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1 files changed, 52 insertions, 67 deletions
diff --git a/mbbsd/board.c b/mbbsd/board.c
index 85103397..48b80e30 100644
--- a/mbbsd/board.c
+++ b/mbbsd/board.c
@@ -243,7 +243,10 @@ addnewbrdstat(int n, int state)
boardstat_t *ptr;
- // if(n == -32769) return 0; // ptt 2 local modification XXX who wrote this? and why? 請自首!
+ // ptt 2 local modification
+ // XXX maybe some developer discovered signed short issue?
+ assert(n != -32769);
assert(0<=n && n<MAX_BOARD);
assert(0<=brdnum && brdnum<nbrdsize);
ptr = &nbrd[brdnum++];
@@ -577,6 +580,7 @@ show_brdlist(int head, int clsflag, int newflag)
showtitle("分類看板", BBSName);
move(1, 0);
+ // TODO remove ascii art here
" "
"◣ ╭—" ANSI_COLOR(33) "●\n"
@@ -595,11 +599,16 @@ show_brdlist(int head, int clsflag, int newflag)
// [m]加入或移出我的最愛
outs("[←][q]主選單 [→][r]閱\讀 [↑↓]選擇 [PgUp][PgDn]翻頁 [S]排序 [/]搜尋 [h]求助\n");
- outs( newflag ?
- "總數 未讀 看 板 " :
- " 編號 看 板 ");
- outs( " 類別 轉信 中 文 敘 述 人氣 板 主");
- outslr("", 72, ANSI_RESET, 0);
+ // boards in Ptt series are very, very large.
+ // let's create more space for board numbers,
+ // and less space for BM.
+ //
+ // newflag is not so different now because we use all 5 digits.
+ outs( newflag ? " 總數" : " 編號");
+ outs(" 看 板 類別 轉信 中 文 敘 述 人氣 板 主");
+ outslr("", 74, ANSI_RESET, 0);
move(b_lines, 0);
@@ -624,34 +633,36 @@ show_brdlist(int head, int clsflag, int newflag)
while (++myrow < b_lines) {
move(myrow, 0);
if (head < brdnum) {
assert(0<=head && head<nbrdsize);
ptr = &nbrd[head++];
if (ptr->myattr & NBRD_LINE){
if( !newflag )
- prints("%5d %c %s------------ ------------------------------------------" ANSI_RESET,
- head,
- ptr->myattr & NBRD_TAG ? 'D' : ' ',
- ptr->myattr & NBRD_FAV ? "" : ANSI_COLOR(1;30));
+ prints("%7d %c ", head, ptr->myattr & NBRD_TAG ? 'D' : ' ');
- prints(" %s------------ ------------------------------------------" ANSI_RESET, ptr->myattr & NBRD_FAV ? "" : ANSI_COLOR(1;30));
+ prints("%7s ", "");
+ if (!(ptr->myattr & NBRD_FAV))
+ outs(ANSI_COLOR(1;30));
+ outs("------------ ------------------------------------------"
+ ANSI_RESET "\n");
else if (ptr->myattr & NBRD_FOLDER){
char *title = get_folder_title(ptr->bid);
- if( !newflag )
- prints("%5d %c %sMyFavFolder" ANSI_RESET " 目錄 □%-34s" ANSI_RESET,
- head,
- ptr->myattr & NBRD_TAG ? 'D' : ' ',
- !(cuser.uflag2 & FAVNOHILIGHT) ? HILIGHT_COLOR : "",
- title);
- else
- prints("%6d %sMyFavFolder" ANSI_RESET " 目錄 □%-34s" ANSI_RESET,
- get_data_number(get_fav_folder(getfolder(ptr->bid))),
- !(cuser.uflag2 & FAVNOHILIGHT) ? HILIGHT_COLOR : "",
- title);
+ prints("%7d %c ",
+ newflag ?
+ get_data_number(get_fav_folder(getfolder(ptr->bid))) :
+ head, ptr->myattr & NBRD_TAG ? 'D' : ' ');
+ prints("%sMyFavFolder" ANSI_RESET " 目錄 □%-34s" ANSI_RESET,
+ !(cuser.uflag2 & FAVNOHILIGHT) ? HILIGHT_COLOR : "",
+ title);
@@ -659,29 +670,28 @@ show_brdlist(int head, int clsflag, int newflag)
outs(" ");
else {
if (!GROUPOP() && !HasBoardPerm(B_BH(ptr))) {
- prints("%5d %c Unknown?? 隱板 ?這個板是隱板",
- head, ptr->myattr & NBRD_TAG ? 'D' : ' ');
+ if (newflag) prints("%7s", "");
+ else prints("%7d", head);
+ prints(" %c Unknown?? 隱板 ?這個板是隱板",
+ ptr->myattr & NBRD_TAG ? 'D' : ' ');
- if (!newflag) {
- prints("%5d%c%s", head,
- !(B_BH(ptr)->brdattr & BRD_HIDE) ? ' ' :
- (B_BH(ptr)->brdattr & BRD_POSTMASK) ? ')' : '-',
- (ptr->myattr & NBRD_TAG) ? "D " :
- (B_BH(ptr)->brdattr & BRD_GROUPBOARD) ? " " :
- unread[ptr->myattr & NBRD_UNREAD ? 1 : 0]);
- } else {
- if (B_BH(ptr)->brdattr & BRD_GROUPBOARD)
- outs(" ");
- else
- prints("%6d%s", (int)(B_TOTAL(ptr)),
- unread[ptr->myattr & NBRD_UNREAD ? 1 : 0]);
- }
+ if (newflag && B_BH(ptr)->brdattr & BRD_GROUPBOARD)
+ outs(" ");
+ else
+ prints("%7d%c%s",
+ newflag ? (int)(B_TOTAL(ptr)) : head,
+ !(B_BH(ptr)->brdattr & BRD_HIDE) ? ' ' :
+ (B_BH(ptr)->brdattr & BRD_POSTMASK) ? ')' : '-',
+ (ptr->myattr & NBRD_TAG) ? "D " :
+ (B_BH(ptr)->brdattr & BRD_GROUPBOARD) ? " " :
+ unread[ptr->myattr & NBRD_UNREAD ? 1 : 0]);
if (!IN_CLASSROOT()) {
- prints("%s%-13s" ANSI_RESET "%s%5.5s" ANSI_COLOR(0;37) "%2.2s" ANSI_RESET
- "%-34.34s",
+ prints("%s%-13s" ANSI_RESET "%s%5.5s" ANSI_COLOR(0;37)
+ "%2.2s" ANSI_RESET "%-34.34s",
((!(cuser.uflag2 & FAVNOHILIGHT) &&
getboard(ptr->bid) != NULL))? HILIGHT_COLOR : "",
@@ -714,10 +724,10 @@ show_brdlist(int head, int clsflag, int newflag)
else //if (B_BH(ptr)->nuser > 50)
prints(ANSI_COLOR(1;31) "%2d" ANSI_RESET " ", B_BH(ptr)->nuser);
- prints("%.*s" ANSI_CLRTOEND, t_columns - 66, B_BH(ptr)->BM);
+ prints("%.*s" ANSI_CLRTOEND, t_columns - 68, B_BH(ptr)->BM);
} else {
prints("%-40.40s %.*s", B_BH(ptr)->title + 7,
- t_columns - 66, B_BH(ptr)->BM);
+ t_columns - 68, B_BH(ptr)->BM);
@@ -1157,31 +1167,6 @@ choose_board(int newflag)
brdnum = -1;
-#if 0
- case 'z':
- if (HasUserPerm(PERM_LOGINOK))
- vmsg("這個功\能已經被我的最愛取代掉了喔!");
- break;
- case 'Z':
- if (HasUserPerm(PERM_LOGINOK))
- vmsg("為避免誤按此功\能已取消,請改至個人設定區修改設定");
- break;
- if (HasUserPerm(PERM_LOGINOK)) {
- char genbuf[64];
- sprintf(genbuf, "確定要 %s訂閱\ 新看板? [N/y] ", cuser.uflag2 & FAVNEW_FLAG ? "取消" : "");
- if (getans(genbuf) != 'y')
- break;
- cuser.uflag2 ^= FAVNEW_FLAG;
- if (cuser.uflag2 & FAVNEW_FLAG)
- vmsg("切換為訂閱\新看板模式");
- else
- vmsg("取消訂閱\新看板");
- }
- break;
case 'v':
case 'V':