path: root/include
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1 files changed, 433 insertions, 184 deletions
diff --git a/include/pttstruct.h b/include/pttstruct.h
index 786f13df..41ff9b81 100644
--- a/include/pttstruct.h
+++ b/include/pttstruct.h
@@ -1,189 +1,438 @@
/* $Id$ */
-#define STR_GUEST "guest"
-#define DEFAULT_BOARD str_sysop
-#define FN_PASSWD BBSHOME "/.PASSWDS" /* User records */
-#define FN_USSONG "ussong" /* 點歌統計 */
-#define FN_POST_NOTE "post.note" /* po文章備忘錄 */
-#define FN_POST_BID ""
-#define FN_APPLICATION "application"
-#define FN_MONEY "etc/money"
-#define FN_OVERRIDES "overrides"
-#define FN_REJECT "reject"
-#define FN_WATER "water"
-#define FN_CANVOTE "can_vote"
-#define FN_VISABLE "visable"
-#define FN_USIES "usies" /* BBS log */
-#define FN_BOARD ".BRD" /* board list */
-#define FN_USEBOARD "usboard" /* 看板統計 */
-#define FN_NOTE_ANS "note.ans"
-#define FN_TOPSONG "etc/topsong"
-#define FN_OVERRIDES "overrides"
-#define FN_TICKET "ticket"
-#define FN_TICKET_END "ticket.end"
-#define FN_TICKET_LOCK "ticket.end.lock"
-#define FN_TICKET_ITEMS "ticket.items"
-#define FN_TICKET_RECORD ""
-#define FN_TICKET_USER "ticket.user"
-#define FN_TICKET_OUTCOME "ticket.outcome"
-#define FN_TICKET_BRDLIST "boardlist"
-#define MSG_DEL_CANCEL "取消刪除"
-#define MSG_SELECT_BOARD "\033[7m【 選擇看板 】\033[m\n" \
- "請輸入看板名稱(按空白鍵自動搜尋):"
-#define MSG_CLOAKED "哈哈!我隱形了!看不到勒... :P"
-#define MSG_UNCLOAK "我要重現江湖了...."
-#define MSG_BIG_BOY "我是大帥哥! ^o^Y"
-#define MSG_BIG_GIRL "世紀大美女 *^-^*"
-#define MSG_LITTLE_BOY "我是底迪啦... =)"
-#define MSG_LITTLE_GIRL "最可愛的美眉! :>"
-#define MSG_MAN "麥當勞叔叔 (^O^)"
-#define MSG_WOMAN "叫我小阿姨!! /:>"
-#define MSG_PLANT "植物也有性別喔.."
-#define MSG_MIME "礦物總沒性別了吧"
-#define MSG_PASSWD "請輸入您的密碼: "
-#define MSG_POSTER "\033[34;46m 文章選讀 "\
- "\033[31;47m (y)\033[30m回信 "\
- "\033[31m(=[]<>)\033[30m相關主題 "\
- "\033[31m(/?)\033[30m搜尋標題 "\
- "\033[31m(aA)\033[30m搜尋作者 "\
- "\033[31m(x)\033[30m轉錄 "\
- "\033[31m(V)\033[30m投票 \033[m"
-#define MSG_SEPERATOR "\
-#define MSG_CLOAKED "哈哈!我隱形了!看不到勒... :P"
-#define MSG_UNCLOAK "我要重現江湖了...."
-#define MSG_WORKING "處理中,請稍候..."
-#define MSG_CANCEL "取消。"
-#define MSG_USR_LEFT "User 已經離開了"
-#define MSG_NOBODY "目前無人上線"
-#define MSG_DEL_OK "刪除完畢"
-#define MSG_DEL_CANCEL "取消刪除"
-#define MSG_DEL_ERROR "刪除錯誤"
-#define MSG_DEL_NY "請確定刪除(Y/N)?[N] "
-#define MSG_FWD_OK "文章轉寄完成!"
-#define MSG_FWD_ERR1 "轉寄失誤: system error"
-#define MSG_FWD_ERR2 "轉寄失誤: address error"
-#define MSG_SURE_NY "請您確定(Y/N)?[N] "
-#define MSG_SURE_YN "請您確定(Y/N)?[Y] "
-#define MSG_BID "請輸入看板名稱:"
-#define MSG_UID "請輸入使用者代號:"
-#define MSG_PASSWD "請輸入您的密碼: "
-#define MSG_BIG_BOY "我是大帥哥! ^o^Y"
-#define MSG_BIG_GIRL "世紀大美女 *^-^*"
-#define MSG_LITTLE_BOY "我是底迪啦... =)"
-#define MSG_LITTLE_GIRL "最可愛的美眉! :>"
-#define MSG_MAN "麥當勞叔叔 (^O^)"
-#define MSG_WOMAN "叫我小阿姨!! /:>"
-#define MSG_PLANT "植物也有性別喔.."
-#define MSG_MIME "礦物總沒性別了吧"
-#define ERR_BOARD_OPEN ".BOARD 開啟錯誤"
-#define ERR_BOARD_UPDATE ".BOARD 更新有誤"
-#define ERR_PASSWD_OPEN ".PASSWDS 開啟錯誤"
-#define ERR_BID "你搞錯了啦!沒有這個板喔!"
-#define ERR_UID "這裡沒有這個人啦!"
-#define ERR_PASSWD "密碼不對喔!你有沒有冒用人家的名字啊?"
-#define ERR_FILENAME "檔名不合法!"
-#define MSG_MAILER \
-"\033[34;46m 鴻雁往返 \033[31;47m(R)\033[30m回信\033[31m(x)\033[30m轉達\
-\033[31m(c)\033[30m收入信件夾\033[31m(z)\033[30m信件夾 \033[31m[G]\033[30m繼續?\033[0m"
-#define MSG_SHORTULIST "\033[7m\
-使用者代號 目前狀態 │使用者代號 目前狀態 │使用者代號 目前狀態 \033[0m"
-#define STR_AUTHOR1 "作者:"
-#define STR_AUTHOR2 "發信人:"
-#define STR_POST1 "看板:"
-#define STR_POST2 "站內:"
-/* Flags to getdata input function */
-#define NOECHO 0
-#define DOECHO 1
-#define LCECHO 2
-#define YEA 1 /* Booleans (Yep, for true and false) */
-#define NA 0
-/* 好友關係 */
-#define IRH 1 /* I reject him. */
-#define HRM 2 /* He reject me. */
-#define IBH 4 /* I am board friend of him. */
-#define IFH 8 /* I am friend of him. */
-#define HFM 16 /* He is friend of me. */
-#define ST_FRIEND (IBH | IFH | HFM)
-#define ST_REJECT (IRH | HRM)
-/* 鍵盤設定 */
-#define KEY_TAB 9
-#define KEY_ESC 27
-#define KEY_UP 0x0101
-#define KEY_DOWN 0x0102
-#define KEY_RIGHT 0x0103
-#define KEY_LEFT 0x0104
-#define KEY_HOME 0x0201
-#define KEY_INS 0x0202
-#define KEY_DEL 0x0203
-#define KEY_END 0x0204
-#define KEY_PGUP 0x0205
-#define KEY_PGDN 0x0206
-#define QCAST int (*)(const void *, const void *)
-#define Ctrl(c) (c & 037)
-#define chartoupper(c) ((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') ? c+'A'-'a' : c)
-#define LEN_AUTHOR1 5
-#define LEN_AUTHOR2 7
-/* ----------------------------------------------------- */
-/* 群組名單模式 Ptt */
-/* ----------------------------------------------------- */
-#define FRIEND_REJECT 1
-#define FRIEND_ALOHA 2
-#define FRIEND_POST 3
-#define BOARD_WATER 6
-#define BOARD_VISABLE 7
-#define LOCK_THIS 1 // lock這線不能重複玩
-#define LOCK_MULTI 2 // lock所有線不能重複玩
-#define I_TIMEOUT (-2) /* Used for the getchar routine select call */
-#define I_OTHERDATA (-333) /* interface, (-3) will conflict with chinese */
-#define CHE_O(c) ((c) >> 3)
-#define CHE_P(c) ((c) & 7)
-#define RTL(x) (((x) - 3) >> 1)
-#define dim(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof(x[0]))
-#define LTR(x) ((x) * 2 + 3)
-#define CHE(a, b) ((a) | ((b) << 3))
-#define MAX_MODES 127
-#ifndef MIN
-#define MIN(a,b) (((a)<(b))?(a):(b))
-#ifndef MAX
-#define MAX(a,b) (((a)>(b))?(a):(b))
+#define IDLEN 12 /* Length of bid/uid */
+typedef struct bid_t {
+ int high;
+ int buyitnow;
+ int increment;
+ char userid[IDLEN + 1];
+ time_t enddate;
+ int payby; /* 1 cash 2 check or mail 4 wire 8 credit 16 postoffice */
+ int shipping;
+/* 小雞的資料 */
+typedef struct chicken_t {
+ char name[20];
+ char type; /* 物種 */
+ unsigned char tech[16]; /* 技能 */
+ time_t birthday; /* 生日 */
+ time_t lastvisit; /* 上次照顧時間 */
+ int oo; /* 補品 */
+ int food; /* 食物 */
+ int medicine; /* 藥品 */
+ int weight; /* 體重 */
+ int clean; /* 乾淨 */
+ int run; /* 敏捷度 */
+ int attack; /* 攻擊力 */
+ int book; /* 知識 */
+ int happy; /* 快樂 */
+ int satis; /* 滿意度 */
+ int temperament; /* 氣質 */
+ int tiredstrong; /* 疲勞度 */
+ int sick; /* 病氣指數 */
+ int hp; /* 血量 */
+ int hp_max; /* 滿血量 */
+ int mm; /* 法力 */
+ int mm_max; /* 滿法力 */
+ time_t cbirth; /* 實際計算用的生日 */
+ int pad[2]; /* 留著以後用 */
+} chicken_t;
+#define PASSLEN 14 /* Length of encrypted passwd field */
+#define REGLEN 38 /* Length of registration data */
+typedef struct userec_t {
+ char userid[IDLEN + 1];
+ char realname[20];
+ char username[24];
+ char passwd[PASSLEN];
+ unsigned char uflag;
+ unsigned int userlevel;
+ unsigned short numlogins;
+ unsigned short numposts;
+ time_t firstlogin;
+ time_t lastlogin;
+ char lasthost[16];
+ int money;
+ char remoteuser[3]; /* 保留 目前沒用到的 */
+ char proverb;
+ char email[50];
+ char address[50];
+ char justify[REGLEN + 1];
+ unsigned char month;
+ unsigned char day;
+ unsigned char year;
+ unsigned char sex;
+ unsigned char state;
+ unsigned char pager;
+ unsigned char invisible;
+ unsigned int exmailbox;
+ chicken_t mychicken;
+ time_t lastsong;
+ unsigned int loginview;
+ unsigned char channel; /* 動態看板 */
+ unsigned short vl_count; /* ViolateLaw counter */
+ unsigned short five_win;
+ unsigned short five_lose;
+ unsigned short five_tie;
+ unsigned short chc_win;
+ unsigned short chc_lose;
+ unsigned short chc_tie;
+ int mobile;
+ char mind[4];
+ char ident[11];
+ unsigned int uflag2;
+ unsigned char signature;
+ char pad[71];
+} userec_t;
+/* these are flags in userec_t.uflag */
+#define PAGER_FLAG 0x4 /* true if pager was OFF last session */
+#define CLOAK_FLAG 0x8 /* true if cloak was ON last session */
+#define FRIEND_FLAG 0x10 /* true if show friends only */
+#define BRDSORT_FLAG 0x20 /* true if the boards sorted alphabetical */
+#define MOVIE_FLAG 0x40 /* true if show movie */
+#define COLOR_FLAG 0x80 /* true if the color mode open */
+#define MIND_FLAG 0x100 /* true if mind search mode open <-Heat*/
+/* these are flags in userec_t.uflag2 */
+#define WATER_MASK 000003 /* water mask */
+#define WATER_ORIG 0x0
+#define WATER_NEW 0x1
+#define WATER_OFO 0x2
+#define WATERMODE(mode) ((cuser.uflag2 & WATER_MASK) == mode)
+#define FAVNOHILIGHT 0x10 /* false if hilight favorite */
+#define FAVNEW_FLAG 0x20 /* true if add new board into one's fav */
+#define FOREIGN 0x100 /* true if a foreign */
+#define LIVERIGHT 0x200 /* true if get "liveright" already */
+#define BTLEN 48 /* Length of board title */
+typedef struct boardheader_t {
+ char brdname[IDLEN + 1]; /* bid */
+ char title[BTLEN + 1];
+ char BM[IDLEN * 3 + 3]; /* BMs' userid, token '/' */
+ unsigned int brdattr; /* board的屬性 */
+ char pad[3]; /* 沒用到的 */
+ time_t bupdate; /* note update time */
+ char pad2[3]; /* 沒用到的 */
+ unsigned char bvote; /* Vote flags */
+ time_t vtime; /* Vote close time */
+ unsigned int level; /* 可以看此板的權限 */
+ int unused; /* 還沒用到 */
+ int gid; /* 看板所屬的類別 ID */
+ void *next[2]; /* 在同一個gid下一個看板 動態產生*/
+ void *firstchild[2]; /* 屬於這個看板的第一個子看板 */
+ void *parent;
+ int childcount; /* 有多少個child */
+ int nuser; /* 多少人在這板 */
+ char pad5[4]; /* original void *u */
+ time_t endgamble;
+ char pad3[84];
+} boardheader_t;
+#define BRD_NOZAP 000000001 /* 不可zap */
+#define BRD_NOCOUNT 000000002 /* 不列入統計 */
+#define BRD_NOTRAN 000000004 /* 不轉信 */
+#define BRD_GROUPBOARD 000000010 /* 群組板 */
+#define BRD_HIDE 000000020 /* 隱藏板 (看板好友才可看) */
+#define BRD_POSTMASK 000000040 /* 限制發表或閱讀 */
+#define BRD_ANONYMOUS 000000100 /* 匿名板 */
+#define BRD_DEFAULTANONYMOUS 000000200 /* 預設匿名板 */
+#define BRD_BAD 000000400 /* 違法改進中看板 */
+#define BRD_VOTEBOARD 000001000 /* 連署機看板 */
+#define BRD_WARNEL 000002000 /* 連署機看板 */
+#define BRD_TOP 000004000 /* 熱門看板群組 */
+#define BRD_NORECOMMEND 000010000 /* 不可推薦 */
+#define BRD_BLOG 000020000 /* BLOG */
+#define TTLEN 64 /* Length of title */
+#define FNLEN 33 /* Length of filename */
+#define FHR_REFERENCE (1<<31)
+typedef struct fileheader_t {
+ char filename[FNLEN]; /* M.9876543210.A */
+ char recommend; /* important level */
+ char owner[IDLEN + 2]; /* uid[.] */
+ char date[6]; /* [02/02] or space(5) */
+ char title[TTLEN + 1];
+ int money; /* rocker: if bit32 on ==> reference */
+ unsigned char filemode; /* must be last field @ boards.c */
+} fileheader_t;
+#define FILE_LOCAL 0x1 /* local saved */
+#define FILE_READ 0x1 /* already read : mail only */
+#define FILE_MARKED 0x2 /* opus: 0x8 */
+#define FILE_DIGEST 0x4 /* digest */
+#define FILE_HOLD 0x8 /* holdmail for mail */
+#define FILE_SOLVED 0x10 /* problem solved, sysop only */
+#define FILE_HIDE 0x20 /* hild */
+#define FILE_BM 0x40 /* BM only */
+#define FILE_BOTH 0x80 /* both replay for mail and board */
+#define FILE_MULTI 0x100 /* multi send for mail */
+#define FILE_BID 0x200 /* for bid */
+#define STRLEN 80 /* Length of most string data */
+/* uhash is a userid->uid hash table -- jochang */
+#define HASH_BITS 16
+union xitem_t {
+ struct { /* bbs_item */
+ char fdate[9]; /* [mm/dd/yy] */
+ char editor[13]; /* user ID */
+ char fname[31];
+ } B;
+ struct { /* gopher_item */
+ char path[81];
+ char server[48];
+ int port;
+ } G;
+typedef struct {
+ char title[63];
+ union xitem_t X;
+} item_t;
+typedef struct {
+ item_t *item[MAX_ITEMS];
+ char mtitle[STRLEN];
+ char *path;
+ int num, page, now, level;
+} gmenu_t;
+#define FAVMAX 1024 /* Max boards of Myfavorite */
+#define FAVGMAX 32 /* Max groups of Myfavorite */
+#define FAVGSLEN 8 /* Max Length of Description String */
+typedef struct msgque_t {
+ pid_t pid;
+ char userid[IDLEN + 1];
+ char last_call_in[80];
+} msgque_t;
+typedef struct userinfo_t {
+ int uid; /* Used to find user name in passwd file */
+ pid_t pid; /* kill() to notify user of talk request */
+ int sockaddr; /* ... */
+ int destuid; /* talk uses this to identify who called */
+ int destuip; /* dest index in utmpshm->uinfo[] */
+ unsigned char active; /* When allocated this field is true */
+ unsigned char invisible; /* Used by cloaking function in Xyz menu */
+ unsigned char sockactive; /* Used to coordinate talk requests */
+ unsigned int userlevel;
+ unsigned char mode; /* UL/DL, Talk Mode, Chat Mode, ... */
+ unsigned char pager; /* pager toggle, YEA, or NA */
+ unsigned char in_chat; /* for in_chat commands */
+ unsigned char sig; /* signal type */
+ char userid[IDLEN + 1];
+ char chatid[11]; /* chat id, if in chat mode */
+ char username[24];
+ char from[27]; /* machine name the user called in from */
+ int from_alias;
+ char birth; /* 是否是生日 Ptt*/
+ char tty[11]; /* tty port */
+ int friend[MAX_FRIEND];
+ int friend_online[MAX_FRIEND];/* point到線上好友 utmpshm的位置 */
+ /* 好友比較的cache 前兩個bit是狀態 */
+ int reject[MAX_REJECT];
+ int idoffset; /* shm id上的 offset */
+ int lock;
+ int friendtotal; /* 好友比較的cache 大小 */
+ unsigned char msgcount;
+ msgque_t msgs[MAX_MSGS];
+ time_t uptime;
+ time_t lastact; /* 上次使用者動的時間 */
+ unsigned int brc_id;
+ unsigned char lockmode; /* 不准 multi_login 玩的東西 */
+ char turn; /* for gomo */
+ char mateid[IDLEN + 1]; /* for gomo */
+ unsigned short int five_win;
+ unsigned short int five_lose;
+ unsigned short int five_tie;
+ unsigned short int chc_win;
+ unsigned short int chc_lose;
+ unsigned short int chc_tie;
+ char mailalert;
+ char sex;
+ char color;
+ char mind[4];
+} userinfo_t;
+typedef struct water_t {
+ pid_t pid;
+ char userid[IDLEN + 1];
+ int top, count;
+ msgque_t msg[MAX_REVIEW];
+ userinfo_t *uin; // Ptt:這可以取代alive
+} water_t;
+typedef struct {
+ fileheader_t *header;
+ char mtitle[STRLEN];
+ char *path;
+ int num, page, now, level;
+} menu_t;
+typedef struct onekey_t { /* Used to pass commands to the readmenu */
+ int key;
+ int (*fptr)();
+} onekey_t;
+#define ANSILINELEN (511) /* Maximum Screen width in chars */
+/* anti_crosspost */
+typedef struct crosspost_t {
+ int checksum[4]; /* 0 -> 'X' cross post 1-3 -> 簡查文章行 */
+ int times; /* 第幾次 */
+} crosspost_t;
+#define SORT_BY_ID 0
+#define SORT_BY_CLASS 1
+#define SORT_BY_STAT 1
+#define SORT_BY_IDLE 2
+#define SORT_BY_FROM 3
+#define SORT_BY_FIVE 4
+#define SORT_BY_SEX 5
+typedef struct keeploc_t {
+ char *key;
+ int top_ln;
+ int crs_ln;
+ struct keeploc_t *next;
+} keeploc_t;
+#define USHM_SIZE (MAX_ACTIVE + 4) /* why+4? */
+/* MAX_BMs is dirty hardcode 4 in mbbsd/cache.c:is_BM_cache() */
+#define MAX_BMs 4 /* for BMcache, 一個看板最多幾板主 */
+typedef struct {
+ /* uhash */
+ char userid[MAX_USERS][IDLEN + 1];
+ int next_in_hash[MAX_USERS];
+ int money[MAX_USERS];
+ int hash_head[1 << HASH_BITS];
+ int number; /* # of users total */
+ int loaded; /* .PASSWD has been loaded? */
+ /* utmpshm */
+ userinfo_t uinfo[USHM_SIZE];
+ userinfo_t *sorted[2][8][USHM_SIZE];
+ /* 第一維double buffer 由currsorted指向目前使用的
+ 第二維sort type */
+ int currsorted;
+ time_t UTMPuptime;
+ int UTMPnumber;
+ char UTMPneedsort;
+ char UTMPbusystate;
+ /* brdshm */
+ int BMcache[MAX_BOARD][MAX_BMs];
+ boardheader_t bcache[MAX_BOARD];
+ boardheader_t *bsorted[2][MAX_BOARD]; /* 0: by name 1: by class */
+ fileheader_t dircache[MAX_BOARD][DIRCACHESIZE];
+ time_t busystate_b[MAX_BOARD];
+ int total[MAX_BOARD];
+ int hbfl[MAX_BOARD][MAX_FRIEND + 1];
+ time_t lastposttime[MAX_BOARD];
+ time_t Buptime;
+ time_t Btouchtime;
+ int Bnumber;
+ int Bbusystate;
+ time_t close_vote_time;
+ /* pttcache */
+ char notes[MAX_MOVIE][200*11];
+ char today_is[20];
+ int n_notes[MAX_MOVIE_SECTION]; /* 一節中有幾個 看板 */
+ int next_refresh[MAX_MOVIE_SECTION]; /* 下一次要refresh的 看板 */
+ int max_film;
+ int max_history;
+ time_t Puptime;
+ time_t Ptouchtime;
+ int Pbusystate;
+ int GLOBALVAR[10]; /* mbbsd間的 global variable
+ 用以做統計等資料 (非常態) */
+ union {
+ int v[256];
+ struct {
+ int dymaxactive; /* 動態設定最大人數上限 */
+ int toomanyusers; /* 超過人數上限不給進的個數 */
+ int noonlineuser; /* 站上使用者不高亮度顯示 */
+ time_t now;
+ int nWelcomes;
+ } e;
+ } GV2;
+ /* fromcache */
+ char domain[MAX_FROM][50];
+ char replace[MAX_FROM][50];
+ int top;
+ int max_user;
+ time_t max_time;
+ time_t Fuptime;
+ time_t Ftouchtime;
+ int Fbusystate;
+} SHM_t;
+typedef struct {
+ unsigned char oldlen; /* previous line length */
+ unsigned char len; /* current length of line */
+ unsigned char mode; /* status of line, as far as update */
+ unsigned char smod; /* start of modified data */
+ unsigned char emod; /* end of modified data */
+ unsigned char sso; /* start stand out */
+ unsigned char eso; /* end stand out */
+ unsigned char data[ANSILINELEN + 1];
+} screenline_t;
+typedef struct {
+ int r, c;
+} rc_t;
+#define BRD_ROW 10
+#define BRD_COL 9
+typedef int board_t[BRD_ROW][BRD_COL];
+/* name.c 中運用的資料結構 */
+typedef struct word_t {
+ char *word;
+ struct word_t *next;
+} word_t;
+typedef struct commands_t {
+ int (*cmdfunc)();
+ int level;
+ char *desc; /* next/key/description */
+} commands_t;
+typedef struct MailQueue {
+ char filepath[FNLEN];
+ char subject[STRLEN];
+ time_t mailtime;
+ char sender[IDLEN + 1];
+ char username[24];
+ char rcpt[50];
+ int method;
+ char *niamod;
+} MailQueue;
-#define char_lower(c) ((c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') ? c|32 : c)
-#define STR_CURSOR "●"
-#define STR_UNCUR " "
+typedef struct
+ time_t chrono;
+ int recno;
+} TagItem;