diff options
20 files changed, 0 insertions, 1501 deletions
diff --git a/web/.cvsignore b/web/.cvsignore
deleted file mode 100644
index 33ec1741..00000000
--- a/web/.cvsignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/web/Makefile b/web/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 095610b3..00000000
--- a/web/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-all: mod_ptt.c mod_ptt.h
- apxs -I ../include -c mod_ptt.c ../util/util_cache.c ../util/util_passwd.c ../util/util_record.c
- cp /usr/local/libexec/apache/
- chmod 775 /usr/local/libexec/apache/
- rm -f *.o *.a *.so
diff --git a/web/Makefile.old b/web/Makefile.old
deleted file mode 100644
index db2735bf..00000000
--- a/web/Makefile.old
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-## Apache Makefile, automatically generated by Configure script.
-## Hand-edited changes will be lost if the Configure script is re-run.
-## Sources: - ../../Makefile.config (via Configuration)
-## - ./Makefile.tmpl
-## Inherited Makefile options from Configure script
-## (Begin of automatically generated section)
-OS=FreeBSD 4.6
-CPP=gcc -E
-CFLAGS1= -funsigned-char -DUSE_EXPAT -I$(SRCDIR)/lib/expat-lite -DNO_DL_NEEDED
-LIBS1= -lcrypt
-## (End of automatically generated section)
-## Default Makefile options from Configure script
-## (Begin of automatically generated section)
-OBJS=mod_ptt.o parse_html.o
-BBSLIBS=util_cache.o util_passwd.o util_record.o
-all: lib shlib
-lib: $(LIB)
-shlib: $(SHLIBS)
-dummy $(LIB): $(OBJS)
- rm -f $@
- ar cr $@ $(OBJS) $(BBSLIBS)
- $(RANLIB) $@
-.SUFFIXES: .o .so .dll
- $(CC) -c $(INCLUDES) $(CFLAGS) $<
- $(CC) -c $(INCLUDES) $(CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS_SHLIB) $< && mv $*.o $*.lo
- $(LD_SHLIB) $(LDFLAGS_SHLIB) -o $@ $*.lo $(LIBS_SHLIB)
- rm -f $(LIB) $(OBJS) $(SHLIBS) $(OBJS_PIC)
-distclean: clean
- rm -f Makefile
- cp Makefile.tmpl Makefile.tmpl.bak \
- && sed -ne '1,/^# DO NOT REMOVE/p' Makefile.tmpl > \
- && gcc -MM $(INCLUDES) $(CFLAGS) *.c >> \
- && sed -e '1,$$s: $(INCDIR)/: $$(INCDIR)/:g' \
- -e '1,$$s: $(OSDIR)/: $$(OSDIR)/:g' \
- > Makefile.tmpl \
- && rm
-## (End of automatically generated section)
-$(OBJS) $(OBJS_PIC): Makefile
-mod_ptt.o: mod_ptt.c $(INCDIR)/httpd.h \
- $(INCDIR)/ap_config.h $(INCDIR)/ap_mmn.h \
- $(INCDIR)/ap_config_auto.h $(OSDIR)/os.h \
- $(INCDIR)/ap_ctype.h $(INCDIR)/hsregex.h \
- $(INCDIR)/ap_alloc.h $(INCDIR)/buff.h $(INCDIR)/ap.h \
- $(INCDIR)/util_uri.h $(INCDIR)/http_config.h \
- $(INCDIR)/http_core.h $(INCDIR)/http_log.h \
- $(INCDIR)/http_main.h $(INCDIR)/http_protocol.h \
- $(INCDIR)/util_script.h \
- /home/bbs/pttbbs/include/bbs.h
-parse_html.o: parse_html.c $(INCDIR)/httpd.h \
- $(INCDIR)/ap_config.h $(INCDIR)/ap_mmn.h \
- $(INCDIR)/ap_config_auto.h $(OSDIR)/os.h \
- $(INCDIR)/ap_ctype.h $(INCDIR)/hsregex.h \
- $(INCDIR)/ap_alloc.h $(INCDIR)/buff.h $(INCDIR)/ap.h \
- $(INCDIR)/util_uri.h $(INCDIR)/http_config.h \
- $(INCDIR)/http_core.h $(INCDIR)/http_log.h \
- $(INCDIR)/http_main.h $(INCDIR)/http_protocol.h \
- $(INCDIR)/util_script.h \
- /home/bbs/pttbbs/include/bbs.h
diff --git a/web/Makefile.tmpl b/web/Makefile.tmpl
deleted file mode 100644
index 83ed1e84..00000000
--- a/web/Makefile.tmpl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-$(OBJS) $(OBJS_PIC): Makefile
-BBSLIBS= util_cache.o util_record.o util_passwd.o
-mod_ptt.o: mod_ptt.c $(INCDIR)/httpd.h $(INCDIR)/ap_config.h \
- $(INCDIR)/ap_mmn.h $(INCDIR)/ap_config_auto.h \
- $(OSDIR)/os.h $(OSDIR)/os-inline.c $(INCDIR)/ap_ctype.h \
- $(INCDIR)/ap_alloc.h $(INCDIR)/buff.h $(INCDIR)/ap.h \
- $(INCDIR)/util_uri.h $(INCDIR)/http_config.h \
- $(INCDIR)/http_core.h $(INCDIR)/http_log.h \
- $(INCDIR)/http_main.h $(INCDIR)/http_protocol.h \
- $(INCDIR)/util_script.h
diff --git a/web/Makefile.tmpl.bak b/web/Makefile.tmpl.bak
deleted file mode 100644
index e686b7a9..00000000
--- a/web/Makefile.tmpl.bak
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-$(OBJS) $(OBJS_PIC): Makefile
-BBSLIBS= util_cache.o util_record.o util_passwd.o
-mod_ptt.o: mod_ptt.c $(INCDIR)/httpd.h \
- $(INCDIR)/ap_config.h $(INCDIR)/ap_mmn.h \
- $(INCDIR)/ap_config_auto.h $(OSDIR)/os.h \
- $(INCDIR)/ap_ctype.h $(INCDIR)/hsregex.h \
- $(INCDIR)/ap_alloc.h $(INCDIR)/buff.h $(INCDIR)/ap.h \
- $(INCDIR)/util_uri.h $(INCDIR)/http_config.h \
- $(INCDIR)/http_core.h $(INCDIR)/http_log.h \
- $(INCDIR)/http_main.h $(INCDIR)/http_protocol.h \
- $(INCDIR)/util_script.h
diff --git a/web/args.c b/web/args.c
deleted file mode 100755
index 02e0fad0..00000000
--- a/web/args.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,228 +0,0 @@
-/* 使用方法: 自己先用 r->method_number 判斷是 M_GET 或 M_POST
- */
-#include "mod_ptt.h"
-unsigned char xtoc(char ch1, char ch2) {
- unsigned char d, up1, up2;
- if (!isxdigit(ch1) || !isxdigit(ch2)) return ' ';
- up1 = toupper(ch1);
- up2 = toupper(ch2);
- if (up1>='0' && up1<='9') d = up1-'0';
- else d = up1-'A'+10;
- d <<= 4;
- if (up2>='0' && up2<='9') d += up2-'0';
- else d += up2-'A'+10;
- return d;
-char * cstoxs(pool *p, char *str)
- char * newstr = pstrdup(p,""), *po = str;
- for(po = str; *po; po++)
- {
- if(isprint(*po) && *po!=' ') newstr=psprintf(p, "%s%c", newstr,*po);
- else newstr=psprintf(p, "%s%%%X", newstr, *po& 0xFF);
- }
- return newstr;
-int // Ptt: 我重寫拿掉mygetchar 並加上fileupload的功能
-inital_postdata(request_rec *r, int *fileupload, char *boundary,
- char **data)
- char *buf, *mb;
- int size, off = 0, len_read;
- void (*handler)();
- buf = table_get(r->subprocess_env,"CONTENT_TYPE");
- if(!buf ||
- (strncasecmp(buf,"application/x-www-form-urlencoded",33) &&
- strncasecmp(buf,"multipart/form-data",19)))
- return -1;
- if(!strncasecmp(buf,"multipart/form-data",19)) {
- if(!fileupload) return -1;
- *fileupload=1;
- mb = strchr(buf,'=');
- if(mb) {
- strcpy(boundary,mb+1);
- strtok(boundary, " ;\n");
- }
- else return -1;
- }
- buf = table_get(r->subprocess_env,"CONTENT_LENGTH");
- if(buf==NULL) return -1;
- size = atoi(buf);
- mb = (char *)palloc(r->pool,(size+1)*sizeof(char));
- if(!mb ||
- (setup_client_block(r ,REQUEST_CHUNKED_ERROR) != 0) ||
- (should_client_block(r) == 0))
- return -1;
- hard_timeout("args.c copy script args", r);
- handler = signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);
- while(size-off > 0 && (len_read = get_client_block
- (r, mb + off, size - off)) > 0) {
- off += len_read;
- }
- signal(SIGPIPE, handler);
- kill_timeout(r);
- if(len_read < 0) return -1; // 讀的中途有中斷
- mb[size]=0; // Ptt:截掉不需要吧 因為不是用字串處理方式
- (*data) = mb;
- return size;
-#define ENCODED_NAME " name=\""
-#define ENCODED_FILENAME " filename=\""
-#define ENCODED_CONTENT "Content-Type: "
-unescape(request_rec *r, char** name, char** value) {
- static char *sp=NULL, boundary[150];
- static int fileupload, boundarylen, dsize;
- pool *p = r->pool;
- char ch, ch1, *dp, *p0, *p1, *temp_sp, *ftype;
- int type;
- if (sp==NULL) {
- fileupload=0;
- switch (r->method_number) {
- case M_GET:
- if (r->args) sp = pstrdup(p, r->args);
- else {sp=NULL; return -1;}
- break;
- case M_POST:
- if ((dsize =
- inital_postdata(r, &fileupload, boundary,&sp))<0)
- {sp=NULL; return -1; }
- if(fileupload) boundarylen = strlen(boundary);
- break;
- default:
- sp=NULL;
- return -1;
- }
- }
- if(fileupload)
- {
- if(dsize >0 && (temp_sp = memstr(sp, boundary, dsize)))
- {
- temp_sp += boundarylen;
- p0 = strstr(temp_sp, "\r\n\r\n");
- p1 = strstr(temp_sp, "\n\n");
- if(!((*name) = strstr(temp_sp, ENCODED_NAME)))
- {sp=NULL; return -1; }
- (*name) += strlen(ENCODED_NAME);
- strtok((*name) + 1 , "\"");
- if( (!p0 && p1) || (p0 && p1 && p1<p0))
- {
- (*value) = sp = p1 + 2;
- type = 2;
- }
- else if(p0)
- {
- (*value) = sp = p0 + 4;
- type = 4;
- }
- else
- {
- sp=NULL;
- return -1;
- }
- if((p1 = memstr(temp_sp, boundary, dsize - boundarylen)))
- temp_sp = p1;
- else
- temp_sp = sp + dsize;
- *(temp_sp - type) = 0;
- // 檢查是不是file 若是就給fileinfo
- if((dp=memstr(
- (*name) + strlen(*name) +1, ENCODED_FILENAME, dsize)) &&
- dp < *value)
- {
- dp += strlen(ENCODED_FILENAME);
- p0 = strchr(dp,'"');
- *p0 = 0;
- if(p0 - dp>3)
- {
- fileheader_t *file=(fileheader_t *)pcalloc(p, sizeof(fileheader_t));
- if((ftype = strstr(p0 + 1, ENCODED_CONTENT)))
- {
- ftype += strlen(ENCODED_CONTENT);
- strtok(ftype, "\r\n");
- }
- while(p0 > dp && *p0 !='/' && *p0 !='\\') p0--;
- strcpy(file->name, p0+1);
- strcpy(file->content_type, ftype);
- file->icontent_type = filetype(ftype);
- // if(file->icontent_type & (FILE_TXT | FILE_HTML))
- // file->size = strlen(sp);
- // else
- file->size = temp_sp - sp - type;
- file->uploadtime = time(NULL);
- file->data = (*value);
- (*value) = (char *)file;
- }
- else
- {
- (*value) = NULL;
- }
- }
- dsize -= (temp_sp - sp);
- sp = temp_sp;
- return 1;
- }
- else
- {
- sp=NULL;
- return -1;
- }
- }
- dp = (*name) = sp;
- while(1) {
- ch = *sp++;
- switch(ch) {
- case '+':
- *dp++ = ' ';
- break;
- case '=':
- *dp++ = '\0';
- (*value) = dp;
- break;
- case '&': case '|':
- *dp++ = '\0';
- return 1;
- case '\0': case EOF:
- *dp = '\0';
- sp=NULL;
- return 0;
- case '%':
- ch = *sp++; ch1 = *sp++;
- *dp++ = xtoc(ch, ch1);
- break;
- default:
- *dp++=ch;
- break;
- }
- }
diff --git a/web/board.c b/web/board.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 43347912..00000000
--- a/web/board.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-#include "mod_ptt.h"
-extern int numboards;
-extern boardheader_t *bcache;
-extern int ptt_handler(request_rec *r, void *args);
-int bbs_board(request_rec *r, void *args)
- int i;
- r->content_type = "text/xml";
- ap_send_http_header(r);
- ap_rputs("<hr> Ptt \n", r);
-return ptt_handler (r,args);
- ap_rprintf(r,"r->filename : %s <br>",r->filename);
- ap_rprintf(r,"r->request_time : %s <br>",ctime(&r->request_time));
- ap_rprintf(r,"r->method : %s <br>",r->method);
- ap_rprintf(r,"r->method_number : %d <br>",r->method_number);
- ap_rprintf(r,"r->path_info : %s <br>",r->path_info);
- ap_rprintf(r,"r->args : %s <br>",r->args);
- ap_rprintf(r,"r->unparsed_uri : %s <br>",r->unparsed_uri);
- ap_rprintf(r,"r->uri : %s <br>",r->uri);
- ap_rprintf(r,"r->handler : %s <br>",r->handler);
- ap_rprintf(r,"r->content_type : %s <br>",r->content_type);
- ap_rprintf(r, "Server built: \"%s\"\n", ap_get_server_built());
- ap_rputs("<hr> Ptt \n", r);
- ap_rputs("<XML>",r);
- for(i = 0; i++ < numboards; i++)
- {
- ap_rputs("<board>",r);
- ap_rputs("</board>",r);
- }
- return OK;
diff --git a/web/chmod b/web/chmod
deleted file mode 100644
index a91df6d5..00000000
--- a/web/chmod
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/web/l b/web/l
deleted file mode 100755
index 5feafa93..00000000
--- a/web/l
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-lynx -dump
diff --git a/web/mail.c b/web/mail.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f226afe..00000000
--- a/web/mail.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-#include "mod_ptt.h"
-int bbs_mail(request_rec *r, void *args)
- return OK;
diff --git a/web/mod_ptt.c b/web/mod_ptt.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c4309ed..00000000
--- a/web/mod_ptt.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,284 +0,0 @@
-#include "mod_ptt.h"
-extern SHM_t *SHM;
-extern int *GLOBALVAR;
-extern int numboards;
-extern boardheader_t *bcache;
-typedef struct excfg {
- int cmode; /* Environment to which record applies (directory,
- * server, or combination).
- */
-#define CONFIG_MODE_COMBO 3 /* Shouldn't ever happen. */
- int local; /* Boolean: "Example" directive declared here? */
- int congenital; /* Boolean: did we inherit an "Example"? */
- char *trace; /* Pointer to trace string. */
- char *loc; /* Location to which this record applies. */
-} excfg;
-static const char *trace = NULL;
-static table *static_calls_made = NULL;
-static pool *ptt_pool = NULL;
-static pool *ptt_subpool = NULL;
-module MODULE_VAR_EXPORT ptt_module;
-excfg * our_dconfig(request_rec *r)
- return (excfg *) ap_get_module_config(r->per_dir_config, &ptt_module);
-static void setup_module_cells()
- if (ptt_pool == NULL) {
- ptt_pool = ap_make_sub_pool(NULL);
- };
- if (static_calls_made == NULL) {
- static_calls_made = ap_make_table(ptt_pool, 16);
- };
-static int xml_header(request_rec *r)
- r->content_type = "text/xml";
- ap_send_http_header(r);
- ap_rputs("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"Big5\"?> \n", r);
- ap_rprintf(r, "<!-- HTTP-Server-version=\"%s\"\n",
- ap_get_server_version());
- ap_rprintf(r," r-filename=\"%s\"\n",r->filename);
- ap_rprintf(r," r-request_time=\"%s\"\n",ctime(&r->request_time));
- ap_rprintf(r," r-method=\"%s\"\n",r->method);
- ap_rprintf(r," r-method_number=\"%d\"\n",r->method_number);
- ap_rprintf(r," r-path_info=\"%s\"\n",r->path_info);
- ap_rprintf(r," r-args=\"%s\"\n",r->args);
- ap_rprintf(r," r-unparsed_uri=\"%s\"\n",r->unparsed_uri);
- ap_rprintf(r," r-handler=\"%s\"\n",r->handler);
- ap_rprintf(r," r-content_type=\"%s\"\n",r->content_type);
- ap_rprintf(r, " Serverbuilt=\"%s\" \n", ap_get_server_built());
- ap_rprintf(r, " numboards=\"%d\" \n", numboards);
- ap_rprintf(r, " shm=\"%d\" \n", SHM->loaded );
- ap_rprintf(r, " max_user=\"%d\" -->", SHM->max_user );
-static int userlist(request_rec *r)
- int i,offset=0;
- userinfo_t *ptr;
- xml_header(r);
- if (r->header_only) {
- return OK;
- }
- if(r->args) offset=atoi(r->args);
- if(offset<0 || offset>SHM->UTMPnumber)offset=0;
- ap_rprintf(r,"<userlist>");
- for(i=offset;i<SHM->UTMPnumber && i<50+offset;i++)
- {
- ptr= (userinfo_t *)SHM->sorted[SHM->currsorted][0][i];
- if(!ptr || ptr->userid[0]==0 || ptr->invisible ) continue;
- ap_rprintf(r,"<user>\n");
- ap_rprintf(r," <id>%d</id>\n",i+1);
- ap_rprintf(r," <total>%d</total>\n",SHM->UTMPnumber);
- ap_rprintf(r," <uid>%d</uid>\n",ptr->uid);
- ap_rprintf(r," <userid>%s</userid>\n",ptr->userid);
- ap_rprintf(r," <username>%s</username>\n",
- ap_escape_html(r->pool,ptr->username));
- ap_rprintf(r," <from>%s</from>\n",ptr->from);
- ap_rprintf(r," <from_alias>%d</from_alias>\n",ptr->from_alias);
- ap_rprintf(r," <mailalert>%d</mailalert>\n",ptr->mailalert);
- ap_rprintf(r," <mind>%s</mind>\n",ap_escape_html(r->pool,ptr->mind));
- ap_rprintf(r,"</user>");
- }
- ap_rprintf(r,"</userlist>");
-static int showboard(request_rec *r, int id)
- int i;
- boardheader_t *bptr=NULL;
- id=id-1;
- ap_rprintf(r,"<brdlist>");
- bptr = (boardheader_t *)bcache[id].firstchild[0];
- for(; bptr!= (boardheader_t*)~0; )
- {
- if((bcache[id].brdattr&BRD_HIDE)||
- bcache[id].level&& !(bcache[id].brdattr & BRD_POSTMASK )) continue;
- ap_rprintf(r,"<brd>\n");
- i=(bptr-bcache);
- ap_rprintf(r," <bid>%d</bid>",i+1);
- ap_rprintf(r," <brdname>%s</brdname>\n",bptr->brdname);
- ap_rprintf(r," <title>%s</title>\n",ap_escape_html(r->pool,bptr->title));
- ap_rprintf(r," <nuser>%d</nuser>\n",bptr->nuser);
- ap_rprintf(r," <gid>%d</gid>\n",bptr->gid);
- ap_rprintf(r," <childcount>%d</childcount>\n",bptr->childcount);
- ap_rprintf(r," <BM>%s</BM>\n",bptr->BM);
- ap_rprintf(r," <brdattr>%d</brdattr>\n",bptr->brdattr);
- ap_rprintf(r," <total>%d</total>\n",SHM->total[i]);
- ap_rprintf(r,"</brd>\n");
- bptr=(boardheader_t*)bptr->next[0];
- }
- ap_rprintf(r,"</brdlist>");
-static int showpost(request_rec *r,int bid,int id, int num)
- int i;
- num=256;
- id=1;
- char path[512];
- fileheader_t headers[256];
- memset(headers,0, sizeof(fileheader_t)*256);
- sprintf(path,BBSHOME"/boards/%c/%s/.DIR",
- bcache[bid-1].brdname[0],bcache[bid-1].brdname);
- get_records(path, headers, sizeof(fileheader_t)*256, id,num);
- ap_rprintf(r,"<postlist>");
- for(i=0;i<256;i++)
- {
- ap_rprintf(r,"<post>\n");
- ap_rprintf(r," <id>%d</id>",i+1);
- ap_rprintf(r," <filename>%s</filename>\n",headers[i].filename);
- ap_rprintf(r," <owner>%s</owner>\n",headers[i].owner);
- ap_rprintf(r," <date>%s</date>\n",headers[i].date);
- ap_rprintf(r," <title>%s</title>\n",
- ap_escape_html(r->pool,headers[i].title));
- ap_rprintf(r," <money>%d</money>\n",headers[i].money);
- ap_rprintf(r," <filemode>%c</filemode>\n",headers[i].filemode);
- ap_rprintf(r," <recommend>%d</recommend>\n",headers[i].recommend);
- ap_rprintf(r,"</post>\n");
- }
- ap_rprintf(r,"</postlist>");
-static int showmenujs(request_rec *r)
- int i;
- boardheader_t *bptr;
- r->content_type = "text/text";
- ap_send_http_header(r);
- ap_rputs("d=new dTree('d');\n",r);
- ap_rputs("d.add(0,-1,'Class','');\n",r);
- for(i=1;i<=numboards;i++)
- {
- bptr=&bcache[i-1];
- if(!isalpha(bptr->brdname[0]))continue;
- ap_rprintf(r,"d.add(%d,%d,\"%s %s..\",'/boards?%s');\n",
- i,bptr->gid-1,
- bptr->gid==1?"":bptr->brdname,
- ap_escape_quotes(r->pool,
- ap_escape_html(r->pool,bptr->title+7)),i);
- }
- ap_rputs("d.draw()\n",r);
- return OK;
-static int showxml(request_rec *r)
- int bid=1;
- xml_header(r);
- if (r->header_only) {
- return OK;
- }
- if(r->args) bid=atoi(r->args);
- if(bid<1 || bid>numboards)bid=1;
- if(
- !(bcache[bid-1].brdattr&BRD_HIDE)&&
- !(bcache[bid-1].level&&!(bcache[bid-1].brdattr & BRD_POSTMASK)))
- if( bid==1||bcache[bid-1].brdattr&BRD_GROUPBOARD)
- showboard(r,bid);
- else
- showpost(r,bid,0,0);
- return OK;
-static int ptt_handler(request_rec *r)
- excfg *dcfg;
- dcfg = our_dconfig(r);
- ap_soft_timeout("send ptt call trace", r);
- if(!strncmp(r->unparsed_uri,"/menu",5))
- showmenujs(r);
- else if(!strncmp(r->unparsed_uri,"/userlist",9))
- userlist(r);
- else
- showxml(r);
- ap_kill_timeout(r);
- return OK;
-/* OK Handler accepted the request and did its thing with it. */
-/* DECLINED Handler took no action. */
-/* HTTP_mumble Handler looked at request and found it wanting. */
-static void ptt_child_init(server_rec *s, pool *p)
- char *note;
- char *sname = s->server_hostname;
- attach_SHM();
- setup_module_cells();
- sname = (sname != NULL) ? sname : "";
- note = ap_pstrcat(p, "ptt_child_init(", sname, ")", NULL);
-static void ptt_child_exit(server_rec *s, pool *p)
- char *note;
- char *sname = s->server_hostname;
- /*
- * The arbitrary text we add to our trace entry indicates for which server
- * we're being called.
- */
- sname = (sname != NULL) ? sname : "";
- note = ap_pstrcat(p, "ptt_child_exit(", sname, ")", NULL);
-static const handler_rec ptt_handlers[] =
- {"ptt_h", ptt_handler},
- {NULL}
-module MODULE_VAR_EXPORT ptt_module =
- NULL, /* module initializer */
- NULL, /* per-directory config creator */
- NULL, /* dir config merger */
- NULL, /* server config creator */
- NULL, /* server config merger */
- NULL, /* command table */
- ptt_handlers, /* [9] list of handlers */
- NULL, /* [2] filename-to-URI translation */
- NULL, /* [5] check/validate user_id */
- NULL, /* [6] check user_id is valid *here* */
- NULL, /* [4] check access by host address */
- NULL, /* [7] MIME type checker/setter */
- NULL, /* [8] fixups */
- NULL, /* [10] logger */
-#if MODULE_MAGIC_NUMBER >= 19970103
- NULL, /* [3] header parser */
-#if MODULE_MAGIC_NUMBER >= 19970719
- ptt_child_init, /* process initializer */
-#if MODULE_MAGIC_NUMBER >= 19970728
- ptt_child_exit, /* process exit/cleanup */
-#if MODULE_MAGIC_NUMBER >= 19970902
diff --git a/web/mod_ptt.h b/web/mod_ptt.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 125046d6..00000000
--- a/web/mod_ptt.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-#include "httpd.h"
-#include "http_config.h"
-#include "http_core.h"
-#include "http_log.h"
-#include "http_main.h"
-#include "http_protocol.h"
-#include "util_script.h"
-#include "bbs.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#define PATHLEN 512
diff --git a/web/mytime.h b/web/mytime.h
deleted file mode 100755
index c9e4f29d..00000000
--- a/web/mytime.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
-/* Ptt : 常用函式整理 */
- * 時間處理
- */
-#include <time.h>
-#ifdef _BBS_UTIL
- #undef pstrdup
- #define pstrdup(p, str) strdup(str)
-mygetdate(time_t clock, int *year, int *mon, int *mday, int *week)
- struct tm *mytm = localtime(&clock);
- if(year) *year = mytm->tm_year; /* 98 */
- if(mon) *mon = mytm->tm_mon + 1; /* 1~12 */
- if(mday) *mday = mytm->tm_mday; /* 1~31 */
- if(week) *week = mytm->tm_wday; /* 0~6 */
- return 0;
-char *
-Cdatenum_slash(pool *p,time_t *clock) /* 98/04/21 */
- char foo[22];
- struct tm *mytm = localtime(clock);
- strftime(foo, 22, "%y/%m/%d", mytm);
- return pstrdup(p, foo);
-char *
-Cdatenum(pool *p,time_t *clock) /* 980421 */
- char foo[22];
- struct tm *mytm = localtime(clock);
- strftime(foo, 22, "%y%m%d", mytm);
- return pstrdup(p, foo);
-#ifndef _BBS_UTIL
-char *
-Cdatefullnum(pool *p,time_t *clock) /* 19980421 */
- char foo[22];
- struct tm *mytm = localtime(clock);
- strftime(foo, 22, "%Y%m%d", mytm);
- return pstrdup(p, foo);
-char *
-Cdatefullnum(char *p,time_t *clock) /* 19980421 */
- static char foo[22];
- struct tm *mytm = localtime(clock);
- strftime(foo, 22, "%Y%m%d", mytm);
- return foo;
-char *
-Cdate(char *p,time_t *clock)
- char foo[22];
- struct tm *mytm = localtime(clock);
- strftime(foo, 22, "%D %T %a", mytm);
- return pstrdup(p, foo);
-char *
-Cdatelite(char *p,time_t *clock)
- char foo[18];
- struct tm *mytm = localtime(clock);
- strftime(foo, 18, "%D %T", mytm);
- return pstrdup(p, foo);
-char *
-whattime(char *p,time_t *clock)
- char foo[18];
- struct tm *mytm = localtime(clock);
- strftime(foo, 18, "%H:%M:%S", mytm);
- return pstrdup(p, foo);
-char *
-whatyear(char *p,time_t *clock)
- char foo[6];
- struct tm *mytm = localtime(clock);
- strftime(foo, 6, "%Y", mytm);
- return pstrdup(p, foo);
-char *
-whatmonth(char *p,time_t *clock)
- char foo[4];
- struct tm *mytm = localtime(clock);
- strftime(foo, 4, "%m", mytm);
- return pstrdup(p, foo);
-char *
-whatday(char *p,time_t *clock)
- char foo[4];
- struct tm *mytm = localtime(clock);
- strftime(foo, 4, "%d", mytm);
- return pstrdup(p, foo);
-char *
-C_week(pool *p, int a)
- char foo[5]="";
- switch(a)
- {
- case 0:
- case 7:
- strcpy(foo,"日");
- break;
- case 1:
- strcpy(foo,"一");
- break;
- case 2:
- strcpy(foo,"二");
- break;
- case 3:
- strcpy(foo,"三");
- break;
- case 4:
- strcpy(foo,"四");
- break;
- case 5:
- strcpy(foo,"五");
- break;
- case 6:
- strcpy(foo,"六");
- break;
- }
- return pstrdup(p, foo);
-char *
-whatweek(char *p,time_t *clock)
- struct tm *mytm = localtime(clock);
- return C_week(p, mytm->tm_wday);
-char *
-whathour(char *p,time_t *clock)
- char foo[4]="";
- struct tm *mytm = localtime(clock);
- strftime(foo, 6, "%H", mytm);
- return pstrdup(p, foo);
-char *
-whatminute(char *p,time_t *clock)
- char foo[4]="";
- struct tm *mytm = localtime(clock);
- strftime(foo, 6, "%M", mytm);
- return pstrdup(p, foo);
-char *
-whatsecond(char *p,time_t *clock)
- char foo[4]="";
- struct tm *mytm = localtime(clock);
- strftime(foo, 6, "%S", mytm);
- return pstrdup(p, foo);
-char *
-Wholetime(char *p,time_t *clock) /* 19980421 */
- char foo[40];
- struct tm *mytm = localtime(clock);
- strftime(foo, 40, "%Y年%m月%d日%H時%M分%S秒", mytm);
- return pstrdup(p, foo);
diff --git a/web/parse_html.c b/web/parse_html.c
deleted file mode 100755
index 402412de..00000000
--- a/web/parse_html.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,294 +0,0 @@
-#include "mod_ptt.h"
-#include <time.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#define KUSERINFO "$userinfo$"
-#define KUSERID "$userid$"
-#define KUSERNAME "$username$"
-#define KUSERMONEY "$usermoney$"
-#define KTIMEYEAR "$timeyear$"
-#define KTIMEMONTH "$timemonth$"
-#define KTIMEMDAY "$timemday$"
-#define KTIMEWEEK "$timeweek$"
-#define KSERVERTIME "$servertime$"
-#define KTIMEHOUR "$hour$"
-#define KTIMEMINUTE "$minute$"
-#define KTIMESECOND "$second$"
-#define KMSGONLOAD "$MSGonLoad$"
-#define KFCSONLOAD "$FCSonLoad$"
-#define KHTMLTITLE "$HTMLtitle$"
-#define KSCROLLTITLE "$SCROLLtitle$"
-#define KINCHTML "$file:"
-char *
-ap_parseline(request_rec *r, const char *str, char *str_substiute[]) {
- int i, off=0;
- char *strbuf, *po;
- pool *p = r->pool;
- strbuf = pstrdup(p, str);
- if(str_substiute == NULL) return strbuf;
- for(i=0; str_substiute[i]!=NULL; i+=2)
- {
- off = 0;
- while(po = strstr(strbuf + off, str_substiute[i]))
- {
- *po = 0;
- strbuf = pstrcat(p, strbuf, str_substiute[i+1] !=NULL
- ? str_substiute[i+1] : "", po+strlen(str_substiute[i]), NULL);
- off += str_substiute[i+1] ? strlen(str_substiute[i+1]) : 0;
- }
- }
- return strbuf;
-char *
-ap_standard_parseline(request_rec *r, char *str)
- time_t now = time(NULL);
- pool *p = r->pool;
- char *str_substiute[]= // 關鍵字的代換表
- {
- KUSERID, "ptt",
- KUSERNAME, "name",
- KTIMEYEAR, whatyear(p,&now),
- KTIMEMONTH,whatmonth(p,&now),
- KTIMEMDAY, whatday(p,&now),
- KTIMEWEEK, whatweek(p,&now),
- KSERVERTIME, whattime(p,&now),
- KTIMEHOUR, whathour(p,&now),
- KTIMEMINUTE, whatminute(p,&now),
- KTIMESECOND, whatsecond(p,&now),
- KUSERMONEY, "100",
- };
- return ap_parseline(r, str, str_substiute);
-ap_showfile(request_rec *r, char *filename, char *table[], char *t2[], FILE *fo)
- pool *p = r->pool;
- FILE *fp = pfopen(p, filename, "r");
- char *str, *incfile, buf[512];
- if (!fp) {
-#if DEBUG
- rputs(filename, r);
- return -1;
- }
- while (fgets(buf, 512, fp))
- {
- str = ap_standard_parseline(r,
- ap_parseline(r,
- ap_parseline(r, buf, table),
- t2));
- if ((incfile = strstr(str, KINCHTML)) != NULL) {
- incfile += strlen(KINCHTML);
- incfile = strtok(incfile, "$");
-#if 0
- if (*incfile != '/')
- incfile = ap_pstrcat(p, TEMPLATEDIR "/", incfile, NULL);
- ap_showfile(r, incfile, table, t2, fo);
- } else if(fo) fputs(str, fo);
- else rputs(str, r);
- }
- pfclose(p, fp);
- return 0;
-char *
-add_href(pool *p, char *l)
- char *href[] = {"http://", "ftp://", "gopher://", "file://",
- "telnet://", "mailto:", NULL},
- *end, url[PATHLEN], *tl, *po;
- int i, urllen, off;
- tl = pstrdup(p, l);
- for(i=0; href[i]!=NULL; i++)
- {
- off = 0;
- //Ptt: while 應該用 while 但 while 有bug
- if((po = strstr(tl + off, href[i])))
- {
- for(end = po; (*end>='&' && *end<='z')||*end=='~' ; end++);
- urllen = end - po;
- if(urllen > PATHLEN)
- {
- off += PATHLEN; continue;
- }
- strncpy(url, po, urllen);
- *po= 0;
- url[urllen] = 0;
- tl = psprintf(p, "%s<a href=\"%s\" target=\"%s\">%s</a>%s", tl,
- url, "new", url, end);
- off += 2 * urllen + 15;
- }
- }
- return tl;
- format:
- char *name, void *ptr, size_t length
- char *name, int *ptr, -1
- char *name, char **ptr, 0
-GetQueryDatas(request_rec *r, int **table)
- int rc, i, match=0, dlen, maxlen;
- char *name, *value, *str;
- pool *p = r->pool;
- for(i=1; table[i]!=NULL; i+=3)
- {
- if((int) table[i+1]) *table[i]=0;
- else (char *) (*table[i]) = pstrdup(p, "");
- }
- do
- {
- if((rc = unescape(r, &name, &value))<0) break;
- for(i=0; table[i]; i+=3)
- {
- if(!strcmp((char *)table[i], name)) break;
-#if 0
-/* SiE990313 test: 抓 未定義的變數 */
- if(!strcmp((char *)table[i], "$SPARE$"))
- {
- (char *) (*table[i + 1]) = pstrdup(p, name);
- continue;
- }
- }
- if(table[i] && table[i+1])
- {
- if((maxlen = (int) table[i+2]) > 0)
- {
- if(!*value) continue;
- dlen = strlen((char *)table[i+1]);
- str = ap_escape_html(p, value);
- if(maxlen > dlen)
- strexam(
- strncat((char *)table[i+1],str,maxlen-dlen)
- );
- }
- else if((int) table[i+2] == 0) // for file upload
- {
-// str = ap_escape_html(p, value);
- //if(value)
- (*table[i+1]) = (int) value;
-// else (*table[i+1]) = (int) pstrdup(p,"");
- }
- else
- {
- if(!*value) continue;
- *(table[i+1]) += atoi(value);
- }
- match++;
- }
- } while(rc>0);
- return match;
-ap_url_redirect(request_rec *r, char *url)
- r->status = REDIRECT;
- ap_table_setn(r->headers_out, "Location", pstrdup(r->pool, url));
- return MOVED;
-char *
-pint2str(pool* p, int c)
- return ap_psprintf(p,"%d",c);
-preplace(request_rec *r, char* src, char* sig, char* rep)
- char *ptr;
- int siglen=strlen(sig), off=0;
- while((ptr = strstr(src+off,sig)))
- {
- *ptr = 0;
- src = pstrcat(r->pool, src, rep, NULL);
- off = strlen(src);
- src = pstrcat(r->pool, src, ptr+siglen, NULL);
- }
- return src;
-hex2dig(char *str)
- int base,ret=0,i,len=strlen(str);
- for(i=0; i<len; i++)
- {
- if(str[i]>='a' && str[i]<='f') base = str[i]-'a'+10;
- else if(str[i]>='A' && str[i]<='F') base = str[i]-'A'+10;
- else if(str[i]>='0' && str[i]<='9') base = str[i]-'0';
- else return -1;
- ret += base*pow(16,len-i-1);
- }
- return ret;
-char *
-pstrncpy(pool* p, char tmp[], int n)
- char *ptr;
- ptr=pstrdup(p,tmp);
- *(ptr+n)=0;
- return psprintf(p,"%s",ptr);
-char *
-GetPathToken(request_rec *r, int count)
- char *str, *token, *sepr = "/\\?&";
- int i;
- str = pstrdup(r->pool, r->path_info + 1);
- token = strtok(str, sepr);
- for( i = 1 ; i < count; i++)
- {
- token = strtok(NULL, sepr);
- if(!token) return "-1"; /* Heat:count超過也要考慮 */
- }
- return token;
- 個人信件夾檔保管方式:
- mail/@/rec/FF/F/UUDDTT
- mail/@/dat/FF/F/UUDDTT
diff --git a/web/post.c b/web/post.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e67937e..00000000
--- a/web/post.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-#include "mod_ptt.h"
-int bbs_post(request_rec *r, void *args)
- return OK;
diff --git a/web/r b/web/r
deleted file mode 100755
index 5e18e14c..00000000
--- a/web/r
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-sudo apachectl restart
diff --git a/web/s b/web/s
deleted file mode 100755
index e1384f10..00000000
--- a/web/s
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-sudo apachectl stop
diff --git a/web/stuff.c b/web/stuff.c
deleted file mode 100755
index b02dbb0d..00000000
--- a/web/stuff.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,269 +0,0 @@
-/* Ptt : 常用字串函式整理 */
-#include "mod_ptt.h"
-// 缺少 escape_url的東西
- * 檔案判別
- */
- /* 傳回:路徑大小 */
- char *fname;
- struct stat st;
- if (!stat(fname, &st))
- return (st.st_size);
- else
- return 0; /* 無此檔是 size 0 */
- /* 傳回:路徑時間 */
-dasht(char *fname)
- struct stat st;
- if (!stat(fname, &st))
- return (st.st_mtime);
- else
- return -1;
- /* 傳回:路徑是否為link檔 */
-dashl(char *fname)
- struct stat st;
- return (lstat(fname, &st) == 0 && S_ISLNK(st.st_mode));
- /* 傳回:路徑是否為檔案 */
-dashf(char *fname)
- struct stat st;
- return (stat(fname, &st) == 0 && S_ISREG(st.st_mode));
-/* 字串的小寫 */
-#define char_lower(c) ((c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') ? c|32 : c)
-str_lower(t, s)
- char *t, *s;
- register char ch;
- do
- {
- ch = *s++;
- *t++ = char_lower(ch);
- } while (ch);
-str_ncmp(s1, s2, n)
- char *s1, *s2;
- int n;
- int c1, c2;
- while (n--)
- {
- c1 = *s1++;
- if (c1 >= 'A' && c1 <= 'Z')
- c1 |= 32;
- c2 = *s2++;
- if (c2 >= 'A' && c2 <= 'Z')
- c2 |= 32;
- if (c1 -= c2)
- return (c1);
- if (!c2)
- break;
- }
- return 0;
-char *
-memstr(char *mem, char *str, int size)
- char *loc, *ptr=mem, *end=mem+size;
- int len = strlen(str);
- while((loc = memchr(ptr, *str, size)))
- {
- if(!strncmp(loc, str, len))
- return loc;
- ptr = loc +1;
- size = (end - ptr);
- if(size <=0 ) return NULL;
- }
- return NULL;
-/* 傳回: strstr的比較但不計大小寫的結果 */
-char *
-strcasestr(str, tag)
- char *str, *tag;
- char buf[BUFLEN];
- str_lower(buf, str);
- return strstr(buf, tag);
-/* 傳回: 一個checksum 給字串比較用 */
-int str_checksum(char *str)
- int n=1;
- if(strlen(str) < 6) return 0;
- while(*str)
- n += *str++ ^ n;
- return n;
- register char ch;
- return (ch < 'A' || (ch > 'Z' && ch < 'a') || ch > 'z');
- register char ch;
- return (ch < '0' || (ch > '9' && ch < 'A') ||
- (ch > 'Z' && ch < 'a') || ch > 'z');
-ch2ph(char ch)
- static const
- // a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o
- char table[]={'2','2','2','3','3','3','4','4','4','5','5','5','6','6','6',
- // p q r s t u v w x y z
- '7','1','7','7','8','8','8','9','9','9','1'};
- static char d;
- d = char_lower(ch);
- if(d>='a' && d<='z') d=table[d-'a'];
- return d;
-archiv32(chrono, fname)
- time_t chrono; /* 32 bits */
- char *fname; /* 7 chars */
- char *str;
- char radix32[32] = {
- '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7',
- '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F',
- 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N',
- 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V',
- };
- str = fname + 7;
- *str = '\0';
- for (;;)
- {
- *(--str) = radix32[chrono & 31];
- if (str == fname)
- return;
- chrono >>= 5;
- }
-/* ARPANET時間格式 */
-char *
- time_t *clock;
- static char datemsg[40];
- /* ARPANET format: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 06:00:37 +0800 (CST) */
- /* strftime(datemsg, 40, "%a, %d %b %Y %T %Z", localtime(clock)); */
- /* time zone的傳回值不知和ARPANET格式是否一樣,先硬給,同sendmail*/
- strftime(datemsg, 40, "%a, %d %b %Y %T +0800 (CST)", localtime(clock));
- return (datemsg);
-/* userid是否合法 */
- char *userid;
- register char ch;
- if (strlen(userid) < 2)
- return 1;
- if (not_alpha(*userid))
- return 1;
- if (!strcasecmp(userid, "new") || !strcasecmp(userid, "guest") ||
- !strcasecmp(userid, "root") || !strcasecmp(userid, "webadm") ||
- !strncasecmp(userid,"yam",3)
- )
- return 1;
- while (ch = *(++userid))
- {
- if (not_alnum(ch) || ch == '0')
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
-logfile(pool *p, char *filename,char *buf)
- FILE *fp;
- time_t now;
- if( (fp = ap_pfopen(p, filename, "a" )) ) {
- fputs( buf, fp );
- if(!strchr(buf,'\n'))
- {
- now = time(NULL);
- fputs(ctime(&now), fp);
- }
- ap_pfclose(p, fp );
- return 0;
- }
- else{
- printf("error open file");
- return -1;
- }
-/* 檢查中文斷字問題 */
-char *strexam(char *s)
- int i;
- int odd;
- for (i = 0, odd = 0; s[i]; i++)
- if (odd) odd = 0;
- else if (s[i] & 128) odd = 1;
- if (odd) s[--i] = 0;
- return s;
-maxline(char *data,char *newline, int max)
- register int n, nlen=strlen(newline);
- register char *po;
- for(n=0, po = data; (po = strstr(po, newline)); po+=nlen)
- {
- if(++n>=max) {*po=0; return -1;}
- }
- return n;
diff --git a/web/t b/web/t
deleted file mode 100755
index 6e8b84bc..00000000
--- a/web/t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-tail /var/log/httpd-error.log
diff --git a/web/user.c b/web/user.c
deleted file mode 100644
index fe5d0696..00000000
--- a/web/user.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-#include "mod_ptt.h"
-int bbs_user(request_rec *r, void *args)
- return OK;