path: root/innbbsd/nntp.h
blob: 489f3502900d372c0b025c1d1565f53796a2c5f3 (plain) (tree)

/*  $Revision: 1.1 $
**  Here be a set of NNTP response codes as defined in RFC977 and elsewhere.
**  The reponse codes are three digits, RFI, defined like this:
**  R, Response:
**      1xx Informative message
**      2xx Command ok
**      3xx Command ok so far, send the rest of it.
**      4xx Command was correct, but couldn't be performed for
**          some reason.
**      5xx Command unimplemented, or incorrect, or a serious
**          program error occurred.
**  F, Function:
**      x0x Connection, setup, and miscellaneous messages
**      x1x Newsgroup selection
**      x2x Article selection
**      x3x Distribution functions
**      x4x Posting
**      x8x Nonstandard extensions (AUTHINFO, XGTITLE)
**      x9x Debugging output
**  I, Information:
**      No defined semantics
#define NNTP_HELPOK_VAL         100
#define NNTP_BAD_COMMAND_VAL        500
#define NNTP_BAD_COMMAND        "500 Syntax error or bad command"
#define NNTP_TEMPERR_VAL        503
#define NNTP_ACCESS         "502 Permission denied"
#define NNTP_ACCESS_VAL         502
#define NNTP_GOODBYE_ACK        "205"
#define NNTP_GOODBYE_ACK_VAL        205
#define NNTP_GOODBYE            "400"
#define NNTP_GOODBYE_VAL        400
#define NNTP_HAVEIT         "435 Duplicate"
#define NNTP_HAVEIT_BADID       "435 Bad Message-ID"
#define NNTP_HAVEIT_VAL         435
#define NNTP_LIST_FOLLOWS       "215"
#define NNTP_LIST_FOLLOWS_VAL       215
#define NNTP_HELP_FOLLOWS       "100 Legal commands"
#define NNTP_HELP_FOLLOWS_VAL       100
#define NNTP_ARTICLE_FOLLOWS        "220"
#define NNTP_HEAD_FOLLOWS       "221"
#define NNTP_HEAD_FOLLOWS_VAL       221
#define NNTP_BODY_FOLLOWS_VAL       222
#define NNTP_DATE_FOLLOWS_VAL       111
#define NNTP_POSTOK         "200"
#define NNTP_POSTOK_VAL         200
#define NNTP_START_POST_VAL     340
#define NNTP_NOPOSTOK_VAL       201
#define NNTP_SLAVEOK_VAL        202
#define NNTP_REJECTIT_VAL       437
#define NNTP_REJECTIT_EMPTY     "437 Empty article"
#define NNTP_DONTHAVEIT         "430"
#define NNTP_DONTHAVEIT_VAL     430
#define NNTP_RESENDIT_NOHIST        "436 Can't write history"
#define NNTP_RESENDIT_NOSPACE       "436 No space"
#define NNTP_RESENDIT_VAL       436
#define NNTP_POSTEDOK           "240 Article posted"
#define NNTP_POSTEDOK_VAL       240
#define NNTP_POSTFAIL_VAL       441
#define NNTP_GROUPOK_VAL        211
#define NNTP_SENDIT         "335"
#define NNTP_SENDIT_VAL         335
#define NNTP_SYNTAX_USE         "501 Bad command use"
#define NNTP_SYNTAX_VAL         501
#define NNTP_TOOKIT         "235"
#define NNTP_TOOKIT_VAL         235
#define NNTP_NOTINGROUP         "412 Not in a newsgroup"
#define NNTP_NOTINGROUP_VAL     412
#define NNTP_NOSUCHGROUP        "411 No such group"
#define NNTP_NOSUCHGROUP_VAL        411
#define NNTP_NEWNEWSOK          "230 New news follows"
#define NNTP_NOARTINGRP         "423 Bad article number"
#define NNTP_NOARTINGRP_VAL     423
#define NNTP_NOCURRART          "420 No current article"
#define NNTP_NOCURRART_VAL      420
#define NNTP_NONEXT_VAL         421
#define NNTP_NOPREV_VAL         422
#define NNTP_CANTPOST           "440 Posting not allowed"
#define NNTP_CANTPOST_VAL       440

**  The first character of an NNTP reply can be used as a category class.
#define NNTP_CLASS_OK           '2'
#define NNTP_CLASS_ERROR        '4'
#define NNTP_CLASS_FATAL        '5'

**  The NNTP protocol currently has no way to say "offer me this article
**  later, but don't close the connection."  That will be fixed in NNTP2.
#define NNTP_RESENDIT_LATER     "?"

**  Authentication commands from the RFC update (not official).
#define NNTP_AUTH_NEEDED        "480"
#define NNTP_AUTH_NEEDED_VAL        480
#define NNTP_AUTH_BAD           "481"
#define NNTP_AUTH_NEXT          "381"
#define NNTP_AUTH_NEXT_VAL      381
#define NNTP_AUTH_OK            "281"
#define NNTP_AUTH_OK_VAL        281
#define NNTP_AUTH_REJECT_VAL        482

**  XGTITLE, from ANU news.
#define NNTP_XGTITLE_BAD        481 /* Yes, 481. */
#define NNTP_XGTITLE_OK         282

#define NNTP_STRLEN         512

**  For tin newsreader
#define OK_XINDEX               218     /* Tin style group index file follows */
#define OK_XMOTD                217     /* Motd (message of the day) file follows */
#define ERR_XINDEX                      418 /* No tin style index file for newsgroup */
#define ERR_XMOTD               417     /* No motd (message of the day) file */

/* For DBZ server */
#define NNTP_ADDHIST_OK         283     /* addhist OK */
#define NNTP_GREPHIST_OK        284     /* grephist OK */
#define NNTP_MIDCHECK_OK        285     /* grephist OK */
#define NNTP_SHUTDOWN_OK        286     /* grephist OK */
#define NNTP_RELOAD_OK              287     /* grephist OK */
#define NNTP_MODE_OK                101     /* grephist OK */
#define NNTP_VERBOSELOG_OK      289     /* grephist OK */
#define NNTP_ADDHIST_BAD        483     /* addhist fail */
#define NNTP_GREPHIST_BAD               484     /* grephist fail */
#define NNTP_MIDCHECK_BAD               485     /* grephist fail */
#define NNTP_SHUTDOWN_BAD               486     /* grephist fail */
#define NNTP_RELOAD_BAD                 487     /* grephist fail */
#define NNTP_MODE_BAD                   488     /* grephist fail */
#define NNTP_VERBOSELOG_BAD             489     /* grephist fail */