path: root/mbbsd/cache.c
diff options
authorin2 <in2@63ad8ddf-47c3-0310-b6dd-a9e9d9715204>2002-03-07 23:13:44 +0800
committerin2 <in2@63ad8ddf-47c3-0310-b6dd-a9e9d9715204>2002-03-07 23:13:44 +0800
commitae31e19f92e717919ac8e3db9039eb38d2b89aae (patch)
treec70164d6a1852344f44b04a653ae2815043512af /mbbsd/cache.c
Initial revision
git-svn-id: 63ad8ddf-47c3-0310-b6dd-a9e9d9715204
Diffstat (limited to 'mbbsd/cache.c')
1 files changed, 1053 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mbbsd/cache.c b/mbbsd/cache.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..73f8ac5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mbbsd/cache.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1053 @@
+/* $Id: cache.c,v 1.1 2002/03/07 15:13:48 in2 Exp $ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/mman.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <sys/ipc.h>
+#include <sys/shm.h>
+#include <sys/sem.h>
+#ifdef __FreeBSD__
+#include <machine/param.h>
+#include "config.h"
+#include "pttstruct.h"
+#include "common.h"
+#include "perm.h"
+#include "modes.h"
+#include "proto.h"
+#ifndef __FreeBSD__
+union semun {
+ int val; /* value for SETVAL */
+ struct semid_ds *buf; /* buffer for IPC_STAT, IPC_SET */
+ unsigned short int *array; /* array for GETALL, SETALL */
+ struct seminfo *__buf; /* buffer for IPC_INFO */
+int fcache_semid;
+/* the reason for "safe_sleep" is that we may call sleep during
+ SIGALRM handler routine, while SIGALRM is blocked.
+ if we use the original sleep, we'll never wake up. */
+unsigned int safe_sleep(unsigned int seconds) {
+ /* jochang sleep有問題時用*/
+ sigset_t set,oldset;
+ sigemptyset(&set);
+ sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &set, &oldset);
+ if(sigismember(&oldset, SIGALRM)) {
+ unsigned long retv;
+#if !defined(_BBS_UTIL_C_)
+ log_usies("SAFE_SLEEP ", "avoid hang");
+ sigemptyset(&set);
+ sigaddset(&set,SIGALRM);
+ sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK,&set,NULL);
+ retv=sleep(seconds);
+ sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK,&set,NULL);
+ return retv;
+ }
+ return sleep(seconds);
+#if defined(_BBS_UTIL_C_)
+static void setapath(char *buf, char *boardname) {
+ sprintf(buf, "man/boards/%s", boardname);
+static char *str_dotdir = ".DIR";
+static void setadir(char *buf, char *path) {
+ sprintf(buf, "%s/%s", path, str_dotdir);
+static void attach_err(int shmkey, char *name) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "[%s error] key = %x\n", name, shmkey);
+ fprintf(stderr, "errno = %d: %s\n", errno, strerror(errno));
+ exit(1);
+static void *attach_shm(int shmkey, int shmsize) {
+ void *shmptr;
+ int shmid;
+ char *empty_addr;
+ /* set up one page in-accessible -- jochang */
+ {
+ int fd = open("/dev/zero",O_RDONLY);
+ int size = ((shmsize + 4095) / 4096) * 4096;
+ munmap(
+ (empty_addr=mmap(0,4096+size,PROT_NONE,MAP_PRIVATE,fd,0))+4096
+ ,size);
+ close(fd);
+ }
+ shmid = shmget(shmkey, shmsize, 0);
+ if(shmid < 0) {
+ shmid = shmget(shmkey, shmsize, IPC_CREAT | 0600);
+ if(shmid < 0)
+ attach_err(shmkey, "shmget");
+ shmptr = (void *)shmat(shmid, NULL, 0);
+ if(shmptr == (void *)-1)
+ attach_err(shmkey, "shmat");
+ } else {
+ shmptr = (void *)shmat(shmid, NULL, 0);
+ if(shmptr == (void *)-1)
+ attach_err(shmkey, "shmat");
+ }
+ /* unmap the page -- jochang */
+ {
+ munmap(empty_addr,4096);
+ }
+ return shmptr;
+#define SEM_FLG 0600 /* semaphore mode */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------- */
+/* semaphore : for critical section */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------- */
+void sem_init(int semkey,int *semid) {
+ union semun s;
+ s.val=1;
+ *semid = semget(semkey, 1, 0);
+ if(*semid == -1) {
+ *semid = semget(semkey, 1, IPC_CREAT | SEM_FLG);
+ if(*semid == -1)
+ attach_err(semkey, "semget");
+ semctl(*semid, 0, SETVAL, s);
+ }
+void sem_lock(int op,int semid) {
+ struct sembuf sops;
+ sops.sem_num = 0;
+ sops.sem_flg = SEM_UNDO;
+ sops.sem_op = op;
+ semop(semid, &sops, 1);
+/* uhash *******************************************/
+/* the design is this:
+ we use another stand-alone program to create and load data into the hash.
+ (that program could be run in rc-scripts or something like that)
+ after loading completes, the stand-alone program sets loaded to 1 and exits.
+ the bbs exits if it can't attach to the shared memory or
+ the hash is not loaded yet.
+uhash_t *uhash;
+/* attach_uhash should be called before using uhash */
+void attach_uhash() {
+ uhash = attach_shm(UHASH_KEY, sizeof(*uhash));
+ if(!uhash->loaded) /* assume fresh shared memory is zeroed */
+ exit(1);
+void add_to_uhash(int n, char *id) {
+ int *p, h = StringHash(id);
+ strcpy(uhash->userid[n], id);
+ p = &(uhash->hash_head[h]);
+ while(*p != -1)
+ p = &(uhash->next_in_hash[*p]);
+ uhash->next_in_hash[*p = n] = -1;
+/* note: after remove_from_uhash(), you should add_to_uhash()
+ (likely with a different name) */
+void remove_from_uhash(int n) {
+ int h = StringHash(uhash->userid[n]);
+ int *p = &(uhash->hash_head[h]);
+ while(*p != -1 && *p != n)
+ p = &(uhash->next_in_hash[*p]);
+ if(*p == n)
+ *p = uhash->next_in_hash[n];
+int setumoney(int uid, int money) {
+ uhash->money[uid-1]=money;
+ passwd_update_money(uid);
+ return uhash->money[uid-1];
+int deumoney(int uid, int money) {
+ if(money<0 && uhash->money[uid-1]<-money)
+ return setumoney(uid,0);
+ else
+ return setumoney(uid,uhash->money[uid-1]+money);
+int demoney(int money) {
+ extern int usernum;
+ return deumoney(usernum,money);
+int moneyof(int uid){ /* ptt 改進金錢處理效率 */
+ return uhash->money[uid-1];
+int searchuser(char *userid) {
+ int h,p;
+ h = StringHash(userid);
+ p = uhash->hash_head[h];
+ while(p != -1) {
+ if(strcasecmp(uhash->userid[p],userid) == 0) {
+ strcpy(userid,uhash->userid[p]);
+ return p + 1;
+ }
+ p = uhash->next_in_hash[p];
+ }
+ return 0;
+#if !defined(_BBS_UTIL_C_)
+extern userec_t xuser;
+int getuser(char *userid) {
+ int uid;
+ if((uid = searchuser(userid)))
+ passwd_query(uid, &xuser);
+ return uid;
+char *getuserid(int num) {
+ if(--num >= 0 && num < MAX_USERS)
+ return ((char *) uhash->userid[num]);
+ return NULL;
+void setuserid(int num, char *userid) {
+ if(num > 0 && num <= MAX_USERS) {
+ if(num > uhash->number)
+ uhash->number = num;
+ else
+ remove_from_uhash(num-1);
+ add_to_uhash(num-1,userid);
+ }
+/* 0 ==> 找過期帳號 */
+/* 1 ==> 建立新帳號 */
+/* should do it by searching "" in the hash */
+int searchnewuser(int mode) {
+ register int i, num;
+ num = uhash->number;
+ i = 0;
+ /* 為什麼這邊不用 hash table 去找而要用 linear search? */
+ while(i < num) {
+ if(!uhash->userid[i++][0])
+ return i;
+ }
+ if(mode && (num < MAX_USERS))
+ return num + 1;
+ return 0;
+char *u_namearray(char buf[][IDLEN + 1], int *pnum, char *tag) {
+ register struct uhash_t *reg_ushm = uhash;
+ register char *ptr, tmp;
+ register int n, total;
+ char tagbuf[STRLEN];
+ int ch, ch2, num;
+ if(*tag == '\0') {
+ *pnum = reg_ushm->number;
+ return reg_ushm->userid[0];
+ }
+ for(n = 0; tag[n]; n++)
+ tagbuf[n] = chartoupper(tag[n]);
+ tagbuf[n] = '\0';
+ ch = tagbuf[0];
+ ch2 = ch - 'A' + 'a';
+ total = reg_ushm->number;
+ for(n = num = 0; n < total; n++) {
+ ptr = reg_ushm->userid[n];
+ tmp = *ptr;
+ if(tmp == ch || tmp == ch2) {
+ if(chkstr(tag, tagbuf, ptr))
+ strcpy(buf[num++], ptr);
+ }
+ }
+ *pnum = num;
+ return buf[0];
+/* .UTMP cache */
+struct utmpfile_t *utmpshm=NULL;
+void resolve_utmp() {
+ if(utmpshm == NULL) {
+ utmpshm = attach_shm(UTMPSHM_KEY, sizeof(*utmpshm));
+ }
+userinfo_t *currutmp = NULL;
+#if !defined(_BBS_UTIL_C_)
+extern unsigned int currstat;
+extern userec_t cuser;
+void setutmpmode(int mode) {
+ if(currstat != mode)
+ currutmp->mode = currstat = mode;
+ /* 追蹤使用者 */
+ time_t now = time(NULL);
+ char msg[200];
+ sprintf(msg, "%s setutmpmode to %s(%d) at %s",
+ cuser.userid, modestring(currutmp, 0), mode, Cdate(&now));
+ log_user(msg);
+ }
+static int cmputmpuserid(userinfo_t ** i, userinfo_t ** j) {
+ return strcasecmp((*i)->userid, (*j)->userid);
+static int cmputmpmode(userinfo_t ** i, userinfo_t ** j) {
+ return (*i)->mode-(*j)->mode;
+static int cmputmpidle(userinfo_t ** i, userinfo_t ** j) {
+ return (*i)->lastact-(*j)->lastact;
+static int cmputmpfrom(userinfo_t ** i, userinfo_t ** j) {
+ return strcasecmp((*i)->from, (*j)->from);
+static int cmputmpfive(userinfo_t ** i, userinfo_t ** j) {
+ int type;
+ if((type=(*j)->five_win - (*i)->five_win))
+ return type;
+ if((type=(*i)->five_lose - (*j)->five_lose))
+ return type;
+ return (*i)->five_tie-(*j)->five_tie;
+static int cmputmpsex(userinfo_t ** i, userinfo_t ** j) {
+ static int ladyfirst[]={1,0,1,0,1,0,3,3};
+ return ladyfirst[(*i)->sex]-ladyfirst[(*j)->sex];
+static int cmputmppid(userinfo_t ** i, userinfo_t ** j) {
+ return (*i)->pid-(*j)->pid;
+static int cmputmpuid(userinfo_t ** i, userinfo_t ** j) {
+ return (*i)->uid-(*j)->uid;
+static int cmputmpuserid(const void *i, const void *j){
+ return strcasecmp((*((userinfo_t**)i))->userid, (*((userinfo_t**)j))->userid);
+static int cmputmpmode(const void *i, const void *j){
+ return (*((userinfo_t**)i))->mode-(*((userinfo_t**)j))->mode;
+static int cmputmpidle(const void *i, const void *j){
+ return (*((userinfo_t**)i))->lastact-(*((userinfo_t**)j))->lastact;
+static int cmputmpfrom(const void *i, const void *j){
+ return strcasecmp((*((userinfo_t**)i))->from, (*((userinfo_t**)j))->from);
+static int cmputmpfive(const void *i, const void *j){
+ int type;
+ if((type=(*((userinfo_t**)j))->five_win - (*((userinfo_t**)i))->five_win))
+ return type;
+ if((type=(*((userinfo_t**)i))->five_lose - (*((userinfo_t**)j))->five_lose))
+ return type;
+ return (*((userinfo_t**)i))->five_tie-(*((userinfo_t**)j))->five_tie;
+static int cmputmpsex(const void *i, const void *j){
+ static int ladyfirst[]={1,0,1,0,1,0,3,3};
+ return ladyfirst[(*((userinfo_t**)i))->sex]-ladyfirst[(*((userinfo_t**)j))->sex];
+static int cmputmppid(const void *i, const void *j){
+ return (*((userinfo_t**)i))->pid-(*((userinfo_t**)j))->pid;
+static int cmputmpuid(const void *i, const void *j){
+ return (*((userinfo_t**)i))->uid-(*((userinfo_t**)j))->uid;
+void sort_utmp()
+ time_t now=time(NULL);
+ int count, i, ns;
+ userinfo_t *uentp;
+ if(now-utmpshm->uptime<60 && (now==utmpshm->uptime || utmpshm->busystate))
+ return; /* lazy sort */
+ utmpshm->busystate=1;
+ utmpshm->uptime = now;
+ ns=(utmpshm->currsorted?0:1);
+ for(uentp = &utmpshm->uinfo[0], count=0, i=0;
+ i< USHM_SIZE; i++,uentp = &utmpshm->uinfo[i])
+ if(uentp->pid)
+ {
+ utmpshm->sorted[ns][0][count++]= uentp;
+ }
+ utmpshm->number = count;
+ qsort(utmpshm->sorted[ns][0],count,sizeof(userinfo_t*),cmputmpuserid);
+ memcpy(utmpshm->sorted[ns][1],utmpshm->sorted[ns][0],
+ sizeof(userinfo_t *)*count);
+ memcpy(utmpshm->sorted[ns][2],utmpshm->sorted[ns][0],
+ sizeof(userinfo_t *)*count);
+ memcpy(utmpshm->sorted[ns][3],utmpshm->sorted[ns][0],
+ sizeof(userinfo_t *)*count);
+ memcpy(utmpshm->sorted[ns][4],utmpshm->sorted[ns][0],
+ sizeof(userinfo_t *)*count);
+ memcpy(utmpshm->sorted[ns][5],utmpshm->sorted[ns][0],
+ sizeof(userinfo_t *)*count);
+ memcpy(utmpshm->sorted[ns][6],utmpshm->sorted[ns][0],
+ sizeof(userinfo_t *)*count);
+ memcpy(utmpshm->sorted[ns][7],utmpshm->sorted[ns][0],
+ sizeof(userinfo_t *)*count);
+ qsort(utmpshm->sorted[ns][1], count, sizeof(userinfo_t *), cmputmpmode );
+ qsort(utmpshm->sorted[ns][2], count, sizeof(userinfo_t *), cmputmpidle );
+ qsort(utmpshm->sorted[ns][3], count, sizeof(userinfo_t *), cmputmpfrom );
+ qsort(utmpshm->sorted[ns][4], count, sizeof(userinfo_t *), cmputmpfive );
+ qsort(utmpshm->sorted[ns][5], count, sizeof(userinfo_t *), cmputmpsex );
+ qsort(utmpshm->sorted[ns][6], count, sizeof(userinfo_t *), cmputmpuid );
+ qsort(utmpshm->sorted[ns][7], count, sizeof(userinfo_t *), cmputmppid );
+ utmpshm->currsorted=ns;
+ utmpshm->busystate=0;
+// Ptt:這邊加入hash觀念 找空的utmp
+void getnewutmpent(userinfo_t *up) {
+ extern int errno;
+ register int i, p ;
+ register userinfo_t *uentp;
+ for(i = 0, p=StringHash(up->userid)%USHM_SIZE; i < USHM_SIZE; i++, p++) {
+ if(p==USHM_SIZE) p=0;
+ uentp = &(utmpshm->uinfo[p]);
+ if(!(uentp->pid)) {
+ memcpy(uentp, up, sizeof(userinfo_t));
+ currutmp = uentp;
+ sort_utmp();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ exit(1);
+int apply_ulist(int (*fptr)(userinfo_t *)) {
+ register userinfo_t *uentp;
+ register int i, state;
+ for(i = 0; i < USHM_SIZE; i++) {
+ uentp = &(utmpshm->uinfo[i]);
+ if(uentp->pid && (PERM_HIDE(currutmp) || !PERM_HIDE(uentp)))
+ if((state = (*fptr) (uentp)))
+ return state;
+ }
+ return 0;
+userinfo_t *search_ulist(int uid) {
+ return search_ulistn(uid,1);
+#if !defined(_BBS_UTIL_C_)
+extern int usernum;
+userinfo_t *search_ulist_pid(int pid) {
+ register int i=0, j, start = 0, end = utmpshm->number - 1;
+ register userinfo_t **ulist;
+ ulist=utmpshm->sorted[utmpshm->currsorted][7];
+ for(i=((start+end)/2); ;i=(start+end)/2)
+ {
+ j=pid-ulist[i]->pid;
+ if(!j)
+ {
+ return (userinfo_t *) (ulist[i]);
+ }
+ if(end==start)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ else if(i==start)
+ {
+ i=end;
+ start=end;
+ }
+ else if(j>0) start = i;
+ else end = i;
+ }
+ return 0;
+userinfo_t *search_ulistn(int uid, int unum) {
+ register int i=0, j, start = 0, end = utmpshm->number - 1;
+ register userinfo_t **ulist;
+ ulist=utmpshm->sorted[utmpshm->currsorted][6];
+ for(i=((start+end)/2); ;i=(start+end)/2)
+ {
+ j= uid - ulist[i]->uid;
+ if(!j)
+ {
+ for(;i>0 && uid==ulist[i-1]->uid;i--);/* 指到第一筆 */
+ if(uid==ulist[i+unum-1]->uid)
+ return (userinfo_t *) (ulist[i+unum-1]);
+ break; /* 超過範圍 */
+ }
+ if(end==start)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ else if(i==start)
+ {
+ i=end;
+ start=end;
+ }
+ else if(j>0) start = i;
+ else end = i;
+ }
+ return 0;
+int count_logins(int uid, int show) {
+ register int i=0, j, start = 0, end = utmpshm->number - 1, count;
+ register userinfo_t **ulist;
+ ulist=utmpshm->sorted[utmpshm->currsorted][6];
+ for(i=((start+end)/2); ;i=(start+end)/2)
+ {
+ j = uid-ulist[i]->uid;
+ if(!j)
+ {
+ for(;i>0 && uid==ulist[i-1]->uid;i--);/* 指到第一筆 */
+ for(count=0;uid==ulist[i+count]->uid;count++)
+ {
+ if(show)
+ prints("(%d) 目前狀態為: %-17.16s(來自 %s)\n",
+ count+1, modestring(ulist[i+count], 0),
+ ulist[i+count]->from);
+ }
+ return count;
+ }
+ if(end==start)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ else if(i==start)
+ {
+ i=end;
+ start=end;
+ }
+ else if(j>0) start = i;
+ else end = i;
+ }
+ return 0;
+void purge_utmp(userinfo_t *uentp) {
+ logout_friend_online();
+ memset(uentp, 0, sizeof(userinfo_t));
+/* .BOARDS cache */
+extern char *fn_board;
+extern int currbid;
+bcache_t *brdshm;
+boardheader_t *bcache;
+void touchdircache(int bid)
+ int *i= (int *)&brdshm->dircache[bid - 1][0].filename[0];
+ *i=0;
+void load_fileheader_cache(int bid, char *direct)
+ int num=getbtotal(bid);
+ int n = num-DIRCACHESIZE+1;
+ if (brdshm->busystate!=1)
+ {
+ brdshm->busystate = 1;
+ get_records(direct, brdshm->dircache[bid - 1] ,
+ sizeof(fileheader_t),n<1?1:n, DIRCACHESIZE);
+ brdshm->cachetotal[bid-1]=num; // cachetotal先設 以後再改不用全部load
+ brdshm->busystate = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {safe_sleep(1);}
+int get_fileheader_cache(int bid, char *direct, fileheader_t *headers,
+ int recbase, int nlines)
+ int ret, n,num;
+ num=getbtotal(bid);
+ ret = num-recbase+1,
+ n = (num - DIRCACHESIZE+1);
+ if(brdshm->dircache[bid - 1][0].filename[0]=='\0')
+ load_fileheader_cache(bid, direct);
+ if (n<1)
+ n=recbase-1;
+ else
+ n=recbase-n;
+ if(n<0) n=0;
+ if (ret>nlines) ret=nlines;
+ memcpy(headers, &(brdshm->dircache[bid - 1][n]),sizeof(fileheader_t)*ret);
+ return ret;
+static int cmpboardname(boardheader_t **brd, boardheader_t **tmp) {
+ return strcasecmp((*brd)->brdname, (*tmp)->brdname);
+static int cmpboardclass(boardheader_t **brd, boardheader_t **tmp) {
+ return (strncmp((*brd)->title, (*tmp)->title, 4)<<8)+
+ strcasecmp((*brd)->brdname, (*tmp)->brdname);
+static void sort_bcache(){
+ int i;/*critical section 不能單獨呼叫 呼叫reload_bcache or reset_board */
+ for(i=0;i<brdshm->number;i++)
+ {
+ brdshm->sorted[1][i]=brdshm->sorted[0][i]=&bcache[i];
+ }
+ qsort(brdshm->sorted[0], brdshm->number, sizeof(boardheader_t *),
+ (QCAST)cmpboardname);
+ qsort(brdshm->sorted[1], brdshm->number, sizeof(boardheader_t *),
+ (QCAST)cmpboardclass);
+static void reload_bcache() {
+ if(brdshm->busystate) {
+ safe_sleep(1);
+ }
+#if !defined(_BBS_UTIL_C_)
+ else {
+ int fd,i;
+ brdshm->busystate = 1;
+ if((fd = open(fn_board, O_RDONLY)) > 0) {
+ brdshm->number =
+ read(fd, bcache, MAX_BOARD * sizeof(boardheader_t)) /
+ sizeof(boardheader_t);
+ close(fd);
+ }
+ memset(brdshm->lastposttime, 0, MAX_BOARD * sizeof(time_t));
+ /* 等所有 boards 資料更新後再設定 uptime */
+ brdshm->uptime = brdshm->touchtime;
+ log_usies("CACHE", "reload bcache");
+ sort_bcache();
+ for(i=0;i<brdshm->number;i++)
+ {
+ bcache[i].firstchild[0]=NULL;
+ bcache[i].firstchild[1]=NULL;
+ }
+ brdshm->busystate = 0;
+ }
+int numboards = -1;
+void resolve_boards() {
+ if(brdshm == NULL) {
+ brdshm = attach_shm(BRDSHM_KEY, sizeof(*brdshm));
+ if(brdshm->touchtime == 0)
+ brdshm->touchtime = 1;
+ bcache = brdshm->bcache;
+ }
+ while(brdshm->uptime < brdshm->touchtime)
+ {reload_bcache();}
+ numboards = brdshm->number;
+void touch_boards() {
+ time(&(brdshm->touchtime));
+ numboards = -1;
+ resolve_boards();
+void addbrd_touchcache()
+ brdshm->number++;
+ numboards=brdshm->number;
+ reset_board(numboards);
+#if !defined(_BBS_UTIL_C_)
+void reset_board(int bid) { /* Ptt: 這樣就不用老是touch board了 */
+ int fd,i;
+ boardheader_t *bhdr;
+ if(--bid < 0)
+ return;
+ if(brdshm->busystate) {
+ safe_sleep(1);
+ } else {
+ brdshm->busystate = 1;
+ bhdr = bcache;
+ bhdr += bid;
+ if((fd = open(fn_board, O_RDONLY)) > 0) {
+ lseek(fd, (off_t)(bid * sizeof(boardheader_t)), SEEK_SET);
+ read(fd, bhdr, sizeof(boardheader_t));
+ close(fd);
+ }
+ sort_bcache();
+ for(i=0;i<brdshm->number;i++)
+ {
+ bcache[i].firstchild[0]=NULL;
+ bcache[i].firstchild[1]=NULL;
+ }
+ brdshm->busystate = 0;
+ }
+int apply_boards(int (*func)(boardheader_t *)) {
+ register int i;
+ register boardheader_t *bhdr;
+ for(i = 0, bhdr = bcache; i < numboards; i++, bhdr++) {
+ if(!(bhdr->brdattr & BRD_GROUPBOARD) && Ben_Perm(bhdr) &&
+ (*func)(bhdr) == QUIT)
+ return QUIT;
+ }
+ return 0;
+boardheader_t *getbcache(int bid) { /* Ptt改寫 */
+ return bcache + bid - 1;
+int getbtotal(int bid)
+ return brdshm->total[bid - 1];
+void setbtotal(int bid) {
+ boardheader_t *bh = getbcache(bid);
+ struct stat st;
+ char genbuf[256];
+ int num,fd;
+ sprintf(genbuf, "boards/%s/.DIR", bh->brdname);
+ if((fd = open(genbuf, O_RDWR)) < 0)
+ return; /* .DIR掛了 */
+ fstat(fd, &st);
+ num = st.st_size / sizeof(fileheader_t);
+ brdshm->total[bid - 1] = num;
+ if(num>0)
+ {
+ lseek(fd, (off_t) (num - 1) * sizeof(fileheader_t), SEEK_SET);
+ if(read(fd, genbuf, FNLEN)>=0)
+ {
+ brdshm->lastposttime[bid - 1]=(time_t) atoi(&genbuf[2]);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ brdshm->lastposttime[bid - 1] = 0;
+ close(fd);
+ if(num)
+ touchdircache(bid);
+touchbpostnum(int bid, int delta) {
+ int *total = &brdshm->total[bid - 1];
+ if (*total) *total += delta;
+int getbnum(char *bname) {
+ register int i=0, j, start = 0, end = brdshm->number - 1;
+ register boardheader_t **bhdr;
+ bhdr=brdshm->sorted[0];
+ for(i=((start+end)/2); ;i=(start+end)/2)
+ {
+ if(! (j=strcasecmp(bname,bhdr[i]->brdname)))
+ return (int) (bhdr[i] - bcache +1);
+ if(end==start)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ else if(i==start)
+ {
+ i=end;
+ start=end;
+ }
+ else if(j>0) start = i;
+ else end = i;
+ }
+ return 0;
+#if !defined(_BBS_UTIL_C_)
+extern char *fn_water;
+extern char *str_sysop;
+int haspostperm(char *bname) {
+ register int i;
+ char buf[200];
+ setbfile(buf, bname, fn_water);
+ if(belong(buf, cuser.userid))
+ return 0;
+ if(!strcasecmp(bname, DEFAULT_BOARD))
+ return 1;
+ if (!strcasecmp(bname, "PttLaw"))
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+ if(!(i = getbnum(bname)))
+ return 0;
+ /* 秘密看板特別處理 */
+ if(bcache[i - 1].brdattr & BRD_HIDE)
+ return 1;
+ i = bcache[i - 1].level;
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+ return HAS_PERM(i & ~PERM_POST);
+/* PTT cache */
+/* cachefor 動態看版 */
+struct pttcache_t *ptt;
+static void reload_pttcache() {
+ if(ptt->busystate)
+ safe_sleep(1);
+ else { /* jochang: temporary workaround */
+ fileheader_t item, subitem;
+ char pbuf[256], buf[256], *chr;
+ FILE *fp, *fp1, *fp2;
+ int id, section = 0;
+ ptt->busystate = 1;
+ ptt->max_film = 0;
+ bzero(ptt->notes, sizeof ptt->notes);
+ setapath(pbuf, "Note");
+ setadir(buf, pbuf);
+ id = 0;
+ if((fp = fopen(buf, "r"))) {
+ while(fread(&item, sizeof(item), 1, fp)) {
+ if(item.title[3]=='<' && item.title[8]=='>') {
+ sprintf(buf,"%s/%s", pbuf, item.filename);
+ setadir(buf, buf);
+ if(!(fp1 = fopen(buf, "r")))
+ continue;
+ ptt->next_refresh[section] = ptt->n_notes[section] = id;
+ section ++;
+ while(fread(&subitem, sizeof(subitem), 1, fp1)) {
+ sprintf(buf,"%s/%s/%s", pbuf, item.filename ,
+ subitem.filename);
+ if(!(fp2=fopen(buf,"r")))
+ continue;
+ fread(ptt->notes[id],sizeof(char), 200*11, fp2);
+ ptt->notes[id][200*11 - 1]=0;
+ id++;
+ fclose(fp2);
+ if(id >= MAX_MOVIE)
+ break;
+ }
+ fclose(fp1);
+ if(id >= MAX_MOVIE || section >= MAX_MOVIE_SECTION)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ fclose(fp);
+ }
+ ptt->next_refresh[section] = -1;
+ ptt->n_notes[section] = ptt->max_film = id-1;
+ ptt->max_history = ptt->max_film - 2;
+ if(ptt->max_history > MAX_HISTORY - 1)
+ ptt->max_history = MAX_HISTORY - 1;
+ if(ptt->max_history <0) ptt->max_history=0;
+ fp = fopen("etc/today_is","r");
+ if(fp) {
+ fgets(ptt->today_is,15,fp);
+ if((chr = strchr(ptt->today_is,'\n')))
+ *chr = 0;
+ ptt->today_is[15] = 0;
+ fclose(fp);
+ }
+ /* 等所有資料更新後再設定 uptime */
+ ptt->uptime = ptt->touchtime ;
+#if !defined(_BBS_UTIL_C_)
+ log_usies("CACHE", "reload pttcache");
+ ptt->busystate = 0;
+ }
+void resolve_garbage() {
+ int count=0;
+ if(ptt == NULL) {
+ ptt = attach_shm(PTTSHM_KEY, sizeof(*ptt));
+ if(ptt->touchtime == 0)
+ ptt->touchtime = 1;
+ }
+ while(ptt->uptime < ptt->touchtime) { /* 不用while等 */
+ reload_pttcache();
+ if(count ++ > 10 && ptt->busystate) {
+/* Ptt: 這邊會有問題 load超過10 秒會所有進loop的process都讓 busystate = 0
+ 這樣會所有prcosee都會在load 動態看板 會造成load大增
+ 但沒有用這個function的話 萬一load passwd檔的process死了 又沒有人把他
+ 解開 同樣的問題發生在reload passwd
+ ptt->busystate = 0;
+#ifndef _BBS_UTIL_C_
+ log_usies("CACHE", "refork Ptt dead lock");
+ }
+ }
+/* PTT's cache */
+/* cachefor from host 與最多上線人數 */
+struct fromcache_t *fcache;
+static void reload_fcache() {
+ if(fcache->busystate)
+ safe_sleep(1);
+ else {
+ FILE *fp;
+ fcache->busystate = 1;
+ bzero(fcache->domain, sizeof fcache->domain);
+ if((fp = fopen("etc/domain_name_query","r"))) {
+ char buf[256],*po;
+ fcache->top=0;
+ while(fgets(buf, sizeof(buf),fp)) {
+ if(buf[0] && buf[0] != '#' && buf[0] != ' ' &&
+ buf[0] != '\n') {
+ sscanf(buf,"%s",fcache->domain[fcache->top]);
+ po = buf + strlen(fcache->domain[fcache->top]);
+ while(*po == ' ')
+ po++;
+ strncpy(fcache->replace[fcache->top],po,49);
+ fcache->replace[fcache->top]
+ [strlen(fcache->replace[fcache->top])-1] = 0;
+ (fcache->top)++;
+ if(fcache->top == MAX_FROM)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fcache->max_user=0;
+ /* 等所有資料更新後再設定 uptime */
+ fcache->uptime = fcache->touchtime;
+#if !defined(_BBS_UTIL_C_)
+ log_usies("CACHE", "reload fcache");
+ fcache->busystate = 0;
+ }
+void resolve_fcache() {
+ if(fcache == NULL) {
+ fcache = attach_shm(FROMSHM_KEY, sizeof(*fcache));
+ if(fcache->touchtime == 0)
+ fcache->touchtime = 1;
+ }
+ while(fcache->uptime < fcache->touchtime)
+ reload_fcache();
+extern time_t login_start_time;
+extern char *fn_visable;
+void hbflreload(int bid)
+ int hbfl[MAX_FRIEND + 1], i, num, uid;
+ char buf[128];
+ FILE *fp;
+ memset(hbfl, 0, sizeof(hbfl));
+ setbfile(buf, bcache[bid-1].brdname, fn_visable);
+ if( (fp = fopen(buf, "r")) != NULL ){
+ for( num = 1 ; num <= MAX_FRIEND ; ++num ){
+ if( fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp) == NULL )
+ break;
+ for( i = 0 ; buf[i] != 0 ; ++i )
+ if( buf[i] == ' ' ){
+ buf[i] = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ if( strcasecmp("guest", buf) == 0 ||
+ (uid = searchuser(buf)) == 0 ) {
+ --num;
+ continue;
+ }
+ hbfl[num] = uid;
+ }
+ fclose(fp);
+ }
+ hbfl[0] = time(NULL);
+ memcpy(uhash->hbfl[bid], hbfl, sizeof(hbfl));
+int hbflcheck(int bid, int uid)
+ int i;
+ if( uhash->hbfl[bid][0] < login_start_time - HBFLexpire )
+ hbflreload(bid);
+ for( i = 1 ; uhash->hbfl[bid][i] != 0 && i <= MAX_FRIEND ; ++i ){
+ if( uhash->hbfl[bid][i] == uid )
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;