->happy += time_change[(int)mychicken->type][HAPPY]; mychicken->satis += time_change[(int)mychicken->type][SATIS]; mychicken->tiredstrong += time_change[(int)mychicken->type][TIREDSTRONG] / 2; show_chicken_picture(CHICKEN_PIC "/kiss"); pressanykey(); } static void ch_hit(chicken_t *mychicken) { mychicken->attack += time_change[(int)mychicken->type][ATTACK]; mychicken->run += time_change[(int)mychicken->type][RUN]; mychicken->mm_max += time_change[(int)mychicken->type][MM_MAX] / 15; mychicken->weight -= mychicken->hp_max / 15; mychicken->hp -= (int)((float)time_change[(int)mychicken->type][HP_MAX] * random() / (RAND_MAX + 1.0)) / 2 + 1; if (mychicken->book > 2) mychicken->book -= 2; if (mychicken->happy > 2) mychicken->happy -= 2; if (mychicken->satis > 2) mychicken->satis -= 2; mychicken->tiredstrong += time_change[(int)mychicken->type][TIREDSTRONG]; show_chicken_picture(CHICKEN_PIC "/hit"); pressanykey(); } void ch_buyitem(int money, const char *picture, int *item, int haveticket) { int num = 0; char buf[5]; getdata_str(b_lines - 1, 0, "要買多少份呢:", buf, sizeof(buf), DOECHO, "1"); num = atoi(buf); if (num < 1) return; reload_money(); if (cuser.money/money >= num) { *item += num; if( haveticket ) vice(money * num, "購買寵物,賭盤項目"); else demoney(-money * num); show_chicken_picture(picture); pressanykey(); } else { vmsg("現金不夠 !!!"); } usleep(100000); // sleep 0.1s } static void ch_eatoo(chicken_t *mychicken) { if (mychicken->oo > 0) { mychicken->oo--; mychicken->tiredstrong = 0; if (mychicken->happy > 5) mychicken->happy -= 5; show_chicken_picture(CHICKEN_PIC "/oo"); pressanykey(); } } static void ch_eatmedicine(chicken_t *mychicken) { if (mychicken->medicine > 0) { mychicken->medicine--; mychicken->sick = 0; if (mychicken->hp_max > 10) mychicken->hp_max -= 3; mychicken->hp = mychicken->hp_max; if (mychicken->happy > 10) mychicken->happy -= 10; show_chicken_picture(CHICKEN_PIC "/medicine"); pressanykey(); } } static void ch_kill(chicken_t *mychicken) { int ans; ans = getans("棄養要被罰 100 元, 是否要棄養?(y/N)"); if (ans == 'y') { vice(100, "棄養寵物費"); more(CHICKEN_PIC "/deadth", YEA); log_filef(CHICKENLOG, LOG_CREAT, ANSI_COLOR(31) "%s " ANSI_RESET "把 " ANSI_COLOR(33) "%s" ANSI_RESET ANSI_COLOR(32) " %s " ANSI_RESET "宰了 於 %s\n", cuser.userid, mychicken->name, chicken_type[(int)mychicken->type], ctime4(&now)); mychicken->name[0] = 0; } } static void geting_old(int *hp, int *weight, int diff, int age) { float ex = 0.9; if (age > 70) ex = 0.1; else if (age > 30) ex = 0.5; else if (age > 20) ex = 0.7; diff /= 60 * 6; while (diff--) { *hp *= ex; *weight *= ex; } } /* 依時間變動的資料 */ static void time_diff(chicken_t * thechicken) { int diff; int theage = ((now - thechicken->cbirth) / (60 * 60 * 24)); thechicken->type %= NUM_KINDS; diff = (now - thechicken->lastvisit) / 60; if ((diff) < 1) return; if (theage > 13) /* 老死 */ geting_old(&thechicken->hp_max, &thechicken->weight, diff, theage); thechicken->lastvisit = now; thechicken->weight -= thechicken->hp_max * diff / 540; /* 體重 */ if (thechicken->weight < 1) { thechicken->sick -= thechicken->weight / 10; /* 餓得病氣上升 */ thechicken->weight = 1; } /* 清潔度 */ thechicken->clean += diff * time_change[(int)thechicken->type][CLEAN] / 30; /* 快樂度 */ thechicken->happy -= diff / 60; if (thechicken->happy < 0) thechicken->happy = 0; thechicken->attack -= time_change[(int)thechicken->type][ATTACK] * diff / (60 * 32); if (thechicken->attack < 0) thechicken->attack = 0; /* 攻擊力 */ thechicken->run -= time_change[(int)thechicken->type][RUN] * diff / (60 * 32); /* 敏捷 */ if (thechicken->run < 0) thechicken->run = 0; thechicken->book -= time_change[(int)thechicken->type][BOOK] * diff / (60 * 32); /* 知識 */ if (thechicken->book < 0) thechicken->book = 0; /* 氣質 */ thechicken->temperament++; thechicken->satis -= diff / 60 / 3 * time_change[(int)thechicken->type][SATIS]; /* 滿意度 */ if (thechicken->satis < 0) thechicken->satis = 0; /* 髒病的 */ if (thechicken->clean > 1000) thechicken->sick += (thechicken->clean - 400) / 10; if (thechicken->weight > 1) thechicken->sick -= diff / 60; /* 病氣恢護 */ if (thechicken->sick < 0) thechicken->sick = 0; thechicken->tiredstrong -= diff * time_change[(int)thechicken->type][TIREDSTRONG] / 4; /* 疲勞 */ if (thechicken->tiredstrong < 0) thechicken->tiredstrong = 0; /* hp_max */ if (thechicken->hp >= thechicken->hp_max / 2) thechicken->hp_max += time_change[(int)thechicken->type][HP_MAX] * diff / (60 * 12); /* hp恢護 */ if (!thechicken->sick) thechicken->hp += time_change[(int)thechicken->type][HP_MAX] * diff / (60 * 6); if (thechicken->hp > thechicken->hp_max) thechicken->hp = thechicken->hp_max; /* mm_max */ if (thechicken->mm >= thechicken->mm_max / 2) thechicken->mm_max += time_change[(int)thechicken->type][MM_MAX] * diff / (60 * 8); /* mm恢護 */ if (!thechicken->sick) thechicken->mm += diff; if (thechicken->mm > thechicken->mm_max) thechicken->mm = thechicken->mm_max; } static void check_sick(chicken_t *mychicken) { /* 髒病的 */ if (mychicken->tiredstrong > mychicken->hp * 0.3 && mychicken->clean > 150) mychicken->sick += (mychicken->clean - 150) / 10; /* 累病的 */ if (mychicken->tiredstrong > mychicken->hp * 1.3) mychicken->sick += time_change[(int)mychicken->type][SICK]; /* 病氣太重還做事減hp */ if (mychicken->sick > mychicken->hp / 5) { mychicken->hp -= (mychicken->sick - mychicken->hp / 5) / 4; if (mychicken->hp < 0) mychicken->hp = 0; } } static int deadtype(const chicken_t * thechicken, chicken_t *mychicken) { int i; if (thechicken->hp <= 0) /* hp用盡 */ i = 1; else if (thechicken->tiredstrong > thechicken->hp * 3) /* 操勞過度 */ i = 2; else if (thechicken->weight > thechicken->hp_max * 5) /* 肥胖過度 */ i = 3; else if (thechicken->weight == 1 && thechicken->sick > thechicken->hp_max / 4) i = 4; /* 餓死了 */ else if (thechicken->satis <= 0) /* 很不滿意 */ i = 5; else return 0; if (thechicken == mychicken) { log_filef(CHICKENLOG, LOG_CREAT, ANSI_COLOR(31) "%s" ANSI_RESET " 所疼愛的" ANSI_COLOR(33) " %s" ANSI_COLOR(32) " %s " ANSI_RESET "掛了 於 %s\n", cuser.userid, thechicken->name, chicken_type[(int)thechicken->type], ctime4(&now)); mychicken->name[0] = 0; } return i; } int showdeadth(int type) { switch (type) { case 1: more(CHICKEN_PIC "/nohp", YEA); break; case 2: more(CHICKEN_PIC "/tootired", YEA); break; case 3: more(CHICKEN_PIC "/toofat", YEA); break; case 4: more(CHICKEN_PIC "/nofood", YEA); break; case 5: more(CHICKEN_PIC "/nosatis", YEA); break; default: return 0; } more(CHICKEN_PIC "/deadth", YEA); return type; } static int isdeadth(const chicken_t * thechicken, chicken_t *mychicken) { int i; if (!(i = deadtype(thechicken, mychicken))) return 0; return showdeadth(i); } static void ch_changename(chicken_t *mychicken) { char newname[20] = ""; getdata_str(b_lines - 1, 0, "嗯..改個好名字吧:", newname, 18, DOECHO, mychicken->name); if (strlen(newname) >= 3 && strcmp(newname, mychicken->name)) { strlcpy(mychicken->name, newname, sizeof(mychicken->name)); log_filef(CHICKENLOG, LOG_CREAT, ANSI_COLOR(31) "%s" ANSI_RESET " 把疼愛的" ANSI_COLOR(33) " %s" ANSI_COLOR(32) " %s " ANSI_RESET "改名為" ANSI_COLOR(33) " %s" ANSI_RESET " 於 %s\n", cuser.userid, mychicken->name, chicken_type[(int)mychicken->type], newname, ctime4(&now)); } } static int select_menu(int age, chicken_t *mychicken) { char ch; reload_money(); move(19, 0); prints(ANSI_COLOR(44;37) " 錢 :" ANSI_COLOR(33) " %-10d " " " ANSI_RESET "\n" ANSI_COLOR(33) "(" ANSI_COLOR(37) "1" ANSI_COLOR(33) ")清理 (" ANSI_COLOR(37) "2" ANSI_COLOR(33) ")吃飯 " "(" ANSI_COLOR(37) "3" ANSI_COLOR(33) ")猜拳 (" ANSI_COLOR(37) "4" ANSI_COLOR(33) ")唸書 " "(" ANSI_COLOR(37) "5" ANSI_COLOR(33) ")親他 (" ANSI_COLOR(37) "6" ANSI_COLOR(33) ")打他 " "(" ANSI_COLOR(37) "7" ANSI_COLOR(33) ")買%s$%d (" ANSI_COLOR(37) "8" ANSI_COLOR(33) ")吃補丸\n" "(" ANSI_COLOR(37) "9" ANSI_COLOR(33) ")吃病藥 (" ANSI_COLOR(37) "o" ANSI_COLOR(33) ")買大補丸$100 " "(" ANSI_COLOR(37) "m" ANSI_COLOR(33) ")買藥$10 (" ANSI_COLOR(37) "k" ANSI_COLOR(33) ")棄養 " "(" ANSI_COLOR(37) "n" ANSI_COLOR(33) ")改名 " "(" ANSI_COLOR(37) "q" ANSI_COLOR(33) ")離開:" ANSI_RESET, cuser.money, /* * chicken_food[(int)mychicken->type], * chicken_type[(int)mychicken->type], * chicken_type[(int)mychicken->type], */ chicken_food[(int)mychicken->type], food_price[(int)mychicken->type]); do { switch (ch = igetch()) { case '1': ch_clean(mychicken); check_sick(mychicken); break; case '2': ch_eat(mychicken); check_sick(mychicken); break; case '3': ch_guess(mychicken); check_sick(mychicken); break; case '4': ch_book(mychicken); check_sick(mychicken); break; case '5': ch_kiss(mychicken); break; case '6': ch_hit(mychicken); check_sick(mychicken); break; case '7': ch_buyitem(food_price[(int)mychicken->type], CHICKEN_PIC "/food", &mychicken->food, 1); break; case '8': ch_eatoo(mychicken); break; case '9': ch_eatmedicine(mychicken); break; case 'O': case 'o': ch_buyitem(100, CHICKEN_PIC "/buyoo", &mychicken->oo, 1); break; case 'M': case 'm': ch_buyitem(10, CHICKEN_PIC "/buymedicine", &mychicken->medicine, 1); break; case 'N': case 'n': ch_changename(mychicken); break; case 'K': case 'k': ch_kill(mychicken); return 0; case 'Q': case 'q': return 0; } } while (ch < ' ' || ch > 'z'); return 1; } static int recover_chicken(chicken_t * thechicken) { char buf[200]; int price = egg_price[(int)thechicken->type]; int money = price + (random() % price); price *= 2; // money is a little less than price. if (now - thechicken->lastvisit > (60 * 60 * 24 * 7)) return 0; outmsg(ANSI_COLOR(33;44) "★靈界守衛" ANSI_COLOR(37;45) " 別害怕 我是來幫你的 " ANSI_RESET); bell(); igetch(); outmsg(ANSI_COLOR(33;44) "★靈界守衛" ANSI_COLOR(37;45) " 你無法丟到我水球 因為我是聖靈, " "最近缺錢想賺外快 " ANSI_RESET); bell(); igetch(); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), ANSI_COLOR(33;44) "★靈界守衛" ANSI_COLOR(37;45) " " "你有一個剛走不久的%s要招換回來嗎? 只要 %d 元唷 " ANSI_RESET, chicken_type[(int)thechicken->type], price); outmsg(buf); bell(); getdata_str(21, 0, " 選擇:(N:坑人嘛/y:請幫幫我)", buf, 3, LCECHO, "N"); if (buf[0] == 'y' || buf[0] == 'Y') { reload_money(); if (cuser.money < price) { outmsg(ANSI_COLOR(33;44) "★靈界守衛" ANSI_COLOR(37;45) " 什麼 錢沒帶夠 " "沒錢的小鬼 快去籌錢吧 " ANSI_RESET); bell(); igetch(); return 0; } strlcpy(thechicken->name, "[撿回來的]", sizeof(thechicken->name)); thechicken->hp = thechicken->hp_max; thechicken->sick = 0; thechicken->satis = 2; thechicken->tiredstrong = 0; thechicken->weight = thechicken->hp; // thechicken->lastvisit = now; // really need so? vice(money, "靈界守衛"); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), ANSI_COLOR(33;44) "★靈界守衛" ANSI_COLOR(37;45) " OK了 記得餵他點東西 不然可能失效。" "今天心情好,拿你$%d就好 " ANSI_RESET, money); outmsg(buf); bell(); igetch(); return 1; } outmsg(ANSI_COLOR(33;44) "★靈界守衛" ANSI_COLOR(37;45) " 竟然說我坑人! 這年頭命真不值錢 " "除非我再來找你 你再也沒機會了 " ANSI_RESET); bell(); igetch(); thechicken->lastvisit = 0; return 0; } void chicken_toggle_death(const char *uid) { chicken_t *mychicken = load_live_chicken(uid); #ifdef CHICKEN_LIVE_UPGRADE // live update vmsg("PTT 系統進行更新,本週暫停開放寵物設定。"); return; #endif if (!uid) return; if (!mychicken) { vmsgf("%s 沒養寵物。", uid); } else if (mychicken->name[0]) { mychicken->name[0] = 0; vmsgf("%s 的寵物被殺死了", uid); } else { strlcpy(mychicken->name, "[死]", sizeof(mychicken->name)); vmsgf("%s 的寵物復活了", uid); } free_live_chicken(mychicken); } #define lockreturn0(unmode, state) if(lockutmpmode(unmode, state)) return 0 #ifdef CHICKEN_LIVE_UPGRADE static void chicken_live_upgrade() { char fn[PATHLEN]; FILE *fp = NULL; setuserfile(fn, FN_CHICKEN); if (dashf(fn)) return; if (!cuser.old_chicken.name[0] && !cuser.old_chicken.cbirth && !cuser.old_chicken.hp_max) return; // write to data. fp = fopen(fn, "wb"); fwrite(&cuser.old_chicken, sizeof(chicken_t), 1, fp); fclose(fp); #if 0 // enable if you want logs log_filef("log/chicken_live_upgrade", LOG_CREAT, "%s upgrade chicken at %s", cuser.userid, ctime4(&now)); #endif } #endif // CHICKEN_LIVE_UPGRADE int chicken_main(void) { int age; chicken_t *mychicken = load_live_chicken(cuser.userid); #ifdef CHICKEN_LIVE_UPGRADE if (mychicken == NULL) { chicken_live_upgrade(); mychicken = load_live_chicken(cuser.userid); } #endif lockreturn0(CHICKEN, LOCK_MULTI); if (mychicken && !mychicken->name[0]) { // possible for recovery recover_chicken(mychicken); } if (!mychicken || !mychicken->name[0]) { free_live_chicken(mychicken); mychicken = NULL; // create new? if (new_chicken()) mychicken = load_live_chicken(cuser.userid); // exit if still no valid data. if (!mychicken || !mychicken->name[0]) { unlockutmpmode(); free_live_chicken(mychicken); return 0; } } assert(mychicken); age = ((now - mychicken->cbirth) / (60 * 60 * 24)); do { time_diff(mychicken); if (isdeadth(mychicken, mychicken)) break; show_chicken_data(mychicken, NULL); } while (select_menu(age, mychicken)); unlockutmpmode(); free_live_chicken(mychicken); return 0; } #ifdef USE_CHICKEN_PK int chickenpk(int fd) { chicken_t *mychicken = load_live_chicken(cuser.userid); chicken_t *ochicken = load_live_chicken(currutmp->mateid); char mateid[IDLEN + 1], data[200], buf[200]; int ch = 0; userinfo_t *uin = &SHM->uinfo[currutmp->destuip]; int r, attmax, i, datac, catched = 0, count = 0; lockreturn0(CHICKEN, LOCK_MULTI); /* 把對手的id用local buffer記住 */ strlcpy(mateid, currutmp->mateid, sizeof(mateid)); if (!mychicken || !ochicken || !ochicken->name[0] || !mychicken->name[0]) { free_live_chicken(mychicken); free_live_chicken(ochicken); bell(); vmsg("有一方沒有寵物"); /* Ptt:妨止page時把寵物賣掉 */ add_io(0, 0); close(fd); unlockutmpmode(); return 0; } show_chicken_data(ochicken, mychicken); add_io(fd, 3); /* 把fd加到igetch監視 */ while (1) { r = random(); ch = igetch(); show_chicken_data(ochicken, mychicken); time_diff(mychicken); i = mychicken->attack * mychicken->hp / mychicken->hp_max; for (attmax = 2; (i = i * 9 / 10); attmax++); if (ch == I_OTHERDATA) { count = 0; datac = recv(fd, data, sizeof(data), 0); if (datac <= 1) break; move(17, 0); outs(data + 1); switch (data[0]) { case 'c': catched = 1; move(16, 0); outs("要放他走嗎?(y/N)"); break; case 'd': move(16, 0); outs("阿~倒下了!!"); break; } if (data[0] == 'd' || data[0] == 'q' || data[0] == 'l') break; continue; } else if (currutmp->turn) { count = 0; currutmp->turn = 0; uin->turn = 1; mychicken->tiredstrong++; switch (ch) { case 'y': if (catched == 1) { snprintf(data, sizeof(data), "l讓 %s 落跑了\n", ochicken->name); } break; case 'n': catched = 0; default: case 'k': r = r % (attmax + 2); if (r) { snprintf(data, sizeof(data), "M%s %s%s %s 傷了 %d 點\n", mychicken->name, damage_degree[r / 3 > 15 ? 15 : r / 3], attack_type[(int)mychicken->type], ochicken->name, r); ochicken->hp -= r; } else snprintf(data, sizeof(data), "M%s 覺得手軟出擊無效\n", mychicken->name); break; case 'o': if (mychicken->oo > 0) { mychicken->oo--; mychicken->hp += 300; if (mychicken->hp > mychicken->hp_max) mychicken->hp = mychicken->hp_max; mychicken->tiredstrong = 0; snprintf(data, sizeof(data), "M%s 吃了顆大補丸補充體力\n", mychicken->name); } else snprintf(data, sizeof(data), "M%s 想吃大補丸, 可是沒有大補丸可吃\n", mychicken->name); break; case 'q': if (r % (mychicken->run + 1) > r % (ochicken->run + 1)) snprintf(data, sizeof(data), "q%s 落跑了\n", mychicken->name); else snprintf(data, sizeof(data), "c%s 想落跑, 但被 %s 抓到了\n", mychicken->name, ochicken->name); break; } if (deadtype(ochicken, mychicken)) { char *p = strchr(data, '\n'); if(p) *p = '\0'; strlcpy(buf, data, sizeof(buf)); snprintf(data, sizeof(data), "d%s , %s 被 %s 打死了\n", buf + 1, ochicken->name, mychicken->name); } move(17, 0); outs(data + 1); i = strlen(data) + 1; send(fd, data, i, 0); if (data[0] == 'q' || data[0] == 'd') break; } else { move(17, 0); if (count++ > 30) break; } } add_io(0, 0); /* 把igetch恢復回 */ pressanykey(); close(fd); showdeadth(deadtype(mychicken, mychicken)); unlockutmpmode(); free_live_chicken(mychicken); free_live_chicken(ochicken); return 0; } #endif // USE_CHICKEN_PK