path: root/web/blog/
diff options
authorpiaip <piaip@63ad8ddf-47c3-0310-b6dd-a9e9d9715204>2008-03-26 13:47:01 +0800
committerpiaip <piaip@63ad8ddf-47c3-0310-b6dd-a9e9d9715204>2008-03-26 13:47:01 +0800
commit2a2078146f1e079732cd1a471e064d34a4399890 (patch)
tree79317a4ab4ed6a610033ed914a2c8782c3a37790 /web/blog/
parentb860b474520a4f30b20c829d507d60a90338aadc (diff)
- (internal) directory layout structure finetune
git-svn-id: 63ad8ddf-47c3-0310-b6dd-a9e9d9715204
Diffstat (limited to 'web/blog/')
1 files changed, 483 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/web/blog/ b/web/blog/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..5362f4b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web/blog/
@@ -0,0 +1,483 @@
+# $Id$
+use CGI qw/:standard/;
+use lib qw/./;
+use LocalVars;
+use DB_File;
+use strict;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use Date::Calc qw(:all);
+use Template;
+use OurNet::FuzzyIndex;
+use DBI;
+use DBD::mysql;
+use POSIX;
+use MD5;
+use Mail::Sender;
+use Data::Serializer;
+use Encode;
+use vars qw/@emonth @cnumber %config %attr %article %th $dbh $brdname/;
+sub main
+ my($fn, $y, $m, $d, $ofn);
+ my($tmpl);
+ $dbh = undef;
+ @emonth = ('', 'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May',
+ 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October',
+ 'November', 'December');
+ @cnumber = ('零', '一', '二', '三', '四', '五', '六',
+ '七', '八', '九', '十', '十一', '十二');
+ if( $brdname = param('searchboard') ){
+ dodbi(sub {
+ my($dbh) = @_;
+ my($sth);
+ $sth = $dbh->prepare("select k from counter where k='$brdname'");
+ $sth->execute();
+ $brdname = (($sth = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) ?
+ $sth->{k} : 'Blog');
+ });
+ return redirect("/$brdname/");
+ }
+ if( !$ENV{PATH_INFO} ){
+ print header(-status => 400);
+ return;
+ }
+ if( !(($brdname, $ofn) = $ENV{PATH_INFO} =~ m|^/([\w\-]+?)/([\.,\w]*)$|) ||
+ !( ($fn, $y, $m, $d) = parsefn($ofn) ) ||
+ !(-e "$BLOGDATA/$brdname/$fn") ||
+ !(tie %config, 'DB_File',
+ "$BLOGDATA/$brdname/config.db", O_RDONLY, 0666, $DB_HASH) ||
+ !(tie %attr, 'DB_File',
+ "$BLOGDATA/$brdname/attr.db", O_RDONLY, 0666, $DB_HASH) ){
+ return redirect("/$1/")
+ if( $ENV{PATH_INFO} =~ m|^/([\w\-]+?)$| );
+ print header(-status => 404);
+ return;
+ }
+ charset('');
+ print header(-type => GetType($fn));
+ $fn ||= 'index.html';
+ # first, import all settings in %config
+ %th = %config;
+ $th{BOARDNAME} = $brdname;
+ $th{key} = $y * 10000 + $m * 100 + $d;
+ # loadBlog ---------------------------------------------------------------
+ tie %article, 'DB_File', "$BLOGDATA/$brdname.db", O_RDONLY, 0666, $DB_HASH;
+ if( $attr{"$fn.loadBlog"} =~ /article/i ){
+ AddArticle('blog', $attr{"$fn.loadBlogFields"}, packdate($y, $m, $d));
+ }
+ elsif( $attr{"$fn.loadBlog"} =~ /monthly/i ){
+ my($s, $y1, $m1, $d1);
+ for( ($y1, $m1, $d1) = ($y, $m, 32) ; $d1 > 0 ; --$d1 ){
+ AddArticle('blog', $attr{"$fn.loadBlogFields"},
+ packdate($y1, $m1, $d1));
+ }
+ }
+ elsif( $attr{"$fn.loadBlog"} =~ /^last(\d+)/i ){
+ my($ptr, $i);
+ for( $ptr = $article{last}, $i = 0 ;
+ $ptr && $i < $1 ;
+ $ptr = $article{"$ptr.prev"}, ++$i ){
+ AddArticle('blog', $attr{"$fn.loadBlogFields"},
+ $ptr);
+ }
+ }
+ elsif( $attr{"$fn.loadBlog"} =~ /FuzzySearch/i ){
+ my $idx = OurNet::FuzzyIndex->new("$BLOGDATA/$brdname.idx");
+ my %result = $idx->query($th{SearchKey} = param('SearchKey'),
+ foreach my $t (sort { $result{$b} <=> $result{$a} } keys(%result)) {
+ AddArticle('blog', $attr{"$fn.loadBlogFields"},
+ $idx->getkey($t), sprintf("%5.1f", $result{$t} / 10));
+ }
+ }
+ if( $attr{"$fn.loadBlogPrevNext"} ){
+ my $s = packdate($y, $m, $d);
+ AddArticle('next', $attr{"$fn.loadBlogPrevNext"},
+ $article{"$"});
+ AddArticle('prev', $attr{"$fn.loadBlogPrevNext"},
+ $article{"$s.prev"});
+ }
+ # loadArchives -----------------------------------------------------------
+ if( $attr{"$fn.loadArchives"} =~ /^monthly/i ){
+ # 找尋 +-1 year 內有資料的月份
+ my($c, $y1, $m1);
+ for( $c = 0, ($y1, $m1) = ($y + 1, $m) ;
+ $c < 48 ;
+ ++$c, --$m1 ) {
+ if( $m1 == 0 ){ $m1 = 12; --$y1; }
+ if( $article{ sprintf('%04d%02d', $y1, $m1) } ){
+ push @{$th{Archives}}, {year => $y1, month => $m1,
+ emonth => $emonth[$m1],
+ cmonth => $cnumber[$m1],
+ key => packdate($y1, $m1, 1)};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # loadRecentEntries ------------------------------------------------------
+ if( $attr{"$fn.loadRecentEntries"} ){
+ my($i, $ptr, $y, $m, $d);
+ print $attr{"$fn.loadRecentEntries:"};
+ for( $i = 0, $ptr = $article{'last'} ;
+ $ptr && $i < $attr{"$fn.loadRecentEntries"} ;
+ ++$i, $ptr = $article{"$ptr.prev"} ){
+ ($y, $m, $d) = unpackdate($ptr);
+ push @{$th{RecentEntries}}, {year => $y, month => $m,
+ emonth => $emonth[$m],
+ cmonth => $cnumber[$m],
+ title => $article{"$ptr.title"},
+ key => $ptr};
+ }
+ }
+ # topBlogs
+ my($t);
+ foreach $t ( ['loadTopBlogs', 'v', 'topBlogs', 'counter'],
+ ['loadTopWeekBlogs', 'v', 'topWeekBlogs', 'wcounter'],
+ ['loadRandomBlogs', 'RAND()', 'randomBlogs', 'counter'],
+ ){
+ if( $attr{"$fn.$t->[0]"} ){
+ dodbi(sub {
+ my($dbh) = @_;
+ my($sth);
+ $sth = $dbh->prepare("select k, v from $t->[3] ".
+ "order by $t->[1] desc ".
+ ($attr{"$fn.$t->[0]"} eq 'all' ? '' :
+ 'limit 0,'. $attr{"$fn.$t->[0]"}));
+ $sth->execute();
+ while( $_ = $sth->fetchrow_hashref() ){
+ push @{$th{$t->[2]}}, {brdname => $_->{k},
+ counter => $_->{v}};
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ # Counter ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ if( $attr{"$fn.loadCounter"} ){
+ $th{counter} = dodbi(sub {
+ my($dbh) = @_;
+ my($sth, $t, $time);
+ $time = time();
+ $dbh->do("update counter set v = v + 1, mtime = $time ".
+ "where k = '$brdname' && mtime < ". ($time - 2));
+ $dbh->do("update wcounter set v = v + 1, mtime = $time ".
+ "where k = '$brdname' && mtime < ". ($time - 2));
+ $sth = $dbh->prepare("select v from counter where k='$brdname'");
+ $sth->execute();
+ $t = $sth->fetchrow_hashref();
+ return $t->{v} if( $t->{v} );
+ $dbh->do("insert into counter (k, v) values ('$brdname', 1)");
+ $dbh->do("insert into wcounter (k, v) values ('$brdname', 1)");
+ return 1;
+ });
+ }
+ # Calendar ---------------------------------------------------------------
+ if( $attr{"$fn.loadCalendar"} ){
+ # 沒有合適的 module , 自己寫一個 |||b
+ my($c, $week, $day, $t, $link, $newtr);
+ $c = ("<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"4\" cellpadding=\"0\">\n".
+ "<caption class=\"calendarhead\">$emonth[$m] $y</caption>\n".
+ "<tr>\n");
+ $c .= ("<th abbr=\"$_->[0]\" align=\"center\">".
+ "<span class=\"calendar\">$_->[1]</span></th>\n")
+ foreach( ['Sunday', 'Sun'], ['Monday', 'Mon'],
+ ['Tuesday', 'Tue'], ['Wednesday', 'Wed'],
+ ['Thursday', 'Thu'], ['Friday', 'Fri'],
+ ['Saturday', 'Sat'] );
+ $week = Day_of_Week($y, $m, 1);
+ $c .= "</tr>\n<tr>\n";
+ if( $week == 7 ){
+ $week = 0;
+ }
+ else{
+ $c .= ("<th abbr=\"null\" align=\"center\"><span class=\"calendar\">".
+ "&nbsp;</span></th>\n")
+ foreach( 1..$week );
+ }
+ foreach( 1..31 ){
+ last if( !check_date($y, $m, $_) );
+ $c .= "<tr>\n" if( $newtr );
+ $c .= "<th abbr=\"$_\" align=\"center\"><span class=\"calendar\">";
+ $t = packdate($y, $m, $_);
+ if( !$article{"$t.title"} ){
+ $c .= "$_";
+ }
+ else{
+ my $link = $attr{"$fn.loadCalendar"};
+ $link =~ s/\[\% key \%\]/$t/g;
+ $c .= "<a href=\"$link\">$_</a>";
+ }
+ $c .= "</span></th>\n";
+ if( ++$week == 7 ){
+ $c .= "</tr>\n\n";
+ $week = 0;
+ $newtr = 1;
+ }
+ else{
+ $newtr = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ $c .= "</tr>\n" if( !$newtr );
+ $c .= "</table>\n";
+ $th{calendar} = $c;
+ }
+ # Comments ---------------------------------------------------------------
+ if( $attr{"$fn.loadRecentComments"} ){
+ dodbi(sub {
+ my($dbh) = @_;
+ my($sth, $t);
+ $sth = $dbh->prepare("select artid,name,mail,mtime ".
+ "from comment ".
+ "where brdname='$brdname' ".
+ "order by mtime desc ".
+ "LIMIT 0,". $attr{"$fn.loadRecentComments"});
+ $sth->execute();
+ while( $t = $sth->fetchrow_hashref() ){
+ $t->{title} = $article{"$t->{artid}.title"};
+ $t->{key} = $t->{artid};
+ $t->{time} = POSIX::strftime('%D', localtime($t->{mtime}));
+ push @{$th{RecentComments}}, $t;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ if( $attr{"$fn.loadComments"} ){
+ my($name, $mail, $comment) = (param('name'),
+ param('mail'), param('comment'));
+ if( $name && $comment ){
+ if( $attr{"$fn.loadComments"} =~ /\@/ ){
+ my $sr = new Mail::Sender{smtp => 'localhost'};
+ $sr->MailMsg({from => '批踢踢部落格 <>',
+ to => $attr{"$fn.loadComments"},
+ subject => "您的部落格收到 $name 給您的迴響",
+ charset => 'big5',
+ msg => "
+剛才收到來自 $name <$mail> 給您的迴響
+ (這封信件是由程式自動發出, 請不要直接回複這封信^^)
+ });
+ }
+ dodbi(sub {
+ my($dbh) = @_;
+ my($t, $hash);
+ $t = time();
+ $name = $dbh->quote($name);
+ $mail = $dbh->quote($mail);
+ $comment = $dbh->quote($comment);
+ $hash = MD5->hexhash("$t$th{key}$name$mail$comment");
+ $dbh->do('insert into comment '.
+ '(brdname, artid, name, mail, content, mtime, hash) '.
+ "values ('$brdname', '$th{key}', $name, $mail, ".
+ "$comment, '$t', '$hash')");
+ });
+ }
+ dodbi(sub {
+ my($dbh) = @_;
+ my($sth, $t);
+ $sth = $dbh->prepare("select mtime,name,mail,content,hash ".
+ "from comment ".
+ "where brdname='$brdname'&&artid='$th{key}' ".
+ "order by mtime desc");
+ $sth->execute();
+ while( $t = $sth->fetchrow_hashref() ){
+ $t->{time} = POSIX::ctime($t->{mtime});
+ $t->{content} = applyfilter($t->{content},
+ $config{outputfilter});
+ push @{$th{comment}}, $t;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ # serialized -------------------------------------------------------------
+ if( $attr{"$fn.loadSerialized"} ){
+ my($obj, %h, $str);
+ $obj = Data::Serializer->new(serializer => 'Storable',
+ digester => 'MD5',
+ compress => 0,
+ );
+ open FH, '<'.$attr{"$fn.loadSerialized"};
+ FH->read($str, -s $attr{"$fn.loadSerialized"});
+ close FH;
+ %h = %{$obj->deserialize($str)};
+ $th{$_} = $h{$_} foreach( keys %h );
+ }
+ # 用 Template Toolkit 輸出
+ $th{LANG} =~ s/zh_TW/zh-TW/;
+ mkdir "$BLOGCACHE/$brdname";
+ $tmpl = Template->new({INCLUDE_PATH => '.',
+ ABSOLUTE => 0,
+ RELATIVE => 0,
+ EVAL_PERL => 0,
+ COMPILE_EXT => '.pl',
+ COMPILE_DIR => "$BLOGCACHE/$brdname/",
+ });
+ chdir "$BLOGDATA/$brdname/";
+ $tmpl->process($fn, \%th) ||
+ print "<pre>template error: ". $tmpl->error();
+ $dbh->disconnect() if( $dbh );
+ untie %attr if( %attr );
+ untie %config if( %config );
+ untie %article if( %article );
+ undef $tmpl;
+sub utf8dump($;$)
+ my($str, $prefix) = @_;
+ my $ret = $prefix || '';
+ my $ostr = $str;
+ Encode::from_to($str, 'big5', 'utf-8');
+ $ret .= '%'. sprintf('%x', ord($_))
+ foreach( split(//, $str) );
+ return "<a href=\"$ret\">$ostr</a>";
+sub AddArticle($$$;$)
+ my($cl, $fields, $s, $score) = @_;
+ my($content, $short, $nComments) = ();
+ $content = applyfilter($article{"$s.content"}, $config{outputfilter})
+ if( $fields =~ /content/i );
+ $short = applyfilter($article{"$s.short"}, $config{outputfilter})
+ if( $fields =~ /short/i );
+ if( $fields =~ /nComments/i ){
+ $nComments = dodbi(sub {
+ my($dbh) = @_;
+ my $sth = $dbh->prepare("select count(*) from comment ".
+ "where brdname='$brdname'&&artid='$s'");
+ $sth->execute();
+ return $sth->fetchrow_hashref()->{'count(*)'};
+ }) || 0;
+ }
+ my($y, $m, $d) = unpackdate($s);
+ push @{$th{$cl}}, {year => $y,
+ month => $m,
+ emonth => $emonth[$m],
+ cmonth => $cnumber[$m],
+ day => $d,
+ key => $s,
+ title => (($fields !~ /title/i) ? '' :
+ $article{"$s.title"}),
+ content=> $content,
+ author => (($fields !~ /author/i) ? '' :
+ $article{"$"}),
+ short => $short,
+ score => $score,
+ nComments => $nComments,
+ }
+ if( $article{"$s.title"} );
+sub applyfilter($$)
+ my($c, $filter) = @_;
+ foreach( split(',', $filter) ){
+ if( /^generic$/i ){
+ $c =~ s/\n/<br \/>\n/gs;
+ }
+ elsif( /^strict$/i ){
+ $c =~ s/\</&lt;/gs;
+ $c =~ s/\>/&gt;/gs;
+ $c =~ s/\"/&quot;/gs;
+ $c =~ s/\'/&apos;/gs;
+# $c =~ s/ /&nbsp;/gs;
+ }
+ elsif( /^ubb$/i ){
+ $c =~ s|\[url\](.*?)\[/url\]|<a href="$1">$1</a>|gsi;
+ $c =~ s|\[url=(.*?)\](.*?)\[/url\]|<a href="$1">$2</a>|gsi;
+ $c =~ s|\[email\](.*?)\[/email\]|<a href="mailto:$1">$1</a>|gsi;
+ $c =~ s|\[b\](.*?)\[/b\]|<b>$1</b>|gsi;
+ $c =~ s|\[i\](.*?)\[/i\]|<i>$1</i>|gsi;
+ $c =~ s|\[img\](.*?)\[/img\]|<img src="$1" alt="(null)" style="border:0;" />|gsi;
+ }
+ elsif( /^wiki$/i ){
+ my $t;
+ $c =~ s|\[(http://\S+) (.*?)\]| <a href=\"$1\">\[$2\]</a> |gi;
+ $c =~ s|([^\>\"])(http://\S+\.(:?jpg\|gif\|png\|bmp))|$1<a href=\"$2\"><img src=\"$2\" alt="$2" style="border:0;"></a>|gsi;
+ $c =~ s|([^\>\"])(http://\S+)|$1<a href=\"$2\">$2</a>|gsi;
+ $c =~ s|\(\((.*?)\)\)|utf8dump($1, $th{wikibase})|gsie;
+ $c =~ s|^\-{4,}$|<hr />|gm;
+ }
+ }
+ return $c;
+sub parsefn($)
+ my($fs) = @_;
+ return ("$1.$3", unpackdate($2))
+ if( $fs =~ /^(.*),(\w+)\.(.*)$/ );
+ return ($fs, Today());
+sub GetType($)
+ my($f) = @_;
+ return 'text/css' if( $f =~ /.css$/i );
+ return 'text/html';
+sub packdate($$$)
+ return $_[0] * 10000 + $_[1] * 100 + $_[2];
+sub unpackdate($)
+ return (int($_[0] / 10000),
+ (int($_[0] / 100)) % 100,
+ $_[0] % 100);
+sub dodbi
+ my($func) = @_;
+ my($ret);
+ my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:database=$BLOGdbname;".
+ "host=$BLOGdbhost",
+ $BLOGdbuser, $BLOGdbpasswd,
+ {'RaiseError' => 1})
+ if( !$dbh );
+ eval {
+ $ret = &{$func}($dbh);
+ };
+ print "SQL: $@\n" if( $@ );
+ return $ret;