// $Id$
#ifndef _VISIO_H
#define _VISIO_H
* visio.h
* piaip's new implementation of visio
* see visio.c for license, usage, and introduction.
#include "bbs.h"
#include "ansi.h" // we need it.
#include <limits.h>
// THEME DEFINITION ----------------------------------------------------
#define VCLR_HEADER ANSI_COLOR(1;37;46) // was: TITLE_COLOR
#define VCLR_HDR ANSI_COLOR(1;37;46)
#define VCLR_FOOTER ANSI_COLOR(0;30;47)
#define VCLR_MSG_FLOAT ANSI_COLOR(1;33;46)
#define VCLR_MSG ANSI_COLOR(1;36;44)
#define VCLR_PAUSE_PAD ANSI_COLOR(1;34;44)
#define VCLR_PAUSE ANSI_COLOR(1;37;44)
#define VMSG_PAUSE " 請按任意鍵繼續 "
#define VMSG_PAUSE_PAD "▄"
#define VMSG_MSG_FLOAT " [按任意鍵繼續]"
#define VMSG_MSG_PREFIX " ◆ "
#define VMSG_HDR_PREFIX "【 "
#define VMSG_HDR_POSTFIX " 】"
// CONSTANT DEFINITION -------------------------------------------------
#define VCOL_MAXW (INT16_MAX)
#define VFILL_DEFAULT (0x00)
#define VFILL_HAS_ANSI (0x01)
#define VFILL_RIGHT_ALIGN (0x02)
#define VFILL_NO_BORDER (0x08)
#define VGET_DEFAULT (0x00)
#define VGET_NOECHO (0x01)
#define VGET_LOWERCASE (0x02)
#define VGET_DIGITS (0x04)
#define VGET_TRANSPARENT (0x08)
// DATATYPE DEFINITION -------------------------------------------------
typedef void * VREFSCR;
typedef long VREFCUR;
typedef short VCOLW;
typedef struct {
char *attr; // default attribute
VCOLW minw; // minimal width
VCOLW maxw; // max width
struct {
char has_ansi; // field data have ANSI escapes
char right_align; // align output to right side
char usewhole; // draw entire column and prevent borders
} flags;
#define VGETCB_NONE (0) // do nothing
#define VGETCB_NEXT (1) // skip to next event loop
#define VGETCB_END (2) // finish input
#define VGETCB_ABORT (3) // clear buffer and finish
typedef int (*VGET_FCALLBACK)(int key, char *buf, int *picurr, int *piend, int len, void *param);
typedef struct {
VGET_FCALLBACK peek; // called immediately after key hit
VGET_FCALLBACK data; // called before inserting character data
VGET_FCALLBACK post; // called after every data inserted into buffer.
// API DEFINITION ----------------------------------------------------
// curses flavor
void prints(const char *fmt, ...) GCC_CHECK_FORMAT(1,2);
void mvouts(int y, int x, const char *str);
// input history
int InputHistoryAdd (const char *s);
int InputHistoryExists (const char *s);
void InputHistoryPrev (char *s, int sz);
void InputHistoryNext (char *s, int sz);
// v*: primitive rendering
void vpad (int n, const char *pattern); /// pad n fields by pattern
int vgety (void); /// return cursor position (y)
void vfill (int n, int flags, const char *s); /// fill n-width space with s
void vfillf (int n, int flags, const char *s, ...) GCC_CHECK_FORMAT(3,4); /// formatted version of vfill
void vbarlr (const char *l, const char *r); /// draw a left-right expanded bar with (l,r)
void vbarf (const char *s, ...) GCC_CHECK_FORMAT(1,2); /// vbarlr with formatted input (\t splits (l,r)
void vshowmsg(const char *msg); /// draw standard pause/message
// v*: input widgets
// int vans(char *prompt); // prompt at bottom and return y/n in lower case.
int vmsg (const char *msg); /// draw standard pause/message and return input
int vmsgf (const char *fmt,...) GCC_CHECK_FORMAT(1,2); /// formatted input of vmsg
int vans (const char *msg); /// prompt and return (lowercase) single byte input
int vansf (const char *fmt,...) GCC_CHECK_FORMAT(1,2); /// formatted input of vans
// vget: (y, x, ...)
int vgets (char *buf, int len, int flags); /// input with edit box control
int vgetstr (char *buf, int len, int flags, const char *str);/// input with default value
int vget (int y, int x, const char *prompt, char *buf, int len, int mode);
int vgetstring(char *_buf, int len, int flags, const char *defstr, const VGET_CALLBACKS *pcb, void *cbparam);
// vs_*: formatted and themed virtual screen layout
// you cannot use ANSI escapes in these APIs.
void vs_header (const char *title, const char *mid, const char *right); // vs_head, showtitle
void vs_hdr (const char *title); // vs_bar, stand_title
void vs_footer (const char *caption, const char *prompt);
// columned output
void vs_cols_layout (const VCOL* cols, VCOLW *ws, int n); /// calculate VCOL to fit current screen in ws
void vs_cols (const VCOL* cols, const VCOLW *ws, int n, ...);
// VREF: save and storing temporary objects (restore will also free object).
VREFSCR vscr_save (void);
void vscr_restore(VREFSCR);
VREFCUR vcur_save (void);
void vcur_restore(VREFCUR);
#endif // _VISIO_H