doxygen 相關設定 ===== Makefile 編譯doxygen document的Makefile, 裡面只有一個target: 'document', 另外有兩個環境變數: - DOXYGEN_RUN_PATH: 指定doxygen執行的pwd, 預設為 `pwd` - DOXYGEN_CONFIG: 指定config檔放在哪裡, 預設為 `pwd` ===== config 設置, 以下幾點個人覺得比較重要的 [source,conf] ------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Project related configuration options #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- DOXYFILE_ENCODING = UTF-8 PROJECT_NAME = "Templates -- Meow" PROJECT_NUMBER = 1.1.2 PROJECT_BRIEF = 不能, 也不應該先編譯成obj-file的templates PROJECT_LOGO = $(config_path)/logo.png OUTPUT_DIRECTORY = doc CREATE_SUBDIRS = NO OUTPUT_LANGUAGE = English TAB_SIZE = 2 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Build related configuration options #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXTRACT_ALL = YES EXTRACT_STATIC = YES EXTRACT_LOCAL_CLASSES = NO EXTRACT_LOCAL_CLASSES = YES FORCE_LOCAL_INCLUDES = YES #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # configuration options related to the input files #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- INPUT = meowpp INPUT_ENCODING = UTF-8 FILE_PATTERNS = RECURSIVE = YES #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # configuration options related to the HTML output #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- GENERATE_HTML = YES HTML_OUTPUT = html HTML_FILE_EXTENSION = .html HTML_HEADER = $(config_path)/header.html HTML_FOOTER = $(config_path)/footer.html HTML_STYLESHEET = $(config_path)/stylesheet.css HTML_EXTRA_STYLESHEET = $(config_path)/custom.css HTML_EXTRA_FILES = HTML_COLORSTYLE_HUE = 120 HTML_COLORSTYLE_SAT = 36 HTML_COLORSTYLE_GAMMA = 166 DISABLE_INDEX = YES GENERATE_TREEVIEW = YES FORMULA_FONTSIZE = 11 SEARCHENGINE = NO #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # configuration options related to the LaTeX output #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- GENERATE_LATEX = NO LATEX_CMD_NAME = xelatex PAPER_TYPE = letter HIDE_UNDOC_RELATIONS = NO UML_LOOK = YES EXTRA_PACKAGES = LATEX_HEADER = $(config_path)/header.tex LATEX_FOOTER = $(config_path)/footer.tex #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Configuration options related to the dot tool #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL_GRAPH = YES CALLER_GRAPH = YES ------------------------- [NOTE] 'config' 中 `$(config_path)` 是一個環境變數, 代表這個configure file所在位置 *呼叫asciidoc時必須有設置這個環境變數* ===== header.html *HTML* output 的開頭 沒有更動 ===== footer.html *HTML* output 的結尾 沒有更動 ===== logo.png 就是logo ===== stylesheet.css *HTML* output 的css樣式, 我把他改成暗色系了 以下是更動的地方: [source,css] ---------------------------------------------- body, table, div, p, dl { font: 400 14px/19px Roboto,sans-serif,monospace; } .title { line-height: 100%; font-size: 200%; margin : 0px; padding: 0px; border : 0px; } dt { color: #999999; font-style:italic; } div.qindex, div.navtab{ background-color: #2B3F26; } a { color: #5D77AC; } .contents a:visited { color: #7695D2; } a.code, a.code:visited { color: #7695D2; } a.codeRef, a.codeRef:visited { color: #7695D2; } pre.fragment { background-color: #0B0C0D; border-radius: 4px; -moz-border-radius: 4px; -webkit-border-top-left-radius: 4px; } div.fragment { background-color: #0B0C0D; border-radius: 4px; -moz-border-radius: 4px; -webkit-border-top-left-radius: 4px; } div.line { font-family: 'courier new', monospace, fixed; color: #CCCCCC; font-size: 14px; min-height: 14px; } span.lineno { background-color: #181818; } span.lineno a { background-color: #3B3838; } span.lineno a:hover { background-color: #6B6868; } body { background-color: #212131; color: #DDFFDD; } span.keyword { color: #00A000 } span.keywordtype { color: #907050 } span.comment { color: #808080 } img { padding: 7px; background-color: #5F5572; border-radius: 4px; -moz-border-radius: 4px; -webkit-border-top-left-radius: 4px; } table.memberdecls { border-top-color: #111111; } .memTemplItemLeft, .memTemplItemRight, .memTemplParams { background-color: #192322; } .mdescLeft, .mdescRight { color: #CCCCCC; } .memTemplParams { color: #7695D2; } .memtemplate { color: #7695D2; } .memproto, dl.reflist dt { color: #758575; text-shadow: 0px 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.95); /* background-image:url('nav_f.png'); */ background-color: #181C28; } .memdoc, dl.reflist dd { /* background-image:url('nav_g.png'); */ background-color: #212A31; } .params .paramdir { color:#A0AA00; } .directory tr.even { background-color: #272838; } .directory .levels span { color: #5D77AC; } .fieldtable th { /* background-image:url('nav_f.png'); */ /* background-repeat:repeat-x; */ background-color: #888E99; } div.header { /* background-image:url('nav_h.png'); */ /* background-repeat:repeat-x; */ background-color: #290A1C; padding: 0px; margin : 0px; border : 0px; margin-top: 10px; border-bottom: 1px solid #AA0000;/*#C4CFE5;*/ } div.headertitle { padding: 5px; margin : 0px; border : 0px; } #projectname { font: 400% Tahoma, Arial,sans-serif,monospace; } div.toc h3 { color: #7695D2; } #powerTip { background-color: #050505; } ---------------------------------------------- ===== custom.css *HTML* output 的css樣式, 在這邊設定的話連 'navtree' 等都可以設定. + 另外這個檔案的檔名不能是 `navtree.css` , 不知道是不是bug. ===== header.tex *LaTex* output 的開頭 ===== header.tex *LaTex* output 的結尾 ===== stylesheet.sty *LaTex* 的樣式設定