diff options
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 173 deletions
diff --git a/GNUmakefile/GNUmakefile b/GNUmakefile/GNUmakefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c3d2ef..0000000
--- a/GNUmakefile/GNUmakefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-INC := inc
-SRC := src
-OBJ := obj
-BIN := bin
-DEP := dep
-CXX := g++
-CXXFLAGS := -O2 -Wall -I$(INC) $(LIB_INCS)
-CXX_OBJ := $(CXX) -c
-CXX_DEP := $(CXX) -MM
-DEPENDENCY_CREATER := ./GNUmakefile.dependency.bash
-OBJECTS := $(patsubst $(SRC)/%.cpp,$(OBJ)/%.o,$(wildcard $(SRC)/*.cpp))
-DEPENDENCYS := $(patsubst $(SRC)/%.cpp,$(DEP)/%.d,$(wildcard $(SRC)/*.cpp))
-TARGET_FILE := GNUmakefile.targets
-NAME := empty
-.PHONY: all dep clean init new del add sub
--include $(TARGET_FILE)
-all: $(TARGETS);
- -@mkdir -p $(BIN)
- -@mkdir -p $(SRC)
- -@mkdir -p $(INC)
- -@mkdir -p $(OBJ)
- -@mkdir -p $(DEP)
- -@echo '' > $(TARGET_FILE)
- @set -e; echo "Add target '$(NAME)'"; \
- echo 'TARGETS := $$(TARGETS) $$(BIN)/$(NAME)' >> $(TARGET_FILE); \
- echo '$(NAME)_OBJS := $(foreach n,$(OBJS),$$(OBJ)/$(n).o)' >> $(TARGET_FILE); \
- echo '$(NAME)_LIBS := $(LIBS)' >> $(TARGET_FILE); \
- echo '$$(BIN)/$(NAME): $$(OBJ)/$(NAME).o $$($(NAME)_OBJS)' >> $(TARGET_FILE); \
- echo '\t@echo Target: $$@...' >> $(TARGET_FILE); \
- echo '\t@$$(CXX) $$^ $$(CXXFLAGS) `pkg-config --cflags --libs $$($(NAME)_LIBS) 2>/dev/null` -o $$@' >> $(TARGET_FILE); \
- echo '' >> $(TARGET_FILE)
- @set -e; echo "Add Objects $(OBJS) to Target '$(NAME)'"; \
- sed '/^$(NAME)_OBJS :=/s/$$/& $(foreach n,$(OBJS),\$$(OBJ)\/$(n).o)/' $(TARGET_FILE) >$(TARGET_FILE).$$$$; \
- mv -f $(TARGET_FILE).$$$$ $(TARGET_FILE)
- @set -e; echo "Add Libraries $(LIBS) to Target '$(NAME)'"; \
- sed '/^$(NAME)_LIBS :=/s/$$/& $(subst /,\/,$(LIBS))/' $(TARGET_FILE) >$(TARGET_FILE).$$$$; \
- mv -f $(TARGET_FILE).$$$$ $(TARGET_FILE)
- @set -e; echo "Remove Objects $(OBJS) from Target '$(NAME)'"; \
- sed '/^$(NAME)_OBJS :=/s/$(subst \ ,|,$(foreach n,$(OBJS),\$$(OBJ)\/$(n).o))//' $(TARGET_FILE) >$(TARGET_FILE).$$$$; \
- mv -f $(TARGET_FILE).$$$$ $(TARGET_FILE)
- @set -e; echo "Remove Libraries $(LIBS) from Target '$(NAME)'"; \
- sed '/^$(NAME)_OBJS :=/s/$(subst \ ,|,$(foreach n,$(LIBS),\$$(OBJ)\/$(n).o))//' $(TARGET_FILE) >$(TARGET_FILE).$$$$; \
- mv -f $(TARGET_FILE).$$$$ $(TARGET_FILE)
- -rm -f $(BIN)/*
- -rm -f $(OBJ)/* 2>/dev/null
- -rm -f $(DEP)/*
-dep: $(DEPENDENCY);
--include $(DEPENDENCYS)
-$(DEPENDENCYS):: $(DEP)/%.d: $(SRC)/%.cpp
-$(OBJECTS): $(OBJ)/%.o: $(SRC)/%.cpp $(DEP)/%.d $(DEP)/%.d
- @echo 'Objects: $@...'
- @$(CXX_OBJ) $(CXXFLAGS) -o $@ $<
diff --git a/footer.asciidoc b/footer.asciidoc
deleted file mode 100644
index 73aaf79..0000000
--- a/footer.asciidoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-== Test
-=== ACM 相關題目
-| Name | Problem | Link | Status | Time | source
-| KD_Tree | 'Retrenchment' |
-https://icpcarchive.ecs.baylor.edu/index.php?option=com_onlinejudge&Itemid=8&page=show_problem&problem=4052[ACM-ICPC Live]
-| Accept | 0.083/0.083 | http://codepad.org/U85ruse5[codepad]
-| VP_Tree | 'Retrenchment' |
-https://icpcarchive.ecs.baylor.edu/index.php?option=com_onlinejudge&Itemid=8&page=show_problem&problem=4052[ACM-ICPC Live]
-| Accept | 0.516/0.516 | http://codepad.org/03dW6ZHV[codepad]
-| SplayTree + SegmentTree | 'Shuffling_cards' |
-| Accept/TLE | 6.910/--- | http://codepad.org/yUeiVZc0[codepad]
-| SplayTree + BinaryIndexTree | 'Shuffling_cards' |
-|Accept/Accept|5.480/44.35| http://codepad.org/GAWjEtmq[codepad]
-== Bug Report / Contact
- * E-Mail: cat.hook31894 \~在~ gmail.com
diff --git a/header.asciidoc b/header.asciidoc
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ed6570..0000000
--- a/header.asciidoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-= meow
-== Description
-一個不需要, 也不應該先compile成obj files的templates.
-* https://github.com/cathook/meow[GitHub]
-* http://www.csie.ntu.edu.tw/~b01902109/readme/template_meow/README.html[README.html]
-* https://github.com/cathook/meow/archive/master.zip[Download]
-== File Tree
-=== *meowpp/* C++ templates
-* *utility.h* some useful functions,
- `stringPringf()` , `stringReplace()` , `cstringEndWith()` ,
- `debugPrintf()` , `messagePrintf()` , `filenameCompare()`
-* *Usage.h* `class Usage`
-* *colors/* Color splces and transformer
-** *RGB.h* `class RGBi` , `class RGBf`
-** *YUV.h* `class YUVi` , `class YUVf` , `RGB_to_YUV()` , `YUV_to_RGB()`
-** *HSL.h* `class HSLf` , `RGB_to_HSL()` , `HSL_to_RGB()` ,
- `YUV_to_HSL()` , `HSL_to_YUV()`
-** *HSV.h* `class HSVf` , `RGB_to_HSV()` , `HSV_to_RGB()` ,
- `YUV_to_HSV()` , `HSV_to_YUV()` ,
- `HSL_to_HSV()` , `HSV_to_HSL()`
-* *dsa/* Data Structures and Algorithms
-** *BinaryIndexTree.h* `class BinaryIndexTree<Vector, Scalar>`
-** *DisjointSet.h* `class DisjointSet`
-** *Heaps.h* `class MergeableHeap<Element>`
-** *KD_Tree.h* `class KD_Tree<Vector, Scalar>`
-** *SegemenTree.h* `class SegmentTree<Value>`
-** *SplayTree.h* `class SplayTree<Key, Value>`
-** *SplayTree_Range.h* `class SplayTree_Range<Key, Value>`
-** *VP_Tree.h* `class VP_Tree<Vector, Scalar>`
-* *geo/*
-** *Vector2D.h* `Vector2D<Scalar>`
-** *Vector3D.h* `Vector3D<Scalar>`
-* *math/*
-** *utility.h* some useful functions,
- `constant PI` ,
- `noEPS()` , `normalize()` , `denormalize()` ,
- `ratioMapping()` , `inRange()` , `squ()` , `average()`
-** *LinearTransformation.h* `LinearTransformation<Scalar>`
-** *LinearTransformations.h* `Rotation3D<Scalar>`
-** *Matrix.h* `Matrix<Entry>`
-** *Transformation.h* `Transformation<Scalar>`
-** *Transformations.h* `BallProjection<Scalar>`, `PhotoProjection<Scalar>`
-* *oo/*
-** *ObjBase.h* `class ObjBase`
-** *ObjSelector.h* `class ObjBase<size_t id>`
-** *Properties.h* `class Properties`
-== Structures/Classes/Functions
-:b: |