diff options
authorvictor <victor@63ad8ddf-47c3-0310-b6dd-a9e9d9715204>2003-05-07 16:45:51 +0800
committervictor <victor@63ad8ddf-47c3-0310-b6dd-a9e9d9715204>2003-05-07 16:45:51 +0800
commit32bbed747ff7729d46b04d081bcf5ed3ae831c70 (patch)
parentd62dc36383d4611a2e9b75ce6f9217dcc8a6edf6 (diff)
rfc2047 (but just decode @@)
git-svn-id: 63ad8ddf-47c3-0310-b6dd-a9e9d9715204
3 files changed, 290 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/innbbsd/Makefile b/innbbsd/Makefile
index 8fd415ad..92214f93 100644
--- a/innbbsd/Makefile
+++ b/innbbsd/Makefile
@@ -31,21 +31,23 @@ BBS_REC = $(BBS_UTIL)/util_record.o $(BBS_UTIL)/util_cache.o $(BBS_UTIL)/util_pa
DEBUGOBJ = /usr/lib/debug/mallocmap.o
CFLAGS+= -c -I. -I$(BBS_SRC)/include -I$(BBS_SRC)/mbbsd -D$(BBS_DEP) \
+-I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib \
+LDFLAGS+= -liconv
OBJS = inndchannel.o innbbsd.o connectsock.o rfc931.o \
daemon.o file.o pmain.o his.o dbz.o \
closeonexec.o dbztool.o inntobbs.o receive_article.o \
- echobbslib.o $(BBS_REC)
+ echobbslib.o str_decode.o $(BBS_REC)
# $(BBS_REC)
SRCS = inndchannel.c innbbsd.c connectsock.c rfc931.c \
daemon.c file.c pmain.c parsdate.y his.c dbz.c \
closeonexec.c dbztool.c inntobbs.c bbslib.c receive_article.c \
- port.c
+ port.c str_decode.c
MOBJS = makedbz.o bbslib.o file.o dbz.o closeonexec.o
HOBJS = mkhistory.o bbslib.o file.o his.o dbz.o port.o closeonexec.o
diff --git a/innbbsd/receive_article.c b/innbbsd/receive_article.c
index 0c2827da..6b1e59c7 100644
--- a/innbbsd/receive_article.c
+++ b/innbbsd/receive_article.c
@@ -545,6 +545,7 @@ receive_control()
*firstpath = '\0';
if (isdir(boardhome))
+ strcpy(SUBJECT, str_decode_M3(SUBJECT));
fname = (char *) post_article(boardhome, FROM, "control", bbspost_write_control, NULL, firstpath);
if (fname != NULL)
@@ -678,8 +679,10 @@ cancel_article_front(msgid)
if (body2 != NULL)
*body = '\n';
- if (*subject)
- SUBJECT = subject;
+ if (*subject){
+ strcpy(subject, str_decode_M3(subject));
+ SUBJECT = subject;
+ }
fname = (char *) post_article(boardhome, FROM, "deleted", bbspost_write_cancel, filename, firstpath);
if (fname != NULL)
diff --git a/innbbsd/str_decode.c b/innbbsd/str_decode.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..23a10551
--- /dev/null
+++ b/innbbsd/str_decode.c
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+/* 使用方法大致如下: innbbsd 中
+ 在 SUBJECT 從 news 讀進來後, 呼叫 str_decode_M3(SUBJECT) 就行了 */
+/* bsd 底下使用要編譯時要加 -I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib -liconv
+ 並安裝 libiconv,
+ 若真的沒有iconv就把底下的 #define USE_ICONV 1 刪了 */
+/* lib/str_decode.c ( NTHU CS MapleBBS Ver 3.00 ) */
+/* target : included C for QP/BASE64 decoding */
+/* create : 95/03/29 */
+/* update : 97/03/29 */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------- */
+/* QP code : "0123456789ABCDEF" */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------- */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#define USE_ICONV 1
+/* bsd 底下使用要編譯時要加 -I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib -liconv
+ 若真的沒有iconv就把上面這行 #define 刪了 */
+#ifdef USE_ICONV
+#include <iconv.h>
+static int qp_code(int x)
+ if (x >= '0' && x <= '9')
+ return x - '0';
+ if (x >= 'a' && x <= 'f')
+ return x - 'a' + 10;
+ if (x >= 'A' && x <= 'F')
+ return x - 'A' + 10;
+ return -1;
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+/* BASE64 : */
+/* "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/" */
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+static int base64_code(int x)
+ if (x >= 'A' && x <= 'Z')
+ return x - 'A';
+ if (x >= 'a' && x <= 'z')
+ return x - 'a' + 26;
+ if (x >= '0' && x <= '9')
+ return x - '0' + 52;
+ if (x == '+')
+ return 62;
+ if (x == '/')
+ return 63;
+ return -1;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------- */
+/* judge & decode QP / BASE64 */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------- */
+static inline int isreturn(unsigned char c)
+ return c == '\r' || c == '\n';
+static inline int isspace(unsigned char c)
+ return c == ' ' || c == '\t' || isreturn(c);
+/* static inline */
+int mmdecode(unsigned char *src, unsigned char encode, unsigned char *dst)
+ /* Thor.980901: src和dst可相同, 但src 一定有?或\0結束 */
+ /* Thor.980901: 注意, decode出的結果不會自己加上 \0 */
+ unsigned char *t = dst;
+ int pattern = 0, bits = 0;
+ encode |= 0x20; /* Thor: to lower */
+ switch(encode)
+ {
+ case 'q': /* Thor: quoted-printable */
+ while(*src && *src != '?') /* Thor: delimiter */
+ { /* Thor.980901: 0 算是 delimiter */
+ if(*src == '=')
+ {
+ int x = *++src, y = x ? *++src : 0;
+ if(isreturn(x)) continue;
+ if( (x = qp_code(x)) < 0 || ( y = qp_code(y)) < 0) return -1;
+ *t++ = (x << 4) + y , src++;
+ }
+ else if(*src == '_')
+ *t++ = ' ', src++;
+#if 0
+ else if(!*src) /* Thor: no delimiter is not successful */
+ return -1;
+ else /* Thor: *src != '=' '_' */
+ *t++ = *src++;
+ }
+ return t - dst;
+ case 'b': /* Thor: base 64 */
+ while(*src && *src != '?') /* Thor: delimiter */ /* Thor.980901: 0也算 */
+ { /* Thor: pattern & bits are cleared outside */
+ int x;
+#if 0
+ if (!*src) return -1; /* Thor: no delimiter is not successful */
+ x = base64_code(*src++);
+ if(x < 0) continue; /* Thor: ignore everything not in the base64,=,.. */
+ pattern = (pattern << 6) | x;
+ bits += 6; /* Thor: 1 code gains 6 bits */
+ if(bits >= 8) /* Thor: enough to form a byte */
+ {
+ bits -= 8;
+ *t++ = (pattern >> bits) & 0xff;
+ }
+ }
+ return t - dst;
+ }
+ return -1;
+#ifdef USE_ICONV
+int str_iconv(
+ const char *fromcode, /* charset of source string*/
+ const char *tocode, /* charset of destination string */
+ char *src, /* source string */
+ int srclen, /* source string length */
+ char *dst, /* destination string */
+ int dstlen) /* destination string length */
+/* 這個函式會將一個字串 (src) 從 charset=fromcode 轉成 charset=tocode,
+ srclen 是 src 的長度, dst 是輸出的buffer, dstlen 則指定了
+ dst 的大小, 最後會補 '\0', 所以要留一個byte給'\0'.
+ 如果遇到 src 中有非字集的字, 或是 src 中有未完整的 byte,
+ 都會砍掉.
+ */
+ iconv_t iconv_descriptor;
+ int iconv_ret,dstlen_old;
+ dstlen--; /* keep space for '\0' */
+ dstlen_old = dstlen;
+ /* Open a descriptor for iconv */
+ iconv_descriptor = iconv_open(tocode, fromcode);
+ if (iconv_descriptor == ((iconv_t)(-1)) ) /* if open fail */
+ {
+ strncpy(dst,src,dstlen);
+ return dstlen;
+ }
+ /* Start translation */
+ while (srclen > 0 && dstlen > 0)
+ {
+ iconv_ret = iconv(iconv_descriptor, &src, &srclen,
+ &dst, &dstlen);
+ if (iconv_ret != 0)
+ {
+ switch(errno)
+ {
+ /* invalid multibyte happened */
+ case EILSEQ:
+ /* forward that byte */
+ *dst = *src;
+ src++; srclen--;
+ dst++; dstlen--;
+ break;
+ /* incomplete multibyte happened */
+ case EINVAL:
+ /* forward that byte (maybe wrong)*/
+ *dst = *src;
+ src++; srclen--;
+ dst++; dstlen--;
+ break;
+ /* dst no rooms */
+ case E2BIG:
+ /* break out the while loop */
+ srclen = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ *dst = '\0';
+ /* close descriptor of iconv*/
+ iconv_close(iconv_descriptor);
+ return (dstlen_old - dstlen);
+void str_decode_M3(unsigned char *str)
+ int adj;
+ int i;
+ unsigned char *src, *dst;
+ unsigned char buf[512];
+ unsigned char charset[512],dst1[512];
+ src = str;
+ dst = buf;
+ adj = 0;
+ while (*src && (dst - buf) < sizeof(buf) - 1)
+ {
+ if (*src != '=')
+ { /* Thor: not coded */
+ unsigned char *tmp = src;
+ while(adj && *tmp && isspace(*tmp)) tmp++;
+ if(adj && *tmp=='=')
+ { /* Thor: jump over space */
+ adj = 0;
+ src = tmp;
+ }
+ else
+ *dst++ = *src++;
+ /* continue;*/ /* Thor: take out */
+ }
+ else /* Thor: *src == '=' */
+ {
+ unsigned char *tmp = src + 1;
+ if(*tmp == '?') /* Thor: =? coded */
+ {
+ /* "=?%s?Q?" for QP, "=?%s?B?" for BASE64 */
+ tmp ++;
+ i=0;
+ while(*tmp && *tmp != '?')
+ {
+ if (i+1<sizeof(charset))
+ {
+ charset[i] = *tmp;
+ charset[i+1]='\0';
+ i++;
+ }
+ tmp++;
+ }
+ if(*tmp && tmp[1] && tmp[2]=='?') /* Thor: *tmp == '?' */
+ {
+#ifdef USE_ICONV
+ int i = mmdecode(tmp + 3, tmp[1], dst1);
+ i = str_iconv(charset,"big5",dst1,i,dst,
+ sizeof(buf)-((int)(dst-buf)) );
+ int i = mmdecode(tmp + 3, tmp[1], dst);
+ if (i >= 0)
+ {
+ tmp += 3; /* Thor: decode's src */
+#if 0
+ while(*tmp++ != '?'); /* Thor: no ? end, mmdecode -1 */
+ while(*tmp && *tmp++ != '?'); /* Thor: no ? end, mmdecode -1 */
+ /* Thor.980901: 0 也算 decode 結束 */
+ if(*tmp == '=') tmp++;
+ src = tmp; /* Thor: decode over */
+ dst += i;
+ adj = 1; /* Thor: adjcent */
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ while(src != tmp) /* Thor: not coded */
+ *dst++ = *src++;
+ }
+ }
+ *dst = 0;
+ strcpy(str, buf);